The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-07-26, Page 4ANWIT390111pr ',77-7,
-0— 7N W 77
�i,, 4T, �M. 'I 'V P
72 'THE, ok to the�Aoqflli O00e1r'.10--,.1Qui1At0,r. 41)p by,
STAI 5 LT S M"D 18 iW
14u, 0 1 '10a'' 11NEL, of #e lakes �have prot"ted�, to t NO
$01rNp lip _'nteol, C to
qw� Clq#&
.Mmifiissiq -ba t at,�b6d' A- e ;�e io, Ae4pport A011414i
I I—_ __ � " , T�l _�b ,
h and
Nblishe ,e
�,d Thursdw
--tak JnX abios t
ft U� hq xq.,gf has, kept
n 9 f, lake. -W
I , I
dopMe.1heamognt.0 ;Aq.t it is fo, THE
0; 1 7� --Se OCA., A,J),, Macken6p, Pro
f es r, cbrP
74e ver, .4, liibea. ns- refused'% -
'or -
entitled to How
1113 -19'j3--Abbv
19 man 4611 hbL now d, i r 64
*bo. -spends his _4 ArA is rict Cbiirli the, T�t - 4 seb., g
in TRUIL5DAY -JULY 260 .1923
Q-0nimts -id tor g f 1`1 1?q,
as' he"go them,:�ses: 0,0 fq o back, to'Jih' f0i -BP414 s�ylpvi oli
e, w Amount Agrpod, to within- si,�.,, nionth o qUperihten ht,A �O
get :wh# �h, _ Ants, ;04 Oe Ahot be w
4 his, 49114r4i Nr A This j a.�,-e of,
puqtp,_tlie� g hf, 4
TIM. ]?EAT,,
Goneli',The, Mom, vhq �,m re4t �ity -bbe's, t
L line, �2Q:�.A ri:il.�oii.eb
i�,AT 7r,
1 141 M
.h: ;KV1 ; - _i4` I*- 'W AMINO
MA "t"
it "10 growing, nVinore;
S-lif ".Ps. tbe
a ment 4r,
acli An
-th -hi- ir,futdre use
s ou and I ..the :,jpliy g
h ,, C -04W14 A� leading, P, Age
ss. quire each 7 r. Row�\Ier, a) 'to
1;,o"4PT0Pq, . the. dAi 0 'Of ihe con en C"or. Hbt
f" Ha ilt, 6 tin. 't
. 1, 1�
per* c nin4t, be pr
SOEI�The Bank 0 In .04 'Pir otl*p- lake,: cities ;apd e, Ahi;td,, OUSE
.,41y'a Mop can'bandit
-au, of
4 �iteqr,.yqu �aving� Actmun . t.., le,_P�,ted sare (11i ro
r b e. w 0, "d
US, poi t J or
Pr of A, ba _n
md. of OqUavrp. H il�ed Ultil�'ately Filr,�,1011
to qerie ,ly, t 1�
'r wawtL u
tqqw-punche a,- powe ants ati'.N' a
n9t On V: de e,
en er 'jp'�-4 "_
X ' *' - A- - .0-
AMIL -0 d , Li��fR b4i�ik
h d,bh6 litivernm' f
The i7 ��,curied �,wida.N�,: V
J.'A. Glennie m na
, - - �,, r- - , � V, e e:
for ye4�rs. "baq'i t. 1 RAM� TRIAI iiedton. of rlo�te.0 f, A'
the, tb TIM` DtLO tice
q, at, w.4' sefious troub e
.14 o; tcqli1�,�;of -tli-�:-Delor 'trial,
saying on,
'o, of"M
gdvprff ii Of— the-�Uh �eal
S� pixilonz�d jiln�e-�_k'T'e-dieceas *11
ich fPr'33 d
States ou
Ith, :Y411;i- -'of King's eneb t:�Q ebl�� Ithip as
m Wre,
�,Ign4r6riVind �0 �'*6i e I I S, iei, I .., � : � , , .. �; "
a, u
n K"trial.od -is the voqn&ezt'da,utrhter't
..must--, avq been shak� public faith -4 oil U 1.44z", And., t�, - bi*
h a man 6f. consider�
INPORP04ATIR 18551 abWlbrce of e h k, s and in tho-Juty system 6f th� late She Or
haracter, for q alwa
#s a e'�tb comman owing, Of t, e tw eaves--to,nio. rn, her Io, -i
elve--nien- goo �and I e .12
CAW �)Lnd #"erve v s, in
&n e v,�n �ons__
ind s4cc�ssfully iought or e S
bl d i`foll h d h�\,O , fed
convin�ed'ih t Ne e6tion Qil- ._to
oed'4't ei ten. were d h
-ai�, o C ne, h'al 'Ar and.4 b yet to,
Oier 1 Briticheq ori . nip ered. h, -brotli�r The, lob
_en a And tth6 United rd Th r, e�. Arthifr,,. r ert,,!
urher, sizqs have.
if- Chi-
ciretimstauces requl IP4' I two others .,lia-Ong'- lis ened- to. t' e Williani. Alfred RiJ irry: 6-r�
-ex ht
ly, days As*A4 Outlaw -46 was- a sai��e e ce wid arguments., -.*e --hohle The
1,4 his par videb ark
-B e cell'e'
THE'. NOLSONS! �ANIK' ", the old b on th'
-lie jrobbet; n'
sort of Robin, Hqqd.;, I the ot, t
so. conyinced' " e said
qr,al gn.y. ia I are., �J�rs, - T. D
ey W ougher.
Fakmers will se cure sy mpikithefli hankiing
'his band of r-pffla Ell ere no
jer at portc t -in.'
7 4as.. Ha"den. Mrs Wlnl C :, _,..
th -b
uk ecanit: Opy ar
p -and N je'orge
e ch, the-sain -p�eseiitati -a,-ts-. -41e. 0 f- - lu i � IV-, -T-h e - I- U -li e r a
oVW1 d7 8
and frequently helped: the^� �bor. -Ne. .,The jury iystehi� is we have �R' re- Jard .'of this p C, .3
rT.'Of hrOmch',. ]a e,
the. -s , - -'qui ing �a' unanim6us.veidict; asstfnies llo,ll"of -Dunganbon Mrs' an inch. sues.
C reful'atteution ta, t he needs'of Catidals. th c: 6 ers-a
-7 . Agri ar
.7, -------------
pi�lari -hich -.that- e. on oH
'tu tj nA featur
stoo __p�n
I iia iIiteke�ts esid enee
w er a S.
h a vl� �N p ace' troin,
cl`eyidene'6 N�ill the'sa ' pie: eff�,Ci, ich,,took* I
t e- e
v are pros
�tei4 hi -purpued 6 -C' r
3101sim 1§ _d him in good ft
.'s ank. j, t4e goyernr Lorldom,
poli all to,whom h' entei of ihe .'A sbnin'til�'j� _NJ T.
PkIr" ment f
p ents at every Brant lar,
'rho Ass4bniptiori is'entirely �-wrong, As Doll' -ily'-ilit-tended. TI
nd;,Pul eys.
Savings D ih Chain
-er and -,er agaip. servi�e was conduct
'After ten Y6 -making;
d ars of trouble 'ias been -io� o.N ed by�
D*eposits of $1.00.iind�upw..AiAs'i &-ite"
the' P
main] th r�h!qn., �p�j� of t6 oV'hat 'tan-]- J 'd
0 s� , -induce 1, 11. , ' T,
be two", 1d.0s of 'the: (.&Se. Chijtc� by' ih'e� R ON - NN"r a.%A
S en qvid.enc St� A I e
y, In e no
7 c tintry- he 4a 4- 'to iiettle" -B ge ure airl
e::is soin 1, 1.
1. �,J , -i - er
3kil1fpll b N-th
El KANAGER.'LUCKNOW BRANCU. -down'on. a large 'farm or ra c4h d' theie' rector 'of Tri iiyll�h'i]i,�Oi Bi
R 71 d1t -bi�- ru
5 y all
-he� i�n�e. lived, lik6iia.fnedal Iord' He fit
--rolind for honest difl.erehee'.of %opjn�,:' (;a_nep46W ,t,,hL a), T�q, Tall
had on: his esi�te About' 900 men.,�.a
thatf, - iSearers,� we're. h' 'son..�_
n .�arid, when.: to this i,-, adde:d-,� �lx
of �vhom, Were skilled in.the'use.of,
as i on a I I v :c o rir u. pt no)'a' n -n- trib
fire. arrilS 4,�d -kh
Occ Ora ina u te
as we Rs- of freak rolionj th I�Z*. e. & PO '41 IDDUS
-ind may.ibe RAE
6 ranch constitut , '.a M�l twel��,i, the' an, fg;
wo ed 'i� ol r
OeS t
s -aaii-eement' o:,,;, -'to,,.N*er ic.t dvew'S, 1f1reSb,,11er1an- Church': h e o y
inaninious, 'Th' '$t re, ANThe're"Yolir' one�,
d %
-more- evi ent- tl,,;? dec-R-Ased
M d'
d ORMIwn
�1� YA "isdo eqpiriii
]DEERING, an is �reic* eath.. antither'llips' ecomes k -a on
RS aration' of the -6ldJa*ym*'g, that' '1�11K t- To: - know'�'A5 li%�'�, Vw'e ohe,
Humanity - and- a..'sense o Juz ice�
,�O Tra�tors - and nes 3ugge v.
iN i a4
t at, Drd shall pens sed�, -6f et�; er.4e To. P'r ligna
. .. . ... ... . h' li-%;ei bv::tbo h _` I" h H �26n'.,' h h'
stg that �a- ner
'Wh ie� &,.Son Thresh by the, s*oM l';..Trooble 'and
�n "d � nl-�'rkAd 11er'
Ge�L i ing'Mac jealousy, s`eriou9,crh1ie,,'invoving; erious 6�1'
cl and� appqar_� -to ha�r -6p&l A
Lifter Carr e�'S" tia ons. e, devel Tid finall P, tte;rn for lholsdk
Supe�ior Y, 3equentes,' sh6ill& hgve'the-,�enefit 0,
Bowb sec' ci� -,
:,w�as, sho't,'down' by, h �e lezt ��h%td,.,- )1r.'.Berine t
ih� chi'�f 6t.- th T
�6as6nabl� tlqiI e
ros n
r . It' -b' a)
- '!' 1, _7, ret 0 in urn,.,was s ot.a d, kffll`.� :,)'ub1ic:- "'also' ave cl d- I
F V �. Coded Wire and Woiein'*eU06; �ry, W . .. -V 1 ea
ed -by `ahoffie' meni hi� Villa 'b. atby of t)ie.
e, pro ect e r :,? ,
eeti* . I... . . -:. . I ._ . t fbrth.
., , II;6� 6, Ou
Connor7fil Perf, an. ElectriC Air f,t - .1 7, ��. "I" C i 1,
-ed. A,v' dict*b� r6m leqv�
n.. ,
ld.,l , 'L. -O.217 A x0i ,I el.
Pith nizati
dr -a d
, +;'b.11 - i th D.ep(
z_,um, me - B;' -, I �, e 1,�, ' .' . I I
By. , " _ M ... � i. , ..; I � - I . ream... .an
an , - , d - ring, yq�vt 'C'
'th� -.4ce 'ed aocor
FOW 13 d
Daily,, t n ay
NX, I le -11 the, 10r jEx�ep Su d
�'L AKES A -R LO'W,- e3dstih-.' ulia,ninio'u's d';* �0 �R.m. A5: �lkin. ig
1W Y TH '-6 kine
D WW LUCKNO. requireinent, 'of �r ine 're -am neNy uyir
,a AN— b
J more th J-_�.eggs. to Tlie' $�afo th'"
Agryeement. 4.V;k, P.M.
LT.,. ip ey jl.a�v, ;1.!Il.
��4.9 I—, � _., I � �':
Luc;kn 91
in", -on The* :�Lv. qW a.m .2.2.1
Parties, who are, ampi e
-t�, )OSI
on �1 �,Q
, �� ! - V`ifda�vsoh,',.s�F d'S
f' Lik -H t! is 6..4 6 .1 'p.m. eed tore',''
%60,,o00,_ br: a boii�t� 2,000 per re an elee
7 shores., 01 e prop u6bec. d Th -
�Se 3.18-, p.m 0
hAve-ohgery 'an' unimisi 1� Id M,.Isq6y4J Js
takable'l er,-. da.y,, And it� Is sQ ito hav4 eost...Dea--.
ed i'h the,
C -LT. U -towel 1-70
t §tand.
L Y.7 a,m' 4.23 p.m -
pared ye"s
irq 'c�f "the. er- (if t e Iake as C01117�' orn� a.m. .4.01 P.1i
e 'at le ast', one' �.PI-6 UAea M.
It :461lars es s w i is.
A.", 'E; stimates put seenc.
en ow i'A r! G u,el A 9:4J 36, p ni.
with the wej .,Of �elil B' i4e '-ih e �s h%` Paln,��stofi - 28
THE W STERN ebilfirenien
lligbi6s'- ash C
;01�er 't�'e U S L
e,��e ' , h 7 Pflip�
I I at veli as thr�eei foi il f, 4eL
LONDON. ON -T -AR -10.,
ind a i's. 4inoeent iS fi
a.5 in ..I.,ast' in
r-th r was down
t *0
"lluch :Alitted Had" he. be*ep*, n- -ann- linn P.m.
_ntf6rdL _'J..001 p.m JL5
to L, ear; it is down anot er a
en, ble to e t o ,e zz r
niah'he woul Dra
th Ar' ][f on";, 1.00. p 3.0,,,,
iS6Dtember .8th. L 9230 . . I . f amilt� Sati9f Action "Guft
'M�� p4an riegr
0i se t' -J'
This is,,ei§il_v ob rvable'af e, e-.. PI -1 e
-0 � T
procpi* "th
d nee (it. 'the. _hl
i.1, yarn.
t t! Tf-f k'
i�t �r o -,I -au onio�. 6 a
Exhiffiftim o M estern Ofitarid' thin'b;aqhes re the,sh6re�.Jine id xper Sr 0-..l W
'The Popular IAre,Sto& nia
-:a 1Zku-fnih,-L T
h's-1 -1-V40--a 7.07
....... Ae r dixta ---b*e---. zolr _,q
zon!d ble ncii. -,and w
e re
r years, an i lit"have b�,enj ifferieint.-' is.
'a line,- bf-, formle, V
Tn d Give
. . I .. . - I . - . . ' . ' I eave: bronto 6.50 it ni�'
? nzes,andAttiactio''ns mnj,, , -
$40,0904n -d
botidders, wh we ..p�rTso�ne
qUeS 2on 1� an
.; ". 4,=1
c.v -with 'at -thr e, or,.
w er e
�_7 Wk should �1 haxe_6,
6 -'Ti. 1� lj�
1,.Tutlga ..c he car me�. to, Toi-
en' nicitriiing. rain..
(00 -VE IL UL U_
ago" now
Thegewi -�18 0QManufacturersBuildfn :ybar. -th' 1 .1�
ave eirl hea� s con- je,, e , I
r hance o -eseppe :than�'th-e -p. 6 -)-r
-on J
fiti ob-Ay-in OeW'
din over:Thf6e Hnndred EOibits Come, and - See� Them.- we c. -e illos. S, x en zi�t a ,,a.f
H Tb'
d -18e �PrOi -of-- hun
gi� e
has affected i the - wa't -` Ail th� i p
the 'E�e �ine_ 'ease. _3�, not_
.rMS _FIRE_, W 0,
r i QL. n
th& P�_ �r� 1* 1
rom 1 e fury -h
thin Do6 t ; th' far ends of
1C ORKS-FPN. All%tht�Time i,,, J
ded Th 6'
Lakes� S4peri Z=. 't IS. .7
THE MIDWAY or and.'Mic i
6,,upom a'.rerdiet,, did. -notL Seqt1l, -fue y Ine partiCLIla,i-S.:ap to deand
raining nt
agr I
-Y J.� JONES h" 'I
;U -N, ed
away tst d -,her t.
doiibtle�S. -due 'to the A
�inl 'He Tilts t4n anol t�
-i�� water, at ibb - Citv,.`
c -all. eek Chi rem,1 i U - -----
the: 4i! :A, &h,
Admissim 25 W
--hinn er* 6 T'
t,,e -Lucknow-:Marbld 9nd qranz-
t r,:�a 4r.
t,.e.:recen %V
at oa th e la,z
Afed b
tAl Is situated. on
We 67i Mo"n" ay,� Septemb6� 10th. , -, -i: Coni_:�
jUr it' VQrk hii.� :n laii�e: d"'
V Will
All ChildkenT j1A
and that is i flat and litt.
be leCtIlel na,
e a,na --- -the, ost eauti ii
C anl�rs� 'On,,c�are .
A -hta*�, We�,e e Z'I'* DAI�61IItl"Z IS. TH 0 U G TI TiF LT�L
;th iver,. tn), or- R
X 17an .apt ppi rar )N-: as,* jlit,�rO;
AM rial ig JiP _to A om. -in�. Al'a
it ih i ilki, o:,, A e d L
y. aonie OVe ihe, waters 01 !A' -L
11&- be, the Big Year fat the Exhiibitio):L' E yb�d C i ele,,mted' ab
_M' h i 'the Alississi
--L,..OF A-GGED., a
ni� �i. 'q u & -'par: of 1), h,
-Wit:hii-t,�e -�Towth �f ge e,: Scotch, and ana I
un .iotis-pt of svwe�aje! d6vOol5ed: ',u
J Sa dqs, Pte4
lie ee I itest.
n GA 0a I -C gEf 'OL D
ts 'In- acqulm".;; Pub
ers were op e in " -, - ill. �, A
to t
4i� firtzT t�h e, se* L d
;ub�ide431 A Seclon��.;� Yr of IN' lai-toll -,N- io had iniarr;e(F.
:tfoill the �Pom L,! _Mon�-:.
Lake'-M-fehizan But *atVr f6r dorn _h 'a'
1)� relwt,bnt 1b.collilet pro
y ami y
.2p. PAZ
6seid, And: -tha d s6n$e ears . Ago 21 -W ad' bLf? OLIA
i :1 . I . 1. Its
gre. cb',, f-c'm th -ea -"H
it lion, vh, oil.
e TW( IIIII)spri, of
I-, Ittill Pad. A�n �t nxiil,_wl
d S,.ek, Toiind that 'it "ble ta'pre-- The, itid6'-e h 15
,WATERLO looks 'out over the battl6fiel was' im ss, o
PIO 171 F _Y
-et -.d,' -ne and. -7- Ir 7,.'
- eein_"�_sttr! 4;k� e.�, I., e T.
h ns q .,sewera
ge, ly done.,
(London Fre-6 Pres e M )OnS
-roaiis-- devoi� oil tiafll� b-1 t
haAbee -h d9y -dischar-&d, into -it The, 6#��
A -ft n e�, us before P1
ith the. arge ocean ner-. carry_�, n' for c'3 :' . . . - - . � L ' , I , i
1,4s r bi
1�pjeL to!.t e con -a A -e
MC, k �- �'a'
VundreLl" -tb i � � " I pre�_11151' . i.� '. "M
)ter_ .4 0�,
:solitar�, lo6 lekio'b` an engineers hit upon, tie" r, fa r,
11-aild - t 11 A t" h L'i
nen 4one `Citite..."nitutally OI4.derg
, � I I., I , , I . . :, ''� � I I A';, SPOTTOXV
of. t al 'ifroftl-,
Eyen batflefiel&," 01' eb jtjpg,,. a.:. gJea can
6 the. ni��T U ex-A'a
-orh e pr_;�:
4�ak- Th
W ei
ac p by di te.. -;,;n C, th 6,
01' 1Vntil ;d
av, -3 r had Are pe 'e
they '.-. 1 <111�' 1, f ", 'L ' ' ' we ripane,
`e.'or wha w es 'Rirer� In� tjA_r4 't; , -at 6otild, get a'.� % 'h 011 !' ly �sett,
X� r�� ;ne,
Aan, k_, ,
cu nt.�s Aan" I
M have rial fb,! a ="mo.hCli, b t IQ Mt, Ot,:LL'Vellt:�,
t"ne on khev;wi e S owc ; I . ", , , I
rre. �that tbe'sew-: - 1� . I v,
a .-R9 Tk 14
ati-Vj-;om p- 4e;a d
t ag�, ,nste d
n suniini-me 'Ll
thi� 6
f -SetU1
s e "r e s
I Z.
A 'an �Tll
fiat, d' e. 1)
appears, to l) Ve �'c)
-e. be C�f
e 2', case, C. thii "lak. vj�ole for, f xl
Ile, icn ing tlh� p7a �d epos:,�: 111 �,p
him -V I" -�O- -L� i66749 8'. - Ino efs in.
-�o h6 im th
the'f 'T
__1*-__ -,;nz
71V -6i- 'O-iso*neIi-4ii--fhe�' ;titlN
�JjFjii e
ea tli� � I Pho e Case -and oyerlt - I.,
g o , 7j�� L . I LOW; ('011L i-41011 of t 110 lI1X,V i
9, seen a:. a- i Second, T�C8'-",
tes every
may 'TC�31�.Wed s
octnir6d I
-en -.1
iear Penforld�re.c e. 011 t 11 j,t
ke , '. —,- ___ - it *ould n,*
-v--r T at
ones are prac
keri 'the lakes.
0 _grr e-lau
Tb eeado-
rra 6., N" e011*11*
'he:� foMt:An tie Ef,� T'h a f
A' k,L 1:1arn 'of, the
6ii Of 70
; T��_ _., dep _7
15 W �i i toi-n N 6-T, K. -I h F -A M n Trilmr-
Ift %zy-U'A
the, t1texiff,� K
late 1*1M_10_fth`_b,f_._..1Me a
0 Ow -t
ire. ViI e-r�t�-
-t'its Wat-
.er�60, Joe ar-i cafi�60 Sioe inikht, it 'i
�estroyeld 'b MpOiS_
1,arz es!
er ..t . 6 erx sd& to, enter 'where tO4 _g_ 're�* ffe,
, * . . . . M L, "' - - , 0
11 �
_.b 7,:, - - __ _ -�_ 1, --i�
rly. bdo eizh� F Wxi: -aL -,�c�:4
-;t e . 'a . -0 Z�- —
earn ,
One Mear the ba'T.n at, �tbe I t il i�,epnege :sittde 169L
'4e I I r. - v; o:-, ill
1914 t.6ns of" r ongi n-
etLf ;I lvh_,�_' , bald make, daiigerous mAny ro�i-r anw.y, i;��ghlt
p or
'Ate `va�-,,nbt distoverted� '..IJ, Lrea 2ted, dL 26 !�,�.J aNA
gn &,nw,
:631 rofts * reowed froill,
binitted 118 tr�k-4,.:,befoie *ere hatinlest _t.,
:Jny .01) 4n'� he lil� Ciinz:4A in, 11.422 afi r
a 1,216 't t, d. a 4" 'A 'a, to"
s- It lt�e hist,6tio OMMIS_ )OZ
1�', '� , J L rs_0
pilre bOo oi4olng'. $0 4.,D s ttt'l-A
Nikt* eor-, th
en 3-,nIz a, anc::- a vv�ou kis in -the 1i a d. -,a §rj't*
'rhe- ttno �1, ta I`
Che. - _ , L ronir, L e M ti
few mi� om' t s afttr-�.ar,5s the I 9Rn, 4,16 tqb;i�_cd M6, &,-_a1;_
or" giren.for
terroi�lt: 'oo, �Ili�
-rere- ed )WV. 1.0
it��166 s: e a K I s
4W. of, wa t. per.,: s�o;td �bbtc
I I 4an a aking, tota *1 8 �.487 4S4 To Nt I
re m I r 4*:-,T'� MCrt2
a, � . 11 .
dt Ott?" a �1 %V'o rTT INJIOSPITA
w r a,-ks� tl�461-19b it forififld 1 � kubctazitla! tis �ok
n"Ps. liai� - 1 Ablke,'
it c
r �j. ebOtIgh �,o �01
was the ran4 oi t$',. rbb i -kid A6 -its,
e brothen, ol hn �
.'A ai Oep,,, a itip', e8'
_,_.16t �t�"P# ' - , ' ' " ' ' J*.�' ,I ' L , I "m
Tptre�s And. hl 'C' ji� i'l t, r� �-`,rq
Ica" 'd
t)3�jre - PM an , I 'It- lipljf�l 'ill I I o
An!- Sdt ar-e-tt and t I
t.he seA,, a C . _ . 0. h
C ,sewage,: Tbe,
,�l a
Z, 00 1116,1)(l �)J�
ori _V' L�_-dhion. ci,
3M of_
_IS, �f 6,
e Mp'faere.t.
p- stleop
I . . -e.
T, ilt4b.t ai�kang lea ez, at or 84�,e "rK.
'The *bo. 'or to btrne qu,�itoe!� 3* '. III bla)INI \ qts, is In t,
Nks,it , , , I - )#.� g ijli,� 'I .
It, is, g., V'rill b a v ary f'o),
JI �, IN'biglillill c
_t�llf ;01 'lloral qlital Ap! o
_eeh tAk bg C 14 k4:-k1'bh1,sL sht%,�p rsiker.
me b
00, i�W t�,i:14-e:a tblit t e fie]4_4 0
Pitt I i"K, lild, other, �ilfuehtg,
A! Ono, tL,.
jf'ot bttl pii6i c aim, 60t: 'be
''6i the 1�toi-- cot ;i�lit #C-11018� tvt4 tt� t�.it -n Wh ag'tlae, "Roninelle
d t AV
b .10,00 feet Per, tt-66.q8 of
�V �TajI4 v10 been Afti�r ej&4 f 0,WS o ti ,n ti i 1� I
ISO other ni�de'rs, Aelds", 'i L, 7t, ot� i III
I � . 1, I t, - . 0�11 I . , -
ent appoat, *t i
Ig-ht'se Tma, dvertlqe�` till,
�Jft .) all prpbitbl,�
tlIli tkkiik, 6f a boo ftbi
t1le R4#PW1,U4A Iritb�, the Ram., 1��Oliproe�ato,' for, U lia,�s
lbwel*d Olt lake. 13 4i�ikb boliiriLl 'iG 'eviaefict a f' 4 J)l# I'
f4w,' ow o 1k. e- cou er . bewspaper-,-
be �D01mmo',. f6ant! ii't - d
� b j)ro
4 , .1, 0-0, Jymni V J;1��, al lof �_
'Pim 7 W� I tv b, 0,altitgod t
ift, km �; I . I r, 'Put di�t t"ho t ni,
P HarreY's - C P, ,, �i o
ol!tift: 1;ay 014 at ind, to
��i itni and afes io4
VbOi Boot 2 0 6e
an 4 �616;8 r2a �Cr V. ; 1: . ( L 4, P lim ih 0o 1drilst"
I . . . I I ,
7" JW'
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