The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-05-31, Page 7"W 'W, V a % Z Z, 77, 7� n ri on Poe.. has only Opliseryellog, grading un'' d 1vt Canada� Obo4vi o h -Sc 901 sso profit is car ed. , . , h '. 4y CASHIN1q,1N'0W An thpq*lds of people in Can-, In s orabattoirs 6 be" 0 vinced of: the advantages of the. -let this Natural Resources In- EXPERIENCE, 7AM IT -I t e --of con4ituite;s JUM 3' fcllatije_�N�cTe Service, Or the De�artMiW,-t rir-TI"pe -hog-that­i q Aa rulb- it Is, "select" idL'based on the quality'of 'the bacon It will'produce. Fo: -roohet bf Co 11 re og;nked. 1*t thO -.I I r f6f,* Jeremiahi thef urage,�Jeremla but,a It is' a -we c E* side 141he to, some primary occupa ugh, type the producer is e itledi to a bet-.,. 15 nt -'35- 49;� 17:11-28,09: Aence s a dear feacher."' Most A103 Th- 'I particulgrly: farwJpg,_,alt)iQ., ;_16: M; 21 26 "32 Qqebic�,and In fa;vor-� �terpr cc or pTem u 9AAAs,-1ii'L,0fh zpx( 7 -�7 wK- R wwin,nof��40t"qmly, f, _4_ P)r14.-.Q4rMq1Vqs, upon:ow. 0 I I Ver' %h_% p.r nmot­�v�,�- i in., 11 1 ­ ye, A I '_ 2;, 141;�43, 4T 1,0,,, G,91�eA T -1 4 , �:, .11� 9,13,;A ,Oii tM eff -A-&rAr ai- ri, e, makihit­ 60;11� �b� w 'eVqt A "INr* WrO' tYP b '14 Ve V Vi� MiA Mfil liike' 0 44�4 i_ Fi ar 2 i ..i - w '-6n c Alsim 1- g .,a I ESSON'FO c v liMshro, t f 1:�LWF"41rcS, 4il. W11 L I t pass aEk. selects. i1t,:.Is4 evident ;there- I�R -Ahe And: lts_sqc.!� -es.yery e n- 4roqqently _Rm eg�n�'.At the . ere in -Bedou . . I � V", ot,,rq , �re a p It! 4te,tlle,land for- bottom and;, uld-li'evet learn -A4 _049 es c 44;p ,Agiell d J'Aill! late sov iligs k e, Ibf erusale Tthe �,p n he the 06ple`w, . e4pantq tq, g `�1111� A 10 " �'� �� 'ploy '11, ck B -L -L, S Ait - ig ' ­ - I III I ­witbA*:,tJ J personal. expeT - th�rd Muth W,�leiiii6d.. 'comparatively short season a depper coverli�k graph e own, quiriVg a, expendRure-6f a large amount I ic object lesson. He- br6 them. except by our M�nk of the "sbop' hogs" CPming to '11 in, 598 R.C., T\76b�chadfiezzar for ev nt are raise& and, prin e', while the-rieturn from tha boney - , - . . I ence or �use�d 8 , It Rechabites into a ch' w Duiifig th& summer months tim be tbqre would be no progress f e f Babylop, along With d Syrian army only - oncei d`uring,�, t1lg.-,zea,,son-- h i6i 1 1 guild of e and set -wine the! human race; but. th k' �.urface of the sbil'is of tell qu e,,,produced'makes I the a attoirs have been made sclects the tem I the th, t a vel. r6fitabl e�f o e t an s. to, I I I . . .. s ' from AboU Damascus iAyait;IgO the Judicio0q iqaret� an'd ..impily, �Qwo the: Recbabites.`-,�ero- a -Tell ingenuit :-of, �man,,'th6re, have -been *hge kitchen -�g, deii', r 'ber-ibncq''b,9,t_ alid;llsually, Wo dry, W permit T� tment f, "it by; more, 9_ inves On account 9 I lit Is territor' Q, J_ e s- f'thick smoot' in i.g - part .grad' 'ai. I' e y Kings. 24 �1;, �67m, jefiera-'. - 'those. gert a I cAt0y.., flavore sweetness has,"shawn: t1i. t* )n,,' Seed' planted sha, d and' 'high that Which ha� arisen as- a-, udea 2 w . ays of, handli*, 4 w tlon-,-to genier to In ere tb h l� - have -'been.- sli-Aila�rly­c li -tbQ�­ RechabiteE --and- t4 -d-! 'U - -- 1 - 1. - '- - all., , "'' _ .1 -against't e�mode of'.3ife- th A 6" rly�v� . la�s6d.bad­ _y 6i3f fe atio;v- g -exy p s, is oth p rAdtle4­'I W .1 P I oo ja ue. i olley s. in. in f6r6 gerliolinatie poo demand' ;��VLa goto -h _g� o 915 _ -to fieb tbe.bp an&--altliou gh seedl 4., e t, -at. a r MO - erly thg`rjocaj-,'�,e ,P_rQP hand ed...: k tqlett-, ho -,Israel�ites.'-,.a-d_,'adop'ted.:upon.-"sdttJit(g 'eb, utifor, ry r barq -4T Qh g eri 6 r iii 6 n .1 6a r n&. 't -h lenk, Rapi fattehing, ig _Cnp,490, py el­�P, e&fIr mr-wh $usu A - may be in tj� measpre rep 4ce di, -.during,,, output. -I 'Pup ave T �rom­. its: ah6c'stbi -thiiiii A"i I &'b -the will �.VsuAli Ithd Ily- absoi,lid,th W7 y 3; it� A o-, n I ei .Adds thereto 'the khowle the �ea�rly period. makes length- 4in COiaan,4ith its. luxur­ ariyr i later maturing s6r.ts, they' are,' spell its 4, result, of, 6.0 Y01)Xl1;., rQ9 Is Canada has an, abun6nc� bf'�e4iii- In im dge gain4;, i ng u g us t not bein 'hich Wth - he ev) they'rbverte to th�e` in ore, pro ded-to iQ -ow this,- wak.'. 'duri m,..W U; tence d f 'm,j'ts' i4xperien�b., In [g� able to reach inc4stul!Vm produchig pi"i; fro t d &,st was: bs.9e))tia IY JifbA i t possible.' D -airy 'by' -Prod u-cts­ g ries an , i Nyo tlielos�, 'tippreeiat6d A V. 12.,Jeremid now. propo h' qtes pdl, clv!w, oU the esert,. velling e6n't�ai4t. thc-I)�alty of the, ROF V S*urie;­ erisp1r :comMer0.a te. and,da�k .-d . L ' I�Zge "'a -13A Septcnib�r as �i� " 1 d r4d�s'ofwhi ' ' rtioll rd the depth at whi'ich'the seed consiaciabiIi r i iln ancient life, d thei'�un7& of 'know _'.,kr6,wi a co y is-governe only- ..p mot4 e 41s-' iliza ion, M qiley !�re. g4j_. ille, wt-ite r,, To p lace LY �bo h` bfierdd­T�p t,' -their establishe'd'. rule's, wIlth E le' wll'l rri'ft. 1?6�_',j us t': sb TIN of �tb6` "ation,,�wlll'ila Qily� 'forward as, good d h ­ may be, 'I b ' "thlift"and growth,- t. but, ticlidi,: to. a, ;,o e p.6op.e '#f peo.Ple'of ea:c ury�, '&f a &pth at' which mois soi hon -d fror4 c over, , ass- li'�ilig ��-Ad .�Vo�r'shipping dir'npl�.: One, bedl6nce ' Pen In *autumn as'ln th ey is pro uce of' Jeiiisal6ni h cent e ch :g e early summer; I I gthehing 9 fp nd, This will usually roin one of t e. greqte; favorite dish gt. any u be,f wood, firewood, And golden rqd, while en file body in tlid-carly. '.h st. evils. of the life Iff! and Judah, to 0od's commaiidments., green peas are.a oration, 'of each year, profiting "al - f inches., the. principAI,.sou.rc9§ of dark honey is, :.?tageg'of' development. Correct C�LnAhi'according to. their n6tion,was hi ' * I �The prophets iere. fo,,nd, of prone ing ways. by this.6xRe'ridnee of th.6 6 who fidel"y have lived before.'­ xoin'e' ion on'O this ing, owever, will' not make a' !on' d o wheil'it was, set before the. year';,, and late garden to two lic,, actions, � and the'. boots 'nd, c. r * ts;a1w.a's-de' ' 17or further' I iormat* by "simbo em liekwheat. g wine, ail, s a , a,ro, y hot out, of a -.,sbor� onet, the, t6 e -v them in th� temple' tboy'.'reif used. to. of the Rechabites in refusing wine . su Jec e I 1,0h'the production -of -hopgy in y .1, a bJ t writ 'to your. nearest Experi- pden u ra t the right; timi?�. partakq of it. Ther rL Jeremiah in We ma be ci�th to give cr�dit t;&� 1��gih niust have bqji priesiont,in' �oyi�c&fl�er miah,*wi�h an ad 1 410 mental'Farril, orSttion. ..,,Canada was approki 4toly 33,0Q0,000 ached the'pc6ple- of - u sho*- r e ri.v 9 By corrkt,',�rrangqm�nt nod choice repro I ddh' d others for the. knowled e we possess, in , home a messa e f 28, occasion lbs.,'cif which Ontario, confributed, -,the parent stopk. g bu 'Whethbr,we`bcli�ve-it or'not 'our e right v h" b g how the y 'tO� to he si)ectdtors. , t�rke suc vegeta les ing R chabiies� idelit mpf;th th THINNINGi FRTJ�T.A.GOOD OPQ 000,,. lbs., Quebec .3,500,000 lbs., their rule of life put,to shalt their V e 1. we �nstruo­ own, personal exp�rienee, has a 4e4 13. Will e''not, rece ,be ' made to,sfollow.' each . q d. R ed. llinftruc- P ACTICE itob 1.0, Britig�l _.',.Th.e.11v-e., .., ­­ I � I little to the total sum; By.ka th n more pro-, .A.,900 own. disobedience, to Go tMis maliffig tho garde' d_ -,render r e raining or 'ductive 'and -. eliminating, the, vamanfl,� 'Thinnink.'fruit a, practice, that. Columbia 300,000'Ibs.­- !Productio I n D I tion", e nsi'. prqpdrl�, gr s Dominion'Live'Stoc'i Branch mark�tl L A G06 EXA eater part of *hat,, w re is based I all Domih no' 'Will the"Jews nver allow� o th us s.p� Iiiis, licit 'become voiiy.widespread in ncreasing -in Parts: of the -,.reports for.the week ending April 26,1: V, 5.. Jeremiah had t6kell ih6 11,echa�. discipli up n what we had, -had handed Late chbba�e, may be trans in in in the West- the. God to- e�u6at(i tfie, hjs: ways?' into the vaenht spap Esterh _.CaAada_,,ad' yet, remarki the ion, but nior4 Ake mentioh.'of. a shipni6n:t_fr_omAhe bitles into one 6f the chambers of. we b�ve simp tl­�by� theTs.- ly.-absorbed, esAeft, by,- -V 1-4.� li�d- pai )?.iovinces where �jt has -be f It s ef jlol� temple. Around thousands df -ye-ar'-s _-o4-e'x'p'er-Jen�e*ih:- �early pes;' spinach ill.follo ominion',p or ern !emfound, I UXq outer. court b Chief AssisU 'Toronto- market p 'seven'. bad 'to the injun rad- n1imerous Is ri ri�ticins, imposed ticu'lturlistln. hibulletin * on IfModrn that bees thrive. and produiceis high' th'e. there were i ct.'hee iowink t. I uccess� tows a�d folift-loAds of butcher - h word -emplo'y6d' as upon . kir Out,.iFl, dIsb' or letti3ico; and.,peas wil chambers wbic, thom by, th quality of honey as, in he'Enst. bulls- 960trance :Pri6sts" roideiices, ttore-ooms 'and but t & i Or&hard Prp, -If the growers; When we go. out, to, plow we �Mn-, :full.y'fo*.IQw any of tbo� earliest vege� and of. 45 stbre cAtt 0 h listen to 'f fables he c6i�finuesj were really aliv� t,o,t eir' The Bee Divis of the. libmini6h -,from Ca gary, ` irect to 7 'God was', laying, nort, take credit uhtd oltirge ves or porm i0h I d., akehham,' for tfie,'keePing of the -temple tirchivest the injundtion*s which On if,e,bomin ion. Pkp6rinidlital Sta-�, 0 more thinning., M.i.perim6rital, Fitr' d, and th, in -6ilgh the f 6ti,ng: that., very of ficieftt implerrient ppoliunities,o tnuch in$, hai� done, much g�rf6lk,,'Englitil .'of �1 be'ad' to etc.- This articular charnber, *a ap-, upon e thir prophets. 6 -ca�,p4e, on tn� p '.to t1i gaze of -those who ing; sped Ing ion xvlile it h s*b' lind, kon � d the' future In 'to enc6uriike: itndl'impr6 P. i� w*'?, I - , M " nor' "for even, dis6vering that',plowing bii� ve. beekee"ing. .4g ea'�Zy and speak t' at a can fo Irela�&via Glasgo�v.,, on th.6 Whole,' parent y o on aqtipqjhinning,� spotted or deformed'Apples 'Apiarlias have been,,e�tahlished at sixr, e'�ten. '. 'G' failed 't A e - !�i' seemsJor have opened u 'stood and ear.y an is worth while. We are dimply cash-.- tlqv b ost satisfhetory v ii p rather without.' Pots,ft1lof spring roul Are removed andin oases� w t " :�Ups' The win'b,wa's`ih argeib'owls to make kno*ii, his-will,,"th gh the for, late Planting, - An �,eqt dates - here, there, t�ecn� of the,.. Experimental "favorably fQt'the.Jive: 9tock,indus ry.- ing: In,'so. to,.spegtk,, on past- experi.6nce.' arm�, b t' th 6 would 'nA 4, ihe la pips. eol�l w ch Aoy. op prices for 'the Week-ending.Aprl In prophets, � -ti ... e a hi may be- successfully a T re too many.. apples, in �a. cluster, tile Wher�, thq 'experimental work 'aeci- f a which it was' served im hen- wie.pla)# high�yielding seeds, or �re removed, thus giving 1bg lo dil. " 'd se�ses: ana manage g tbe,-.wl'n6 before- the' teicba-, give the, prophets a hearing. ree - ing, -26 fdr cattle were Vat er'lowek �ha4� breed pure stock,, we'are -Again casb niki0it -'and edkjdationcd w6.fk.'by means h it. ame 4te ast erii 'His 1 18-19 ecause o 91i wo-q- ptation to t ? fAheir jaifh_ Ing, in on what experiefice'liAi tau' L_ -'s d I real.,' B or P -g6-intolth, --circli �f _or_c_a_iv_es t�CT6_r`onfto!_-h_n purpose 'Twas' hot to' thmpt, cm. but L maturity and 1-fiesQ, of the Mochabies When w'e* contirlue't6i r%, '!French Breakfastj Aug. 5. MontrC R th �aod'.safe Plan -is toL.thin and Addresses, ,:are carf�ed on,. Most and'firly- st� dordink.to the tho�f; with us, have,:pr:oVen. -good, wef' bilibf. . A -g eady 'elsewhere. to� bring. home a much: needed 1;ssoli­�411 �ndtire- always, A( hae ellq.�,teid: I99isIa:-:' -1 th� Jews. . itand bef6ra tha 'ill, il be! to6ch--, !w. �bnc ' more cashing in" on xpert- Lettuce, Grand Rapidsi J'l no two7 app es. wi ofthe, pr6vindes Me. �76 so werea so -up At Torontp and stady,at to are e in on 'tho. same ti.on for. ilie,inspe6tion of apidries,. ihe Mont V. 6.- &Vc ivilt wine., Total.. stand avdb".11i�ans Garde Beef, etrbit -Oark. led,, ing each-other,or will e 1 real. 'Hogs: were, lower than -last Ju y 1, of the, advantag A ifie'-wa-s" on(. Th d expression. is fr&' With'%these -thoughts in'mind. iti 1 5. cluster., of th6 ister to blm.� I I�r'o(d s� �es,'of control 'an suppression of -diseases year at"AlL the markots'ex� Tb y iere �Gardcri. Cnrr'ot,: Chant6nay, July' 5. thinning are given Ili tbe'.bulfetin,-b A ortad s 1 ruled 'of life� the ­Rechnbites,�quciiily use of th&' p"ri6stsi , e profits incist-fro, y�- and the sa e-� #4.d imp ., ion 'of in 'there wa a - eVidchtAhgt:,he'.*hb: fne who stdod before, the Lord.' hose" Ac ho',leartip t e'nicist t front Appliances.' 'T had nd6pfed.�'. W c;f those b' heoill slight. rise, However, prices n 'and' cordl�g".tom late'frdditiol"Iy:s e -of 'th� tatio'n' o if' file agricultural life, of Cghan' to' cxp�timehts .'at -the :XentfflIdt :-N.S.j regulations are enforced by inspectdrs'.-ry 'All. Mltte� th.fifi; duKing, the Previous the -Rch�bites`weie��-oJIiposea, to agri- from others, �iiho­pfz--,in 'Copeqli;�gen *aF ",.prac icf�, ke�, I ­ d Redhabiies,vVere,-'in'e6rDorat�6d into the ominio taYStatlont.- gs,hdt 'he, learns,- an - iw t. d'_b ranks .'20 D lit EiDerimen et th directfoli of,-, of � the� tlie tbin d' lid. cu ui e,, roo all ranc Do- t e "wAs the -------- :__ n;s of A-gricu ure. he ini- ferenoebetWoen th Are -.not su're; howevek; tbal-any of.the- keeps everlastingly poor founder of the "sect. of the spei lso,'.thr6ugh, personal. con'- abites.evor'did fo��dke itheir- des� nini.ats. hyear u ites'. . �,He �t6ok,'part Jehu -Rech a in,Jqrusa em. -- is a :good - time to build zC, It educatibrial, Work'by means o d,. -who. d introduced the worship of 091 , I to' 4. e. year. were: Cattle,. 198,4�2:---� -hab� k Matket Eim-, in kee -v hi'ov�r'throwink,* thi of A Home -Ma& Hot, Wkefer Livie Sto� ct with the bee p�i�,: do' a-ludbl h t"life and co�c to Perm n ntIv 'April 26, compaiddixith t 6 sRrne pief- eouraging.; escr1p 5'to 66 862 hogs tion �16'� intelligence report' of 1�9 286'; bAves; 60,15, the, Tyrian, Babl Mto, Ur�el- '2' kings I iPPLICATION", wat oll6wi strations "and. Ad , vice erek. ing is a The marke . I � , I I , , .1 1 .% ., that the I 'At, it Is :,.Bee ceepers associations IlAvei'b�en, 339;3.1,3 t6 257 4 ep, :.6,7,9,Q8 to the otitset be bi]iiffit small. cost. "ther 1)6r�i 'Ion. -L] n6h- for off; 6 Canada �9'804.' billed '.through this 'allid bek',. in the, -npl6 life of th ibe�- Prophet A bar -fir's tol� 4 ttle 'rel niay b6:uscd,.for inside". form itl d inue' '�fui in tea tp - April 2 cornliared, with last dej inth 'd packing box or t6 t q�w f 1923 is, par icular - be h' use .6 0`1 � le..Iarre 6h6ugh � to permit t 'modern "Metbods of �eeko�Pi ing"i ly full' And: int6reg'ting and. should 6�f, -before J',s,,I.l '61 one'thdt enn Stock -Bra 01;' �she 15-17. - Jona*dab believed. n worship of'Je -its'pures., we]!- to n6te:tbe- �piiroprfatehe stbre box 6r formed -in various' p�arts-of. �hovah wa� -at t 6; -a -e. n an a h ild. It of, Coui The 'belittling, �fid ppd- QN'THEV y.evei -one concerned rig; Aid �.y worg .38,930 to, 23j001; hogs, 59,-. Ca" dan and .,adopted, the. elvi '�cfialctdri7'ation... 6f -him �ag 4'the. TU'V HADOWS P, Well sti y ear, I n Itzation tz flont, n'the disbosal of: honeyt' a . cq7oper-� '26 2�2, andsl� th " t setting and ad usting' o na, e;ep, 16,570 to.of the land. Consequently he induced we ng r f stock a�d, m"t tk.ade�i. of .44. to opliet" does, no, �gi ve a tr1je her m. o er c s me up' in be alq.t briti lily, 'and peril onq es, 19556 Th' h alve after the c refs. has:! beei".1the country. F611owinj a�re some. of; ating'- the pi-ovnicial- aps, - �fb�rs il4ng description 6f hini. e�dlltstandirlq. ..AndA eii-turns offthe lig t, our t4e on rp give 'Op. ag'ricAiliur4l featui-e' of., his till t6 h -ti 6 acts to, gleane 11 Prop c K!Wheri I'llave said, my,evoning�prayers, 'armp� e man jv'Wh: s�ouie uFsu s n n flip 6 box or, barrel'cah ea0y,b&-temov-7 Thaf -the marketirigs' of catt e�. a coilivblitiolis - a Natur6' ac -1' 1), is the fA�ct.o"f the -young d d ­ lit re ll�ld where ideas t, to live as nomads', ed. Aftgr b te fias�,,,ppt ftf be-, d in�,-fhe ' 'Control - of -di's-easei. .''Annual oI t :Office (ch., And ki'ssd, my, a �goo ni ujin th, -exchanged and matiiin­pdifaining'to fa�bItiiihich.ena'lev iin to do .9 ere wi r e Jude 'J y. rea ing ap eas e.. s ill i a h! s inflex0e determination to b ki art'ah"d rem.ovi danndi�. stock yards -d e Then; mother 46t 'an exiia &t,, 1e ivine, comman m Va r %1 Aroiate.149t000_ I p . let -a z' tsi�e' fo g beekeepin 40,' f( othe I h r i toArere -indlitry fulfy d is - Is (o �it impossibie o .1 an an he . *r@es.of lif-P.practiedd. by �Vo obedient uld meail the do by� d:lggllog� 6. hole 0,0 in thei: Is e. lisse, t time. The I itou 9 *n with a' kiss' or, wo- abies- al. -e. -here clekily, ek- thotigh- if sho settilig himself, d' M4 ma Ithus:makes him necessary,io.isoc ety., prosse or.,:' 2 'G W w', with�.'. 1 9 0 'They kind, me there I alone-" cQmpar am the higest,and-m6st r*od I �Cul you 0; 1p�ow�eerPfo:usil �op to'.: f; s "-L to I d' -of. a v A Tha Ch gi t rm pick dildc "wa'y` bet its -insecure beefits .,and. fidelitv , o . " 1. thel ' n5b d. lot pattle prices 6r a in. the f n Were �on the,�.average, a out. 25 ee out loc IQ b P tations... Tb'ey, even no le' ed. t build 2'.' the� lco'Orii, e. ciii, th.�e, prophet er �t. 41L lis fo �tai 'w to G, d' do n, ]l in the, land, o -hi, 'A New''' V stir Pt 'b ..ne in ne i., c. to. e win s in, t in e bout houses." �y ga-ve !vp �f Fe pers: ivne�n. we ecQgnit We8t.�,qnd-, A e I .'rilight ok. up, and Oee� ill C Mer. e es 11dulty 6f the as h -0 e sbail. ry,- Unhi.sitV of vas, �be y C, �hado n, ig. ev n p �ttlq 16 e onAll& -f d s1h a 8 sum Irie mo'� ast cornpare'l with.p t rp 'PrCifeS8071, to.that confronted1iiiii It i �Ibcilta f Fi� 18 Hit d Cii le nomdic devoting" A T out,�: s at.the.-inside form: will set'in the previous Moiiib' 'And. that" at* the umm EVEL6 PED to I'lie as quie 4s In 'wit . b'Ab ut )i 'earance -Io�c they were 8 -the fli�.lnor-e ancl In the S or of 19.1 -writer 15' MEETI, CONDITIONS. - on t as' they tbourrht, his "Iot,,'to%.� 1 t cdll, bd, o six inc es� el ..on c .50c'.up n thd, Wiest I I . '. . , I .:, li. I . io'deelgrp unto' 'bPm the 611 and the?East. .4iscovered growing in all increase-.r)lot epo ley i d r ig -1i�e.for the and $1 iri. Th I' in'tbd- tb purer -wors ip of.Jeliovah. Ji�6y n hopes��tbc,�'11 go�,awal 66 -`p renot,a,i-large at- V. olitie T -6voment thig o rquis --- whdat� -a ------ conspicuous Y. hat-tlie�-store­cattle-m f__ Ma-, t futility,of the popular wi?rsbip'.,,ItvVas tPut tha'.tie way,, t Uhiveisity 4. Iia,down Par Y,._ S.- Have w�- obtlyed-, he' voicc-of,-.his :dbty! to- sqy and. oft, ll'ouigh, I 411011 of, inside form7 that the- for,the q�arter iotAII4. 18 937 tiromin"ent- promising. 1 1:1 �ilts�t; . I Publicly on; With..tbe lielit a-shifting�-t r od ng at thi , V -4 'b 0 -c0h, iries am'd ,the natin , & arif th P - M�- t "' ftn v,.-.borrd AiTtctiv _e same �phant --ot.,,wiea.'� .4t '-was some.,--si- ting 4flte'�sri and- queer; y -t f t U -Jed on I _c alri __Xfew' boards,ma 'bnedes-4"! e" unmanagbable�; �ship: c 1) riod" _eAr. _That, the, -increAse_ t I-11iu§tfVt mind,i sary to'fiftish. ouUide.of cup And fro -1,31-gely, je 7to''good prospects for he-R-echabit t'ibi, - !oil,& pdi,ibd,t io' -a,,vnlng�1Eo-1ear7-... is, it and, di'd not app6arAd iesemble.ili' iexl�tlng:lp the Pro tli&. ly s: CIS re of �he -Unere"S ;not of chamber over th trade in 'autuilin feeder markets- -vincei'of Alberta. oil s I y h�d �eniain�' For ropbet Iess L 'in A kettle or w ej jn,�Nv 1C name y, -4 ong s ra,%ve more"tieni s -or 1�3 27,: a mos ave .,o ca e a. in pan or March I were ar higher.. A bV'their ance, shipped, by' the ites �qg 'c t S ab6ut -a doll s� wheat' ook' and,gee: in 'Was- seldcte& u y.a,;.d.! no? I n.o To other wheW I'l Jar in pace. oir.forming- e,' in in Februiiy. That a featu-te of T a f th pr6d, fth si '.!it- i t e wbe't consistentiv' V 28. F or eohdo see -c Those �hadows'o -jhe c ropagated in 19M to,,:st�dy Its �e. Able' bakiiii-an�,.Yyiilliiig.qu�-lif.ic's.I Sor "0'-,,3gCd ­-bed6uin sich.a.q the Recha- polici4of i4 I en n: tb'' wali I ge -annectin P_eLAn I -0 -Mar +, - bit,,6 9 -PI _t -ko-t—w-as the gtxes�F an- -a, more F:' trffar ere, le, ec­us� ure �ases vate.1 cullatt charActerl the, limit4di w ien pir -prod t w Pt er' I wopa�gatcd, it-W6tild tictive-wh the III of idea ed and, rda.clic�Ahis,' beight.' A'film ThaCiheho movement was '31 r p e- shak ate ._o -e e',Vio-theil- a t.; I n Ald� 'foa llb-iLo nt-g e. n UL -1 '1 s- q as of be Lb Pan or'h6ttle so�tht the concrete will than last th 1019 tliereh§ sufficient 'tind sutitule- Riby'�_ iii- -areas Th3y dance Around t e w year, a di�aghteriligs w y, arly fall "frbsts. a-r� feared' e peas.are ig c cop me wi&� aw. ke.; and �so -imia 11 or, i -h bi mough� to in cornprison',W�ifh, e. An& boil d to 0 per- cent: mor 7this'yoar, than'� P"t out 'a rl Je 11 y ook-,Jike. goblins c'k;". or, rto en, nest h be-, it werci 2 ed, It inikht e . "I ast 017 removed the, cOncotd Iqqt, and that the avbrage As� the� wheats .,ap'proach `pb -lited-dilit Ali at. -most, S . ic, es., the , A y s p aiii. W i big, queer �purnpkin� hea-ds,,, I' 'The . con' we a matuit I" 11y" iivi&' t. -that grtifyin �oe sc�urpd found.' this was a entirely diffe nt'v from s rQmising _w eats r tillids.the about one inch in Aliqm6 P h And othc s set. neeting pipe shouldbe re 'about three'doll'rg doWii. ' - The',Bakh Bu&64.' ' i eVeral ier lei s66�v-�', E liough �.no n-, oa�d vanlz�& froh gal� -of 'wheat from Marcidis., it _rain alreid)r develop'ed,, all B o b Lilco- a big, dArk.,river spr6ad That the, 8660- and: l4mb movement, 7y one ca� "Wri ofi Ae boatd, t q 'b at "this is about � 5,000 �,he. and thus all. -the �dd�rj are I ted. Ad tbid. Year more Ct 8,u.Pply.,pIp6`in,,pr6por positid iowcreii:-some, six abQvq T�ar� ca e m. e- With ships a-sailffig in' it P over -'that prices for, - - 'And vrheTy olie. has U kp)l,:' A n- I than last year, arM qLUIS ' " 1. omise�of beffig:ci our suc.eess�, ii jhi�e 'verti&I, Pipe 4-0111.6 up throuh I' r 5�n- iiiiiA'e,regatdin' 11 lyr�edf�g And big,.W6k pIrAtes,tall and h w6l��'50c -t'd $1 ob and be erases :I� from good, -1drAbs in Mart --one park. ottom rd. -it, ta i 111 nDS� e, �'odd jobs spite- the ati th-�tt out R6eefitly' it. farmor .took me out td,, r6ufid'a b ig creage li�e th th e n wheat, for, nort cn— -bi -it BY C., RII'OA d­t�wa �ott radififf 6iffli -nd th k 11 th . . ..... 'too : You,know it's.fl 'a -re, ut �­wheat and selections were carefully, a�ny, bh� tb�.r cent b nb't ne�r'edgci p 'Alves sh6w,�ed 'up'in the first. three is e�ie is balm P n ing o _Ui e s cqnl� n, —con YP uit- y r., oy'der'to q "he' Vent -float -valve.bein -scre-w.i4 made in fAilize this stral ts are. more �Aft uine than,r'fi�'9t. es show: at n' 'ht ,q pjAp .9 stopPed rive -woo -p ug -i -n - ,tar. wi PAYS Average per, Y101A tito thd-runvl ri� Lno ie N to oeKe 1. ri ht _hd cf. er: an s year' t, open tha t III not get into�'pipevfiefi rour- ppr6ximately d.i'the bdi, ti ed -Jo writ n do;tn us ONY I)& qUi t�l g exR.ort. of �beef 'was i ou 1at I kn 'er '%V on e sun ine� Ile a anr h per he4 . ...... trahre may be placca �odtgider' of kernel .11 a�ro�� , cent, bet a, b o r n V bfG I ec.liptete". If-- desiied� shu -CVHA iro*th' liefght 1000, -blac I bU'9 ni Mit our'. il IS rain . c te .in t er on 411. -ch, 0, Pori per mi. better,, and Work' t ­h" d th per -so.-that thd water Call cent. c It ha d two lArge 1ieAdifigs, chalked UPOfi. th'a,t shadow tree, be I foi',all .'our t6lsi are, reAdy;, n6 br 6r. Vxportg of sheep, andl on it. One� wag,"RUsh,.Repair Jobs" 'been fot�ott for'r :rpr on A-lQoking, with., gre,.pn,. I eyes It mutton were 'o -bed Now . e 7- r: "Afish Jobs" read;, Cattle n pirr&T rtic- 'F been veriool�,�i -or e oF That a I li,Caliudinn st6rqi.s:6fTdred .83 43.41 48.42- UndL I:fi:ve' cant IQ hit him, just' aiiid_ ight La -the U sp a, 1':2:4 'm'ixturd Of- concrete. Great Britn have sold at high pricbs, h i4Ei b Are slatodibere for All to'ted. e. r in "o g, il.itigrge Col . I r o scAre-him tha 11, Mix thcroughly,'p6ur, spade'�4ell a n d, tb6 1nINCREASES YIELD,,NINE BUSHELS. 9009 RESULTS ALL OYER,'. yaid, V- "Big 'Bell' -0� s -et 'of' repair, tools on. was�'a verage, being wA .......... owas ayail.-, ur no ca abl6'oj -ling ab pti't a dod t fil the �ill W 11, ce a i e ;__ I ' 6f, 'nd pour If coll� ler with 'wIiich,.to out dmill"; ne-fencO' do itit the t j. 1920!'sufficilit seed W, W gt -s a r L W fi d b -a 'p' 1.a e r _e�ac -f: tod. '�-lcvol-6f-r-tfor-boi� of-cbaT0or`befnr6 ��f je But was pr.. rul Veal C cap­ fl�'side -korm, i8'8ct.hi willace. in a 1�eat�sup- !,,slina-k -dirty','; oose, ccig on "S'find that if 'the, of ho' farm -on 'the -plugs,." L those art �,h siniple' de.icep 7' itea plot; agaiii. in 'comp e t Under the eading : - . . dtitiQll, with erior to! 1.9 � -1 s Not, the 'th . P o cev' -And all, 0116 creic' is too wet,', the weight will d airifier is � 'r 'v in the most careless 6 J OF) rca -s the nicrebant,6 advertise; out threitip, as Univ6rsity V cortainli� d 0 n 11 . tb;�ii oti f thinitg that tuir ed, o4t: inf 11 f lt-�h '-been'tested at -the ,are 0 el a teg e ix 0__ DtIlLor, S '14ng- �ihbgo thit6e-years­careful-sel n i't kffow tlia 7 nambcr., t h'1920,1921 afid 1922. _d6me t "Law llce(�. BN bad Wbbll W. mor? in cup' why. not file far' Fix M. in', PA Villeg cre it is glvL ing._ 0� ,I 6tto, cup, set'' P11 ofor S, Ill rts of i�lq -pro -wh fl I It Pays 'tIA city_bu�inc� fin to work had been. 60ntil�.Ued,,lintil in in;;. ,on. sorghum p ace an( nis i pourind. Ing splendid -pfoinise. ed -letter day when our,slate I gucss ita'.biettt jty� ure that, inied stationefly-i not the r tabl -sup'erior. t Jq. Qf P e,, constAnt,, Is -Nye ce-rtam e is prope�- y S�f A] d w ed o as, tfib& . 11 1... 11 � b, -lie, %V ch t Ifird, whedi, evolv,6& Ddrin Ahe -:-!Mqv.pd eqi "Is."this one O.f timfj�8 avers vacaUon wo All, 6t r, wn-,110, I . io,ea igs �thit:-o . e n njiscs,a It theJiregent time it 1 -t -pays i.. '41 t d" n a- -very measurable-.-Nir t 11 Then when Filt,alf A! t ht� I Make a, cover of concrete.', using! ifv rigi s f9 av eefi Se.r 'It sure be t 1 4 1 1 , . , ��g which"'i Was, selectod, or(. 0 13 19 er net not be. farmer! urp"se or hat g�,,m e�, a rou lid A� ' 11111te nifli,r' o �iv 'at I. d Just -as a­:reminde'r toi,-.us --th- t dKd,. "Arn, C4 00 o �,t ne c and should 1 -be y at A wovdn-wirds -1 " s I* _'It iii Ahe'-batiker 6e6n, lat�I type 4,amlly,-. k:, �x�unAi� ta' 4s6 'a tvPewri in length: than, MaNiIIS in,, t)io Inat, fnery men to,J e� cor- wheat wbild sbid thrpo days lat6ri, rainall ere� �vfarquis lia� be The, sbdow.9'on"t-1 'u see,. d 5i two han4tesset, In, concrete en a I'l to do* the needed thing.. YL , I kes ce, i�hy:n�t the'farmek! artas.wh shods, �ni.tbat there was:,�no T possesses, a greater �traw' -.length# .�oiAie.ffi froni t . I . It PAYS fbi so�thort,ffi,tlie- dry years s'to be v as e or this . fqr1rft, 3 ­City �jofekd�per to Put latger'kernel and a' g*reaiek proddd� -hour el.ore. fter the concrete has set And hard- Cry tit a bullothi: 'board ot wbat h6 has If n t ip1possible, to 'harvest,; as%'r lv�ilt o I Price'd Lambs.'_ field n hlf nneNk'bicli� fefil.§0110d -eig !8es inovitabi Y- forty capac time -sos. is is a big to L' 1 -d is �no p�j, to­for­ftlool� th., �selli why not rm 'i . ti I er� , at the, lidl q n al roi6ew of.- live, s oc form: may 'Ile relnoved' �and, float -put It -should!,bb.�,poirfed V ice bi� - ii pn' the otb4ir fleld ullf I aft' 'of. 4'on 11' �66 u .ou. !in,j-usti art- _,the secret -of.,` 6 lt',pays'. the -dr .,this �yfeldsl of to, ygoas rnali.to,get x1d 'd noc�j6,d� Ilr h6jit t ini, --in -con to _W f , .116 ,tnn - just 'st _to r this V920 do- I 'boa s- ep e df`+ig, ullrofita,�le stock at any. plo,��6 while the uvei:tiga decreasing. forti it�, and (8).fot t 0, !cup' as in chftinber, r the. three YeAk8 is a little - better ardL and rend,,wliat 'is the most y'Pabllsh d",pain to nVilh: why notAhe farpier? 0rca§ilJg the , cost of' p'roducti6n n �o `cove�reid. o i�pr than h e b oil. DopArtniblit (If Agriculture, spok- 6atnber�: may. in ushel§ Oft" adrc,. more, than wbeit,' throu4h., 8oCULlng­a_gkdato lr-'Prc�Sin thi to be don?'h )und.Ae wi dtate dealer to� fix- - - - d, -h' , , ' ' It,-. t re- it pays tlii�; kcitt t krqUiS I r. Apo.tn Nir 0 - fof . .16,01 AfA'', f to' b d able., h eattlior manure In winttr'to,p M, Zcdlite,, tile analysis 61' PI U. lVal Ing n, li'y (on persons ng -61 the, Toronto Y,$fkct,,-'gays he the figures Miows'that, each yeArthe 61- of t e, incire or souildg. up, his lable property why_iiot yield., seem 64ble �O, atUre 11 tent, freezing'. come In,, end h -68t liptid o to Amb� t' iould b,pollited out that up to eis, alsfirefli to Thi,� I(ind �o -Vate er 'Id _.At' markot V,.as ther ab ftoc, of a6�kod f r will 'pay for n Wheat has oil yi-, e �.atni, he cAn ko right that �h�ni 'by �o or i pays- the rAlser of,fancy stock to date, tlib Rim had bee'n to cai-oftilly� test 11, 3 Itself many tithes C901i paq6n in ftnyr ke, Quly the and Rod Fifc'by, a littI6 better than this new.whe "If. one oftho Voys, has a some -,vlQ. havo, Ajwn�vs beoll jIj,.af now castrated, lambs.' An, Md ase best# Why riot the At At V1dron'O'll and a hog food lot. - It. Witt t had 9bushd s per adree Ideal 110iii hoi tail L�bt, theiripped collar' for t.b� thiiii owithout the ustial t, . troub1, .1 nd t� in 'the prov, c ,, A i d farmer? 'it �16nd -cady fo to o%illin 8om6. w�s, offcr�d f6 -r- sale! thle Price realUO ioa a Ics �iof not t6,iiiiihiply it for ilistributioli. Asi. lla�ld od mid i r. 13"1 r) L, I I Iq t ,It pays he city businesg mani jf'give,n: care �ib not Y L Ve whell, he hilb tp doll his III, rilts" doaf persons are r"optird' to radio tb;lt of �Printers I fliclUadd) o"rkedp A �PJ,6flt file Aour ftoin, this wli6atj 'as shown ry limited atilourit,of L,*V6 Conjo out ftwf mid oth6rs but,lt Is sjid'%ind they 4,1ect of ji fet, why not the. gi�pd i5x 'IuVailnblif, -And thoroR it n -A loss.accouil farmer? b by tw-d ind, ilw sion c6nip6ti libwes l"ll to �uft' Milling' laboratorici in V nni �l Jr will n albouf )ior e Ili, of the do, :c the no of the i electrical dovi -9, It Pays tb� City btlSjjje�j Ni. ipeg,, are th 3qUal, if not superior to filog04 of Mary� Ito the gardin or In te o'�,chard, cp n hear wundg to a6me',tilfe''bil, Iambs, Ii dellotlied cattle" 19 a flying. pail tbaVill6y be set, sAM(iks' on strictly from now on'With.A view to �ti�ll, 'if tile, gl,ar ready, for extent., are surolit,of a paying, market,, -rdblatorL ciple, wh� th6 table the Same is th PQ I or �Red F ife. !or 9'04iornl -distribut.16TY4