The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-04-19, Page 8l! 7 27 0'­ N� A A, ;1` 00� -7 "1 d. v T, ox, 114N, MU ION On RT 'Z S S NO: SAShfie14"` Or" M40P9-4akh,, 77;: A Ritchie, -G 'i ii'�, 0 ETTE '1, 79 W,, 1pi� ...... ....... R. H,.t I ardper.­67. P, pbster ("sent) feOper"L 00;, .9. We IV---."Geog'.. Q ram.., Oomp;. ; L (C. P.el)pe 55,'. J � Andre*, 46 T1 haverecei ed itchie j R. pa, m of N1 lin� 41 Bbys Suit's we R itchjre$� tie�, 42t 71, an r 111,Geog. jst:��D­ An' m ium k �shadt-s, W -eat � d ki & - R 'Po4f­ a, t wr P0 W'' as--+ D, "'Mw"Don-a-1kh h ea ftli C an -they.�are.,g axan 04-tdwstandthelea iT'� Dou p publ'. P :- ftibng, ui t d pter F Jr JII-;-Jnt 'Writing 'an d 650:L t art,d, wear. of boyi�, $zes; 20- lo, K and PdOd� at $12 A. Himtqt,, B. ,QA, , ner.: O,L$14-00e ttuntqr�. 70; V. 'Kitchie 71; is, Web ­ 'line f, Boys Ano 0 nov pter, (for Gpog on y),90.. Jr , HL -r;, a mcd'UM ftlx Tweed; nicer P;tt.7 VVkiting 06og, N Ander,, 'tbrn. -and-V We- Side meama * on. P W G� 1 7 t X. Reid. JWriting); 66. -4090,, 0 MM4 '20, to,, 6. d 6 Th 5%;Jji f 4, -Jr�. 11-&'Gardh eivi�­ G V E'. Wet te Pr:­�G Andoirson s r. A 8 NOL on roll 2 A bpe-cial,in-'Bo Vants,.'good WeigA� anj Y$7' Bloomer Tweed' 406d. Teae4er, d X#ce, :at eej on Y S n -,Wawjno it + February', and. Marlk­, r W. 7" �'(Sienibt Roopi)` Sr., VVeia Woods., Greta W bb., re&McQuillin,* S j, V -1 t6be Irene Wood oIV�Re ''use (Dorothy, c-% s -B S, U a erge Sr, ge. Lavis. Quillin. Lula Wetheih6ad) ties. Lila, , Gelunt. Grace Cameron, 'Muriel Miller, 4 W Ed'die -Gaunt.­George Me e hae passed into- stock this week a shipment Qgiffin.4 6f,The Art'Craft,Bl le ren46 ynch.'. Tomilik T dd �Se 0 1651 Uits for'Men, T1166 'are'h Superior''' qua ity'6f'the celebrilted Ptire Winniiied, 'McQuillin kar, solid'Woritedi, and sold With ah abso 0 R o s s * McPherson, A .1, e x. Jr.. IV-�-Stalrart Bly Serge. They afe; lute kdaiantet' f harles, Mer f, WNW jemon rh Lyons Nora Woodl ey cosr gift,climajic Cbndijj6n T p� tailore n thli�,�ery ote mar ed (*)-..mi se .06" t C ially -priced S .one latest Stylib with �.exltllent­dualit of or', 'Th k d' A rt ki-aw nin and,trimmings c- eXarnj�atiotft mon s ininutes..' Spei his. 'Te cher., at'$4 5' W StoCk''W6 Sp T ie k6floWinx is- ifie report or'S. S. y . e pupils durin th te 'head M(jto,r denotes'. the rainutet troublb-�"Iesi thah; 16*hea'v'y dut 7vaNIo `ia, e ring an exce t range of. A�e 's. T,weed.Sifits No. 4, Kifilos§. it ineat Oatte taken, b' th Y, rns and -right'styles- for, $IS. 75. to $30.*00 $1 foi� rftiaiis, in 4 "asons,-:1owe CoMpareS used le rin ality Withr th t endinii at Easter., in qu V BlWdh T On;' 'in' uidr-ccisk-'6f -any-tr 63 highest grad its land Johnston., 60; on Didniert.:60.� --Th.; r e 'ft6M :&MUAncatio osiUv&1y,,j)r6L I 8 �vholas �lsed. tractors I 'tri6ving 0- f 111 -Stuart 'S -63-, :-Helen -an with. Burt.. Edith Burt,: U arvey, and; vita. at s, i s C, and .."V e rtearii!e never-1roiezes. an Nipw e. 54, Mark Diere ngm f qr� f 7 '7- r. �II­ W se ornr yikis. -Like- -core�- fffifff r -e -d7 61r-othi&rletterz ft§31i OilPull ovrn6r� Id bqi�'ires refill -;.sTilith, na, 57;, Harold Con ram., 43; Sto . fi, it 'pro��s beyond� questio�,oflpuu of Tripk H�ait Co trol -pianm4a I Wit Laverne Sohn 30. le l4uality.*and ve tty 'de c Ji. -.1-Robiorta-Shifth' Annie Burt, ng re of ec6i�ol�ay iind dependabiliti. BiA -ud *its ZU ry V s a� he vrery, ateSt Fe sign ii c1heap. f Pn��Clifford Cgrigram. mla 0HPulls-14istso-long-ind run ed '�knd A Di Otles. Pjic $1.'50, Soine reAisons aret ."Let us. eri6* Urne Sojinston. bnmr-allyT Dehot �s­ absence. No. onL'roll'' 18. Averake,afte ndhnee C. M I r urray., Teachrer.' Y MIS cia ''a ROY' KENNEDY'; Count "Dist, ibuto',­­G 12*,, New' -Me 4lic I;46� Steel color,, Spe Will- be G oste�rd le fpr lan, �Iad, to answer inquiries. Dtbl) P' S,S. Ni 11. H 4� i rper Hamilton. Marion, McGuire.. Cather� Jr;'IV- Willie McGuikb 1: b a Cd ars in newest stylesi at $2.25 and an d nice assortment eneb Hamilton, agram, (ab of Ott er at C� nfiie Co h _ 6 . ' - * .6 111 M- a fy -1 stylibs'inladies' Collars- 5 .00,-and,$I:-5Q,' Mae ami ton" ani-: WIARTON,.BOOTLEGGERS raid..thetseized'L (ab).' Emma ar es. seVer'al bottles in,the L! e 1 t.. (Onvey-,. Mr, Peer, an L a lUg Isaliel MAcCb barn of FINED $1 d* -Maliebitrl6s 'Oinai, J00 lCe v y 4ne new le Ition ee _T Kraff"too' t -yis.- Sanipl hi 6, Sr. ottic6iii S atte �ng�ei-olo�f ii; ille ho of hf� ellipl,ov-� k d"I Brooks. Archie Ha, Milton. Mar J f I rton e Da &�Ct. p ms an I "I . . I 'j, t s o -'06' find Nvero for Irwin. ral inies. Wa kt -sis t ins ions Mirit 0 t h' to a .5 Sir, -rise !�srpectqr` -, '�and on: anali" i Re .�.r t6l6r' nfo. knitting SWeaters,' .'HA oil. Andre�w Li I White. V, have decide'dl 4 lega C" b,3oZe�� P Hamilton---- arveV .­'Br63ks­ Arth ing' powenq qr. RAc K C d IAW.Ver rtson an Fdr cer. Ol an fQr-keeijjnI,­`tJ C iAr s on" in " ' ': attended' the., ice .;roll." IS-, Average— at-. 'To at.1 -Xui:bir; 6u.k stuff r nitl on: Tuesday, when ii" Vu6sdiiy. ....d ring'. a. sessi do% A jendibee 14 $.3001 at thia- tri'alF on n Jilli t �e j; �Vj' aret n.. Teacher.,- -vvhieb lasted roin 'Davis. colitin SOL,ta "en Nvi0,'�� &V M rg Ma�Unnai 'at his' hdndv.,,. man. s f -9 ith r"vending the nioigtti %.Ott Ei RQN; MU 0 mir t. w intervals, f6i -lunch, ne$200 fo h th t� ydn�tbe� $�00' fdr 1. keeping f 01 a­ aLrgreg2ting evied sal( -jo THE, OLD�FASHIONED WOMA1q, Magistrate _MCCULrtnev,,on a tj of 'Bert .13tirbee was'also:- assess&d ,$20.6 omen for ififrA, fOr-il11CitlY urbU14-61` Wiarton jiver� t tj i J t j T here are, some men and' women o uice. ma ing* ht,461, on ajLjj 'the license law. LitL :s6l6ir thaf k' a.'t6tal co Jr l( D ecei �e :a �Dortibnrof thei 'N in -,return for *r �h Roberts K� C. - act6L f OTICE TO CREDITORS' Ain. eir kn,3wn , as "sOottef.s." visited Wiatoiv '6n h' aelll 1anii men, ic :$ daily oVernment:d L from. "flie os s Dee, vei I l (Jill e n -the mod UY nd 0retended ution at the, t�ial be pinion on. the: advantages, of, rece ointerbst-, fo" c ern. limits. U Pen. L ton Aefbilded: L! NOTACk is -hereby fi�� � over h -e. r, ed -in iiiiall tiniber er Klein -Walker V-1te, a mother o r p on b'e. -o r g e.L insu a They Nver( given grandmother. Mr W L, G -e' "x116st f iigndl N -Pho o. to: Section 56, Chap, 121, Sew ce -of L ne N 1 o' is AtVour the e- tlie.7va .cus�d.,.. �cat. in*itlle- y wri e bilt We -!e 'Statutes of the English r. is� -one of- these. and s2eem4l��:to n a recen artic. e UL We Stlli_pli"P�e� T M Aii redit res s.e ves in 0 L e avor�,t*thf&� Wiar ,,Pe,r V ­` - t- - th f exi s, ­4&A n g- Lel ai ins aga i !I's rra:y t­the� t John Mir deceased. wh' nigg z ne he IfPvbtea thiie good wli5­were susprt-ed-6 . y- 0: I n what.an ad e . Aied on, or About- the" ninth �' day.- cof. U -Uaffickinij in':swainp Whisk . At nta the,mlodern woman �'is -As, a. ra e as, a lt*sult' ebru'aky. A'D 1923. at the Township.. va t the ave e, ir operA long, Port. -Elin, Times­Wo- b . I . , a n O"L in''the Province bf,'OntA.0 a' , ' ­ 7, in iverym. es M�V -,tog D 0 �R IRE T'NO E QU: INT nins, of space to te li SPIR of. k! I wife-r�-she's� help ate She" is.' ljotage Peer,, in,, and.his hir t d, . Lit -he a d'-, yin ...... .. d send he -he .013positfor se. an -not 'the e ni,� -,Gr Ao e -Bprbee. t e-., i-i ivery,-- )la n, -a. B -9e"lijusband wherever his -work cal's n;` re hailed into. t f C -,flke C�ii ima we cour on -ch, 4rge,�. sea nee o spiritua is:t& anil: had -,tile 6�:- C A.C1110 - 6 .7 arez,, sure -4 t f tunny.- f' M 1993 1heirnamea of Canadal. Outside d4h fact that, 0 01 Is. I t :and,, ad- Inso6etol. Beckelt and- Cqn� nrjftjbj8rous,t.;ar feleg..whichl6ij 'fin dresses, with full narticulArs. of their Mr :George needs his, impresgio 0 r departed' friends. WO neveit, ns of table Blood, made' a u early morning: recently heard Anyprid lsock' of the' t,)c'j evidently,. 'iffig-,and4he iiature r. Ca"da corrected., n 'In ' U��*.p e7SeC oe ok eL�o ld��fa sh i,p ne d-wo in a n- ..... .. them- ven tatutory declarit- 'Of some three�hunded �,,.pars Ago who 0 e b6ltered life' than -left-a ore s IVVIO- 4- St C of, th ion 0M r10 ed-th du lV4 by 'a .'S k t A�qD 'FURTHER TAKE NOTIE men ;low, enjoy and dared i'lonk'and oft onomi ,will be-Aisttibuted by pmate.to,'the man' of her choice'. paint the market., We hAve A in.. the Executors hl ' fL among. parties erititl 'V t that After �ihe said, fiiv -dgngqrQqs -voy-Age across­th -At.-gn-- P INTS-'-'SherwinVil am Paint- the bes 'a mos t day. of Xay�." nd" t 1923. the'assets.;of ,the said -estate., tic� for he zf bein . g a-real ST 6d - thereto,- Ark a land Which -,was a virgin orest. of.. t�e wi -red ade -and7-a-Paint- Stn kliLthe--t-h6rior ff �Sh Si 'table" for 'any prpose. havIng, regard-'ohly- to- the- c1lifins-7of savage Which they shall then have, notice.'aiid iftenr theown, in or, goo measure. e V Ahe S, 't e -11e w. Y alf-shadeS,:-, Light -Oak --I)ark-,'O�k;--.Gi)ldeii.�.oak_ plalins -not. att,the it' of.tbe ��ighteehth e.deri- thb­ aft '' - F- W.e.Latm 1. a swoon P k e rs' -the, '11olo wing. ct) o -Aft,--excellent �finish. -",for-- Dated -Et- fu m-iture.`- nkhai Ahis,Ahind _-WEA �'cou) n1 call.', having, sem a rg 'y r .4no A. h re: lers, o a st&L and Thacke'ra' VARNISHES=T6.We.-hav Sh6rw parl­afid�, I? O.� Capri Abse and -fAint �Xanna., in,W _ ... R, L It- Vangtone­ wingliam, le� C 7 eighteen't P S -h -9,- Mr r , d , r iw�j nis t tand *#0 riti about the: f century women: ntL Ad' n -a t I . I , , . . . I'll no, e migh , have added-tha 0 ncl th H' r, 'OrS C in'l To cRg6ITks tt in, - the'ge _0 a riced at.. A $4. VRESCo�, VAS, usual -iod the'faintifig 'Woman., v _�­Thj'riS "a' .�idea te, tate,of Naney'. S Ii Fwall finish, 'a'hd-w, ve -In the iattor of'Ahe,las la of the Township of Kinw it W caught ".by a 'roan. ''IT' th� modern Hoys" Fithe, All- WolJer�e-�,,s� Fleitther 11 n e ck, in every, ade. woman'ddeshtt, fAint t miaht'be loss. in the' CoUnty of lard' Wid r clo 6d. u heAnd B Aeceased. I I., tACtieg� 11� eck.- trib ie*4 f6"rha�ze of Sizes. 21,to Pdc'ed fto - RUSHES.-PAitht And VArnsh,Bru'shei at, JIL that! 6'd-fashionI:Id w6 - a -to SL own d6mands� 'De with a railroad journey the, n I 'e"; tewaSh'�BrUShe& a prices. No-ticels jierel)i, 0 . 'trip' d Skirt'i -N ivy., -'a Se e k) U -,r all per,� would'mot, have okran ��-,,Z,Piicest,No-'*,elty- good , pp " __of Whi -having an .�V the orf v one." Th Wl te or, andsolne ripes atitif �q ia I p! 'Brush for Muresco. tel4i h ey e 101111d,' *1 th h Ae Nancy Webb.. who gr died, on -'or- about t 6 seventh'day of. to L try uVon, ut whdn be U 7Y t e Township of thev Pri ced $ 33 O'Lyar March � A,.D,, 1923, ,j eliek skill -C -id Wiro' - That Dl;d-- A­Shipmentf OHL Kinl6ss i came she; niafiaj�ed;.' d' Just in, t e County -of Bitude, are' fashione4 primitive -44'6m�n, re and ve'n­Fen' -Ort to, Barb W. to on'V d'dfil '.kno* ow Copp Silk 'to ears ,ago OJ uhdersjgfi6d.�r 6citior- x but W -hen It 09pped'' 1.0 So o 0 esta 'Of �the said Naneywebb.- 'h I,' I - 0 -uses 14.00, IN bl' ..... . h 4in redl ore' id qnd-'gfatdmi*t8�'bf,' th�ii'� t' d d W rasfor ar lie- n-atak -,u te accoun SL an tv -LUt.kh -0 - ------ -,3p uccessots. o .: . ...... �06 -Y ai, Pri "d ` I r" � �'t d -goo ee 8, -c ergyjqeft 'V -aftert, Amohg­,D r, n C .1 "L:j­',­-'­­­" L.'t%", d to dig- twentiet 'day. of AY A.D., 1923.- tbd arChways, 40 inc L U Adke,­notiee,4hat�tl r G�ei�. A: h6 E .0erfokni is that when' they marry two s wl -sa - id k6dutor wi proceo d 710 cr ntend INOCOAIN' W th Jas.. 13 t' 'Of. 'the said eWhil aw ce titled W4 believe it to bi�'true that s 1310Ck d A80d among the persnsi en Children" OF NEWOAPPR9 jiublicatron of Mntre'M,t l Herald,, an fig -,that 1he-*-sal ecua C Which :16 am oti o ­ha s eret6,, ha in reza 'An. whd ";akes uo, And Ailds him.§elf te tr '�.Xt �Ut4oq he-pur6as6d. Tbe.Voo&i4- cla' , ValUe .5 Oc took oeliable 'Oubti'�h6d'.c6.ntihuotis.l'y'ev4�jr. since, for, tM --said Lots� �o e We uw same ing the, w Af,* O'Bj' atfor the plv And ,'.Assets Or tiny 'part thereof to � r a, rainy day,L and,, then give it all, int e�uipi�enf e�w fii View' ehd, noti and ordoentlk lluirclids. the, Cfi on of Whose cla� 0 to. it bi)otl�ggei oa and P et" dOn e fto,tit6 ve rs ni he, shall wet night. tfien hay n oft' he, giraWrA JjAy News And Chatham: Dail 6, receive notic fN d Mad' 0 B�aconj exdusiv'd of the'B" Q n 40� the nanic of j. butter- And bllfsUa4it -to the statute' in tfi M r me te4c buildingi, Montday. became the oro�, �als'6' ihA belid t e cons Ur thd,ChAtham� Daily Ndwg, 0 0 he'r WAY'Pricea can kolhah Up, Da at Lucki 1publigher.6f, na Meas aolydsOck-- SentinelA no sp9r, ing aga�jne.. T,'S ReidL Exedutor, the 0hathithl A�13� New's, Mi�, Taylor Tbe 'to f the oldest, insti- 11,11011 IS one o _tUtj d t one 6f the best khwn, an' MOS L SUC, 1854 by Pt6k Eby Ifl',*0 'liurA4ibd you use., 4 tal ZEMA' cogaful of --the, provincial dai y ...... 26c ne� Men for atem R1114 fop a W. 0'8er' ti, ., - -1 . . C., Skill Irriw asc� 1891 6 ounded the i1sr edition, bizi �04 JL'4',,4 i,.Ii� I , ,r 04 Onto and' I ghorls. jift ontario,' h , iving"haj a' ralieve's ............. I 11116,jkln, 8 16 & nq 44m* L4 1# Oil Ilk, of 0