The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-05-24, Page 7'7 TV V-1 41" W L At h.. r with1good dro t ­r ptsq# q4�tlitlesli in&,pot, r4estedi.'if! n6cebligryp We A.Y. ks the,thoroiigh, pm n -;trafio . of tlie,,soil two 6 three w� t. an subxe 'At Is - more th Note' -4f thq so is itp". 140h," a# NTATOES''1300-01 -fertilizing.-I T a-, soll."should ed TO M"KIND from,� heavy, appliectio.no, q., rot,4­, deer, I Ir ii:iAnured- and' .,wgil inanure-and,the �lanhi_ 7 ibeiral wor,p, 0" make a'fine 'Reedi bed. A 64 ",ftii q Pf -4940! 4 m k d rat nt;, W ar, �7 - Orr,- medfpm,'Jo, �* %L ,i, " ; � ki a new leqia,;�ff Of t MT� . . . . . . . . . . . 'b 5 --ossured -Aucoox-',t�bs ot ,Cause, on may e I po, ow per s4ua e T7,:'d.*,' of ldw ry in 6rmip 9 04 ais poor,seed.- This sh.o ld­... 4*0 Its g 6 (bon "'moal) VATts pld �§'OME`TEST ­TITAT��PESTI IFL It "SdIplinto IOT,mur of pirt no Tbo se j df7, varjj;j� Of o.od 134 he UL 4 .0 YOUR GARDJ�N. r r it good Preparation I it be u r fi, � It the soil. Is very np 0. table and,cau"s the Joe f poor ,,, may 'the best, rSqVltjI? to to o in and' The"Or4t xw� of' �t ample drainage provided, iiepessar , f larger, of money each year''not Dissolv -he -is: head the: list. ug given Qutworn The b y Or, p books -th cu u�d: Aurinj - :thO, dress wit xate� o -aVtho,rsAo: 6nl In logs of 6rop�-'�but-.Aii- i )j,9,qrjgh n �Oi, _Lg 99 -m Itivation contin ps an inor@, an kifidi h- nit y ing''water 'ji . L ­ f, godiq� I . I I qk�4, state on moisture- 1. tools i e, hundrid p 0 of 'A p6up,d per. square rod., "The flis labor and use- 0 n tilling acres -of ,cutw jr9wjfig eri d to, conserve Should',the. that havd%but -a thin. r-lega.than 100 puffi ieri� for, qpp* psrgon , for' 34. ............ Ith9ril'' -- I. . I .. :-appli.eAt aybo� y, after , .1 , . , j�l ma 6 -1-611--l- - " .161:.-6U;1,y9; -Idth additio n rin- d -per cerif., gI;gn aL and - usua,.� HOWO C ' ONTP01� CI)TWORM, you. a, second,, lit iE -here4ar humu Of -�,­Orop­. -pla egun the 0 P- -�put -P 0145 r4T t n gr�wth has �_ irk, V tT a W& 01 w- ou 1arg aroundtherri, an rich or o.from' v"I ants. Pugh tilif pa�cr, 4 is reta na. mo tliro:4n pp, acre'if' Goes occur through K three:,,weeks later. To no. tatoe the PI 'temperature. 0 !three, pourI4i'o('dr PM al., h p0a d I An d 9. an., LIQVID sing,foui seeds. per, hill,' TAe1tJh6 HOUS I Clover 'P artr-N M224 plants If - iffif -1 1 ..., . ' .,MT1LI7ER IPOR E, the driei h'into Or, bet, r I Potiltow glve'20,8 I vith' Its dee an pounds,py -best for tipin develope'A" GET411LES, potiifo flour;4`4 Pounds og.grg!Lts: phd, tom;.out,6f old in (ian.i, met theni OV01% n s An 6 -an, eight t L ble, i pi ' ai� . . - 'Is: gi.ven:in,,k�eponse t t- _tlan 0 -WAS I' ...ther. I t plant .7o% rit-9 ., � Imulh 1, ne orit' a .Whera- c4tworina. OX, an unkielding. s*Q� into ik fria e I e,of potatoei' is,"; oi an I re0eaW', request foi'i h4uid fertilizer The, -secorid. ti- ghly the `be' '104 x U4eh6U'g'h, W,get suitable.for' ho se, sweet p 'nt and,no plant so p Ants, eag, yield : are very troublesome and there are e -acre. I a for' the nourishing, of a soil t,6 a, good de�th ith vlegetAbls� bush s Der, If only one pl IIjL. , . I ::- - : - hun6� d ma y plants to -protect, the beat rernme matter 6k humlia *!or thp crop ta,fol-. each, hill- gaVQL fin eigb�once ear, b ' . I I k.� -; - o. po ik lasting ;su.4 uftda with other food apda, ........... 8 parts the yield i�6,uld, be,.26 bukhels,,por ed is o use, p ispned..b.ait. Scatter -Nitrate.of klig, a hundredi-poiUnd.braoing, holf w lover'sod is th best for po- It arotin-d 0 sulphitte 'of ..'.1 p t f the plant,4.. Since the 9 or are the � form 'of Hod 'It�hey b th dayi.'. :1fi Ar acre., Now , 9 work' and expense 0 cutworms usually hide 'before t. ey Thq�,b�st crops of clov' Phoophat4o. of sbdw A part i'calcu]At�d In: starch'yalueo la4ds, but..4n. excess -rone, u -At land, plowing pla L n1i cultiva , t, of! on Dissolve the mixt re In water rig; and potatoes, lie�'-'Aea& onei;'WilAeldorii ;seen., .4�own - limed! inter at, on, Investment, fertilizing the Big lasting III , ro pounda a e4 al, 1.1 orie-�hu dt'd t 'hiindred 'pounds- of .;oats,-,, thardare, lime tend's to produce scabby osi f secre -of Rinso'�,Ibmai- CONTROL OF. PLANT -LICE: PlantAiCe t4tbes, This is jarticularlyiJilie if the rate; of I ounce lier -t ty-fie per "'Soak an hourt t or are' 'au,kficient. for a 'wor gallon of ing� Would be, the samel.for a per, ee ot'be poisoned, �f garden this Solti- for. �'Jweri dan" Ti or t ek puq stable fianure is used but 11" commer- Wato For to dis4ol, ing power �ve horse- for nine 'days'. Co food from beiloath the",, surface cial iio -may be �uBed,, Say,, qv'ery two -or. a "Ver' c'en't. crop., 'QQ04, only3a used, the'danger A'n' get; or M di'rt., If you o A oi�e corn as 4, stoe ..eed,,,' one. hund---A of thapldoit�tigsue. The way to mali . a is � mu acid three. wqPkaf atl� 'the, rate -of '5 gallons see4 jsj� therefore, th6 "first insur cllll lessened, b cause, the -them hump their bac a, is to, spray phopp'liate, 'in -the fertilizer teh do - per.'squA o ; or potte plants,, at for a 100 pe e stand in the.corn 4. ` 1 .0 rq. r d f ' ' I I - 1, . fi*", (tlr.4 pounds 'of dd k t c nt.. as irig. sudg;,,you h4iva potatoes Pro the iate of I to. 5 flui& pbunOs ..of' o -theni with kerosene 'emulsion. i:To. oes not 6 field'. Rined. k fat, ons 2, ht ' ind ard d not: 66ed eno, gh pounda of Arla& oitato�s� 16. pounds the �eniulsion dissolve favor' the' develooinent, of the, potato p ma, e. Rbrriov Bolls, the sod:� is not, Very toug u son, Aftei'-soaking, the i�osi '.sioile 'th ..n -pound 76L. gallorii-of-hot. nd onw-hndred �b-or y o es eed,- P * unois fire.'. h b t wateii r6' from' he,,, :!�una S( hird Possibility -for #0tatP4# whilo'b9tadd two gallon ne. if -it is..0sifed to 'grow potatoes On, inso. a light rubWri' w. ith. 4Ty'R1 Is a siod it, should be.' toohnigal I th ChurnAhe mix'turt� until -it is creamy;,,land -having , tough. DilutR with twelve water. r Parts olowed%, shallow soon after the, bay' to 271 JrMnAfactv e�'ol starch, one hun.. Y u*r clothes don't n�ed. boiliiig if ou ulwffiriso. pounds'. of potatoes with , tweriv, -This' rem ye th "sod y oent.'starc oil youi w johick-striped I beetle 10liah thiB M like t o.,. b t;or fvia niy, -to 1 STRIPM COC!JMBER, BEETLE:— 'u h iji.ves thirti-two to thirty. oved diseed "to, gi 6, ell . ow ioi.r'ot. This isjollowed by StaLtes' an-'PkO�Iiet 8: 13 to, 20: 19.; But' if� y6u 1 hite cottong,,, a is. c a 2. King$ most sorious' enemies. o, uds,you e I n . oug4 soAu'tio one Pounds ry Starch,' with iij sau T66-�,—Here' a :n `1;' $end', like. 6fie ',of the'. Ll if, jou:r.pqtinds *p en .,tw de e owing 0 get �t e a of" d I , p iquashesLan'd,vielotia: To neth practi�ed'the 1;od will'work The, -p -f7t6dgh­§U-ell1i an I , . I -i --ij 11 -- y yn spring.7 era or,s c them is a'i iiotf I mp6ssible. �rllq beetles M n 4R�nso'i� a the Ivied, Sod mil aOn . a of On a( peeialatie�tioki.ihoiild.be'iiven',�t6 6 4e., by 'On undr.c 4. pli p SON FOREwORD. Isaiab.was� the III, PREPARATXONFOR SERVICE, ale I gjV" co the thoioug great pr h Y. 6. It is.-rernarkabje thiii-lealah, in e orld IV- do -1 e 'fathilv wash . 'as. tyi . I . *61; for the iefuse to, -eat, pols Qhe�oOcloth h �rep�iration OP th W of firsf of the southern h ofi6 litr ure -a P had preached,to' the north 0 ep and. mosquito tettlng are -often, used' fried to - in ind-, Hosea on discovering big. dIdnoi See LUX do e'fin 1�ing�. ic, t'u,rin of potato lands ihat are inel k gdom. B'dfore hini Amos i k to oome'd e r,' buttons?, protect the plants. S. imes so jn. texture apd'not ul ern:,king- y as, x ial,61V by oncrIfice. bn.the' 'h I a 1 and verize( e p rO opposed to'-sacri as fubl." n :the othe.r shallow box,"is, sed; the.,`b6t !is I 'reparati�rr i dom and 'he',� was doubtless lAntiliar,Tphep 'prophets I we f Od. 11 . . , . 11 '1 L it e. d Istarch Id -use as a o Orn in ry. g in corn- -in usalem,,whe -he mi it%'- a cites, confectioneries, kit - 4 Soil -'being" w` is c flee as a means' o 'LEVE ��BROT E Q takenput, rietthig, or screen be 6- -a d�pth of Yr with their t6schings,. 116 was brl6ught' f gett, sh6i�ld up Jei re. ngled niunicaflon'with God. A.moreekc�llcilt Tt)�H JU 8, -an as po,atq -gra n for A over th top �aftd * the C'oVbre4 f eij 1'�dhies, the''vilioll ay was.,hebde� .1. -, . . 1 .. . I freely With its niost-Anfluep,tial- titi- W - -. - . - R!102� the -.p ants., W�N t ;�c zens An per( the- trend ture, of hen e I Izj�d, by careful. Aved clearly, Hebrew domestic -life" p need over, q, pu vor land s. . -fit to ork to ,a CuAorn to .'a, an that depth, of Judeiii-. politics an'dAife. He b�e- burn fuel in a- ruFfer, � or-, � to: -heat oe'l for,sausago§. It also sprinki� Aou�� or'flnel�-podei ai I lime over the � plants f6 k"O !AbarioWing,afte a,henrth, and o.apply thqm, gOeS', into 6ultnafy powders; a aked and by, discing,,an,., d - tpl the iipper reaches of see' 1; 101 y I sto -in paste aw. a r 11 the, 6 - dust'. is Ward'.*� Before, p 6 ng t a. land in usaleiii"'and had 'a marks the, 'beetles y. Tobnee I wi` h Lat baindig Arid other I �p a, ..as u g me boiled p lowirij this j a's :thus folIoWIng,.a omeatic custom In COLORADO.' POTATO de-dT,--w--itli BE&LE 'That is in�p is� well, to Uzzin-h-,-.. , If other. I rough turined'-to .. the - bottom.:',ri. ndu e all th .-the I I ff-.t . hen �rithdrawnl wi eii lio,"used suimossfully be..thoioughly discedj so that' of the-.aHstoctai. 'As a yolm -n di'linked. �'fhe seraphims weiie withe' ed the brillidrit reigri'of he ,bk Its Sundqy nan". arind4ftlonbi�the great'niatdrial splendor, 6ind'0iosper.i To CA�#: to alled "Potato-6ljg:1,1 he, digb, the'su'rface SOii -wbeii if is,juk V. ',(.,,Taid it upon y mouth. I' orla -jallbi 11 -as: with Bible TIOG-WORM R EM, E I), � q rmdnU,, washing. powders. It 1, and .' is n y reg . ded ais'a oil' and -ei , ght-.01irices'of.0i :dry, ondfigh to, work" w. e -I it larvae Aich ity, (2 Chion.'26--&-15) ag'*b -,frOqu6 tl ou, ta e t o,pail'6f.fe6dAo,th turifig, of fe hatdh.fro­m'.e'g'gs I social irijustice'and other; wickbdriess ar ,ar f tfic�beetl 'd .. o..tha damggb. goi al. t3*-�.', rOP6, tto The doath,of 'n yihg agency. (See, M, put A 6undth rl�- �nd an. soaps,, And, as thickening 11111nir They li�un* wlse-,'on. many Is not Uzzi h inuit hav� bad, 11 or pigs wet a,'fir I 'gently but firmly pu I it -a oit,, way chisnopOdium. corrosive d belo' nit; d1j, 'sh in -colon., Ifit small' *itches r som�-d4i'dil�r' Us, giving 0 y -oulie, 086. jAow io effect I'Sala,Y,. for With" th6 iiiii of "his pe6plb. io tli: bucket., Do this from the thyle" hf rt'-pou-nds; US'6-f(half, d. Iieddi a :profound ontact tillery; a huridred pounds of'raw,po., �Of or 6y- can.. -be t he land�'. time ta.d�'- 0�p now he: saw a hi '11, 111& - must':e'ither to th ix-lltrem-46f. cbntiolled by' bind'pick . . Y, ,g pr,­jng. From. this' -of first feeding-: Always inut�f Pigs of from fort� —tat6ps-produ il -kuo-- -ikht-rn-cnes. , '11011 o� , whic to... pure, S, cp fjj 4t -e 4 -fact r 1 h I killing'with boiling wa purify7ihem,!-.- (A. Bi ivid Av-, on the -61 fee dose. r i1i �bbfore �70U d it. -it At �erogenc. fields,.;,'sprar*-t6 *11111... plif�o�iz ndno. compaetAt., as had to -be reckoned, witli in the -life Of in 'been -purged of'h O 1)1) felt a, lilt 0991' from. twb. th our in'the clogof.typ6s of -soil Jerligalem. is sin Eoon,iush to.its pall.withAlle fope'in 1ities qf� residuary I U ar( Par one �6dnd,'to. Will h P :sensd-.of pa d' 3our-.,han s. -�rlie�i, �o a used -for bei�erd a purposes -and Vine. with. W* grain, a pen t e don an , co - uld now d Do the,'.Same� 'Oep!h' V f!�,6d f6r tweilt .1 'genera Ing igh f - anu. -sufficiently. isxuH!s' yxsioN*,' 4-4. ty.g'allons:pf wht.er.,Td`hvoId burn, I it IF, Address b t. God X Ggs w not' ried ut,' 0, h and man wi n, Ilea our for ..it grairl. Ten& the, ibat� � . : _ m water, And -t n %4actdre e -dry� yeast then'jHve the 'h '- nf(ied,. calf t. "In -he M i�o 'pounds Of Aft6r� p owing,: exercise care t6 lshg'� the 10aves, add work. said 9 visio''n- camei., hile he -.was If ' d'. h the- rope, means as, addressed ee 0 a r mpy ch, em throw their ead u In the Aernple. mere"ly over" f�X`0�4pottnds ot"'po't r, use Ah�ree Pounds of I It with the. disc hA'irOw' before It dri call was'noi t 0 "il Id th Igs by th6lr' ime.. worshi i He'fell e ng Ipp n He of 14 plrdu�t. X1v . es, six ijoufiA 'Paste fl into a prop etic ecstacy, u eakd 13o'd :asking Ile Jointer.. Plow. Wox A few, hou'is in a h �tho. Seraphim' leg" back Giv'6, the with', a' I' ing;wbt' dir6eft. tajisniah. aiscilate to ifti ja�.jlorIs 'of to.'�tfio. poin't. of.. b I f, d :2' ked.- dr the leaves ying the edrthly,: temple faded away or. oil 6, water. This ot urri. 'd ted-. heaA Spray. i*d-fWa-y-,bre--1 fif ow -was- eve 'ringe rquirtitig, it 'at the side, -w gu InA-iha ae-e- -'-The' o i Ut: s'a slower acting 01 �j I Gold,', &o .:real ow, 'hand akii gh pree a ' oP, p How- �&Uinj' -k6 :heaVenly,' toin ized.-that 4A th'i6u _jjje­'.ap' . . P I .. dney- arib nre'bat�dh U "d 7baek.. 6f -1 , the:' �ibeix the. arrikil"I 9 h t &d' to .'-do the.,.toilgue.� 119 d rteiiances PrO the pig's niak6' him 'bake it r -kin I ' and e �various appu p. e was nee edssity of in jady- ornato"., the May in. -arid'- folly, ol bib people And -he nose o e a w during from the ye ow egg� ;t. tached to ith'tho, ninkers of "'.the ne 'ith er E T tilth will be �much more, difcilt., gf ye' .!'He a -L" V. gotable in tter the.,soil. :Last Summer, T� eeeived around 11 so that. ��o g it o th artbly, temple',became S�mbolid: 8 'Ie" es -If --a'ie�ond brood 4p4rs, Tesijdfided. r in ay good 9f,great, spiritual, realitie'si; � .., a ftll6W. the -Plowing o The jointerja Vcrtffize�rs` applied : air'e' usually pe.ration. a 77,---- 7-% �ound, wholes .-a-miii�iature:plow-attic-h�ed- -the-Ineirr, toma ea. I - tot -he to h6 esa a. ea er sa t, -kno , wn b "R ARB,�GEMO-Riiis':: The buttorfirla" �tcattekd- 4r6AdeasV-an te 8 id -y ently­; lea, 10 A n y� OM W... f� r6aj Y-1 p a.- -,]roljr USt 1),G. ys &i BuC'h S� Dosition, as 'to kee -b ultiv -the isolated, life e nto. 7 ati e a 1 "1 turn �r pa�­arl i 99 dead'oi! livin ;cut rbil pyessxon . made on -the the;Q11- sOng.: saiah -66,4UAILOW an 'on v "the virdrals, 66a. tbout rich p youn Jsaigh�'-(perhaps -tw'dpty,ye intr 11 -are. 'In. 7case he bv is IS On all a bcr� only ;a -feW cab A appi 0 �o urrow slice t W ecelved 4h a ca I �any, Of age Zo a. urne by. 6f the fer 'r A -holy -`one..', So -he iildboard'. toes r. -brulseA en plantifi' by m6ang -til'-sight of. --the proud,, successful. king 'Siding ornatoes grown ha -pickingiv I rid. -of tho� W- 9 charac as rr nge-;,, -th'o , A 1 etallic, or.crac ed' ones, fll� often- e- a planter, tha -humbled and punished. by od,�woul n. �dr. �St -w -AW -tb izer attachment -on- 'of --a --Ade 0 -7, ��. 4 F� 0 - X .�Plitnta W 04 .-.-9 th I -h his yr y-4tppy" ewT,-. -;cause, e -saia -�,MA �b se-�.* -petgondl-unwoethinesi urrow a 'brick, dr'C1&pbo�mrd­pstternjj.r I sawr' B B OM B .0 fertilizer should' not B en Jeh6vEih 'called for volunir lCe, and, puts 01 vage e Of rib�elved remedy.. Some 'j;rvv�ers 4ust S g ea rodi'jo jr My neighbors ;wi ers in ampa gn,, e Ther-siniple,brevity of: Is o III— 'r t the *ejl,Ujjrdor%�tfie cutter of th&!- fnexpen h go n act ith h th Lord. sive'a d Quickly Lald�, 18, cents. 'a, pound, fotlbelr desetiption;of .'is im turne or., ft road'dus ini direct' co t drated Iline -,slke. J ­ God pregsi 6 be of. service overcame e%rorry, �d ointer plows are S.eitdfoi'ttri W., part of 18,4,tto, S,p a-.,hqnd-. -ed, - pounde-of--in urtati1j.''Of ve. For'. 'Ot er,� �risl & d"' hl Irl � I I I - - :� . or'Ofr go a,­500:pounds or,�aci g -r b d�TiV argerlatw.� of; iThrea, L vieille-R col uring t a ear ier '118'ad, four. pounds to fifty: jallon'4 d -7- 9-1,'Ezek.�%C ",'J; '.'Here sen call, to �.that Is -shap�d­tc Irive nP Oslilf'kte� D -?3; Amos 7 h d'ine.,"' the: A the farroW "ni 6021 6tties and r6tailin th But ip -comes m, - whim, bea& -f orm Itrid. pounds' muriate of bah4 T: 1), itting 'a throne� .rell to 6' lea: e)rsh' diffor- �alice,-rribr -e�url 6r -ste6 '''re ho ['U94 Ing St. Toran _g -, _Rm use''pyr.Q S tpon e per 'a u genera y use k-Per-��ae-re,:--T,.hi3-teiriple:--ivas regi'iddd-l�tts�the,-e'nt-wtiys-t4--you.ng-Imerr--it-fid-wonrew.--t6rffis tho, 1onker. distance -6nd 'te I am lildbr f a fertilizer 4.5. Per. cent. earthly' dwelling -place , 'of ' dod- 'strid Amos, for example, 4elt Ah� inner. pres- joinWr pi ", in OW er A '*heel xj lfqtsatot. of, nitr6gcn�'8�'per­cent. of �hogph6ric therefore %the .-foundations' -qf,.' -his sureF that-kavd him: no test 'H' "'ho d POTATO`LAND ard,, and. al.andside,Aesigned to.. -t of * Ir to throne be; laid, in' he per cen , o po as le mi pjr' Am, car u,,..w A -friable t '' it� but�Ahe- I ciornmailtding him­tO sj d: hkh Air. err' Voice should ber fair] 'Should guiply:al't.requ c throne` Its'el rises fat n ye toes not 'to' brultie ".or`., c �tato, P16. r Higli rack theim, o bLin -nd F6j[, Nating above the. reach a d h ob' d Walking by ow 'Straight of n06rnr:Aepth a Ehi em and l'iftred steady also part of'-th-6, 'j,ointer Soolallj, thado-to-"r, h�aTilr Fit g remove Qfiy ri the go F, vp. To the he,Sca - of Galilee,- Jesiii` spoke to two L100 -POtato crop under average.poll 'Us f 1" 4whil gath rin fertile.. arl� ,have goo(t natural drain I ' 'd An prophetic, mind, God is bth in.'tho flahermen,, Peter' And , , Andrew d WOW - equipment. -Short,6r handles suit" u� tot pfizat' high.- may cling, ;folloi� me,'aiid Shorter beam, �and'slio' te, ammids 09wr, Potatoei,can �6,.grd n su�cessiil�OnAitiong'­ He Is,aboveAhe Said to, them 'To o the frul� ag thisy, W&ld Mid above It. me r%mouldboard are likely: to 6uV or, bridge -other't6w ill' 'k plonounded '.co ElTiandP NVorld in the sense that he i8'free from, wi. ma e you (or muriate ofish f�r men" (M6&att),. are chhra�oristfC8 -the coritafn wfra' oflf of P�t�gh 'and I pound 'its 6bitiges and it -A tons. rr grow in o whe -with the: Scotch Of. -G N men ra� 'Trot*at . -;T, iliz iithe -Joi,ner,iy -.4 _,, .�JotV PU -the c-on­`y­.ic'-; er,&. aV' e'he -perfect R-Aul,hada,tdrarnati6 eXljli��Jl�nce­.Udat, 4�dik I- rjO pr long )jqw Ilizz.) -goa y emse vi 'the, en-� I . 1. .. ALi6stt Irox NAIng, J)"Ism In t. an d. bhea"b' -th Bs' eg afia fill can be "Of , XISO ng: The fblloW ng, is h1t6frintive T ttableg' S3 ipb�i!416wod,: down 6. ica&6 'without any' type:` in Which may be used for,. g space'of the terfiPle I p do jio. The rneked and,, A ak,"or, ruiu -sind -"wris.-` ree all ema- c -t And 6vorwhWhiing,vis go gradiI, ,The 2. ZW�ei4 ini4,TheS6 are al-, _,MCK0y two. tor rames, and.v 1�!!�bl� 0ay _a -LIPAITEDT PERENNIA d 'Wnhere:4o�-b oul SE growing: en ione -else*here� WO�k:- e- ce LS the Bi not do- it?,"""thilt is, oftell t e.r Summerside, P., E. Islarld, n ible',:­ They are repketente w4y When lawn se4'i planted on a 166k rAOke attr ciive; dWrabI6, or te. of d' pound io LLY- Nitra so a. y to' ' dd6sion to, rai7e,. niay. com hav� th Aw in., Which o -come our as the.. pardians�'bf iGod�sthii6ne sind-,.7 o o Y­,,pres 0 eAlways to yi �task,, repe­', r It, Ab. up "I away, h clon q- oumus-forming material,- Giround bone ................ 1',pound jV, jolt_ 'fell to r t] ings, pro ane ar�d - Sinful. Itr has 2,� 'The kind i cover the !ffeshly- o -d by :4jriould, �§ulpbato oi murfato of, poi�- been thought that the Scra 1, h%` To prevent bis,,.* as upplig rilitnure, leaf the lot o1risai -�e. or -tolmtoon the� following formu a may b4 n rmj wing r e, serPent% �If pri 'I to g6t phims wer' at pl#nted-terra6e th'-thin burlap until higilipr-boxes" ate likely. biWsed - - - . I q, Walla se,6l` th etc pou d in fo' d this li�l h e w as mari. y 6' be. �.a Migious to rive 0 or '100 sq. 4t. Of S tfaeo;. Jlskidh' -and. iclady f6 adylsled-; 01 , o the� mrould.be -suggested gffldb,to�.bia'people, ut there was � a, push* through'the soil. 'Small Sharp on.iat Ara Gro'und'bone (bone ineal).. .4 parts by the,birazen so�jiient w) -that fit., r-etaffing., purposebi as the sum6r .-To"facilitate: distiiib�tlon,' the fertil-s ich stobd in second, feature:'of his 'ehre�r cdn tbe� templai stak&4, �Ushed'through. the-�corners of enerall for Inime a V,b :edr, tracts. a Of T)OtaSh A aiti mi ..tenti6n,6=h'hAd ,to do th Ofit X -M.Uriate-jox--olpha IA lbrviob6l ova, n very m turo e 1IL-arr -�t e, n Ave 1 11 -6 "Volurne.ofdry thepull" spocess , , , scrap I in n Nht- I I ter� n -a' thotouihly ,and� work, well M07 �wlth; sayj.,fivo times a I I Y. ; tllb -first half a nice, bshf ng rgfailing soc6nd-grido tomatoes Sill.; ally, 'One choir chantipo wai a -dia esmano as,we Saved fr6m �,w. he Soil, 'tit the, rat� of',, say' 4 pounds earth.�o'r sand. of .1 'a preach 4 while th reduced price'- Second. the �brie and'the' oth6r'' the ei ri teousness.', grAgg is youpg by coyering; Ing them at - a, on aeaasold at After grow 3.1 Vie peo aiith's out-, ith per square;rOA. th.r his commenced and half. Ono of the -functions, of, the w -i burlap'Mor� f b folla, 'ja!ycjjowfsb, apply nitrate tbui'ap�eais to b'e" aise, ke wa - the pr go the crop'is'up'A' f.�W­tndhe 16.6k,dnd ine'8sage, f, soda, one-third. to. two-thirds, pou-nd oofffolyj lioly, -etc. 'The, t�reefold repo- phet- o soda at the rkte of'4.ounces per V. A r -Arribition. k, to 'he wor -ho fait,h� Amos Was the Fa, rnet" WOrk',. A&k�. t latC4' varletleg begin f4 Per square; -rod# �asa,top square,feen in, aybd, appliod-and re-'titiow-of-the d 51y,gives the:senge bf jug&6.- 416soa 'the.proplift bf'lbllp�. bo'fhc anilbiti i It s ould on of evelty ',!�eatinan e par, oma., es Soil f�r Hou'so Plant8-To. of abs'oltitely,"lioly, ISaiah..de6penec1­suffe'r` love-, micilij-'wAg� th--',! IbL on the J�br F r wpdtti7l, if cobsideftc! necessa fari or to be th usy peasant,-prophei,, preachlllgr K cond, ov �hird bet Or qo1 t 61i" when is, cal ed 0 Sol ee urjng: gF wt Nd -time, the eo le' t ou t of holi 11 e (is en rem�v ng SPAVI In es,, can enera y �RiA sked rulefs aSICI pInntS. 7frOm ,'Y4,..Toun,d­to oun­s., �ople' 'alike -Ito h to biRr'fillal' I 'as 41, Uri; r,,ho y-, growrths-1 no, n a jor ' L, &� 14 fh ofthe above mixture of bO' orce �Ivith, rotftd semira n fl-dih t e 1*0 f , : �oecasion Isaiah't 't tlod.and-to.,cast-foa�r- all po sh­ffila-Y, -d ol §-Ir- omo;tic nin p,a P)h to 0 to a� Ou '�f olin is. as mo.rhl He lamented that Altliough God 'Madc'! to, the soil" which supporte E,� H, , :- — ry 10 � -,4 1 1 �an.t'l ou Po og 0 nr him )r Wik dirs�(Ip very, 10 IS, b�tt6� to of lo.�m, r, . com encej.., 'they AM;ESO -.--SMALL- FRUITS' AND od' response n their part, had' rio 'Nrinlng.. lle'.has, left t lat art, Knotabisrg'Falls; VL, U.S.A. T 1111 un fil Wgj t ''of feitil- was the ol o 'of Isra' Glp�y- fai'th iii the dii�irlo.goodnies8, no,recog- vinds In tho­moin the i�nilici application QAI 1) ORO il I I to' h'is ing white,the'dc* to PS, GENERALLY' Two �Ioraw b i� the earth -whici, was in rustet U 'Usually iii the Old:T6gtam I nition of the � divine caw.;, c . 1: 2, 3.. . 1 .1 r oil,, with JhjS. MIXJUro:r 't z y eni , Kondglh§' ler� and' I care in a worgd �ecn Iii lifee Parts m be g veni, both generally ddilotes t Rgelipalso in, his pa,41m, Treatment a he nimbus Of Is Tjl� '- d to f' found 'necessary or deArabid. �n:seful but, the r6APohso to NO. � i r' P144�gcj 1 is faith. ckpi-essed''i slacked'lime- an 110,.PA Firsena o suppoAed to; burirounii, iies 6f a more gl6rl- he 19' all 11 y. re 'o e xO a bdrvant�- -lie -,is, aji'linfaitlif u I stuward- A hild u sual er! as"o n' f -1 ri f6 b� ther wjh­l:ks vigo ad., .-I-And ri co n 0 MeSs as nItr69dji 'car) large 8 ub 0 ph 0. acid niti t pxjkession of ' b- I." Prince of Peace W a pale yel 6wish '9 a beauty Is, oUld,reign, 11:1-8, , r .. I I I I I � a: :cowla --as to. (G.� " ' ' o�bo­applfed,,, -6 ixtitre., a PM4.. � a ft* drops of machine; oil , te. 11 most easily done yniftli). . � . --- r po 19(na t'� ii�as' b4y Itti of, Ili_ Gilidund bone' '(bono NO: 1,, No. 2' $ at the top of, the switch. It, .,a I i6king."it solution, 0 smoke,, thia, i I M U Xplik-u- U.UT,. Con, 9ek PC 1 part part I A- -- be 'by N 'iratm of soda t gallon, of water, I ve ., en Wggosthd J,e 'a r ll1,r(jti',,,.l .I y S rphosphato .1' part, U'Part e tehi�lo `�ervice, -The ginoke eatt Speed Up,yottr 14tj 4 dnw�. tOU 'r Ot the, :Two t6 UPe from th iiwtilizhtgo r 1136t of, this solution, y on,tho? IMI 'fort, Sulphate, or murla:te: obscilred,"o 'job., '�Only for a MO., not brint himself to b'[ Regulu of jerti4diik,'are 4 to, "inlawr bt, f ers wrlits r per A -Inch pot,: 9PP le every to : 1 �,� � I 1 000 yoarq. N does 11 o d. that Ood would e'defeatod, in his fa,�l tilled for of-Tiotsoh, part 'A ptirt UnVe NoAah S6�, the Uf.; ihf4d Weeks, will be rercord indeod, The Fren;h Govoraii 4, I!Y Y) --hot even though tbe,nation' Ailply at the iate Of 560 pounds to you,, nd grea g save Mqd, sdvc 1�� i" tly inefcaw -offered Ar prize, Soil in 0,reenhoueo 960 Po. undb per'''acro aid top ur srN8P, o SIN,& should be'�scourgo.d� rhis faith wihith waif' won 'Wakcarried stdge further by Sejre- th by a.family living In n 3 miah a eblitUl'y e NOW, wilon docurnants had.b#en I pr r r the enrichment of the loam 'used'aft6r groWth has Well, stakt6di With V. 1�. lsaiaWs� turn 0 1,,* when beside Ord k GUNN'S SAUZ-6AIN FiItfitiz j 'file I -ate of f 0 -onho� n itrate of g6da,� a job f r6)ii thii" 06tifous viloill to d i e qafl eirld hiakd '10 Ur 4ucdd t6 Ahmq tho Ail in the bonehes of gro and I in �on ro, n6s, thbr�bg o � 2', �ou'ndg per acro., The application of Thb,reve'lation of God1s: hollii'es W1114 claimed hii 'that Godos pTajis -n-, s money 6'iti f' ftal hly Incorp6ra .1 1 L , - .. , Ono family a revx 'of the foregoing I Jatioll 'illgao of en dwork] �of.. n ttat6 of'soda may be repbatod after Vis own and hN �.pound Ilixtu a �i�outd go' on without t6mlile, or na-1 the same 'piece, ` 1*9nd tot 000,yot%rt three *ceks,j I 1. 1, , meal and Sul per vii I �Ifnt peoDle1q,-sin fill was 11116d eptorrorjta�US, :8t.,, Clair ti -"t o., With g -nmeof,' 'or t ConsttltourA esitorjyfijta�US, p,;., Spo'ce I is the he land of i T6� eat you lotow Slow I I, dismay.� U:i2cle '14 wanted in tarri TORO What is the old eh Sidered necessary frorw w are*& iaiio not r6pro4onted. N Oquar e feet of b rsnOf' lid Inixtu�o of I, pound a 1 4 ISSU9 No. �0-193i aW1,48--r"Ot hrsy y