The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-10-11, Page 27Y1' 1 Whieh 0144 it 4rOghtr• •resdatant This is the case.aIsqwth .41-,PgrAff,IffV4/3:rftWeri ancither eX"tellent".' basket plant Withebeautiful feathery' fOliageY bUt _ . Worth -While' ble,001, Wandering .Jew and weeping lantena are , tailing0 plants often used,. but either. ,ofythe above ,I have found, to be better -•-•,.A. • CHECK SHOW BR. POPU .jt,t Oil .1,...,4*i. AV 'will realize ata *1476 e ifference *ust tea•".. •••••-••••., 7,7 'tELLING 'CHILDREN.' STORIES; thoughts and b' the time my story **het sort of'bed-time stories do you was finished, he was ready to go to ..)Vto ,your children; and what sort sleep . of an impreision do they Make on the ' THEM, GREATB,ST. LABOR little tots?, ieus,selhetimes wonder why the longer, you telt your little son , SAVBItS. ,or-daUghter,Eito"rieS:.the Wider aWake • When a certain farm woman figur- . .'tbey become? . If this is the case, yon ed that she Was traveling 114 mike inay be sure that there is a•very good 'a Year, bringing water from her back reason., fet'it. What kind of stories porch int,o the kitehen, it did ;not take d6 Your ,children, ask fer?.`"-: One safe. her long. to persuade the men -folks , • , . :j,n, assuming that if the. ae- Pipe the, water into the house. Facts 'ritedi wltir Little Red Riding Hood, are stubborn and sometimes startling, 'ftlie. Giant :Killer,,ete, that they and 'often the simplest changes spell are hie favorite storiee. But have you the difference between drudgery and allowed the child to become acquainted pleasure dOing housework with these characters •of Story-loi.e? "What is the greatest labor saver '• friend mice.: complained to me in year. hoine,?" was the question asked that the longer she, told . her little at "a hOuie-improvement. meeting 'the daughter "good -night" ,stories the other day. .„ •wider awake she became. "The !more Electric lights, electrie. iron, and . stories! teli'lleiVthe'lliore she wanta," electric' washer of course came. in for. the. mo•th"-er coraPlainedr. "She wants their due shire of praise; but many tales Of ogres and giants and.I0diatia, and She won't -go to sleep withiadt them -..and she' cant go to sleep ,with them, Sonietiines .'till' ten o'clock: And, she "'kets sc:0 nervous that she often cries tinher Sleep," . ' 41though a,,,wonatin of unueuelja-. telligence,.she 01(1)n -et ',seem 'tO,reelize ;that it•Was:the sort of 'stories she told t(her little daiighter that:caueed the • sleeplessness. SuppoSe that 'she- lied "told the child stories ,.tare? You know :tliere ire stories, of that ",sort-stories-T.that 'have', a .soft, • drowsy sounds : thet. have the 'effect' Of producing :.SleePiness,: she., Preeri•Pli' she ight4iittlie-told7rthe--littlesoneitorlee- eirea thengh they' did net -have . _ theeffeet of producing.sleepiness, reel of. the things mentioned itrere, within the.. limits of even the slenderest pockethooki and -soine of these thing's require no outlay, of money whatever, ealy; littlethought and ingenuity. • "-A high • stool -in the kitchen," said One' woman:,: . ' . . • - "Hooks to hang, utensils where they are needed;') said" another: , "A chamois 'skin for , washing win- 'dowa and • mirrors," volnnteered ':a :Other 'things 'found .helpful Were drep •sheiVei. to • sitpPly ,extra room, wire -dish cloth; dustless dust- mop, oil. cloth on. shelves,. traveling table';''and *oii stove. • „ , • • - . - Just reacEthis-over-c-againand-see,- it;,ther,e isn't at leapt .one of ,these -labor ;savers that you need and. can have without mach expenditure 'of betold at hedtime,lwith perfecteefetY. • • • . . • '4ti feet; iny;i3toiy :that does not 004. .Lime . 'fain the least *Meat et ear mey b DAINTY SACK. safely told. But it a,mother desirea ....that her . Child --shell ;Sleep, well, she slionliinever or •allow him to • 'be told, stories that friglaten Suelt Stories are also.,ptiorbrain- _elopers. ;.Only a few evenings .age out little seven 'years old; began after he had been put to bed,, to. tell, •the • story that -his teacher adtohjs ttf-.7get.:hiin• interested :in ,'an Y other -: '41+,621., The !leacher's.. stery" •?...nuidesuelLati impression, on him -that It seetned. he could not 'get it out of his mind. • I did nOt get much -mean- ' Jniarorn.„bis.ratherancoherent.vereicei, bu,t I know :the. stery was 'full of -be, 'headings; giants .and ogres; and that it „was- tot,. fi.t„,„for. any,,abileVe,rairidt It was with diffieultk.tbeer interested the 'child- in ia:1 simple; little nature „ Perhaps the child's teacher is not to • blaine as she ,is only 'a girl .and •this • is her first school:-; AnYlVey; our little brother took some stories to °school 4463. . Filet lace and Crepe de Chine with him the .next day --just such are here combined The model' is corn - 'stories' as he is used to having :talc] fortable and pretty, and may be de - and read to him -and the teacher veloped, in crepe of two colors or in 'seemed pleased to *get theni and to Prove it, read them.aloud to the class. —And as_a„result_trother_dia-not-have- ' any difficulty` in keeping his mind,' on, his own good -night story when he. fulI'.of horrible; fear -instilling . • • , batiste ;with veining' -and henistitching for a finish. • - . -The-Pattern', is--cut-irt-47-Sizes: Small; 34-36; Medium, 38-40; Large, 42,44; -Extra .Large, 46-48 inches bust rneasure:-A'"Mddihin -size -irektiliel" 2 % yards of "32 -inch material. For the Yoke Of contrasting,material 1, yard ' . 40 inches wide is required. ' Universal Portable Bath Ttib • Pattern mailed to any address on and: Folding with or vilified liistantaneena water heater recipt of 15c in silver or stamps; by attached, pormIta all bathroom _comforte,..t_the,-Wilson-Publishing-Co.,-.73-West a millIonalio In the rood.. No plur.tb. Adelaide St Toronto Allow two hub Equally suitable for remit, or '9 . ' town home. ao day.. trial. Mod. weeks for redeipt of Pattern. crate mica, Aelc,abont Our MOOT BY JOHN BUCHAN. p,A; j;ct::;Nc:,zz:tteAro:r,,aE:fr:r.lr..sctr;zp,,curlitt.t tast;e, , e: npx:11,1i.,,..,,t,•?tvi'TelirnaS31',i,'N:Ivelatt.atteir,B.O..ln?p;..,r,Lt:c1:i.' that...are 44,03- -:::::::;.• cf -shape. like the stout ArneriCall. Blenkiroii, , a daYs",-,` I've*faoSund out the meening;of • V(iti forth to seek?", very ,dii&ult -,:arit1;iii;in';ct.thrke134itt.xi', ,11,43.411,;11;.glatii:alt.ril,,,s;4,:r.hic;a: eon': -old, ones, Tii,ida...$ , •-'''''94:4, , • ,-. ,..,.,...,..,-,Alie,,,,h-n. wifiati,. II . on Eine .a.sk(1. • ."You are not knoWiedge:h have e hahit..9t coming in 'the same: Patches, like 'the nose on the face ' 4. xsi ,leossiheodt:leYionpeoz.rerTahnerdoeiadeavoomteee; :the Second Word thet. Harry Bnilivant -- scribbled." places. . put-th. ear -on -after -a new garrnerit. has' • ' So it is a simple matter . to .o.rfulthge nIcOre than :that' in your fae i "C 1 " — 014...areon_dizi side,„but_you..are -not " L---"Yaens.ceIrt.- meeanssk--:-jeduLt What .it -.1 e d . German with their hankerings and no more" Gr,eeninantlo LS dyirnga-'--s likfeteen,r444r7S-Itb'ee9nr!'finitisilin'eka'd'-'"94natt.h1;IMEttA. °" -for a -rileeee, ,iripire.,....:YoueMite_from has been dying ' tet%eise:serne_Lef-tlie-Jnitiritilieen.,)3e;i0ieiiit!**1-ir-the-Lland of i'tjus *:71°11ies r.'lid:liattd.7 .1,1:-;",u61.74147(4, 31:etriiniSn-1711d,i(e'91.4;t4er:''' sused, bid; if 'Clothes are*,„ready-niade '1 ask what come you, 'forth, to seekr;',- li*OUre.:'SfaiDet,Ir.'lliBya,11;1ZOw'";eli:O})i•Ini:ait;fhWr• _en7Worshiprgoldlind'-f.vvords ee' . ome similar Material will (.1o, jt. t as ' AnSoSiheii•Silgo,kuereI ier,med to get a Vb.." well: '-• - • . ' ' • - s- '' sio For a The -taifef.'an old shirt 14 often good gOdsa Ine9hpiaeifinssLd,n9Yn'i-egn Qhnuer..n.11.t.tnilaeinPrekt . X to' TinhentrieI7thsewuNitai.tsc'ilae:gigreed;4u%-...things. a • or the ful, d ' • ettOught0;be.ent inte,patehe f ' 'Ir-PagniTkliiiiewr'ence. own. .1 can., have a ertis dwithout"'. "You' ' 't h 'flieltiekhsit,;dbaintdfivnurthe:.ditia8,daifir,„"Then that busts the show," I, said . eea Pills:, 0.;' ble_ce,s'large=e'nengh,t0 confe in • .„ • . . , over the Shoulder blades in, the t' n e ' mrimagin ''' prophet" ' " . . ion, and f answered With the stuffal , ' "111:1h I thought did.: .'le's the back. .Cut the patches ,round for the had often cogitated when I had tried end Of one stage, but the Start of it elbows and Pin or baste into place., De to explain to myself jtist how a case new and blacker', one. ',D you t_hink nCet patch into the edges.. qatch.stitch'could be madecintagainst the. Allied that wenian will be beaten °' by such a wt_ii_h,vn p nht t 1. ngt in e . sleeveonnhle vhezic elightly.ehape' lcause.w YOU, Madam," -I ,said; "I nhetf. She'll- fintd a sPhstitute-one of ill'tell i small! thing as the'death Of her pro-: the patch ne the top . of the shirt, pin am a,man.,wh7o9has followed a Science; the ,four ,Minisers, Or some one else into place, turn in the edges and,,hem ..--- but I have followed it in 'wit places,• ' She's a devil incarnate; but she h'; tack outatalt hal': other .through 11.h. wdodridas, ger is onlY 'beginning." ' . 7 to sleeVes, sh011ider and collar seams.. Beni 6f a Napeleon. The•bigdean ' Overcast the • lower 'edge and k ! see it, hadbecOme toogeTaslyet. aannd:::::::' the soul he told me the,stOrYof his ',re - to the. ehirt•in•several places so as to ioned • Men ..lredeetragoottittnii atAeni:d. before shOwing•teo much wear, ,:vYneni: wf.rheree1,1 eaerticoem, wing, emaschlated htiinmllgan'es41c.h.en,tthIledalonailnidnsofiesrlearakil''.oweanInfearsP:aened4.1ti5le hold it in ,place, Knees. and 'seats of', hood .. new trouiers , will he Much Slower , their etheg, :eivilization house Of ;1; alliinvi:iitahl:eirnyeinintsw,ii.cithuoaurt_ iininagrhoraomubnifinlian performe_d;with to i the .riutn4leessefitaeyvi • e had found . out the• way while new, :Underwear and pa-' cOme ' throngh if.::,re7enoyferi,:ed• pian:te. tnls I were. janias will need alinost no attention f. in later . life ' When the it is not tpaelaggir, -orgotbteri';:e. greater virtues and •W . Comanions and 'fame.of the aMillas4els-for the that is not thestet the :'‘fleiliiireee:tesaVtree.‘ril3att'llcdtters.' Theprophet h 1 rge retinue, will. be-liur.prised. to experience' a ..` whose gods •were'our own weaknesses the ear! ofthtlbsemHoVty,;(,?Ortnheoad.orx$,acnoldteea;' derful feeling of freedom When. you ed. German ya,rinaslittel.eofalii7e7,11 caldera ' eer-. . leader f • ' was taken into favor and brought' outdistance the family patching .. ..', ,end her sgrossness steed for the 'four Ministers.11the . eaeln't r4thaantkmthde: iPs.11:r'siAnieltil:GernlanY's. " devoted lanktl le, dcitwi. eoel.P-ef-droOfP a g a n d i s t s of th ,•• scourge of cant She had thethcoausrathgee .„, . , ,,,, cou .,_ , to 'cut ,tlirciugh ' the bond inmates'- , . _o_g_h.f_i ,______ Sandy,., from and .his half dozen' • . retainers be 4 ' ,When x; . , 8:. weary • of people zoen,d, •Wherd e , .Therefore I am' . • , And the 'fret 'and the wail- and woe reason frokandoewham'iantootrhymigt..oif: the East, von '.Eiri.etiv'WeleoMeci"hini as :an ally Of llfaat its:•'best, to a little gray 'rock- dhut as 1 . towns ' ' ' ' , ' : . the donfideritc-he:!--;11;itiha-e haoa.nusdseh *oc.1.....Fc..rreleue s , from the for tne Companions had been ' ' ' ' . the most Thame C.wity of 9 ,.i1 --""":'and-te-1te4rsgsh-nofm.b.the,.. • • ge . o slamic liifeaffd hif a.. . side But I " . e. here' for. another , ostentatious Piety'', ..w ' adinitted to. In the"heart Of the plead. oW" I :Irredeowinietl; ., , e new A. n...d.there,"in the 'silence, sequestered' shams and phrases and painted idols ' revAesia•htieelndeseribed it, it was a Strange a. -wind blows out., Of ;.the :Wilds, to ' away ; from the riotous CroWd, .'f, cleanse ,and..siMPlify „life.' . business.. ,Greeninantle was, dyiagand, ,My. fanciful spirit • aline Out . Of .the needs space •and ,fresh Air. The Wojoirrilld_ often An great lialai',but fleshization Iv have boasted of is ,a toy, -.to meet the'demanda of his protectress.. 16i'hoistencone(f)ourilZd':nOn.setl;e 'rs. ' . i prophet • himSell :*Wae, a saint, though. them, were .unWerldly, aecetice;.,,tbe he Struggled And visits the City of Cloud, , she'', and.;a - ind.alley; and I hanker' 1 The •fehr' Minieters, as Sandy , saw .,,.. • , . ' Are silver and mother of pea.ii, , fiegeliet oeffttliellfearnpaatilce..eYWeSitii'h-ie7bsei:•*icgoehlldti ilwoillile:YWebretIt::.thth6§•"ec. 4611f:t:i' thilei.illgadbyr.A'iSnanandy6. hair and the long eXquisite•oval of h Its domets and Its roinarets,,,turrets,4ncl a practical,,samt Virtth.some notions of . . .. . . .. . . , ,, ers wit,11 fringes face. she looked like • some . destroYido ,seenied to have weir.his'favor even his .And white .satin ha.ntt ' ' - ' 0 silli . ; 1: . ':',' r. , , '' fury of, a :Norse legend., At. that mo: 'dffectiOn. He Spoke, of hitn :With' 4 Frou2:11§s,pires intheyazare,linfUrL. Ment %I think I.' first-TeallY feared kind (if pity desperate "I' never se* such a than.....- He IS • Mies broad, ' : .,:,.-' '.,:, ' ' ' _ admired. Thealc. Heaved., in her ab- f --the7greatArt-gentleinatiyon,-can--rii, ',: •--Tii-e-steep4erreee-Stairs.,-and-thereve--,1-h-er;71reforellred.--11111: hated indiiiiIf tarp, With a The gates and the palaces proud •'. sorption she did not notice '2that„ :I, ' dignity ,like, high tneun : a .-: Are Of pare. av' atain. • 'i He is . a dreamer' arid.•a',.00.et alabaster nd'ivOry caredhad forgotten the speech of.Clevelnd, , ta the giOrious . Of- huld . 9 1;•',a ' - . . ''. ' ' ' - .. ' too.. ',,.a genius if L. Can ' judge : these City C . , •• , u ,are of the Household of Faith:" ' things,. , I, think I.• ,can • assess .! him ..,,- . ' • • ' • • - , ' , . ' .:.' • ' she said., . "You .will presently learn :rightly, for I . know. something,.of the rebes to.,soar`f.the''Eastilm4 it would be • too Only .1111es unthise is' its. karcens and fowl hi • y t ngs, or the Faithma „. . . . .. , . ,knows a story to tell now: 'The West .' , . , •. : viCtOrY. Meantiate I,bave•one word for .. ships i snowy sailed .float to its piers,-kyou . :You and your companion travel ..anows!,-nothing of the, true Oriental It, pict,ures him .as lapped in color and No 'Ouncl ever • shatters, the .qaiet''su- eastward" . , • . ; ,... , idleess '. and 1uxury and gorgeous. . ... y.‘, ,fwe Igo to Mesionotamie,',..i -said. dreeine. But it.is all wrong. . The Ka! No calendar ,reckons the years; . .-: "I. :reckon:. these ' are,. Ouir. pasSnorts,,, he.. yearns for is an austere thing. It Butw.,..tat. . th, Ing 6. itzp,n, l roofs4daand1. i 2., t,o,,, .ii_isunseta1,1 . 1 .e:e : hcl. 9 . :I 3 3:. , Me, ,e4 ::: , 7..iinsdnhle'te•Px..r.liirleiht'efft7iptItpl;:.:61,ie,n,a.ovii-ilen,13theed-ss.Ltte,nixt.'d .beauty and its terror . % . It always : is the 'austerity of the EitiSt that ,is its ITIiiiiratliiiiteV-irithineillYels, " rubles' 1.11e-fit'er'''''"'" : ' . '': : . ' . j waiittihelsame thinge, at *the'hack.of. , . and goia . • .. , , ,, The orders are co.uriterMend'e' Td'tifeitLeheOandi7e-fTrig eriipaiIcee'aehndd-ltreyffAhlive , Is the beautiful City , • • • • , • , I.naeet in the'streets'all the hopes, and the dreams. - • ' • That naeltedalas1 -into And young Love who .died of too ar-. ..dent a kiss, ' And TrOth-who.:•was-,.--,s‘rt, •a;„, half, , , • , And none.,are, unhappy., et sick or in . : ' There! . noithdr crutch'- or a Cir a_whirtpr_tt-weepon, or 4 hunger or tears , ' ,• , • . In the marvelous Ully,•of Cloud._. To eyes that are Mind to 'the heauty. • ' or star , And 6lossoiri and 'billow, behold! : My city enchanted.is only a mass . Of annuli fold upcin,fold, But te•world beaten 'hearts , like, MY, It's the „place :Where s shadow-ne-of Strife . is al.:: ]owe,. And -iny s Writ untranatieled May with ti ie In ,the or, City, of Clond:, she said. "I have rieed of you and the , desire for them iii their' bones. the Tigris; but A6' the grezit lag.. TO - of They -:settle dovvrt and, stagnate, and by -and- by-, they-degetierate- into that you-ge-with-m-e-:, -Norte"-- the flats ruorrQiiv. you..will,,„reoebto.., new, _viten_ appallingsubtlety .. which. is their rul- porte, - , i• . . I, . ing passion gone crooked. And then ...LShe „gave ;Me -her har14,1:ankfA-Uhl Q to go. At the threshold she 'Paused,' d ,-donies ;la _mew 4.revelatiori -.--and -i gr,eat simplifying., They want to live face and leolced. towards the oak etipboard. to face with God without a screen, of ,your rritual--.ane imagesl mug 41riestcraft,- "367nkorrOw+, vrilL7relinve-ybiri=a; hands." : ' ' They Want -.1.0 Prune life of its foolish `p'rigotier.•: .1.re will be 'safer in .rni fringes -and, get back to the noble tare- blenk4bewilderment:-We-are-14--- tirb' -6-- Iplvvays-the unity.. desert'ind----the- the,,desert_Beilietaber,- it is She left me in a.,cdnditiiiii of -pretty 'less of tiedandstarted a trhthedc 01 ina rai ont -wenterprisehee I sof ethomispfaurredy;! empty •sky that east their spell over to which:fghting- agaiiin due friendS them -these, and. the hot, Strong, anti - at Kut seemed tame_ and reasonable and sutilight -which titans up all rot decay, . ... . It ,isn't,. linhuman. On the other hand, I had been spotted It's the M.:Rasta; and had got the envoy of ' the humanity of one part. of the ace... It isn't .urs, it isn't ,as ,going ,to. be .no party to cold-blOoded 'eniPaPnbelanrdC. ellsAttarVhum" r -Welly-Greennia-ntleAs-the-'prophet- .nthgepi'me olsotocpeodweinrf ual J....gOod as ours, but it's jollY 'good all costs we had to -keep- Rasta safe, but a 7 the 'soma- IThere . are times when it I was verydetermined that he should grips me so Wird that I'm inclined t6 -not-be handed-overtO-the-la-dy: Vvirst j"---' forswe'ar the gods of my•fathers! : tnurder,, which I judged to he her ex- of 'this great' simplicity. He, speaks :pedieht..•:---It Was •apretty-kettlenf 'figint an :Straight to the heart of Islam: and WS but in the Mem-Miner, must have :food, i an-Lmessage ' -Bue,for-quir feinine.hors. i sins it's been twisted into part of- that for I had. eaten nothing' -Sineecri-vrefit in"seareh of Pefer: ,,, demned. Gorman, propaganda '. His ' • -Milin., 1rviag,: Solemri_as_a sick-ovvl. I s ' d 41' - 19tik_do.)euonow'a•rialiness has been used for :a degeneracy. _,,..111y......G6d,-Pick, s-liko therance of the last word in human ' I. had scarcely begun my ferred meal When Sandy entered , He ' g political move, and his creed was before his time, and he lOOked, as of ' ce and siinplicity, for, the fur ,..._.",...„_. • -- . d . -4-- eize . op He heanrd_.mayeos;tory of Resta withmla' seci'111171'eStw:oPmraanncisharlis'n bYMehi;arelin- at: -.The Reason.. , as a rowning,Inan clutches a spar. „ • been' - • expelled 'from -Russia- yeerragoliy-Eiti=7—"Tif The „Story of how' `Paderewski..was lengtheni 1)fd ale° night ". 1 "Shr'asked ine4- what a s a , e said . ou sa ' r stood for, and I invented SOille unrverao Malt produilit comPans, Ti 06 Assumption St., Walken/111e, Ont. HANGING -BASKET PLANTs. - peror exander III., after Patlerewski he spotted you, and your subsequent fernalt nensonse sho appreved MATCHES • On-the_CP1t:and --where 9th,1,/firjrcot.mts, Eddy matches are served to patrons AIrWAYS, IIVEU Vwiteas tri icKtiAnti. Au enors wadi= I a played, before theeourt. Werth doing$ Course would not disillusion of. it I ,can ,see one: thing.• S.lie and " Hanging -basket ',plants,: I havev•tellink.., , .. „• 'A,. n f at/. ..,o,n-1..hito,, lei; am._ infotnal, flui,uflt.e. lutt her prophet ropy, -. run .for different the seine course." • ' ' injured. hy heat o' temporary neglect. or to, Ra.sie," the: .g,Mper„e.r.,. 1,5 ,rePerted , jeartied, alust,beliardy andnot eaSily! . '"You are. a great artist, a 4 h • I ptl'ilftrehTmo,911nY,.c.obilarwg:eayofournt5i,efOlivt.;piemopulr. !!tak.e7' .b.u.t ...__It'i.1,._i“._.,,.._____ (To be emitintied.),' . • TheY: will keep ,birn safe .afid sound till 'The air, cp,,wher't, they are is likely to ,Ittive.sard.. ;'. , , . • , ,lhe's,wanted.".Only he mustn't see nie.".41 • '. , ‘: . 'The Little.Things, to be ' much Iletter. than the.norrnal ,. '...parqon,, 'onr • Majesty' ," .re'Plied, And he went .out. in A 'hilt*. . , . living -room • temneratnre,.. and, being ,'Paderewski.' "TO, Poland.''''.' . . ' .`,1,_. 'I fetched -Basta ftbut his "Prisoo:IIe,': Il'eT:litiim•eth sie,leitttilieei7f:..1n1 ei,.‘v%. did . ,abOye. the I leVel of the , eyes. ,. they' are:',.. The, 'ilex,i, dap ' the ,ticanN't l'Oceiyed an had, cep* to ,,,hjS senses :bY Ibis time, ,Ai,i'd stayed a little. Jonger. .. likely •to be neketeiL. ,IDrying .out: order to. leave Russia; and, he, has and lay regarding fat, they need more watering thnn never, returned ,s1nce, , .. ...,....2, '', '' ' 1..' .11'il IGA,PQ1".13rPEt.') '; ..'. '::' .., i*..-. .' .. : . : -- ', :, , .' ' ''. '."11e'''worked t'arlittle"•rcrimer''... "I'm 'Very sorry, si)r,e ''Iwistallid,si6f9L'I'' Thad...the .Otlior, fellow,' wou-1,1; . __. „ ,....,,pets.h 10 ,, ,ind_usually...get-lessi-- 1. , ' . . ' . -";""1---,'"'"7,---7-'--- ' • ' • ... hat .hitg, happ.,,,eued. ,, But , roti ,!ft me ,,,IL4ArLi,d4,s:hilet3i.aelikei..ielitall.,':y.liiittoleit,l,iees.4.." '. The Bermuda. 'buttercup Oxalis' has jTea.and:rggs are In ho same' Class.' w been about, the bast •'biechning: liatigiM;•- . t ,§ . ); a il- Sinee tea - - . - - - -. 'ton'in 1st on fret! eggs '. ii ne alterhative. T'Ve got -a big job on, '' " , 'basket, nienti I have evet.'"tttoi,vn, Both '. neteriorates:.eVen more re:Willy' 'If, ex: hanJ.1 and •I can't have it, interfered And he . 'sh.(1*ea 4,lit' Ettle"itre ' . , . • .,„. , pored to the All'. Von slio,il,d inisiat• on:- rIth hY You or uuY., oir- You're vaY- FPI. elrie6r*"41-q1 ni"eiriejlt: •, foliage..and 11Ower8 have long Stems; - "....-and -droop - doWn"OVer the -sides, 88 they .teaseeledilite--SALALIA"-iii-air.fight Th':4" the Peii.e-.6r a i'msnielous, fi'itiire. I His eflieleacY 'exPreSsed: • filature,. one or two bulbs wilt raiii„,,,, ..;_ ,,, alUtniftufn Co keen it fresh:, DO not ne. 'When you ' ' cripf blIji• li ilial. 0f :f.111,eStionah, /0age: - - -1 sv : fan toapologizdto me. l'...m going.to 1, . in a hundreklittle.Waye, • know ' a little more ,you'll Ile saved rt little' itiOneY •firielNisket,- -A•large,ileshy root StOrer : 'you .are kept •quiet and, Cent- ' And benited ••isi iittle ektra, , "- 1 , ; : r.irtable for a day or two. yen've tun° , whea,,be40t;_a_little,,raise,„...,....- , .„ .Male • It snapPy• • ' eause'7t6'worrY;"'fOr''You'll'siiirer no ' - Farmer (to 'train ealldr)-:.,-",\Vhat de harm. 1 give you tri" -:Y," word of. honor (")f.--,,c„°th'se,--; it' --s 1--itt:1?-1v6ad°e*t4at ' i, you do?-• , , ' : , , . , as an Ainerican citizen, . .!'" Pittr„rn 9 r$ Wit'xi., ii ,i,iiiiiiey ,• i Traiti (lialpi...--1 Ctli trifins.:, , '' T d of d 'S in' ts canie in l''''s h, 15, (1,1V457.11.,ds..C.Pme, r,egula'" , 1 „ jr,..:.„cv-i1I. call Tri,e 00..o. .1,11 irt,j'ha'innld4:4),atreileht'in'mat..:•oeffvd,‘ wanhdisapenrriasaenanictelyd SwIne(riyethe: hue .n....gs worth „whci,le.? a h it rry ." . '1 ,, , ',"-- ' '- ; '•'"•-------- ' '. ,' ,_. , ' didn't kiiowL, . "TheY'veSgtionlyhesidophde.. i 1 • he, was being 'taken; t.tion, otit ()rice tc-,tcove tne.„, rear „ez.Fe arm they'll, carry to the, tio,,Nniiiiat',nnoi,,thne,t's. a..9sukesctipoi,leicitiy f:111(3. Pit06„ DoWt, "youl(now , that wheels- a r 4.1..'.v-- tih , t le- brake lining. III • lettOrt There's ft: big. Unknown tiftit curiosity killed thecat?" ' • keior“ nc., 1"11-",•*.' rei:iv'eS `all oil. anti in f'onstantititible 'to hider' mati,,into 1 , gisie---"N,Vhat did' 0be cal want, to groasU '1!.1.-`01 14- pi i.-a,Itcs the 1Whicli the lucflmeh, never ent,er.,','• • . ' know, nuither?'' ' 1 • , " bite" r•P' Of A' ,h,..r.lim .Nev6i. oil Then he • ung hiniself 'into a chair '1 ' ----4,-:-,-,--;,-- ' ' , 1,:',1• brake. li. u,g. . '. " and; lit hiR (t41 :pipe. ' Mitia:rci's LInl.rriont fa, , Oandriiff. • 'Take it home 1 'the, kids uavei packet In -'llour,pockeffor 4 BRITISH AUTHOR HAS NEW THEORY. A delicious source.; doh and an aid to the teetti, appetite, digestion. , Dreamers. is a' -dream that we are different?: Can it be true we arethe same as . . Those beasts forever ,teerineat their Prey, '4, • Seeming :•So • sleek • yet 'always on' the Our talons; hide in -pale pear blossoin flesh; • Cold 'cunning lurk,. heneath,cut tre- Oh, we 'are Strange Anct•terrible within. aild. women dielt:.b. • 'mesh! • ployod,. While °Ver. the. greater part.of Our bands•sientiOr,:. .can• lay a • snaring , and 'there. are Still, .do, beasts held 'hushed ".y.lsiOns 'as • iii'01.)e cOnditions. hare beconie almost . they go? '; ,unsupportable. :.Fivia these facts. It is „gt_toiling sWeat_do they sttdte.b....sjiltes',argned 'that the ,Y4St EUFEpeEr11440ilier lIgh-'= ; • °••- • • A's an time bound" tO. declIne and fall: . :Acitiag to wring e•Selecefrora the S,icy: •Tnisdotiritry,..and indeed the whelp of '- 'Atid crying 'Of ti."High;.White. Thing • Butane, ctinnot. support „itselt, and' : , they krio*..! ' • •-•• ' . the ,seine 'thee •th,e ex:'portahle surplus Are we Mere 'beasts' and .Cruel as.'we feedstatfs frola,AMeric'1.•are•doeliritag. :.-„• seem'," „ • -• , Aniericaa !rilantifacturers ,have Or are We different •liecatise....we dre, am.?' ,heconaa de1oped;',0' a •point ,•:•that. • • . -Power Dalton... makee•BuroPeaa exports ;lees and lese " neceSsary. •-Argentina's : Meteorite.' Thecemmen assuinPtioa is- 0, it t the ' ,; , • territory , of .Checo,. •Argentine:.';;; ,09,- Position due, to bed.' distrihu tion Of;• giant 'Meteorite Which , 3 7,a3.7cecaoxsratting,:boue,xhic 5h0,_rta7. population, and., migiation .befoi.o. 181,2, ji.as tieqn ,recusebvero.d, tBritish o, :uncielvoloped ;countries.,,.Such..4S the - " reniedy • ti• ihns 9gxeisfoer-t4i shi t4,c.$ • OiAt, Will Solve Itself in UneN. pectedly miort une. • The,ponulatiOn ot London is heeded , toward.. a . just. _.„.as'.4n..„:..„ France, it will •remain statienerY and , May- p.Ven2-begin.--te-Slia**,.,;a:finellne.........-,.,..•-•; ..Th tlicery Adv041,...'hY,",•Ohar,les: nloyinent and ItaSI'olUtiOn," ,He „the statementla..the,,,-eoutgq 4:2' a cop; traversy in.:ptogte,4 :regarding the' 71,000,090 :men opt Of., 'work 111., this,,Conntry„,..saye a 'Lod -den, des ' . , , The probleilf et • popillation .09,* • la Mere :(lictissed, here -than raf auy.. tIni s Mee the :daYs, Of th The e'n er, at: vieWis.,• Wet .,in, thp prist-W4r• tion, gkirooe. thi§. Cottnitii is: .over- POPnlatCd., Eveh aside. froth- 41.VC mediate', nuestion-. of "the reparailens, aettiement,..w,liidli tegaraed,as ` .ing .un: the .reCoVery,of Euifope, there. wides•pread ''tenitencY :to; believe that a decline 'in"the, hhiropeaii. stLnd ,iird•: et lilting, is ineVitable,end that it: *onld: be Wieder:A tri. face-. rather than - • ignore' th le, Unpalatable ' • - ConditionS'in' • • • •:. ' ",- The 'War came , and' 10;900,000:men 1,. ' --------- ' ' • " tine,.•go,verament. ,The mass is ,.eorerenc'e, which ifinlonhtedly', Would , ed to weigh :nearly 'sixty 'ton'sS,ince.,. 1,01;.several:ek:potitioi,as.lia've tried : ',)riTellitV11."f-ail:p7ntti"taii)lisilSlirt.°:Iih'el711711.1(i.i.alYrtil.e' 1114t114t1:. . , Zit:Oltredn48.,...f9..p7.4i.:i.;:reematove,"f-42r3%;.,:lke1Pilt'H.:Ite:11411-IwAl*tiler-4124k111-.13r:t4aii,:icsHscpi;ces (1;r•fpod.j . . the „ntiddlep the seventeenth century •guilTpvi iyal).'41' 1 the presence ' of the .tnefeorife' ' was ' Anothet, suggested' rem d' ' Is birth ecintr,ol, lint this; a,s NV: H,,K9Y-UeS,coxi,., : ".ceded; IS':. bound to •raiSepinning. re- , ligiens;oaial and:.pOlitical questions. • .': . ReVolutionizleg., these. thedries,-Pell , first, `-reported,l)y Spafiiaids ' *he ',.h,sa been guided to the siiot,by ViielisIii7; 'dians:,,, The -buried in, the sand. AnalYsli'showed that it con, and cebalt. • Several pieces were sen,t7 fi.c.ini. some of, the nletaia/4 wor4,..pre, of all thii:•: Einigratioa may. be 'd eslf,r. : to -musunis. • ',,Two,, 'pistols, were 'Wad • . . , . . . . . „ . . that the 'situation Is: r.11Y..i.11e'41-'0V,01'§Ef -. able,„, , , . • • sisted`of' meteoric iron and pure nickel' •now• cOmes, ,forWerci” with the .'cinim .. sented to a 'President of the United:- • but like "birth' •ContrOl;"ii is un-: • States in aPpreciationothis synniati4 „with,,A,rgentine.Angleitentienee,,,,...,,,. MInarde 1.,inliiient 'Heala 'Cuts. -) ' --Oleernargarine, • ---,Belgium ' now • about 1000,000 available in England; there waA-6.-Aurr- iidunds of oleomargarine each month& plus Of births over deaths amotinthigy, about 3% tlinqs Ihelquanthi a few 10. ,argiie's,- however, , • , yeare age. , thet„this excessis teinporary only end . largel*firusory,,.:,- • - Decline in ,NatIon. necessary,•''.sitice. the poPulation al- ready is undergoing a naturarcheek • population all,, . but; rather „tinder - population.. . Th is .'seem.s ,..strange,.An • -view.' orthe fa -et that in 1921, th-614.: est year for which full figures -are • easessikonsffamk , -,Toronto Exchange - • Limited. , • .11 DOMINION BANK BLDG., TORONTO .ATTENTION , 1923 VICTORY BONDS may now be exchanged for • • • . Re, points _ ontCtliat her mueh rietaiier'deiiii 'rate' that -Fra-lisranCe. . . • • with,such.:, a small -excess. , of :births , over 'deaths, hat,:argites that .t.,his.:13-; PrOPoklOR of old people ia Prance now • than -elieWliere,Yand England is pass7.',.. ing throtigh the , stages. :that • . ,Prance .previMisly :tad .passed_ through' rather. .!' Dominion of 'of cariada In suppert,of ,,y few,' lie 'pelt te- out 'thet When the ill esent small 'proper-,. tion of child•ren, in this country, grow, Up th'ere:wilibe8u'eXceptienelly..small; -proport,ien'of-'- age. AS. a ;restilt Of this the poptilat,' ticurld; EnglininVi in dongtituIlon that of Fra'nce,with sirai- hLrcenserniences:.• • . The birth rate. eoittlinie enti.J4note_Swiftiy, 461Ieves, White tile deatlf:rate"Will cease Ing and mayleven inereaso.. tlY4the-forinerL.will-ovekrike-tit atter'r--- and th,e: Country WSJ fade depopula• tion; Pell claims that! the birth rate . alreadY has im'ceped IrOin•Oontrol, and. * that other Sections', of ihe'Anglo-S:bititt 5 Bonds - ..,,,,,,intoer.thelollowing.conditions14- • 'kidders", inityclip, and retain interest 'coupons due Nov. Iser-1923 and -send- , their bonds, to, be eXchanged tor' the Bailee par ,:valua of. ,DOMINIQN OF CANADA/5% Bonds, rhatering in 5 of 20 years: . • : • , 2..• exchanginefor -DOMINION OV. CANADA 5% Bonds due 1928 they Wilf followirig arriounia in cash, ad dit fon.,,,to..L.the-trame.....per„.4a1116--or- pomINION CAN.kpA; Bontl,s; on ' • $106 Bond Cash, i.00 • $500 , 5.00 ,$1,000 10.00 j „ race are,i11,, the ;.-,a .antl evec in a , In .,.esehanging„ for DuMINIPN • OF r74 ti10.,s'arne.i,ai value of DOMINION' ' "CANADA.- 5W, due 1943 they wjll i eceirtgti.ho OP CANADA ,6-4.;13.ands iV add„on to ,I...nit'ted a cash nyr,iterrf.tif • • mt",:tit",;18' IE C011tlif baAl ' $166' , Bond ' Cash $ j..75as, that of'1,7tance, and orobility ,wors.0;, '500 ' • ;8"75'' Jiff .11.1i.:LI PD8.1.111)11Z, 15 ' • A iiktiniffoU0ing I in c.1 : ' ,Per 'bonds from which. '-the '"A.;-! tility l's•' continually Calingill, .sCittpon has- not': need thppea•-tae - halang will lie:as folloWs :` .Por •1928 BOnds., , $190-.-Bohd ; $560.' „, •'• , 18,75 -$1,609 " „ 1'�t -1943.' Bonds.. - 't•100Bond Cash 430 rl.';`* 060' ir nierica .4teiitlity 001.. ,Arul ati tho.,-birth rata an 1,f ffii6 hig14, civiltzdd (.r.1)1111- : trl., falling at an'acceleraiing I "itItInistely most' liVoriOko ti , si,poo • Oupiati. rscint;y‘. „ of1: qtrfr,Ohle.." " ,, 45(i0- Forward your bond,. by Ri,G13TV.:14.1:',1-; MAII; to the Toronto Bond Limited Dominion Plank Bldg., 'foronto. 'State nt;iirAy the rnaturityoi DOMINtKi 01:11, CANADA BONDS -you ' ' 1928 or 1941 Zisccipts will bc, Rent in cr4ce dcaee iance, ,*121/ -swarcirew.""-t, " y?illtik• 1)1'1/16 . llti ' gr(1;41:' 11'11' ' HUI' 1 eil 6o, tlit'er.:,- wrqjding •Iiii•. :1,1 • a. verit.t,lire .ws(„sinyl,": , . • • . "No,vr,r 'heard 'of -1 11(1 (,,1 ', ' •ni:11..p.4' ;0.".. .,,, . . , 8. ; Attar•firr:t,111,i 0„ w l.tblf. , • "to.c.fo6 • ,isever „ 11% 4,1., boat. •