The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-08-09, Page 5• 10 • wy III . ,3' cent,poi mlla,.Wipllipsg tp Gas= COiN, DATES AUGUST 13ai. . 'nd 1UQUST22..'. 4000BT tV 4 A0 0 3and. U T IL. do_y romp►. par inila: tart paint is tad ag. ' a = • TERRITORY From Stations 'is Ontario,:;Emtth's. Farris to and itteholing Toronto on Lobe Ontario Swot Liar and faV{lOek^PCitlriWrO.ftiIIe. . From all: litiakina,Kingaton t6 Renfrew' yuaetton.•t$c1'usive. . • . , r Fronton Stations ort T+n o�atto-9�udb g direct line. ' ►ram all' Stations Dranoel to Port McNicoll' and Bpaicetoa tor$obcaygroi, 1ncladvc. ' ; - Prom ,All;Biatious[1,oath andVeityol'Toroata to"ord'incir�dlps kiatrlltan and Wiadwor:�{DoG Fm rpau stattau oa Owen tionad. Walkerton, Orangev f e. Teeawateit H!osa. Lietow..e1. ooderiwch; • 9t. Mary;' P'ort:•Burwdl. and St Tbomai ranches.' rom.!til-Marion . ,. • xtt[ca,t* acton,T, ... ft• - • cel >L•OS . •O JN -' i ^ • CO4r5e11, 1114, QW'_ T•uly. 3(tlt. 'l enrbexs ali.li#,e�errt,aThe minutes.„,ori 1as't*meet, ing, Were read, :,:, provii'''and 4igned.• '`Elie Ter presented his half- jX•ca11)1. SL4t ri101.” , .' Whie1'I4 0Ow4'd i-..^. pzl 4i'4;Vi hills fi" ut ' 40060i$,' oti{ iii - ro}y� , m i,�yj .,i ;,--iirr-="• u.' on motion' of Cr rune' aii4 1VIe-, -r twe,' aes1' or°de#ec'_to lfrled ' OIn motiorl oa A eQueen :and A;We.kelt a, grant of .$20 00 was made to: Kinloss , Schon} Fair. Moved. by Ross, seconded. by Ac keit i thiat'the Clerk °he rriitruct-' ed ;to j wr,ie Mr, Norman Robertson, otln%y Treasurer•.; anli request :htnt tol7u e'•tl'i ' rea's v "'>~aX a in-nt: n •• uu a2 64; Nvhrch•]lave b1een iinpr•opei•" ly pia ecl against Let 1(1,Fet•rie's sur to ' al'o the Stn oiiiit placed, against Lot +la, F er•ide's Su'lr di\!is air of Lot 10;.' Con' 1., Carried,: Moved .l y Cai ruthers, ' ^epEOIAL.IV:AIMS PROM; TORQNTO 'w 4UHCH CO't1NTER• C RS.-Foop-aa'd- ftofroslimonto' of ` Lti prtpi.. Full pirttcaiprs frCaa*dlan Pacific ticket ;swab!, 'FULTON; 'Oldnt0, . ravel• • TT, Agent, Phone Ripley, Ontario• • FoR twenty years Ford cars have passed through—ei.rety- test re- quired to proVe .their the .culmination--of- (lltt ;lln; NEPHEW' OF DAYI1) LIVINGSTONE LIVES LISTOWEL h1 : this pretty little town resides one of the greatest p rd friends' in the 1'1'oyinee: ,of Ohtario. in," the •person di uotin Livingstone, Whe is :a;, grano- relilYew . /if David, Livingstone, t}fu great Africali exporer • `About '�1J Sears ago 111r .,LivingStorie li.rovidcd. akar:trneats atCommo,dati11g about,109 ;1:x11 o.t' oriels arid k' few years '0g0 -about 400 froth. the south visited here ,in/the spr'.rngturie, 1'enralnrng ,uh- tit August.. •' 11r. Liv#-ingstone vas so'disappoint- ask t‘ hen they :ceased their vrslts kie (onlntllil e rtes! with lteiber, the noted bird authority, of .New 'York ,and Tear hr,d that in ,South Carolina• a latlghter had been iugugutati'd try, a ,'proprietor jet a" .large hotel, ,Who • uned the .bir'ds w:el`e; detrimentl, till, his; business, as they drstnr•bcd clalire uests•, In this'. llass:rc;re over 17,000 n�'pcct1flg portion of Ross lash:, X5:3_ Mitis lost then: lives. i pis Ll}sort, di.a„'Pr :.'tile dnd ie Builds :New ,house ,airing' br ' c K1111 as`. ,and Iiri Cal, ' •-0 lhis;spriil� :11r Lry�ings,tone etc.cttid a new 'birahouse about 40• feet ru. the.,ilio 1 c�unria1 \' �v.00 jol;ul Ke lnedv; '.all in' Lauer• , t -o : ttriact J b11 dS to lii5 " 'F1'. irl1. stone`; (-en Z, and .a}�Inl4, prenvises a,. ain, ilnlit..t odt of creek,• S:.u0 Acl est At at:40c , �;16 b0; pa•0. ept hiss ma} nificent ftlleitil0cl. flowei ti ; gardens. are a'dmirell.,,b.y.,.hundrecs..,of .,ioS •100. •tou, rsts,. Lvery year thousands , of ,00. tit 'hec ch•at '3j Q0, 7� OQ,',de1n h> acint;lis ,tti1117s and- roses' are to b.Pfi , `i13:00 164 f•t Ueeclr,at 3a 00;• scuff here r114e,ti rt Ha. es',`1al c, - 904; .vv ft,.: ,111• Lrvu.stgne has 1n ,lils: posses- tech, a.t '3.�•00,_'brrd c• Kinloss' and.• sign 111at1y relies''o _i11e •,.;'feat„1111ySlgp iii �. ;t)tit rd Li\`ing-gtonc 111 11j, .thc:•Se.: is a d'trir l ,i }with llai id, trseu, a1c1 ,ri!s0 t11e pencil t,iili „hiilr he' wrote it, •. 1 it e sol}nit n ilitekstinrs letter -Penned ,by Da, rr,� Li, iu Storle 1S'' a'° ,; -•n un,G- the' curios: fly Dear ` NoPhe v 1,,•-iecer‘-1ed,- :dour• `'letter'` ori the •fouz•th_ of this :Month: an`d Was very much pleased.. 'i,ltli •;t.'•Itour brother's 'dill• not come;, ' "so 1 -.ex-pea-it' did .not: •go to the post, :which'. lie as...a hittt--toaril•: -Tirane'"firs handWrrtilig••• This hint ',:should 'be glad: to'take to iily.scll, Ut ' 1 sear my• hand is int urably ,bad 'disci_. f Lrupt `'trial you writ contlripe.,to_ Wxtt tea, fair.'` a. -ha'nd as you 'do now. nd`: rieser.inal.e;your••letters, •as: somand',. aUoirt "as good •as i1 :they .hail dipped•,: a wade -1 Ie 11 irik h11t1`1d1 1-:j`iinr' across" the sh:et. While cvritili, tb.•"y'ou bam •su,r=' ` roilcied by ta ,number of. rico le •tivlio': never- liad the mean's of acquiring a.' 1cno,vleclr;e of writing. or letters`tifey...• t_n ,al>= t;.rs -a Wt fl(k11 ii tllrri r: that;; `snoulcJ-Ue aIle•: to . 1:0111pm-rtate• our. ::,thauga-its:to •people. at- :distance; 'arid` th�•y; .lament' the sad' late .uf .131s110^0 111C1ie11'G]E,. 1N110 had the gift, of soon gaining their ":4oniideiice. `::By' Sib}tla dale said : arse to-- -i0 ” h�1d -110- Plot' :died' We should all have ;been living g with biirl pati,: and have' known the 13001:• r, `Poor feIlows thcrtsis_,a sad nt s.i- trop i 11#c. and olir _tni "tilt. lra.t,re ,been cnliilar but far the grace of God Leet, us never live; t$'to be •hea-tlieh X111 b(1t quality at a price lower - • • than over before. . Let us explain the Thrift Plan of purchase.' secindecl h1•` Ackert' that "II Y•., Car= rick' he recomnterldec] #'oi Constable- M,for:the v11a_eeo V1i� echrilSl1. in U e... Tor; a ship , of hinloss• • Ca?`read. At.oved. by'1- s; seconded 'by Cairuthers,.that,, the <Clerrk prepare •a By -haw to: levy the rates :f or . the eluent ...ear:, --For County lrurpoSes a rate of 112-10. for. Special .Sehaol•. bur toe, a fuirher• r`al.e,•a£ 4 nih'san.d. 01 , "Pot, nshi,p. pu.r poses a' still ,ftr'i'ther• • rate of 2 mills . on, th.e ,sonar on -all 'he.:'assessment.lia#ile. to taxation ilk. he "la `n•,hip'ef •Kmlq�s for ilio y eaa: liassed:. C•}i pur,5,:.1Csucii :D,' l;ii echnie; • ,.•0.fl':11' sb--ale of•eleetioli.Costs, 110 C= {,1n,lat, 'fees 15,rbvrnclal 'clec t:ail;: $10`2x. 'Orville•Tib}l,. 50:y<lids rat" l 11:00 •David hennedv, v1 'yds i 1i l,1 ;3;10. '.(neo Vcr l -s 10 ' y''z 1''(i's, Geo AVadle, GO ?.'rr•cis. 11affot, 8.0;yards 4raVe),�3.011 Whnis Kenn, 45yurcls' r4v61, $4 50. Geo ...,lalcglnl,, ;'1'•y;arcs ii1 't?ll �* 'i:4'0. hetet Mc.Into5h Fst t e, 0 ya "t s. great el, ,�3 (10•,.Dan 11cI7nes•, , 1, i•z1r tis �•.1~ravel;,;.', �.0 10.;'�.i' 1•, �Jalnes, .. NAYLOR t. • • 'ADIAN:NATIONALIXHIBITIO 111 AtiOrtS''. Esiiinated attendance, 1923; 45th eonsecutive year; PrOgrarnme withoUt precedent in its yariety and ;extent Seores of -new features and all of the -4)1d that have' re- • • 1500 Perfortneis Con Williarii NOTiCt TO CREDITORS 'ShOebottom. late of ,the Village of emusdraram 1 11 p. ojs f o' l oxes. the ever; ols ink of` knittingand'; roc�ietiln itkra .. Wonder Wool" the new Egyptian Wool in varie w..' gated colors.. Fashion's latest in the wool line. Unique -- xn-design unique, in`patte:rn in1-oz. balls. SilkiaY Wool," a combination of Art' Silk and Wool, un- equalled for brilliancy and softness of texture in 10 different shades: `1ViiiSs Canada" Radio Floss is a two-ply combinaiion of Art Silk and Botany WoOl, blended by special proCess, takes the' place of 1Ce Wool and at less cost in all 'the latest uPerior" Fingering in all the ,season's latest colorings This wool is what captivated all the knitters last season for it-Cbeautiful appearance and bang easy to knit. 11 ' "1-lome Knitting" --The Old Re. liabile four -ply knitting wool' 11 ° stocked in 30 different shades. 111 ee 0:or Wendid :AssOrtn3p4.;Bekre13'.60t:.1.,. flees Are Limiliddmommammedira PLIEY es Teiniskamintand4Abitibi, the:, 4_a-r.e'0,1:::tvainev:16,antY,gjtojtn:hreati.r•xarile:agu. eltecn, ,yrulasuleilan, .owris a car. 'Ous, Qt. the fargest FIELENS ,Clatealded• for last, 'week) Detroit' where. She has• secured a poS-: Mrs: R. J. WOods, Misees Clara and.: nuitored' froni :Stratford for the 're-' the. first tiMe tbat St. Helens, has_ been •here, since marriage wenty years ago ROADWORKER KI week-ead,,, • " , 1V2. 'miles West' of Formosa; led in Miss„,g. Gordon, here, 'the guests, of• Mrs. W, E., At ' the _Wanien's ' red. landed a 'Salmen trout , ,0?1' "'lints on What our Institute might , y an - ren 9f Toronto, are visiters with ,her, "$9.09 1) iNleociijaw; 'the' south 001. cif Lake' NYasSa, before '• the, ebtintry, a•s AS , DO IN, WALKERTON how on it, 'probably from tiie • Parked his car in trent' of the. ToWn i6i18 to Make:•, nie • 'believe „that 'their Hall, Walkerton, on the jijght of.„July,„„e1161ni'8 --17tR. -without having, his lights on' 'Notice is -hereby giYeathat' all per= d as -a-consequence of which- •a- ktraw-...-the-enenivf'had ,.',•Aganis - c e - - , 1 . i , . - resulted ;n the accused pleading •g-uil- 1:., pverotiad and 'iS,.:15",urned' oir aS ,gooti erten., on ;Saturday last and •naliffe .a. 'get, g4hie On 41CCOant of it, •f.91; .tilii. ____„...--L.3.1e.eusleukin.i.Toar:w',..ttel_ehtiOrib'pnintyti.getf.s,....i3.BFrwailic.ei;114_11.1.1sf_.$5...&ntLeoges„.:p-r.--.44•40tal...o.g-....,,Lbt_,44..1.01tAll.-04ier:_w..y.rtzt,:ii.tfilizto.e.,..i,-;asostr.,,1 ce,:tre ri. : - 71107,--117,-TOFtlie offence, Siding •Ktip-, I ' iinder • the Will. of -the said • Andrew ' old sonTIO`sepli, drOVe 'Louis" Kieffcr 4,•'' riii1ei. but on' getting close .tip to. •,.; Sdrheesesbeoatt:iiiidl.,,,i'uthae,i,praintiacluira81,81111:1:1.vraidt-....„ „into - Wal•korten at. the ti,trie of, the' itheint their •guardian. ptrds lieW 0 ) ' , iatter's trial. here for assaulting. his! "sei earned; arid off ,all ra"rt withbut gi-iv,:. siSter; was fined $15,,and Costs on Mon,- n.ig ale a glimpse of thein, Remember • their aecoUnta and the nature Of the day -by Magistrate *MeNab••for 'allow,. o• Mt have a •gnardiaii -over -.You; Whom - t nd take ' nOtiee thoe. after ttie of 0,4' Years, to &lye his'ear. The, firle, hand I conrinend- yoe ; , ' ,, . . • • the assets Of, the Satcl ae-' elelins Of,: which they shall 'then•liaVe 'telt •Will -110t be liable ,sattli;at= Of WhOSe .theY shalt Mot 111616 hotted it •rgiyelt In'itsnant-to '" tilt stototk that-461'10ft A teld, Did she give jup? No Indeed! She :Went at it again, tod this rear' WrOte at Motint Forest and took the dateS, ,the. gold muclal. 'that tailed in any examination:this year: - The first half Of •Ei mai'Vs life la passed in ,Inaking. niiAakeli„sincl the. lAttbr' kali' in, sticking to them. Latiailk eVer 70' years: ago, 4oth john „tiVingStone.• Who waS ,a • brother of store for. over 4-0 Years, 187I5 Mr, Livingstone married' and their family coirsista of itvo 8011S, reaar if. piled . Solar, feet „hig_h-,an'cl, mrt..and -.Mjs ---!./O --fiiiiTfie"r7iVicle, reach in a :continu- , Dr. „and Gemmel ' and son,' Trees to- the ruirniser :of '10;000 sclio.ol children by 'tile' Parks 0111- • ash• Last year. Oily ,5,000'- frees. ;jiliale.,.1.• t'lie"; heafe(1-'sinohe arid this . 1:1",,,,r5,,,,41:id 311$ Thitilltes", just two, litfUrs. , scraper which . was „Operating !on .:13/4. -.milts. west of Walk:erten, where:, • .a-Hi.arge_gorit of°7 men are engaged, :man *SS carried to, Merchant's home Where he reinained until Friday.riight: ' The f-ourig man. was un'rnarrexl. and; is-stirviYed by,„-hia, _parents, three Kitehener, and ,at home.' 5110,6,, rig a girl), e and aciltn eft oty,f] th standifig. that there will doing other field. ‘Verty,,•, .t 1`1011 r66f14 i%fut lam 'moved' Pr9sOlt aid 1:621 gOsikYri h their lather Survoet • • • Cant inuOus--tetvieje,z-----litty:-Anti- A TORONTO Pnentnatic Water made.. Operated by 8lectric'motor or Enjoy this convenient'service now end save younielf And faMily from the continuous drudgery_ of purnp- ing and carrying your daily .1 quickly installed.- Drop in and let's filk it over. Prices and full Sec me to-daY, MELVIN REED, Lucknow,' Ont,