The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-10-25, Page 8r - • 4•"""-`" -•"1 • ""re.--e.e.,...reeereeteee-,teee•tee,--." 1-'1 111, ' , ,. . , ' .., , , . • , , ' II . 0 • I A . ' , . . ' 1' ' '' ': : C '''''''' ' ..' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ''' ; * .6: 4.••• - ''''''• '•-'-‘• "; ''',; •-'•.. • ''' •'''''.7."' ' ''''' ' 'THE '1411. CKNOW'SESTII4E1.4. THVOSPAY, OcirOBER .g5.th, ).4#0., ' ' , • • ..,,..,..= , • . . .. . . . . , • . ,.,... ,..„_ . . . . •.....,.. ,..... .... .. . . .. .„ out 00 arm.Sweater. Then th0puzzlln Will, come, Where and whit kind.to buy?' - Let •te ' 7404-41,:44. e, you, to decide. 1 , JER,OrgtvtAtEjf,:pper,,:ovER tEWSTEITOYst'At*EarierAND BOTTOM- OF -GARMENT VERY NET AND MOST 'SUIT. .4ti1"o wou'voR, FINE WAR, PRICED AT $3„d0 EACH. ee • ' TEE PURE WHIT SiVEATER, MADE IN. MEDIUM RIB 4ND ,PASHIONEPWirrit- 4:**, . . . NECK .AND SHAWL 4OLLAR, VERY SMART, PHIcitp,A-T•8$.00,. • .;-' . •-• THE FANCY SIVEATEE'CoATS FOR MEN ARE ALL 'THAT COULD BE DESIRED IN QUALITY., STYLE, AND FIT, MODERATELY PRICED AT $6,,50: AND $8,50 EACH. e SEE: OIJR ALL -WOOL SWEATER VESTS, MADE IN THREE, COLORS,' oxPogp oHEYt• MAROON AND SAND ALL AT ONE PRICE $2 00 EACH • • • • pug sPEciAlk—A: HEAVY ALL -CANADIAN WOOL, SWEATER, IN BROWN HEATHER . COLOR VERY'SURABLE FOR OUT -DOOR WEAR' PRICED AT q2 50 - . . . • • • bout Stanfield's Underwear For Men • '• "IIIE WEAR OFA.GARMENT DEPENDS IIPON.,TITE QUALITY OF WOOL, OF WHICH IT •'15 'mAton THE 'UNDERWEAR MAY BE PURE WOOL AND. ALL " WOOL YET MAY NOT WEAR WELL, . NOR BE WARM BECAUSE THE, UNDERWEAR IS, NOT •• MADE Or. coop ot..Trig FIRsr. PLACE. • • . • '• • • • •'• , • . 'THERE -ARE AT LEAST SEVEN GRADES OF \;VOQL, IN EVERY FLEECE.: ONLY THE ' -,-FiEsT,' GRAPE, ot, THE WOOL IS USED..IN MAKING. ST.ANPIELD'S UNDERWEAR, IN ITS ' 'NATURAL 'STATE' THE BEST GRADE OF -WOOL, SUCH AS USED Pi% STANFIELD'S, CON-. -SISTS :or LONG, CURLY, SILKY FIBRES AND, IN ORDER TO SAFE GUARD THE WEARWHICH COMBS . AND COMPORT-e0P-.STANIPIELOSi-THIS-WOOL-IS-PUT---THROUGHe-A----SPECIAL----PROCESS, OUT ALL SHORT AND WEAK FIBRE, BESIDES, ALL VEGETABLE MATTER, ONLY THE BEST GRADE OF WOOL IS THEN USED .IN S•PINNING AND: .• XNFING STA.NPIELD'S- UNDERWEAR,. OUR, STOCK OF THIS 'LINE IS COMPLETE. WE , •AvE'A,OoOD ASSORTMENT IN THE DIPEERENT_WELGHTIN, COXIBNAT101‘,TS.„..,AND:7;4. TworrEcE sms,' AND THE PRICE IS, RIGIIT' • . • • ; • ' , • • ' • . . „ , ; TAB ',UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT IS AT , YOUR SEtill:ICE.•' COME IN AND LOOK I).1!:=VE.,, OUR '• 'MAN*: LINES AND STYLES: WE HAVE EVERY. STYLE WHICH. IS Ars.. ,COLD WEATHER THE BEST LINES ARE , FROM TWO.: OF --CANADA'S BEST MUJLS,"WHO .MAKE•A sPEciALTY.O0 LADIES' WEAR, BEING " THE wATsON. MAN- UFACTLTRING LTD, OF ikcitiviTioRD; AND PENMAN'S LTD.', OF PARIS THERE ,IS•NO'• BETTEleGUARANTER. OF QUALITY, FIT AND STTLE.T.14'4.,N TO ..SAV OUR ii,ADms, UN • `DERWEARTS;MADE BY THESE FIRMS •' *.1* **'* • • • CHILD'S • SPECIAL. -A HEAVY FLEECED -LINED SLEEPER IN A .LARGE RANGE OF • . . 'SIZES, RUNNING FROM /2 YEAR SIZE TO 12 YEAR, AND -PRICED AT $1:15 TO 41.60 'DON'T FAIL TO SEE THESE.' THEY WORTH. BUYING ; -• „ ' ' . . • . . . . . - . • , • • . LJI/T)0C1-11 4!?/ r , Phone , No.'10 is .at .Your Servie We Sell for Cash -We 'Sell Cheaper Than The Credit StoreS: NPvENBAR HOP AN.11 GUN• NOLYROOD, . "Thq great Western '$4111,pec,I.e' bY'; .... : ` ; .11.40nc147. Ci•Ct•Pler 2. ' C. g, Gordon' g vivid storyof ;the:. ' Mr, William :Lloyd has' e g g d' #1'ne, when Calgary took , on the all- •W1t4. 'Ackert WO'. sop* ' :Pe, a r, TiC 0 of the 0.1d, frontier elaYs.,, is at,1‘..h4eir.„,A:t:nlieele:IAole cnke r t' spento1L1 Pquo 'ur4otty ,only one of the. many interesting, nr-, , . , ,. . , : .c. , , , p, „ lil1gsf":1;.''''..Well.r.i,i.F.,°;:?:°.°1V;Ii, l' -- "m,A.i#kgi,,,,%trilif.'4:--if .--,.-Awi.;-'-4',i';..0-,,,,,,4'1•$:.,f,m,„ : .. -1 ...,..,-,,,t..;.-r,,,,,.,...:z:„.„,..,,,,,:c.,‘,7,-- .,..,,,,,,„ , ... ,,;,, .44tair 407'r,441.!rt.i,P.ftp. -All. -,*etai -"le' ,!s.u.aendla.0y.,...,,,,,\Ier.- ,.... Iv' l'.1et'ire.•renti,**1*; a.rra',: la- e'll'aolnil.,. 49..ed. inooae-1114mg4 1rt „,,AtOri by 4.04,...Ti.to•tai, „.0...n.,,,,th,,e. ,oti..i., „6,....i.,.... Merrill .")3tiel,1VIakes dvoii "Hilie .aq- :vu ,00i.int of the iz!eyi1Ops,-Aci:veiltIlre on thel - •d' Elliott . .. „on the '' Gannet •Rock,"',by Bennycastle•!: lenelY , Gannet . reek "Duck -Hunting' v,l'aM4rin..earifd.oeMndr44.- aRrio%linarci, .04t0,4, are at Dale and the thrilling capture -of `•.'1.‘1/Y -l.1i0,..n-t•-: ''' - ' -'•- -' :-..', ''''' :":-'1;'..., ''..-:''' ,• .. ‘..a.1:gi,ng,itco:intgli.:1,1,13ivlah, olt::11B ae 17,:hirf . ublirte' Theodore_,t,11,,,,, .4.2:'ro'llf,i.',,-.1104,.ri:9X;V4704.7,;.,,vitiit T42.6.7tii.4:,,,:st,i1r-t0'd-':' Western uninintaine 'fcir, fifteen yeiti;s, . Week -iriSiting ' friende. ",'.2,• • • ' •`. '',. A..40atiptio4; of the strange -ielanct. ' • We'ejoilee At looks,' rather sleePY: -'93e're; '' Istan.4"' •1*.' : Q ''I!. :•-,9i4.94%., i•• ''Ini. Monday • Otir advice to. hint, is, not niece'of .,partiptiler enterest..The".i.Nov•T; to stay out • .§.9 , late, oi ..sunday,itight .nns-h,4, ,:i'sst.t-ft.,.testiiitairts ft, 'frozen' go.Ocr .'.. 'There iS•'..gieat •attraction Y•fer" one , , . of •unr you'ng Meti, at the brick house, Ori, ilillerest Ayenne. Good, luck 'to "stories and, articles for, the sPorts- • • F—Hei;e and There' 1 ,• •' The. total qtiantity of sea, flab .anded on both the , Atlantic and Pacific coasts during the, mooth of „July was 822,043 cwts., valued at $2,771,440 to the fishermen, compar- ed with.a catch :of 873,382 cwts. yalued, at $2,696,730 iii JulY, /922. A number froio here took in the •anniversary services 'at Bethany on Sunday, there being no services herd, ,here . ' • • Congratulations and best wishes. 'are 'extended to Mr, and Mrs; Wil- liam S. Eadie, who Were married, at ,the.horn of the bride's mother, Mrs. William .Culbert, Con. 10, Huron, .on. October 17th ' • , . Snecial • C.,attle in north Alberta's livestock Mr, Rose McKenzie ifieni.:SUncla; herds now number more than 2,000,L evening on the Con. east 00-0.• This iqdustry and also 'the Mrs Wm Wellings, of near Wing- PitiWiriinvYeinell,nneL.nsh.ilertYhe°arlvtahesetrnic,erreva!yetea°r,s17tahzhun, visited; Mr. Joh pwuitihwifsr:ehnadss eiiinn)tohsiesdvioc-• iniby the past week • • • • CarrYing'lai'ge consIglaulents five carloads oft, the -past -week!-- vstfe:.auw"v*:ebtow"-AxAr,,,AvAw:+*w,,,,v.w,Lvr*sv.,Aww:,Av::,*w6t1/4—/pi • IL ONE CENT SALE 4 '41 A ur Annual One Cent • 4)1 ' — • ovember. 1 2 and 2 :with list -of bargains --bigger, anti:,'hetter,2thrinLeyer- 4 ' Many' item's of interest and value- which are not on the f'44' . One-Cent-Sile, hills will be on sale for these 'three days ,• • ps, . • • `-• Hills will be diatributed qhrough-thee-mait-oil.:"Moltday, 14 ct. 2 th, Watch'for-the,m and if you do not receive one, • • ihuaontpho phone us and one will--.be,PromPtlY Placed in. year ds. . . , „. .E c IM • The Rexall Druggist 0- - Luknow r - >:•.*:\‘.%\•7** ' " ' ' • HE "ANTED' HOT STUFF . A lereal exchange had the following: -"We' had a subscriber in the office the other day who •wanted to knew 'why We didn't rip the Council up the back; gie-more--local-ne*s;--etet-Ve- invited hiln to do tho ripping,for_us: and alos:' send in some hot stuff that would Make your ears tingle.,He said he Would do it: We don't know which' Council he ia.referring to, possibly it Was' hoth. • • As for not getting. afl the locaf news -well it would'neVer do to, pub- lish all we hear about and see. If we did we are quite •sure that we 'could • never print enough Papers to supply the clemand,•and after that we Would have to take to the tall, timbers and sneak,out �f .the Country n the dark." editors must meet that kind., , ; . ' , 'believes .that the moonshiners sought 0, • the secluded spot on his farm for ,• • their operations so that if they were caught the onus of the proof of own- - 0• •erahip would rest on the owner of the • land. It didn't' work in this case. and --the moonshiners-nre minus their mash and. brew' -Teesvvateo News• ' • ' • • -.•-•-• -o _• •, ' • • GREY -COUNTY FARRIER • - the .Dorpinn teravernneent-and tile 'British Columbia •.b•ranoof the, John maintains __•his :reptitalion 'a -CaacniafdicianSt\SR. eEdinpeirrsssi:'.oVfuriawas11eRCa21i-li:.- aMr -76•11eti7riaefnr;i 'M _ PMrs Amos, PalM. er' , Mrs the first ship from the American Asa, l'ciliner and. son ind 'Mr an _kontinint_Ito arrive,' with' relief for e • 'the earthquake and.. famine stricken; •people of • Japan , e Nearly $10,000 in :fur,. royalties was collected. in The Pas, Man:, by 'the ,chief gaMe• warden last .winter. This •does not include ' the, •royalties • collected from- the Hudson, Bay Coin- Pany. and•Revillen Freres, which will , more than doable this amount. This :does not include moneys. :secured. -through taxei,. licenses and _other sources of,revenue. • • * WHO IS "THE 'WONDERFUL . • • . . , • Creamery 'butter made 'in Alberta , • .HEROINE" • . took a totalof 149 Prlies out of 236 -• • ' • •• • O ,prizes offered, or 63 •per cent., at ex• - • hibitions ,at•Edmonton, Calgary. Re- gina, Brandon, Saskatoon and Van- couver this. year. :Out 'of:11 open' championehips effered, Alberta buC• ter took 8. In the Calgary' eXhibi time six • provinces 'competed, in, three; othersfour provinees.rdnipetecl, and. •n'two others three previnces corn-. Mrs. E. A. Palmer and family spent Sunday afternoon at the home • of Thomas Harris. • .MrR J. Lloyd; who has been driving a truck for Silverwood's of. Lucknow, has given hp the 'position ' and 'is back with the .Aekert Bros. Bill says "There'S no place like:Holy- rood • • • , • • ••--0-0— • • • • - . • -• • .• British golumbia has reached the •••7" ...TALES OF 'TRAGEDY FOC eek0 of tl•e higg.est tearist seasen D • This is the season of the year for " repairs on,the,farm,-to-,keept,out. the Winter cold. You will require: HINGES -AND -1LATCHES.--We - liave these in the/best quality ot reasonalele.prices. . .' • -•,• , " ,,, , . • GLASS, AND PUTTY. -Did you ever' si:on. to think- that the-rnTis,a. ..,,-hig-diff-diff in-glaes:1W-e-•-haveeiri stuck--1-AbbeY-Owens'Glass, , -' which is heavier atnd dearer- than-anyother en , ethe--glassv- the • ., . . , 0 Canadian market. It is much superior to Belgium. Glass which, , . is being exported freely into Canada,.., and the •extra cost of , .:..1_eY_,Qw_ens_is_only-a_tyifler.eln_P_utty;_ave-handle-only--pure•- Linseed Putty -the " kind that stayel • ' e h n her, 'history, and • RS OF DEPOSITORS N it is stimated ttrhaavtelasanad th reeealetx.poefndtiltiner,e'enefom .etroauns. "Try' and get us somethin out of su imer will .0 t 1 est 30 • - ' ' sierits • whil in , the PI:evince ,thiSt. e • ' • • the. wreck. . We have three shares' 0000,1)00: Tte.°Iienir'; '31 the 'flanfl" • • • Canada's, rock- ga.rcen was rge y d -our -four chiliiken • are deliositori "Clermer -1)16tqr- i-rhra-ST r -0111h theught Ivould borrovv,, the child- ist trallie through the Pacifie prov- • •Owing to the failure of the crop we - • responsible for this increase in tour- Ioon Need,a.eLANTERNT-eeNothing-is,inoreinecessarYeitliiitit2the',„:1- , „ 'CII-.Ood-raiiterk We handle the..Dietz,i Whie-ii is decidedly the bestlintern on'tlie market: • , • , „ • , . O STOVE PIl3ES.---A few stovepipes .required' ;t� repla'ce the', • • . old ories., inanufaethre' per, Own pines out of the best qua- ' - itk -Blued English Canada 'STABLE •PAILS.-eAy. ware pail or, so verY handy'arptind •the , of the :1:iest, quality' 26 -Gauge Galvanized Iron,. •• . 0., , , Cement,' Lillie and Plaster always - • '••• • • - " k • . .... . • . .. . • , • • • . • -• . • „ren,!..el,..nioney-r-Witelp•eaut,fopytheetimee.-4.1,30e::. ,',-"•,---:.7"7-':57H-.7---.22'"-', -..'4,• •:-..•;: . , being. They had $393 in the bank. t, • Gold proahcere:ia the Province of •• but now .,it.,is:al gone."' . ,' '.• •.Ontario during the 'first •,si'x MontilS '. . • . . , The ':,..abOVe 'is .one . of the replicee,', 'of .:1923.-repert 'production Of, 384,- reeeived. froyRestne. ....Bank ....Share.. .... 446. , dunces ' • toia , and . 65,444 one s holders to fa 'a' qu,estionnaire sent. out :silver, of a total .•value Of $7 944 08 1.-. t 1 by IV.... T. !J:! • Lee, chairman of the ..& hi. ' e'a by the Porcupine ,prodUcers, . „depositors'.. Committee. It, 'is just 'A •and TIPIro'm the. Kirkland' Lake pro - sample of the sheaf' of anstvere 'that ducers 69,691" ounces' geld and q,.§15 . he has received to; Clete; It Was writ-, ounces, Silver, of - a total 'value •04 lee iii_Ja„....neet_hee of a 'family 42,11,,a, ,'''.1;492",}373,r or' ' from the. 'tWo-Tiitipa ; farm.near,'Goedlands,, Saalt1:.„..- ••..;. 0. i• P- total 'v.a,lue: of.0,6,4, 0. .,.5.4,,,,., . •--..;-• --"'Trag'edY 'talks' in almost eYerYline :, • of the.„ letters ' that dePositors d an, - . •Th 'C dian Pacific Rairway • will-. shareholdere••senci 'in to Mr.' Lee- Int _contribute.•.;$.25,000.1.or the ••relief .of :**, the ;West,' pearly all-ther dePositiirs- the sufferers in Japan., and have.also eareetli at -eh -elders; -:Mai'llY. :Of ,tli-e-hir 67*7-.Z.VdC1-:ttingln*dstielPoitilleisn7.1-donealiate,a4c1tallor the eXtent..oforil3r one•:or .vir"o'sbarq§. I Purchased .1,Vith me:ley . .ciona•ted for.: . But ..theY'seem to haVeLoint,_41ipir..„.f,:equot„..4,ar4....'3.74114efrtraiispOrted4r*, a601'.7--1*.Y•higiiirrtheli.:Omi".7'.":13`aillq?":i0iierr'the-:.-Core-Periy-'S•railraitd=7.steciine.---. "either in'inveetinenti'in shares...or in ••(shipAines.' 'President E. W,,,•.Becittl„ • their' deposits, '• 'One iiian bought-' his . made .thii. an ounpainent 'While ,reake ten:shares within Oven dOyo, of the ' ing a tear ,over. the.Coniptiay's lines .. 'bankte stieneneion, , ..' , . , ' •, , in the,Wesewith t.t. party of directers. • .' Ointi".:',01011.11 'letter &Mies from, an: He. added that this action had been • Old retaiii,at "Begot; man. q iisd6,- taken• "b. ii e• tlf-:4Ile,rApnits of "the - --nehding; on the-. dividend from .iliy• intree, ;icarri;h1s Viie to . the disaster,, stoek to get isoinething- to eitt,,"elie. a.n cno . ia.itpstaPndig the 'fat that e•vrites. ilo: had 20 stiaree.:„....._ .. 4...---1-4-nat- Poll 4 .-Y-t114E1,4Psi:'eV.-157""tild'''' -..---q-: --.,,,,,,,,,,:iii..-c.-bid,..mati,,:ih6.w.in,,,,.e..atastrophe:.•. .:, , 1,••,. ; , , : ,...!, : ' ters here are 'eold, .and .1 am .unable ., ; , to 8api my, bOatd. It i8 •net.aa bad hi ..,, The, 'following :., editorial , recently the.'Summer, When 'I, inn , able. out in the garden and milk to:We. FOr tp . get . /appeared ie • the f'Windsor ."Bordet Cities Star": A reeent cargo.'of silk. •,heavens' sak t • '1111.11'.47.-611F-il'irit:'?7T4'.'4:11f:t'z'414.°;::!'"-"., 67--c-'7,-cerai,1:.-'ciguhietifiel(50;:i'5fidaoCIII-vifliaeC-1:iRViiiii6racitoaildV-N.6ai4nddYrO9islill:t.r •. Two • wqmen„ m One . in Alberti and ' . the • other in Manitoba, avretc:alinest.' ed. the St, ta'',Artend'.6' .0 Ogdeegbni!g• ' .. -., ideetical letterk."I have:Six eharee iri, ,11.etneWsYnerin'SeeeetenSt•sA-atef*.eeb"fterrie'grre.-S.Eie.:nt7"..* ' Picnic tacci.',Tbe !nail:lent 'offere" scene- • • I.Y • • ' Mr. Albert .Arn,ott, a well kno n „ ide t 0 r T shi t• res n o ey own sp iv '.with a tra.tie 'and sudden death on ' • Oct, •.16; when ais;sted by his •Iiirtel mare he win; delivering a bull on fecii":" ••:' • to Proton Station, the animal being .led by a ropenose ring and handle, , • About two miles from. home •stop- , Ping on the road for a fei'ir minutes, ,'"•••• .1VIr. ArnOtt was looking at his watch, - •when suddenly, ,the bull attacked hiin ..Th• a • ••• ,• • , MORE ABOUT' THOSE IfIRUNKEN Wonderful •Heroine" in the Family •• ______' ' furiously . witli •his, • •dehorned 'heact. '.0 . • g s a t deat . •Se. •-•, • e , amazing lif• e story of "The - COWS•'and fbet 'cansin t n h ' Herald, and Weekly' Star •of ' Mentreal, is creatine intenee..interest in every pine": is a young 'and •tragic history whose picture 'in,colors • is being given dree to' subscribers cif the Family Herald ana, Weekly' Star. A eubscriPtion.of two trollirs is little enough to' pay for A Whole Year's subscription •to thie greatest' of all "TI-; W d ilH ' part ofCanada.. e on .er u er- , A farmer on the 14th. Concession Culross" whose •farm runs into th • Greenock swamp, had genie trouble in 1 ver,e injuries were sustained in the head of head and body, the ribs. being badly .•• ".. •••:, e• broken front and baelc. ' The hired '' ". , swamp he discovered the poor beasts. day. After going further into the ...raritlael bpeuftersee.viterfaellibudlelaedte into the ani- • :: ' in a state of intoxication and further_ ! the entire comtnunitY and deep sym- •The .tragedy tragedy was a great shock to • . • . 0 .• Ihinaysehstiignatoiopnenrehaverraeleisd tahaqtu thlietiter.ow°sf The deceased. who was about 45 Years " ' • • . . riathy° is felt for the bereaved ones. • "` • had fed on. There was some of the of 'age. was a very highlY resi3ected' ' . . ... • man. being unable to subdue the in: lovely woman of • Meeting two of his ems last 'Sethi-- neighbor. Mr. 'V Love, Who with a .furiated beast hastened for help to fafrn and famly journals, and with a . magnificent', .Altrovvi ,4n, -the -Valhe *is superlative. • 1 -4-41 A: :rrian in Lyftleton Ma • n had' r thing "f'151. CaVita" 4°1 ab°u‘ 'Successorg to.Lucknosv;Hardware & Coal o. • bouglit one', share ' at $134, and"' 'had ' thel,t cP:e°vedlianW P•aacaifisoll o'efniceirs' snrsrlictes ea deposit of $6 000 , in,the bank; - I .rail and iteamsbipilines'.',Ini,a•reene-7 • , • • • ' ' • inherited2........shares -fro ---rnY-,1 try, e. anada, ransp rtation • is all *'•'' A pREACHER FALSEHO .fl •," ' • • ' 7in-Ptliileitveciii("1,1retalrViahArhaeti:Ittita,20.8i 'Coderie.h; presiding, ThomaS Groves pleaded guilty to a tharge Of drinleiteg . • . • „ , , eireg:-.1:1-itibertiliNI:PttOld'a."Dicitifer;- .hoed,'-Toronte 'that.t� • 'molly, :03.1;-Csitio.on6ie,g-,;',Ofeet.. member 'WhO Want ,knave, .fobt eotild. Make cttnte,. Spngible StAte7 Innnt,'. 11.Albett ,eAnnot,..itaine.one tonatitueney ,that, elected a Meriiher •" Who. Wanta war., yet „the newspaper," report, says hie etatenient Wes ap'= •,•• platidedl What, are- theae. itroOtrifood • meetinga- for ,y"WaBrotherhood • should', mean something, other than _ , , hardood-Linr4 falsehOgd,,,,Kincar4 . # •• • . , , -:hiffidr's eatate" Wirites ra Mari/in Yel- ',' isential) add the way the-Ca'ruidian ,• ooSrt:On to ;pay double: liability?i. ' i- r. rhaecifbleusilressca'drffileflu'19tnies' ii'lwhsiiIcilite hoef- A Regina Cotinla,Writed: 4Wcit have gan.Lwith_the. War and ,7are-nots,,yet- _„..1abored_hara--to..„-iirenare f61;:t the .fftSnibtitheill*out, is a •' 'ilre, a'rin have .'sayed h'oee ly. TWS • i tion b?rth i;),fp tit arl,i, now over QO years of 'i to Cehaila's, splendid!' gateway to .the r . . „ a • . which. d9ticeivedeYietd,4,..tc.. the na,. 7 , *nlealtig ' more '.eontinued Work, and •• • Again,: the incident ,calis"attention lowgi•ass, Sask , 'and I am in' other than, a. dwelling place, and weir aesessed '$10 and .costs This a Sequel of the Lois Martin cace,.'of Carrick, Martin wee assessed eorne daye 'ago $344, 'cost ineluded, for se1l. ink to this Man, Two other aseVV0d called, Two young men At Brussels', GdOrgt tAkdr atd Williani Champion, were ea0i fined $100 and dosts.' $1050, or in de -i fault. three months They na'd, • 'Crown Attorney Seeger, • of todo, rich, i,vas presbnt for the. pros.e4,utiOn; Itt-Yanat4ine`flor-Bakeritiilrelianinien' and td1er go es for OreVeli ' i',°4111.1 c: e (fug t, oar stock Airithin ‘th.e' , ,. . , past year."-Torentii 'Star 'Week' I Batt. Altkatigh 'Chida iS•in a cliaCifie political. 'condition '. jUStr 'now,, 'the' 4.,POf , „ , • : . , . -..,.. 0 .0 ,.6:_..,.: . , . , . , ..„. bilge Oriental„ nation. ntferS Wi)nctOt' .„1.1,...i,, nutty that' 178,6±114i68, h ..4.9 ,as . fill trad4-,chafilces fa ':tli•ftittire. !NO , . • 1• , , . . tiirn. turtle,' ' • . , . i'''., ri • t!' ' 1;i,ittli•°pill 0'11 \tbliltitt4btUSPIna::A'd. tffilei' 1:eCtEttrif haldal',t. 4 . .>• ; . 0 Wheeling, ' , .. , ., ' .t, I' , w iii, 'il.'look Ili, 1' ' ..)1!' sr, A ot A • 0., o, '' ' Yarn _ 0 - .,I.,,, .01,11', him :',,tat ,',the....,sarn,. e - ,The :on]; ''''.."-'6''itdvan6tiiilgifff'-'d Of 4.1 ig'llity... .18, i..ve.'n,i,e.r.1' 'neW is',•hit interriretih tiltit°i:rl' * . .• ' '''' ..*'' k ' . ' ' " ' ; 1: 0 ' 4P 1' to ..t.11S.1..... )01.4..t.016..„t0,10,01i ail .':' L.,..ILT.ii.e 'iv.tit,e,:,..:stty4,:tlid.tti-stelieli &ant. Mien- elle' told -"via* itint itii,ofice. 'Ent it didnI tilt .hioi 1 , ... , , ' ' ' '', 96e..:.th., , . , , that StrAnRets, nAVnt ask you:, for ii, .• • i• , . 0 • . , • • ,t it tune,. , .. 1 • • • . ., , „hard' et(Otik'h.. ' • ' ' ' 1 : ,*•'''''' * 7,1„...,.._:,....«.,-,14 . .. ......,,....4,.,"‘......,a, .. ,...,.,.. :...• V '......, -•,' " .`,.....4, ' .-.,...,1,,,,-,..4:.•—...,.., ',.; --, !"-.-,.., -,—,.... ..-• —..— ^ ; • . . ' . • . .3 • • ., , . • ‘ii •WwWW;11.4040111W1.6111(1111.110M1'01011611614.10.11140.16... iiii;iiill0101111611i : ' . ' ' ' ' . ' 1(4 • . . ' ' : I' ': ' . ' ' . , ' ' ''' ' ' . ' ' '' . • • .1 ' I. 4.."."•-•-'74: bbdarrerl Tiv e destroyedasaco 4t:ifinhdeedi Iethe conet bl • H i -also.' besides his aged iiiother. 'two man., He is: survived by his grief-• • . The etents •ef 'ill the owner of the .stricken Wife and ,three -children and -brothers. andtwo •sisters$ . For Men who like a black hat, we have that nice I Soft Black Hat, in the Brunswick Shape, plain edge, at $3 50. , , , Now in Stock--4.'40-inc,h White Eigli4ii: ‘. anneletto,',. very,.-A-Ager,q; ii-ality;'Slitelidid-16rVireitiit7. 5E-iiiiYarcl. - - -,-.--,--. Other:Erigr' Fl.ainelettes at 40 and '45c. ,..per yard. . , ,, 1 •. ,_Other_q'ua 1 les-in--White-Flannelettes; at 2225128, . , . . 30, 32.i.nd 35e. Blanket Cloth CoatingsEin,,Scarlet, Cardinal; Brown, 1 e . . Bliie and Taupe, 56 inches wide, at $2,25 peryard. , , .. • . MI -Wool English Flannel, Cria.m and. Scarlet, at _ . $1...00 per yard., , , - ' ' , . ' " , rworo=4,-,11-1 • • • , This is a good place to. buy Children's Hose. We , have th(irl in Brown, Cardinal,".81ack;=White and Sand. pair. Size's -4 to,8 1-2 and priced from 35 to 80c. a _ • „ . • • '0 0, ..... -- . ' .6. • ' ' • ....' •• 1 ,-, , . . , . ..,•• ';• ',..,, ' . • Ir . _ . • . • • ". • :A' . , . . ' , more" •Hats for , , t, en ; 0b00 .02,00•0 1 .