The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-07-26, Page 774
'60 AdvotthemO
Real, fflivi ,
Q##jg;,q lie 'QfPO4 t eni7.
e AN Tb�&ro:aro so q tw*tie-m wjA*# ills
quite wpowo
V44t, rapidly Wtlth�irpt; a. NJ,, Sup
IM in jv�, Jim at'lie-S.
*y�qs, 11*14ve
t"tlE 0100-- �*itcl`CA
jo Wipe& outf' sit I Oy,.*
W t4ru:�t*,10; "gh.
4 P't tWW-niommt to tryl2g:.t.0 pt�t Perfect Pfgostiop W01- t tAro'%K4 tbe, tbrol:04
- T REVOW ON 0 yg lngq'� RI v e 010 T QN In 'will
T1 VE PRE; (lowA,01AVfz PA., th ., Oka: . T,� �TA
1 ! the, o,4 Made'lgi 1 � � �mni:- 1�4!
chAnd ' ' -A k I , , (51 7�r
1;n is 1. 1 . I � I §'41l!A � 14 .4 V; 'd Oil
I r &Oea. ZI
e Ar Qys;�WL40 j
t P_ -nv'"
I qtr 001., �t;,Pco m a;
-�d' b Ift
2ma ij
�,C the, _4
yi�,erlqy ,).r.' Aq
.1) _y-th-0-fabt 609
6efist6r C h
-silav,qis, "airo. S�Avlies sh 'i�,
y qV
tj-,y W01)4 �ol' AS C 11 T97. twisit hini a tw��it, om
ID " i 1 , the. gir! WQ, theL.r ''and, Ro LIRg
EV,q ragl-:,QWgqy,, 0 wi p@rf Aw rug, SA�
-wi In times "doth #itwJ4 -
-s ave'r4Ji, red,blood. This,
EyWO.,,, lef,. and Ix t,,dIjes1i64 �Fo l6till� ' of''IllS' !St� be 'tbrPe ',the
.4. 0 qve%, !y .,q moy "When' You,.
* i , w, 9 T
zl1q2A1 hia 4. lealn, t1jo parilp Afa,
Wa e,nj qtr, if '910 o,,,o -'tbie, t of the, V1M_.A*r9'114J 411
tM. Tigbql; and wbq I, q�d is A �,l 14" _Wlneis, twist
T)11Q, fact that' ho, has d0VjA:o: b_S, bpa,t�'qgi. jf: t I -th _-beautIfu,Irug#,-
d a
to �enrich-
s ro�dlutfontzia- presont., On ji
Y it ist very,
C414 ee in ep led� the,
Veil v ulgvu, f) ly" MEM ho just�
oj u W1, In lic -better, "Ill t
M111 all exper, oo, for you, a'YQU' b t tsri li �a'h o" that
ptom;a q.; eomIn and -a atuy4 (A-4011 tb*ir t do Its Own work, S n
Africah U . V a je 'jilij
rbll' r
"f affi� C011*01le( t�nd;ajt.: -no, pl 4-n L d, ell, the V
party 9
your' T. f tod
t, �nn
to s, oijAach, v,bui, app6tit',6 t 6 flow oivjvj)G�
buMe Olth lie, t e fi d tIp
tion- ili �oon mAl.:
y ed
ifeation b radt'd
nt. rApid and yon a ii�n the. Okay- -If y6iir, digestlu"., IA Weak aild yi�ur -in" t 113.
wilZbee e more ellic o or -Dr' 1V IRELItATF- D By,
e%bureacy for the pi�r-, i?IQod thin, you 4 twain �tjiat In, tw,lnlng,. before, -in
&ononileal (h,;gn It, Is, at,preienf. -.eed 1,111am3 The
the� strengtb: to'.
pose being. cattto, P14W Pills the V�wj SUNAND,
A� it is w, c t Alarooll'i is',
to, rest�r
.111 kn6wn,tlia. C-'60.1,1) By 0aUqglST5'(,0PTLC!AN9
/� — . u wlste4 h niav�.' doth.
zi: r blood; .'In' addltlon� cllre� in IAne,re I:At
i . . . . . . . . ANT e -Q C1111LA S eke y o u -i-. &i. e -t-at"a7y Q
t 1plete4, this new Fe�v�16ip-
to o qiojey, -a' ve, 1) e a b. *tonfAch trouble w sdon, p4ss, away 11t.the, twain 'jtertidsting A twino
re betwe -n Post (I
k L ro
suffered I Sverely, and.tells Attractiva
nfen(q Ili. tile, w iiejese made a greput., reeenfyears for the Me-moim f cerT' Cilarlei La Roiii,'Fruitland- Ont 'no
Im '0 tain C04, T U,,t 1,9.nGt Dr Orlster, ma. es, a,iwwt
preskil. n. , :kkiral dot. is of Ili m0ld, p
f, I we6kI
�dl -on. ane an'innovau6n In the,11-terarty , Id. 5 Plua� her. She. - tu
yet NtlliAul Pink did:for,
not avallable,. '' - .. ; . , .. . For mail �,wltll all round
.: NIVI iltito 11 chl qipoirt d t� says: -7"I was a, terri-ble" gufferer trm 1, . . I I
Is 4nokn �tltiat hi��.'�u qr er -aperle� ead- $400
--called t 1�fdlnar a-�Lin tWcFr(tq6td- by newspap
-get- for' -lIfe'_0gLIq'_r;_ Th do
in tra.nismitting, meseagea- up to dis- -.the to ctor df or $590, Xpply Doz 24, Wilson
il11 and Cou dn't, SwInd e
d It vCburhi mibrvoiis Inillgestion.L Eieryt. 'H' Ltd. 71 "Olaida
____-of 2250 les, n-olt,- only wfth. it 4ather, Lord'.11 hill
ances nil, distressed me, And J beca:me
V< :r ani,nt of-powiar I, rd, 1& a.cli-eq for $50,
Yr�, �iuch smalle 0001 t Stripet West.
oaid r�ndo*h Codut'd hardly a�'k.� YQUing NPw!YW'edr wnt o -ii
of., Aild a
enegy, b u t J!Azte'r in . U ell h
19 �z
p ng: det6�rniined, bhlat'th gi;6,cor'
-Or* as ad, d pin around. my heart', �.ios�t 'or 0:01)
!As ofta'be4ii paid. il cli,
sIeA ver P_QQr
a i. ilwthoids.' ej Kiplftig '41
—(Yr LODI:�_ -trIce— van4 -her
and ad= o', of
leiW"'Mrsitem. lie fqlegr'�t'phod' r ' : , - .__LI_ -
ell -P
Uall Cafnaa',pa�rt as -get well, as Y
By his n ia� a quaker a word y-,
off ifr. d I wol - not d
from -'Cap& Verde Islands,, equa"t. l'I'l
G EPDES -ed W�lth R M E M, B:E: R.
edieffie hel !'Th P -1,17P dr�eadftllk
tbevdctor'i -m to AlarcUnt'Housa LondolI, wif-11 I Variations Reilly, Rielly,' O'Rielly, Y�arlatl on�Getty, Geddeson.. 'the:rlglits of "Tlio� Ch.rlstia;nT' f D,IS
serlogs fti6.4 Dr' Wil- siild crltl6ally as the sho
nie. p. lre� p or. MWAA
'llis of leis,'.power- than C f 11 Origlil' jE n JiSh 500,, an,d: it ls..certiln ttat, 16'ri jn,thf, Don't f orge�,
on'Rllcy�, Ryle Wor, t. Rey�y'r P'Rahllrg;'Ra Ra
liains'� Pink,. ills e rpconlWend.ed Served li�or.' summek ti
to London: a has, got: .."at least:is. jllirch,� �for -a 1,1' kilow 'rh�bda in he message hilly gh.,. Source A'' tfrPm, Paris HRadl6y,. Willey, Rollie, Ralei IdiJc1de0 'to try them, dn'd A can. for Cuts,
given name�
411d I best remedy
ha,4 found out how to uti�,ize n6ve"I '. . . � �i
truthfil"y Say' blidt, they ma e''m
w4ves' Racial Origl�irlsh. Lord, Ma lay, it iat's the'ldnil t Lng
r a. group of family nia.ines . e: feef "!But N' I& tarn4r'b'ri -Bruises
or nwm'inr f
are oil :at*b,avd'zrot be Source call
-.Glven`name.: whi-cli. beloan -a '.v O'f'tjjt,'niaw wave 11, 1 . ..... . of Eng :014,
kg_Mld�_ I .. . th,
-�-,VI:I-6f7ffie7fqregoing varrlons are ro e e.a word o ,pr. orping,
-der v 'in - "giv e -n
171, thi� m dicin' f also, when the, cou.ritry -is in
!We Fa:ve obtaftled ft- eoffilylilnl�
d,eniand'�foT_which-- Was, So 9 al:,thaf
nee for 1. Ahere. is -sai& the Yofin'g'
b t 'bad6n froll� �t to a.p Irisili sToulrce,,,. though italni as, vinever, is, 004 -it f roin, the. i4till sh- I -'a clia bride
In f6w. of, thie: -als(O' filay' ha to, �be compare
ve orIg,,1,'n' c.bVI,Gu,,s for, wo .'Ill. thie, first nothing Vith''it for �'tllat.s the -trouble With those farm,6rs'l i
n 11lg-bfft'c6"btock6,d the street... LAJ is -.; 1,,19 - iii,e.�,fziom de 11, they dy�spepi I �weajtj ne votis t4er eggs,
bigger staidns. We, wei -in a i gio in G'.MX'�611S'� Or' get
s 'Gry,
w -ere a
e b nells of"the'are erived no fo-n r a_comalon siold' tli6t they
j V !Hugo
and lf,injolisoges ent Ictor - -as 113jer KING 'AIN"
h aric dis(tirban63 is b0i a , - , ted from other souroes Ili som-e c,, er. �,ce, tb,e�gzjven� his, -for his t es, or r
tiaie� got -'$�00,000_ials6�
Thom we d
$SO 60,�:fcir L �l
O'Roilili n. Jr, and, ar''in. the, o u dan get these -P�tlls�'froln tfti,� t6 �oOl
I or, as! th�e'' onie_thiotlgh it Was.quRte popul
the- - �ew ex �y alid. DaudeVcrai�,.keit,t r
ximen, lie, reco'd
pe tal hied le in e'd-eal er or. by',m 66ntS
Q a Irilsh, s,11-eldig tt,,"O'Raigi nikadle ajbs 111, till -e Second- place�.a Wl�at 50.
been receiVed oil
ul 11 t 11 V6,
they.wo wkli $260,0010' for The I)r. that Z�e��ac6 which looks
I -o' chpilige. in-,slp,l ling" has 'a. b 0 x f rojil lillain§' Albificifie
the yack a pe
ets have made in
Co' 'Brockvi oPt rom you t1w. morning
-wirelesis export is' on� rl�t. Yo ;m
tfi�e sout& for �Lalla Ile Ont,: is a e sa not
One's, wre 1 d D ii I W . n Ued:-to co-neewl fkni s u see
aJldent that the I Roolih,'%an-d 'Teninysn,foT many years it," in all day, but
si t .;,for lib7tuture bix-ek to a* j*aiOd juslt y�, Courage- Of course as reg�rditd as, Of M�Lgneism,; a ga.
of wIlleleks.
'We� 1619'w' ��'tat a tMets
be the n all -I the thlel.-r& at.
"n tumult
vell �111OVVI jd� - 1;it�4� be
.11led frohl stild nio re: a'jl_r tioug ji�riqd'in wbich failtily nalhias be-� k M
in. . . ?M - _ . _ _:, .0 HER
4pos, b I dieT maide �q;000%a year. �, ; ., ; .- , I ... . I
1'�yas f 61 file' I n6ws,
filb n, u t no oil�
PIOSSIble to Pg Itiviedlea
ydr 1,000 mile-,
I ali� This -"16ghe�o- gan tP,7f.6Ml.,,an.d, W v lic, Of A. ni . ......
A4s,,or ii- I - - _ � _: . _ on
:& OIL -
as. I,ow cl� -
ftli powel I(Jiloy� C vVMP AN, A a - ;,
fei'�' SUMMER L
e i", or �'Radheclla-dh' coneerning,thie.,, at those, gly ell',, 1111 lie� olq'� : r ' �
Oils s, one p,os..
wej� aild.'witb a, setzising, rs 0 po t. wh ell were, a DOG-DISWE&
spelling w ;�ie Lere v re�laritab6: 0
013 became :very popular. in,- "d and How to plead
80�le CDlltl I cc&rdIhg,`,thd,,S vii ute -e at
J�C 'LITTLE ONES IW,toitth l0Oli4u6r1iiiA ROYS
q. Wa Milled Free 'to.'any Aff SV_
to, h st, -lea Ord, England, l'are. At;thor..'�
It 0 W�i . I Dns� at�:ClontaH; in,, that fa ji.e ow, la
E�. PiAhAd
lar tu tb at,, in ftzo at presnt, wd�h only I ot .1 eet .4n the great :�at scduim,on� su.li6rst tI*On a ieA in �diesa by the
and �.thd 'Special -mabi-On of tliw- 1111111y, Tn 0 te irst, sign of Illness durink� the hat ni ne ic, inoull 12 9 West h
The foir _' r_-, ' At� t
Pa - 24t
es et le o o 'd,' Relieve
fro-lj� li, 'b th plees�by drawing ff�onl`them I was nbt rl rsft � a eonealidus, pr'Ge Is., b o t� weaWer, give Ne�w Volrk� a,
costg, Eitfe ones:Bab n'It. is ce4-Lanl_ wev an w mc 1
t. o nie of A in duld 1�e r6foy-reia-tous �'Ralp h6i . irs he thel il n all at n a Gieat Weahes
orb !ba S ciwfi�rrablets dr 14 r dro" �S,
le'll -e gull.sih hilin Ia S1 One,
apoes' f r 'all or
: that
As the Yab '6
ti, n os yifniattons h ltiqn d,� org'
by -the einVIO alle ll-oLalways OL lri&n origin. 4,aleigh, QL111!1�17 I'lalptlS, in tu COmunity" per- vbrft ..summer complaints I giviin. c� niagilletlte'are, f0und parts, at"the Vest, �i# John, N.: B. - "I ffi'ra
Yment o'a new kvave. 0
ill r e-.knion� as bhally'. to -od of &,s itanceplrit-ed,
lulit'a' ii&� IS tra6ed' by "s-oilie�'to his i Sion jWo. I it ..b the.,well ell lld Will. W.0 �ld i ��`dener�I`run�,&wn ' condition following .
y S r. piande. W�11 i6e�It-, the birth: of my t*jn boy�: 1. had a gr�at
Ralph's' `e4d and.. u
old, F ench 'given, ii, prqinptj'� relieve fiese, troubJes lf- the
oi�, Air.A�: her n
r n wis come on', dd ovvii Tl;i6re'cazi�be littl� dioubt that llji..�.Slolllo glOriiei aebo`� uld develop enly. deal :of 'i flairimitiori, with pains' and
doctor' -recom-
-at, tat, not, in' ;bas 'from. the I.,' a :weakfiess., Finally. my
4R 3p' G. pierhaj)�3-.tii 1#3 qts� shiOuld: ahv�ys 1 be "kept in every' �'Thlor-Qljjnes dlscd,�ered this 1fa
-es � Raley, of and iiiend6d ]Lydia E.Pinkh6ffi!s Vegetable,
:',:Ah near ruitur b Sal a
e.sio"illpossIbl as it ;Line of a. lomlity in Staf(o-rdsh1Te. e there ar.6'.9r6wIh;g; dhlld� OMPOU r C
m your medicinerL
o 'other lefile as our
Aouds. dtOpited-na-a-re- -ren. The V6, I forr s only, and, i�erb Would -'be the.,
17 d,
only thing to Wffl me up.
be pw�,ed t '. g 0 the "South. oant of 1, am sufe he is right _10-j. ain, fee
gu,i (led also, In add( no'' Is' good, ev" . n ' b th e,: fa�m W �' "Vil a.'d the' motheir has the g Jin -on'th m] _4araftbEke y depsIts"ibf A 6rIca cannot last of x goVerhm-eht-"alyst that they.4rb noodle r -As.' ttef and am-gainingin Nveight,
e iAt'Reflly a;nd Rielly are some. cee'(141ng geinieirarOjls� ha'v'ixig:, "'One , down to ninetk-three
-the The--Tablets.'are sio-fd, mounted an indeflnite. period; that "blilneilts f g,,a e a S
for Natural., chank�s of Illn r -re b olutelk
jied f6r er_d.monthj.-%!
nee,,, oeld will' Scon have. to. Search Is f �:r the-vax kd&fn 6 or. li'�mallr 'on q,,
t1ire:p1a6e naine of eu4aly'l "in y
e k a b -ba- rom Dr. -.Williams' ."�s mended the VVg6
where frAr -nitrate. t am up again now..
to for, reoo�edv it; R carts.",
-^tt The able'k!ompound to in
1111 the,forin, d e Medleina'Co., Brockville, Ont.. wd: in ie-R4h!.M",*."' b vlk'.ns� Ordinary ii fri6n.ds.afid-give:-yoii perinission-to
For, and cied- ri�v letter.-' netisin and -82,-R(fdn o n,
E' 9 t V Iles: have been:seekliij tlists:of a11,C"ountri -Nk h 't 'the Lit I el's M' d
�nrpnll 7'T' There ar
per bought a -lux 1 also- e niin� ivoinen'who. find their
UT o olin
d seit all-out inkiiiii it ei: usehold duties almost unbearpblt: Ljw- ays o Ste c are, fit',
s, well-known ract L at b
the' air wilch �-Vrrounda us, Is
uldl-rily implie The'trouble.-j ,f.V n _ and �_,n #Nge,,, nw&i)j4ct� .0n;0- of. I
id f A larnl� of, S,� I . may be Sligi]jrt"
I'l-,Co,yp�,.,:!!�3--..-��'L--��,P-]Ky 0. the. more id lle-niagnietisill
I 10T, ray t to, -h
can- ocus Wo, C, such anno g Symptoms as -dragging
while -a "h 1-tra to'! 1�f aliso a od,nitiound id, dGhtainfing ee�s:
ell' ell b -rhoea gerins u o u c a'n" t k p. in nes and a rab-down feeling.
niu . 'it -7 & Ilsti,ilt6l �t
��pecli, of 1lit iv - lig t �1s li�elng use B C' ee a'p ar an co n1n&-th,e,sotw,6 elem, t&'- Scien- -PinAam;sVegetible C'm
with !okedt agOnist pyoa. u T
Mee selelctzr� means a ileighbor, to. suggested hi� nde an-enormou,
S'Ra V rel
d 'I abdid for
die off. under the treaim�ent
will be §,Bp4r!� had�orifldled hils Jia�e to aore than r fojjr`ffiffi� frojilL two� big., C mil n: ome steel ate e ail dowli :t,b -h� in n
riade to' Cuftura, Heals—
ite's, Pyorrhlea i's t. e ni-DsOt prevtuent�
Ri a Wt. 6' perieneie ja
com no or. '!:.Of inge baid -destructive dnt
al diseas, klbo; be. Used to intiii ite 3athe �vvith p enty Q
lyll f i 6utictlm, Soap'
q : ut
utanitles. The�6atheid, -to: be a'coni-. 1`11 W01!t n 0 oany.'
T device is kilown ius.Ahe Figshler . ....... s h and hofwatef�to'cleahseand pqri y. ; I thb.coast� d
In y1ightly� aind-apply.tiltic&k Oint.!
erd,�l Sft,66eSfj, Would, Xo'be ex- Di 0 1 t be in res d in re.
p. It' is thie inven,tion,of ill SGUS A Ild
Ithe every, 'Inent to soothe and hd9i i, kh - Is Pi , vate Text-136ok upon
lclalm i no rs. in
e i the;,'� Ailm � i s 0 blnell'.� u e n
Mr�. F. 'Forbes West W
1�,elle Only tha.Tln`Lizzl6:' sol&' 9,
Amd the in t gi- to o .jab ointme ' r,',':, . : , h
c6nies aboutj get -a,,,'fr4e'by, writi
Iand Is installed n the -abadia
tbroukhout theDoniiiii6n., C ng t 'q!��Lydia
real. qQbqurg;,-.
AV41fe-LIZeke, )wuz tilt elpot:.'
ply-, -Or fell, ss, olne OV Ll It d 144 Slt.,Nul St., W.,
M-VeTnr from the tnab, i6oria, we -S tin;-pedidrler wot stapp6d: in, front 0' Mi. Hor llitu, I v 8 th t 011,
a S hal . . " , witom. is Mr. -R. H6,dgS1S)n,'a deintalloon- 811a eswith
-t-6 say,, with l5erfeef truth that nous.91,13 j IST, 11. 0, ftlet
vage y
FAIltall't 'at: the' Royal WA.6riio6 lJospi.
we Fsirmiai N�aw_' Gnwol.'thla danged. car)�"Thfs, t
Are "livrinj on, t3 U
Inp Y.) It p�lpits, iI . ate Lhiat.jie la AO n"t_
call uujue. pyorTlioet In tl 1 4 stages,' .0 �a
h of
r inh*y: not f, Ut!
tolrd h"13ut ti9*,h0 t-aAfiIY'0le
us lives som' e kind-' 'of Sermon ...every
I -lin d
)effect -d
i omebo d iv�w_i I 1-f 1 ad
�-atileat, ageld It M. M rgn�r
-:H OLD' r. moo
.,N 'T E" 66OU n.
Vj 13
OUgL to retain hls,'t
eetfi, 1 delded-t�:;
try the lairm Jiir0i' Liolmen r'aa erywtlaK6,
olill two,,days, he��eturnied.:, ifinl-e —gumfj
Stringe id th e 'acliefi
od,ttlon,' It '13A
.,in all flirl r eqn-
-be v S
W showh -Ili a
trea ment: can cure i xvan-ced "tliy4ofil 1ottettln, Aspr �at 11'
'�bujt I think there is - lib d,ollbt'
vbotfi 7&�
of py�Grrli�ea
isot it- Rill 1)
-4 (4._ :of, o
ead 4i Ili iiild a
Found Uso folr Silk cAsA d. thei aiiY� oia
Youv(;ar Old, dues'. Dorift wdit. 10T someone to,
I I I " �k,
i leFe soe�c
iii't you See, your, new suapou& b to get Kendall'ar
exidtLy niatcheJ. my dintibr, gowil A Cdm' hi txpq�icnco. PjhjrVirn_ t6atintint 1d thiii
'I ' ' I
Viii inailo a d 0 Of'111118t)l F nal hurts and paina 1
to drals;s :�11 Strategy.,
il-,AYVAn ail 04V
�Cdftl ho*! Wbat do. -ith�aao �iikld im't anh copy (,f 114,11fTIOU'rilsR. ON TUR ro en 1W, A 11:19b.M. ioilglog and meas, Th ?
YP(t men T lVdii 36fid &th6*.,v4 11himchts i have 'ut by-
tj by �conipa�llativ* 1 -tile jVMC11' tat' dos�- brkod,
put, him 10 n1likfu it66� co-iniptiodd. w r ot
-e egular fts
G�( o�hotdc Of youo drujofs r, I n A 'Ind ft -It. - n USej ; . I .6 thinks- ah6 oug t to Si P
poirt6d, tb4i the ftj6s.*4to 0o'bad that n4t othid Otil-I l6hg DO., 13. J. l(ENbALE COMP-ANV,
tb be milked. R6MIJ by'Doilibiton Exprosit k6ndy
leura g
an'b _k. KENDALL'S ney, ac vuop& thAle'. The t SOA N. thii'din1bg tid&i th ea�h Infilk, 61
EA, it,. rs,u 01 Asort'n 9w thf, 0A46 ft0rlt Sn
perlieWi6ii burAolv6s uhMsh I I 1),�d
'21, will be
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