The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-05-10, Page 8lift, ;,w jjj;@1111� 7S:, '3 7, 12 F 0- N "s "mmi-low -AM"W1 $4, Tovgs"Y 4. 4-1 "CUR �w T For 4� 4� , -, �i WOO � , r i Mr, t 0' iia�iwoar.� for bome 1 W. i1i Stock' apd. 4;QW looffe Hogax J no Wo vms� Q Ward,, $r, !H�M` JPhn4t9nQ Lqn�. Att Oons-, Y6ts, -D B eut, 1W.6f C rawer rs., ;'t% Alt', A 7 -g M& k i CUM CUR 4. W 7 uo� Oster. J91insto -An,j) r I JE jTpgr *-to 5�0, ur, show fanq in s some- very 119use-- ress6S % Ake -.7 "V --Cl*lr- 'r t'j' 100. 1 Onit op .,,..,re ong. m tOm $ �to$ 7 1r, pi." F, Pron els� ji - 11tU., d' bl df nAT", J- Drennan y, pric a r k efic As N6 V S__ . 4 7 _Cia_ _B A be :d S _I7 TN%, ptomiseilto a. grdat OL ingham Season 50. 6nd7our stock is meffstiO Dlkd� u bptter sr I'V-m;4?, 9 qRa��,' %.4 ac� a _cks q With f `27"inch'Che Ai lk 'a yard,,' H 0, P, a it�,, `8 hO f the, f, in qua: ity . w . . .0 Dpnald 62 n -35P., An an. e�,tr" lep 'oe at' C to zi�U' 58'-` cD� 7 55 A lril�ja j- j h G ij;t; I , MacLefinhw 40. PIM Sr III�J, MacDonald; 52:;: Q.� Rob-;, ,t�anl IF"' Br` T ing a .25; J� 114i, , .1. , � " Cj- 1.�rowwii, 82-, -G.* Viril YS'on,r 42 t ssi Fifilayson,. 1.7;: 114nf- -imrAing Gingham and ChAmbray resse we dre, sh vrU D owing. a yaric y: Y rq. i1t.on 6,; W Ross,* , -on,. 75,,. Mact- M t o Y� 4c. a d A of' plorsdn s I Wt4ble Braid Trinimin I gs .a n n 8c,. a ti Sr Roberts .70 Donald o' Silk -M. M, ;AQ I d Won., ii ng Jr., 11 AcKendkkk 0 ar us, K. P 99__� 2" R` hii,,,fills -a� lbhg-40t7want - being--in--ii- 1�rge-varietyr­of -color-s=oUMendin g* d �ii&nk the Ross,. -59; F. -MacDonalk,56; D Lin "-Silk 4". ip�,.w,�A-dy in''.cEifds, at 5c.' each, for in ri y, of Sillk V va et 5 , U_ "F 80; 1. Marelcen. s, now. in, s yle. os -an, be i,� Jr. V- Finlayson H drS 'k e. diiek., 75- C, Ma Donald 61', qy VM'- bertson,'.Jr,- Mae ae, Sr: Pr.�-A._ Ro �p:ser —46ss. 'than' lisheavy,d4tyI, vainrenin-heaO mo or Not 5� inkidtb' L. MacDonald, F Lisle H In ns — lowest c Fi rs in 4'sdaio Jr. -Pr. (B. MacKendric S3 f6i-4.6pai k ompares in quality with thbse used pecia in BlAc an e of aii extra 8 k d' Sand $had s fine' quali�y H9 6, ,for. C;��t' Y r4c in', o& an t torI have us,6d."`:,. IigheA, giade, automobiles;, it 'lays-qp.-), :ties, R. D. :Ross. ' - ' - i. . c. ­. i I .� :ettar . cz=e h -fr6rh, 0 'n oilpill 5% est spellej'S�M B. Mac onial w6men),s;we6 and 5 priced. at, qc., a. pair.: N ju B D d' du�l b�icatiofi, oositively prcite6tj !L15- trabtors -an gtjr amous oi AV" i i , IK" 1�1 � � .:, .'. '.,�M. :M ,0r.nW. -i 6nginea for Vol in never., reezes an -e scorl, cAing­,skste en Uk d .A did �od` 'R :­kbeitSon-,­C.��M-ac 0%i?rY.0r W moving parts; its . C nes Donald, . D -Robertson,' 11 d ..se 'Arick,' R;,, Fnla ?�3 (Maers,, Idoni jro_q N-Ae yson. uires refilling et 0 0 cilLw­ L �yozv, ion. t Co &61 f3chnits b _;�_A- ad6r, for,- this.'s e'ason�_, i�­tiie� e' _W. atines we.­arre­--� Af -Ti its in .-nic -qgality.,even oven. 1p, um- shb.w 40 Inc es i6de, in a goqd',vari�ty at' M-. a, rd.,,:�, T o e kdd were s-oon't �f d 8bpendab h hi .,6.f Colqjs'. ya h s inai Ab or ilit�%, But. ing, c eap fael oib*zuccei;sfullj. ns 3 a Ro onzaTItIr e or moie egAin-mck ib h.Y OP . o' un PXr 41un., ur- ­"'j brru,'teasonb ar S f U xer. �,i4laysoh teac 11. e.- Let U dwel 9' b Cr sh,.T 7, v, F 5, Nfip; "9; Ashfiel&.- S S �jS� DiAl I -U,. 009 'Countj( L,;. -': "Giz. ffl Pe' ,',K,. b t y% or ers �-L'Mary V i n'tit" 7 7 1,�,- E N N EDY ee r. a §h`. Bath Toi�rels-,,-.��. in.. 'white and 011", Rlil our ,splendidiil assottinefit of ig� 4' :� �. �� ­ : ; RO 11 � ': 41.00 an h, - 'and a neAt - Guest:Cj 1a e ' . ash b d' at 60, 7k.;' d 4.25 �AC w Alice -Shaoklebocr, 70 6.st6-u.(I, for 1, kettj 77"1 ID 1 r be. it dd to 4qs�Nrer inqUirjeS.,', IK We, hav6 good quality white an colored. r il�atrick'. �8; W. C g(� ToWe irth Ac�. border, 'dt- 40, d ;S : IV—Olive Leq ciba,e 53 Turkish . -30,,:35 nd 40c 4, ling by, the yard, �;at 2,5j Ma'rx'aret Finlay,'-17.5,;­E�iiil' j bIlinston, �.62 'Richard Kilpitrick,' 5,.3� �Clifforcf Kilpatriek, 60' ows Jr. III C P *111 Eff R S _jt A K Harold U e.,b St... Isie. Vint, Th6 na J ster 91;" Jack Curran. 7, was 9�'O.,;,( 6 1 ons is a guaran e 'of -the' extra quality'; bduyancy,: "OW $C11"004 me Sjjrft 99 te VC 1� I expijns,� Th6ihps- no, 79 7 V4 a ter�.Claro, 89- 1-6 -, k'In, b 6-� Ik f J.1 a( 4 �,q U11 .0011111 Jo, h i o n, `8.9 9` 1, -:13 0.s htire ng. rah-,,i,ft Bern al. 90(j`G j3lhke'i �2 M 'Con ah& of iforti't e freed O'm, rom irnpurities -these Pillows.,: The ti6ki D Hackett. (�absentj. C gge,ItN' iiii�fd &4 7 - - nt"o.qh,. T`35'; �R- MacCAllurn"649 e �ie* fb lowing. 19� tbe. rbfult .6USr . Ur.", �y patterns an Sr I­-Winnifred B alie.� Etta Line �ther- Proof ''Priced atI2.75, ea�ch.'. B1, s C. I. - To -ni-hest av qwart ,846--- IV 4' Ki. Ala Donald' e h §t. E xam L'The, 1 It Ive a e. 8 2 I Jr, l3eat cei 6roilIV Curran-', Clir6 7- a'. Kil Primer Vern Patrick. A, 5,E .'Ap- -I­ co ri V—''Mary'Vifit '71 ekle­ A RDOCH, V 2(/r; Alke.Sbi_ MU 7 ton -61 Millie and G' r et and 1�.� Wal & A., ,6dd6s� -Co S, SL'" gr N Olive KiInatrick. ewz tor"Lane .72;, Leo Clate. ta! ith. miiiod& 8ka'ssiers red w. exact, -Elmer Johns Jr IV -L ton,. 80;, Mat- 11-� �� - hard KilbAfrick, pare ­Ein-IaY4.L6.3_,_jU ,a_ I Y 041 ":So ..�turd III' Clifrora �VHITiECHURCIj Kiloatiick; 65.' U�6d' %'and`-in9de` ity. that, they 'Elsie old Webster '87, 'Har Jr; III� b' d in� and- day�' 'out' d Mr :85,..JAck Curran, j. "i F, and Miss el atr. V 'e, r 1d: f Cr�(we,, vi Cj V'e.1je$ _jj A rk-, t�;-`77r,-, Ara_ J_ JA)r1s' Mir erivol S W Itef' Claie, 87.- A_ �Jted­ojj.. Sunday� at-L"M 9 -Ber e_ -glak e R e, C heapii Than.1 res, BoFx�Tto� -Mis, �-Goor' cQuoid be ime ej, ab� nt ;NIM fot-Ad FA k n. 0, jP9 e May� 7th- :*ja ::a —St -3 d Blake.' S t,�'I�Lefa,$�t-L S �,pftz-.-W_inghai�n -L-Winnifro a -t-arre C j A. daug�i r, oil Y CG� V sk� wa -RE U M L woz-pai IRE _ker lioip6'bere uk Blake-, i u- m- J en gth-j Lr7ho e' -s -Xo 01­i--�Ie- Torothy -ian-i-- -77= J_ 'ad- lp-r --mi-p- �e_rzte_ly qt. W_e,�_axe _S _,i.j d yi-� 2 0 $ t :f SUre to' ce 22, ;''A lhls,� tline;;; on. are, require I'vIereft, vho iyes here vnih he,. an, Stoilic S.',Teachqz'-. .`jessio- A in e g Seri- or -daughter,_ C,1�3, 0.' -3 1 9--i"'A :p6piulal. od Mrs -A. wi. is;_�U# C htt -8t4";: ta-if *x SHIV, MUM, v _g to M (-Daily'Mafks) 7 7 g: co We Are,. gla L i, 7 lit 1 a I e wh-16k� o- 50-:A� te- �.se_, dpsirjn"�� d report that r. pit,ha Ga 0 yine rid' --p "j,C. 'd' w P ------- 6,_ $,2., 50--. 777 116W,fig: .,Is making favorabtle'� ximme e 69 eppei�, c le ' ', - L' -, - , I .. , , I - Nosi 1� KL ift cor ad ite S fh wh 44 our,: t-dre. W6­ba.V0'L a -po-IM.'Plete rom. fadponagh '14- H�, - — -------------- 7t pital and a 1Y'CV I Ace r S loward ock the -fo _H s recovery D_ ­JV�M. �,te Pepj)2r.,!- 59,,, �C. --2-9-8 A. 6&1 ­�tda d or �av .56; .(j. gj es 'iii �t�0 'Methodist,'bfiu'rch.`next -Sunday J. Ri.c ib 4 -e 'Ptj c hisertSrjil. we part. M 6S t 'b6' An re . . - i �A Noiliers 47y Ritebi� service WiIIL Jr. 'A1XTS---Sh6t win P r Williarns Paint the N t'Land t h OL erage. gures, o E­ -,;ec r'�rli _Ma6D nagh,, -8 n. the market. W ofi6mical. e A in: ifte' in- charge the­ftsior4 paint ave rzioon -5 0— su. ny. p of! b a-ck"l- -A paint itable -for pose4 .,.Osterhout. Co n a ei, I j. ' t : . , . . all' §hades.-and ' " *1 me And Wear U M, 'R - t. H diiiie" 0 ..Rev, J. H ,derSOL 55' W,."r H ntc�r,' 5.0;, ur mother. 41,0w *h. honor.,of y6'* a er e" g-r 'DaWs" L ere V.a�t_ bL;e p!, . _.' if . Cnj WL Ame -h heAdeatifinish' ­�,f it I I .6 , : - A d - _NQ;I,',37 5 - A EA. -,fi -G -r,.,d �Zi� 11Y �e 4f or In the Old Cou I ntry A H�nter, W :.F., R i te, le, ca .7 �r; W09i6r,' 45.. m Hunie, ng'' afid: sp �W -S G a Tsh ' des,.,,Li�,li-t.---Oak,'-,.-D-ar-koak..i- Ol &.�,�;O' to 0! ak, � F de_� -ol— -o-o-d—gitiali rg i c A 1, r tL fi ni " ' L ago, left on Thursday of. jaStL e'k Ity -ti ture. It" is 'als I o n ftM 'for 'fur her onioL.: Atliht, E t�hi�, "W in"' f " �� ­ . acrosi­th6', .1111-A— .'Ri ari e`x�e C 'priced at' $ 1 ;50 2 V_ ef win -7 'T- iams­ -,Q -a- -n G S , N'�� a ofiio�F- _ -,R 11.-l1- It. 'd., V -A- A .4 W,5MV S i �- , _ . .1 - 4N e�­ h 0 hot" L, -A i a an a so 'N' 'I'S 7:4 11�1' ttrac anner --NU 10E -Z-0 _ _ liVe..*14c fn 44 a - Varnishes,' .,j it — __ . , , ; Mar d ChisNaniel._., fibi It. a -fi6 riors. And. th -in 8 In L6 n aera ( .�i st. -A" I ur0s "ilia matter of. the4stiate of N26cy Eti'096 i��fijito cOLI a 71 th r. iaT her, -e h0e., b 6" d H Sr., b.9 to :'-e J5 -art idle al.11 Wi 14�" W`e ttebbji,late�of..th,6 Townshilp-of- Kinw:�' e d RESW alt A Cl 't -1fun -Bock? f fos. 4n lie County of- U ..dec -ter e', L 0 tl-,g u e Ure' t Ajoer 'as�t d. A fa e prices. is ing,, 111kt-TSMS" --Paiiit :artd: VarnishL Brus e,s a a 'Notic lipiroby;'90-ven that all h 0" R e sup�drtero, �,and 'p r! q d 'r% ' ' r " . per ons_h*ving�anv-�-cl i 7-�=aLisrtor4�pp,111 ta n, sh—Brushe . I,, aims-or-dennallrds- t e - Nancy �,Wtobb., -who � -mar H, Gardnc-r,­80:-,` A' "Ojil Y g ains 7, Q. 'died on,'or, about the­stvehth'day-of* 'Brushj6r.!aJ murek pp ying -6h Ail),. 19?3, 'At the Yqwnship :of. Pe , pp.er.r, 46. 1-vv.tlt�0 �Bdf rsets, 7 Wire; tisf A&i*ed`r-*-LA- Kirilosisi In ipm t Of 011 the�Countjr -z�f truiee, are J eril jjV r I eouir to So epaid 'or to Ce tc Sp6jljh�, Pep ed t tnd by post pr 04"L,IL Barb,Wke-aud. Woven Fen .... .. deliver to the undersikinedf E?ceqyto,r And 48 C, R 6rt�hj NO?. 66,% an,&,3164'7" �!,,rheSe n&W­r je,­4 eii:,,nar c sai ancy,Webb,, d Corsets air 6, i tit e'n de'd for, t h of1114'eitatb of, th n e 91b 'r S"r "T, "e -N 'I "M R 1 stfic - 17 r A 11—'R,-�--N "'A n-'. s, Om&its atDO11 b onef, W1 -their accounts. And dr ith "D- Am-, d.i.e. ticulars in writing claims, great f eatare- 'ft nature of the SoCuritleS 'if any, hel L du fi : -then!, I ed. b� [jok,e­ kA0W ''Hardware* Coa y veri, y Affi a tWckieth- day, of Mra (17;- Rit.6L T, hAd 'Uf N- "L a . 4,jrtp Me- lthat-" 1 r the guairant' da I ed M 'ek b6nirig.,�, SIX "I Gdog 74� -Affid t It L, a Hunter -_67- A- Hdtter, ;.,' 5,7 rt. 'e, W; WAster y A.D.i. chi & ) r, - , .1 4 1 , :Said Exeeutbt w -ill proceed to dig�* rain would! li 'd do r: ITI—rA, A koly, i fis� Po a ctop� tilat", Mp.0 'but6 the astets,,of. the Ai - 't, L 'r. , ­$ 3. Q,O. POURT11 C . ON' XINLO$8 tti it Co s Li e I , )erson$ , on tjfI ed Spell zitob-'ej among - - th would th eer, t e hedft of to,, having - IC 'a ra8sfers', In W h it -;4-M We far t the W.ob' 4.Q;" N_ i el e N 64i 6 d e,'B Mj' rekatd only t to %4 May j th., Angus' (�raIiam on.i Mri's . A dASO , , , a 6ti do" 'a d that, �20 IjIg1f6r,thj4r:S '�4' 'h d n li6 4jl. ij. at .5,0,�,,6 d I 6f, 16e h complete A nit t�6r _W� �p rth It n: d a ha Ijfrin,. _ ___:_ 7".."'. ljabl&,­fOr tbe gaid'' Y i4id 9 d.- Man h u 611, the. West; will 'have to any '.),'ist- A erno. n..,, r any Part, thereof Mill rson I not Aft, by. f 1 T) ol Whose' claim, he, shal' 'aturda r A16x Mack iZie wfi,�, s itis, I *,n 'have, received nod I'- The, h!k0ot. P 11; ni'aldht- �1�0q� Is A s beeh i I W I � given pursuant to' e time ha Plobiflgo� (5 9 th' MIttir '�"�T for, Xay,�,C�­ , , - $ �y ketti h Quen Y C U.1 �al,nriogj wd aga In. b6ch' ih`6� der'6 for Soj-�j that-bblialt hip" 'wait- L at. Daf idL Uck L no I s(eventeen th )Ott e. OUt'Lof L the 'M edielil 0. che.qt� 'M1 S§" ' " r !ing rnoth6ir'i M`tS,.'Wjh, � r I ­_ �� , _ " � L '" L 11 " " I 'L I., L" I, I . ew We - 1, ragq�!#r r)aV Atind tire g Ad,. boi�,'90 j)f Arpfrj� I.f, G et aeXell,6i ig*abld t6�'bo about again', Who` h48� been 'Very ill for 8onjo Wdqk R" .3 '91,414 (40ves ck of tho­jj�'­"'-_­­�._, rj�� hagi idtbrneid' t6­h�n ho Ufk,,f e -he�6t to J";I", di, L , "1.1' 0 n' I fr C llnthq d!% Witt I;' I avy t ai, , '00 i1ndekst'intj that, Mr�,i Gco, AY� we L06 the .61'' wt NX, a y :Wjr, 66 f'; 41 k 11 f to Nd going, to, ri 'do at, Ur" 11� Uc�' stdred fo &j. tp�uhjr boq1th d'S s, Vit awl f or, A 0, IS. 1L fifle, Wherb AU0111 roquiredi 11,1JAilte ion low b t,` 000, A bqXl,� alli 6 , or t 0,6e4 ff000 It V" V Chitsel ointindn rel ) �pti tit 6net bb 'ein 1, 01 A iniAt is, a *ohiah 'tAk 9 men "Wo - ' ­_' ' h"'"i . 9 0 Oki ygry PrOk T I AWOL t 0 BOX trap 1, 7�T 3 log �W$j y4. $fit fa 9 'too A 0904fol ..,tr . Sft�), M 2101-i 1:4