The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-08, Page 1'V, 7; 4 0 jdd1N0&.6 % . . . . . . . . . . ---- ---- - 77-r' 17 t'', -T�7 IV tt, Z 51. rtX 07 W, N, 44 x -R . ......... 7 VATE'RINART, SVAGEON.11- NAVY, LEAGUE� IS, GR AT, VVI41 'j"UMNOW WOMEN, g0W HIGH' M i , ". I - r Ripley,, Phone 29 S ',it, kelebei IN i sontt, Ala ardoch -L'o r4ine,B "SCHOO RT INA, LOCAL AND G*NRRAL, We, STITUTR ENTY, RE 0114i Claren�e .S.Pe" 011-41 arb, -in voftr , TkeiPt Of a C9mMjmjc4.;­ tion fro Witilgon Alemoda Dii'rnin*,� Phillips in the cavy League. of . Can... On'Noverh.�61'4,ibor j�t t �tandfnx ---- m 1 76% to 100%;.11, Q61 - be 14-dip'8 of" ads Adams;4, ut'a r1hur :Ai �,,Sthtjn that 'the Moir C JU Or�w",, Jessi 77 _ g _, A 74t;� Fai re. e, h - e - ut--Itl f --thl Tl� Ahe;-Tee�w _ e - 't vv� pav #I A�f6`11 qQ: race" DENTI 12 Anc epres a IV02�. Mackc Dundee- Cta,� �re ft-,_ �speitti the, minnnn, got lee Xi'- hoy-le-WRA =Lpdg-.ueAn­CafiadaAj!��- -orwarde&46- Intosh:. Rvelvn Ni�xon,,,Jim $t6W4rt% Over Lat, k, I list fi:tb,)4­ ts - Rai�i F 11=21 tli __n_a_g61_­ -11' 1jO e ma .31, contri ute #U e wit tj e., Luc now. 'Inst s �L" )DOU01'as, is es r Al A ob4. -ei. -Jes:sie 'for 'at boyre from. the jj000le of Luckndw Wel,e". ��es_ 2 Wnon�g, Piili� I aill". 'HO11I. M DR; PARKER" AQTE-01iPi1kH" the and the �stu tw6nt7 x ad! E.a.-And6kiion. : � . I , C, ade te art Xp n HOUSE;;, I 6nt. Af�qr a aret I U ham a.* week's v cation, 1 ' dents" at.the High andi Public'Sc6ols. �fiortpe�.iod ta -.Ma rg -tton. -S hr k ith 'I F; 1, C ri jen� `ni _All 0hr6pic dig [L� couple I al�was, to h 16 Wbeat'&64d C �tz.know; EiVery Wed., of 'Mqaf6rd., t, visited erdember't at -A- Colwell F I ells, SievVart�, W ay At tekfido Mr' Sineltzdi ;will ' -aud :., , - - . - bu th'6 0 -ate iffiessr,'. C O'.se mar ne9d �k k a ,o , jMr,. M= trqgt�47 tq� JZ. 'Il 'd av �6e r nei Lucknw_7 t tho;­int�jiStS.'df'�- the te- niar-abg ll�in a li!46'�'ih Isea successfully tre bate6- jast wee. with his bro.theic Mr., Paul' 91' Wee S� 9 the th.� 'I � I in pa ij� causes r 1 1, 1 Smeltz�' by" ar''Id. d a Splendid' li,r6gramnj6.:. provii'ed git�nin�: el I F 7 i� &llan'-, f -League,, "League;46-ofigAgm M. -P r;_ -1-C Fb--, UiRriefi"Y.- -icojor.,Butter-and E - .-C ourvisitors - . -Thq_Navy-. ll-s�'-Q-I:ark­tead 4� P, i in- 'Begley- -Wiendo, of Mr. ji 7-� sease. Xdjuftiii�*t of ­'flfi, !�' wilLbe, At ed in, th -good, work c `4T of. :dj, e of "aidink, 1he to. Happy�, Healt F; I. Johnston' 1 ll,� apple as more quickly secured and sorry to learn, that be '�a -b j 1 be Roaa h, Land W, oggn,. _O_ Q "Which wag full' of healdi hints 'Th B,. L 'I -I I I' I', K11 'the 1 qep. bi Widows and orphans of the, hundreds, [pittrick J 1 - with tower'. trcatmetits by Ostoo. Sivift'Current Hospital. suffering, 'of sailors who, were I �jj: �', 1, 1 , r li .1 F, ij j.: .1-1-ollymans., ost throught e pathy than by any Qo� er fronit was� f6lIO -a- y6i: -sw 'h F 2 ane, ;l 1, 1 JI.. I C KINLOU H" yphold fever, sinking.. of merchant ships dur ng the. 1. . , rwed'.,by . I �.: . ...: � 1� , y eat :solo ,a , 1`-IIL 2, C- M' Phone 46, k- A Ma6ibn Id Itiuc, now -�m-Ticketa via'- Id. 1 1, 1 Ill, I M­acz' 'Pinnell - ig, spen ing 4: 4 i �; 7: as'' in. -the Old Land war. These men, not, 'bei by Miss Rhea, Brown "Miig" Linklat'4 M'iict)oha F 8 nir in the Miss Pfid6bie qronto 0 icp p d -for all,kinds of alii lin F ose de-: yead 'a 'papek;, r 1:-M' -,I C 2 F;.' 'are T r ai es o a oamqro. service of the gov rnment,.th aria ian"Ensigns 'I . . I r *, ' " , ' or gai ipg e , 11 bona V, I heNalit is . dates and information Writ clending. on th 5fc(,�ilji wef-, c w th.,h6r, P -n �s, hefp, poultry. e, or "phone em were, not entitled to I prepared-byra schoOl-girl, Th p a�0.6 r R. MeQuoid J C , 2- ;-,-L., _ r . ..i . I a'fili kind ' . r I � r I , , r I.- " . Iry I r: D 'B�idg, S�ent th i Munn Ripley.� f - pensiow- It is -1 11: 2 F- S MaCKr lid ;9-6-tf A."proppopf,.Lucknow.. gelk nor aid of showed thought,ah.d,p t Iddsm, Whil:0 enzie, a r 'F F rjendo* said that throtighoutthe'war li� Brit-' McQuillin, :�j L C 'At. hi di ANOTHER, FARMER LOSE$,BARN iSfir s hQm [C Mr Neil:Mclmnis will.'be sailor was. kn6ivn'ev�er to,,refuso, such thought. arq, beiTig a Pear.) incar me. foitei;,eo n 2"]F1­M,it'oh` i§S Mae Boyle spep eased to,`6wk th �t,.Iie� Sor -far 01 2' 0 L t'a. few -days WHILE- THRMIAING Is hia place -on his,�shjp !even the mindg"of the yo,ong, 49 Tio' 1 11 -1 F- W. idoch C 2r V, Mrs Hiizgall, "of "Litick-: -recoi Able'to come I I bine, R.,.,D. H_McINNES, to tak c r i0sterhout, 1 'C: 'now farmer neat Chiro, whei -the submarine da,jige WdS atr -fear -fo the Empiria Miss Jekx)'A,' rom n hani Hosoita ad �r 9� , * 1. :its wo �'t (Ion: cantrib ora tor rs oe ivifig nex. wee,. Our sores on-. what n a ly,'days was, OW owed by a�:delgtQ bk, four,- Luckin ' erl... 1 C odd F --H r in Swi,U were..'a �e Wingha rw' f , .", 11 -please �eewat, Of ill visit the Cain CL t',d ol F, 1' i, J House.,Lbck�Wow. Mondays� and'. Commencing, t, t -to bii;e ou former, pastor, �e�.` r. 'wn� as will.be' 6losed on.Wednesday EiveninitS dc4ven, 2 1" 1. F;'V,� Woods, 11, 8 C.- s,� in the� kno t e P.M; , h '"'861ier 'Mackenzie'!, adiesl, 14' -the —CHUCH, NOTES 'A Woods,' ulpit On' S Tliursdays,f rom 9 a;m* tillr' ass, in at six O'clock,tas oil other evefitinks Tb�t Sii�� * Diseases of,all iihda-�upceisfull' P un.day. Faripi"fihd his bin ih& seas n.s Chdra'&ter 't,. art' I handlEid. u e. & Son. iI6 ig'1Due;,'to I r --II- a fi) IoWin students -Mr, 'R..' J. �'Ll�yd-- hna. his'. M'other* coMp Y Rae. & Porteous, Win., Mi rdi ht Porm T' 'I U ore,.: 'have, ( crOp letety wiped,r oiit,, by''fire 6n Affirmative,,' 136t;lr�� Mrs.,,Chapl6 and son, Leslie. Mrs,� Epwoith Lea �eft. tested. in Zdoldgy Al'irt1j, e wi 1, be oheld "6rr, M' S..-.Hald'e`ijbk. -*ere. Visitors- fi L kii k�n'zie and. Miss hE WednOsd# of Week, I e re o I- ag i§h Qr4mm 'ji will hatii DR. MAUDE C.BRYANS 'very 'at� Miss Colville' and Mi�s onday tlight'next with Al McLb Jones, Leafy �M anda aining eliby's' Suiida'y inated in a threshing 96parior which T a W dib a ills 1, t" An. the effig alnit _Rj ecen vative* A Mc'Kay'�,and Riste red Optometrist u ,o' qiss"- Ailni6 obt the Srtandin� ini th motored from Toronto 'r tly tractive p�ogra Ne" h n`gti�uje'� . r CAted)' Olive'.' Of_jjOI by the lton II;, Ma"r Yroo& Y waSro,pera ing barri lb ary '.Andetrgoi 'Elliott,, Burns id h !nd spent it few'days, wfth Afackenzi I t Mine. P t Ni(;holson'' �6dgest,. lrsi P. t. air' anyidal: visl totthe House, Mission D t A ordial Bros.. 4th. Con,, Kinlop epar mew. c ]a 'in,origin to- a score or more fire's 'Graduate Department c to 'all Brill and' Mrs.. Osterh6lit 1i 1 11L,'2 C Bessie �Cfiesnfii, I T Df. I�Ofu.ge, Walk'r'ton,, dbt� r oited Ir var;iop par a h If Oplithaltildl welcome, -- . . 1; . r , I rmick A;edic hi- Paper 2 rs Om S t 'of t 6, ()w 0 It N I started now M o, al (;9116ge. C Whi e . arciss Phe attack was-great:and, the,counter 2, C I,: d n'on Thu The Past "r' ub FWce,ti`jlj� und M rovince, this' season,.' in R M as week, when rk Alb&t itrhout� viilfbe * bloom for hrlstm�p L ry 1. Eyes rs. 'Th h -atitick- s6�m d 'usC­6§­-great­ _r_u 9 __j The-,, argaret ercy iieadaches. D Gran6-- --c-664- - - -FW e 'B A' B'D ','will take as'his b ill. -1 C. 11F1 I�giib6lle Gra,�t e 't r a Sib i n: g' outfit bnlon-cd.t6 er, F 7iay saic a utairl-li6w itw ffi Ge'ddes, 't.cision''Was given,�to, t,h -kin, e- ; , , P "4 'h' -tids.-. Ices,,P - �iri-the­M-etho `2 ;Q, I oaNt rash - U InV. 6",ul.ba- d affi ative ented. theiinates- E.Ve -pr f .,whh. �ef dist, Church! nexrt�Sunday, hjukfy� in Wil- and 2 0 'D a Very Aaien, a in, an a I in ..ennis Hogg suita. e gift .A as o,i - of t ei D E Y, e Bill. Infl ed yes;.. us or, 3 K! t Ore. 3 .at . . . f . jh6�. separat6r'w h' Watery Discha fro e.9 'a nd, irhvellng East.:'or West' go, re wele n id iti., pi-6grainflie wqs Dizziness caused by - ye-stivin re- When cks.." You a on e t, rovi.ed by quickly s. poss....a was a Kenned,y, 1, 1,:,Z: F; I" ' d thr6uich Properly fitted Glass-, C, 'P. R. Get all inforination IV.1 jeve And the: Services, OnlP_ ls�abdlle MAcljonitld 1,1 M L .th Y tickets'fro III& Murui,'Ri leV,:',Ont,, soil; giiV6, 4 a .9 o. es paper" p r. aWi.n, MaeK�nzje ,1 i,'j :6, 2 "FL, a,-. ary. nedy also lost s!dkivi as . in- i dren F 6 ie Tbe,�jifograninie,w Pop The '-Rev. rilt,"Habits or:,Obe& nee ce Murdi6 C. P;�, arm ross E. -Weibtr'a We Jorp CI hi, yes �straijrhtened through. leat et. L�nkfor4 as th' e properly. fitte& Lbnses 'will'be c n, T,hen. 6 was in Church neit: NOVIem �nd tho' bhe','s�ta'�lel, -with, the exception o a, Service held'in'the'Anei a �ited ex service%' men "to the Ciiil,,".'wh6n gAret Rivers, . Fill; �Otiie �S.iniih, 911`ktisfaieti6n, Atifit red' unday;, 'be C, ft ll�.'ReV bei,11 AtiglicAnt Chuicht Lucknb r,, gei- mpnii rs, ansvv'ered. Two versesIr Of 2' F 'I o rd's :Prayer,..a e.r w i i.e. Litckn .'�Eveiy. At 10.'30 -i.�hi. All returned s heJeah, '8t6w' Thonlp�� L. .., . r r. pigso.wa, �At the 6'in , House. ow Mr, -and S g6tt6n odnesday 'Afternoon'. and. ]Kv4qnin .'nearby oldier.;i;l vce on Sunday next.- at J0:39 L -eat", w re sun- �.afteit, 4?t! '4 as - ith W and avo- a 'sp Qndid adft, w 9. are inVi asked to leave their .11; -1 C. 1 'F; Cdrjlj��rb.611,� a %vin g, oil t driving sbed,.Which Waa �Whieh. the �b! rs.­ and -assista t' son m -Any -jo e8,L Which r 6 , liter t ind 'be 2 minute"iflence will, 6, Thoaii�.�on,, 4 Fan-hy .1 4hier 2, F, .,41sor c as rql nanieiw'ith� M !C, - Bridgj or F. Stan- C, I�tly ugiit ftre "d 'was A t -servcid at' ii e` rnove:the ihip- -taindd ti6old' ley. a a tokep�,, �6f' sa�d- 'Alice Sh ckletoxi; .-a6s�nt h peb'�le mr`Ab Tll' but tit -6 'to:re 'j?AINT!N1G AND PAPERHANGII�G,. �t ainty lunch oj sa ads, a 011p7, 'boilaht'helps s . onit k6s Peet to - -those we-Aeft behind in eSi. Ca a eography, "Bot- -e.-why&was-bld Iii-direct- ich and t(�d 6 w t so 01 c 0 Ppy -t!d 0 , an iol rs. an I via . s . on - NIr - S whb, foughtjor yo d A Every Do 'd prepar4d hanks�iving- for ��qf 1.he ti n )-B A' -e.rson, 2 "Ii�ldenby' d e ' J Ajameron Flride d of IT )e any nd R, Lucknow p a wag eij dd-a kinds"of-Paifitin I g CA who returned, 1'2 F" -''G 1C recite 'Ty towar4s'the' house and it WAS with d decojr- ll 'ex,"rvice to ba.ye 'Odf- friends With us again.:, arneron_ 1 C, S essle Rtl1l9,.-: Agent, for -idall papers fiom..10�. men of Lucknow and vicinity 'dA *� t�-itt "saved. ithose* -The', supply,. hous !a � 17 '�_- , C CS t Sex. 13 -it' *,as e I in. eaven h nu .2 C,'� I F; M ��. Doug - are -The Women s - institut inlit recited ja ex 7 -Me s � had jnsurqnce.- on' the ­ 'to I III; W - Douglas '3' l- Di. -in., un ay b6tter. ratea� on wall 'paper. rie. S 'd bha�k�- to '.T% -Tr Jihl- hit Grant.1 11, 'B. rid' �'Tlie Dbac6nls CourtshiliI..'!, 1W 6f.�couim not -enough 'to -deal.. having -reduced their-, LL lav, 2 1. Asleep-atltba wttc Mi:: ..per roll, up. Mlnehes wide Price asked eet, at 10 may be.seefi-it m'resjdenco. or shall can, give xt.� Nov, 11th- in thoa c ie., Bros., Hendeson; '1 1'. Okange� Hall, rs. bain, A fbr:-..packing, an( nice addTe'SS. r-epladeAt"The, crop, tle,*Iargest he, be Pleased to take r ho6se. fr6m now 'until the IeW of - the "yW- attend- wit * out 2.11- M Henderson '.i iii.. Hodg 11'S,' them to'vou Lucknowt; for. the"purpose.of h 2 Il', t s t am he: fr.6" hi ill, march.- to ad I h was un plea InAy..bg At MY' resi- Service.' W the� t o Hod�ins,. it :G kto� 2 o d people was an ever. bad� insure( ullder:s 'den6e.-It,' J. CArneron. Sam se6nt ifig this Church from ffio:'Oi Civil Mle'm ri a . -1. 0§ Over Alinji pi a range -Hall MC4 iTa r,"afid',we: would' 6 b4pk McDouga gtand'-Mr 'i:h RADIO APPARAT ;Idki is' iias 'arranged to A" ian dross. C D Int6sh Y r s liVp,stpe at,.an. earlyffatc.�- se off hi ..P 1. 1 e to: you%.t e The annuia ankoffering of- the: were,,-ient, MIS arris our resident, azid' AS recent lisue of Le ht 'dent for South Br6ce.Women's Insti-' %�- , . n e Mrs. K. Gollan,` is ric real- ja s `iof fi-uft �.tr)d%.tWo �iils 2- 1, i G; H McIntosh '-1 1—' 1 11" f F 't year, which they:w'wre glad.to'l k' nitrat I Th 'df libne:y S Macly�r,' I I Miss Percy. -Secriatitry of- ac-. heal. titte., a Holyrc ssei b hich starte Ilk— of the res Y erian I bnzie, 1 1. 1 11,.1 F;, M, McKifinon� ss 'L. lines we-car.ry, in' -Radio. We will e the- W. 4 S. A "P` b1t iod' Branch pid`- Mrs Allan -mi Jack Or 2 Ill- elf 6e 9�hiin�'I'; fires,.w re ary "C' M. t A oo plea ed Notifj f 'the Luckno* "I"r6 wa hiAd on the evening,,o 'the, ininates ls�,�b raw­ibli3:�er �f th� 'threshing ma - R., MgcDonald; 2 '1 Tuimer, "See t P b h o f . ..... 'F-' W h eing, the first time t e �t poughii; 08tcr o.ut. `L cknow, 2nd. The Rev.. : , '_ ASHFIELD,NO1;ES,- Branch,"a-re Attending the Women,s November, Mr. ..' ae-, Percy, M a-ve t 6i'r- oiri 1n, the dust and ad failed, 6 be. j:iresent-..'�, its le. 2 1,. , - L.: ' M in'4,h h gin I -F; J 1�itc C,` St6in t a , y. I' CL 'Institute. Conventl�n -for Western On- Callu'm presided grid 'Mrs*. Hafk' 0s, h 'ati t .. :�h F 4jR.SALi :.�:Xord-�e;iiner-Pianoln tArio at London- this. week '2 *F, -'.J. Sewart,: 2 1.: -,1 -�j W"'Id; tli6, -dn received-'tfie,par y, sinut froin.'the- stravi Uner.certaia., ey Blue Ambcrleyl� is I.- Strath7a'e*e -2, -addres ition. 'G A., Sidr r4 and ._ gay.6j's6rt 6d condi ply io Ottawa, -C ;� W izonditidlis this',becories.highly com, C� -the rY' itchisbn sang. 4.8olo',and Miss- da.Vs'ili Detroit K- Thofiipso� i�,j I III-il uc Dr L Beatty. of u9tibfe' d b" 'G. is rong- f bw'on maccl Watson t1lum. a4d'.Mr F and, may' be igni e a dall, L know : A 0 tR Do6kitt,.O. owler... M� spar ,, rohl, a stone p I ML� -k Monday oot�pna f­tbel spelitAhe , ; . 1. ..P. - , I ­ .. . ' -F E Lea`hi.Tea El ALE. ­:J00 -Acres,,4 Both Wer, tiends , L . ..., .. , I �hdts. GHTH' ON.1. or, bV �static e ectricity Ili good- 4nd,L -wee -end,-wi �QSS t FARM �FOR,-S over the t6vVii-with 'a e xcepti6nafly k ,oing', trough the, view to'locating "hero�.- He-ciprosed nowbuililiijgs.� in as ver . . ; . . . - �0-0,0. es froth Luc . fa ed -joyedby Mi. -Wil ot, RilSl6y. ..w'; as,. the �Stat�'of-.Washingto'n wheie'a few mi] vorably,imprei3s ityp a good repair.''fall ploughing 'finished- vYou' ordered LT�CKN:OW SC 0" 'b* and-we-understifid de6ided:to -return- very earnes and Inpiring: A. At"'. 4ys, -will be. sold at a. birgain AppiV 'to t dd� hi� 46 L, R1f1PORTS :Thanksgiving yet? ago firdS o js Sort were ery -within a h We. wmdei..what happened-- the f n week. Prepa6ed t6 pull erollS, the tkouble hi's b6en over�.L- A' 'Siddall opefi an� rig reasons for t ankfulness'idur j�ecenily.` .,Luck ow. - 8 . is in Sarnia dust�collectoTs e SA LX.4-w�Delco an ...s p ra ors a rin ass- xcejl,-Ft� �called­on-Zightht ----f --------- n -d -1A a a -Lighi- -Plant- i� the'L deficit Ja'ek. Ziig 'ii7 " -b -and-h-e- tap ndf ar- offide. Dr,:116aitylg home herepai',.ye .,one_ e at ;W�ich -.-bad' -1, ung Sr Mr land y. w. g Sollas 0 hy '.0on. friendg, on Tu6gday� - j. '1? 0, und t ele.trici y. vi j drd:vi off tb e good -M W vith �-Kiln_. son.' i.Che'Ster, Bl,liCe Me .running order �qcipty h4d been -wiped out, �aild -that cardine fri6nds' ohn- -s.,,. '71JE:. BROW st,one Winnifred­, Xohn.�toiie, 'and Xi Wilson Wll--:Spent' Central Garage, Good N,:MOUSE" the,'door*- tunity wore'6pel'! fL' 7;7 ��'n wide'.. PAra-, and 00por, SaturdftY at'Mr thos Wall's, -,She_,Lem h -Mrs:. Tl�o'nips6ii '(tvely ,do Sl( ntl on our­� T o eqqip-, urn,in and Ahe -means �41 'n _V_1Sl a "-With 'L :C 'D p asized u t, MI.. 'wh )n South , calls freqbe ot h Jack. �W air,, Y 'A 13e to PP S, re un er­ e�auspiees­ M' G A 6 'er- Fidir. dii Sh- of.,. Lan Mr, and Mrs, Js Culbe vipitiog,'wit f len jr -Ketellabaw, 1 kh r* d, 'Al Guides. in 'the �he-foreign fields. of. ing�, lc the Lucknow While the. audi�nce, Jrtand� sb�, Mks �,Lott is - IS in FOR, E.�-TwoA Dual-parpose 1. Lucknow, .6h the:. evenih t am Ho9pital staff, Sp.e eorp e'County, -Town* B TcoWn HAI h nt the.. weqk Bi ii* cliffol ',.rU is dSt6hdl*L L, . . -Shorth(?K4 -rising PA years; 9 J was very ar\r ' �S L - "' ', " " 1"' "b 'd%'-,- -'lViiiiii-ou ii i - iss- eaft-Z I an� ' I . .. . IV --W -Boy, iddt� ih&, Girl-- vl� b 1 .1 t Th' ns i -ute i�iad'�L'1111'elr whbv: �of;- Nov-. Oth-.- Vote, o .� tha ks,:,was -en -.1 'er a v, I as, een: one montbs 1kiisgill d 1'e" Ili. 'pa t. WateW f eb§ter', �DOilald leDoflal'�:` 4VTr -K A a .� ie o�nqn s hi, the" -West for thd past few years, Quides are''taking, r for ttendei -Mr, and: Mrs 'W" McGill,'.;o 'E�te ftl,t!fj, li.i?ual visit to the",11ouse of' Refup�b hag ome Lucknow. ed to 'Mrs. Harkn, w R. Q ess�, f,6r' 1 TI-I'lah' further Announcements_' on returnet ce'll 'n Paramount,, Junior Tb`iirsday last. !,To :doubt the .'in - x e t visited With Urs""Robert L-, , "CaTri6k -left. -on'79 urs- - 6 address das s. 'welc(nne(I them miss , avilla -FOUND-An�'automobile spare t Hami ton o ra- �Coll� h r ire Lochaliih,. 6heL day. 'Lilliii eart7i th, friends in'Par' n. Pr6gb'�teriaft,L llay,. always recei�e, wh6n',1 hey,, day -for. a visit Wi 0 uild-Without doubt .I .1i6rile) Charlie .,attached to 'carrie,'and bearing r�kt y the, programme 0yeparedi b,3 and, Gold jnform en, Valley.,,,^.,,,,, ta,Woi� License Nmbep,:" tiom �L sTe M - ;A bt, I%Md, Blible, Class foi�. Geoi tiliAli..the 'h'ospital He home attending her th& Guild meeting, onj an, ondaY'evening was, -one of ihe best Ceffl Ai: mother. Mr. Annie, of T a Donald 6;has been­yery, ill LucknoW Lodge, d 6ron ni, TON'Tit) ilOb -nistioi Audl 'the r a L OU. )10 'at* g rat s wa (I aL Social, evening- inL the Lodge oom eificient chairman 'Mi- with -'We. r i al hije oing, to unt '-onie tihic 14t I MOI439Y TO LEND given this,vear Mr. Sam Murchison parOf the eel, b 1'�'D made a' very Jobtistone Bi 6 C.1 If Sriends, --w on.:.the'evnitig ' FriAa Ge6. A MAcKenzie, an'& the Y# Nov;... 9,tb. read illie,Scripture F ed I] li 6 b 6ii.n iss -i rances son, o 0. jj1psLt 4--the-Order-wlth�-thejr lqsson -and Mr. � P - D -Cam . ero I ii on ayn -member- h f 'her,'- br'ot et;,. p�rties,'at 6% p6i. ariniim.-:-:�G. A. iVI'Mret, 139 e . Ome, o Wive lady, I 6n a' are ed -prayer. Mr. D.,'. G McKenzi e t W A n here during 'itho§ 8 a nd. n. 4 cordially made. me ore to: L Georg� N111iftbv Chri,;tine 6_0 il 0 sOdall o��doft' one Ag -0 . -remarks�-regardin wjji commence 1) ,o��rep -Ugua e tank C W rompt 11 b' ry� �we 1, Ot' Avi e no ..%r.,. is. a8 � -al a n WinghaM Cha- r( ..WI -u num r on., the, Xi ek. Butt6n: jee n hL nio )i 't Or inore, being. "PublieL 'tll I ' ' er of Coitime d L' the. -1 of, A p6ot, a S S e"t J, anwee] ain,� on a Street Poultry . Fair' L DANC Mt. and' Carter, and soon e aro ire puttin I,! DANCEj_ Press" Nine �-a4teascs- were given,,, fli is for "low standing, dtj Dec 1i aild 14, when buyer's -will -displayed the literary tsle"nts oi son, Auldreyi, of- 9pafort, ha ve., �e- di �llduld th i iK 6. we. e, `�;orth tL,ty, be 00 L L". Alou A C T 0 S E present, from Toronto, Hamilton The,Luckhow Fire Co., vidll g, of. the apeak6rs. The- first, d"IS PU61ic turned home af.fer §pending'- part lot to;, any,. mail Qn4 100111- talifil a _,grea L ' J6n-Ahd-�Montr6al_,D6n!t_saC danc 'An arnetle-, a on e even� Sticaking-A -greater Power n th�­,PL ro-. - -the eek, 067 d Wr,,: .ran AR, "t I I 4t 0 vent. gre le than, thIe Wjitteh �youT -Pouliry Wait f�r this -e ' Si of -a epo ing 6f Novi (ArtniAticel1iight) . 4 ( niniber ofJt- McGharles1, Of` Loc-liAlsh C 1.1y th he Villbig wqrd?'� by'Mr, NC t of sob[L'4� f -1.iuAno�;An'the County OCL F -bit- SALE. -House- afid-'Lot.-I. es ira, J , in f '4*ynor"q, 4e -_Rox� aj,k r, Divid. Mor -il MacKenzie See CL f., th, individuld. or. Is 0 �the b:gtL Ond..,_"Voe§ theL written ea wo -. r ch -,�a - J -v -i�et' the'- .,spoken 1§ emplo room id Y Nixoii�.Clate. jphn-stonu liPt'll' the same- protedtion W rd n oCso'ne II66se,,slate -roof. fur- Istern nt�rio Good Audience than,, Y.0- �With J.. N', M enzie, and.- cm thi�hl an Oo 0.' 4 -Mort age wojrd'911 by. Mr. S. Murchison Thirdi �?ish6s'to wbliclyth4 A` lel'O as ,a Powerr of sale ace. good cellar.; soft 'Water pump, Couple, $1,50 extra C' G I P RSUANT to h ady. 50c., gg" in Mat lich; will' the, tibie of gar 'lerro'-36c Proceedi-to of 'Women' -..'One--of its is A'Iood' *011 Ell a Pr6d 4xt, 71 kitAen. cement w0l barn and a the ' spo en W rd tioinfoieed !by Ills t in d ain.- ei 6fL %v] Plumb tre good ej, voice And 140 afor 'their. kind donation, o ai,-joj�i 11 be'offdri6d - for sale. b)r oli age, lsi&rrles and Mirfiorial, Park., the pres'ene' Ol Na on (rf. t h 6 thino that-, th N �Vi )e Vine- bn -premises, 11/t Acres the spbaket?" by Mrs W 'ird is .bad 'readin'g' id A" a ier. Kd -f "46111'S6S tha grai in. MUrdie, r In jeop. py ioauctiQn gard�& soil A)so -6 few M SQU RADt q6CIA1; Fourth- ",Do We find th;llest'thought the 'hospital bill In,. outh's. Coin-J)dnioft -has. ali,ay' .'at. the 13 o eric -o- 'nd I -a m ------ ------- th ........... .. b_- -he=mang 'S I' jjlj:r: W'h'at a."ITIlited Sta*tes 'bond t ­ t em. etter in the Written Word, than' c w6od. ovom er, A�,0�1923 ad t . he Intail Woinen's'thi!411-atot 6: -.o . 0 ou "d �fternooil­&y For further Parti6ularg. apply to Moir mbs 'enjoya le matquer e,.so- :in ie Elliott. I ff6lj 'fill aharmi ow, 88 oull tl n g, 0. the 0'i n Veni range 'Hall '0 4y' 1 Spnby M'as Telia t I MacDiarmid. or Ma 'by h'A' The, Ki bqOld B Tile, cial D1 d of last WE re -award I ed,'as, a ose. r "R"L, C' eaeroi ws Ancy ress Adk, Mi�gl N lt,g troll �I` T 1 (Y th AUX. ASTNX ion.. or d0es-Vuh U, -gullplic c n zio '61 ! AN I N J L.Ali r it e tracts glifoldid p�ograninfe Ed a SPeAKer 'a groat.as- g N. short "tories, ing ire v cbj* The dIefe- Nine, head bf 0a sittiate. Kling and -be We 'lost from Lot, Rose' '9mith - Coitiid, 4res' the, hostess' ser'ed 46,011 the Vlllftj�e of Lucknow in tbe� County :,3; IS Massa 6aedL let in the win-nitig of the approval of Tso.gl acMi nces' fun, Sifl.),� Mrs London­.-Coii, b nof -Ontario, And lorth� lliirli6. Xilllosq,, Eight'stedrs Faticy d� gent, at,' audience?" gs#8 a*p.pointed to th I two:years old,,:SeVn Mrs, 'J, Altnew �. Sv� a"d feceivet O"What in out nlim-L Mrs: F! 'StAliloYL; `COMje4 go Vention Were i -s. And ond Ile dressed t* bdlb� ebbivosed -of illagd Lo ro _,,gen on Rod YOijfh!g Is, -mar-wor JIV, 'tee have Ili W 'ary c anziel. and an Mr., id Whitby rid &-�ntold-­hhf e a rs ece,out.'of Y,i rs.. Is8 Onp lud rc an fl ty-six, in.,tile. "I i- , ind h�ifor. has Piece 'OUtL, Of made it very tZsfActorY juite. MacKenkW Elghtfii Can the All t of WAS 1) 6gI Theib, MAI -1116 Of galn6a., ',spoken word� hec�mc mote� f6fickiful -0 a'�e " un- 11" " A 'top of right 'eat, the irdbtl- hr'ke n or a io ed'ditt their 15.�l U 1 word.?11 by Elliott Miller: Nint fell' 1924, 1)) 61jer IS s I ate in, -an -KINLOSS P61 frj 9 3 , contests and COMI"Itlity sifiltin, �T, K. L R9�" in kaning' than 'the �� wtjjtcfi in Oki-gerved -at the cloe..� 6i Tecoycij *111,1be ireWdt:06d. 41utian k, h "AreL eSie t;, 00 a very, iT _V V..i:)t ifluential 'in 60§ ci I kll! �or $2 661 r sno x1rilbpi o a 1 99 'to Luiiknow Th Pdop e. by Mr. 1) 'G, e a] a are oh, th� m6roij was wO-s ol'�' CL1111'ent find 'ING M#cKenkici, 'Mr, R., D. CA Lofido� wherd,phe in 9. PR Or6kr6A of ' as �Hdttid bsent tor"a f y le. mll. Ber �ehds 'Speftdin ino't t h t h 1v lfashions' I t 't Some, very, a ji L, 1'1� Appoecritic nd gave Wedlid -,'A WONDRIMYL 'WOMAN7' few both i)ublication� on N with. frAllie fine Points regardingI thc'LSucCe§§ of" UTH'S Cb �iftaqhe(j 2xI OL ffi Ba spent , vit YO Im and fr IS aL PU dOU81 & st remarkable oldture­ A, won er- L A, 'Ohl bi lH6 I tl A, I I'm Grace obsterAls v1siting,her bl� "ker A!Piano s6lO !,I alr cen d dAjIjZhtdfL MrA.. - Th6§. - Blak iss Mabel A1116 and $ ul oti I e ai6r provides Jj&I BI soblit b.v isse da' and Al ath I L MjldXay rp rove., in 0 )a anc6 o;d Mrs Ak 'Mr" 'And Mrs, iin( t Oter -of astounding' MO1Id4v,,Aftern1ooh in Goderieh were , Well received * Ofr ]$a orlia, lee twellty' th or e )SUI, Ile( Wats �L. M Ora. W �tni on I ­��traokdjnaty _8gdtjAcc� CAmpbA. tav 14 V iMe alld The' indust�j, oi� , - t 466A b#`ddfii0et6d, iii, this' ifeighlidii-', a readingl 1! : , tace Ai nmen ". fioOd'L* ZI and gri Hor tson eto 6jeh f ion, 4 at TjdL gj b �je I , t 0 avo r lildits achieve ik 0lO­:M1Ss'MAiY..-XitchiS6n am, LOCAL, f. o 6 given IS �fid his gave A du6tt jt�L Mio,,, A I nd M iITgm i t ti as, I on tefTbrd ribetlL Oj'Tho- ft�kald Mid the work,. their' usual Nile. tho �u Sig 45-42-38c t I'li, ah& X 5t,11 med nk c o6ed with 11yMn 671., an iStAt".6f M61itkeat TWIIfe' 9' sohn�tft re'. S' Me 13flftl�tl og$' III, dv, I Ch ­ ' � f - -1 O.''t -un "d Fa IV- �7A� ter, $ttlry, 0 t0 number att6n&d 'the b6t, ert a asv6nt lodo P., M�'L. I g Wheat A argo 6 eevEthl 0, 0 Ion Of the, Ontario, Aeligi tied utokiloh -:.,th4,, a46idlijit i;j poit t*d id the rimily, Strafo 04 06t, 80h.4,31st.4 #h4 -'AL orbod Jr higt" The 0� varyti, 140 TuWa l, "41 4 4 i il 16TT MILL �Ov,; W4 0 1 to, 40$,60L A 771 ,la r ro Wate am r aCIA a ske,