The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-22, Page 7T 051 4­ 4.� Z_ TT— Z . ....... . Tho, 40t, V, Pro ont -80$PMS$ IFS' OP Wf;[��­ orne min Mgrnipg,X Shalt, ripe-fr9m. sleep., 7 STO`R 9 aft W KNOW MOKE 404 ilf �b' h'4 q iSI;IlI,a4d,d '.0 W NOW'' pulp; By the Olm,q L Z nibork, MrS­ '4�4 W-atell" lol- Lower, t �gtlt taken TAnla.9 My t." �Clingpttilt It lielf q4d , . 1: vn,-,'­�' w0ll� 14P uaysi4 _u spe, Own' experience, fLhAt it'w'!4, wow Nor fear thp. gg#s nor Any wind., progrpsq! .9. 414pljllogoi 0e, The'.Ama;lng Oono''Wrltpr-', *1141 00414CA . Mqd1clile. -and tont L Woman U �q...MeAllo.Taftl AT 'Aft kROWAL.'P@g-rl:kq�Lo-ow.Aoxp.r�,, h1g4i tr!P. tre ac;_tre 4fit:-f or. telr_7.owns. I on 6- TO `�Wa and. pe #.:0�4; mtnute K In a; Auporl, t, e 'argeot- and, & J�rgest�.airt -AOYP�* VV.6UU,�_bagdj TrOl York; to of� Tgalac 10re ed c w III al ala no 9w r wing ire only a'"fe t7ir � idlf" lilitful ever�rone!*UQ�14Ygl,t,,qomep.b4ck; bwhich hdVo lit?n� it', outpvlt:� ILet -thQ, 11 o. bid me. -weIqon raise., I-Iiavq,also, W pst f, tb.w With, Love t le home; also, gist* A d., 00 BTI. "Love Me, and the And Love :Ito. li�. tlilo:lian iAdmember that your face -"When ` iris WiberP' h are: Sm 019 Ing qnj e Ove,, you and -1 Shall r, Illm" "A L(tue, 13it. q Heaven nW;4o -_voyaj� dli:Ahe Mitgdo I And- 166k A yet isemeLnt. Tt .8h.o,w.s t My H ieni, it. _04tt eg: eyes-. e -,wh -�an Ise, _ea 'd 6�0 d" let th W �Qqrden, lofik-Ari eaqh. bill as ma 4 ood ta�keii me - nue ed L doing Most, "of al� writing' KI r es "Pat GE.Q11GE '0. k bou n the quiet'afier-midhighi I I -ra 6y n-trt.I9 nown,,gs a A- Aii*� for, M leave, the a0d, take p er, We, §11'all'not h h po�elj m6tor qd m Is" not permitted ta, e4r tbp tickin �.,cloo, t anJe6t, lon is no �retu There fro 'ich is 60 borders', df. -h s, country'-foi, fear he'� , Nor the swift.rus.tio 6f TinT, I g 'WeArt' Jn the 'N in S" '.The*(,,arden of.ky; I' I WA t...... t r', e rp. -k NOW' is one. P!- th -lution talitIlIg. 1p at the ''Peft come. now -1o, Imarlor hill itt Ong as, ENWIN- 6�pni -IT I I ng, _pll Thousand -Years —rev OWP6 did x12 �'CYJ[r § i6ed of 34 hill' n pteseat. time" alas es an, inder. R�"d.' 'which may Tesult in ros. oithwell. Ont. minu, B. 'Mother Afachreel, t hour. it glidea over:fhe'wAter rather took ni-e-twenty m`ITiutes..',,, rg.Ur be establishment of a re pliblic With.all those w�paders,to ' �admfre, than, eutting through lt� elleart'allungOr, "Thousa d f . men, who', Rac sattsfied,, is 'n ma-r-ripi17 a Particularly 'new' e U Vt6r hearing.,1114ve, Me and'the 071A. Te c er. Onat 11ohi last t h T,6i'h he he-irt's d' sire raft World, In hIg forth, c, Is, ine', a re: blaming me," vvgto one, of L :-He never wandered WO� shall forget we, evet, died. f boat, �.but the c far from, IlIs oncerned I'. acini hun .5 :more than a r Mr. i3all's wb s I qomments, :0 ac n town, 'hlled 1 with Ill or carrl' �y. go. 65 EYES, The little hamlei he fl7ed.,..and in some inoring-oateless �yet pAi4engera 4nd their bagge, I -lT^TEJD bY n.the sweet dark lit bein e c man. died g SUNINADUSTA-CINDERS' Iihdll steal, out I total' weig King Ge�or e 'Y'a' lit's 29MO 21 ,g,, I , approxima:t ly, Ao' And 'yet his -Pqpils trav An& flad my ship With. sails,alL set, . I I MINDED- 4, SOID. or DR60011TS A. c!"Ici d000 pounds, and is, able t run in less MN016 PASS ITS CAILR SOQIL &WOUJIS CO. "ICA gentleman A Own Py'the',dini qua:ysfd6 and qmbark., ItIng, Ge6r&, though the first COGLAWO *At Nu tha�. I fedt 6f 1.4' -the land; a so: one water. A few sea�sle& I awl NNO A the'whobi.Wide_world of town and' —katha -Tynan. Of tfi is type- are, t6' b (it i6 meet mdesli:nd hadoes not een In this country. that he everything 0 countryside. diab AmorloAls pi Pnoeri Dog Rome 'L or a to pain. -an grow dim; an -intimat friend 'Fresh air ISL the biehib. of.life. "I ere DOG DISEASES, "Thie. KIng"never tire med of penalty of futu pro.wn.' -no honor to, Fe. soug t s mply becat se 'ha 'wears a a me void the� I h '"'or� his aa T-he-.BreMh.'of'1Aife, �lea6dre that b:ofds talks at'Aseot,'! said towns that . tarnish e the., otb Or day.. ','He 'But U is little us,J� in trying t6keep well If we now - ft d nilying @a Fift "to asy flimply list6 da not get abu,ndan he taught achieve lis:'to the' expe.t., WIL; faine we pe: of the Author. (Inlet "tut, he.',happefis 10 And in their, tr:lump 'he u remem "."CLAY -41 LOVER CD freill'air to -brOath h be the� :gre in Waft 24th sir4sl 4test'. -am r expert -him. 11 ATION' .:Yaclit bered Peopfe", whose'- resistance is wea4r- ' i : 1111911, Y9d6 iS.A. small, and. at CoWeS with nLuscles, ligaments or joint)3 had not'itime to mould the wide ened by,disea�8e*,and WhO must fight an He disappears quickly aftei'a feW most learne f 1fie,prof-, Surnames d 71VIA, to 'conquer essibnals' d Onm vitirld's lifer" not only: to" keep alive bu t ADnlleations_oL�M.Inavd a I nand, in,,, he alfairs- of n L -TUICK On'& of his in M-a-c-0-0EEN culosis.'Xiiust have abunda'c6,'of resh gerip, of, any,. disease , like tubet- COOM'dE statd ,y.a, ions'. ran VARiA-flo s� Coomb6-,1_ But other,'did, he into, the em It 6116ugh -to BEAUTIFU uee"'. macswe NS Coombi is not ave. know 4 VAR iAT I ON 8—Macci n' a :lot of'men'who �h And throd spend the daylight hours n the Open; M-1coweyn, MacCunn.' Combi,''.Combe' C gh them.,help have,': been 'able 't' 'b at amber, Coomber, -ape 'Cent' "DandeA .i b the entire twenty-f6ur IiOurs should 35-.. be freshL I "'h ery eW who ha 6 ti g an,­;Seot' Kempst6r. ;hJs,,PeopIb'i fate. V AC L a r. sh4 IAL. ORIGIW-Engllsh or'llimsialf have,'known V f RACIAL ORIGIN I�lbrwe"l 9 W64ders for Lifeles' e' to sall them.", R won no earthly,riches puris The. windows o a no In open,, or. e so, an occu- Thaf' Vvn name SOURCE. 6OURCE—A locality, H h d -16 e:..t6 waste III seeking, should, bo th ponbh,kvailm Is perfectly 'true. ­ppr'bap's 'he' Neglected H ­ n. able ��h ubbi-cul" P Ines. e �.t Qsls atio, gqld� at all�'ti �'was' thitikingL.Of. a' 'certain amateur The' -far4illy," name of ueen, f, :-A gleamy mass But every�ilay: bestowed on ail nt'�who 'tris t6- stay Ill the. open pbrehasing a yac h ea' luxuriant,, who, :,at ter The derivation of this gr up -or am- 4'IMLA pelf P 0 t' V�ent ;nig -air as In h uch as poss&e all off sily be 'Airlstdken for one of iW . 1: to have 'some -necessary leisoas_'... tj e wl�bse-valu�'neve'r could e almost the exact Parallel- 'ov full Of 'gloss Jug. "W !I,, lose combinations - of',' ar'i n full)i follows., the other directions 'f e .-can, you sail yacht, ybt?" E gilA of that of the Hill groupi' I't is! more 0 n as t e est,ch'ance of. word *fill- the Clarence E riendi,afteir. the first1esson recove lloWs'a, genuw- I I . his, physidia h* h"" b tre and life,shoit' 'asked.'his t ' Puzzling simpl.,be*6 s I PI n. Oelid "Mae", (eq�tva7 Ause ' It Is the�.dc- iy lent e "d6od. 'to th iived meaning 'of: the original 17Y. .k word' f rep termination r se who. -are well, toning up 0 good ot Or. kea lied' th, ow oTrevent Fo ibo which bad-,gury-hrOd In thIn I I , h -are mot,with quite. fr6 neg ected FTcjlpjj h Filing "to SwiL, w.hIc -RED BLOOD tead' of th'O.1primiry,meaning, The GOOD. health Is promoCed, and maintained' with depeftdablq� q ntli I bo�th I' by no.l;etter,nie6.ns:lhan,su-itablb ou't-' P cot and and Ireland..- W. Ord - ln'ihe onlY� for . I . I , The Safe tj Bilidustiess lin In, which, we xerelge and'good food� If ever ours L I ! - "Da*rdihe.11 4doubtedly the� 'fact' -daj y - . I r , 1, . The,' Hou.'"L one' an,wd:dIan and young person n this' agaiiiist remedies a ng I.* T, there' have it to !'comb.'I� In Doetors -warn� ennyson the :A REAL NER11'r TONIC ,dffor e wasa wor -In 1k e. .'drl -round sportsm English 'It will be. ,r6nie . W i '* Werful , dillis 119 4calp -and- rhb6red t1i t 'th con ainmg4O rid t ckefei and'all hag fl :sPelIed 4'4u6en`I 0; . . I � , , , tL , I I . I ' 'coubtry'could be-pei"aded a's a- mat, rigina mbanizig-of , he. Word .'� . L I middle-nd�ae;.­ it 1144-some.in tience oil the of 116ots, dandruff' I hill'. alcohol. I he Extract ihe ter of daily routine to take:' h S f wAgIfilli alid that the're, was a derived at least' Iong�.Irnown as,;Xothir Seigel,,s �corrected, linia dry OppaL a. r Curative Syttip? has no dopebir -is 4uicki fathei! Y'�Iiame :howter, 'when te Blood 'L the twelv re4hs I bore:it,befor-e film. .4nd1thete I it meaning, 'roof, W'l W"k Wai ry It the 'Ile nas di4appear.6d. 11 sl ff- b-., The' o' or Isefoire 'on open :wlfidow tj�phgingredients; iitchiiiesa�vay. or'at d invi v �nangs a 'tale., wispy or failing hair came d Into that a n- -of -taking, on riew: strength',, color ia�selj riginal.r. meaning :, Before Halla 6 b6 it�aiislate th word -0 All Neir or Was e rce vou.411ess, e and - youthful 'Danerine christen- Ileprab", -morning, the re'sidua'i aft'in �thejungS iaigesi�on, -biliousness and,con-� , I ' 4 . . I ed Alf red, Lord, Tennyson &ife .rom tro Gaelic, In -.w ch,thO was , a seres o ridges b ' t and people :WOUI eau. tidni- Can be.had f the uppe ttend to :their ac6 by.'fte air "and at any o-, red,the ", would -be r6pl' os, 0 delight ul. on, th q hair; a ref reshil correct SP6 in 1101 r hillsides. This sh ro 0 t,:zodfitther ling Is '.`MacSdIbhne.,� has if d. a 0. . t P. f Ig of wori�lng Lhemselvei Inor 'OxYon�suPplle�djor th`6 general ine. to �ilious store." Get the, genu lam m6anrig'.. Aisia'ppeared And III our timiflating', torild 60c�, �nd $ 1.00 Bottles. Any afid Hal Ialn ;accepted' The !'MacSuIbhne.sII c'�Iistitute il said an eminen aerve sbecialisf,: upkeep,- of, the --bo' not sticky dy., The -result. _4�gst "'What' are-. you gollig-to ci 'f th '111gh)and, clans Although a �6nly, the e- "we doctors wquld_not� see our' con be'� beneflei the honor Ono language to-d�'y wehave' gt al ore. IL the P would undoubtedly we app y,, to sultin Oy. �one'. ftidependont'�of- but �va`rious of.1.1 .rooms, crowded with, ner-�ousg; 'Uk6d. it-II4 godfather. ; '' ­ L I I! � 1. . . .: rived', meaning' which I- small dy.a �bGut' a a g yb.o nd' would, bring -thinking o Ao the.-MacDon Y.�formatltln, as n ','houeY gen�eral'fmprovbment in, Ah6 f"calling him ailled I'd '9 ' *,4 ' wreckm Afore. OPI& : sluff Or from health a s;,and, Ike su Ur Lis pe Hallam; r6p'lled Vennysom' er, many �f the Highland nsi. com- -w *bir.YL than* 4n�thln else.,' the enitlre,� cla stanilArid Of e Instinctive :t 'k .9 StOMach aid Noweh Right -1ginally. .�mbr4l Ik b Keep! Hallam was .1lattered, but' he In- 419 bi -Srow: Ireland. Tbe .sort Of:, Middle on. d ary',hal'r eprob. the -specjallst t dired 'modestly,, ut I'll the'narne'of, Ily'ffivini baby,the harmlesl% Pumly n n Os coo Co S. K IN, ..Sgetal�e,infants'.andchildrehlorelmiator. UB MapOueen Is" to orli pboke of is the"nervotis, rundown con- Physical,: Training C CUTICURA: ory of w ditiOn. caused 'by oOork and the ree b by .not b( am ombs, and This' 'is 'displAyed on the. v� th� higit the :days f blio The by many anxietie :5 S"Up "Y �s, i''shld -the, poet, . but su oss, Ing 'the Irish I in v' a omb 1� were orIgWaIl7 precedi�d, of Sion and settlement % e I" S Of L to-da'�. Sufferers 'Ails, '9�,mnasl=4 'I of nsa-gistonfshinit,mttfkfngr4poults find them n some at he) to, 'to, salves, tired, low-spirited and our,. city rest Norse vikings � d V schools:. be should, -turn.. outa. f6ofv, 'of Highlands, Ohen. inany".-o f the 4d�aot 't ( of person - whom, the. unable: to 'keep their minds on any- e� hat LE . , --), in, roakin baby'i stomach di riven rom,home''b' surname was Shoemaktr's 'Last. C Vil y� 'appll6d, h4ed in 'su"ch. a 1. bellev food and bowels move a's swooped down on, the thing.' 'Any,sudden: no 6 � ts them e my bpoy. Is niY,..Iiot;se ihould ai teething '!cIa it was, spOlI6d 'like . a *blo o sh6O7 nor , e 'Vhey 'Are- full of ground- ep ong, as and 'should� be.'ki t clean time. Guaranteed-frLe rc howot:Sle6pL we'll at niglxt. h "last"- a 'used In th 't �'kembelt is h ithey EruptlofiLl OWNce. Itched 6 word' 's� ih rp an 0 d Western doas s, of. Scot. jl�aker's, t�ad e has n6thing to do wl'th, lafid,, a d oi Ifrom na otics, oxllk 6413yr Lo est.." as n e ina -SII *et 'be derived d _119 sometimes petsbns, who dwelt -in such keixt w6rkIng $in sInall, sofe eruption: broke out' nse of iaiest'"but is tl "Im , b6r'� b 2.� 1 ates, alcohol and &H. �$Ottled, he�e. tJftfnIajOiyL ever, "Co do _CCAP16d, , leir rule as bioken.by 'all ulli, oom :H4�adaches land 'other nerve pains are ._belle�.e my,,mlis6l6s ihOftld harmful in 1. r6in an'.,ol , qxonr root, a of the "Scots,,.but malik of th&h re' se6ons part of - the misery,. and t all on ObtlllY- by' systematic' lipt. meariffig',a; footprint; -or '-maihed,' �� and A aterinarria 6 fro'm',starv'e'd.h�rves.� exer�'clse. on, the ilde of. ray face and -kept Atwas thesizecif a. 3 -1 -believe this raininj AtAll' s am, p,' ey, were !)o,cto`ri wiith poisonous �,4tti f Owd X! 1 ., ose who, ng the�.nerves 'L 1 I'l ''Out of' gen,0ral speech centuries 'd ilie'occu f , q was of a foi.' hough the word d1rop noinencl 'g , 61, ut morb often'th h spreadiiiklinili p�ed left thOli it upon the* devoldlis ago, of the -section... on.o ,Prasj6tsi wool comb- seditives -is -a ter w to make of mysel�-f t e ag fO in heS. itchirig mind burning. 0�, I Only Te. isr a, good.supply. and to do grea er �Orvice'for. ot 4itelic , al '' " her si,'� by� some� fr In the earl with the Ing,L rible, mistake. The the uarter. 'If roxigh and scaly It: ha ea L Of'�'J litlignag6 "Suffilln6" IS -the , for ev6a y middl n6ive t6nIc4 t at times I was most crazy hliOuf me fa lly. names' began I l6st in y rest I elleve'dally, i at night andply fthe very- Widespread, Norke� iven the been ridtaffie as a.�'technteal wqr'� Nork iven to form oU�rich red blood. Therefore,to" re-: b" eXeiCIS& train$� me terrible to' me derived mea in"K Of -t site., fa�ce.,wias n a silape on whic' ii the name' of Sweyn." T-Tade ve nervousness and raft-dopti. health, to feelaIid to, understand the io In p. L is 'boot., town up an Pins S - . - %­ " . tr s III' d Was Elr. William' S'.. I�iak y shOeniaker' build r, the vary- word had- Aires, en ed; any. d n e -man '-'-b 0 d:bb _jvor�. led d0krerit remedies without : � L dy g TO Ing Influences of,th MACH -,MIS Trie 'kfrl!Lnn rec mine v iltlotied e T I s epric e co, '-we-rieve-71-n athletics, III .'taking I Soap and Ointment'so. rades, d' Puticura In, the a ves,., Improves e Pa# in 'sbhool contests; 'in co .. I 1 1. u purchased iorneI, i4nd iditerusing on6 Appetlte;' gives new strength' And 'age, hir"0ay- ar., rrportsmansfilp.': wh.ich are borhe.b hier of Co b cake of Cpficura. Soil T one or ot INDIGESTION heading Of this arti�'Je, all' of rb "often-.., foun in the" n . the, surnames, w�jch tones --the net th my 'r torm: of- ,l m !: � a OX 'Ile. Kembcs6r nd-, "I .�.and,one b the- s.epts. of the, Ctua, Maco ndmkeg hithert 1.d1(.bel1.6V ueen. 0 d0SDoh'dbnf 'd I dal growing 11, an- wed.11 (signed) CAmb6r.. of Ointment I was he blap�Ipsln' Is- theL`qui�kest, Miss Eleanor Beekman, eo Joe p ple bright -And, dheerful. ' If yoUl are or womanhood.) and amr pl�epar- Springdale, -------------- e, an ar, ive,,' -Mont., Jan. 19 1922, Wi ErQrf5-.j6u* should begin ng My."ellf.. to b 'ffitelli. surest 61lef for lndfg�estion, nd qW. f6i-�-FineL­­' lTttTW'b)h-'91` lakibrIlDt" Wfl`lTAms`- Pink 'geat- o�On CuticlftA S 0� Offitment ta ]CC Illy Market fot!,Such a supply, or iVi, lets, You can,get th Stomach distres ca Blooms. 0 tese; pill�. �tllrou h any ani to give tfi S�' and T 9. e. dther fel A, acidity. 0cum to. re for,your skin. by kqw w,'tajilets givle,alm ------- dealer in: medicine� btby mail -V At 50 square,:de�i.­ A f At'Wherb we 4Ave a,,gdod'light a 6�i',-imm6dl 0-01e lisch7r"IMAII: Addre" 344 Bt- PSul t., V., 11116n0sal." Sold every- mbere. Soqpnc.ofntmg�t?Sandoe.LT&IL-am26e. S", _believe'� ii Ying the gA -it"I at d box from. The -Dr. Williams 7. 1 �Goriect­ybur st6 'Plant for,: flowerd especially', adli. -want to' -me't n:p. a 'the,*Indow box Is I d . eaL, Me.di.clfie..Co,, ro.' Ont.-, - - -my, t Ii digestion now-,. �for�a Jew Soap shaves without muff.,,. T_JU I 'ckvIIIe,,- end with all 8 rength �IwCutir _,_SAVFD_BA'RY S -LIFE I Is seldom an iYrtigilsii! se'll h d coiqage�.: alilliolls' of pac-ages-of hat Rowers will be'hp'l 4rgp anjq�,pe Wind Flipe�s iapebsln 3 rs. Chinese_*Producp ur rr -6 Sa nts, Quo., es7' ' I ' "' ry Is' -k J'st, and hot.:, wr tes�- -c andl� mall Opt mbre,� ic el:"d _,i;eari. ago by inser i -k led fingers pi to, t box,rieed,not.�be mor thati-AIxI. 6d, ''shellg, of, frOs*Aterin* eps albng;: th' fl, 0 oor. Ich oil lou)d U. rich' ad, thelatp , 1 :1 cine. T: ey paved, my baby's life, he ''ASPIR er-aerate(, so iroo I s spread i :my w t fld�,ly!:. I "baby S are an excelei lfidows:,,and my.,dpor; or4 fragm9n tS nIA'her _BA M Qw1i'4ablets icy, breath, of him, comes 'III-' ph o,t ' ' CK ACHED le e -And uS609 � �': ! - L IN ey� kept in tdnks. deep. The s sh And,! can,hWIlY Tec6mme a n in e-mon- win e116 nd hot InclifiEF ' d 1, to'Iun� a! �,.niotheki;,? ir ' a. Tiau6h dowg -chatfer noisily- Say .','Bayer" A t'ogetho oi, get! soup. � It sho lid &n-- exPertenco, 'is that ''of thou-% 'it nd I RIBLY Xyfire lea e 'POUCh of I ..L I ' " .. , — 7 t nds'�.of- otile ps high, iliel-flicker§ low',_ lcAP,,.,JS_,IArge afilit proportion* of sand f or glog i'MiithOri Vho�b enoug P 'the worth. Of baby's�. Ow Ave test, Alftg,ihe dial leng KCNah US! 96W �th, of the wall; to c6nt4iT1., 86V In quart of, T� 'The hadow's,c6me and go'.''' no It Always W it is gn I36st Io grow-�too:many Sorts '6 TaII16;is ai6 a gure-and kiale modlw' or 9. Iy' ia ........... d sl oil row. of 'lower Phikham'"s Ve 'etAle C'o d"' All nd' stomach, thus' 0U1( pan s oil the ral f' to me "*hAtever'l Oi witl;t a botd.Woj trall b n I' wl Nerves Mp tJy)-.1'--And--! fail to ief. by Tak6g A� d y6t 1.1iear the �ndls,sht rong *AvOd,, to 'Y You',Iala no a1tention: in, the middle and :a regulat6 the bowels, a 178 t ­uff—m s In my ears my eyes but'otill I�se'e 10.`J3iit-or�how could.:you 'clilldreft, suftet. They,: ard, no'wn to n r roin'which close i3xp. dt �rs, ma to a pretty box. our , S06 Such a tiny, hand, 'At t h,.q t veshol"Ild! -be Such- ihat. bloom,s. medicine �'deaf er or -Shadows Oil the'wall, P' k h' Pt. I took� f'Y4111 jt sold, b ! Pure -organic hatha 0" by Mail At 29 most. dru gists as Bl'tro-1 ? 9 Plisphate 'to in a V ptible Coinp6urid for l 'will. be :m s c cents a bok 0 wl it, UPI-ve,exhausted, t d ondition affer:th pr�(toced -all". nap- from .Tb --Ugt V e=p c rri Iblepa-insand" - 'L, '_I� ' " , �, r e o.regal bat:166e, And was tired And *eak; not as! next, YVIth On ThAVS the middle, pOtuni' The -foriging I had'hid a nUNT6 -force nd -A certain Window garden was a ding CPPP60 'Tuili .4aY: iOy, lingors on' my heart--- guafantOed. ng. price $1� fit to do, my work and care fok)til.VJhree e'a 'good box ' of ' a ' n ' n ' ualg When per .1) tge, Ar.row 'wish, thdy� tay 6ildren., One day I received your of- Sweet poits: 1h III border of PdrfulAc oi-verbo'lia,�,' inake-1 d') Ina hile.a Black To,r miffiress of the house',Wa ',shlli Ipe, or, tilbilik' ng, th pe25,. yjo a t �S t., 10 onto Ont. little book and read it, and'ga I Ping 'Prince fuchsia In 'e' middlec p aged.dolo roiinded'�b�,cyclaffi4e a ca yet! 'we�e'fie!76 we*,tilb­ftilght� pit Out- . ng rom ile titak, tfic q-n'ediciae, I'liad and began taki An i aillif ,,off a few dead leaves. 'And tO' thL retok of Ahe r: by the VegOtable.Compofind, r f I lming �bqrddketj t 1�1% c ed' Man, obsorvii lmetho er. Give S' ng the operati h, e.v - M ds, thO Pipe, Will kjn�, or osilY and t6aSt lour feet iCk Child bottorjj6w and �arrl hot as ee 6wI," ISome, mes, ev t a ou see the jlame�,, hamed,t6 tell denily perceivd that�sbe "know hi clOge"up whea'ahrup OlLd of th-Storni that 'Shut us, Ill lialos,21 yl Bayer" n what it has dbne'f6r nip ti Oalitornia Fig yrup'! iliakb'� a.. vefy recommend,., e F L qr�bn ia�lOts c and the, contrasting e av torn r4fri'and., wind.'and Meet.'. you ate'not get. 'lit to'a�y w0al"ri IL'thluk f IsAsldo�'* but"p4r] a s1ie-wohdered how so mu'h Iiietty �,box; I -turns .1tre Made.. b olded' t lanc �'prbdtict proved, eoil'14 00 of tbe_o�clamen and gbranium foliagb. a Piece, df, string gen loveliness alb froffi, IiArml6ss Lakative' 163 Hariv6y, 'crlb�d, by A:- AlCMAftoN Ce owers .1 e 8W. t tlIbJ(Ag,', after too you Wre hOJIb,, if, 'you we'n6 �&O, orit 0 i 110us,safalby itift Ont4 de Pdits;- "My an which 6�6� tom. Constipated Baby oe, dhil,ii `Lydia R PIhIchdiii's Vegetab , lo'coin be d :8 116 t'' 64 4W41 11f6ttk Wh66 not In. Y_, II& boxOS can e III&de khowll dellit heart, I g 6 t P ys. e 9 urn n VAI- the 6u! d Nome Pusoons Wits A t All-' Tij� mind Cdn§tl Olds Ileadache undi madd from toots and, herb,", hair�- jfj 6h 0 Lilies (!all be WWII �.to Plant abf6 _fbi 64 -wall or ;it!4d, 0 -up: a-PiAnnr! ow .Th agge -6badO*e­on­the .1.1 1 1 1 90C Wind ­ . 11 .."1 RI ingwomen 'espea a y. it�hks,h6dli W61.1, th 0, fthrillifig, of' the *Ifid.L k4etr to health and stirdrigh',' sle i_dolfo Ba los, mildsm! it fli,& box -Is fairly dodp Arid the: bulbs It., not� t tide; jrelievcs the troubles which cause stj,h, -rhl VI' lots liio�l ba rilsqom an6�Mfldreh love Ural Pain', Path**' a bid,,Em,61re. ell.L e-Abily Molted.but, mlitonl backadho aii, Old w 01 tb t I kol, 1 APE This ffiPIr otach-in,. spite R11 wltitet'and ki rnish A lot Of. 'C tire I worn-out ar A 819 Book. rnia Pik C kago con'L I al ownagamand Aills'proote 411t,''tidno. Handr'bbxes, again by such hAtersi as, Mrs. McMAII[Orl 011 $ho -"And prayi w iAt do is lie PC &a� Liniment In th only. Each u= d h nj. spiteW I�d'r sins- to. bunch ajid, SO!], as wolIL AS e houge. n nervousness -Th* enjoy. .o es V, d-liovps ill9fko and'' of twl e tablets, c'O it f 6 n- I slid trW y s ods he tfiat4book with you fof?'�' 111*4tNe rag at� V&ites,'as well as by one A -gardened,. the �te J611 d ift another, ing bd bag, beeii, lnv6XItpd I n'der little bottleslbf 24 un The�o w6filen knew' and itre r is 1. 1 that hailk out 'I &---"Oh,, that is: a� book- which -kild 11ponhei es a arge part s-thb' itatild itArk ( egf$jOrod willing to 'tell' bihers what i� did for' nSe-Us ati1a t a delot A r th the'lil I., It . th6 I D -EA-- F---?-- Pona rame 16-J'Ish't it rather lar d6tor, 11 r Ur'tr til. can, be, Ing the. and bmirels , WA Par P lono convOyg't6Iyollj. ed Inside a: ptirp6s� alwylicalell I auild r WhI16 it Well known that , I Won 6-pilffet 4�ould ecaf a � trilling, 0,61ftfmct no nAtcotlds AIhftfhcttI,l`Oj,�'to ssist oialp e joine o rWj 'M d Cobr JUL wall Ito 11, P6 the' oLubliclaglatilst i0t,ttidiAI the 41ii4 A, free vopy Oj -:11einit by lioniffil6n: nx,pte88 Money �6ur'drilggfgt Ah4 A�old se fglmll Pri. J'jkt,aook tipOw. j4 'And' U I's th 0 I'latest, "bicIllev MONEY OR'1jERS'r g Tu gi. an y 3 it ;I, a A: t6f hd 110 fll5,161tyflo Bid 'Tor' ItOr 11 If logt, or 0 10 Diiyer� OfnpanY gri 9;,, AW c n oring'218 miles to Ordei tolOn you. get your thoitt, liDon gionufne I'dallf'ornfil ' Will be Siatni'L Pinkhain's river wa Ai mentid Pddiltliat.w WoiaOnI M with (hole ken6ril 'trAd6-',aJhrk thb'' n(ll bcM 681,edpi ff6k the Fit Phofiltoo m6hoY. b6ck,', SYrup". whi'th p6atains, directio 'y 77 VA ..... X T4