The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-05-03, Page 8• " . 4.. • ' • ; • „ • iSf"4-7"t,rittio-61,44011t1: 7141 'S 'Sid Ogg, •': ,••• ' • , ""'•,' • t.. • - ;... .74 • " 7-,i•;44,4., 44, q• , , . • . r•A A!Y,"4'i• .V4tA,V"F!'"Icra rtirof • ,, • ••••.'7 ..•••• . .-*-- oL 47 •,••'":---",•• •7—•." • . • . ••.„, ; eat' Congoleum Art,,,Rugs in a. variety of , iful .PO:ttetnsi, ;for Icitchens,,:,,Dtning';-Roonis..and‘ fresh stock and each 6airies? the old.Seal 'Pledge --"Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your riey Back." • These Reduced, Prices are for -Cash, and for One ekil/n4T. regular price $ 9.00, Sale sprice.$ 7.95 iegulai\price $1.1:25, Sale ,Price $ 9.95 ize, 91,9, ,..` • regular price $13.0,, Sale' Price $11.95 , ize 9x!0 1-2, regular price $15.75, Sale Price $1395 • • • • We invite you to see the .beautiful designs, color- s and qualities of these Rugs. Also see our Window 'splay this week. , .• , • .... We showing an excellent range ot Linoleums 2-4 and 16-4 widths In very new patterns. Also loor Oils in the popular widths; at very reasonable ices. See our fine, range of Draperies and Curtains. RD()CI-1 .41 • ,• • , • • • •-• Phone . No, Your -Service ' We Sell for Cash -We - Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores UIRE •.;..--- • , • numerous articles- which .you- will find in ,our store. We have. a 'completestockof:the •following:--- PAINTS---Sherwin Williams. Paint best and .most" economical paint on the market ; We have it in all shades, -and a -paint. ,suitablefor any purpbse. ifERWILLACTlie•ideal finish-forilobri, 'Ooines'in all shades,_ Light Oak, Dark Oak, It is -1so an exellerit' _Apish` for-fizniture/ rA1NiSHES--Wehave Sherwin Wi1liarns-KopatncL Marnot. Varni es; -and also. Chi -Name -Natural, and these haveno superiors. • , M1ItES(10.,,,-This iS an ideal :wall finish; and we have. it in eveti. Shade.,. BRITSHtS.aintancl Yarnish, Bruhes'4-C-p-11-4-)ri-e* : , . . . A good range of.Whitewash trushes. See. our „ rush-forapplying Muresco Just ,Arrived --,,A Shipment of Coiled Wire, • M,v-rdte81 Son uccessori to Litlinow 'fiardWke-& Cbat Co • • . • Vimirmworsomor,144.44„144,441.4., • MAFEKING Miss • Sara Mullett , , . Week With her 'aister,,,Mra.'Wm.-Elake, Stothers, ----Clinton, spent the week7end .with Mrs. Stothers:, • „.-• Mrand Mrs- Wesley -T-wamley--who a short. time age 'Mimed to - Detroit, , have ,decided that: they. prefer the .1#nifto'.:crtylife; azitrlinVereturneitin': • ti.nte% to put.. the• crop on the 'faith: ,WetwelcOme.,th:em".back -• • '. - • • - - . 4S1F-IELD- NOTES:• • % ,The ninth annual meeting of•kait- „ . 1}.1nd_Presbyterial• S i11 be • held 'in 'the Presbyterian Cliiireh,4;13elgrave,cou Ttteadetiti,J.May, i5th, 1923 Mornig Session opens an; Afternoon SesSien, 1,30 P.m Evening -.SeSiTon,4 7_ p.m Miss -Pale- •thorj, of • Korea, yiIl address, the. 41,t•cinoon,"SessiOn:;•:-The';ereniagaeialoit ito .he addressed'' 1:YY: Map. iar, of Toronto '• . • 7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS•„:••••.:. , • . • • „In .the .estate of'-NancyI'Vebb; late orthe'.Township of Kin•• lossinthe County Of Bruce, Widow; deceased. • • • ' , -Notice ialteieby--given that i.onA :having any . claims nor demands • against” the, late Nancy Webb. who 'died on or about , the seventh dosr of ''. 'Marea'A.D, 1923, at th& Townslun of • „ 4 0744; '74,74,44•P, Qtt.TP". S. 1:,'•Nfidos$' . • • • jr:. 6aniP- bg.11,-.7•Qia_Maglail, • " jiin SEewort, 4;1,4:7 ,IVIS7r1 011); 343.T tee. 044-13,1*.r1•••-•••%-i-•-•-'''' 'VOW 1T-407611;E1nil•lWacTiouall7 • 00n4—Torionitid. MacTnrns Poa l' ."4•4' MacDougall, Malcolm .Stewitr, • MacLeod, , liatherine • ' Nfaciiiiii$;• Katherine •Cfknt434 Eve • ." 7DOttgall',-Tinro,id • A Class-tRobbie. Carapbeli; • Ruby. ' MacDougall; •Lontlence MacLeod.' • „ ' • ,1 'Jr IV• -•-Roy •Macinnia .65 . Tom England; 65; 1rairY Sr;, III—JesSie, Coflrns, 5, Ji in•'• . Stew4ti., 7o.,1.14yt•le, Gamble', ,65;" Myree• • Jr. III-7-41.arold Crnpbefl 82;' Frank .MacNall„..72;:- •Edtut• MacDpugall; 69, • Number onroll, 28, A.,yerage ,at• • • tendance, 24 ••• ' • • • • • Jetinie-IVIdeDonaid. Teacher.' • . ' S. ,4, West • Wawanosh Senior Room :(Test Examinations) S -firsts, 1 • •.second;.„Vera, Woods,. 1 firat,".2 seconds and 1 'third,;.• -Greta --Webb; first, 1 second,,`1. third, 1 failui.e. . ' ,• Ir=lirene •WoodS, S. Elizabeth Inglis, 2 Arsts, 1 second, 1. tNtd; RObena 1VIartin•,. 2. firsts,14 sec, oncl,, and 1 .Q.„; LuelIa Rintoill; ond, '1' third and 2 failtires; - Lula IVeatherhead; George-1VIcQuillin, Reg,e , Lavis, Graee • Carnet..on, Gatint,. Lynch, Totunty Todd, Winnifred Ms-; • • • Doroth5i C. Douglas,' Teacher. Junior'Ronm .„ -.10--Walter ForOler,'..57;• Frank', Carrell 54" Alargaret Ctunming 51.* Helen Millet.; 42. -Elnio Pritchard 39.. Margaret Thom, 35;Alvin 14iller, 32 Jr,' III .-Mildred MCOuilfin, 53 Margaret 52; ',1-iarold :Hyde 42; 2; Margie Pur vis, 12"; Gordon LyonS; (rnisse( one .czain,) • • ' .• Sr.: I ..%---Isobel Miller, 97; 'Helen Thom, 884..1..Onald Forster 52: Sr. • PriinerNeely' d d, Calvin Jr,Triiner7,-Veronica GaYnor,:Diek Weitherhead,'Myttle Mcquillin;; •"A"".;•: Class -:-Florerice Dorothy Miller, Eldon Miller, GordO": MorriserUi Je411.Thotn, David Swan. .en 27;. Aveiage- At- tendance jesgei_M.J3ttakingliain,--T-eacl;er. ' S S No 7 Ashfield • ; V—Dennis Hogan, 66%, •Sr, INT --;.T, G. Ritchie, 67'r Lloyd • .4„.; " "The Cheapest 2174 'Pallier" .r.e.t.74,r.4.•••="1..1.-•••••F.-07.10'.0.04•4 •• • —4* •"" „I' • . 474'."4 • • • 1 , 77 • w fseasons servw v4-ut5ninutes t'rou . „ o • • :* , Not 5 minutes trouble -Ie than Its heavY dut3r,valve-in-heail motor C1 for repairi in 4 seasons --lowest compares in quality yetith those used Uel-,tost of aoktraotOr "'jn'Mated grade', automobiles, its , from an OiIPuII dual lubrication. positiiely protects who has %used tractors and ' vital moving • parts; its famousoil . • •••• iteani-engines"-foryears:Like sC:orest-Tcooling-Sylitern-neverT-freett`s-taid,-' of 'other letters from OilPull Owners, 'seldom requires refilling; its methOd 7 • it pie,iies beyond question .-0i1P011" ;cifTriple kleatCoritiol Permits !Awn- ' eeenontY and: 'dependability. But big cheap fuel .0113 gucediusfully. 'verb do .APLUs1astsoJongand run Some reasons are: Let us explajn furtacr. 7 7 • • ROY P ',KENNEDY County. Distributor, •Gl^nlis large illustrated catalogue. .. • - •'• : Will be glad to' an§weringiiiries. DroP postCard' for Illwern11111.100mininimaunumnien r ' • • •:7.7,. Edward George &ha1ma young1..of; weeks he ..one day slipped aml fell. outface. The water being quilt°. dee,i,•,:. ' - of Caifick Township ..! left the 1 ‘,.,,..aotnet„ a Inhis- descent his head came' tone, Ire, was 21 , ' f ." I •• ccnsiderahle height" into the the body , \'' as: not 'located 'for ,Sowe .- • ,, ...-.p% frfrni and , gding to Detroit a month.,.. - .. , . with , • • . t• ..,. .t. • b . ti • • i : il .. t ,• IA i. , „ fro.,,,, • ' ••• 0. • News ;o age and . - . - , .., ,. „ in contact wit a mice In, ini. ei. ns Ava lys is e, p Q, a\ a, at". :P6ctlied Nio di on tile belle 416 'and' on reaching the .Water he went, home , • The', r'ein aih s •I'v.e:":brocigiit7' Ihridge.-After14ing' at.,/01.*,, it.'" eoUPle' • 'down and did 'not ao,h' iri cdrue- to:the •AlildniaV f or . in ternient:, ' ' .' „ , , • : ')1:' lietan .,.81;:,4i',Ortinie • -loan, 76; 'Vella .Gilino;e, 76.4 ' Ritchierfabsent•Y MeLecid,-721-Frankie Gilmot•e•5O. Piiiner—Margaret, • Ritchie. •-.'"":;*.-;',"'": • Average attendance I for mDnth ig 13est----Speller"-for month-LI'Margaref- . /.... ,, .. , . OoDEniOn .. TAUGLISTlisl.k.c'' „ ..' tribute the assts of . the.. slk de-, On Oct ,iyer.:12th,...:44st .41,4-;-_,A,1,1:. :'' . i. .....-....'.1,i764;Y, kill.i'l:;-;,10."111.:'.'''...r:7etli'4'‘eityl6;'%0f.hawithiniel;'41*};,:tVit.'4131.1hStP,i7haee'thvtici e...Ted antong the persona . entitled 'y twAri the St.ilar0 neAr the BeOford Irate], entTioe, e.,nl. knocking: Min:down,. Jfit. Cron ; wh.-6 i*a' rtling:, a ,.bieftle, in hi lihtalhabile; rah down Mr: - ' 'AO till, c.cops verj, cool, 'at tho. ts.t,of • • .;:i:7,1,.i,, :.1,. 4., itnei.g' . alg'1.a:11 g, •:,t.%,t1",16'...so.e.,(11,.n.e,, ithtti tor mil itil,npil 6_ 1, t;. ,:rcf01 i i ,t,. • and s tno, .. bdse't 5. e:hijcifit. !tt ab . r...itei..h . !er,.., i, : ;.: 1 ri: ;1 This . 11:1,1„. ; ..”. !,/t a:: .. id..e. vid;oeVett-ftittstio' his'-ht0;.• AS.- 'tkT1t ‘?(Ilh''rel'i(te 'till ", ii,"fel,i,..-est.:..i.if ''fl'ii''L:th•"O' have receitree notice, 117! :., • ,::,..:,.....•.'„. , ...tauht _datuaeLtoLaz,:pxt.d.ut„..of$1.20;.., ....„,.iiiiik...:13.e.vei.,,,iiik.. aiiiifii.4.,,;brotb,,,i,„, , re kin hix Iyitwtik„...mp,.. Qurson: It, thc. bait*: ,. , : • , .,.., ,....i'Iltis ;Vtv:tin'iaTn.te:_r_o•tj...O.,n_t ,t0.t• heAt"..tu te:71::11, .., Tudke..".L...,II, 1110Oon t'g.'crd jU40110t. . .,,,, . . . , Ztd- ert#4-..,,fo-rIzthrintaintiff.:4 Ntilti...ara._.,visiting.4).1r.; :,, ,,_..,' : ,;,,,.. , • ' ..,', .11400:7,4t„1411/C11,0W ..t ioteyeAteentn,. }..1. judg•rnaat , 0,18,•..1.0,,,or ,••gi,„ Elite,..:Etorati. and h;;..,15irdb."ala,', 8.5. ,:.A, s_i:ili4"..,..D4,.450!3ied..g;ce4eri,..., , •, tate4 that the, 'lw '. \04 ntirltd '4at 'ittitiiik.,111r;, Porr'i5, ntoth0-:, 1 ,, r . ! ..; . ' . ' *.---#-4..•--4-H.. • • A , -' ih, the oose .of tritor,oedentA in thitt • • LOCAL 1' titICETg the drivel of' the oat % the'::detIlant,' • Vt" Clia'r116. gir'g' i.4 h.611i6 iii'bill 150" : ''' .., its, te4 to 1.1..1,0.8.0Onibia far, the ire., ttoit for ,,, short time 'city' life 6p).r.i4 ! P06 „.... ; al t ' • 4 0. 4 4'i! r 4 i 4 4, 4. , ‘, 25e. , . • itttit ''Unl.NIE he eOtild: rttito that he to gree witit hint. , ' 1 % ,•-, , - 7., ,,,,,,...." •I .. ....;.',,..... p„o......ir..v...vo.eittel..iiri.ia.•t„,. „m.- a„..i..e,'_'__',m.....,,aq,„-..p'4"..,e'9e.4,n4'",-,:xu cl' 47o.7_,An41p.''74r...4i1pnu.I71,44.,.4-,7.. -.„ 6„'40 ,„ 41.4,4 1•-7.0., •'„,.,•, . ,,,V-, ,It,C•,I,_.N•. ,-..' 4„.,2 „. -7.. . ,•.104,.4„°,' t . •”. .Y,'. . '' P:qB.44u,4ht0tt3,tit4.: i i,i,i'6,''.144e olo1'4 qa.4'447,;,1•"i.4•/i1,i.,41'4144o4fI47f'„,0'01„01. t.• 21•0.03.511"Cd )fnsltwaS,Oot 1111 wn.n:„,iei„0,#C„4.e4i14„44±4i4,44#4001,, .:010°T'i°PITP°P6.W”w •40ii4iii4:044 1 7- 7' I#P9OI ,,,.. .:' ' 7 Rj.alos,s. An. the_County..44---Brucerare- .eonied to send by nose prepaid or to, deliver to:We tifidersigrieil,” Eiebutoi of the. estate of tlie„,said Nancy. Webb; -Lheir7n-ames And addresses "and full oartiehlars in writingof their claims and tiits.of theiTieCounta'and „the nature thesecuritiS; ifftanyl, 147 ;Ahem, duly „verified inr- :Ad 'take notice " that, After the isrntlth day of May .A.D- 1923, the said Eicecutor will proceed .:10 (Hs- . , 7 . . - . .7 ' ..;'„:*1'',1,14=1".ter , '••::1•1:54400r-75;"*''';''31t3''''f''',4)."•'; ';''''''''''4•1*,',.'''''• 4.4'7' tkAg II' - '';'' ,,,,47!-•,.4•47;77•7'. „704;?.',;00,`"$'7, ', ''''',4"'',..' *,'„'";',"'"i'7,,7'. '104), ,71;r*Rtity;i1/0.1 'Iiiiqldi . `'M''' "., - #., ' ''''... ' '`• ••,. ' • , • ,a •CA-a„.„....r.„...„ , . . , . . ' .. Os . , . 0 ' • • i , ... t,„•;;;,,•.„ o • "I'f.•:.' ;,-,,,, ., .,,,,:,..r, , ' ' ' ,.:fig:o.,' ,.. i "r, t', .; toi'IZ's-I,rii;I:o:,'`lio"'." „ • . r',". ' 4.4.,-;044+0044,40•5704.0,iol*T4 ' ' • 471-7; :,,,.•;,: ... 7 1; (•,7 - ',.•Y',"''' "'.. ""! • • Violet v. ivecLeilpatILTedetol.,,,, .yvEST:--IYAWANO„pH. COVIV11`.: • The Coca' held its 'regttlar ineinberS.Lpfesent-andj4leoVe.,*-aylor- , , • • „ in the chair . . . The minutes of last mting and the Treasurers statemeRt.A.Yere,7„...T.,,,r4, tiecept 60.,••The'•'.plerltiwaS" order; 'A:ling.,' 'cah.ineitag:7 • . : • - • - Clerk 'and Treasnfer,;' ••frth•• appOin.ted•-read, TWO„ ty.'-la•Wi authorizing •tli. paYment ,Of: -the tefUnd-on..-the -Patter.- ,'gon and Young's 'Creek Drain '•woro'' passe& . •„ s ' ' "r.R-T61 at`cetints •-feacir', — and ordered •, • • •J Olt n„, Wilson; 'C1o•aiiiii%4•04V6i•tii,'” $1,5(L. Albert ,J, Thompson, Road .Sapert., • • •ntendance," Nrs.W A 11210.p11, 1O J 76if-11?:%eocirg7 7' outs,'$47. Good, PiUng WaShents, $67,po: Refitnct7•••'.'" "iati-3t6i1#0'*"Creek Re -4 - fund qn. Patterson Drain, The .06W:wit adiOtirned tO -meet a 4,.160.1.4•C•Ot ReViSibtr,on the:.;;25th MaY ° • „ . . • . Canada noW..POsSeSseS Itehe 900', "rnoViti niettire theatres; ,'Presenting an inveotnient Of $30't' I 900.000.;:„..aco1inet4a.:„.aif.estiniate- :of George F. 7 Lewis„: fire ainhal • ;(if the jroyijceJn'Addi.tion...there are v-alued At :anntexiinatety• ..t.150 000 .„... .... IT- ''.11.1"110.41 inoleum, Congo1eum 7,7 • r • , • • • Inoi C n*Upg ( rlo‘iii(1)71heer 1 mt..• ()base's t1,910.4. lc fel,erev: • fe ir°hit' CI*e;sfkailetlhr-ililli"•':-Stutipurto*. to tentionYthI o, , 7dZA, • 4ttg.' • 7,11> • . • ' • • :itdflefljjffl1j,fioth:;I cr- edrooIn and Livin oom „ • , B-eginning Saturday, Allay '5th,, ancl continuing- for - Olid Week,the foll&wing Special,. Prices will prevailon. Conioleurn ,.• 9x6 feet, regular $7-9.00, COnoleuni Week $ -9.5_7. - 9x7 regular -$11.-.2,5„.:Coiig-oletuaLWeek.,$ , . 9x9" feef4-fegillar:11-3-:50;–Congosioll—Veek,$11.95 99 1-Ifeet,,regular...$15.75i7,Congti1etini W -eek -4$1 S:95 9X12 feet, regular S18.00, Corigoletirn'--VVeek. $15.95' -12x1.2. - : • • • JUOt A rri Ved,02.• ,nw oltittment • r" This is an pat- . tern in an ilcloth to, earooin to be -had ,Lwitdth • at • $1.10 -per running • yard t• ' . ...• ,.• .„, • • • it *4'4 4+114,.," rot #• • - VIPR72-06; t!..f 7,as rr • • • " • jra 'OH "tneasi.,rb Nem? Suit:; prices front $25.00 to $60,00 aud ' • SatiSfartion 7. ••• • V9r9419$. • • *000040„'„ t• MOM;401;111111 7-.„7.11%."";••%-!% % —.44424:4;t44•0•44,4,'„Ii -7 7 7 •"' 4.-340, • • • orp.„. , • ; •• •A'A A.,-744-14000,174!$7'0:0, •03700,9..tti.P.0 ' - • , ••1 ..1?•••