The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-02-07, Page 2,Ctinse the (rep4 .4pci .dirt he -has.4ourrd ,everr time ' Ylo"WrOtereSt has fled °M°4! a•tOrO ot aOte, ' 18 fortunateif hunpi. of bats could be discover', ,' in, ihrougli ed, In •the jio1ow trunk ofsofne,old, e:-.401004W.,arehes, and perhatie condeforstreo. 44114' the Midwinter thaw Abie.:21ifq:,kn..t4, *raking, andb '3'ottr sWe•Pt WC:Mid ' be rlehlY re -Yarded. ft 'Oat' le:Sheltered there. They hibernate together; one, bat fast- ens , c4tIva Into the.,..tree, the eee9ott , oddenlr, ..the. stillness may • be.. clings tothe body ot thellrst and so 14.4he merry ;better '' of a, on, Thes,.they all bang together for Wii4r0,1a4 he perches saucily on a' nut .rnutuel warmth. A fleck Ofbeta. when rcli.,404,4:440, to his: .mate. 'In the warm libernating looks, very .mlich •,A0,14',,..."4.If.,Yo*.are:'very stilrhe wIU ruii baiTch Of bananas hanigingfftgtree,, 4,11e:4011141. 4(-:-..1711•17,'"..ihrt214091.1t:the:Winter; Waltingup' only ...Ortlakg)te.;',Will.:*),. to the 404 spot i during the thaw, • ' . FO;.,`aer sozapthg away' the. idavos. . They select a, dark partofthe for - „and' dirt will reveal agpodly store of . est and ,setlu,do. thetheelves in the hol- Ilate•lhet.he had "saved for last this loW trunl.t Of a tree;so that they are ' •, ,• ” rarely discovered. If touched by an • , - ,-intrur:-Otrit 'Warm -day the - The rorehenaie In„ the: tree. la Often"de• • • • •• • Y .will •,'0ihaufiteira. mOntlf before.sprifig,"endsqueak onchnzake a great, noise, but the PEfFnore food - •-iiiirtherrarecOld 0d7. clammy, and on 'ex- ,oye buried, their t1easures ip the, .dgrozand.'eanlo4at,e_the_spot7evezilf-WF , and if'there hs• , been no midwinter ..theW •;..t.hey, wil1 eithauSt their energiee in try- . 'Fiectc-get.. et -theit, buried tepid., ..Their. ft •••,'OriOO.,'3tha and . , tremelY, gold t de s op*, OM, blow (which of:course 'wouldnot he 'given) it was found that a wing or' Claw.' may hsnapped off:- But when the. bat ,returns to life again in the aPrifig the-Weiiiid la all ;bruised in digging through the icy I healed up: They are probably the w 4 most • curiona!, hibernating.' . creatures 'fripen ground. ' , ' that we haLre,_•__Their_eleepLtrogins ear 0.14-natureWiVer says. that efteg he .1Y in. the auttlx211...'end 14tiLluit.th-Rrl lfotind-,the-helf-4eacl-body-ert-shil „Is .vve. advanced-. Then they. wake up qur lYing With, hie feet and legs and . rear their young, appearing 'Iliceerat'ed*and hie Strength. exhausted : around the house and the orchard In .P4 44444* (IOWA' through the snow :April after the flies and ;bugs. f l. Idhibit at British College , '..a't GuelPh , compose- p fifth, ' tai„.'71.... . F.,... ' . . groan. ,.. The, University Men's Beal:- ., v..,'"___.%..-a_t ., ._... ,.._....-..', . the University College --Wo-- . A, OraM• ,POwei le anOn anTintaigMY3; men's' Union,;•Queen's Hell, ,Anne.sley, 'thing . that it not ' only beggars des-. l' Hall; Argyle Houee.And:Burwash Hall 'erl*iiin.-bUt. it. abiointely. defiee atle• form, a residence 'group. One zniscel, , 'qUtd plicitographie, reproduction. °con, Igneous group ' -.includes the Ontario .. 'frequently 11,40,,Ilitiversity . or,. Toronto. 'College .of EatiCetion and UniVersIty . An•nrenoting. the', er./Ailiit. Which Is n,OW , ehiX113,:bllild171g, the Royal. College Of. -,- . en.itS•wayto themiclely heralded ,Bri,'. tiental Surgeons, the Ontario. College • :. #§4.PMPire.EXhibitlen, whichils to be of pintrinady,, the Botany and Poreet- • heldaCWOMlalp.0I3orelOti,, Eng-. ry Building,. • ' the Houielield i_enCe- jaadt',1,from ,;,#,J4V401i,...01siOer,J';st... thle pending.. elia_tbe,-,-Tordlito...dodiseiva, . . Yearha.d..,te ,rosert -ter aAlleplei3Of4lie- tory orMusle. Another •,:aueli . grOnp-, - "nuiterial -,thinge of ,,the , University a .Ing. • includes:, the Biology; Chemistry :We; iiiie..- idea lying behind the Uniq and-phyelos 13niidings. the .SOelal'Ser, iversity:'eXhibit lii•Jhat the right type Vice Building, • the 'Victoria, :College' -, 'of ,PrOPPeOLVO..•1011higraut..to • Canada' Library and the linlvereitY of Toronto , • irill heAnter.ented in.knowing, the 0,c1Z.. Prefil:. • The 'Photographs .used in ' the • eatiOnal:facilitiee.. in the.:.,Donainicin, :exhibit have been "prepared in the De - that noine •-people, seeing :that, their nertment Of Photography under the children,. would, be. able :Or . avail; them- -nerfronal direction of 'profesfior :G... •IL -4eiVes.'ofthe.-verY beet. of edeCaocir in, •Ailderson.: '.• - • . '. ' -' • ihia.'ee.n.nti.4'wouId.decide te.entigrate:. ' • In 'addition to these large frames . !Last- -spring.••whea the British Ern- there are two smaller frames contain- 1.)ire.Eibiliitior(Was' grit ,talked. of .in ineeach: four .interior,'photographs of .91 11, ada;',',081r,410bert ' Falconer, '•Preel.- the Reyal•Ontarip MuseuM., There are 01 the' 'Tiniv,ersitY; . exPred.. to • „ fi, e'en: large pietures, givifiCILi-_ .iA1tir.-Ot•EXhib, its, bir,,, j. S. Mc- terior, views'..oLlfart--limiaret-Aaarge 1 , „..0401,1,ti,i,opinton.that higher. duc.Ii. deffe;tIve chill* 'has been Pienared, 1111,10,4_01411,de,--Slitin roCeife rattezi,' under the direction 'of .C.: w:,. Jeffrey , tiltin,r.:',Tbdi0S4gentitor..ridet -,With .ii.P; •;showing the tunctie'n'Ot the Provincial 43 irtofaltlridqh0 University -of, Toronto iffilyersitY in preparing nexnertet(tde- : • Wite4altedNto supply an exhibit iihow - -velOp briterip"s • vast reef:Aires*: . • Sev- d , inktheprocese Orinanufactura of In: .eritpokfolios of Smaller,pictiires will eirlin.,-. This :has, been prepared ' by Dr. , LI . Flags' and the usgar:df3' Berries- of ...the 'Connaught tah. -coratlie trinaMings will Omelets the ,-..tories andlei very attrattiie one,. eichibit,whkh.4 ,to be arranged under • 1 ,gunalin is Naha to be ei.11,1111.ted.'bi the the directien of ,a,Miiiversity Of:TOron- . *ediottl. Research Institute '01 Eng.: to graduate living in ,England.. • ''., , , and, '. Which hOlds•,the 'patent right.ii. of' 7 W.,J. Dutilop,,Director et: eniVersity Jthe setunpfor, Great Brit:C.1w The In Extension, •who has ; had .charge of ar.,' Otituto liftio:rreked for' Photogtaplia , of rallaing . the exhibit; : , Is. . preparing a, ' 1iistOrie wint,erest from . the igniVer- well Illustrated boOklet, .,fer , dietribu, iti.-lif ..Toronto to ' he includ% in' its,. thin during.the Exhibition ,,'• This 'book-, ,447:4,4",%., the 1,110tOgiatIlis 'sent were let will Contain an outline of the his , . .,., .. .1, .. . n versity ..Oollege,.. e: ., Medicaltory , o . e University..indindiAg ite ., illluilding,.where Insulin was 'distover- •lifeeption;'., the story of, 'University the' inguldieBilifding, where Insiiiin „Federation, the ..epUre,es-Of instrudien ,. ,. . . . , , los being manufactured; and the original ', • d • .Roll ,, of . Service . , (19i:4,1914i 11 I used br•Bantingand-Bestintheir -- athleties--health serviee, and a general lig • y researches. Thua the lIniverszty survey Of the UniVersity's work. : f Toronto ' will • be represented in ' two ' ineulinexhibitS: , . ' ,. • ' ' Simple Thing . .. The.mein Unfit:ex-say of Toronto, ex- polks.latigli at 'thingg,. that pleaSe,my bibitia pta'photographic and deserip- . ;Ore' Miture. :;the, Principal'. 'gro1,11). ' The sinaple things .of eery day; , ' .. ''.heert, • . • : •,.., • ' ,. , :••• , . - 64.,a,intaf of „..photograPhs, of froity,eight 1.;., • IpapOrtant .traiVeraJt&.•.._b.O4dinge_Lez-_, __ The..,oulmsg feet along „the; ,v,vy,,,„, Tee 'creaking of the fernier's i ' - gaziget`''-in :.:7 .. ' ' ' ..,. . .. .:, re 7t ' il:1. 'eight i The little, candle's:Winking.light , . , . . :frolics!. measuring . six ' feet' . by . tbreet, Upon the . eottage,,iO4dow,ii4 . • • lAiet:'"4'A'''llienetal: gtofiii::Cont4ins„ 'plc- ,The' robin 'a raptntes OTN.'delight , three '�f . Ceniv.ocation- Hell.' Siracoe • ' ' ' •i -the• UniverditY Library,. ..kart 441,1411e .Meniorial,..Tow,er and 7the The plates above 'the. chintneY Place, • 'lltauP 'contaitia' pictures- Of 'the. four thwal-priterio-,MUSeura, ' 'The , Arts The tOuch. of hard,: work weary hands, . 'Art 061JageS;',' -SriCtOirk 11i41.11tY,' SL, The prattled , wisdom: of a .• The:wrinkles in each, hemely•. face, -, 'Ilichiel's anduniversity and thatWe ' The whispering, ot-leeves-aetir;-,-;-. eological eolleges;-4Knox' and WyL' Ail 'this. is. beauty :undefiled,. ' faIiffe.'. The six' ApPlied ' Seience' -build, And I how dc!Pi'll, a Worship er, '. bigii, ,namely thellys, Eng,trii!04.ng; . .:=1/Iloctrical,..MeeliandcalilkilliertUid-Oh7.• ', • -.7-- gar --Danforntnifier,„ ' e , tO u •d nis, , are grouped pil. , OW, Two Yaena. . . ., . • iine er,frame. he,Med ca group.In-: The Little son of t o house was very , '; (Nudes: the Mediciali, AziatOMY, Pe„thol- (pifet during the -first part of the : din- pgy, Insulin, 'Temente General•dloanital ner, and everyone forgot that he was, i ' .'rdhe a.” ,builditigs. ! there, ',As deSsert was, being served,. t nought.,Liaboratories' Iheld Husbandry, Dairy, Poultry' 1 however,' the "hot 'told a:at - " •, Wail .AssemblY Ha:Brand Macdenaid P When he had .flnished ancrtlie laugh-, InirtltOte..bizadingei Of , the Ontario Ag. terliad ceased, his litileson .eXlairr,ied, , itiCiiiitural: College and .the rieW. main delightedly: -, : , . building :of the Ontario Veterinary j..Now,', father,. tell the other One," . „ • Jean Ilull--"You. don't look promising, • but . -perhaps you'll improve as . • . you grow upi4 -Prom Londen Opinion. 1.7 Winter. 'Branch and twig aredecited ernaine, , Summer paths are buried dean, Winter clouds glooni (lark and; sullen. Nature takes -her Winter's sleet): But though Winter wild is waging,•. Warngainst-the-eartly below, "gide from harm, the -fiovters-are wait.; •:' Underneath the Winter's Mow.' So in'llfe; when storm:, clonids gather And the hand of sorrow's' laid , 'On the heart; aii eruelied and broken, ••• In life's Winter, aore,atraid---. Joy will Come, •the..cloude arriftIng Dreams and hopes; tho' loW,' Gleana agaftn.. through sunshine, sifting, • When the Spring reinoves, thennow., -z7ffelen B. Anderscin„„ • •A .8weet Little Place. at-a-sweetTlittle 'placer sa,•id; the: happy bride4O-be, her sweet, heart . showed.' her over her •nrospe&. ive„honae. "But '1 .azn efreid,: Herold; verything, .so sinalL , Now, lock at this little nigeon-hole; Surely yen it.,a„shoe Cupboard; deer'?" '.11Darling - • The wind• ing path, the wooded hill. - Polka' mock, for no one understands; ' e the young man, that little .pigeon -hole, as you call it will hold a huredred 'Pairs of' shoes of thn.siee you wear.". The pucket in her pretty brows quickly. disappearecl. "Perhaps ypiere right, Harold," she remarked. -Winter i,ore. • If canned fruits and vegetablee are opened about two hours before they are needed the oxygen.i t r will give, the food a better taste. •' • , I 001•111111•••••••=•••• • , • . -''The-Song of theQujJL -renu,kniDpr, ladies falr, Ohinolines, and powdered hair,,.• In those days I 'held 'full•sway Upon quelneaeska ladies gay, •Then for .manY'yearti. I jay ' treelese-one ,might say passe Others_lield- my•Juinored place, ,/ felt that .1 -was In disgrace.. , No .1OV,er'S notes by me: Afore penned, 1 did not heye a But once again.1 am.. the' rake. N. U,aed' :by 'Poet, gitatesman,, You'll 11nd me resting all 'serene •-• • Tipen the cleska! of wag '.a -ed, Queen. :For Once again f hold full away - On, On, the' desks Of ladies gay,: • n!atch• thelrgovens of everyhue Finic, yellow, greeit, and.Heaven's blue. •. ' -Jean McMichael•.. • , bliteure; • • painteic 'Says the Art . lost his, fnind• end has to he confined in an a he says: Ased. by e Chin'ese editor: ,terpietel;"*, • . - infinite delight. ,^Never ,before have E xpanse of bare, canvas. TheY ask: we printed it the authorities w,ould or - "What does that represent? • dein us- _to take .11 for 4..riiodel, and • "That? Why; that represents the henceforth never, Print` anything in passage orthe Israelites _through the .ferior to It As it 'would be impossible Red Sea.", - •. to firia lis equal Within -ten thousand • "Beg' pardon, but :where is the sea?" years, 'we • are compelled, though. • "It has been driven. back."• • shaken With sorrow, to return your „ And where are the Israelites?" • divine •inarniscript, and ,for ,so doing "They have crossed over." `r•-• we. beg one' million pardons." • "And the Egyptians?" Wattlr-thifi.reOferf:S O0wd SI101„ ,fdteiP • ,come4lontin,g soft:and light, Till all tbe ugilness .of earth Is hidden ont of sight. : If God so clothe in beauty . The street the field; the tree,. • not Weave with gracious hand A pure, white 'rohe..for me? , • •Bach tiny starry, e,rynta/ ' Is Patterned flOwer, . Withliawleas, art For setils'His.'breatli. created' , 'How shoUld,Ills.aare, be less? ine,-0 Artist 'Infinite, . •,, Such perfect, loyeliness,; ' • • • , Leverldge. • Riding on .an Avalanche. -4rtvii4e1-ts9writz- wehroia'4afra-hsitypee-n,bdpine-figTT,fhieeii-.15wlien-.7 ,retentlY, seine ofthem so *serious 'as to recall , ,latrophes of- the past. „ • • of 'the werst- of the histeiric ,hes, ••ogeurred• in 19•01., ..• \s of ice broke away from a Iglay ,ind•rnalied down the.,inninitainz-• side, overvirhelmingt a village on the road over the Simplon Pass.' All the ;inhabitants. were killed. '`.• '. • " A still: earlier avalanche was thst Ticli'inirson-thejtallan.village of '13er- garnoletto, in nes; On that °cession three woinen were buried alive In a ,Fprtunately, a milch goat . was finntlsoned with- them,. and they, con:, trived 'to live onthis• animal's milk five weeks, at the end of which t ty wre rescued. • The clinibet'ai went fee, however; is the avalanche which be !nay start him- self while 'creasing a .13newfield,_ and which' niay sweep him downhill to be buried alive in soine Crevasse. Tyn- dall once rode on the back of such An avalanche in. the' Engadine; bat Was fortunate . enough to be able to extri- cate himself when „It Stepped.. ' Not Difficult When You Know How._ ,The-yonfirliay'rvalnahli'leoked-deep into the -eyes of ,tlie. gir1 whose hand she held and said: • "I see byyour 'hand that you are go- ., . • lng to be married." . ; , • • -' "Wonderful!" cried the _girl. • ' "You are engaged to 'a ..ins.11 named Wilkins,:"•Ncontinued: the :amateur' seer. "Ho* 'amazing!" gasped the girl. "Surely the on my hand cannot reveal-" , . • ' "Lines!" the pahnist sniffed. -"Who said, anything about lines?" Yon are Wearing.' the ring / 'returned, , to Mr. _Wilkins -three -weeks -ago." • Chinese, Diplomacy. sylum. , To his visitors • The following Is the rejection form '."Liio'lc at. thla; it ie my latest Ma • i- •'"We have read -your manuscript with They 'look and see nothing but an We revelled such a masterpiece,. •If epbey will :here 'directlY. The -Laugh EnoaPeOi • the sort'ef and. "Johnny, stop th-at . nelse! 'Didn't I unpretotinns. ,..1. • . tell you, •if You 'must laugh, always to; ...•• latigh Yozir sleeve?"' . . b.ttot Pani torn at the ' • 'Fear thou not, for I• am• with theethy God' ; '...."Pleasp,-.4muni;--11 ! 'bOt• any -toat's ' „ 03V, 0 I, • NO:11. DID COME To A6VS 0 - •.olei•.' '040: • 'I Ile. Ut 1.11d Cf.f.lig'11,111.1er of the ill:fatocl'gia t' , DO THE GOOD. SONGS 'EVER DIE? • "murdered?" . . • .• What happens to the songs. that are - . 13,Y,•, this We Wean:130ns that ire 'and songs' That :are. bad•,.. songs that' -,,,,,,,,,..,,mce4,...1t-::11.!-.7:711r:'.1,,:fit4,n•-'''' dylchailagthe elizSivo limes 'that, epbe --$. >,,---,!->t,,R-11,,,,,,N,,-.....,,,A,1249., aere!ss' the e.ounte.rs or.tlio ilve and .gent„stores...: ; . • , . . The 'mortality among , ballads. is tre- niendouS., • They live, Una -die like morning. glorlea or sandflies, A brief .and..heeticeareep. in danceball, eaba- linCei-filinitned onlyAn lirokenLbara.-19 . ret. and., vandevIlle.',Setting; and they, pass along, to_if,91Mtf1111):16,Sg' :11:ntli_o•il,_ y ed b iliestab .•4 the tbouglitreFs777,t •-• „ - ... •'• ,, ' Arid le is well for the. '044g:writers of. to -day that "their 61'1'1'mb:ins.. To not and; ,thain-tha.nceseelting , group': ,of li.V.04' • For the Y are .a Verycommerctal sznart y.oung men, who know. as mueli !, about 1111181 "a8 - the. "olli:ti.i4fi. 'Cliiiii'' in'. eorduroys who plaYed the bnrdy-gurdy, 1 The acing:writers .pielc ,out their mites ' with one .ling,er,. setting , the -tune by 1 itstling-ft to . sonfe'peor . musital - hack. who. IS. "iip". on theory and tech- l' Woo°, and. away • she' goes -another "zpoon-spopn-croon" inonstrosity, ' The , new•crop fs.wopthnioneyr •,.' ' . - • I ,Thousands qf songs are ,plinted, each, year. -Sere- Ore. hits, • 'dance Songs,,.! „tricksongs, current slang and hokum, , and the ..publienay.s its admiSsion and ' ,trequently makca ii' m'an.:,rich Out ,ote, Dile. Song: -.' •` • . : . 7-: •'. - ' ' But in the .conrso of the.year there ' re one or, two.iongs' that have the op- I peal ,attd character that., entitle"thein . to longer life, if, not ,to immortality. ' What 13Sconfes of these 'Songs.? They are 'seized by the, publlsherS, mauled. hy. the , record ,MakeraViaz,zed. by :the dance. Orehestras, ' ;maltreated .‘:!.,-...,,by, '--vaudevilbd-perfornzericififid:rildStied to ,l•eath .by the :butcher boy.' • , • . . . "A Perfect Day" .suffered . such .a ,F.eiciiiig winter . Birds, ., tate Its very simplicity geye, it. an la- '. itant appeal. : The orchestras edepted i t, to •vialtzt time, ;i111,(1 , it Persons •whe' have planted . their'. was ParY''A:tled'b shrubs:- which • retain ' their '. fruits 'grounds •with berry:bearing 'trees,' and nothing for itsfragile' beauty. It; was ' . by burlesque •POrOrMeki .• who gr.ecl,throughent,the...Winter.seasen.will 'find 7 wP.Ciallyn:,u'endt.iir ;:dh..:11pEititribei4tet.ed,.*laszi : a s‘ 1..toit.r.rtiebal.7,'or.inuttoncir strips Of fat pork, to the:,. nedeesary, to ,add 'only' Suet, of , beef (hen it Was thrown late the dieeard vvinter table of their 'bird vialtors. ' . • . The same thing hapnened to. The . ' . n -g. he best irees'and:'shrubs. for , , . - - . irAgrant-'-sema ei-ernooth-ritinfa-aerr--7-7-7-.-1' tiful 'Song,' that tOuched .the cathedral 13ella 'of St. Mary's," a WiStfullY lieaft- der; greenbriar; iiaekberry, dewberry, thie nnificise Are ,the: juniper,..,red ce- ; „oote_without-beceming-znourrrf I— .r een and . . . - •. . , • . cause' of its.conauinzaate art, this sizing, ' swa.m. p -.helly, , black • elaer; ' . too, went the way of the dende halls: bitter-sweet,: red , eater,' sourgum, in. -. Then like ' a, beautiful maiden. out tergrean, • partridgeberry,'. snowberry, . raged,, It was flung .aside, • , '.. • '. ' ' i highbush trenberry, - berlierry, spice Where is'.. "The Rosary?" Into the . bush, 'Men. ilia:M..0h; ashleafed maple, Ihnbo of forgotten things! . ' and others .... • :Fit pork May' he hung :'frorn the - . And yet., -(10. these wonderful songs ever :die,. Do they pass into, obliylon brenehee,of, trees near 'le the house.. 'with the.. cheen, tawdy- and unbeauti-, - Suet may • be,. bound with -Siring, • not ful things' .inta whose company they wire,. to the under tide Of branches, or have. been, jostled' by , the mob?„. ' • to upright', pests, or made dependent 'Or. do. they, having ,f piing theniseives ,•from” the ends of :string „ 'flung ,;oyer .' in ,a 'turbelent throng; Which,,is., danc; trio:dr' beauty really , 'Unmarred, into .growink' a taiale niay• be sprnad daily branches. .,, --.-.., . ., , , ... ., : • In the . ditnee of death,: es.cape.' whit-, . In eases' where :AO' berry treeti • are. so, ;,ineet.s.nasfe 4soalfieett,uhearty?lh 0, -,d 0.,: .L.•1 e- , t. us ' ,11,0i,er seed,, eitimband cake .or breirn. with ehopped,apple,. or °then' fruit, sun- : ..think that they„,do:' ' And, Jet...as" be from .the kiteh.-en.. ,pumpki 1 • - b,read "(net" white brea4),: - Or scraps ' Nsure that in the hearts Of real MuSfe' ' e Is a safe retreat. for such, alos!thrsesteii.,e'nd.all' „their- fair -414.-4evely...; - ; -eoznpaniona. ' The geed :songs; -IleXiir'-1-1- 2 t..bsiaxiddsto.Ebooiale,dfaeygooltse,,zzliiciittad4.cro.inwty. .intestlis die, 'nee do any .other good things.. : ' -.. eau ailed frifite.e.tany-kindrare-eigerz : 7g:::ntie,awbiiyiilvwfinsiherto4i,wrdi:.-t.h' c .'rl en' dt'- We 'have. Only to tarn for ntoef.. Has -not this geniuS, of th,,rbol below. their. windevraill o te. Maeterlink , ship of wletet.birde-may nail a board--' or " told -us. that "there is no ,cleath;;' - - • we. all .survive7".• He ' o fair children.and perhaps .he meant good .13ongs,. to:1)....- - ' • ' . • . . My kitchen •windowls frosted e'er , . el . • • My:NeIghbor's Chimney , „ SniOke. . . ' With fairy fantastic ttaCing,, . Showing long pluined' birds and White clad elves. ' ' .. •• ' , 'With ..fine ,forn, fronds.-InterlacIng:- ,. cancatcha glimpse ef , the: world Alid , away th.rough the . flakes at., the 1 will' •:- L-kno°uWesiltd.etg--Cold-liid snowink, . , • . , g box. ,,,....,.. -. friend.; .all the -Year-round, the •Down,. ' . , ... • ,,.• '.. -- •:'''''"Properly • Constructed nesting . . . be Oectipled by successive bird.' .. , nearest 'honse. .- „: lee and . Chickadee' takingzslielter-in "--A-'cibtrditl.t.-45"-,11i.'61, fe-M-, '81-;:°- -I' ;., • ' ''', luebird box or pen box or Pletcher' ' What though my vandow•is whit o with b I '• 6SrtiClitwirsi.illifiers and skaters when, afield '. • the winter, tirne:', ' It dope me good just to sea, that,smolto . ' The cold da dull :rind dreary ?'. , . " may enhance', their -pleasure' by con.'strting : Iridian tepees' of 'most. • (My World seemibright and cheery) , ! branchesi, leaving apertures for ilie-ehs..;" 1.1°.1.:J•ilkorin't:).1e!s,'at "He, firt3sido i'v.'llene.t1 it i‘the,-le. shelters' Witft. grain and seedk . trance, and .exit Of birds; and may 'visit ' I Would ' find a ..weleozne ,lifiiiiing.. , land .supt ,dziringtileir Winter 'exctin '. Then 1 tl ,.. Ill b Ce1118 . unitbating,, 1 , . (3' 1,,- svf,rnagrzn7 on !lg.,' a„ii'll 'MY heart is 1'17c;t1 'theWinter bird's. : ,.. They 'renitY us A thouroind rola, They hantia on' ' -,--Christina . larvae; and Insect, Maintaining the. . • , ho ,._ J...an • z e -o -,..trt_ms.--Ifrill rubs. Motors Blabket64,11arses . Natural gc404Zect 1311lletiD. !igolloe •ParYiee Or the Pertment theIntorior,at Ottawa a:b;:eNeter . , ,,#eeenrcee Few in, the: inland: ProvInT tudo*Of the fishing inistry of ch of Ontario riPpreciat,e1,130 magni, the ,three Maritime Provinces,, land end -*/;l'eW ing.1.921,1CihLQ thc. ,Vaine• Of , $1(3,507;617 were taken,. The larget takings were Of cod, il3ono78!:(8'l 8s 1.°I'Vu'intdi:: (31:9r1i5.1.157°- Of the herring tatien al 491.- -;1001 pounds --'-yeas • Used. 'Thiq--,Firi-OrrreTre7e-P747flie,:.:4/111t. lishmeirt by the l)ozninion: cries Branch of a Report,- „•ing .Serv,iee„. by Which.captaini Of .fishing'..beats and, others, , tereSted 'ere ,suPplied' -f r ma arm- 'regarding, ...cate4 of bait at varions. points along. the coasts . of •the Maritime ProVinces and the Magdalen 1. - -.-lartlzf-'7ThrOughout the 'spring and, summer 'Officers pf the. De,. pnrtment of Fisheries gather bi-; formatien.regardingthe landing 15efl tpha to theelr. wlaareg.deritddalliyinli3t,Y 'ng.points.. This serv,ign, is of very :.great importance • to the fishing industry, as, even the in- land fiShernian appre,Ciate how-Luselese-would---thelizre=fiSh=4- ing. vessels • be without ' a supply , •of 'bait or advice. as to Where • bait might'1)e•''secnred. This _is ;but, one Of the many , services'•rendered by the PedSral OoVernment denartinents hi as- sisting in the deVelopirent of- Nnada's natural. resources. , • -• A isa one or more,sides; festeaan evergreen -branch to, the vtrindOW &eine; construct a, little food hoPnor, Add grevellynerth 16„0.11 attraction, andspread ,a•repast..., of nZbted"aiihi.fara'nd':Vegetable food • for the . ..Broken nuts Are eage'rlY iteeented by , Chickadees, l'siuthatChei end • Vvood;, peekere, andhemp seed and millet"aatt other sniall 'seeds by' the Juncos, ,Red- pells, Goldfinches, etc. , ' Make a brushliettp for the_grourid shelte. there and their toed May be scattere4 ' ? • oard, on a flight to Africa, is 'shown arrivhig at Toulon aboard a French battleship, • , • IN IIABBITBORO , n of the air, Dixthucle, •which was lost vvith all .. W. pad:ridge, , clean up our tree's of eery species of •••••.4-•••=,.............1.••••••!7:I.00aM••••••*4•Nw. SOME 'OLD t NO M ALL -1-5-7‘ QUART E 'A el To TA1-cE 1NHERK' iviy FarvilLy 15! - vAniy-,-o# couRs rt- DoES you CREDIT TO W151-1 To JOIN "MEM WHERe_ is VouR -F,AmiLk-e , pooR SOUL r,t ' R..E AT 711E (v)OVI ! A row of inotond weronoticed not long 4 Shivering. . • ago, parked Along a street, each one , . . carefhlly blanketed. Nearby stood two or three horses', without bi&kets, " shiVering In the icy wind. •The ' WiYchclogy that blankets a car and al- ' Taws a horse co sbitcg.,-ies:sercethicets . .iitody,-..---or cadrge. the Same person:did,' • not ,do both, but frem our experioncei , w 1 th : 'it tlimin nature we ' believe '. •i• t woula he a safe bet that, if the ownet- ahip were transferred, they would act - ' the same. •The sista°, reason is that • , , the, InconVenlent effects aro not..so Itn-- mediate in the ehilled boric) as in the • chilled motel': The horSe is ,able to 'Hiatt 'When ',urged, the motor is not. And an thy snugly tuck the warm ., hlanhet sl.rininci the inaziffilate car, „ wishing he were a ined,inci. 1 While the, horse leek, on' eriV161101Yr