The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-04-12, Page 6•-• By jOHN-BUCHAN , (C0PYriehted, ThoMaa Nelson and Bons, Ltd.). My letchezi cabinet is another stand- PiPTEB UL-(,Cent'd.) I suddenly 'phut u arid with furtive A ' eharecteristie too eften over- • 4,k; apl.m. „Oat, ayfening piling- up aroun zu, her" to, Jabber , to by that hhould hate to do without I looked or at least nnemphasized 'in , RSES . --The.-Toroiito:,,;.'•Haeiip1taI--for--fnedt.%- ab1es, In afilliation,.•wtth' aellevtte, and Allied. Hospital', New York Ctt offers a,: three years Courita pg. Tralk Ana, to young women.. having the re- Joulred„.educatioa,and-dostrousi-of be- - coming nurses', Tills Hospital hat adopted Abe .cight-hour, system., The- , puptlerecelve uniforms or the School, a monthly allowance and travailing expenses' to and from New York. For further , Intel -matted end, -tto :the Illuperinitend.nt 4 , cloommommmia ••••••••=•••••••••••11I TEACH ' ADAPTABILITY AT thermometeregg heater, ladies, cork.. " • . 1 HOME. screw.' • - irAlleUe41,,. ilii..setir.ttiVer. Boine kind of ' Me in a low voice. e was the very 'IP,. 44....badb .4_14 te,,,i. ..,. .. . rt4, 4 .-etuze_ef, ,the_stag ...e 1.1 -r-cetor - -rlittle-friend -might have- Warned his"' adaptability. '' How doe3olisir hi°Id Iten1 te°1143':ooderhat I should greatly Lisbon to discredit us, and that our the training of the children, ' that ' f chopper that•I keep in it ttaz - The old .flow etood etering at usi• #PPerentlY 411 respond to adversoconditions-br new. - , ;.••,•peter..,and, „haw When ••• stolitr 'etec'f Niko," he'said "but ,if De odnazi!y. the cafes WAIN - 0 elaird;lat the''war. - diet ...YerX well understand ser41P' 1 t A • hAh IJ our 4if no hat wxat:...„You u men are sayin' any- had talked nothing. but Dutch, and can't sleep in his own bed or 'eat With dirty D tah. , so pretty carefully on the voyage. we! ing does he make a rear heeautm he tit: tlotriathheet fl041:teame"atotict,h-b. urmrieydatoli risaia,- The .thing against England, Pp ask An to rePeat it. 'And if so be as au re- had kept un between ourselves the role hie own noon or rida ill the, front m°P !$1 a gTeat help hi ray.. cleaning rrance -and- Whir t to big,, ''"ehtivi On a nitu street, and there Peats it VII tekeeither of you -on in:4 - ef.'Maritz•s- Mem-which Peter said was-:- seat- of . the. car as he does at home blooming Plants on kitchen- few . ,.. wer0, a., ctst 9_ sharp-eyed llews.wan....gnoek_the _face 0 ziurper. , ; .. . -- 4. only -way :O. play a .part..wel1.1-fofr- ifillieneretosPo.ncidrseuumn.:::nocrei:,.,1, yha:e._•_lincieeta: . - wilaa.t'l)::,n11-deta'lfeee:-..: '1!)'.ria-,.- Wilra.erist 'fit• o'ffily. cleing-4betit'that-f. guessed were splei. - Be was a Chef) after my eWn'heart;';-UPen -411Y' soul, before We got to .1141;.i'condtfigne then his training hi, ,F------ ' ell ---'do - shelf'- ±± - gaan words to, mi uto... Ile started .iniea'lherdieeper, With a . hit of :Shan- ' "The time is coming 'When the Eui"- n lender will, sing small ” I ObserVed to would' be 'best -to , get into Germany at ,te ..P is'sPoiled for mailer and hostess and .ii can be sweet and. patient to th prepare hi th t this - I h „ m so a is unp ells- ' cut • from magarin -1?-7' ':=--:,..i-)..W.'111-1 , ,t ha sadat 1waa414,41A0lertnneea0oe.,,aantetrytL ka...thaeat.ed,trtsigto,iirit licitait.„.:_biliuthLehah4.tr.i3ltlePbi that. egarne- up,' I,said,.• mlain-nddlw-wahats.-In,pvegart*-iiPaldeeheeelno ''TnindeeWend neglected. • • . .1. .., , . a , we mustn't „gel, ,the d - thatthe . * ' this kind of fl ' anger was other eideef I; - A. , . . , 1 , e_covers.,a,. it, of: wOods ,er • spnrie scene that widens the: r. aboutis,- n "game and that Drew mg -in sa public'henie. "Reinem,child that eannot „comply with the! it would ',he iiiife,,enangli. 'tias'.1et ourr. 'berthe big. thing," ,:itei:iy',W:',:,.,. , , -..,-,::•;,, .,. ..i „. -,... nodded, andtheold fellow, after. star-.. I Mild darkly: Peter. in3' Mincli which Should- be the greet problem, Ivould be atrophied, l busy .withl 'routine. of the home in *100 lie.; is 1 wails of ray kiteheri :tikes Mein •fifiC`Y ' -.""4".‘tgoe-beAAIrAY--wen, and and : 0'. •••• , . , . ,, .scornfully, -a ' - , . . 49 , f and that 1 should soon. be mentallY n La lguest can upset, plans. and e,reatel wiIrey •freni:the dail'Y grind and feeds .toced,-..,-,....,........,___•_. . ,.... ' .i, hig. at -us for a bit, spat tee;,...riptilte It like 'a Leureime' "Mar- '--- .' walked out, - ; ,,, - :•„•,-.. ' • - I 'Par with the - '°rdiii417' '114eirEveld 'lletl" .11r1141.11e Pleit"'re 4 the Y.4it' and refreshes defprendheugon'Y'mlennfeol'r'tsheelf '1:vo deaperedO: ':•We had .egreed that it After eev eat •-••• • ••' ••,r,• • .eutieite, whith reekened was a new the crowd. We stood Prinks to one Or ' . once and when the agent on• the quay told us -of a 'train at midday we de- - (Inn to him, and presently his tongue two, and :then. swaggered' Int?' 'the cided to take it, -• ". • . street: At the door ,h hand touched crowd round our table, • ••• scrap of a man in a fur coat. ,rolinthfreehelti.rs!eanvedi7a001 nueiwghebboailparaimeltaeidi: arm, and, looking down, •saw a gohatdo:. avneretthheer ffirotnatfiecre.ld Afetetthbeefao4ite; tion there was a King's messenger to. each . . Will the gentlemen walk' a• step m‘.other 0 Warits-witb inc and drink a glass ,of beery,: whom I had seen in France, arid a and our dei,ngs. It didn't seem to be • . . anthess MaY ' be avoided cannot be calnicirt that only a helni can give' •I done in,. the two or, three days- that, often pin a bit or verse or. a few lines TO') off:each- meat with bit -�k sWeet in the im.M. _ of; WttiGwrs.; , sweo tooth. and .$04,4 dtgeollo* Ple_a d_ benefit combined. - , FOR THE CHILDREN , ; prose that appeal t,o me to inY Win - a s . , a To be sure a child should h his dow shelf over my work table that own' things and should be held to a it may be my inspiration when I look .syPtern of conduct at home -else how that way., These last mentioried helps • 1 ; ,p en who had been trhoet.:1 eNaont hfeoffaarmni ..,,,g.popular .subject..in that-cafe.--Onei. oamnyenbtacbaitns tohfisretguheiciatryitbYe?_, oink-J...7m -, 6.4 hine.biaek fellow said that marita ..erw-ho Itnhev-edr3;isit!fr puteuhr', - . .., trig round our _part, of...the-front . , iwat t e EareUYe p, I es"?' fore Loos. I heard woman sPeaking, discounted. ' And it is, very esn7dY,titi ' 171 gIck lapeltriss*Well te ' IR. inard's Liniment for Cough's & Gold. h' pretty clean-cut English, which amid add that small children should be 1 fe rrs;e:ow.u.IdAnctiLhee,p boe4 rith.... .knife wrist with one band and his ribbon ,i hie throat with the ether, and demandedi ... hwaasngaedd* 41' YPestewirnecilavihnZIYN".ueniduggh°tml'hbiso ';'11.frishwieer'e'eat '' Inertltr:Zigile'.selne. ‘einc,nii athelahrskaraserrioDnugteher. OilPsb.e.r. fig:11:4Llik'ee''' Lthil:rerti:dataoireehlanages'PoUsf li nc. condi- . sibviie and' Atli 'Never boast -----af victory till you've . an etiology. He got it The Lisbon ' fr;Trnn," . r• -'-'-'1" , and English cheap editions. I felt' poet the whole- business, t :wen. .the battle, sem pete , „'Ir ..;,., . ...,....1 copies of, the English papers' for sale,I tions_but every ni-other knows pig ' bou/evardiers have not lost anY lions.I ' After that there was a . bit of a' u . We don't mind if .we go.". ,. ns• there are exceptions to this rule., We I. w . have . gr 8' d heii ' ar Ile oled us to fa back street andthen pretty bad a snug ..iind wondered if. I should 0 er see caiMC)t ell he" nurse girls and house- q ' el, o tairPmone-tei:e s*vjperierswe, an: . squash in .our corner. Those near us lip i • Pa rs oe stairs to a .ver tt e..flat. Th place was filled- with these hoznely.sights again. . v ., •--, and we cannot al avs stay at : were ',.verY quiet and polite but the • f! ,.fine* red lacquer, and I guessed,that ' 7.- .-- the superior to our One-time equals, . I h_e_ad,, , . . . - outer fringe .made remark. When ':artilealing_was.-hiP-noniinal--business.-: .11,.!titd,:11.1t thettnt_olteadspassed when the train konlei s...0. While We are• rainiag e_ ._. e.clear-blowing--dayi -children in goo he i s, e u e , tl- --b-t-"I`-t--avn rgive -_,Peter.Lpaid•that-if--Portugat-which-IfeT' to Eadmittedngi,a nh de . !osvheed , , waswasgbo ainegkii.,tog,:s't the trPhotyrat einiegsntavl ,egnsrti,snnce dae ehtlh,,e s warepubliclads, ,:ufpun .b, orhfo:k*,..eb hay. , !, ,tpaaanksdl taken oef Holland- my time • was net adjuetable te- other conditions. arSuetwansweripg_Peter!s ,questions.-; Well, how shall i'Ve*Olt? The Ilin'''' crawled through the, -flat then' the idea that these .habits are " :vrropg horse, there .was-a-nuirinur 'PI. gains in the lacquer and 'Curio line. : ille had.never,:beeri in Europeriefore,/ •dainentai point. in...adjiiitability_Asan7 disapproval. One ',decent:4401ring old' two king. tankards.of. farming. ' Ile, said he reckoned thnt and • formed a _high__ opinionof---theTTge-41-01,filai. r in , fact, when You stop . captain,fe I' oa'who flushedhad . all e overlr" of his a honestahiP' 4 I. * 4 .1:1;pere°8111tde., 'd'Rhe us Snich beer. I to think of it; doesn't unsellishneas al- - faCe,.and steed Up looking straight ati di yliin. are fr9.; said, raising. his glass. I : morgen. We Were thick such.land ivould carry four sheep al al - 'Peter.' 1 .saw :that We had struck an . io _IWe . reached 'the frontier . itation• and SOuth Africe. . Whet lii talk wken,:,, Most always solve the problem of fric-, tion in hodel. and business life? • - 'Much cif the progress in the Weald of music Can be attributed to Jews, olio' /nen of Jewish blood. , 1;e:A up the lineage and afdliationa •at the great comliosers•and.eirecatahla leitc141:-Iel'ela,Ite91ul'at;dieedve-Yre3rarathrl."-Y. 6111. • Call -the -fent-- , will:Yin& it includes jimmy of the Men and women; we ,know as. nuewian; French, Gerniatr, Polish el -Italian corn, posers ling.. artists. They are -Jews or or jewtsh descent'Wherever-you go vht : d *'6.• viTicskaief 70,7rthY enter-. The Jewish wernan, • and lf, Pet th7te ' Jewish woman, the jewiali man; sup- ' Ported ,aild spurred: on by,:the JetilshWOflafl • ' 'There is eOei•cOIY` 0:dayAnt pitielear ex -del -Prise' ei`irulne thlir great city; • or in au Y other 'city, that does not de; rive often the largest emount Of .4 support from men &lin women of Jewish race. '7 .• Whence 'Came this pisedilection music, this'aPtitUde for it in the 'bream •of the jew? • • It':can be traoed back to the' eigbt of ; , „ • • _ • • -• AahDict Pio- - Tonnnie--77"Grantima, if ,1 WasrieVited Out to nianer,lahpuld eat .Ple with 'S. !ark?" : • ." •pie. in the' honse-that oenhi Prac- tise on. have. YOU, Grantitna.t.'"•_ • 'A, Po.:0. nSt's!e!h' Your Own tiClibYsenu' eEd,f7r, ' triP1O mirro.r Wet ensiblep a person to view his, ears. end Much of the sicle8 cif his' • • Englishman, • 'and mentioned it , to ma e youhm hnrope. ,. : , , , e bot loo ed sullen.and secretive. Peter in Dutch. I peter, played his part perfectly. He !T.hat',s, our own business'''. I., ans- -• iliontltenyoll over a canal bridge into Qer-I • One littli mother helped her ,ehilr. • ' ,• .: • .. 1 ' dygn by • haying a gqest day at home.. I..hd- expected a big barricade with 'Ori this day the 'Whole 'family pre:: - . wered; You dont expect to buy our I barbed wire and entrenchments.' But ' ' - -' '. ' dining. confidence with a glass Of beer:" . / tended they were some • place. there wiis nothing•to see on the d • "So?' he said. , "Then I .will ,put it Men • side -but' half a do'sentries'e.i."%else: 'Bobbie, „instead of having hii Cafe. I:judge you do not love. the ng- differently.From your :speech 'En. the 1 the field-grey.I'h d huntedzen _at inl. t Loos. high chair, -sat: on two books and a: A u I ' fi with tlibla k n n er e cer wi e ac -:and-, 1 , 'cushion as he has •to ,do at, Aunt Ell. 1 • gold buttons of the-Landsturm, hoick- ' heands ..twah:ri:tl,ie ythisilshtilitehrer.df4ariadaEd Esther PATENTS. that bring the 'largest return, •;are - those . properly ,protected. Yea:can write :with confidence:to .our firm for • free .report as to patentability. send for List of • ideas and. Literatdra Correspondence inilted, • . ' • Patent Attorneys Q73 .sittik at,: ., ottalit, oitt. Al, or :-VVest -- a Best • ATCH id on having EDDY'S! KEEP YOcP STOW" BRIGHT BLACK KNiGHT STOVE POLISH pr; .Peter;said something about stamp- ing on their grandmothers-, a 'Kaffir. el us out of the train and we were all' '11;hrxie which so.unded '•shepherded in ba,re, 'waiting - and drink from a f'groWn-up •glash" grnescone .i.u.'reoin, where a large stove burned. Thy! 11.1ndthewrea i/vre,Sana't awneyrerriiviek;ysopathhetya The man laughed.' u .. • ' ' ' took us two at h time into an inner' drank t,e ' ' a •• • • nun' ,Side?" -- Want- to know. You are T„ on at 'thise:aGleiri- ..tro9nprr;etfearr all -about this formality but ,' y get-."-tl' !' examination, I had explained • abotit it,' • ' .- I was, glacr we ' went ' 'n tO th "That • remains to be 'seen," I said. the made us strip ' °A. lifted out of the rut -boosted 'up as tia_ihgvwer,, , f ou the i ea The family are them, -or foranybodyelse that • "If they treat me fair I'll -fight "'fer I I...gid-had-to :ersi inhyl-lite-.""it-were to. peek-•-'-over2the highboard I I make :hire • keep quiet. The men who• fence •to Ad. What is in the neighbor's Wiir on E.,r.Igland.' England has stolen did, P1Y et/entry and corrupted MY People! . - the iob Were fair! civil;'" but they ,lriird. - And, the change - of scene 'a 'in. ' ht. 'thorough.- y .ey, . . ,.,. . 1 . ! and Made me an exile. i were mig y, : They took s,piring rather then annoying... • • ders do not forget. We inay he ..Slow. We ..Afrilcan-Iclown a list -of all. We had in our pock-' in s 6' Ill theh ' •'' t ' A' 'd I I: . I ets and.hegs, the alitethe.details';-froni,1 and the ill asii, e:,papidaarpraietshina.aievica":4 .men we .win aing±theae.tenpdrieeWeat.aanrye i the passports ven us. • he Rot rdam agent 11,eil Inonly hriewn• as a good mixer, the fights England in East Africa. We' glw r ' ' ' ".... ,• I 'qualifications :for which are simply _.1 tan ever- know,- them. They aretoo know the natives -as no Englishmen :lieutenant's uniform came • adaptability to .circanistances,:end .e edressing when -a man an a soft and easy and the 'Kaffirs latigh,:paPer ,his hand. He was ' a • freah:. ePeet for the iliereete and ideas of faced lad''of about twenty, With Short; blacks So that theY will figlit at '.them. But ' We can- handle the sighted spectacled eyes. - thoroughly,our: children cultivate others: . So the Sooner and the. mere I errBrandt;" he called .theie traits the easier will everydaY devils for fear of us. What is the reward; little man, forour services'? will you. - There will be no re- ward. We ask none. We fight far hate Of 'England." • Peter grunted 'a deep approval. "That is -geed-talk"- said our -enter: tainer, and his close -set eyes flashed. "There is roorn in Germany ..for such -men-hkryou'.."-Where are you going now, I beg to know." - • ,"To Holland," I said. "Then "maybe we will go to -Germany.-• - We, are -tired with!. travel,. and may rest-mhitt,,..This :kier wiirlistking and Our chance will `LBUt-,-yon,--"ney-Tniss your market," he said significantly. "A ship. Pails ' to -morrow for Rotterdam. If you take - my- vic,grYou vvi -go er,, This was 'What -I, wanted, for if We stayed in Lisbon sonie real soldier of 'Maritz. might drop in, any day and blow the gaff. . "I recommend you to sail in the Machado," he repeated. - "There is :work for you -':GeriminYoli, yea; much work; but if yeti delay the chance may pass. I arrange your journey. It is my„business to help the allies of :My fatherland"' He 'wrote dawn our tiarnea: and an _ epitome . of: our doings contribined by HEN the maid: ' Peter, who required. We' Mugs of beer wallEsotit-gm - to help through. He Was a ,Bk: stalks You ean varian, it seenied,,and we drank to the health„oi..Prince. -Ruprecht,--the-same ' IvetP0. no Your muse- • blighter I was trying to do in at Loos. cleaning. Your Wash- That was an irony which: Peter un- ing and imning- fortunately 'Could net appreeiate. .If I nodded. •• • ' "And' this is - . foi the - d-th-' m an their associates, , Herr Pieriaarr h e but only by the careful „patient guid- neked . ence the motherthese acquire:- , -"rHe• .realuted. "Gentlemen, I apolo- .gize.. I. am late -beealise of -the slow -I • inenta 'be -attained2--N. X. A. .ziess.ef-theflerr-Commairdelwiter-it • • .• • .car. Had X .1cieen. 'in/time, Yon *Mild 1 - 7 -A.-'47EINT-CENT COUNTER." % not have been required to go 1 . .! - • ' - '' - ?thisr-e_ereinatiw::-.1ffe:114•Ver,beeti:edVised:' ' P,erhalj'-it.7is lailt's6i:g. it -i°6 •-t,i6i-ig.'' of -your coining, and I am instructed...1Y to say to' attend you; 'on nyour journey. • The out my list, of desirable articles„. be - .1 Pallid not 'IceeP liense,with-..... Arain--for-Berlin,leaves4h,,talfnrtliOdr;scauSe'',L. didilien...hoOie,-witlioutG.rnankf .-,prey-,clossIne,..3the4honercAageity..rrie-iii;.Orrtlielii;triCfiist'YearS Of in'Y' inerried '- a--IroCIO'• - `-` ' . • ' - ' life.' But I WaS bite. d. ix ' b the • • ..... (To hexer-ail-med.). .. Ye ,-, p- y e. .'",- - :-...i_ _'• . ---r-t-,---0. :.0Y• u t.„• -an icipa on -o • posse mon- as - "i : l'''I--- i''' ' tf ----- 1 ' ''"--1- "-----'7' , . . soon as ,I &nil& afford them, , such a help and costs so, little And is:), ' • 1 . I 'believe , I 'shall iNie- my _wire ;di sh , drainer first on the 'hit ..hecanie, li,....isn• in use three:times every day: N.e.ii,t like my 'double .hoilier,. and: rc, ,.' .. Ioarif ' . • coeker and fireless cootc cr.. _II:, '., • • it, ; • . great 'leher...sayinit tf, f 1 i . '_l i' reproPerlY,-Ctioked',ad-.7.:here-,.6t.le'r-, '..-. .,:GOAVE'BE$111,..T8. • .Witli these. - . • , ,,,' :-., ,: ., " :: I : . .. l' My "ten cent eounter" :ea .thefainilk.? ' "This prohibition, lavy.,,le. havhig ' Call8;it, -is .another great'eatiVerlience.L .1.1Vis a. small:shelf, thafluildi• kithifen z; "Yea; many a grave has b " made in consequence of its opera; * L tlen.",;• , -, !, ' - ' . 7 •••-°_,-'--f----,0- • Tne Eirst-Consideration-.--m' - ' The, dentist had.,-finish.ed 'work' on a . , can . send , out -but ' . a hand mirror that sh.) might :observe 1 he ,eould he *mild have enjoyed it. .i,.. . . .. • . . the result herself, The - ' zi..he' 'Wen t ou , •.your dishes -you , The little7cliap 4iaw,.418 baelc,,tO our with his task" With respect to the other caret ,..,,,..isA,A,,,,e tilt iruu.... ahfotertel, breakfeet, .bringing :the steaMer and was with us; next morning Iiiet.4,.,...repelating lide- Perfarinance With • 711.aveaW. allierElectrie , -tieketa: ' We .got, on •boarti about bin"-, the M ilT9,* when: each tooth lied- been./ Dishwasher to "do .' , in the afternoon, but on illy advice he -.11116th i‘iilailli' *h61:!: tli!e.:1(4) •Wae. en"; , yptit l!sitgingit wcirjr ,. am not see `us. 'oft ' 'I told himthat 1114013' ,c4"11P1fit.e, and0 '° :bandod• back , , • • • for vi . ' being British iiiubject8 and rebels at. the. mirror .withithaalt. Le Lie.41-cl_-._,_` ._,.._.2..„.k. -With the Walker .y,on....,.;.__-:that, we didltiot-Want to---rturnirry-xisk"WeilLinad.0117"..:110w•de7ttiO,Y4aelt,...'ta.,•;- -04:::board;:.-.tiiiatiiiiingTa'afritiiih-Cruiser-''Yen?"•:.-7-7,_ Inay:waskrir" ise, rite*I,:: ,cazight.•;uS-Up.-iitid,--Ziertrebed-110..:,..#iit '';,!I,ki:ii..,:iiii„..i.h:ey.-•.1ook .10.1.ina'r::plie...,:re:-:. - ,,...thi,e-rind7drypn7entire..,,..a: Teter,Ittok:,:twelytrfoun0;:V,tiiiiii,t04:64:ted.-.--,,,,...,:..-':-'''''":-',.-7--------`-'7--' "440-;,--7,diahes.:;fir,..,Aess,-:!-,,,,'-irtteVellifir !-0-543-6-moi7iVbeing- :his-- 'en le .:-." .... ,, y o's , the 'teeth. 1, , ii 0 ve,'Jest ,i1 'Alia c.$$ *than ten little minutes. . • 'Item' to tolaa .an .01*Oli*114', C'f' qH.)ii:-.21 ..,1_"01)`; '1lOrgot•-ah01.1tAlleAeriglifie' • ' SaYea;..:lianclii,r-savesT .1i.lg.' tile the 'YPtlari':'..- - '-: '' ' :. - 1":433rdalale.(1, ten.eb i Lig re iLtli e handtlese.- - - hours -saves 'dishes- ": Tagus -We', &§§d, the .61d Ilene)/ the: 7° , a Y ,.,„ saves morieyt- i 'WI' -Fed ""au looli at each tittie -Navigator, . . . ,, .. rgave you the thir.ror. / : 'doean'tgetoutofOrder, .. "I Met Sloggett in the t:itreet thli'f, . .Why,..niy hair, of coiirsel'' Morning," said. Peter, "and he told ine.. '. • . . a. little German inan had . been off' in -,, -,, 1-17- ;1"c7O PleaST " a boat et daybreak looking up the Orader---".What.....Was th.o.fj,'0.1.r.vta'.;,..-i,,,,,.: .,:passenger ilist. 7",Yen -Wag -a ,right. no- ' Complaining--:abou IT -- tion of years, Cornelis. I, airr-gled-we • Ass ISta.tit-t-",Aboli t. •thr: are •goipgtmor,ig pernyiiTL. They are - • -gbre'bitarti4 Very lin r I. -ctirefilirPeeple Whom it is: e,•plere- risti- ',tease. ." -, Yesterday She .was enin tomeet. • ' ' 1)1(m$ ,, the short weight," " _utensils such as.' :funnels, '-meaStiringt cup,. potato ricer; paririe'liritiresi putty knife '(a fine thing.fOr Cleaning stickyi kettles),. buthher -1,ciijves'. and brushes. , 2 . U.nderneath is a string .of-!,hook`g7upen which -hang -large Spociiiii -Meet fork, • lady's back molar and had handed her' pancake turner, , tea 'strainer+ dairy . • 7•••-•.•••• -•&;••:.:•••• 0.7.17.p. • "'"!•••'.. .. ' It feels, 004 o feel. clean" e stains of toil cannot 13.old"r out the- Cieatny 'lather , of buoy.„ , ' The pure j :-and-cocciaptit out the pores ant1-1, theH-.skiii:-Wkir health: .:The health ailoui7:vai,lishe§ Oickty„7; alteref;07i0.',- gy Life- athe TOc, good to be tkue? • Tien -a& tori ilesioartnitkiit., W' K1iR C C OtharcirAtEriM Hurley IYlitchine Co.` . Limited , 66 Temperance it. Toronto _ „,.... .-..,...,....,,_.:,___-; , , • .it Makes a Encterence.' .• Adventures of ,Two Dutchmen d n toe Reletted Sultor-1,--'.',\Votrir,1 you ,bject LOOIM• ' to my presinee at 3.r), wedding?" The Geri/inns, aff Peter said, aro o • The 'Clirl-'1"IT6w 'do -Yen ;RP" 'Ill*e oareful people. A man net 'tie on the word?" v .f. Rotterdam I was a bit afraid ' , ria„ a., . - - ,•'• --- .. 1 that So/nothing might have tui ned up M ['lard's Liniment tor Coons and Warts i ,. • , , , • . 'CHAPTER IV. LAWN - WEIR. , 11 f3n'»ogsthloij7ruj1S •.1.thot. SmArtnee- fiiitartb Mowers hr; prereiltheir superiority. ' wheroverSrass le row, Easy runidrid,kcen, guaranteed. mA.nopAitcMAM JAMF.S OMAR, PLANi ' sieitavait oto.. , LEVER------ Foionto 1.,1362' Financial Courtship" LITTLE' booklet which tells in an ,teresting wa3/4 60 simpleinits,language that, a- -sehoolgir1-zcou1d--underStatid,'2 it, all about investments -of all,kindsbands,--tuort.- „ --gages-and.',-Stotks.- .. Even to experienced investors this little story, woven into a charming romance, con- tains many valuable pointers on, investments. -The•booklev.will. ,be 4x -tailed 'tree to:any , one on request. 3 4 , ilius Ottawa:- • NowY0ilt TorOntiI Before you invest, consul( us, aryls zsaBayst.. '41411** 140freat •London mg- sang' their pesterals iu thedays. 60toirMr,dOei.da,..."!)tel;oereWa..4iijsn'teprii7ng,_d4.:,;;rii. tiiitic.1.37elierep: -• --' ,•,- ' -ThenIn Egypt 'thirty-two contiiiiea ago,', the; ,Jew sat' at • the feet of meg,' _ .' who. `were. : scientists in ,muSic, • We, ,. • knew that at the time of the. bOnnage'.., . the people Of the Nile were ativeneed • -.. In the arta,' and that in nrasic they had • both_a Poinilar_ait-a114-&--saerednial. . one. Ta them Can ,60, traced not, a few ;Of the instruments •pf, . the Mader*, Or-. ..„ohestrn, • The Jew was thee, as he has always -lieenTan•d he' is to -day, the inost„ apt of, • •• "". • When he took, up his staff and Set out for the promibed land he. Carried • with .hizif lute the Wilds and the desert anhoat.aptilalraandeni:eaaonfl:like.apePwPinelciagreg.eYrt:thiena,'': ' "acience-•of Egyptian Mitalc,-.bilt Egyp- tian instrunients.,'"•itine.' :Of these' Was. the harp,. Still :indispeneable to the • cOmPlete erelieS"tral ensemble; • ., . . • • . 'M epic Cheers Oppressed 'Natiane:::. It. has. been: said, that every ' oppres •• sed nation becomes anusic . 'Oppressian, brought:. out. thelatent;music in the. Jew, his •idealism, hie pas-. • .Sionate; loVe liberty; and this is par- ticularly :trtie' at, the ,IeWishwcimen who bear, 'as •they ,have always borne,the groat great burden.. at •the.,wees:eft.their Prom the oppression •the 'Jews car- ed their ;music Into F'elestine, where flowered; tiil, fresh eppresiien car; d to 'every., corner of -the giobe The tenacity. of " the. race hu S -kept eh of Its 'male in uncorrupted form. : e_have-it here; as•-'every-caPitzil-and' . 7 yirtuelly'eiery haMiet cif thc1Vilized" • *arid has •it., . • • . • :..•."; : So we-the.JeWish, flair:for Music Manifesting itself. in' two ;Viraystlre.. • Centiries of; the melodic ,treasereCet,. - other, rirtnallead - orShip .thewhich has grown out, -0,f- the. simpler nlusie of, jlte_ipeo le, and like: that • • pler M.1109..!.:,hes•,1?..ecorea: 4: peceSsity,.4n liveS-!ef 'our people • We hitie- with. us h -heritage of Jewish; melody, not "Cencert halrIS 'along:With the . national, , „songs. of varieus races. „ -.---47rem-•'generatian .t.a,generation these • „Melodies have come. down • to Ms, ex- . Pressiye cif the. beauty of smil that has never -'been lost -t-94.the, jeWish...peonle. . • , . • Effect of Lights on Atinoi- • It Is of much7ilinetiereeist to those en- gagell•:••iri ,..Sigri...:.jighting.4hild,-.Signiiiiiit' . !..: to .1mow. that. lights -!-of different 'colors ' show varying: degreesi - of:',- abilitY.....to;:".''',. ' :penetrateatraaapitere."7.SOMir reditiiiii;-;;';' - -,:-..----ii-ti,011',-,7bitsed an eXiteriments give the - _Icillaking_resillts, for, thenzieinium-111.7-,',','.', Jensity. _visible - hi 'a,;elear 'a tmosPbere; at a range of two Inaes.....In these cal..' - Culationirlight•-icoureet.rif-,-etpiiii ",iirea'-. ---, -are-attainred'r- '''' •--""' ' • , . . ..,HRed . ,. ,:;.- •...:;., ; -2.t 7. candieliower' • Green , :.;:. , .. 1.08 candlepower ' • .,.. White . , . . •: . . ., I. . 71*. candlepoiVer- 1 ,„,,tlietange .of -visibility of any light' • initirce depends, of eirose; noon the le-. lei:laity ef the source. •floWeVer,• it : '.. tniist not be ..stipposect that, tor don*, . lend inituiSity varies °for, d ifferent . col...._..,...-.„,, _ I • 7 ling the intentity ..the ranee - Will •be .,,_. doubled.:..The relation between! range ' The greet- ahs.arption•-:•of . I 1 gh t: -1a iin.-:•:-.7.;•;„ f-litiiidintiere':;laden-with --water .vapor -is:,LL.,„ ire&-Viii'Vliiiiiiiii-'.•14'er '-'1'1161.7iiii:i- 'goy -eiii., ' '-• ";inerie.inut4;iiiiit.:iii4Zn'ghts,..of--.1000,1:10ir'c , :.;,.(randlepaWat ..witich Were Installed in a • - hthansp had leSs ability to'lieneteate-: •a fog tl,an a.:10,00Q ,candlepower oil lamp. This itidiCates that eleCtile in- .. j ctindeSeent ' letti,Pai. 'having more. red.. rayS, .Would be SuPerlor to -11re 111,MPO'.: . . for use Ili lighthotises. - , ' - ...jllusi,-..and...S.molie-iiricnieStiOnabiy • hi-. . terfere more with the tratismissiOn of, ; brue - or green light , than With. . red • 'light. Therefore, when VieWed throngh ,.. atnitephere all Bahia. would appear' to 'beeonie redder, Oil weighing.tlmevi, dense, it seenia that reddish illiunin, ,antS ShOuld haVO gtOator pimettative - 'ilOW'er than bluish liglitS and Where. Thal rue to be iliatitiguitilied at a niii, : t elide the red light 18 there readily fa, ,tilt•Sed than tight of SOT Oilier color, • 0 „ , ,•,•,Get ail you can;. tuiVe all you , can; i. • and 00.4 allYat rail. • 1 .•