The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-08-02, Page 4`W77 77 T M, x41� t2 4� ;.4- 'MORAOXT, A00, �T_4 ­J�fts 'm Mf _*,4.0 .4" rlm*�. qk�l PFM -47-77-r 7., IWO 7 - ", ;�., , I , I . . .1 . pea I* afte � ft�% p (KL oil . �h* '0�, I , r 1 =44, or lk et 41i,4d W_ e, Tahme vgm& -d'00y *applied� the wwn with -0st- =Per lk TH ij*, M291110M DW* Mpy. *.,dl- mhe_ Ma-ruz of, ;A C _M&,atn� or k� mwl; romp TAQrA A 10. t 'j, I M T ts A_� sen e&o!*Ab - 10, Oh� ,s d614 e�", X Oeax'wt Rapa, brought gver ..fr�m I girb zv. i T, t 7, AIM -4.1M �M=, ;, M L, - - i, - , r ; NT !, R A, '3'S, o�,d b 1, -C%Ma&_zq, V=re;ft--i waq; 6, D D1 ARE W Rom "'n I" UM ft 'Iv" 'an �1'1 &4, PC giropter'p- -a' f6r 21'' J39 Ing es �:W 7fbe open'x CO3_Vond" .99, thL ti=e CAL, Y meat #Pze� at =Y �e' 'a, ng .1 �, � "A __ , laiq be. Vas,.i5n TM -=Ip na, whqlrp, m=y �fdi a A& -!ed-. fq #1ime duag, ;r hous.e of, H pres- *01W�. Z�_ W f�).e a et $Ing cap: �.qzn cvq W1 7 of s6v e, yeWeaq, T is is rojR u... In Pow e the eg* or elm� r t a, i5� M -le-, S 1&_11 01h piir on Qi;E�j o ­ r . _ -- z _ Wt— -_OV_t�z, . �__­ 6 an Iff, Al Of f _e e- �a 7 WN be, as opingev:omd A e, tk� oa �M-" ariviT;Aed zh e 2C C-aha6ilk­ do�H Irr oz Lrjplkaql��, enie,ndei. E xbz% no7 bar abogt,dne I Tholl Will N aza --but A gf� i., ar -s* eond_k,�`AM '5&4�6 of i6ar as, be i, -e r ill'of We will fo t�� Flr��U. And ste�&d C� ;�L6 1 , tr On rea is. %,&Mm ng - on, e are C� hoot it �r ur V��ry sma . 'd appe&a= i� w your oil it easing X§E EVERY WX_ not &r. I a, L. q0tes, or., CE PLATE$ OF a b,4e� op handled at . low _ r . '- gold don2r ce-rs,. S -TAT -E, -,-SEEN'Tq-DAY I -,N ON -T, at� �ny., time � = "� I I Hydro. 6111. Qf Get - lite, result. of .. the � kz ding will, be the sapmzeway t4e goverAmiest. W that, the size and quAlity'ol t boqfore.the' ggs will man-� --tretching In war, Li�sned maz 011. ves 'i practickuy. gparan a to UW�W:, ww�Terf 3e ��e,tbe. mall e en rel motor ay. e Wr th butn' o,� ggs will be kept *hicb: ere '29 3' and 4 er, sizesh e ivi�old by the'� pr�� im�' Vhere 1. " I , , * I a po!* :e ;hc-7. - phy-n ihiT c= be; During the,karr ear�y ;tll tnit. �,tiow �Z-­s t�j_ 'WK;,e! Pro# any .04Z, e2:;e 'oj�. ZMTjeri, a_W *a:solme 'd- 1�eit-'a&antag -'t and "'silver'. in Ge' on, m r e 14OLSONS'.. -b ey .0160 the a ket. atb countries� -P f'Un't coorse .'May,..and no� dobbt will, .,eoh� -_A�-_Orita has -be-er- ime a,, LI -to n_ Pa _111*k. itort their -a an �v:-H y --R 4n.- bff�r 1b;e.;a tX but, it e, pr tag -,Z8 Tast, ed depid :.. , f, X -P ure--, Z. ope ire o, and �h6nitidn!�, of Wa�� -�oi food st Ml �e� _e6mpoundeil qvei7 Mx. eggs. This dausied 2:,SCarq17. of' e-erp 7e�.­ s"ing� Te�.� .0 -siies, n,,d 7:8 inch e7nm &P Th� - ioilo'ii� 4Tti* ii§�� bY the indermaffy:"Imi, th�: got emt !E�pz o,,_z_5qtS2 :r me �Xom 3w 1t.MP of I�Fith�- Ls, case S11 0 ��C -e--Stoek--Braneh;�­Dept..6f 4gri. ars, and -ro S, ng Zro ci;1 ,_�_=tahii inu gold, out dh promiz redem.ja U eys. 'ation buth� sx�bjed`t:: Ong -h b C ain� and, P 11. gs ep4rtments'a1_everyjBr;nch .171IDn . The. g.:,�, the, fhdth t t. p' -,&' 1�t�e stm-Mer CM n ha rez nt Dz;*.�ts of and upwai& invited d'Ma ldn �of e 61. e ��-Mg to ergrers- 'oen.. -h G an, Ir .9 ez� g ',!. ' e evi�. are further� wahF.- v�ogld be 'able to giFe q1, '�th a, a f -Pur Taris..;,,Gt B Ul y pi�T,mzrn;5, ;-he p264r" MID -MA14AGER,.:-_,LP;KN0W -BRANCH. &eP!qe_#tAh�_j!A!qqe�-post Anada, 7 0 tikeri' poultrY, 77- �7% new..� niar S has --m T 'we f Z�e extend the stan enS�_ PlAtes, Eea M", 47_� the fzit-h i th- ns - - , -,- �e�` - a e - - x:., MaXE 71 ri i3itendp f lhe_� 'Ll 4. to Went 0, e a of eggs Drive for an hfi6i 'o-er E4y Or: -.h-_ do�mlestk eonitunpt 'went oWn,alS0.'-,1` other Cou'n eaz t of ou n t, do! as ue -f, gbveA men Iv% V n ht woul,& .'g' do' i exa _v. t4e -T �,-tQre e es, the F ti�lfe�t 4, Wh e- r Y6 ..0 ted' T�, i Y�t: to',i4OR e, va 'M 4 Qo is PMr Th6 o.rigmal, rekulabons��dvered ex- 4nie Pth6ne`66.- dik 'pe: L ter' ebine, imp -er��ei eknoW. an&RE r ed"t- ille go� -pro, Poe apoft'and in aL a Or= Ad' t" n entirely Dee no' ' give'a::giald- o -ar `6t _ and Anginis is now pro ded hai cou t d M- _ejjtz. �,bnj'� it vi ': � ti, r, 'time fot, its PaPer' 01 - w. hij)� d ui White son Tbredang Mae 111CIM. 6% 0 Cozi"et..qf'eggs s N W, Gerni.�-_n '-ove�rn- -Uttew SUndpai ind eq I -A �. I �, �,.. : � I ; - q! . red �ehhei on � h � . I . - , , % Le, We- t­e-,Chnr�nen p��d iojr deliv6: gn E�ut t oiigh, ih 'd wateir mon t -or . W�iii� fckrl, resale, iwill .-have ,per,�f,'ebuld 'not on,J­ e 'r mark on 'both v ks, rigr d -name p.&; pdpter,p -1T_Q s qbpt:4- -3aipg t a- M'd a. jL h ,ends - the: S afo "th: Crea m' e' Firesits CbiW 'Mie', and W4vev Fewee, - its jiap�r'mar it, ;ept ry Sipnz and the Awi med th ad. erpm. oinm Ben on �Is M 9' poe- LAIPROVED,TRA RVICE, �of egg that. g t i IN, 91� t6A� rianm O=Zns any cont*jj�.d,. yo "pe on E B .(an Xe e 'dealing' of". v 01, 044� . , uf -Crearn K FQ]t SA='BY - pr cer. - r other aleggI ring d �7,rea- E�a O� x&pt Sunday 5.3 &16gate, his T�g jaccepted D I aily h the; P ggs t 0 e Se'afbith a M.1 PM . and e� -to .'the oi�it wholesaler or- .1or. L e gpivernm6tz' wa at. a -, -- t , 14.5 -the.-: ri. I I grid K b2cardine 6 ti6mery - new. -bui -.',Lu. KNOW R W4' WD di- re n ase- - v; e. t. Tr Rioley m I JuE es or. i�jd ar 6-09 -a.in Lv_ '6 a.m.!! km niy 1pqrraweta 7_10M.tz:e, L"i tv c case f kn branch hi lic� Cas in �aver 'm '2' opposite,.-. re mia,i- 1�e !mar' P. R. Fifilayson SF-edStO 'i "Y" t;n'tie mo 7- 1 . I . I . .1 1 1 . ! I . ., . . ;� . ' I `Tlz;is� regulzti4 'a.m pJn a c7tr D k -.we ep_L� IMI) -, - I , *� �, en 'Flo- fr, Belir. 7 06 a in 1. in 01 d J\ �issev-llarfis:* 1U)�grnded'1Eg,,04' Shipm M.- ��,e 'W? ej v stand. in mo.: ap rJaper. tri i d �irdm. tM gDve-_n�nent 9 _1714! 1=1es Vi "Paimer-,t6n:. 219 a:.rn.1 to­�hfpin s or e4iVeries �me&i P.M. COMEM An_allawawe- 'Ditz- a,,, prinsed T lie, beei to.. Or. 5.0 16n. A id ------ -he -r-, uze to, 'PL� --r-, 9�6st­ C sfi`__Friee�,slt P sbLiiWd �nej.Alf ( ); id; Wbc e, oi� PP or- - G t ' ' . I , Y� J­ 6ent . e f 0W.-i-Nn� ted aA� iom, ' r1nmen; i ed'-monle t - - grade -sta z�fi_ ;-ov ne�-.6_ J A 11. 0 P.M .1 8.35 P.,111 B ae7):S. � - I., , �­, ­' - . . ainiltpn 1 . .:' &30 pmi,�. S fisf a tion' Gu�r_,.­ :n . ....... . �:�age -In - the, & ent � of aji.q cQm�, ?7 inp: MiLz 27-1d P'wd �Z:s: �P,jm a C --nt 2S Zo. jT.-Lde thiS. InU_ pja: -t'-be nia -I v� 4611= h :e&�* fe 7 40. P.,fit. A jWg5 aft6r hem liours t. rec4n. "jof.,f Of be ID and Mor�4 of z hr) -e-:. 7 wh�ig '.Torb.h16 -v 's rid. �ig, L enz-�_gw` -_Gi 6e U T minj bzsz�neje g im T� kks t are �A"413 for 22 V�1161ii he d , I I *` I , -g7 iAll; on m�_rk::i C]ECIr eg Ttro:�gr' 'Cq-aCX to =y o T i be, 141, G IN, L MULL m, man r hr. rn a r k T. i wen 1�s _4 " i -U, t 7 r g� t aini 'Lz' the in' .7i� fnlezhe�.r Val' b. Gjr Z 'Manager, �L 'Ck .-BrahC u no�,­.� Wr­.,­.-,­',P:_2nj:,r BuEeI car� 'Palin rs� n �r �on ini, Ile di"y e ithe D. G, T] tz,i.-R tZ-,.-0r-TDc_z.f1g trhin and G I oh zhng �Lie 'US _-rta 'b her ca% e-�,ening*L traAOn.,� an -V pers- oDff�7ed 'ail �e - T� &rqiktf!! to d,:: V N w nient eed onu eh eggik T 'JZA'Jtj��""ays, a� to '.G.r . ..... pJ -y fo -1,00 wa ire to, r I 4� PUWr, rks, ft . _4 0, Al." A tagged -wo more� ma�rk�- orroW -or Lb�knl Me Atid".Gran or ac� . , * jiid swe'ge C;op '-wee inark's,, . ��Z L A46''Wd ks� hak';�.� lar e.an YW fu ftw. 2MG e 50, n.gn! nat."rP "Fra -de 0�-:- tbam� So'��hmu�,, �6 ew No�e �`the the mame­bf th CL-MIr etc - P Ve, Ao&�.the most beaiiti Off Q PMMIDn con,�#ined. theremi.., 'W'Ohev h: 4_j-� -c .�se,f Alar-' 16mrA whIA locki the pa cvww an when d Pnd -z�� h: LAU Bitil- _k� In I 1i eac. SA E "::e -smooth 91 EN shak ship.,eggs or eguse: ei S"'. T'"Zist on, SW Ensmiled,wa* less. t is sai.8 nLr_ P-=- - e strannne. 0.1 ',Msil Sco"tch, a all? i an­�'- '77, - M-07�;,. PT, I ed'for '. I "", . -ax'sterL Just ziy- 'ghili deH or AM-ap. F goveriamenz esSes- IN Chlicka, mad W xtr� verid litte the ndt�!' C '�Sv I 62!�- ar `V"r:.?r k and _�n�ajners W -6-a-z pa 'h' are d pt_;rz WI. Q tgijl,,� h' "Y M'6* nZ:-M,) 9 ffjjjj� J'� . N Lz,� zh '2��4e n1 W)i pe Or - t rL "AlUllit"I aA invi e, your Mo. -d A these 'iegu= the. al., Cq, e, 'S e on. Wils unic -,.e joj��e rMd, W *W& Cooft of DMI, ANAU'Val"bu--iox! - . -ft I , *_ " ''. , I , IWO I&- - - I Of, ions nea y, bift, to Or vr T J rj. 01�t'­jof 7`1 e X�11=w ""Otnt. It Iq - e Z'e bkw qmd, "he cftd& ens abo boi coed Im MOW. pow, 9-r Ay, done.,. noz Z4 ajA resa.16, or.� -d it to Mrs C"Aw wi=6 tbrM ade;1 and "rN oZ em A vW7 �or-," or ool 'us . J."n, rl�, I I e -sa .or 's e F, ",frejl- ­�q - I C d -u -h thei i,jen :ir�-' 1 tiia.ff thefore p J, i 4. 1,c n 991 -L�­11�0011pt,-'' towa, bMr,!pr er. S"JEU NUft PftiX��6: a e d h_fy ire unfit Tfor. hu ': , a ':, - :,- I I I, �; - � � -:., _W! � � . ,:� " ou. �q ROBT., TONI" ROBT., SPOT ROBT., XI ..,...jjjjjjjrjjjj�_ . ...... .. X'~ 4� P� Muet, be. Brqv.-n tiara _ffe-ff --%-Nam TV'r M .. I to tifie 1C ;anj� , ".Th Lucknow Ontario f: an ov-- ­ -, 't, ie 1�,, offeied -3- e �Are, per: f. t h C 'r3ly se Mane I WXRDINIE -ver :11n 5 e �fAr V1 f" :;�� P e A�j KL ii� ti�rf" #as."M 'IT -to t it -GOOD' tegwation whien r. bi speda" �;.;rovettinent K hat z 20eear r� � � 6 LA 6d w1h ro- 4:rp, v7he­-ha87 'ar_ ' . . ill , CC, n J.,UeS" vrery sL eon� 4deat j, .11 for, t ostr Yeeernag%e;g� "f lodz� r'o JAE&— ot ed al V, Of t1jr 'd e, nionth h U."i D_ I +�(. �� us, gg_E-..,,fqr -resale; fr 'Z4 �117=1`941 or '.Irom�llje train'. k-, f 'j- 71", Ar . _.P al OX4­ 'ipi�,� P_ W�A, -n -etu. to OttaWZ'Vj al 7 Ago - tb� de:6t!� rs ` L. . , '. -,r;jpl��;n,�',ilij;-'rL,--(.,ipTe )rii I I C;ft now­',#ba�. -ifieir, beaq dent 'e. Huf Swp." I 1"t Ma, n d 12 r jreguia-;i�h I ' gT '. .9.� Art ''-,r rno- .7 T�o ufr, �jgkjsjn, thje_�sbi� ho '8p#ncte Eley hailianti, 15,z, e , sairi k to beaorhe:a d _Vot, I �*;, . V peas draer., ID, -nk- MOT M_ Tj U nx, , '-wi 1:1 - 2nd' to'returzi i years ag ed i if i,6t -�`r'e in I , , . - a_te. U FLPO Mt. Cf P the '7`he Dig j1ide4u,�'the jarke�t cii' To,�nsb �Z year!g ago� "Th--' 16;. Mi Ce J#4 W4L lye �jved by two aqp (A. ­ lp­ ij, Eideaur. chai a beau t and two' lff Had 'CAMA'0A .,r", ..ry wen%-. 1�artvlli C, I , ey IT, 'the T the Liv- St&_'k cwtmr, 01, el ;vat6r, nljt�d ov''tbe m Jtr?�e, 1 t,. jWdy eat i Otk *hiz cr;ndhi& Mtf eness of itS,kMy,tT0 -afid bla& tint: 'r ut trz dra, -m-im A4 r�e' ner. ?, . : ; ..r,, , ji ' 0 kazjk, Was and re. n'! 1. h _3%L �at Pt- mo mg tz earn r ij ru t;ip -=nre e itt 'i, r_ 2 J�, food, n "fte t h A�Y" P - M , -'%M R8 A; 8mith's -VAL4 i.4'a Ooptilar dentre ar. g 1;�egX -ring for elp _5 Ing th 'T t", P Y7FE � MA I INGER.5 to V rM M I d it �_S jj -trout aha bASS hi an grp Jaket th th U e t,)'t,'r th, tfl.,o Ito, rr �e, re- K v .tions aik rist A -f,6* aaYs twe ar g4,,%,r;sr et�ill gp� our"sunimer ti�d fnOa hgthm;�:, ,b6a Ott 6�, T mmer al. tnipr aton , r 11 ,D � -y Od t, . upe 'gay:" Prtie� CO e mear rro' 4��' dgi6" of et�ft!t�K 'fir, A Or company.. t r '6 JXM,�� We af_ You U t e0 19 rig' tirld W;o�_ it N 0 abound' Vft'k 'j� ' distressing o 171i th A;Fild othiar C4 ,, - i,� -A w botka w4i��, ;A41 ?1P11 tLl 1. - , , 144, frienas ljhfess�'.yod 'get, relief. 'the 'Fill 1j, 4iinj�g, ilit' t6t wf 'their, 14r M a �arj .1;�, r I . 1�.�. . �­ dbt', 6k of P, kZAI'A e0ple fW b6ttet frojyjr be,first OSO. Vt-- tn,� w r(oeh 'O'A, Zk., Wob I go, sWjar� .��Pfit-a* -*,., ,4,rt-to� ' hegan tk, tilk N�ith�r o�t ion e,tfi in Ask agdi w he �iah fit. �3a metitz. h4s giverl C other' "VI I,PVW�l Anio, or 'UV 'stwill,re d youtinondy "old nd gi Z., g re, Jon On f�o�' e Torr"', v I bc)k do`6 not, brin Hd Ab-,' X _.T 6111t -V­hgftiijds5'�­ deh6r6.U1-s1LMP10 &=jetus: , V4tdertbiltol -1, '04t tjW #10'r'dp r d -Ad 'ti�o_ 'exostitw. fr -termAm ap t?�,! vozu, al'lonsr eg nwring �nvf %,,e, A a hrre j jv Aj'� r 'r ped TO_ any a M no leqe�p� -1311 *A- I . w HtArt, A, �n6vlspap�q, f r qrr d'i' kinipt. T gt r lar. Vief, U&e�`tq ti Wile Jjr vqtt, 'Rig Atrm, 01i. vh�4 On go,- d6fnea i� Wits Uo ia­?r07n4*, Wha+ detetmb�d td ge 1n$0 P) li)bg e, oa,"k 'to, hI 8 ton, Will. '�k J!6r Ith, Mopolitst 0 Wt, ooa hat - #t" out, W johoreS Uke W,�ktio4d by, ail; hah&dft '01, ggg% 7e4ty, of lim! h�i& 't gtnd t4 C*�AUAJ�r r�Ap". 1161n P RA H I I or.4010 nt, 117M,- 41 do. WA:y, the Mtr 0 4" ......... 1,111L.