The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-07-26, Page 1OF:
• .411,1t07.7
. •
'$2.00*PER YEALL-KADTAlgent,',,,.$11.1110,011111ERWILSISc,id...,i
J. Xeleherr, Ripleyt -Phone-
' Dr. MacLeod will visit Lucknow.
every Tuesday, _Office , one doorwest
of Siddalfa Office , •
DR. PARKERT':.;STEOP4ATIii_it the-
Cain House, Luzknow, every Wen-
nesday 'afternoon,,,, All 'chronic dis-
Lases successfully 'treated
, • Osteo-
XsniOves the physical causes
„diSease.., Adjtistnient of ;the
sin& is nioie quickly- Ketured -arid-
, with feWer', treatments by Osteci7•
• .pathy titan y any other „method:
, • ,
'T•to pricta paid for 1.11 kinds of
9-61t1• A. Grospopf, LucknOw.
, lilt, 1). II, 1VIcINNES
Of Wingharn u1I visit the Cain
House. Lucknow. on Mondays and
• 'Iliursdays f tom, 9 Lin; till 1 p.tri.,
, Diseases of all kinds successfully
• handled.
Registered Opionietrist
Graduate Department of Ophthalmol-
ogy McCorniick Medical College Chi-
cago,411. Three •months post graduate
'course during year 1919.
loYes, correctly fitted with Glasses.
Headaehes. Dry Itchy Eves. Granu-
Itited.--Eyelid,s,,Wate,ry--Eyes,-Pain in_ from the -position:
o 0A-1r,ANP.,,dElgERAL4
0 ,0 00000 0. -9 •O,
Mr: and 'Mrs; Robt, Phillips visit2,(1'
-friends in-,-Listowel-and-ptratford.f6r.
Pr: Hattkett4-Of-,,,Detroit--is- spending -
the .Week, with, his mother, Mr .Jas
Hackett; 41 ..Askfiela, ' ‘"
Dr. Alf Newton and' Misg -Edna
frienda OWen.Seuncl.:,. : • •
'.,Miss. Arabella MacGregor, of Los
Angeles,' Cal.„ visited her aunt •Misa
Campbell' north of town, litst. week.
„ ,
Dr, BalfoirrWill be away on Vaca-
tion the firat. two "'weeks., August,
during which time his office. will be
,and •Mrs. Percy Vincent and
children, of Westfield, visited, With.
Mr, and Mrs: ,Charles 'Steward on
Sunday • , -".
Miss Ish.ty Stewart has: returned,
home to W.ineharn after „spending, ,a
week With her cOnsin, 'Misa Arabell
Mr. W. Jle
. Treaven, Who hp been:
principal of the Collegiate at Clinton,
for the past ten' years, has resigned
„ Eye Balls, Inflamed Eyes. or
Watery Discharge „ from • Eyes and
, Dizziness caused bY, Eye train re -
eyed through properly fitted Glass-
es •CrOss.• EYes • straightened , through
Properly fitted Lenses . •
Eyes' tested at night equally, As
good as during
Ail kinds of 0.thical repairs done:
' Satisfaction Assured .
At. the Cain House. LacknOW. 9 to
12. a.M. 130, to 6 p.m.; Evening 7 to
. 9 p.m. Wednesday of each 'week. .A
• R.. 'J. Cameron, LucknoW. prepared
to do all kinds of, painting Lnd decor-
ating. Agent:for wall papers from 10c.
, Per roll up. 22 inches wide. Sample§
may be seen at:my residence. or 'shall
ba pleased to take them" to your house.
-• The , FAII Term of the Wingham
Business College begins •Tuesday,
Sept. 4th, Hundreds of our graduate
stenograprers drawing five dollars
Tier day. Learn whilea
you ern by
ur Home-7Study-Courses;--Twenty-
successful years. Affiliated with the
Canada Business College. College and
Spadina, Toronto. Write to -day for
particulars. • "
A Le•=.." ve re'
•ing Binder in good, repair Apply to
jas • _Fares ter,I,Luelmlom,.„__
_ •
Engine,"•Threshing tank, 110 ft drive
g '
• . holt,',Sawinoutfit with 5 sawS,
Eyerything -in good working • order.
-*or4tirthei• in forMation apply '
• IVIrs raleolin Machines,
.t '
Phone 10 26 or to
Alex Nicholson, " R, 6,, LneknOW...
PRocf:AmArrlov .
-At the request of A number. of `eiti-
zens;'I hereby proelairri Monday, the
Oth: day. of .A.ugust, 194. a ' Civic
-Holi•day le, the Village of Lucknow
•-and.:-requeSt all: 'citizens -to -observe the
_ ,
• .
The Lucknow, 'Fire ;Company are
holding Baseball Toernainent oi
Monday; August 6th next, 'Oivic.
day. The Iiolyrood and Si. :Helens
Wili•Play the first game at
ten o'clock in the nnoz!ning. At 1.30 • Lochalsh'. and- Belfast. will ,play,
and .at 3; o'clopl, •the final, game will
be, pl,dyyd, by the winners of the -two,
gameswill }1..)6 rernenpered thc
'gPod .brarid of ball- ,put up by tbeSi•
teams!'. in the. Civic Holiday, Tourna-;
:thent :hist year arid eXCifing.
•rney' be' expeeted on, Aiignst .6th next,'
. In the evening ditnee be:given,
the Music 'supplied' by • Princess 'Pat'
Orliestra;*The P1 .gb
wards the Memprial Park, See larg(
WIS.:for further :ptitticullirs:
Dr. and Mrs • II G Bean and little
son of Toronto. have returned home.
after spending a week with -Mr.- and
Mrs.,,F. T. Arnistrong. . • •
• . •,
Wheat -harvesting has been ,in 'full
, .
swing this vi,eek, and the grain is.
reported good, although' there is con-
siderablerust an the'straw '" • • '
• '2Mrs. H, McGee and.daughter, Fior-
enceAnd Miss Irene McGee; of. TQr-
or4er," have heen two
Weeks' vacation:with 1Nrs'. Miller., •
Mr„ Harold Burne Who lies been
teaching- and attending college in:
SaSkatchewan_tlie.past_thr•ee years, is •
at his honie here for a • morith's 'vaca-
tiOn. • ,•
e c er an s c aug r, ,Iss
Hazel,' of. Goderich,: vvere' guests of
Mr:and Mrs. Geo. Donglifs',over Sun-
day.' In the evening they assisted the
Presbyterian Church •
Walkerton, Public: SchOOI,, of which
Mr. Harry W-;" Alton is principal, the
Entra.nce Class Of 51 'WaS -sue-.
..ce....Ssfnlin passing, 16 taking honors
. •
1VIr., and Mrs. Clayton ' .Gammage
-son-and-daughte, -J
eryn, Of Chatham, .p it
Week- arthe Methodist. Parsonage;
Mr. Gammage is a brother .of Mrs.
(43:ew.--) ,,,OsterhOut
,Mr :and Mrs Alex FraSer and 'a
„., • •
number •of their Young'folk; 'f ram' near
Ebro, "' Were., here for ' the ' weekAind
Visiting LucknoW and kiniest ;friends,:
, •
Voters'-fligt.--1923=1VIuniapality er -M-r--Fraser reports Crop conditions in
The Township of hinloss,
County Of Bruce ,
Notice is 'hereby 'given that I have
sons, mentioned in Section A. of the
Ontario Voters' 'List Act, the copies
.required lir Said section to be so trans-
- ;pitted 0)' delivered of the list made
in ,o,E the Said Act. ,of all
„persons, apnenring •by the "last revised ,
•••• Asses:Mier-it Roll of the said ,munici-
„Palitv•-to %be-On:titled 'to tvote in the
•'said municipality at -elections,. for.
-Members of the Legislative Assembly,
an d -the Miiiileinal-EreetitiiiSraild
that the said List was first Posted up
” at mffi
y „oce. in "Kinlogss. on the 24th
• day of July, .1923,, and remains there
for inspection, '
' And I hereby, call upon all voterS
to take immediate ,proceec ings t have
any errors Or omissions corrected ac-
cording to law.
Dated this 24th day of. July. A.D.',
1923. ,
• Clerk of the,Towriship of Kinloss
• 4
, Monday ...Tidy 23rd.
kohinii.'71IenrY is misitingr-ivith.
'friends at' Hayfield; '
Miss Miilie--McGregor, Of Toronto;
is visiting at her home- here;
• Elgin Purdon and,. Wesley Lott
iliave gone, to Leamington to .work on
• a fruit farm '•
Miss Christona Laidlaw and Mr.
and Mrs:Herbert Laidlaw are visit-
ing in Powassan ,
• Mrs, Wm, 'Harbour, ,spent "afew
:days recently at Mr, Harry MeCiena-,
ghan's in Bolgrava,
Mr, and Mrs, Z, Philips arid faM-
• .11y of Atibiirn Visited on Stfmlay at
' . The Whitechurch hiisebali t ea rn
played at tiangside last Friday. The
tooto Was, '0-5 in favori of White-
church, ,
; .
. Every young•many has it chance to
nst eekAftei ineWhigliWay
anioniit to Isornethit*.onlese he lOetn$
0,1 tt 4
Oxford County very gpod.
Milton IVIcMullen,.. of Kerroberti
Sask., visited with Mr.', and Mrs, W,'
'jVliillen had Come east to ,attend the•
A n a I Convention • •of.' Canadian.
Phafthaceutical,Association of which
he Was president 'last year,-
''Ykre. learn from a Clinton' paper that
MiSs.'„Doris,Darnini,daughter of
'and Mrs', A. E. "Durnin, 'Stood highest
in_ Huron .:County_,Iit: the recent En-
trance e„NaiiiiiiiitioiiiTShe was cmarka
,ahead of Eugene IlarV'elr' who was.
t..higheSt in West Huron, He had 645„
Malcolm MacGregor, of Paisa
'.dena, Cal., And Mit. A, , I. Stewart,
of Minneapolis • Minn. visited With'
Mr, and Mrs. V, LittIejast
At Detroit ;Mr; MacGregor bought a
in it, and is flietorilig back to Calif
It ia :said that •fifty thousand bar -
4 r
VeSterS will be needed to handle the .
big -LH -mere 'on '-the -farina% this
seasons. One, Wonders- how any''eam
be spared item. Ontario,'Init the local
C„ 1•1', R. agent states that quite. 4`
large number froM Lucknow And .vic-
trait 'are preparing to go,' '•
'Mrs,Mary Finley, ,Mr, and Mit. 11,
Finley and 'fatnilY; Mrs, D; Robertson
Old little daughter, Mit. Thos. Todd ;
and Mr,. and r-Mtg. Thonipson-
and little daughter, 'Verna, all of
Winghath, and Mrs, •Rby' Shaw and
little on, of Ridgetowii,..Were Visitora
at •the home of Mxand Mit. W. 3.,
Todd last week, .'
' J, Irwin 13.,A• Sc ,Pitts-
burgh, who has, beat renewing. at-
onaintanees here returned to his hoine
on Friday. Of last.rwaek, going by way
o .Toronto,Niagara , Palls), Buffalo
and Youngstown, Ohio, Mr, Irwin
brought with hisi coUiplOte radio
sut*hich he installed for his pareatiy
P? 1414iPOttq.4
110, aiiti 'MrS„ Wm1 iwip;
The folfowing pupils of Mrs.:,0,..X1
Mus, .Rap„have been sticces.s-.•
fill ht. the :recent !, examination's :: •
, .
.,,TOronto,'• Conservatory , of Music... -•
Intermediate ':.Oracie-:-.-,EVelVtc Rear-
: hey' :( h7mOrs)..
Junior. 'Theory cOmplete
. • -
Counterpoint 7a/1(1'1 -History
Kearney' (hon'ors).,
Canadian- AcjacleniY Masjc :
'Elementary. Grade, -Irene Stia-th7;
dee (hariors).; JesSie:MacKen"zie
'ors), Melba, Lane (honOrs).';'
Preparatory • Grade --Margaret
Quiliin 'Harvey Ackert,' Norine„ 116(1:=„
(liOnOrs), Winred A,cke;,t, •
. . „
Primary. 'GradeWinni.fred 'Farrier
• .• ,• • ,
(honers),. Careline:„Webb„.1 honors);
Junior Grade4D6rothy,. • McQuill'eff;
, . , • . ,
'• ProgressiVe'.,Grade -.Theory-Mom%
Mitchell. (honors);
PrOe.ressive . Grade, Pian6.--•:-Edna
Boyle „,
., Quarterly' Communion service will
he Otisei N•ecl in;the i1ethodii,t C nreh„:
next Sunday
6f. thThurcli is: urgentiv=-requested
e. Pr,esent. There, •"a,
reeeptiOn :...lervice.for'. new,- tifeml)ers,
The Paster vi1 ba've charge of the
:evening service: ' • ,
• The ,Annual Suinnier-Schocil. of the
God pri ch; Ecter a .11, .d:
Stratterd;Di'stricti is.: be ilig...„14:eld--151747,._
v�kin Godericiv. .-cRrrlil- .froM...the
,I.uelcnow..1Vfetliodist Church ' are in . a
• ter:dance .„ •• ,'• ,
'M ion 13and, • •wi be :held -in
. . , , .
St. A ndreWS •Church, Tiles -'
'tiv0 programnmpe is ..' piTpat'e4;
„'Secretary,', of
Maitland Presby.ferial;•`. Will he hi
, charge. of Rally 'Ills belied -that every
Mission Band. iri 11ip1y -di'strictiWill -
'be' represented: ;
R..McDonald is visiting:on
the FOU rill.: this
• Mr,• 0e0", Mi44i1eteil is Visitiag. With
Toronto and 0kvi1e, ,
..„ Gee, McGillivray
days ' Witir pOisOn nig'in hi g band;
Almost all 'the ,Feurtli.::iincl'.Si"Xtli •
spenra*. day, -in `Nine rd ine-'• a t tlTh Ite;,
Tee'Swaier, visited at L, AtilVor'son
Sunday last, . • • . . •
th-A it 41' ''.1.411if
of; Toronto,. are CiSifitig at 'Mr, Angus
-McDona1d'this week,
Mr, '..find Mrs TI ,Barret and
von 9f Londont are YiSiting old
Anaintatiees oh the ,4th„,this wee,k;.
lTis MYrticN,Oltga'olit.rotur'nod to
het, hathein
.the honie of :lier grandfather, A....Ale-
;-ivir, 'arid Mis, Cnrl Noicl and thrii,„:.
-HZ-L11f Plat Rock. Mich, are, Visiting
friends on tlie 4th.. and otti, .of •Huron
and Kit -dose, Alaii( at Mrs: Peter
,ertsari,'s on:the 13'qp,n(lary,spulli.
• GOI)12101 11.A0.8 •
Rein eMber Ooderiell 'Iterge:
Civic holiday, Wroduesday:, Aug, 1St,
230 trot, or pace, purse $40640; 218
'trot or pkdo, purse $400,'00; 2.12 trot
'Or. paa, pursa..$t06,.66,.Write..Dr,,W,
.404"etarYi for rt4lnr
'Y •
„. ,-,- • .
Has IY:on.,'FiVP.441110i0/4 Last Non! ''''.;Itut6ided•scrr'las,t
. • Mrs 11 JIorton is visiting Mr and
the.- leagriegainepalyed here
.141i 'Mrs •S. B. Stothers, at Clinton
9liti:4•3?.:;" .411 the honors'Cann • the W4,_y. an4r, Repo Anderson,L'
-01 -the: -L'u,CR11°W .19...a.-M_JTOOPYIT:7Lrle. :Of laielinoW. are' i101ifiVing~=With 7 C 0 Vrt t e acl ae ('nr, 0,1t. 'r to :IWN. st:
" Luin here ---,-
now. rim up •a pcme of- t
guest of • her sister, Mrs • Culstandpoint of. the -
I.:1111:1c. 'the: be'rt IhiS. week •
•brip.asKi.eq.,s"oi,e'1V1,1:. S'41145i1g711i Of Dungannon,
tQ,kotld, Woi* on ttie-p.a-it brth,f6:0;N was.t119guf af -11q1" sister, M7i
i•Ather thAn .the'WeAlines"g 'the! past week, • '
'tors, .
.5.11iR, vietery nuts .1,,tickliONV` liWaY in
'tile lead,,'„ having; won, 5. `And ' lost 0
games.. . •
The standing now is: .
Woh ' Lot .
T.ucknow • • . . . , .0
Tecswater ..... --,g, . :
Paisleyi.. ..,.. ,.., .. ..,,,- tl
i ''.
'KinCardine . • 4
Thegame at ChesleY,. on' Thursday,
of laSt Week was amither' Victory fel.
' • • .
Leekno,..V,, tile SCOre bcing -2
Oiaoh-„.c.redit.;te .Piteher
w in v:110 li Ime dOlTL. Veiw' vood
• \y01 k througlieut the s'eason. At Chs
ha'd n leSS than
Monday's -gprne • here , he: added .H14
, .
,thaking.,32 11-1,:two 'gain es.. ° '- • •
1 uc-10)6W,, stilt has' three•rgaires.:,to
;.praY,...:,tWo With Teet; \S"ater,... and One
with Kincarclineifot:,;,di3O:, pres,
.,nects: ;for heading.,:tle -1..eague,:'ht.., the
are- goed,.., •
, . • . . . • •
• •
S, of Paraniount,
is viiting Wittn7: her, 'Pe-
.• •
7'7 'MIT.' JO 41Iartin., of INfichigan,,
visiting,'‘villi • frieli-cls: in. 'Laurier
Mrs , , Louis 'Murraf..; of,: Winiupeg,
iS Visiting Mr, and Mrs, Pan.111urray
Of f.
11Iiss Is•ahcil •McDonald;'.of chica
„ . •gd;
spendine: her; vacation, her, °it'
home at Kintail. '
Ida, 'Feler5 I..:aneg; • is: the
'guest of hei- friend, MisS.,Nrerna Ham -
Of •-•
Mr, and Mrs, Orr and faniily, of
Hamilton -were guess Of Mr. and,
MI's. Jelin Blake on'.10,riday,
Mr John .McIntyre, • who has •-sent
'two or three Weeks. i with relatives
here, 'returned to hiS borne in, Miehi-
gan last week.
: •
p Q
Dr•Yr", .1)(7?ter Mumiay, of Chepstow, .is
spumttjng a'''. few days ' at , Mr. Dap.
..MiSs 'Kate Thonipscin has: returned
.to 'Port El -gin: "aftw .spoulling two.
Wee,ks at herhothe here, •
, ,
Jaelc• Lenilian has .• returned to:
'TOrorito after spen,cling a weelc with
, his brother:Mr. Peter. Lernhart..,-,. •
We ale glad to .see Mi Dan. , Alex -
ray and daughter; DarothY;, out again.
"afti.Ar a slightattack of Scarlet fvei
•'Mis Jarnes..111,nrray is spending a
'few days 'at the hdine pf her mother;
, ,
Airs. Donovan; , on „the, Tenth, ,Can.,' ' •
Mrs.:Burton and: I'daughteri,, Mabel.;
„. . •
8traif Ord; " have:retnimed
ter spending two Week's....visiting with
Trienallere:. : •• • •-•-• • ' " ' •
A ;large' number:from. here • took, iim
several 'ClaYs and ;evenirigs at the Re-
othop at Kincardine,. and-• reported,'„an
excellent . '
Mr, and Mrs F. 11.'• Haidenby, How-
ard .1-Ialdenby, and:. Perr...H.odgins:
:spent.':SUndaY at the home of Mr:
'Hetherington' near
Monday, „InlY
Miller, of Winnipeg, has:
Alt _been visiting- ber-atnele,-Mr._JasRain,
visitingthis•,week W•ith."'',Mrs .,Jno '
fJaMicSon, of Laurier,: ", • •, St. -Helens was ,well .represented at.
;Miss Selby:LaWrene, Of ,Durhaiii, p,e_unjon on ThtirS7.
'N'isiti11.6_ 1101'. friend, Mim jJa 11. •-•4a4-: • • • _
, Miss Pearl: Webster -arid MISS '',Tose-
Mr• and •Mrs",.. Jack Gibson.of
are :spending 'a, few, days- •,With-
'Mrs''-e-earge-G2i tits on y riff- •-•-•;-;-
'. Miss' Martha Lorigloy;
the est-_: Of" lisS_:Annje
-Denald,-ef-LOe'lialsfylaS1 week, ,
piine Carneron . are- from Tor
: 'visitor :at J. Wood's this
Mis,ses :Sadie:and' Phurch, 18'..tlie: guest' Of .',MissEtheir
'of And.erse,n- °,•
Konth Annie,Clark;• of Onelph • NV•rs'-1
• Miss-Nreinia and ''fr...:,„.4,,:r./Tota WiIkie, iteenffvfSitor'With'her -aunt, lrs D.
M • maeNc"1-71-1.° •
• ' ' '
'and 11,1 •s BradleY;.of ' La hot. ri e,' ,Rntherfordand
• • Mr11.0,(1 f tj'elen and 7 itinb6i' Miller are visit:bit..
AT. •."1-wh frend in Torooto.•
Mis Max.p.auao ofParamount: alkei: :and
Mrs,:•Donald MiicKcmie 6 chrea- lttl soo,..of-Easr:W;kyvanosh,%spo,lt:.
Ce W 'days with i unday ,
-and :Mrk.'....lohir • ,1kI
:S.1,•...':;and.'•Ms. .ohn• •••MePherson,.•:of.
•m, and Arrst MokriStou:.„. .Pclot a c�upltof.r14:37S, thjs
with....,,theH..atte,iee., :brothers.; . the
XeSsrA,..MCDonald,,...•• „.
• Mr,.:anfl
chil•F.1 in, ?>f \V 1sto1; s ce Kt. Von ;c. --offit*=,„„.;asi:-„- oil
idaying',W1th,the Mr".
, , D077:77
Mrs'J'C'ran.'t, •Mr Rut)merfo,'d, hi sistr, Mr,
1eliax'mni<l o! Parivinefint „last Matthows, ahd her son, df Pergti,S,
•• 'Mr';',Sam'i;Dradle.Y•. of.,;toronte '2,1% Wek? visitor at: 'Mr Rilther
foicl' a few days last vck,'
Mr, . and. Mis; Jas Br0dleYi et ., 1,,, and , Mrs. T Campbell,
Imirter, 41.olinston-tand -Miss '0:-••••;Iohns•tOni,-c•of-•-•
Ian& Stanley TO'hin"; of .
,leckildren„cf F'Atinston, IU ame s;Pend,...Mr and.'MrS, :•11:41.inis'oii Weedsthis.
ing iiiontli*s • v nip tio,n at 'his .0,1d' !Mine - - -;•
at,Lothiati••• •., • ..• , • dna.
.and ,F Telt 't;rthertord and 1117rs„
‘:datigliter; Misst,'Eyelyn, . Of Toronto/. ',John. Radcliffe7Weye week -end visitors •
•are Visiting at the•horoofMV •(-, lbeif eotisiti,' A:1r,.7.1d0Owan •t. of
to; -13"1"11'thiti7,0"tigit °
pna, Rewa
ge f.aviS s oinitted froth the list
urCli, • -mited fill -friends •Aa 611 lier,a1ROgital
niount,during. the week. • , i'ec°1v-g fr°111
' Mr. and tjkl: iTamitcon, ;hi, „the Irispeeto,r ou Monday to,tlie ,efreet
Paranionnt; 'yisited , A ti b n. that he' hn'd PaSed ‘4,11. •
,frioadS one. ,day • ree'ently;' rrhe
•aeentnnained by ,Mr.a
, nd •I‘te.S,•
*,;Ttielt: NirDonald, of ,Kiritaili-had the
,thisfortiinc; to •!breal: ,hiS 'leg ond day • . • ,, _
, The. seleetion .of , ro bes God
trey, MinliCo,' as 'Minigtor of Health
bt:811(11"°: anti Labor in the Parglison .Cabinet
)-6 ,
speeiaLinterest,for the.people of.
"('14' •Hureii,"froli) the' fact that both lbr,
o 6 O—
dowe from the' milky 6nto the on pt. y'
his. footing:0 With the, atc sult,God•froy 'and hiS Wife are too:net:resi-
dents. ot.,•this 'county, Dr, Godfrey lie-.
HORN.. ;
father WaS -Pattor of the . Methodi.,St.
Chetah theret While Mrs, Godfrey,
WhOSO Maiden franie4Wita 'Carson,' was
pe,a Otla6 4 resident Of ClintOn.tuid
4•116 .pe1gtitv9,
sided ut Helgra've during Om time
Irefd-Iti St. Luke's Hospital, thk
0 011 loiy .13th, 1923j to Mr, and
Mrq:, divk M Reid,
"wilLit.TPOF olLi) BOYS
Visiting clergymen, •• former resi-
dents of Kincardine, occupied the pith'
' pits of the local 'ehurches'on 'Sunday
nt the _Conclusion of :reunion week,
and-Aftk-service i.the•e•tentug",there
,wa-t ethinnunity singing iii Vietoria
,fark. Thoniands.;;Of‘ileoples.'gat11.4red:
around the square , joined in the
singing of "old old ilyninS.,,What. a
I'rjelid: We_ ifave4in ' Jesus." • "Nea rer
MY •• and II" -We Meet.,
Again.":Rey.'Dr. Hebert Johnston,. of
Calgary;, Rev: J. E. Ilarnwell, of
Walkerton 'and Rev.Mr OVerend
! werespeakers, and the closing prayer
was, offered - by Edward Dawsoa,:
Iciricardine old 'boy, now of •Rondean
Beach Cal ' • -
This: Afternoon throngs attended
the decorationriserviee of Penethngore
• Lodge, No, 172, 1 0 0 F Principal
addresSes were .delivered by Dr.: Jahn:,
gton and Dr,. P. 7: .:CPupland,'Of St
Marys,. grand treasurer of the .arder.
Others participating were 4..; E. Eras-
er arid Bra Hall lppal, N G an
chaplain,. reSPectivelk:.' Rey, illessrs.
'Harnwell -arid 'Clverend s and. M. A:,
Murphy, of 'Alliston, :grand. conductor
Rev. Dr, Johnston preached to the
Masonic' Order in the Presbyterian
eh uri
HarnWell• occupied the pulpit of the
,Methodist Church.
Thrilling Raceii
•Iiicycle 'arid:motor cycle 'races on
Saturday afternoon We're, witnessed by
"a • 'Crowd of 2,000, who . experienced
. plenty •••-of due tO high speed
'On- a. half -mile 'clay track with little
1 slope,at the turns: in the pnr7.
.snit. race,-;wOn by Platt, H',' Wppd, of
Detroit,. was ;Making ' a splendid' and
daring race; •when, at •the northeast
Corner -his Machine left the track and
Crashed: through the fence Hood
caped with abrokenwrist. and severe
bruises but fora time it was feared
he , had been seriously injured. 'He
will be in hospital for a few. days.
, OthercenteSts. resulted as follows:
bicycl -E
-London. . •
-.Three-mile, motor Cycle--- H, Hood,
of Detroit; ' Platt, second; • Smith third:
One -mil, bicYc1es,-7T, Davies; - of
lLondith: for the cross -bars of ' telephone •and
-7-TwoFrwi1e.;---rnOto-r -telegraph-- companieS-7-For •-pero-Wer
Specials for &iturday
Lemon Luneh, Cakes.
Bon B.onOw- Clearri Puffs
Whole Wheat Urea
, • . ,.. •
. .
iligheicIririce,".foillutter and Eggs
Phone 46, , tfuclinow
Hon, Mr; Henry, Who has always
been • a "goed. rpads"menthusiast, is ,
looking carefully into the question
whether the policy, of 'making all othe
provincial- highways 86 'feet .wide is
.4061-14. His, suspension of active meas.
ures until he has infOrnied himself of
every aspect of the matter, is a most •
natural step; in view (if his recent ap- •
pointinent to • °thee and the number
of critics ;ho say that the highwaTs.
are tpo. wide. „:.;•
It. isunlikely that; after; Careful, ,
inquiry,MtHenry will veto the pol-.
lewhielLhaa.....beenF'..followed, until ,
this tithe, policy was not
dopted Without the best advice. being .
Obtained. Officials and Ministers were
convinced by data assembled year
ago that it wouldbe real economy
from the standpoint' of. inaintenanee, to adopt the wider highway. „
The provincial highways are the :
-trink roads . of Ontario. The,, traffic
'they *are,-reilyireci. to carry may be -
conic much, heavier. They , are the
roads Mostly used by telephone tele-
graphand power companies' for carry-
ing: their lines. In, some cases more -
than one telephone company .uses the „.
highWaY. Here and there . provision
has to be , made for natural gas •and
other. roir'esr,vround services • . . ,
sential that sidewalks be provided at
a number of points Whir e entsjare
made to reduce the grade, the 86 -foot'
width is not too' much. The highways -
cannot be Tirade' attractive when trees
• ,
have to be mutilated to make room
Hays .Canibridge " drainage, wide,. deep . ditches ;Inuit be .
'rive mile, motor ' cyeles- Platt, cPnstructed. On wide , highways the
WArdell, Smith ' " ;epst• of:_snowZreinoval-is-muelriowerT7
„Three-mile; .Th cost
-I-lays, Cambridge: - ' - ' highlWays is ibinfairatiVelY-Sniall,--on - -
.L.Two-mi e,oicyclei-T.-iDavies,. Lon- a . 59 -Million -dollar program' it . is r
' :--,- • ,doubtful that it will :reach' *250,000,,,,:
7 , A thatched -rare -contested by T1ay 70} one la-IOA-iiridiedth:of...tii,etetarecitt:',--
Brown, •Sniith • and Platt Was won:by. Thi' ,width of the highway does not
•••- • ' • deterinineihe. width of the 'Pavement
.:fiv,c-rnile matched yeee betWeen. The 'advantages of, the ,greater Neidth,
Platt "„and,'Browii,;-gave the Spectators ',•are so" obvious 'already; alip May,. be-; •
. a real ,th Platt'Wai'-the-=: winner-. come so much grater, at 4- later . date,• ,
s„ , ,
The races -Were put On .by Toni Ma when thecost of Widenirig..may be
her,;(ti Co, tondOn.. • ' ' multiplied, _that „Vert,, -,strong,,, argu-„.
• . •
. '.inent$ Must be, advaiiced-tejustifY-a------
NOTICE , ••reversal of; policy.
. Mr. Henry maY cenie to the con -
The Annual ,M,ee'sti;ng .
ofthe Luk-
clussi'on thathe is .n' , a free agent.
tu?v,:- p;10..g.t.eit..conkpanr,4.finited, viiii:,. 'The Widening' :program, -is riedi to
be: held in Carnegie Hall,' LuttneW; ' completion, , Close on to . ,1,500 ;miles:
on • Saturday, August .4th :next, at .5 of the 1,800 miles 'pfAighway• are. al7
o'clockp,m,, for the' transaction of ready of- of -Maximum width ' The unwid-
. . , . , .
;regular' baSiness. ' . ,..,---, ... ened highways are not all-in_one-diS'- '
- •• • -'1'. F. Cain,Picsidcmit. trkt, but are scattered over the prel--'-
. p 0 .1 Ce. :To leav.e the -highways as they
..713iitterT. • 86: feetLw1cle-:-..-Wlittle
ouldt-Save ' money
'at intervals along lug ways . are
tc, ,merelrinutrlate•-theL-go6c1--roads,
liega „ aYstein.: • , •
with Abort Atretches .66 feet Vide
uy Your .• S.4:6$'
Mr, W...••
.Canvas • Strap' Slippers,, kathex'soi
.sizes 5 to 10 1-2", Sale Price 50c.i pair'
. *War and $4 OP, Sale Price,§1.00,pair.
All our Smart Step' Canvas 'Strap Slippers in
,White"and Two•-Ton,'regUlar prices up to
'.93.1.:.06, Sale Price $2.79.:
A DisCountQ( 10 per 'allour Fleet Popt
hoe in in Children's, BoYsr.lxiid Mens
to) stook
. of ..scifoirg
; Aching
...Footwear and Foot -
and Ptissy-
Foot .Shoes
for children