The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-08-16, Page 2te the A n4ar., r-, A 48, in, r tbo VepartmgT�91�, Ider6d, - � I Q_ -be en, u ) 0 vww Ing" 06 cans Tor. iiiirit resou 17 13 ito rmea4, r,!;� Lr*' '-YP- Is one �b& P W4,4& jr..G, 14 ery:. 0, cigarettes pipe, t9bac!q' 0, assulw0g, V great importan 4 Q It RoAts-I �X- 16�& rof- ce. �an tw -In aliticip -A-� , �9 ko )r I _Tbe a he mills upt�d, a Z ni 4 _Js Atlan_La��J �_.tA, � .1 .- .- ;RM - T� *Ug, 11:0!4. a— ts _Te view, Q. pfejufficeis,l pertt'. N4 L) as meTA4 in both never have d -which ha ercquie, both ritish tobacco, ty oapmoinj; Uaflers(lof sk fl= tW-jen, �W-Jp.�-44 - c.re ed require AW.: ve had to be qv it is� reported tb#_4 1_1 bibati. 001y. if' e, firp! n ails,,ar ive,:.qn the qqA, 'Qu r *0, KS on, - * �, W.0011 sleep al�: h�n a 8, -e,, And _pLi1r5basQd land. at Kin A921.,,--Sj44king a-t-th6-CsLnadifrn­,Maqq­'- w,4iLrn9.' rigil. -L -mo H, better OAA V# pd:prapdi so -torleep vs .�ani C p ''M -prom, J I - lic.. r_y e. rocessin ii!0"M there r t arrIt Ar nslerryd tW! h -th n, V oba6, G W'V'J-Z1:J 0" -Oin mUSX; ayw.. 4L'We2�*' lc;lm `7 ThO 'C.ahgvd an T cp�._ adi,� b r �n�Ld the 'the!.Oe A�Qxigs*: wb e ... 9 To, in—t tTaT �,e er yo T, operative h ,r.1terpd Int as,much under rou,as. ov i, 'co-,, + mahuf aettirerks has beeh NE13� �Wb not only'tW� itract't6 'supply the P�, Pf Agaihiit piffeOrld gn 1�b6, t ii� g d _ra tble bag is �the et6ct the 'th 2,000 000 Popp .5, of Th epm e� agin m, -wi U 'g a"" ta If 16d 'ihl accq,, ecAttse. 4 C-i.adipso, tob b lep, e- repu on .9, gr CapaQi xport, fornied".-by. two ih.d9peqd0nV,0` cker%.,! uld, be a -d ift-ed Just, A�­idh anThe a 'Xva . .. , ' - JH�� A . � d d& 2awdt the bp_CoZiI . tuw- P! tbo *aHs. of owth- of -aboiit",W -.g at o ailih Id bo th ' j0d t� �tbe Vvu'rA an din me is; 0 mA9 strongly%emp -one, repre'spitting, t I er-,k 1; P 3 0, or., e5, b h 6, e tzris&., 'Arlae in a #e immu.nmni -the p� t t -ee who, are r&J) Qns 1,11)) (3 for the:4afety of 'hav6 b en able,to increase the don- twe Dal e Ve ed i the� retuiwfoi .,0oun 19 sqtmre at, tlhi� ends. and Sun1ption,.*of tobacco,by-tbe consumer -theyr4re,_. rd of, unnianu-'the mails till on bba the i�zlls - onl ox'nbaeJP4 . eas200,153 hin:� not, knowing it was Canadian.7 t 9affit.; whit-h�i --three, inche� long,�, wi;th- a '9 ibirt.v o4 es factured't6bacco beiii being the, man ztutn thr, Wb� of 'the gexported in the the, mad), boat, --fe6t a, . ' bo holds -al- '�ince,._ i.§ �4�i;Ate I 1 .1 1 11�0, second-_ tw��,aq- **e meW coer. rhis fiscal �yeat 471--: offlcer�-.O'f the, sohlpi�'11' y 6r--' 'Grier g Q. r,4mp 'rap oweveri c :FACTS' c 1 ange, oWnt 991, iunds In ff h anditions.. ha ' _Di2j. And:J,100,007 omcer�-a -nian of,mawy A -p,. 6 eladcailon on. e :-p Ym a,J Y Is oxnes., ounds in 19,9a. --InL?�Jar b- 1.622, there �'en merifsof'Canadian- own accoh carried ;&Me haVe I for !en ..and dir p N E WE FOREST 'b' were 62,632'pounds, exported, while7 fo �ounted`A% It. I. file. to dthers J�avo be�i. So 1 twentps-,,eu. by 'xrt�-tbree inchei 'tb same month t] m'.been carried outV­-and the loyal, the -Were'lip. the gangway 4od'�.Iacel in th:q- his'year there ali, with- tw ttle, . . I ! I r4eva clally, no bj, ro sent -to o'ihelves- Thixji 0,000 area of the:'Em]�ire still', bel� sepe extra 1.qrir 'Cnadian products. has., lis,5,68 pounds �'oufside. mar-, room ---- 7a to ,The; ntis such, an, eXfqnt, that the- cons pti comp rtutent wher6 B 13]oIds "a t,wburner, n,� 0 f a, folded o4ep;*.fry-pans, three,'4 squ;' e, gasoli S dibn nil h e tate, iVn fy 25 per cent. to!! of, Can�adlan. tobac6o is steadily.' in- How:C scr&n:dou6 ikp..g mer ve, are, es_�f "ian-to.bat' 'ce' lnt�ndftig on co users a�e in- yet anotbetr- til r. ri f ;creasingjan e�. �a d tab e or A pr g pots, a: f r6ntginer�,' 1-' �U�p iv� co . ga remainift to d with'the, knowledge that c V a . ... .. reasingtlibcon,um ib�- f'ihe, Theie.:-ari�.' Variations 1)3. nd gt .'s pt . , a ome- 'the, stowiiig and. guarding again own product is'sbown by th c res -t a �a on 0 hat,o a Y. ',CapadA`ha's,.Abou., per dS t Jt',j �needi to -g�A 4 mealre sulta of imports to t �sd ely aboard.� anized—ine 1.;_J ' ' 4 ' L' el�erFtbiilg­,iriac� it is, Canadian g record p�� N pllf6rin t 4rs.a`,sa In'-foW'ed lc6nt of 14 xx�pir- enC�of-lhe_fo Gne�-of�the��xg ho' list b Urtjte&_Xi g in .is. tate t�ni 0 ;67112t ilppk' p of, the n ih� tot]aL -India, 1.4 per cent, W -asing apprecia on In 1926 there we Ore. nj we could� , gt:rJ4L 4 b �rit imported 21,-120,-! it ali�)a Anot4l'ei thi not e- the: 'at is'tbe,incre ail� t "an hotir�e`f The �tipdayd quipment -baskit. a. -6f the av� without is the' �refrigerAt6r and. ;oid sA� 14 piar pounds, of i t lly. �Ip;*andAhe of'. Canadian tobacco* among the B'. t tbe Empire'�',imp6rts of woqd�and. uhmanufa�tvredl to, iiiie, tie, a tit, 8 per' 921, 19,924 721 pou-n d` timber ust, before"the, war' �xeeed--�d'�' erage �eeond o fink tra%;i doiid�ts- of' n Every day we enjoy swi*t-�ow's milk: ew'Ll lind ab6' ish pub�lic, The enormous,amount sup bheco,, in. 1 d fficer .5Ig,6.3 w mcei for th 6, 'his .5hip, ce-chest 'and a food bax� lbcated,­;mm� —no� matter bow hot, the.slun�i�e­colld cent.'. plie, from Cana:�a. iii latge and small in 1,922, 14,453,6171 �otmds. ThLab6've ndmber.,of bags aboai& gxpoib§ by 150 nullion cubic feet, per nteat oi fish, -'is D *rail y� under the ilook; a ga butter, fresh frait, fresh quantities �'to, indivi�dual soldiers by I quoted, speaker fuithe 'Kingdom, t e� greiat iiL I - ... , , , .1. : . ". , I I solinA. nnu r so1d, ."It Duties uring,the.-NoYppeo' i e-,co.ld drinks, The '�United,, Dgetabl -stove� Jighting' � ara- fresh crzsp, vi eA, c ire,. their frieri.6 was' instrumental Ah -I'd question of the edticatioii 'of -the'.' an I e ectric: wod­.'c'onsuin�n �e'ffiitie 'a d battery of, e No*,the i a che even ice--creamand'iceso cream fox,- oui .9 t The nited 'Kin�doni rew. s - coun ry s t�sste; if you C nislbflity-�of` �the,posti�.. tivating. a will us'e anadign u to. th of t oul taAe for. thi t a" Phe heYs, are vangement; itta d hits less than, one-thir one is ended. -b August temperature we co. ambng the . Brhigh soldiers,'' ley:, instea 'of Virgin ia - or al.moiiith 'wl!i our,car;, two double'spriti -ds,w.i Jioffee. 'Ifa lue gr impq r t6, the cojnnian�erf his-rdrket in the Old Counti i y g. es s. per. cerA., by,�,Y4 ,!,of 'h rts __hand.W pyei. aJn'd­p­1I ified in i ows; 451d1bg'tible 'biallie often carried: ilk a6a t y. �is ou W1 no go back to.Vii 6. eve t e rest train 0 A ginia eW.niinutes ��-fivie Oer--.cen 6 -E-- pire. as ariad lurnituie; s�rrietimoi �'a .'kitchen for our infant,, after day Just" wfth ui the -,would �ee.n 0a, ',n the -Aiane tO day rapidly en*'lar'g!nL e refiif.ni d,y� �whe -y are 'the- mail -offic. hameni; an d- - ft . is as, -though w had -15.0q.. pink an Wa is no, looked uponi very favbrably by td bear. out. the s ULte er "W the su ra our�- tcheii iefri British. importers an rers, encouga�Jng see t,e.very greatin- e to d -manufac u gers. e Mmt4piece,., 'to' h' ai -rcom and st: 'that ev ry, 6tiage b o- wheels 'A -Th&e is no. - d -f -h crnper Superipr to to -,61 f nee or a y �and rease- a , oppreciat on: 6f the" Can- thing IS,^ secure7", is recognize n, 6W theloveliest things "ho -i which the 'wholie.1amily' "cAn �,drinkifig.. or. powdered inilk,. 'A sweep bf'Meadow land, -British col- �adian 'product wfif� lindiit F.4ch day of the .1cr0M. thO me 4�qo impofted froni-otber H.� . �. f, ... " - - I 1P : 1. 1 buter; salted,orsmoke 'ftash"'of -black arxi yellow wings, onles, such as South.. Africa.' and. gr6ater' i ntere# evelopmefit',Atlant;(�'he ca s; ou Alt 1, an( ve� xn� com ort;.� - �atinj, niessy' d d t" qitt� the; rrie, dri ru. Rh6d�sia,.o%ving t�'iis excelldit,fl�vor;, and: im othing but -AUTO CAMPING WIT1% OT A duties of sand;, protfinne t of. his to p' by the a 'daily',eniry 1114-P he_o c�ia TRAMER. in6at ind� fi in t "I sh �,n and dehydiatbd'� vegetablps; �canned 'while. at::th,6',9dme' -timd it:.�pare's%grawr-eral ''visite �t. 0on The,"ordirtay #ailet will �41� ixc- nless' th e p r '�'h I te baili 'a cob' It soups, and, f ;uits, ti 6y, t ppon ay coe.c. 1dommodabb a Tainily -of. five r six just Zanti4 Inideed� .0reen gnffe�otr? 0 rea�. ied' the- same my am'i' -as f f` iy lives it;. h -a T, ait over in. waves, to S 1)Ul 'o Clot 'bie& ss and, sw&y4 yerti OUS ca'r.61's' IVIie"4t re 'd And k ward It pr�ows. Mituralkesourees ,2 rour-adu ts,,an awextrafolding eo th he mal train: :(I,r s y �'..pot tf,t e r more wben. iou I ring. bet*een.the traile arop gsl d, e thii, shfjj'�` 9 1h -,VE USE,ALUMINUM I)ISHES,p The- rain ni.Ay. fall, may. s. ine, te �;a.tiiral Resouiic6s4n �hecked.. plac6d; in dg,,of'ofi,the groun4under. 're the' tel hes, a; sigh But-ch, 'the,.-§.econdmofflcor aThe ce r er '66A or ind6ed in, an 68joining tent. cooking uten4ils nothing. like a as 'the-'bostal offl,di But # thi ligen �B anc Iepart tVp r6i�ts r gal f min, h of 'the sbppwe,,you.want 6'asiemb�16 the luhiimim.'Tbe e ment. of 66'Interibr at cittaw, ai.� . are outfits made*�*esp�cially Jebw `6utfit, 4iid., not' use , tta I Her ''The pictttile'�-� e'er,fair.: ,Itie.itiai a (.1or camp th�t Tha says: Is nrs ng, d' .,,Then,. let, us., consIderjen c ive -in r 4PDX5' AndL;Sometime§,jda Ontarib; in 1920, -had. 74F, ''and, tieing - m nimum we, -�Th;it;thap-is�a reat' e.- wall-t6nt will, do 1dr a'r6Rd'sid*t:,'XJJ4`LL .1y, ou. cutting Lunoer,,. efte. anytfiing:but )n"j�`. ki in. twb­� ment if yoii --aie'-patlent. with it �Lnd may obtain.§uth cookJrig it. And' "Well, ;li6 'n ver attempts' thr -paity, �;Rnd so - an �up en a- �t�i. begins-, to .'41 p� nythi These' mills r , od6ced 092,'901,-- invep in. -a- 'af e 'atc .:. firekisr Railway t ban ' d party, t . e: R ' " . ower. '06 part more a a", 6r., a. 1)0c etboo c, At tiie cres6ent 'mbon� -at $4.8- th, 4'. 1 b o.V�­ 0,bokrd feet �,alited arty"butfits. 0,ur, �our, 11 18�, , , �-autoiotent; Auf�o-tents.� pre: now. built eight4p Y., Wit.''pine, -tbe "61'& 'It W ?A Fern.ally t -in G two`ten-ln�b f iy%paiii iAii th but they live, Come nd� 'there, gen-itis -flam 0' �evekal tt�les h -Ali, It stand- f , f, " -fork. more and�nwre to- a Han4 e�, our plate§j.. 9, outf �standard'ln'tlie dt�a6 ble I may,go­vi eT es, re A hen W it- ted 01) eit�,. g1test in: yalue-..pe, Ciwoisehsons. Sitme"attach-io & knives, spobris, d:colored, gentleman.. III th Xir, h,�e But*6very d� m -y., n'd 6 Nr'l f. r'ii m e s th .6 th'e d4n-" a, plan to: d�ex other 'd 5 a i J'wa v OCO 11 at 'V4-0. tw5'or-.thre,e­ suits. of old, clot s And ia terblee..fdr me! of.tw eld ra Wing T le top, a. ri ge,.- bo�rls, ii d6ftee'�ot- ree cooking po.s -iittad)i-,by-clumps—to----:the,—,runn-ing--v�it-h;�'�,i4A-�,-,i,nd-;c-bve-r-s F�tdt-gnd_peli 'arT, S, 0 dsi' ad' ed' an' 6V6rcoat, or; it nt 1in age-�' was Lloyd per-ce it -board �goriie may up lhde�nd- liei� �outflVjpf �w -Aune P- L 206 QG0 -board nt�,' hole ir or w III! n This �.reebly as tl' I- the aut6ihbHe,`Indedd, 'ibe ,si�6thln� lik6 t1iree dozen ri i e e 6 apos tr t ns. into an --.e even�q i6s, an 1. 2P IsAac,11yat :n:,��-70, inVente c6 h e a J 4,7rt T. Spruct� 6ut to, the wrs.,chilling -&�' Spec, n lued at, $24 -in i. es 1-Thq5totary, di�c'cuit'ivat the ei�it�ire, a( i cut of e *ideppe I uait p(yt,.-,aild this. 8 8 ind, e )&,as h d t i d� llu- th ��.ri ini�,a dan ca. e, lift �p a;..ti a e l''d CO. f)nri es 4-liolv o e - w $4 �"2;�iQ t unds". and on1y., ITIC 611001C teZ17to h, . they-, at I. -dl&.--Al14---weig - I ...r t tr1c, n s a e h 'i eii p d' ten iil e eS A Mi trips' tha n*, ily� other is the. bed.'. -n 'ind, 'wliiii wJiz 6 lag*3' AU.' ust. ha B, d'. IV ve a ri er� ys li�i, .-high'by -t I en -e III er'' inches -,across...-, ft REAG­Ft�kNITURZ; t.W.spen.' oQn e d a. y-ma.n. rec wl.§, 'Wild, er,. it is, all r6ng.. The' �Vind 10 oit: can't,,to.istit �on. yaur_hil ers e make c drac Bad, liabitS'are-mof:c6niry With ms� renderin , g t ..servJice. geen 0 Tables Spn In m n P -000 feet;­� ]"ICIF-P'lne 1 236 0. oturnania r, he ts -goo,, e mos. ture. Tnacde y� b ftb6und ut of f6Jd1n'g `-d,'e'fiaea6icd­to'- ;�Cke U ni i�, 4 d i)1re. dregs' �1 "OPP Fortoate. oir,,'m:ay - c 6ose ','any- -ba as not-tclo 24,776,0 fe Te ly'. y, w �V ej IL p e'�,�:. ed of. i It is' 00, n -pneum'-a'tic,'-Wiinea-ui,.,.antI iiifant's --bathtul�4 mcii if or, --.�vere also .,.EUroP.e­o.f. jhe�-fUtlUe NVI-i'l Q0111t '�ots 41 139 000' shin-gles:'cut- in 'Ith t".itnufrik-b6ard �Ws t6-­foldin.g he*of 11 L I f0,baby;*aterbueket9. No' e cl� -TIve 'I­tter -nev r;m6pa7s,e�l to I p.' 'Mae �Ll. , ey ifl a. is nur- 'huzband w 16,w lie lizi. hese zre j.oke. h iirelibM !it 1920.: The, t�tal:­ 3e&, and,barn 9; � I ovin hlgbt,lotfg� eompact'.�-4. i1ri d_aiways of-�t�e Y.eax's'cut.ftr _].R.eu IL leett eoffifoitabiy. all nd", WM -6m mohetary-sens, an . tiit fi a e. P��u I's af f auto6 -b out shcoting, and so.,o.. .1 -pIqyce§,.and un'AnN',cis ba or camping, ecause pi al .�e ilt in compact1k; t a fail! r..­ro s -more phe occasion litrd- —of -$-&7-,4 9 6;7, Ju 6-, �fa it co act._' h it( otIr_-aut6.-', - d a.dozen m6ile.­ The�r�'are. s L, kinds' of $I-AvIa. n6w.ha e ron c 5c,' 0 m Nvit r 'por '�The clima, Q w u -c bi it yvho had� -not -appeared- on�, air an ace y- LIFE:-I� C,idO f6_ h rneeting, -.4nd` the� w6re,� all,�waitln,j o, "Dou ttul. u -sift *it i4r i g so sed, to thim -'to tell an d ti'o.,x ai� sleeliing bn them !t honie ene gas' outft, 'burnihg omitres' Each,,m6rnid� 'when it leave nt,� h I,- r,6nddr QZ.nk-� that 'So hiS� Wif.OL',calleci out front relieble A new ar�,- between Ki el Ym-al'Ift-for-AifeAs- sweet,� and V nJ hlm:-they� we storer,nd lie had 8ent''A large.ifurnber Incess lw.,�Ilkt 9 is, Hill, it sands of filling sta I s. came iE6'aitsw,�r "'My i' f Rou. 3tir dqublei hir7bed. tions or -the �imple tha1igh'I:aM`f&Aa,na d,aftdlgray, and ha�ei��rh6um4tic feef. upstal bf sample bottles..qut to�va;rlb;lis . 14 bein hid f ear. 1111 n, .1�ly ror p, 1.1 n fung. -, , 6ear; you, have.L d a-, .6ujR, trot" !"n ;WE "Opi sin. revo n sinte'He 't-come,down w s6ihe �e, 'It of my', a tc'h t co. e tip.� Each. pu oseG l,nst In I S �k iiie SU' m in rp Excuses. 00or. enryl haVb.�Suppotted. ga -aid, riners a0 whoop, dbrVt �.kno, by Vp mealt -b'a dentists" 4?j oxCuSelg­.offdred s e 0 Ith Is testirnon al; or 7 f, sp,eak7 'h I&W at;" lie id to a; yet -C is 1. . asWm, t ma Ir -1 � I nd-- ant -on -g- -glad-Fin 04- e e 1,0597woul Co i1pe up fl revi fed hib old, hon. F -Ii� -was perliaps. none d e- t ald t6 be lIke,c6&.cIeii'c6 9,. residen- A,- on-. e, ree he ked-, v Vale ngton. coun vltool- f6� being As ti.quir d the Igarla' 'Iftelad6d'�, n It -the One d Ing,'with. an. old itl� Du tivy is the� kphe - I .1. jiaj� of. tea it f th res' It' o%ln a'fter'aa:ab9eiic� of many yeam �J �om�',wh;en he'�eardithe' 11 1� t ��Ut'littl4E)',UO'e fOr-� gents. W a jar, d6e, it say?", Wi I ano Ily ay, he, was talk ; - What I said, theJ , 1, , , , , . . niftnip"s 1. to a agre PIDD aJout var a opIq h e- fGTM� )lan -to doin-1114 friend 'b- I us pt- ifle"Prou 'tio'n 'of: Centra e" It 15 bekleyed a-W.ell; i -arA gld b6l) one bo -Y. 1 -was Itli, la� 8 -who: h Lgh. and �groan. - tac orn. Aid wqix�tcw j, an out si d L t ' 4 , f aq,, ng- o-'Qu"eie­a-ndA s-nothl n�gLoiit-Q �or" o1re u e our. a. asf " "'What beca 1 i though didn'4t 146;ve it'.. out holughe nvver seems, 0 me a, :f Hch4rl 'ell kestorer I had th-ree bald pat6hips','now vakl# by coni, ercial alliances, bolls �up n, 1WbeA?,,' "You to 'I n ..... f the hair., ny man li�e-inqttjred hov(j­ only­.-o,n4.! pet]14,130_14 er n t t prone t6 -A I laegit 4urn!69 to tb 6 In, my ein h 'A am havv lith t is rynd-t ir, w 1-irs -at very Well. 'Got., to �And iv; t6 einlgra'te, he, o�'ght to chase hlms�,, be an RE: r,ou -on pdap e Ste hich:'W'eig S1, �;,,Yesllfii, bt 9kalio I S -it _y w lit, such. an ven poitfchinS� ate boyl. Wrfai your Some fthotn-Starg't at -W �,oqd­oldl-gl nand g golil" an s "me bing of;djf-Wrt� yolt wo, t, - ('�f ffie preson g w tt; .0 c 4! "Why didntt' t Ow doin t, P0, b" "'t b eltom, the PAqlAd Coast. 11111,'the,fthr. bro.- 60al.. 806 -.tons,. fias be At hin Ind( se 311 for it U rd, 01 -u gh fee a �granfl, 3Weet . Ito wnf their eig f Jr Vbilk, 'and d-olng 'it ig, t6h ti �,on IV -to ni�s tho. Si Ze f tfi '0 i I ; aar.". ey-er am.. �'; f4 iliM'. Vne oil, h iI pQPJI p :Mkting t wen ty.,, St,,� t j,L) n i its a Min,u e,. it Weilgth, does the Work4 60 qality of rj(,ndw If. �.ou' would p S of e f Y, ti -J-] RA-A-BITBOIRC d 'EXZEPT, THAr t Tjigo"fh 'find (j " -n a 1�1 5 WRON6�r �Jllg dilL COMF T IT, . t f YOUR, WRIST WATOA� iijoa * S, ,r LL TH(NK r RAS vil TIAIN S- 'DdC W L h �CRAZY M�06TJ H R E. !, r KL�: WXrC l- 6 U E4 S HE 111oh I pr Vi�o dip"o.. RRE S6perit106h4tu16d. &ee'a't,,. Worr the ld' ;,,eon 1�60avarte abd Ne Grqat wri_ ILI U"tt td get 011i 6t. hi 61hp b( so R%L to In6*e 'gW dAt Ok f6�1 R -eat 1)),ttaIn haV0 n6 9 #ufnam-e In ifie OrOhitlry atcep 6tn), I th t babrg� of tht, j4f g bf Win�w �6 of ou .0 Y` to n P e,