The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-08-02, Page 7w.;! R !O; cs .' . STORIES OF WELL.. KNOWN PEOPLE.` Na Waited' Worth• rest lernes Jasper, National Park Rapidly, Becoming One of Foi einost: Holiday Resorts in Canadian Rockies. Dr. Abernethy, the famous surgeon; Jasper; National` Parkis, rapidly com- Jasper, the quaint Matic mountain town "` to U. manPo!sle sc.,�vo�cl3,�.blinix,r slrcn=ink intonitstuepreamoneinettki.er4oi;mans' . OAR, thWstior qt, the? Ath1tbaslttil e p �.au met Ws In eh--iU it womanr She call tarfaist resorts ;in tIffe CAtiladiaa IR'bcltw'141:e' Parks .:authoriti'e's liiY.tt''Osfgxiett j t � g AA±TIV! f ? s l a � �u i, alts its u% n 411. ara.v t zit-�i rd2jl.ti`'ft nlikeili aiLi lb'`t'i `Irixeest ofiti tq y tv. a eis'al &-AAV j� t+ i• ° �'` �L3�.—y4'#itS dL`r�rW Y1�L-.i awpllen, Tt+e follow ni- d-injoguo, open g-ro,ig - .>n' : ter -ed b7' S CarcoXern- _P???' with the beautifu: ;menvironment, ed;by tQ.doctor" ,took• ylate . •• , ,.ent ot;,.Canada, ,the ia.cli oi; adetivate andtl}is plan.Will farm the `balls of alt; "Brn u?•'' • '•- nog"om flioclattdti"'for'.•vioftors: until *et teture deyelbpments "Brulse," . ' year, has preyento Its. use on the part A Bolt course is being; laid Out ea$ ' 'Eoultice.'r of the; publle I1,1 proportion to lits im of, Lae• Beauvert and adjacent to, .the The' -next' day";'the woman. "calledt-Portanee; -Sines its. reservation• the -1 Lodge •by-,th;e Canadian National -.Parks: again, •and, the diaieg'ua•`was as."tel National Par•kst`.authorities have stead- Branch The Mount Edith Cavell`h.igh t•lows; . 'fly ca°rried-o�n-deye opmennt,ao•rk lir-tile �wa'Y, ;which takes -its name 1rem- t'e_ ..tt<e.C? ,„_; otn ttttclitin4 ,:rc? 4, and-tra (s lit great Toe*, ,111.9p feet high, named in. "'. orae: ” scenic points • . `ef greatest attraction 'memory- of the'ga7lant British, nurse, ;,""• only ,!:!. 7 7,, " ". "5 has he n ,comms. •feted • to, Within , ,five •,More; poilltice, and i+t 'n6"iv �o""s's'lase.es-�-B6�itrileE.�•at�-�•-M,,�•c.:�._, .;:,,, �,�..,, • miles t ; ;its terminus tri in" child ' -Other call a'aid this con ersa ion oc Canadian •NationalTRallways erected veautl panoraanas are 'afforded lir ear -red t e first: hotelJas:pefi-Park---Lodge pts scatteretba,;fl along, this. ' • "Better?"' eft the • shore :oaf beautiful 'Lac Bean,: new. .highway, An~important new; trail • "Well, Peed vert: This'. ;is a•liungalow camp Gem hasm• ' been ,opened up •'frowhat •ia: "Nothing;"' exc1admed• `the. doctor; posed•of a" i`rq Central. building euunded^'1''iown. as S-unwagta cabin on the'.Sun •has - been stoeked with prize cattle from the,Prinee's'English estates. - "Most sensible woman I ei°er.met": • by a•group .:pf rustic..ehalets; which .wapta branch of the Athabaska River: serve as sleeping' quarters; The lin-' over P n .pass avid damn to, Bra obokta zeau Lake.; This stretch: links; up it III rd., Famous Bald,wins., ". Meese: popularity of this deco "":, gels •and Shepherd. coR iFNT •.. peat {'ion last year. resulted in iixtonsious series of• trails :covering, a, dist.an.ce, of M" �E "Ca1ye, t7ie `g en me... mma Mr Stanley Baldwin k ings •a -new -that season l •chF will ' roviile •for 250' over 300 •miles, constituting probably singer, is':at home: she lives ;in en" an-,' palma to British- pelittcs, ••• it is a re i , being ion es trail Cholera Infantum is one o1 th'e fatal cient.castle.perched on a rocky mown-,. guests and plana are being made forienest t ,.in any of the national markable fact that we have to go back similar chalets In. Ton urn wail • parks.• ' altinen"ts: of childhood, • •It Is a trouble twin' „side_ .' in her native; province ,of: mare than eight hundred years to find q `: Valley and Phe. laps for 'the' resent season n- that comes. 'on, •suddenly, ,especially Aveyron; in th•e•.south of France. It, M- at Maligns Lake. •pP i during the summer m nths,"and 'unless' a bearer,,, of the:name ,''who rose to . elude the b }ilding of a'new road along is she castle ot'•Cabieree' and 'It.was • greatness. ... ' • pGreat Expanse, . • the'Athabaska; from Jas r `to a' °int' Prompt action. is taken the•little one: built in to year 105-0'.A natural'Alit N Jasper; Pack a l may soon be beyond aid. BaUv s ' • The lastTa7, dwin "boom '•was in the Jasper Park, with Ifs great area .of two miles east of the Snaring River,wa, form of:tock, juts out'in front of it like: • twelfth.ecu ui an -e oeh-'.he Tablets are an: ideal medicine 'in- vi•arc1-" Y, , P w n •ta live• 4,400 square miles, is situated tn, north= The" pre jest when completed will offer.the; prow - a ship, and there• the'sirg was to il,ntat, when even priests wore, erna ,delightful_ scenic` lug oft' this trouble: They regulate the, er; who es'necially' loves • the • ancient Alberta on the main line of the drive from Jasper b armor- beneath--their-vestments. , • • Ca-nacl-ian; National-Rai}ways;-about_2110 Sopiing wonderful, vie'v s, of the wide bowels . nd swe• eten the'sta mach as thus provenLail the •dreaded summer Siich a man was Archbishop.1341d...miles west of Edmonton. .The offtcial AthaLaska, valley axe:the noble peaks win, who stumped • England'with .the headqua.rtersof the The ,are an 'absolutely dints. • y park is'aituate'd.. n on each, side. satepmedicine, being, guaranteed tly a wily Giroldus, preaoh�ing. the 'Grnsede.: ' I't was he who crowned .Coeur de Lion Sovernment analyst to contain ''no. in 1189, an•d finally buckled on his own: Risking"'' Death for flowers.Plate 'or n rcotics or,. other harmful o s a UIEERESHIN�EEEPdrugs. They cannot possibly 'do harm • armor° and .1>timself, 'set. Sail' .for the . "Fancy tlt,at plant dieing worth, 7b0"" they always do good. ,Thi T: hlPf Holy Land. c exclaimed ' a •visitor to 'the Chelsea No fewer than ,,,five Baldwins' were , Flower. Show in: : -London as - they' kings of .Jerusalebetween '103.3 and I€ You,A>Ce Tired Out When You paused to'yance-i~or,a moment at' the 1183 -an interesting reflection'.in'view Arise ill 'the MOxnirig new orchid Odonto.'_Crispuin.-Solein; : of the fact flat the new Premier may with • its stiff snowy petals spotted . be called upon to deal' with the'evacua- Re8d This. with maroon.. "Fans •tion of'British troops from -Palestine! money for it' paying," all' that Y• pa • History had'.no.use for Baldwins for The woman who is tired out, who clues ah o'pr'when she arises 3n• the. , u.t orchids' are paid for with•human,' - Until recently it was generally eon- depth fascinated me I began to sing the next e3x centuries. Presumably: morning, i�ho'feeis' depressed most of 1•1 ves as -well as with gold. Of -all o they, bled Uesn; emigrating;, for they D,. cupations., 'orchid,,''collecting; has the 'the•speed' :of lightning But:,'modern "ph!"' i the time,. needs iuSt.-the help that h,i• g g he exclaimed How lovely.. next pop up across the amen is—this. ghest death rate.; methods of measurement have shown If'the` mists s dine in',the rale'of statesmen: Williams'''Pink. Pills- can'.give --e-•`.• �� A`few years ago ei h• orchi � �" -, h es could. hear• you;.,•shg new °blood. and btroug nerves.,. • , g._t d Bunt tat the. speed of'th ught is not by any would- eertain1 give. •you a job: You Abraham Baldwin, born.; in 1754, was • f ars, •working in:Madagascar, dined one means' except. coal a leadingfigure in the American Sen The ; number. o,,. disorders that are . P . d come every day and using for. the caused by .ti.in bloody is amazing .anis. -evening'.at> other ave: 'They arranged The time taken for": a nervous im= tourists: 'I am sure she'woriid:pay' you • ate early it the lnat century and sB few ales are careless ,,'about the.: Have another reunion dinner :the much nonefor yrlars dater, the name' of • Robert 'Bald- •;most , wo e i. i' ion `of their blood:, uickl the. fol?ewing-year: Wien, the'a pulse tq travel.,froni'the'elbew to the•Y• it" col c it Q y,'appointed ,brain and thence to the •wrist proved 'How much do you think she would:' tvin' was. revered in Canada as • that ot• `nerves are affected and the atient be- da.y arrived' semen' cf them ,were. dead, that.it d••m so at about 180ft a second; " .tyle'"" 1. as•• irritable R .: ... mr,� •o,eh4i, ..,..,.::...,.,.,...,._, „_ ---- � � .. PaY. - ked. -, ' • Deininion,:`and wite're•ife Will Spend: areal", holiday in the autumn: ' :The 'ranch' Pr packa- ....unphioa.liNdvse.teh their sheep. on' the distant '• shepherd •on the "farther Side Of the' meuntain,., a boy of sixteen who .was ;%,+6, tiN roll your DEDIGT guiding her with a party of guests •• We Carrie at last, Madanie Calve- ter • • • . England to Plant Millions•of 'Mine Alarm ,..The Dirogiagheri.nBa'n7koisrith, ', Often a. "creep" .or a movement of . • a,nnounces th.c Engliel press, indmig..‘, An electric' alarm *which :Will. give '.• 7—Innesg-sluilotr pa.,tifincnieinn,t7g.runds-inheosnozbelefa--wmeak=—bu3 warning is- the subject of a Patent' is- ' Stied 'to an' Amerietin inventor:: A pair ','expleslonts of •the .war, only half -sized at the top which are adfus.tetl against ' catches have rewarded the effe . f the roof This Pipe slidesdnto a secon0 '''. I able ef fish, wIlli be transoorted' from way. as to close on.the Iwo wires •ot an , - - octritinental fishing" grounds, where the .electric 'circult;. and bells -are' rung •If . ihre...Aeds7isstehmeeort. cioesed. . fisht.ng_ smirk -de: the mot mOves. after. the device ie set... 'for the Dogger Bank, en& as exist in. '1'.,on'clon haa a:population 'of 7,480, , all Engidsh rivers, • also is promisted • 221. ;. with "No Fishing", signs theareMeally miles long off the. Datch and -Danitsth 1„ vessels of 'More than 50-horsepOwer I coasts. ,' , Stearn • travrlere and motor will not be allowed within that area,' 1 The Speed of- Thought. _ , . tremendous cave: its vast, mysterious • -7-§11fOre.d7tyilft;a71,116v aceuired with .The boY" started and turned toward • ,, hbegrtgoeffing aobeau,Et.,,nai•ibieolitt.eIrtn'irdpreeraut6ahndsientig d'eee. 44e. s Op . e '. ,A, e ;'1 s' . '., 0 /.:: e:I. y an .":' ed there,for. a ..',. -, ',..., . d l':,,' '.! ....;,...;.er.., 't.1,..b.ou.t..,90f.t. 4 seeerkt,.44.4 It,,Aahes, two., !crewing,:up bie brow •and . scratching I Seconds.' for ..a.- 'whale .15.0ft long • te'. anhis:,.britilagdh'it "gipt's.,a....shahrigdhtott's' sliayy.'"fri.tinth:snira ,l'i invented* .wbo, .inalle..nOtable Improve- .. ...--,-,` .--7---eveiy-Oicitid.,7enueeter_4„,,vs_04_,i'natil tbe tail,and, te' laah ont with At., s .d.a..::: •It wonlil , be' goad .,businese.". • : - ' . Give ,Dr. 17Villitirns' Pink Pills' a •.fair ' shOtt oases". :4--Colleeter,, a, German' , whO jeered et an idol in a Madagascar.'• iii some 'pee. .itlia,r• •way, . ow.. eyer,i.,.. , .Mark E.1.altityin..is professar Of PhilesO-:•,triel. atICI gle ‘flist,sign bf neW life will i. . . , . ,, iii, , wi t.tna .1 E`iill)137,citeemf •thonght seems. to• depend .upon .. }hit ,d• 011,......iott kno.-w,*e? r li•ve i),61., „:..phy it T.orontii.'.., ' ' , . .' be' noticed ,,in Your , .u.PPtite,:, Yell will. Jungle. village'. Wae• ' soaked nriched it. feeds and', , you ;are . a. lv,:a.ys`.0-n-'the 13ibik of , t'Ir.'e li, (IT! . .1 ic'kr8e. .41, 9:1 iYa ni 8. 1 ri-1'4r,f847'coislidal):aen'td..o'lf:.111111cs."'"' :'''fa'.r".'19" .;thineatd2,i'm. Oue.;t cIhhutirvehe '!"its..e.vtievrtbhe'Per:::.oene -coMee.'sminder. and Mere. refreehing,„ be. ..greve, While orchid'' hunt!' • ' ' nerves are .fitizen • they' :will not ten- the . pli:i4eft. Year ;.worries ,becente...leds," Your work. ,cPreintlYi Contorfed ,iittle bibs...some lurk I. ' "A. frog -• 11.....seveateeirdegrees, w • • Pichiieicitielndiii. 'lighter: These' are. Setae • 01 the. thi.nigE,'" in the, . unhealthiest - depths .01:.••the., think Only. half as euieltly'..as artethor,,/ ,, . . . that theee Conic piile,d6,,• ., Try them for jungle; where fever,. si.ak. es.,. great c,ate, at.itkirty-flye, • ;while '.:i.t. tlie.lr°g•l be 1 recogniZe& me anti -:mane toward. , me, India is . a eo-ntinent rather ' en and 'ambushed Savages with, poieened ,'' warmed. fo. the temperature 'of.. a .iiiran.•' hit hande. '',Good twisting. his- cap in countrY,, and Its p•oputiation. Is re By Yon ' can ''get • these pills' from any ..dartS Combine to 'Wreek •Vengearice•on,! tlieealtual Will,,th_inketilally.rat qgclt,:hmerti.ing.e.,,mati4me,,,.,. .... cok, .11.re appltdotai.oneeto the least 1 We;Ve .alt "got :to ..di a ' one .daY;'..and; rte. -fresh -Water -.intisSei---.thinks,-,onlY.-.--at. •• .' , . •• -experienced.; -e.ye:-.. 'No. Onie timid scan- all evente, we 'see to ft that we do live :.aboat• tWo and a half;Inclika_;„aecend:' should I laagh at your : ......t. -,7.,:-.L-,--7.-:• " -luso- the-Stirr-dY-kittle-nouttifig-Toittlilia,-. Tiftet.-.7•We ar-e_np against the teat -raw i•.One.-of- the-outtletieles thinks..at die • ,.. :.. whose .heoad. -barely ,nesiches—.te the staff . of .adWentute ,".'and' We 'do liof:;trate, ef three feet:a, se:66nd! in Winten..,,,,;...e....,,,, , Ke he answered,. ' A nice kind Of --44fe 16,11;:,-,-itutni'llt1i „Oir _Witth , ith 'Itere-e.. -day' we', haVe dteri l)lanko; to7moirow .tfig,times its''quickly.,., ,, ' ,. :, 7: . , MY hve 'francs Ai . day! ...they tell' me ' Pathan;" •• nor. cOuld he confute: the We maY find' a "tare Dendrobinin groW:.:. "Many:drags; as-well:ea eold.,7will-,d' 4.7'. that in' the Anierices yen don't'have prOud .1tajput With the soniewhat set, Ing in 'a mouldering skull • at a hill- :crease 'the „speed of.thought—chlere . vile Bengali. 'noise ape es .tiow 6f the trthe's' burying: ground, ' 'or.' another forint) vlously,, and ether. and alcohol airs 1 . I '. . tree. ' " • • • to yary, t00.; .. W4-11 temperiment. . A.,' Amerioals, irlozziser Dog DerOadtio . , .• the.B,ngitigihma.n le 19,0M the Spaniard 'In' all cases, heWever, it IS,, prectiCally .. dress by tin :Author. . Will • always' thio k , eyen though 'the' 329 West 24t:t Stress : eine-Co., Brockville, Ont. ,Cniti.vate-4cheerfuln sue - cess act suCcess- look suceessfid and be siiceessful. greatest :rnedibin in. • the. world," •de- ,.clared Mts. Caroline Roberge '''''For the ,parit two yearly I enffered . -that did line. any, geed, and it .setely hes' been.. wonderful:, for -me... • I • am sour stdMaCh there, and' • strength and energy'beve 'come hack 37-ntimiqn potties Sold. , Attractive Proposition For, man with all round weekly newspaper experlence and $400 or 000. Apply "box 24, Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd.. 73 Adelaide - Street West • ,The Heart filoisom. An aPple, arid red and round.; NG prchard.rrionarch ever fonnd Suriiested In beauty, taste or smell, • This, -that from Perfect 'ripeness fell, .brain,. Which receives the Midway Iwixt stem"and.blostiona end My blade, I made all hatte to send— ' may be toO1.tired to •aeal With ' thorn .halved it. In flat apple's leart. I Saw the bieseoin'S.Coutaterfiart. Europe as 'oyes.. blie greater part.. Of *.• . Mrs.', "Jiinebride i ': ..Yes ; the ' . mean '' N'ortli .A4Theirdic'avS'-ott :tvtal itett etve,17011t1, thing t. .. -.Never once haVe ' I", had' a ferent from their•neighboase. YOu may Dominien Express Money.Order, ,Fitre Had he•en, lay spread before -me there, That lo -fide had "lightened -...Marclei Through: all. the' fortnights that had ,.soomeWliat like a woman's. 'skirt and' niany yeire of experiiiient, discevered : or with hie' Peculiat:Itatu&dress rather' A niixtut.e ceneiating .Cof fliw4ust; to- ', stitagestlie of thiat Of the:vacant' 'Jews ; •,gether.'arith chalk and tome • Yefil' may •meet a hold heggar; kong speCillo gravity , is .the seine na... It le; the same -way with Die women:„: to, wilder; real Wood Ili Subjected.. -- - Borne Wear. ektita •wIrth,la .siny lyeetioe, It net deterierate in Water, 'arid, ,duite hare; 'Setae ,-Wear thousere tight ' iniperViqub to rOt. '1‘lereeiret, round the ttulyee and hilogy. refund the it. ably hurns at a• teniperature •trety hips souse again weor single gar,. tench higher' .than that at • Which teal "mint 41)01tt bigir.tV*)rardt$, Ibing Which is wood- eatChed Are.. • enough .ttairia. and &Yet the head and ae !arranged • .1, DO yen have a goal in ,sight., 'keep vein. eye tt,, and Make lont assets, leaching that tilal? Do you real#0 that itte Men Whe list 'on the tot' "alttFwaited /WOO The bloseoth's image had remained that.great apple's heart erialtai•ned. The GOd-thought out of. which. We :carte. :,The:Story of Wo all 1610W...the 'jovial, lanliY,..beard, troutert Strapped Under his boOts. did hie 'tattle originate? . 'One ae4iint 'dates horn the War Of tet the, I:4-0erunient, ' 'ANTET0--,AMBITIOUV. MAN . OR. WOMAN t4 attribute samples and take, ordWa tot the tiniteii..a41416. *; an.d "!ith.hte• I ale elsis hotisehold" Specialty, NO rialt, .BIS wool •own, inIttals, 1 An. eniployee Marked the frith -tube. 0344 ed .31160.31111Z: •jOkhiglY, Andeneen and Uncle Seth, -The lolte-apread, Until finally tnele Semi .wo.4 undostood to 'stand let the. TON Mind. that W111 take 3 Oitea •Ot • •• • united Statie, r sOltilass, ievis Wilson 'wigwag es.. Lai. 0. „ • root* .minato Liniment wilco, Phystchink •toxes.' 23 cents. • M. Randall, Two, Nova Bootle,: • -SORE SHOULDERS • BABIES LOVE „ ARSAORSLOVS SYRUP The •Infazite and•Childwei kegs/atm. Pleasant to Ove -pleasant to take: Guaranteed purely Vege• ••.eliarshoea., flatulency and • The 'open published• . formUla, appears on every table. 1 'Was. Greatly Benefited by g Lydia E. F'hikliarres---- ' aye,j.lotl.ettiugiAspityi at 'all AccePt only .an unbroken package" , of "Bayer ,:rablets of tthifiiii$:ditotion-s-and -dose -worked-0,# physicians dining 22. yeirS arid proved safe by minions for aiio,ehi la the trade Mrsr3t. (registered in Maratitnetnee Menet ' Aeetle,Oelheeter 6t Salierittaeldi. White it•lisWelt knoatti that Aspirin in 01 na, U'a Y614 Witt be Statute& With their, general •trade thnilt, the "Mires' ' enbain 'VtOelt. "your- -7 just felt fa thchigh I Wat,tired Out ell til tettoanight.or day, I Waa told iwa.,friepd to take Lydia 8. Piakharn's Vegetable COmpoiind„ arid OnlY teak a few bottlet and. it helped the ut lin:, ti3tO pleanite use my name 111 regard tO • ' ..-the Vegetalileceinpound-fftitwilt help I been teriOrted Sitnilar tO this' one. Many Wornen 'are poorly at anCh. times and get .; When it jeeeeential to the Mother, 'he Well eithe child, titt4 h6t Strength be I, Lydia t. Pinitharti's Vegetable MI. eXcellentt-torfie'lor the, - mothee.at Ithis time.. ' It is prepared Cuticura Healed. pies broke oat on my face:: A Month later My CheekS and chit. :wet° en., that lettered'. arid sialed ovet; and tfieci lora .free SamPle, -After, oting it 'Chated more, and after ,utingtiVitt . with the Cutlet:1ra Soap; I... wait ' • heeled." (Signed) G. Mattotis,Linial 'Gee Ctitieiint snap. Ointment "nit • Oar CUtlettew$Oists 'shaves irttliaat ISSUt