The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-04-19, Page 2partt"ansly,Peter.WaS pet et the *rap nagvereuasion; , lint ie had a verR: ftlyw1/..;illtit'7ist*ft..:1491.01'ia'-fill'gr,"411.'43.:; .. , g044',1.rCalCritate.Offecrand'egge.i.'"iind . . . 't -t414'01.., e,. Torinitci osOite.t ter ineur. then:the. lieutenant started on , the 'tele', tiis ee,Inatilliati(O0d.th Penavo.e.,an4: '.'111•1,' *:.14-1,L11.1* -41. .4.:n8t • '18, ti88_,.2.. the .` phone garcbegant)v heinedreditoriar, Anted Hospitals,. New ,York '007, Mance, :' -On, A "PollovO 'In 'PnSn!r!IN •then he eeemecl.. ti;., be *itched. on to °ors a three .Yeara' Celina e't Tra14' , the right wa4hye,,, trge.1341Qielt,,, ii;b4ot,, :dXo:t..7hpint:r5 nig to young wenien,'haying the re- Ilpe.rlillt,3e4:%:47adt: Istie: eei'i lf-adot.-Vi.b4ehueIgn. ori net 7 trn:4- v;rf69r1re , e9X41 41, 1111r0S. ',..,T,his' gespital -ae!! ,.best. PeSsil?IeWoric, ' To t,(Al. hOW` Men.3f • qu. red education, a.nd..dentious.ot.ho, ticiorited the eight-hour ',system. The !iii',Taajfieci:' u4 that in the afternoon poWle receive unifOxiie of Ole School, chances 370a rheve had, --well, it's like ‘,.. We Would see soniefeltoW Whose title ltxpmera:4,4!Yto:a41414vigo40/48,1n,i,,,Ttgrtak`rivino'l telling a 'linen that he ien't, keen , die could' Pot tranelate into' Dutch: 1 further .iriformatfo#.- .apOy to 'the enOilgh..to. see 'What good. Work you do. judged, he was a •great swell, for his PuPerinterident. -,, ,;,. , APPides, It xieesilltseem--loyal,,-•" . voice became r7e7rFelltial•4at,',!,79", ,,,•,,, _ ,,._,. _,.., 1,,, ., ,13.nsb!!,*pta 14terr4ptc4 1.161.4 ),tit , - He-teolg aii Tor 4,3A,Talk,,g,',14t miming ,busliis 'All ,rouncilt,The.,Plece, &press- t•fer ..4 ' In, -8!'48,.* -048-.104- iVaii, utie-it'.07 afIkr•reter AM I ba, g'49n4e.4 .e.P ,PF ed and ,yet 'elieeted• fli.e', It' Pkineheir:itberl.t•h:f9e1"Ig Pas.8ed. She was '414te' tkilets. We Were'„,. an .0-cld Pair, a made the German ipeoPle seein'intialler.'.'"471•'04PertsPA"Martlia 'HOklne,..end-Vie", scallywags to look at, lin . t . as South At three o'eloeft ilia.lientenant.- took kPqw What an: asPet She had inher air African as -as, a wait -bit 1?P$:h., p9tb uoto a,•plaiii white bOilding in ik aide .of health and competenee! :S)4 felt ofs- :bad. -ready-made - tweed - anite4 street- with sentries --at the door :A verY: mire that no man in II'S -Iii, ne-ea gr ei flannel shirtawith flannel go1,10.rs;; young Staff e-feer met us, and. ;wide WoUld hesitate. iii' Ch00"41141-b!atWeens encl,,,:felt -hats Witli-broader:brinia-than .as Weit-fOrLfiVeiniliatea-in• an-anti-the:tw -'in -a matter of •promotion: -•:-, Alley- like in • „•Eifrope:::,-.1-atid, -.-gt,,tOnit l'0.04;i,.Then.Nye viere;Lill_li...led„-Iii.;th. '4,1"---;,.--A, Woii,l,a4telrrd,;ilwendidU';_:telelyitx-lee-: 0 N-Bn IT _ . . ......-ilett:brown-;boots,--.reter,za.,7pair,pf-lng,--roOrn„-------161AtaPOlone4741,POr-ni17-eurred;-.. these mustard -colored aborninatioaa which, Peter nearly satAovini. •There ,. - .• . 41geti-iShat ' Sitsking Ffeling. FARMER'S WIFE I which tile.-.PerPiiguese affect end wIlieb 'was a log firi3 burning arid Seated at „ehese Martha. • Then he dalled pyrighted Thornas .Nelion. and :Sena' Ltd.) TiArTE4/' • . 1Will,thOw thenfidi tsiO d • .• a Ifeeling distinetiOn' we.; For;*4 year they have been 'ating 'stalked 'oat of the' ordinary truck of 'their time in: brag and Politics; 'and passengers and followed the lenten- we . have been building great ships -4 ,•atit, 'to the station restaurant He!oh,',se, many! My pousin at ! -.plunged. at once into conversation, 'and, he looked. over his shoulder. Undue. the of Hollendi-Whiell But we .never •heard 'abOtit..tha Teter,. Whe, had:forgotten his sch°°1-1' • , a ie. s or sun tiro nian .:`days„:foutid bit hard " He' came in and our friend sprang up and •,was Unfit for active service, because saluted, clkki n• hi 'h 1 • ." 'of-hiaeyea and a, weak heart but f tongs. •.!1- s 88 s likea Psi as" a 'deeperate - fire,eater . that: 1„•• . These are the Sonth Afrietin ff 'restaurant BY hie way of it : reade• him hobble like. a .Ohinese Jad.Y. a table was ,In F4Pee.ta*4 dt'ghoi4odoVocrek aMndisstc1C1Clarhreierkweh;h37. He had a scarlet' satin' tie' Which you with his hair brushed ha' from could, hear a mile off; My beard had brtw like a pcipular. violinist' Be wad' said. ., 'Rat.' we value very highly grown to quite a.,respee ehle-length, the. be* for the r lieutenant saluted ,qualityi, •loyalty:' To boaCt,con• . arid I trimmed it like, General 'Smuts'. ' hint and•announced, our *Imes. Then stantlY• of , opportunities eliewhere' , Peter's was the itio Of loose; ilaPPing he disappeared, and 'the man. at 'the ' seemed to us bit inconsiatlit with thing the ,teitikhaar levee,' has table motioned, us to Pit down in two • that. feeliag., . I an Cyoii , this scarcely ever libeen • shaved; • and is chairs before him ": 'becaase you.. have so much that -L combed once in a blue Meon. 'I must' ' "Herr :Brandt' and Herr : rinaar it seems .a. yen ..shopld „rniss'op- say we made a pretty, solid:pair.' Any he. asked; looking over his glasses. • 'Portunities because of a thing sci easily, remedied." , ' • Mete came from the interview, With high color and'angry eyes. "ReCignl!' horsedorp wto had beep to school and mountain of a fellow„ six- and a half he pried in'aas-Wer. to Myrtle'Bright's thought himself the -devil �f a fellow. feet if he was. an inch; with:shoulders question. "You bet I -resigned! • Any - We fairlY reeked of the Sub-teotinen,t,!On'him; like a shorthorn btill.., He was ,bedy who. would' 'Choose ' Martha. s as the papers • - . • . uniforni, and •the-' blaek-and-white-,Ersth7_161,,,, • , s •,. It Was.a fine mOrning after the rain,1 ribbon of the Iron Cross Showed at n' and 'We' i,(Mndered about in the streets! a• button hole. , His tunic ' was all d. for a couple of hOurs. They were busYlvvrinkled and strained as • it it cOilicl J. THE F:T.IIA ND 26 6111311 n enough, and' the shops rich and scarcely 'contain' his huge chest, and . "The child is left-handed because ' it r bright with their Christmas „goods, mighty hands Were. clasped over his is 'made that Left-handedness, and one big store Where I went to hay stomach. •That mail must have had like right-handedness, had. a ,'definite a pocket-knife was packedwithetia, the .length of -reach of 'a. gorilla. .He anatomic basia.:;_To handicap: a .child h-loirrers77-One7-didn!.V.'"see-lwerY--,6manY-liati7a--greatTle?Y;-saliling'face-Witn- by ti In it t,6 1,14 a lesd :efficient 4 young ineri,--and .most of the Women a square cleftchin which stuck out• half of .the:hrein, and thus to -run also oylwore 7.1notirning. ' 1:Fniformd' beyond .the : -rest -Allis iyrow retreated the atnindant-risk of.-develepint. everyWhere, their. Wearers, gener- and the stubby •back d, his head ian. ally looked like•dug-onts 9r office fel- forward te.hieet it, while' his neck be- ons apeech, -defects; is surely not a lows. • We had. a gin -apse -of the squat' low bulged out over Ina -collar. His wise cd”icationanfiroceclure. Expert left-hendedness is intich less �f a dis- advantiage,..if any at all; than. awk- ward end inefficient right-hencledneas andthe- commonly attendapt irriperfec 'tiong a artienlate .„Speeeh."7-Ooed Heelth.• . • Seath African would have set us, down t But it was the other -man that ✓ as a Boer from the back -veld v.iThe.bad, caught. MY eie!" Be nthOd. ,with hi . lx•ught a suit of selolihes in the pear,est back to the fire leaning his elbows . . • Stoke, and his cousin, from some one -the -mantelpieee. He was a perfect ..0eirdany Could gobble PP' the French. Dutebr Herr Captaiii, he Aitetthe Russians whenever she cared, ' The new -corner looked usover with „Ant ;She was aiming at getting all thebright intelligent eye's, and Started :Middle East in her hands first, snthat rcluestiOning•Yeter in the tOrat. It wa .,she,-'eciiild tome: Out conqueror with I well that.. we had taken some pain Iliapreetigal,dontrol of. half the:world. with our "story, for this man had bee "!!‘Your'frienclatihe English," he Said, years in Qerman South West, an :grinning, 'will come last,. When we ,knew every mile of the borders. Zor have starved them and destroyed their was his name, and both 'Peter and : commerce with 'our Under -sea boats, we thought we remembered hearing- birn spoken, of. ,›....J.3[ • -,•---,1--am-thankful-to-sa-y-tIcat we Nit showed up pretty well. Peter told hi story to perfection; -not pitehineit to high, .and asking me now and then for a name, or to verify some detail Captain Zorn looked satisfied.. ' "You. • seem •the right kind of . fel- lows," he said. "But remember"—and he bent his. brows on us --"we do not understand: slimness in this Ian& If and your stffinach 1111. 'Provides ”the hit of sweet" In beneficial _forme. IfeIpti to ;cleanse:, •Ihe .teeth and -keep them ,healthy. P35 A TRONINO„ with :a liot. point Iron ' becolnes pleasant task. ',This famous • iron is 'so constructed .that ; you siniply tilt it back On. ' - -the heel standwithout hey, - result the tired feeling. so „many ...women experience • --after. ironingi_is-:entirely - . • •• •;.„. • •Voiskle by dealers every, building which housed the General. head was. exactly the shape of a pear Staff and took off or hats to it Then with the sharp end topmost : 'we stared at the Merinamt, and 1 He stared at the with his small wondered what plots were hatching bright eyes•and I, stared back. I had You are honest you will be rewarded, there behind old Taints s , whiskersstruck something I had .been looking but it -you -Aare to play Tidoable game The capital gave one an impression of for ,for a long time, and till that mo you Will be shot like clogs. Your race ugly cleanness and a sort of dreary nient I wasn't sure that it existed. have produced over many traitors or effectiveness. And yet I found it de- 'Here was the German of ,caricature, my taste." • , pressing—more depressing than Lon- the real 'German the fellow we were .ask no reward," I said gruffly: don. .1 'don't know how to- put it,. butupagainst . He Was as hideous as a "We are not Germans or Germany's the whole:big encern Seemed to have hippopotamus, but effective Every slaves. But ,so long as she fights no soul in, it, to be.like a big factory bristle on his odd head was effective against' England we will fight, for instead of a city. You won't make a (lee' be continued.) her.'' , ' .• factory 1o6k like a house, though you ' "Bold werds,,, he said, abut yo'u decorate ith front and 'Plant- rose- Minard s t..iniment for Coughs & Colds` must bow your stiff necks to discipline . first.. Discipline has been -the -weak • point of You Boers, and you have suf,, fered for it. You are no more .a na- tion:', In Gerniany we put discipline •first and last, and thereforewe will conquer,the-world. Off with you now. Your train start§ in three- minutes. We will see What on Stunim • will make of you." • That fellow gave me the best "feel" of any Germani I had yet niet. He s SIMPLE DESIGN, FOR CENTRE - a white man and I could have worked - '; PIECE. -with him. I liked his stiff chin e ekes: . . d Buttonhole around the linen centre steady dVfy elbluf ne-recollec ion of our journey with No .20 white cotton thread. Then to Berlin •was its commonplaceness. crochet the, lace on with, crochet cot - The' spectacled lieutenant fell ashe ion No 50' and for the most part we had the car- . I'First Row -L. -Making 1 tr •under riage to ourselVes. Now arid again- a stitch a the. butt,onholing; 2 cb, 1 tr hole, 1 ch;' 2 'long tr in next hole, .1. • ch. Repeat froin ,0'4iind join... " ,! , .• Eleventh, 'Row—Sl st on the first tr,, 1. de on the 3rd •tr, 4 .ch;"* 2 long tr in firat bet -ween 1 tr, 1 .gh; .2 .long tti in .2d.' hole,- .4. ,ch;„.2-1Ong 'tr.,,iii ,3d hole,'1 ch; 2 leni.tti-1.ch; 2 long tr; .1 ch . • 2 :lone tr iii -Middle •hole, 1 ch . 2 vsofitotieerittelli_i.t.Jeeave would, drop in' most .ui,ndner; next, ,stitch..i.;:li,..e.pa:„.a.t:tO: :, end. ,,o,...,Ibp.lnogne.F.trini,ul--s3t, r•?g and 04 heleg '!'l'f'.1.-,;chi.„ .-r-rileri- `With: heavy eyes. _ns?cdonedndRojwoit_n_Dtocfilre. 'it. tilr.. , , ,, , '. ' a ' '111111e "iii.:413;'"k636'at No;Wonder,,poor.devils,...for.they..weye xt;2-ch-'17: "71 . and - • -• , • • -I - 4'. d join to-theA.:ch.,:at begin earning 'beak from the Yser or ,the. XPres-salient.„.„1-would,have-liked-to h 1 • * 2 ch; 1 tr in ning of the. row. r talk tO .thero, but ofgoially of course echac.;h4"Otfr iMalree ei. 7-fi' 4oTirwiTh72-, fil-6-::. ---'---.47-3;velitli---110'w.'—-P --Tall - C." , ' -11 ' (1-4 d in I knew no German, and the converse:. tween each; 2 ch,i; 5 tr in, next how. . - e ) every hole. In ,the previous row ere tion I overheard did net siknifY Much. RPtirt!jr:oin,.,to..,eiLci ,o,Lilext h,Inej.e_.i.:7,1„:„...4-je! 1 st.,..eottle.46,11L.tho.:4,,a1:4_,A-4,-.3h.si.s. tr between the' points,and the •=-1-t4,,was---Linoetly-LabontregiiiientaP;de 'juin. . . tails, •though -one. Chap, who was in better spirits than the fest, observed 'that-'thia''wasethe..-ilasVCh,tfittinase,-n' miseryrai-id'thae nextyear hewriflid be holidaying at home with full pock- et,s,-- The others asSented; but 'without lnyelreorivictien. --1.-- -- - ,. The winter days • was short and Thitd_k5.01.ma.ke :4 el, et ou theA will be iq, holds of; 0 ch..' RePeatfroin --.. tr. at 'the beginning of the last: row • * aril join; t ' ', ' ''. ' : ' .• ' '... ' 4::,,,fdo.„:,inzthe-,ii-e* hOle,&•'thi'."-:Vti$'411f," . ''''''%"shlr-Pen'th-''B'em-'-'S!..t'en'''thef.,firat same hole (this 'OeCurs':„ at the begin; * it. Of ' Piei'lsul...q...Yde.cwli741:::"deiliticihdee-lote,11: ..ri::..ngor -thp, next ...seven rows, will will ;5 ch .` eh, .. at the 'tentiLlieleipt. be'cleceribed-as-54r-to-'save-:.'space)-;", aroundthepthati `) ' ' tr in 'each of the next foit. last row after. 6. ph insert the. hook in --. '„t` - ch, 1 , , , -most 'of 'the-jou/110i was made tiol-E4J--with--2-ch-between- ee-ch;-- 2 , ch, 5 the 10th hole -aad, first -hole • of next -darlt-----I;---Could-see-freitit-ilte-Windo* '•-ti; iii-rieXt Xeld'i 2 •ch;',.5..ti: in .net -.11,0k.::- point, and Which .will make 9.holes The lights Of 'little %villages, and now Repeat; from *; to end of row. and join; atolind;the .150.:.int .• 181)88..t'lro71. * alld and. then the blaze of ironworks ; •forges.. ,Wes.toppedlit a town for did • - and I'Otirth' Row4-.--**tr. 5:in. next hole 2 join. _, ,t .11,,i,• ' : L Pourteentli RoW,---Like, the 1.3th ex - re the yla,t-forin was 'crowded ch; 1: t • in second hole from r, Ill . r i . ? nerwhe .,...vve.:4aw,, 1.16 E.,iii,ils . otian,y, searcit..61,-,:tr •jtist made; A; eh; 1,,,lOng, tr.- in hole :c11., -Wrote about We had an eXcellent. Repeat 'from t arici:joht ' :'` '. ' with drafts weiting;to go Westviard.,:"ade:' 2 eh 5' tr in second 'holq 'froth food suck is-the,-Engligh-riewsliapers 'LetWi.,c4i.: the two ,.k.iFOtilYO: .'.ol.",'. ft,' L'r.i.'Z'O?. 'all 6:19 t- 1.161P5::::: dinner at ..at the'.. station- restaurant, •:Fifth Row—*: tr • in next.liole, 2 'iili ;•• ' cc: between eit,hwall :due.: make ,,, ,,. 8 c1:,:i...iititeaili,.d..,.eo.afc' .,h6. -.I) and in:7okt the'heolc:.in the 9th ,,.row Fifteenth Row., -,0 xii instead •of, 8 ,iff.liiell','1",livith-47.410t.tle-'."'of-:7,:ivhite7iiirine;, 5'70- iene.i.ct- hole-, -,15-3;c1r,-,:.,:de-,-tinc-ft.er -",='''::•Si-xt9y'slitlr 0.117 ?..:P .-:u1:-, ':'-', . , . tost lust , threechillinga'apieee---The hread, to_he auce, wad^,poor, but Leanl_ nek-rir Cli',-1-dc on-thejong te1 de -in de. ,, , . ' -- net;hole,--5---cli 1.-Repeat_-froni,* and . Seventeenth .RoW14,_',,,sh` betWeen. "-'. r.ria-P -Witli7the ihience ef bread- if - -... ,-- •,'• :••• .; . , , n; ''' ' ' each: de.:.... get_a-inliey.filictz_of...beeT,oufra:s,gpodr!.2.i,Alit).;1_,,,if.:,w.....::,i.i...t.,i;,.:ri—ch;,..:..g_tie;L:.,,_:66,..,..-,7..E...fgh. tefitti..,,o*,....„1:5::;1:1..y.,..en ,Vegetables as you will "see in ' the' , Ihr.ce on. and . bile. after the- n eac ue. . • • ' Savoy '. 1 Was -a little -afraid -of -0u .Lbefoie , .giving , ourselis awaY :in..elir sieeP., 1 three de of last row, 8-1,C.., 5 tr in next ; : ...,. ,-..,:iiii,. ... ' -.-.' ,-.,,,..i.,.„,,,. - --Be ' eat fiorti 4 -and -join. • ir I - L'A-)°.-1-:--r:•,Y.-",--111-4 • , ti i —77 "-.1VI in Canada". by • ; denerairfeitifat., •••. • • „ • . Head Mice .-Thronta , . -lint. I--need'-have --Katt- no fear,' for our 1+01e., 13 . : .,,, , escort:slumbered like .a hog with his ' SeYenthRow—* tr 5 in next hole of , • 'Meta Carrick hung tip her ja n y -.„-..--,..........„.."....,.....,..„. mouth Wide open. As We • roared 8 eh. in, last row, 0 ch, '3 de IA 'centre hat and. far ',boat arid•reVeled a new , •through the .darkneSS I kept' pinching ,ora.tbsi.t 4ei,,.d.,e,h;‘0,..-tr,iii.next hole of gown with'the latest AY'le, girdle But But Myself to/tie ene.s , land on 'fe.ethatd .lmi8swas in , •e.feh, 4 Clo, Repeat, from '''' and join. i:oddlreiionkb slle : not'f,hi'iiiiing' Of thr . -. makel '-i ' ' •The. 4 -tin' Caine.' oii;'. and , We pasSed ' L'ighth 'BoW—''' '5 tr, 8 ch; 1 long :. the -new gown; she responded ah9e,ryt.ly 1 thr,u ugh aripping: t!t,,,,..1, with. ..th.p 6. °11.8413nd de' 3 eli;' 5 tr 'iii ilext hole, I when Myrtle, ' Bright - spoke of .' it. lights. ,shinging frthri the wetstreets' 3 chi 2 Ion tr .1 en;2 2 long tr, 4 ch; 141(es,"- She said, "it- is geed...looking', : As. We ,went eastWard the ,lighting 2 long tr, 7 di.; 2 longkr all under; isn't it?, Mi§s: Reed in .Macken%ie's seerrOw more ,genetotia,1,After the,_riejd 4 el_i3 eh.epeat 1' i t 1 geVe me 'the' CIO': ' , It's. a alliPle----net -r-I.-°--n• I.en•-•841 Yet had'-'11-:eilir inard's ,LirsIment tor ,Corns and Warts . , . ' It is far easier to .becoine a hero than to live 'to:afterwards. • • .4 Lifebioy , c9011 -roatoI sY 'feetief , OTCO felt hp f pre .77, ,p0000rloof 'the b,oeolTy •• . . 044• •••••• • • ."YOU wish tO.Marry daughter'?" she asked. • l-fe. was, a ,diplomat.: "Not so 'much. that, Madam. The lteystone of:Jny • ambition, is to 1.)Q able. to point te'you one day as.MY inotb.er7, Most people prefer it, becausq it is easy to digest, and delicious, with a full, juicy, fruit flavor. • It is easy to make tasty tlederts with 1VIcLAR- ENS INVINCIBLE Jelly Powder. • Sixteen Different „Flavors. One Package serves . eight people.:.., At all. GrOcers ‘.•Insist on ' IA4AREN'S.INVINCIBLE .JELLY.eOWDER. Made by '361LARENS LIMITHD, I Hamilton and TiVinninew RAPID PASSING 0 PIONEER cONI)ITIONS. , .00yezuences . �f CnacIian West hroi-Otidit t'Oe$:70-etreitirciirifttth� - ,Noceo:ittev6:8..0.,,tte67.et.bili,t,rtil,t'll:zitarae:ieg:.,,y11;;_iand lierwpiI, wore given:•qt ofp1:$7;:)01i4It'llettt.C1111:0'131,01.:',1181:i11191 1,ke. *Ife' . theliller. of the Coll, mithilig /Kr. let, tre' and more eouteeteir one: They'-htotd4et,a.tty ‘.p.rove that:. tio , erg.. ., iyhee 'Atte et , os t Ore' C1.1.10.da., heti On j,otting,.as tegoh as they.. . euakltient. !the 'land . ti the $:tet.tesIt oPttl4:0(11,). tand ph9Art. ; manent reots 1.37.i.Ist ern • Canadian ProYtucea liec'onie 'area or psperMis.ookirtortall 4.. 4te contented ' • ' • • • 6.• The ,,•qirvey ..in •qUes t CONerad , total, of .:107 typical -farms og Nianitplaa, 'eighty -jive per cent, , h 'ran t h ree tie a rfors." Of -a" Section. to a' quarter. 'section ani. thir: teeii per cent, of;cwhich .were from one• . sedioti, 6:5 t,..c4 and a .lictif aectfons.: fl •eighty-eight.per:Cent. of the cases tho ;far,ins and.„,homes:, W.Ore eomnlete. owners: The average hointi.c.wits ..fotind: to: ,Conalst se*en -rootris to7cOntaln-lefainily'of-f rota '" three-t6'4Ont; .'children. • Whilst .31' of the-hoines.h,ad* Oneqhird'*Of • '''ffil'it•illas‘f,704s44sese,leigjity pr ceht. 6f, the s:' • • 'ed • ,antomobliei.Only torty-elght ironies w e re totind to. be ,w ithout fluidic 2,L of Sbine..icind, freiu.one to se'cn teen,thagp.z.iile and, iinpo rWere taken lit a11 • , .P.IoneerInn Conditions 'Disappearing: • These• brief istat tica'give a rOugli indircation toe...Manner in which ip.ioneering:,sendftienS arb diappearing in ;‘o.t be otherwise .4es- .oribed than as ' The •pro- motion ` Of agriculture In , • dustry Carin.an:s.,:Wnsfeyn 'provinces • ney,er Wanes.as,.a prftne.!cOnaideratton;' • ,arid.this'IS.:hot ited-te. °the. ,ti�nofbetter and enhanced .praj ,duction.: There ;ate Other factors • impertant'.aS 'the; develqpinent Of new •seeds. and "ineehineryi,, „A requIsite • for sfuc.ceSsful agrictilture.;',is .•contented helpmate.., for the farmer, ,'and Con._ tituOus ,enclea*Ors' are:being 'made .in ,the direction Of lighte-tiing', the „burden -1,- 6f "thefarmer's• wife and expanding the ". • Conveniences; and ,..oOlitfOrta. :therural ltoof • c(hr.een7.tV:--eesotnditlens::..stirrO' `'. the 'life Of. the Western 'farm' wife 'of jk.haWslii4ea'rsw:OM4a9if''Onfidt.:1.**tj'ileff'alerrewl'e:us,Pse°ttso envy 'hr tItL,siste,r, f In a' iargemea- thid ' ;bile 'nes revoluttanlied firth life' and . ailded to its l ea surea,r,.a.S.:,4e117. 'idt. • Minis,bing ita ' labors .; There are'few farm liotnei net. nOw linked "by the 64-- • mirable telephone 'seri/ice which meSh'; def. the, country .at donyenient.,inter- prevince, ,the- - AT a '..box. ./sittle. raisins when - f• aintOn azy.„ life or n about „ ,:/5„-Lseconds a hundred ..talories or more of, energizing nutri- ment will put•you on your toes again. .----For •;;TAttle ;Sun.-.11:/fakis ..p,te' 75% • • frult•Sugar,in practically predigested form-i-levulose, the Seidntist call it , And lcyulos.e Is real` body fuel. , ng actrcal13, rib digestion, it • • ." • , , • , slip throng Jearigh stetiOOS „With ...A't.,,,.'ST.illtil. RaVit'..',.!„...„0'...,.tr.,..1,11 _11X1 .C.,11.0.16.,, 2...,..,..y.,?,it)i ,Rn,d0.1.,P.,11,2.7"laYlgiri .1......,,7'. ' ' ' ' '" ' • -thundred',,:areliklit:gloWing,-,,,iiiii, ie-liee,;-,,eli .;., ,fr,'• ii,:,:iii....,-.-ii;axit"th6ki;;;.2-..7.,ehl::•:.1(ing .;t.j. r..; "yip, i tiliV- lirs tniiiii,...:::.:faCei ..,,i--.`t_:..i,i.jd;,..,enciltx,: ,_.- ' -long', lin,Cii of ' fanip'd.'„r u 0 hint '0..,_"„-P1.9...,..iii,..5-ts&.hole,..-.-if,,,j.i,,,..h?,:-.1,,,bh.,;,4' long. •ti,.+-e)lartge;,-.-.•Ye,tIVIett,$,:ltril.,,W;4-1-- -Mti 411,. '••- 77WOrlier: ..'.4)`-e't'e-i'• 'Ilrop a - OK: es,ily;,1.4ii t,... ;. in.Peict' hole, 1 Ch41., 2, long' '.. tr.,: 1 ' c1,; 2 ' flialiked .1-lea:ring , anyone SPCak...of a ., 14:.'1Ctigs14' °11(1.1°,ulcre,'.,1"its.11:!'itida4;!;14h,.t,4,"0--,.trY,„itl).,.tg...itttu:'.1On'till':,''.Th',:inithios.,1,1?n§:,:bt ').:,:ili,,,:t.!: _ill, l'.,A; 7 „wtt)::1,04;' .:.Y,..4f.f'. .,":1t.o...:',11..61c:' th,i.,'4, 8r,..' ,.....,. l' iliartWi'CI:ai'k'ite' .4.t11111(l'f' ae-h-};:611:117'Et:6''fiiiTt'Hae- -67'il:rii.(''.11,:hA'a--:ii'ai,ji"-'''d":t.1141',177illt:°;:...:::"'Plle'r4:ir.,1:iti°41.14. '"I''.1... :'' ;.'liiiiellijc.".';"Itsn''''''11:..(74":1-:47-2;:.:11..;::.:::t4.3'g'6n1t.k1711. ft6:6''''V'.:6NLI':rt''Il.; 'Liiilila' ''t1.11..ir'til tlal-tte1:7'...:714.1'4)4i'Itill1:)°16'titil; 7'.. IC7k • ii,dien•wc 'es.'n• int4 a great hugy ,t6rwif,'. „fre:titii leosi/.....,... ..5,,I,rbo,,,,,,,?5,..o ,:ole tv,i9 i decide, inst why: Now; looking straight , . has as bright' eq MiddAY, ''',',1t, wasythe krijups: of, tr„ '1 cli'.; 2:Ipiii4• ti r1 in th‘!,matinut.aitli„vq-,,e,::11..0;;ittesitireii8tlieed,:, her state ..'' 0:41ifect--tvd-ir1614tf ilill'itlAili(!1°,0'1' joqfPeY'i'''first here, of 1 ch,' 1 .,i!'n ; g 'long.: tr' iii'',,,,c,•,7,, . It eyer made, ' , •. , ' • , . .• '. .. -,• • n -ext hdio, j_ (41; 2 lollg"trf / .eli v 2 long , ,,Ln.'l, -.1i,„. 16 e.k.I:. :L.,,i". t..1.itt.,...,.12. ii,dolph on `,... • ..,Vhe, ..liao tenant. :. -a, tre, tf:,hp.ti ,. Iilins,elf,..1-itr----.4":r'qr),;-;,,,,li,rift ttr ...-I ef.1.-1,,Toti.,..„,•,-,.1,r, III . try,,,,, l'Ap.11,stfti.-11,-tel ,.',11o1,, •crzil:y.pa, me .inte,:.the„: •atie ., sii oethc is rurn . .c.,c/ „Uniform, about thc, mid tviih fetch Mild, Push* ' , ,,Y,carr..„, .1„,(1....' „', i , ,,,..`:.' .. ' I ig.',_,t;*7,.. •a, .'tt tn:i 114'. : ';'" '1.'('.111.2.;. 2.1°I..ig_..,...' (t: ',;!1 . c.'xt. ,jv,),..1:.;fin:e-611(.4-t°.4.11;19: . ii;,!.(k)lt,)it.tc ghijit.p..8:: dionntt.4.itaiett1•, . :.' e.b.'orte///ce• .ror tnere•.seerriee.,te oe 410 . .! • • ..: ' ' '' • ' Poiret, Trito.s-biy. cuance, .I. LI: Lel l. the ' • , A,/,',G, ' I d iiiiiiki0i4iishe'R. qiicirthWeic ' ' Our zi.' '' fl1 I ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' :j 5;-,°11.1:tite.d• , ttiai: It '!utd...hu(.1 ..._,.../0. CO AT gV-EPAr. 1411.41-15WARE STORt. 'Petters:, (•'7(..!..,.0.1.. gave , ,fie,f af,( 1,'esi"! . , ; .. , , , , . , ,•,.....ri,n , .1 ..1.2_, .• , ! . vu . l',. 6 some ho ei 4,nd we rambled. ont,,,,soi,x, , . i 1)ti4ht1,5, lit, "it topty- ki.:1-.0'is, : , • .. , ,,- , ..„, . , ,, .:, . . . . • ,I,' thraeoe. ettli.7lioeitrI,, pyobuuiti4enidaheiiiffliei;reAldatrittele, i ,', "A Mighty ditirp',"' kaiell'eter, '"O'f,i youxig laty:e:: tO him a 'Three Yez.ri'i,,,,,. -.,',.i,•,A, . '; '‘ .,: , . ,,‘ i• •.O., truth the Gerinans itre. a..great ,;.. • -e- - t..ionerat Ntirelh.g. cdtirpo In ihn:0t,trrario, c'a!,','-,,,,.`'.' ,k .•• li, 1...„ ,..._,,, r, 44,, 4 , , 4 t 1) „,' , ..- - ; r''...r- - " r i '4. 1 ' ' r 1. ' ' Yi 0 ,dU,. 'tS, ,.:.,t,..,, ,:ivikr:I.E,,,'L; ,I,'(.1/(1.t...:1,e.ta,,:tnitil, ..1:jtetl: • • ..una. lieutenant noneee gpopnntirpor:- :q.4 ' • .r.to ... .$.p:;,,r4.9 a: Inr,ritti 'Ct.)) imard",,%41r4.1rily, . 7Whybot,,,. 1Vt,iS igt.st, (en..,: --, --, - -•- •• • - -- • ''' ,I ' ' . - • ' i ore ' ' . ." - .;• i' '... r• • Y' . j't C i '. 9 ' Y l' 6.- pot to do ylor OWII' i odiy; . : ' ., • . , . . ... • Aigirr.roik, vo,!• -ro,/,,k( t.,,,,-, ot 4.4; -IA ' illy .!, , et. , , , .,, , . , . -vie- .r,restt,r3vdrge'-tik-ititytii;0-44.6.- ri;oui.,• -*:i.,-ri''''' cf•,..• '44i"•••ii,`6'-iiiie"ij ,", 'flit I,- • flit 'etc- yfijiblaiiit Y6ti iVaril, To '0,',iat'ar(YWherii,,!,, , • Paid, " ,ad tli 01r, et enlies -wg11,,sepri hear ' *Atari. , ,Npii,i i! rio t.,',4; mil st • be healthy. 1-,!'vo..r. ilevei , di',,...fanyhoay.l. .. , . , . WitnePP,',' . ..' , *. ' ' . ' • ' . JAME'S thlArernANT BRoCKVIardtlt. ,I would . ha vd*gi VP,i't a Int 'tor a ba•tv-'n 1,.aiktried'dijol al'It12,..1-l•r;;;•.iSi.i'iretiliii ‘e)ir;tIntaA'ilr)il?Tioliif), ,' NY''''''8.13Intifili i'60.1:1(1. waiting to do . it but 1 felt, tbdt.it„WoIlla. bd .dutdiad ini: D. It'at:of..'O'r"kato... . ' ', • . .. - '.'' , ": ,_ i__,_tni"11(q :it :k.'„,„ti:„.11,,,e_?, tiI„ e:}-1; •"'‘'''''','—r°4:--tY'' , . ... . , , .•. ,, , . ,.., ,• • • , Sttuirilt Mowers Artli - .� populait-Theyoot id.:totoy • -7- Fit1F6f-criergy-and itori-7-both' good , • and, doiicyfiii. tisf try- a iremeds of new settlement, organizing . about ,one hundred new school dia-L ,tricts every year. „The' provincial goy% .-ernments -niake, an adeneateAistribu- , thin' ef hooks and motion,picture' films throughout the country districts.' Rur- al.health nursing has Jong been Intre- duced and municipal hospitals widely ." established... -• , etween- ea aisins ireixwH' here' • •The Better ,42ord,;-:-Angleseyv-ssuilio: Witterleo, becatne-so e'literitrY4riendi • recorded efiven years lateyra. thodel. for.tie-ittee conducta; et ;IF, • It was „Within an -InOlt ..' through Walter'Scett'a partratt, whlch. htippenelifLtlils .Warpt ,the • -to be1eanitig'aga last 'tile waJlwiiile li "firtv4.er itall hut '1'16:agile- hero -by' ag..;°11111f(rti' 1c1111fal?•ai'dec-,'''''; Jong..ntanpetiVre • :att. the last' inskant b6i.wed 'th,e Way,. Not -long' after - 'Writer relates,' '.I.ord ,A,nglesaY,„ • *rho • :then was Lord. 'Llelitetiant of. Ireland; niara ,Duribg,the.laSt Part a. the:long, , !• titonglrAqird-17:+-.;tfiallirmiglitzhliii7.7tfist ' ' .... castle' w.es' accomPanted by U1lok' ,a;•=netaiiici- tall arch:, Atiglosey'a horse; and the;r1der, 1,0 .1i I in; and .pres en IlY}:arjked 'hint of his legs he lilted. better, Ulla had: nOtiVed. that 'Om? leg he, protetided that he btur hot hotisied,' end 'answered ..castitiliy -that "One, leg, • was asr, good' ,ai another; , there. was; • 411 iffe.41.-torit d, delighteat the tes.tiniony to bid .1U'd.- • ?eti .1w:wearing hts no*.Ilniti,. oXpa0..i.,‘. • da' itidt It :0118, artifiCial and told 110W, he hail ,lest flie,.real One, In. b$ '.0Ati the story JJ1 gently toiifn'tli that iiidtd! ;11,..':(litedeertt,to1 ai $titer 'fa IgLIS TA'sn'6.1 • , .4 4 are ',the 'iight u.en of : j-iure tnity, • • • • •