The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-08, Page 44, W 7�1, 7 X 1q'P_MW%­WF", IMF' .Z- 3W- M77 777 W �t, 7 7 f cgy� W at tbo,- i 'qr ,A44;�!#pXQteq.tiqn1t,ev Pt r k to be ,,w w LUIQ T9N:, Q- 04'e. q the, �ciplq, T, ks in �i� 'xotiiiq efe ill gjv,q to lbeita A r $tral,ght., prollib 1.9,t 0 only 'ohoi�Q' PN _ltiopj e4 �O *ri Thilradiy. *o111,4;g Twenty veoi-q Ag &nite:eft�brl Ws,, or.a 4` o, A d( w0#4,;d ai, d0coM in -4 dec Out grdo., wa§ f #44 u n, 4, t tbpI . 1�40PqhiP Pl' ,wonian$,'ballot;,Vrohibitioii shokil I be fq w t the p'r.Q_VAnM, 5f d sq9tained -by every, ',pjatjotic,� vo 0 MP(*;w% jr;q rietor J ipib Qbg�nbiprlg#� to i4trq4tico pr A* rqwarq, t, r4 Q pol -into, Mittiin,, thro g u Icy u bq­ 4, 0 PAXX� NQVEX-l3gR Sth 1923 :00. this, isi the ftygt. #p4 since the irk sA g., `pqoox J a -b I olitioi.o tb.op Q `B�01R A "I"In 'i" _A� Y . . . . . . . . lofil Te 1111,-,,,­,��s I 7, "Ll, V M jpot(m Atli Q,-. ends, milrelfront, n q Q -ice h 01a.,001111 V t­10ion - -AsL -a, -'PrItA 'prp to t �0, -h inansla h st0s Tbi our Ae 4, 1 florce.are put on A641� charged as, harie' as go n Ily bin 40 PPP wh ppenp4 ye iture -a number of niqii ad" n its A, 4A gpee W IX for "my" TeArs, a v 9g, ter� bepAusti. in, tbd I, The pxclvs ion of Poll ai. ved'. tit 'vVinnipe-, -the a _j, vrit ?tq.r4,'pA#1q. or Iris jhd he 0 Ing, liquor1from a launch, protectifinisti inea� h"ir I A .. I l� -1 i_ , I . I. -ompl-Ilin'�r'. about t arp mAiptguling tin -4 Q ete b n c . the, name .0 or �th .0i, vg*, _4 ed 114e_ oroners7- herd v :eat OLIM �.Nvo tl M -;and, his fi nds,, ge rY w ich -death �;of :.ease. - tit" i M L 'hit'o' H '�tOe _t --t- We i�e s ill 1M." so 'ilop t6�1- C It Po 106, were. no 04 0 t excal stor A nie 4116011114 *iinage lrPVQ I bin tells a qn� of,�941 bu�q�d.and,��_ jmstif�ie in us Ive t'"i Y. yo 60al e6 lie that *ould' talw'therti 600..,' d has, rqtqpie4, tru'., i e e. J, rod Or' , s the f( ainst 't 0 sent Z qiw, )ur.. pidlicei"n e hitdq4`.Nve3t for",$3 20 they' 'all NvpM. it.." lent gy -ractli6il, brid: bc6fi,-�, d. t�j,�, l-- _. axgll mAii0laughtei—Th- E L 7 _V. Et Lilpl')y :orhougilt '-Kelly eripip p Jp e., Wbre all I-dred tItI.t(Ill's's ng the' r 1�ie r' Vqning ;art$ jury'm n ustice Pro. 3T u� is e ry, ripeless Fqrnacq. In no tirne you�, at night tp go to Nvork jat'$A'a (lay. simple.an will'Rildi it's the%bi:g lg inL stated that Iq:did. 4otthink�the use. of d: direct. There a e idle mcii `J inlght� very, well hqve'�*statod.' or 'whoti �e�ur hoine- bi� in value, as com- firearnis o -was jiustifted in the. enf6rce- f no:. empioyrnellt.�� pared to c�st­big in,c9riVcniendd-- litt st ing, sholives was not' their "i -,jnent Of! the M f ook anti actured go PRI Ontario: Tempqrhnee Act ods such: as can -be N and' M big. in com Fort. Diu ORMICK j-Av' a� his opinion th the`p6�' Made -At hf)rne, b ess, for' tl e rtid6s,or 'followin-Ts .1appy Tliought,PipOe4s Furnace 'MACHINES'and REPAIRS at. Al 94 the se -it Q14p,opa ty'N lide: sho�id- use, theif-g by hot keep thesb out E !tat lij, ven r Vefe* naival"' solvetijhe heating problem foF W uns pn�ly. as a. ;o ay be mad telegrabilist'. ingbrlil(", e,rlwia mediiCim -size hou�6'. It sends a 6tda Tir v, Md M�gliiqs;,, last resort in any case, goo d a in ..At' h6me, giving ger, dk e nic -er. Son, Tbreshing M age ow arage nleq.ba Paint sticarn of thb to. "Whito, if -this tAk6n� I . rfer, roiighly Nva�med, h, nqqt, to the idI&.,m;en?' view is, to be ag hines; .-one' emp oyt 'Th midhiLd pir string it up into th6 S 4; esplall.., �:, . I , , , I it might aimost At argument is, enough 'for the p tor" CoirjerlsiiT `loft and expect a wholesale res- '40use. tfie P�i n6ple clAsiqg hot Work`�his'6e A arid,houl-s long,.. -,cold Lti� 46", p ignation o police an throughout the 'n,yeralze-im6n. If there i�,nedd to Add jn bar. -Teaiera,- air, and dc,,c in R�P�.y ThdtAghfI a er, 46 1 ti 'buk t 1 ay,,wejft,,frqln S4 -to $5 and, bring corrifort arid- econ-, app'lied.'in this furn cd, but to, say that I ros S, Coiled Wirt and *&,� I e.. p, 1h -does the. provinot:_17i.. effeiut it mdans'that, the anytbinp� one ha�L :4 0 nan should -the man 'our goods- 0 1 then. tit. �6 per (lay ivhen threshing only �jtlt the lion a. rest.' Draughty dorne6 vanish, w1d, e. erfection 19lectrie wait until, 9they: ctl9iltries.keep out spots i: isapp,car. iei�e is no ar by s1fould we�Iet thein come Ili.? ­­ I 1 11 . . I F washi U Tl di t' 'g, J. P11 i4nos I I &' ­ ' ­ he -is' affter'has.,'the t0 14d. Tliq'f rniei.s �'hlivo fed' the,ii o P* v4d'Organt Arst -shot. If the I . �*-I -. , " ust or a. M.-tpp d al'wste. The� fenaclity of prqtection. vy-hcn' ut'upr-.�v.ith their lilexper.10nee; vdl, P y Thougfi� ruli S,A, U Policeman survives he -may.then shdot.'- For larger homcs'lIapo.y Thb-,,ght mal:6-cooliting.and b lid there h ttib a as be6n'a kindly qn,., i ri t t( lished is� illust�atiid by th iil sler maiion fk:rrLaces..­,-1ve se 9 Cla ut t) e rgo C iiAdian' gfor6 , w' rd4 thear' w en.they M8'ited­,ithp1­1- Leit usitil ve a 014n. of areabol Britiqh . emba i , I most reckless ind des�, crn a. 9 'to rt near'thein, ti�we�will'udvise , ou., e -ref rred, c e. a r aid�i e WP"Q AN LUC K ­ With 'r6gard 'to,rum-runnersitfig, b e YI �h xate set 'of I -breakers we, have . . I p r - _P' DR;� NOW'' _'yoL Pa a httf Ii, :to'. Although �w the embarg in o* the exp6rience L u IF, q bas, bi�en' r' The writer. -of in the c e ved by i'ct ountry, yet 'in. dealing'' with ': ie t� �:j still,large,y mail)- 77777,7- rt§!.have et ORTEGUS ! 1,,,� e in- s, the use of.: fil Ju '' -- , 9f, parliah prit, it -�Joften', Mid o a 6f--the',pa -------------- in' stice Kelly,thl k --Fq ot. Sal y .:IIAE'.& R n, wor tain'bdund' found. -pormane e�,irts,, should n,6t be co' I er one pretex,-t,,jI)d anoth [�,.',one. as th untinan6i6id or 7 s The. tendQncy­for Prote&..4,. TIC in a botei-alln the� oth' jr�-A- 1p�` Let. ruIe_he__eAtab1 L7 I'T ished".nd- or t. Cal ::�e_-RN9G_WQ MTEMM _wou-Idn!tj Ithei-,rurn-jun _19_L-AIs_0�_iIIuktrAteid , _111,11 ragle�_th 0-r-PAt-o-L-th e_p4r_ty_,q o-pliese ot p t 1,'and: Res v tIll, 1 a ne."nd. . 6t-- move ' inenti. 'in � Brftdin- and �ha�,e p#'aMdb enou'p4i er e, ;�,000,6@o, 'leggers 'have. A snap. Th . will. e hiivb ke ty 1.1ow is., protecteid, .-why T wom, eir. Ons, of�', course "and' they. b 'Pidite O'v ct ed 7 is th 6r 125'-%' Will 'kno�v`that the polic Q 0§06n vsked- tboV get'settl �d'.' Zj; iji", an es e qu( e are not to, arid use g"unp u�uaft it, is Argumen onouqh.' 11'0eut.�h6t�tefi suills. up "Ills in dealing with. -them; so T tiey wifl-`be'ablei tw w'histle. at'. the �7 he 'wealkne ss 0 the. Protetionis� en('e and, hands out these. rules - td Po 16 k -re the authorities such foe I Is is thht it regair,ds ollAn t �.ot !er.s wh . . I h `,goin,��:tfi�rough' *gumpf4 MOLSONS. .:BANK;' nterests- e o- 191 0i C1, is 1 .1 en - rev hsu�ner Xbr exam G aY roill., t le''citics ardfoi the do t, , ` ` f eay6r io� jeal, w i t h ru*-tun' e at 6 n store, c. low a: will nerp tb'e 6t:ii on iCanidi� to wori, C-OUNITES TO ALL�' F �as -to 'suppose' that tbnsf�ble�j wil '.of tl� pr6&ce�s havf�ll," s .. ....... d oil 8I4�� ternts­ Evidently. itis a"ve ry bad, regard only for- tbl�,Byitisll' -p'ro- l)Qji!t_ekPect� easy nlolle,,­ in' scrious matter "that. a-,, rum ner �i;', all -departments:eVe ry eff6rtis ni'ade to ellminA'te dticers of baitle' an�l no, egard for Via- IA d -run apt' vou,rselt�" t should be shot -as for' ;0", coristaW, b wm ece§' surners of meat e-, SC, 110,0 t; PZP,,PORTS� r' 111�N'ncy M:-` It -,et sary, fdfinalitie,s and to'assure's e6 And i ing who,'if ivie-.oni7 . o',i' the ""it P dy -shot Y *you did, Ihi well he "would die whild ""' . 1, a, I ", AV, I tT pu n t)ry!.. y enddavoring J),. 'Ift-14clen -NIUY)'ItYj'St�, brav6l e0U to' do- big 'duty. bargo were idm9yod night tl �Ziaet Bell uxt 4 s6r*& to, e llej fti old 6 co C'. Adign,poin� fif-vieNN, 13 No:, 1�, sh and Wa' anosli lfodo;i�s:` Ed fis I h' me, the A field' w meat A little c eappr: It, is. the sa Th Mal ...... John Wou, d be great consolation to. al I e ea fail, d� d Can* with 'iegard.to cloihiriz, boots, niach- ('J'q Bvidry Nvor Readinl4, -Wridrit�, Antl ti'c. Conip6§ition - Litel%aturc' nj q, partmenti.at, every policerhan. an his fa all other! t rings alias, )i.-6 bolll�on E7r "S R Savings M Biranth d. 6f N�hich, i's frU6 d inery ,an 11"; opp,ortun it� .11 �y jolice eh, of coursid,,�may­.be .too " . I . . .; Sr IV.�Meliv.hj Hackett, -jaincEr Anq�hei.tbfng lc§t H4 t ib.'at 01 0*�*­Bowle� ' Toni i-HA-ek6tt, Z arl. If -,N bdf El U.15,4 their��guns, b ready A 5 S rlqr� d Wall; G e o r'g re 'f 1, w*.'inien� w ose hands Ane' f MANAG -but while we 'for d;very dollai's worth, �of-.goods 1111- IV( I e B 'L.0 F -R' LUCKNOW. BRANCH. -Afi�d N�h6 are votl tob,parti�ular. 'wo6d,' 4gri�s:b raiifton Everett, Startle' h-' e a:'cohsiderable criminal ele'' It' it, the' I men Ported A .1 , ., " . : , worth tin' st be . e- aii'tit i Sit lh�_M�.izie. uack6"tt. I thel ell, ' illi 1q. im the c m !way.- of.'L. 1*1. ��Peiitrle"B E er. Wall er- asiora ly. imitedto, PAY for t,'illla t1fat aiier, xi'� t ha -p' Nicholgo; 1: Jfofic�t,il` bor.-Undon A Ji min 'Tlenry, Elsie Vint an ey., pen t iat innocent people mistaken S lit ion' -df, forbi-g 7lI-* To the exclus, �3 tin als will Buffer If we are, (lot 1 -0-0 G rgQ Henry Nellie ranston I h It ',;Tea,6h ck, 'Is Q S e , 010. C E or. 9 q'so',very Ve Y ggieftiil With .:. ..'4 . , . . . 1 1 mption, en AUTIUMN �LEAVES` 9.0in2r to r r :7 o 10, 'Aiihfie)d noes Phillips ent E.AD.qfIESG NT"ACT: 10j, t in" th ofoem crease, eag regate in IV Pe�dr Tho.' eftme idaini�ron. Fra ry t elaiv-1 ieakerg we ma.Y expect that, S N h Ct us. -Adanri� 6r)- Qfa& rMgL ROL, I I : ' , . .' 's on.' I, aze-iibyj Ralpli. Qain ey w otbe ve - J�. WAS Ver I refulwith' .�o Jr 0 ll-,Oeorge -Aftbn '.Riitch 10 N` h S, ---R 'ear' When th th V.- oung n ry CA s sort ;of' think' eron.� R6bert -Scott B e an A I� YoUr. :thi A Millie' L' 4 Onjr.� Ong time ago. that, - j� ton 54, ji, I� . I . - QUBW _jii��l V-, yrti h 'e h' I J anle ..;%'has lioved it 'Nicholson, C or a 7 gg�, E t "The "SedDith-- "the, fairies gave a party �ringlng, f % N Ti4q.9tee ohn V w o e. awj[ein orcing ma- . i . . . a p y. M le, Jo nston 51 iP P "'N -mmei Pery n o con emptV a ic wn- 'n, attAcl -I)Plit Mav'Arlauil'..�50" John., Howard, 48 -,..-,- chi rid causiiig in -th�t rig kjn�,, Phil Thoiltim6n. J�ffies Je ry.'new . b Is fairies oft�tf do' t t. th t Alr( t, rry T1 "'44 J�-" 1xies look -to 0 i)rovjdelcl by- ran rg oil ane, 41; Mai�ie jjokan 1,30-.'; bro'w7iies gay, 9p �arlo S, cc uca I-lukhtie :'MdCros- rvil TOS Aid',all- the al Pr �A JUS OP p suchlo anizatio6its, �e'.kirid -of­� e( lien i UyM9 ley aske&the. elves and eop (M hireal 'Witn'e"S§) C ston - L' t ite A. repeat.:and r6iterate, es a�, ti 'K6klux.Klan for protection. There Joseph. t iina 'I ie We -must R FinlajSdn'sRed �StOT6: To -celebrate the hary 't lie x e t 0 irceake Attenc - oln Ioward,­60; 'ChAileg 0-0– "On :'t4ai e periene in ::%onti�e.rf� �ATI "10116e' but anieroi Both 'P 6e j6a,n. C, ,, tober d on. Roll,�.26; A -;ifair; O� T T a 'and in the I Y tM-dd Ma y'.HaxT`iS a. -:'ii''edq6atipn -' ! - -aeLeaif--A4-' J-inics, MacAdAnI �41 y province. of. Quebec, d6ni eked'.�tj' 'to li�o, an�e,�. 23. M bright a`�- yel, ow. STORY t by c. AdoIL -E*'E D 'OF A: -CRAZY s rates -Ithat go had p6mpkinii I Till oh, h 1�eo�rit -Aut we"hi a,ia-rke. vernment -'c8littifil' To. light 1heir -'b' tiquet-, hall -,-- -a _'i_pT6ie eery -n Johnstone, 70:; Honian,,Mt, perance- . aiture; ag.,� st..Aei �,y '7� Xi I No n oss And'Such'an. iznm,eh§e turkey 3 All F MarkS They cofildn'teat it ill;:, r_ o the Diepart� -%vI16I`at - f6drtie'eil 'js ti I -I nsioii 75-`,Rob- ))OY4 1 . 9 treasure.. �has been:� -stated, in the, Daily I . _ . . I V. : V I I . Cash 0. Forster, J r 11 Tbalin, .'.Job Pripes TOM press IV- soipp ing 'seemed quite `Iacklpg._� Interior Ot Reed,..58,. But- .1 C 'Of"' I ar*, Qo; Billie th nient of' 'the' rid s not,, been - contradicted' 0 400 -7and 'Ith 6 grea mal t T, ow d tawa,..has-� _44ar�r, Campbell. Eva'S .,In�aurumn-ic `-6 A e_,� u 4--b 'Uh .dlet -an-absurd -sl con P -ced e Gamble,'Jossi6 Col-, Dick -Reod� 60 e- the,lad Ll C the tree tops', Jr- IV-MyrI olor.schenie,..'- - - - - that the, Mbit treAl jall _o _s__ara�'_slio (Ait�-16-4.ega�in ce, y �v r4 T;� 1 liult-wai-in*- I ),ceupat7l"oll*� If he in for ;orr-which for soin I'mMation for, son - 'time has I n gro . wing; soug I lit. y parns C n'..,,Guar�. �.Tbieieaves ­ e- q" - - bad to. be' se 1'001� Ile. silli to were mlich.t�o g'�c�ifi b' p, ns, Myico Gainble�` Har6ldi e and find ng ers. bai,, to,atteiid­ I Pl. r" -a,nlc�Dronnen �,8,0;71amesl in outsid' f e(V follow, ...inimensely ht .5' eis' oo stol)r-d6vel NNTIM Ilia ie, usq of- w at he Jr -`M�Le�ha.fd­.Madlnnis, Mill- Ui".- Pl'�-'�ean M-IicAd4ilil An& fairy eM, 3111 110, car rkf�k T - 40 t, A � 1.6 v wl iirr_ � �,wide�publiell, -E dni, M� Out. n�e the -fairy i�,throuih�-the-,�resE�,�T.,his The� h i�ntaM pain -:�'is,,. �k i,t; I . 11,;, '01', W, op ing ie_an�, and Aji thi increased* �dj, -that n -A, eine: t. some -o;irt s T Ahousan&_Ao�_be a ll* _t -h q-i'd- -h:6 c6bit, riAL-_,Z d e biM ::'d t6d�that:4, r,-:,r,d t p- a sent or, -.,he Ac 'e -a' t.,: I Y�vayii_has and. �,,on e -exaniina ions,,., e owned' tiffalo in ight � Park crilne,, a w "i V,q IN, ppne mpbeII.,Klith7,.j. government- M'Otors'-h'av'e da. the grea AVA A in u e 0 th, "M 'I ­ iber-on v&I-141i In - every. sh u, 6 _-mith� 1be 6d Nu Ti aqnnj4._ ve yn,: cDougall, &-ink. --The rice .20 4. -beer 'sal ans e -g 4ere, to b'e s aughtered by N if It ly, . . . . , .9vc-rieTell4wi-ted and of4n gr b' in Jr 11 -Ka VEM 'AULU. 621a�� zlowi 0'' Nvel] pat.-,.on� pr nif qm.e Way of rh "at Madljegf (a ade -ducinigth Lester' ever o In the Margar6t T �aclloq:d,, TAiiiTJ : , . . acher,­ V �vo'!Id hitt�� ito*. co; t n 'According,,to the story. the; bepart-. theev s.; fb�e hoti I art,,. onal&iM h d ized durin'& the day I�E�Vnilig. jn.--th,& c -Nall, ilarold, Writ are -Mvd&I in�' si: h,� I :First--� I Xl� to*- enin, rs- o� k R Xi air was� flitished Ticr-Rt:ilib�. ke t hl� us R' b rziiff�z 0itey o have the buffalo, kIllodo bean extende'd nd.'orle things Pril Campb61J., u y s NO 4,-4Vc-4t.Waw# #rls be,,,zuti that' agah- anti" Again; and' a noslV rall. r ter the. nJAi%ie:--6f wil&,west days. it flighi X" ­�rl MdDoug tc, Awp,��, tfiriraeh�e,4 t4 fc�tlstiri-,: jhe-'stui3idf. quarrellin�z cuSt foe -t�e,IT6'ition mi� riles kirt6hi intil Ix jilina ioni onto s. of t E4., &A-5 trar .;he '�nfi�l als,'Vvere to, be chase by. re'el 'out', '71 - -,JiLfh 2L fin (`�Ar arn pbeii, AT;,- d tin- ans,-.0 horseback 4nd -d da�s Rff' flut, d6patellied cense ewart 2; _,.JNsqJc__0olIins_ X14 _i1V1acFaiqa . n I e, Need MA Mmamp losing ine a_ca:_tj6. th. c illini,. P Jr at c theni.4ill OCCOU" Nyorkln�� �. ',� 4 . " 'Tl-Mkr1'itrI' 9_��_J,Tyjh�- , y; gs wlNrcs 0 IV lArOld �-C U -T � e;dde: amid' arrow jor y e very "le, .,Gamble,' '48" nilles" d �tio` tlic., ;ind thing", -.But -1 th r a: g r, Myroti Gain'ble,- 45- 158 to bl, Selves, lei fai, Ilyde; HaroW.. L �n Frank McN .6 �J�il all� -Edna McD' za,11.) 010nart -n vAi6h' wantsjo, p 10. an'Arric ation4 i 2D; nln 166kihg co'w-boys now, to, be jl)iblic, The 0 1 .0 rl �irk, i!,*1tjl--,01jd.�.� and Q. oiji 14 _Ivin., 1,,. -hli s4vit 4$ejillo o �1'4-0n-T ?atily-parmllol ff QI n ;x IT :10 4�.WptV J*M% nricin, movie picl4re aNe liquor, ''are 'A -e Mahic 3,0 more' dangerous 84.) ,at" the �nk f waft "ost 04t I Pit i resent'wiId tlk,'�6. tlj�iin, the- old. gto,�g�,,Ty i, V, 2. q, Th or,. t phoose 'froul, in Uir tsl�, sensidioni sell les foe indill ome iii. 'Ibecr,a ac' hnis;' Ev:el me- H' 4'01'Steri; Rona d, Y, all beco, c It M , , at idritfe 65� I' T -P", Swtch, and buklill,, -.5 aster cLeod,, .08. J 1' all 1. .. I ­ I.. . . I � 0 be �ome way 'df disp'os- dubst' ."I Are: furni.46(1 by, sh ol t, I D facFarinne, t for' I oxani Ofir ting, li�iou,4cq, hot�ds arid -datice, , a, 1, o stine;- At g PUrV1R:­­�A e� NIP ',:.--o in] i-. Q, _�,avcrag,0 ii,_If n6d buffalo of Wain- h I �V)fl,' cLrett,, an In -Spec a �Y, poliTiorYs,b.1b, ­ J. Mix, I r - ently 6�,'22 eat. :�t of, F malft w9s so movbd -pit awl Y'. `441 CA r-- oat. 4 MA -6 (,4, j,� as �tqj At -d- acher Al"I -acDonA To Pr -Gayn6r-, V�r iii I ca' Monamonts and'iAp'te �7.0ur ']in, "'if t�_Ie jnhum�n sliugh, be' obtained `Su�day As wel Ini Ido th d p or a Let;, .4h an -y �-ho Alit Li". (I ty 1017 Mirl a:r r -i Jr. Pr WQuillinf- Florenco,, t;,'a far e6r- night, inim�jrajj.t;,,.; p0,,,cj,tY' and ah, "I, M t'rol the Idalre"ll, 6jal Is's 71 1/t B nft�y:laikd j)r%0M as e 0 fis emp evill4clit, Z'rin ""ays 4 ler,, Dorothy.-, C, A t' 4 u c P h u n h �,aki6' ittys 81-itain Mar-Ifon, ? W r Ot' and 49 4 rVe jy�dojiwL A)f t'- d tra k h per- Pinlays6n 64i Af,'Mac� .4Z J�,4 1 'u, Y Wow t h h e )n T Y,(;" d.n 11 in., t h ec -Itnato tile., 4-0 tg-'A 0 �Ij, Wt. - unit'llen.&I jfard'V a, 0, pahs�os� E: M'acDonald -6 Ohls.q�lNfillor Eldon; Th: in, '9: and'' ei.6 ms b6fort plac .90M ea a lt,c ri e), it -Aqn;,-5Qy .%4 boa r �foyrjqoa, Gordon c a wan re. IT, j -V-,-AM tis Yvid u ildflifhen 58-' Rob6r0on, � 't, -CI --: ' '-D,-.' A`; ane, Alunyo, a, r frot,?� R09T.`A-.. SPOTT 'ji 46); uckn V ot & '. ""." ­ � 1;111; ". , , - - " " , -A -t , , B t�* ;'_ Tl�p I . F i - Spe I G-1 �e DI CA'; -16 Fl (f ""J�c' 2`1 lt4 1�41�xti( "Vf&� Pe tin ac - A BA -AC' Q!,, ? or aw. wt Wo ;,Otorna irin_ ae� W. Jt Dotir*s rex'r 61"t, iWi 4uck.i, IiM Nifint) 'on'- Rol1j. 27,;. Avtruga' 'At_� �Vo;- it i i..? I (L' 9; 0 , , it - 4 jA,; Lq�(- '. �, a. - *' �"o 6 i Exet t L fok '' , , . . 1.�, . ; L I c Th ore�', t"Jh a t, hj,:� 75-'0' Mae *y 29"`.-rqe&ts- in vi, Finlay�jort, ly, igrked' thus, dins; to IJA. )r fic wal I . . , , I, Lucknow,L' No. 4 .-their lodge room ever 'd t _�i& 'n, th?, 1)?,)K, 1�rltj, 6o,Wd c qXaminati,ons T.0 66 L 0 11 i Iq, NI, spite Wi6ik 'th:a 14),tAj, I ild. ly, 0 Jessie 1, Buck! anij TeAcher - y secon h ih� tj f'. V,! I I ng,b. day of� the month At � 8 q1cl,oK,,k .1) in V ere Y 4pgn t 'e, Perjx,,��Ai, ufnl�,q tlik' 'jYt­-'tA_` 4 1 '11d" 4 but;,has taken It rAl afwiri.44ii 01'� At".;itairli, -U, onifir - 66nr, V M , H, M. Patk6k, Rec,,86ey,, IkR R'' G P"11 t., ng ig�, 'ifAr Xi>rDr - W, ii - I 4f I- n - ;! i I . ' L 1A , �yq% i#.,,�;� e '�hip durirrg�i�i' 'Woods' r 8 ­ - . , G:),;*,`C,�_ one e r: Y., 61, flj� AL" Jtt),p n P 00, Whetei_g w V 1) 'McOU11lih 14,; M, Mar�' J'11 c'v! 0, J`l as 'th,.teshihg,`,haIf A' ]'I _'I � "; N". I � A 15"1" J �Uv ao ix" . I iscbvtred in ri &t�-,—U— X oi GUEEPW 'Waso, f6undm It iLy v '66;,M, Miller, 6-6 44. 116(ld 4 10, - 1j" W6 R f�y UIfif� t4W., f "I"'ta, I in j", AthbOlOad,. 454,; ti�e SePArdtor, A -andther,farin al A after on 1,�yt 01i MiiitQtliflih 22* orid.riek Min, a 6 a 'h 'a. Qui �y. 31' p �jrrljj,f eir e B fi.0144i $Amu!, 4 j$ I"(1, � I I .1 Mi �ieo. p"wj� 07� C., h rs g ae ; U61 11 lot, 1, �J:� I% It Pox. voft itiChiii g' tio- t i I.V oyorn-'. :w r oir, 0, ',ki( 11y.rOlk fir, f 1)(64m, Of`*i- TV1 cun,., pxil (arijo.pi 'i M11 'Thom hl 0�7 Arig at arlothor Place rt rip, r) take, ade policy o� F, ("lo. ri 0 got by.'the th;f!j�ije.r. cf.; or li':'t home ifldusttipw 'rriUi­,k" d"o:( I � ( `I, '. " , '/' , . . I (o d � ..r . . 4, fw� 0 tfif , I :kL.'­ to t�hdwnl movement Of- e" P6r t b.rf.. 0, P. �, , - Y T, 1� I . 4 8 N�;), 1.0 IC 11tritovit I oy (fill ke the 0_0�04:v 'Wjit �,,,ithat',Prevalllng ill Pk' 'tic"'i ror �.h(- rle� 'r 'wp � , 1�,, T. , , ,, I " 't i 1� 6 P.) '�j.r fp'j, _,�j fit, yjj j,141) W jj frod Air, W. too - no spe . cia, it 1 40 d , Am (1, 11, V Ov othor*counity In t4e iv�rld w"t arid Mt pie iueW�Y: ror.1hW1i A", !%it i, i"y' Pnilk Oroeff A ion In 0- tird railitagQ9', YbtP Can' �8u�0-089' h -A 0) 'hav , aldw - - Gorv6jfi, his '.I IM III 40 , d E- 8 to a ,r* 4-04y, '0, A 0., io'r an ap P.41, jo )M) r th'� T A it % t a '6�1 4 Jil 4