The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-01, Page 5r- , • rtr 411.' r- • r r -r• •,r , /IRA Leeltt4b*THi92A. a., a • For tender, meltingly ilelicicins,arid wondrous flay - °fed turkey, you must roast itlif.an SEEP Crystal Ware ,or Pearl Ware roaster. This roaster roasts as if by magic. It bastes the roast or fowl—the fat dripping down from above. The delicate juices and rare flavor are cooked right in. Nothing is lost There is no wasteful shrinkage. f' When you buy expensive roasts of meat, turkey, or other fowl or fish, you want than perfectly cooked. For from .$2.00 to $4.00 you can purchase a splendid SMP Roaster that will positively guarantee the roasting. To ensure the perfect cooking of an expensive 15-lbturkey, surely it would pay you to use the proper utensil—an SMP roaster costing only one-quarter the price of the fowl! A roaster that fully guarantees perfect roasting! After the hardest roasting, an SMP Roaster cleansas 'easily and simply as p china dish No scouring or hard --cleaniirg:–There are styles and sizes to suit every. size of roast, fish or fowl. Finished in Pearl Ware, two - coated pearly -grey enameled ware,or Crystal Ware, three - coated snowy -white enameled ware. You • can inspect 'thern at any good tardware store. 'Pr sret, q" 0 Ur, 8KP' Aie Sheet ,IVIetal Produets Co.; tr Montreal ' • TORONTO ' Winnipeg :Taman/et ,t • . Calgary Catilda. etcaase.. unties. • ABOLISH THE WORD "1.CMA ' THAT.RANANA SONG . • , . ., ,.. is a 'good, idea,"- cibserved E.. , (As Walt Mess* Would Write ..„It.) • _111, Trovvern; secretary. Of the ,Doinin- No sorrow. wrinkles OPOk: Inv hrOW• • on Executiye Council ,of ,the Retail ..I have no earthly care, I' am a happy Merchantsof Canadawhen . .. wan I trow,: and all the skies seem . • . • . ' ,; , aSked . , • . fair, I owe. no :Man. ii: single bean, . One . hundred ..aed, sixty-one :peedy. .. 1,hat •he. thought Of the effort of the , . shy .car is .ninning'afine,. the tank' is ----suffeters..,...fram ,thabetes -heriefitted:by'.. ---•.-----Afetra1t-1nercheAts40--itliti1ish-the ah., -full or gasoline, _alr..earthly bliss isZthe . P-Viir incial ,a0Verr1meilt!.a. "OHO.* breviation:"Xmes"..for Christmas 'from Mine, Thi ta , melting I 'Went - Out ' to .' of ' free aistribution'. of instiliri . dui.- t4eir:. stor-eo, afia ,,,il1vertis4v.. ,„They., seek bananas. With a Penny, .itOd when ,ing- .the. _first month's trial, ainatilin Want eirerY, , one ,to','understend.. What .I asked the corner Greek he said he ta. the extent Of 1/4,000 units .Was hadn'tany, He'd. eribtiakes and. Oxii-,: dispensed by .flfteen, laboratories: in. the word means, without nni.ehhrevi-' ons; too; ripe Scullions and tomatoes; Ontario, and the .cost to the ;province ation:, We always prefer . that people just fine, for anakingArish,atew: -Ancit-anounted,IAD.,...$0,281.,,,Thee.--facts.':aare understand *het it •MeinS-;.pititicuier- event...ilea. -potetoe.,. ,Ifew;heh-deolate, incorporated in a -report covering the - y-'-,LtforeignerS.- and -others" ' , : • luirs and chewing gunr,..,and-.4joxei_of_-_-_One_ratiOns;.Of 4he.-...;.:.G,OvernnTent's:.-ret- Havapaa„. but, though he said he'd,. recently adopted POli4:Y for the month 1- -think-It:is-a-great-pity toleave order.' some, that man had no. banan- of SePtember. ;The report ' was ' glv7 the word "Christ" Out Of Christmas", as And so .1. sadly Walked eWay and • en ,tci.D.r. Forbes 'Godfrey, :!inister-of "said. Rev, Dison Hague, of Toronto. bitterly reflected that something al.:- , great 'Mass of people it would be. a Health., . is. merely a ,Cipher . and •for the .. ways spoils.my : day -it hug . have r 1 .#1.1"LE Y W A : .:. rONs c o-tsi,—E been expected,. Bid then -I- told my- .:•_._. ' ,.._ ' - pelf tO. smile aod rid mY:self of ,sor- 1 t ---pity to have its use become ,more • ' AGAINST HURON..T,WP.-- row, I only have, to wait. .a. while- " i,c,Oisimon; What is back of.these things,, 'his-. larialies -cerne to-rneiroW- . ' So '' , . t • , . ' ' ` ----01-10-Can--never.'-tell;--T-here-are-xnanY--- ---------.-- ------ , ---Judge--Klein-7-of--Walkertorr---'eat-- lit. - 4 .sorrovv. vanisned from my. brow, I , • ' .. . people, Who .do not . like: to see ,the :,....• - .. , Ripley On Tuesday afternoon of last • .. . ,; •have no ear y. care, I am a eappy,..i , ., _ • ' thi ... 1.44--01Eiat---lis-e4•017-.8e-te°-ant-,44,-;:,-„Aff.a.-iptaroa,;-•.-anarrah-a••...Neree.ase • '71N4ek-4.0*•01.caSiellg,-,0Fen-::RiPl.er,, 7-*. kr/37 lliStOtiefik—IiSoCiPti.0*".:iilse,, -it: fairI village and :the township of Huron , owe than a single bean , ' . would he :Much' .betterate always -use • my car. iS. running' fine, the,-,• tank is and determine the method bf taxation. 4 the unabbreviated WordP,.., .. : .., ' t. .., ... , '' - . :. ... ---... - ..,Itis-the.firstieaae-t-ef''.the'Akinch9Wthe: • - . . , . ... full, of gasothrie-"'antearthly.:blisa-'is7 . - ' • - ' .. • , . Possibly the greatest Offenders' are ... • history of Bruce County.. lip until noW.. . ' -, , • , mine. I feel .. as • happy . as .a. -"king, , newspaper :, heading writers Whose ; , „, • , . tti, ..._, • ;,,,,, : the • township,. of Ripen .t. had 'always .. onertie ., Amu hosannas, on eat tn- _, . . .- ., column limitatiens prevent them from Ripley__village-o -,certeirt-Sum- -;there--is-no7gladder',..-gin14-1though:---asegsea- . Using the exteeded. vi?Ord, but . the, ah- ,, of :taxes but wished to change this ' .1 I've no bananas.. ' ' ' • . breviated one fits in neatly _Ex . . -; - ° • .. ., and .tax them so Many , mills on the . ..,.-.-,:--•-0-0-• - dellar. Riley tein, father's 'didn't like' FICHE DISTRIBUTHON OF, ' . INSULIN IN .ONTARIO One Hundred and .Sixty,One.Casea. 2 -'Receive Treatinent ' la •• ,'....-0..0-0-- - 'SERMON PREACHED IN CALGARV this . idea' and it was taken to the BURGLARY,At CLIFFORD , HEARD IN 'ENGLAND ' Judge .to 'settle. After hearing ,the, . 1 ' arguments on obth sides of the'quest; Some time after midnight on Oct: In Grace Church, Calgary, there is lOn; Ilia Worship gave -decision that 20th., burglars entered the jewelry a radio machine forbrpadcastllig, the., th,llewrisbip4liallAtenby,„.t eeitt, store.:of:...kra,L.I.LWendt-„•Miiin1-. -.^-,s,-Faet,'"iiiirce-s7-Dtiriffilliklaft'..fyin'Sundaya agreethent, of setting A certain sum and the Stationery and printing, office in seotember. Rev :.A....w. meintosh. of of taxes. of T. It. 'AtchisOri, and carried 'away Winnipeg"; iteetipied 'the piiipit in this ' tilwelry from the fOrpier P ehureh for the pa toi, Johnston. The fine edge of the honeymoon is at'about $1,500. They evidently env-. tied a1l. the trays in the alloy,. eases. aehred.,by: the Winnipeg .?ree. *Press; hai- and say:: "Giitime.r.-;' Since then two letters have. been re-' over when the, 1)ril:de:Mtist aWallow intet'•:-.eoine,".-reeePteele; .:da.. •iiiiniertais- 'One of' tieteletters stated 'that..the• • . :pieces Of jewelry . scattered .musical part of the Serviee on one -of •. around ' the ,floor„ In the stationery these Sundays'. had been Wistinctlar, • attire was entered by. removing -a .panek leiter stated thet the agiinon -preeChed a:fere •Iittle luisOkng. ,The' jevirelrY heard in.,' ValleOUVer;. and :the Other J kfre and There _,_•-thssilat.fedoid, for', grain *ea -Shattered by the Pa- cific October 5th; With' a Monster, train- Of-1254ear-laiidli-Of Wheat, riVer a! mile long, Which .oper-, sitedl betWeen' Stoughton' 'and Argolis, The, Contenie Of the cars, '185,000 bushels, 5,588 toes. . . All grain AeadIng records in Al- berta we4 censprlitely emashed. the.Canadien Pecifie.tia October 10th Ayheti the Cosapsini loaded 753. earei • ..treliteitenting at least 1,065,200 tnsh- tie. 'If these ears' evert 'placed' to; s'eth,er they Weuld 'make' Alp a freight • train *beta el* *ilea .101114gth; ad isk if 'fir AO IC Oftlieeitiritiriterroillt- 'Orr .61 aliktftliiii‘ 414 ._ ;An, the front door, .at,„41.0.Ate.h,ispnr...am the.,atune day.:.had-tbeeri-board -"at- Shop a 'fikeleten key' was evidently . " Darlingtoe, Durham .County; England, .,,,_ need; The.robberies were not;discov... ., a,t distartee 'of 6,000 miles. ' The Free . , ered Until about. 1.11,30."o"clock•Sfinda,y Press'lays that ' thia.'.. IS .4. rofig••'cii§- morning; investigation showed That, tanee record. tole ttcanada, Rev, 'A, W. • Dr, Arias, a chiropractor, who lives '1VIcIntosh is new. one . of the foremost above the jewelry 'shop, heard 4 iiehie preech'el's of the PrespFterian Church. ,.....„, abofft 1 o'clock,. hist thotight that it' ifi Canada ' . , t, * : . - ---4 was, the owner of', the confectiOnery • • , , a , ...:(a----o-e-a store next».the jewelterg, and paid no • c • 1. • ititeittion, The thief Or thieves apl- , A.". Man'e Conscience. only wOrries him when the temptation is tist.. 't ' patently. used a Motor car. `In addi- eon, to the inniinoss PleCee entered, An. okic ffkisthigong ;Iotf:itoiltisPhx.,,;,I the Marauderi 4180 attemped to 'gain a 'i q en:1114%m twit nesista,14. .!I • . ontOnol to OM, 4,4? trode!„Otores-ind 'iv shoo illiosii; ViOlitital -ivilloi.- Or!) 1 ',11110101 VI 'MI .-"141C11 b401141er" 4 contraletion- in' taws II h.'s:. rich liew 4'14. treat i0.F011101n 400h31974 411414 " -A G000 WINTER WHEAT .faratera -.May -TryFree a, WO4 •, 'TeOted :Variety,: e, kfsgeg4: Free : of -,Cherge-7".6' (Coetributee. by 'Ontario 'Departinint ot • Agriculture. Toronto-) • The market value :of" the winter wheat or Outerle: ,iimounte to ..eyer •'fit teen i 111011 'nip? js,thei of-thel.theit import.'• :: , ant of the nioney- props of the Pro• .-vince„. The acreage of *inter *heat during the pest Year has been '-itheut'" the' 'seine as; the . average. .antinei • aereage- 'for- t he ' fort0re:: '1`bere is not a csiiinty or district in. Ontario in.which. winter -wheat la.nat grown, Alt holigh , in: New, Ontario. the • average' annual am.ount .18 not more than about 29,009 busheIti„ OWIngtto the. eomearative tinge o. V1itez'- •wheat at; present, ' strict atteetion 'ahoeld :he given to' economic inethods and to largeyields.. • O. A.' V- No.. 104 Weirefiiii.y. ChOtien The Dawson's Golden 'Chaff. .is' still ..the. Variety inost ;largely grown ,,ec- • toathe DeceMber 13tilletin Of, •the Ontario' Department of •Agt•jcol ....lure 'ter 1022; ',With' the Object. of seen i'hid even a better variety', .eressee _ be-enanade" at the Ontario. ,eniturai between the' -,sjit's 0 -olden dIaff and solue• other "variettes,', :such as;, Red, Citimyan , ',Red` 'Red, Janda 'Red, Iniperlat Amber, and -Bulger, A new .'var.lety has b0.0i1 trigln- ole(1 at theCollege by crossing -the •,a)aison's Golden.Chaff ,and :the 13t11-; gariaa aad tlifs is now anoyfir as the 0...a, u. :.No. ',IOC.. In.' both the, Col- lege -and-ope'i•atiVe' tests this• . 'new variety-. :has mede an excellent', 'record,' surpassing ' the,. Daisim.'S -Golden .half in both- yield anti "twat:, ity ot.grain. , it is a .white whe,at, and. reh%-tahles the Bulgarian .in possess a -whtte.7chaff.' and ,the 'Dawsons ,Oolden..Cta:t(friti a beardless nead..it 15:a vigoroirs ..groWer, and has been -1):tWstni-ts, GOiden '-Chaff. ! fess s Object to 'winter -killing than .the ! . Value Of .U.sind'Clood . • ,••. • •It u, aiso important...to 'use. Seed: of . • -.high ' quality.. •T,he .results Of•sir • Years' expet.'irnepta- at !the Molted • 'show ai average increase!' iii 'yield "of „grate pa. acre'of .6„.`8 ..lintiltela 'froth . large as ,.7,Ompared' with siia1l' seed of 7.8 bushels .1frour-.plitnip P.:re'd 'with 'Shrunken, seod,';,and. of,, ' 85..6bushels from .. s'eund cem.: ' Pared 'With. broken .seed,, :Seed Which- , was. 'allowed :•to, beConie thoroughly ripehed before it vaii-cut Produced a •.gi4iatr Yi eld, of both: grain and, atritiV, aut7it-hetivier • Weight grain :per. "nteasered. buShel, than that.prOdueed from...wheat whieh, was eta at any on ot foor e'arlier:stageS.:of maturity.:In each; of, two yeava:twheit winter 'wheat. :was, sp;:outed i,n the:fields,% germina; • tioo!',10s.ts.'pf :Abe Thefe`116-.Wing:i•ellUlts :show the av e a-ge7p ereerft age Pt n Ian reagn,'selection: : Skin over .:gerni., broken, 94-; .skin .over' germ,..breken qL7- :Ohe.tiplayter . tech: lope 30; 'and sprouts pne inett Jong; 18 :Not Only Was the Sprouted: wheat • in ..but he', plants tirc ciactedeWereE,yery,'Ifireventlirifie..,„ • :ra 'White.11'heats vS..tiie Bed 'Varieties. • -'' to red .Wheats yield more -grain per -acre, -• $2 Possess stronger- straw, weigh a little. se les pe tneasurectbilshel,areslightlY. Softer in the grain, are 'nolo 'Useful' lit.' .1hp- ntanufaettlie shredded • ...Wheat ,and. !of pastry,'. alid -BOARD. 1$ CI -EAR. AT JRUCE ' '„'COUNTY. JAIL -Citizens' Who find. thearaelves batt- ling in vain ag•alrigt the high cost 'of Maintaining theii!„teblea might secure , helpful hints froritl., County,Jaoler .W,nk IlYridiaant,,::.:Whe 'lateen tlY4'.uj hs itt.411- ia.' hoar&r cost -the CountY.' the past: year mins 14 cents per day' per pereen*Yg the Walkertori,,Tele- ‘ r7NnVP edl 11.1.11:11.t. Jideo es' menu:,t ryi cc!' dd ee stutr Castle s o iyes and blue point, oYsters, • it pre._ vides for a sufficiency ofplaint Y 1. 1- ••• 1 ,bread and butter and nii/lt • The,'''Priebnera thrive en this diet There is not, of'.eofirse,'the Varlet one l(rould ;firia 171.4 Ave,conree*Mea e4 ,$,7AF'.01:-hotp1,----Postand9;-ogtrriti :is a '-delectable 'dish 'if served, -once •day pr once a Week; but When it come twice a day as provided by govern Inent ree•tdatiOns, the sight .of it' wil •in time cease to bring joy, even to a Scotehman, Perhaps' it is the lack' of ...N;ariety that is apt to get the prison •er's''"geat" in the long run. In ether •words, the longer the sentence thele., Mate is serving, the more tired-, he is apt, to get' of the hill -of -dare:, The 'Moral ia that if .orie is going' to jail, the Shorter the -sentence ,yeu get the better .you will enjoy:the 'board; Bet- ter still; mind your P's and q'S' and choose yotir„own boarding house; • • ,38 Committments, 18 Served 'Tinne • Pflit_Yier;lhere.avere,'-38. cOmmittments. to .the. Bruce County jail,' but • of these only 1,8: were in serying Sentences ,the balance beng on remend-awaitli-i-g-t-ritd70-f-tli cominitted, 15,6 were !Maintained by the GoYernment, the 'remainder being: sustained at 'the. expense, of. the anent- cipalities. Tho:,tOtal'humher of days priseners. . were; in 'custody totalled 1630 on ,an- average. 0° only fiye in - elates' at pnee., "Of the thirty-eight persons cornanitt-- ed; all were Over 16 Years, et ag_eand. there were 36 mei) ,anda,.'27Wonien,.All but --:five .were,,netive-horn•Canadiaps. Four of the five Were ,English and the pther came under the beading. "Other • Co'fhuneire icesti.N:P'eare.lin' Agentss fjai boarders .Cahinet Makers 2, Contractor 4; Farm-. 7 Laborers11; Noocciipatiori 1 . • , The re z ious denoininatione clatined. , y the prisoners were! lieman eath9-, ic - Anglican 4, -Presbyterian. 1 Methodist 12, Others 2 '`• ' Out of the 38 persons committed, 34 could read and write. , The 38 eommittments were for the: following,crimes: Arson 1 assault 6, contempt of'court 1, drunk and dis7 'Orderly, 1, fraud 1, house -breaking 1, lunatics and unsafe persons •6, rape and assult 5 Violation 0.T.A. 8, sell- . , ing liquor without license 1, shooting e. „avith_intent 1,vagrancy..--$rether of- . ^ Those.serving sentence's ce:minitted.' ; .the 'following crimes: Assault 3,•cou- tempt of court 1; false pretences 1, . h ousellingse- hriiegaukoi rn gw h•roaupte :ijaen:r_l,s7slaLtiy1 : "n-other'effelicee 7,'' Thesalaries of officials for the year _ _ t tatied-$11,725:' ordinary repairs cost L.; • • •• rusfrv"."7`walrmoNe‘^•••maar-se.N•0,1X Palnier's •We are offering the public „ ''.ntirer.st,ock- at Smashing, u0iions; forthenexrt5-Days This rare „„opportunity a- .• , .• ads-, -you' to save; money on': everything in the Stare.. •Previous Sales have con - our enstoMers of money saved., ,PALMER. HOW EGG-GRADING.WORKS ON TORONTO MARKET 'On.the..St. Lawrence Farmers' Mar- ket,, Toronto, one day last week, a stall holder was requested' . by Abe _M_arket_Super.iOtendent's-Assiseant-to- take her eggs -off the niarliet.• A Dominion Egg inspector was present' and he examined the egg i in question and 'found that ef the: eggi. ,in ' her .basket,lthos,e, that were not sob 'rots were !nasty, .and in his opinion, the, eggi. were :it ]east a' Mental old and had been'kept during that"tinie Under _enTfahyeetiiiirsapbeleci'ici)sinncl9iftioc.ngsg.o • _ on nna'r pub lie Markets» is in: accordance • With ""Reguhitions ,respecting the Grading, and Maiking-,Of- Hkga," which' be came effective list July, administered by the Dorninion Live ,Stock 'Branch, The regulation covering the action. reported provides'-ferevery' case or 'Container of eggs that is exposed, dis- played or offered for sale direct to consumers in'a-peldic place or manner" to be, Marked' With the .name of the clasp and grade' Of . eggs in the can, tainei.... A: further- regulation provides that ,vvhen."-. such . markings areused, the quality and „weight:of the. eggs must beequal to or better than the ,class and gradestated .Progrese is: being made in the ad, Ministration �f thee regulations which if carried out in their entirety, provide protection for .prodticer, :dis- ,, -and consumer . Last avieelt,-.in.:- --the centraLseetjon of. the- lower; St;-, Lawrence -Market, all the eggs were graded by the inspecter. He reported that on the whole. the eggs ..weie :good 4boVe,.• Only -One lot of "FirSts". was and , Outside of .the -case.: instanced foutid,vtheAialaticelieirig'.::"Stagelife'r. and ,"Eirtres". Since .the regulations- occasignal• farmer will arrive Without labels and make. excuses' for net Itav;, ing them. iirevelY inataiiie,-hOWever,, the, sale, of the .eggsquestion .sonieWhat weaker flour for breed pio 'duction' • 't 'Winter Wheat whith was groin cat el ovtit, aod.- yielded. mileh ...better „ti,kal ear -the -laugh te 50 -Fuel, clopingand other ex en. $913,30. No ontsidetlabor,WaS,'etril7." oyed to etn•ry on during the, year: Heref-apAT • The total elevator capa,city of 'Port Arthur and Fort William will '.. -reach---65-,000;000 bushels by Sep- ;' • tembert Of this year...:- By tha, end of '1924, the elevator Capacity .is .Pected.tO reach seventy millioni; mreetnutr'nfijO'rofth»tefhe ie Ca- nadian'r five 'month's; of :the: present siliew ' a one' hundred per cent- in- crease. ; irnmigration from the British • Isles, eh,er the' figilres for . the same period Of last year. The 1923 apple_croptOf the Okan- agan Valley Will,amount to 4,620:. care 'according to the estimate '.01 W. T. Hunter, district horticultur- ist. Thia: is an incrertse of :20 .per cent over last year and a. TeCord,".;- for the district. The apple eroP :If3i rob irxe et ss i..:owteilnlifyitpapnrdoxibmito,utenda.7?-89',d0i080-. -A new, high .record of pre - auction was established by Pane- ,dian newsprint mills during May' . with . 110,252. • tons, 'an 'incre.ase of nearly 10,000 tons over the nsonth of April. and 15,750 over May of •last year. The daily prodnction in May 'was,' 4,084 tons; the highest in the history , of /the .Canadian indus- try ' , • Following . the -,opening of the Banff-WindermerMotor Highway, Lieutenant aGovernor Nichol Of British Columbia and Randolph Bruce were honored by the 'Hoot- , ....enay__IAdians_ who --made--thesh-- an, _ honorary . chief and- full chieftain - of their ,tribe respectively. ThsiIn- Valley. • vermere in the beautiful Winder- dian celeb,r,ations were held at In- , • Several new air stations are to pot opened- a ' n • - -,,Ositerrat.--ancF"Quebec the near future forthe purpose" of extending the forest area to be pa- trolled y airplanes. tta e is to be established,at_Rameay Lake near Sudbury, and from this point all' Ontario work will radiate; Operss- Ilona being carried on at Orient Bay, Remi Lake and at 'least two • stopped until they have been graded . • LET LIVE: A14(tNe;.. ' a . • . nd Iabefled , Last • Week. 'the market . FRIENDs. •, Sopenntendent ,provided Pink ; cards ' 1 . __, with the grade ' name "Spec' l'" . L - - and . ' i Let ine.liae,_araolia nry friends-, -let ille rprinted On a ‘vhite_eards_ with-thte ...._, . Let ras oa th hit ' other substations not yet announced. . a If the Canadian nre-War exporta of flour are cOnsidered as 100, the ' bDeotnitveninnion;91321aalrdagie923-exennnorte toc4tanz_l• • eidered•-A207.. COMperatively, sod,:•ited..tthat which was grewn rin taint 'on which. geld.. Pease'were used -41)51ittherorte7"Wiliert,piellr-Le--7hi4gaere marc than that grOwn on land'on which buck- Weetit`Was used an. a- green,' tAMOI:e.-- Experlinental Unita' Tests to Choos,e From, „ ° ' time 'seeding thii.'.atittunn, material --',W111-7-be-sent."-otit frOMA.he Coilege to thOde firmertie- siding in 'Ontario who wish to -eon - :Mt& viperl Piet upon.their'--rt-own rfaiing: through the 'medium ,of . the ftqxperitriental Union., The material Will be supplied, free ,of 'charge, to those; ta-cOndUct the ex- periments . an.d . report. •tbe,1! remota' in the.early,'aittninii of 1924. :Any On- ri terial:fOr any one of the following seven expe,rline.ots: (1.) Three ,e,hoiee. VarletleS of ,Winter Wheat -(including 0: A. 104); '(2) One variety ot. Winter Rye and one 'of Winter .Wbeat; (3)- SPriag..tapPlicatiOns.' Of- fiVe With- Winter-$Witeht;•:. (4!) Auitimn and Spring appliea',t ohs Of .Nitrate of Soda Cpainto)i. Salt, With .Wiiiter Wheat:. (5) -.Win met, and Winter Barley; re 'Hairy : VetIios e -Iin-W,1 atm.- crops;' (7) 'Mit:tiros of Wintt-r Rye aNt. 1 -Pro- dtiction. • • • • The "Stie :each.iris • one rod wide by:, tv,$0,,,aretts.. i")4, izers. will be sent -t i• oss• for Ex, perhileht No. 4 ,t . oltati. and for Experiineht Nut -atter 't 'next. Spring, All 'Seed' will be =tent. by mall eiteept that for Numbor'l Whii:.1 will accom- pany the :1,he toatcetal will bettent out (n t'he order in Whieh' the apPlientions are recelYed„ and as long . as'. tfie' atiPPlY. ' A. 74.0.'itt, 0, , Guelph,' Wrir • iryou are gottig to doy'enftlilnr, perntanettt fot, h average,lnanr ;)'tf'1. 'thas"eittaliettif., ".n.inntiL.-:.th'it 1011 weEk *till no'. Mid not. Wk vi 4 lin eii-e"i-t. 441 PealftlY el . 3 themknowpast doubt or chance . ,witheew e pre-war .exports • of the United ..., or ,rnsgaving that them; - one, this One fer.hisehuckle, t' Lot nie live eniong my'friends-and to. • OYerylreare-Tift : 021.4- Ill ask no odds'frontfante ,and 111 • , ask no gift' frinir glorY; Let Me, IVe among:my friends' and equine a simple story, Let Me have this, one for fishing, and the-other.orte for walking. AndatiY-true :fr i end:When IWgd • andlniy Wise , friend when •. talking. '• I've a friend for, every hour and friend for every trouble : I've a friend who' levee .the clover' and . a friend.WhO'll.treastthe,ettijahle:. n gt ninra ' _friend 'to 'share nisr sorrow,- And: know, ..a friend -Will 'answer • »should I erY for help tomorrow, Let Pie liYe among' my friends; let me ' keep. theni. all. about Me,. Le.t, hew- Ftrust th ern ;let theiri never eoine to doubt -,me, .. nt seek hp joy from fame anti no, -Pride, from high. endeaVor, ' ril happy be foroet: CENTRAL BUSINESS CO,LLEGE Stratford, Ont. prepares young men and young women for Business, which is now Canada's greatest profes- sion, Wel assist graduates to positions and they have a prise - tical treining. which , enables . them t� meet with success, Stu- dents are registering each week. • Get our free Oatelogue and learnd something.,-aboUt' our : thffetentL:`,. cl000ttmoutE- , Do 44, Meldarhilin• PrInriPal. cards - looked .:.,aith,;eavions„laye's ..on „:..States being rated, at '100 itle Ore s - vas in....0.4,ept-i--eiportir'Atth-e----:-/Iia----Tif714. !sresting to note- that consumers buy.: 711,4'. Caaidi. irons,- beakets -marked With the'l-;int:::-..:r7;ithan' o-l.(1-:h.r!'r:d' ,Siglin.4.70'.:e.Orlf7.-?. ,ine on. the.: Market ,Werer,....shoitingta.a. n flour while the; United States * keen interest in the Matterof gradin hits t a 0 bY and were, intent 'upon buYing. :eggs' a increased eent. - Refere the Wir' Cenada ex- Pere,d 3,8P2,900 barrels, 'While 'at . cards-beitrurig the Word-i''Specials ” -,POrPlibatrhrele-erl/e,tsara.-ve"r„17oguern7i81,5;oif-ff- '''' Conunerce."' In .seyeral cities :throughout 'the Doininion,ggs_are .ongradeon the Public Market and iri. everyt ihstimee the -market authori•7 ties' have aasis'ted.the. federal officers» and liaire provided: the facilities for. the grading Of eggson the market. ' "1 _ Mr. Georges Delrue, .one of 'the. •Most important' personages oft.; France arrived .in Montreal by thei S.S. "Minnedosa" to take' up real-. denee at St. Johns, Que, ,Georges is two and a half years old and has . spent most of his life,with his'grancE ' 'parents in Tourcoin a smalln. tow - A • ashful whosupposes France. The journey from the old on .he border line a .Belgium and' that the two girls in the seat just.the- horneeterid, via Antwerp, Georges •rrih noAnderbh?for,ionb,aa is e, aghti gtin:a1 ei agnw- cath ood himtaassi eioda r it eh , ,montinactdheieerawl:;nthnetsh, " watchful ntyheoevo e,70e0r4mOtIlhptelinOosrff,fil;ifahis.tr note as an asset. '• Our dictionary was :Written, before It is &disappointing world. On care - the dtsYs of flan'Pers. ,.. It defines kiss fril analysis few -stories prove as ter - `as a 'mark of affection. rible as the headlines promise_ „ Real Moitio,Makel• A Toronto Fa= Engin* h a real -money- elm:alai srhIcruis, shelliageoras maker beckon! it degas up the numer- M11n1the silo, speedily andwith much as odd ,6, dite .jobil quick- -., - ,tToronto Farni Ellefilell are well•-biulti- you more simple in 'operation. nm. te0t1011i4lly time 'for, on kerosene or gasoline. • , , . week Dees A total° Leone. Saw and Grinder .• thaw make a fine time, arid laboaaaiing easioaikat leant, he glad to „ explaia their i many desirable 'features to yeel • oe gepegatieg. •give yeti interesting littiatUree MELVIN REED- - Luchow, Ont. td. 11.,..11440 ttt