The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-04-12, Page 3,„ • urnames an •HAV/LEY. heir ,Origili lialirleY Or' :Slag earn,Pa dwiYeci.1 etireVIY' ;Fere. •the-eldcWerd. Itneg.!!.; • . OR 131= "Ttige.P.OethFI.OP.TiMeaSer 1i 1 PF i ,.114f1M0..iteut,S. 1!-- , ' ASTEP" C. ' -YOW.-it;''.411,0itr. 7Or"0100tO .rfi.*4; Alghegt 0,41 t,4,0440.' ettiOrraein-,1?0,4* ' .,,,, -Inge Is the: :welt/4101M. We./W-nth. .:•ppent 'Lots ' ,or 'Money; 1.9;h::4tlit,ft::-t-PI,Goik-'6°P14.,-"Ft,s4'eocji.'Fi-ate-714:14,neerrupt:H. ,,, „,„ .,_ , ,. • ... • . i ...)340040, 10..emqu..44..gro, 9,t; t..4. 1..vF.151-- • - VVile'''GO t, -NO Better 'Unlit ' .. , . •.,. ... ... .,... ,_: . . . EP' FARmING. •1$' .::QN,,, ,, ,a a ':s.' - :_, .. , :,...:.:,•„. ::,, ..; • ' ' ' 'ft I I 0 iginEntillah;: . .,,....:... •• VArlatiOtiftlaWat ki,410;f: , -3104toc „wArool..411iP, Ifs,„..1c7,-Pft..,r- ‘,.1 whio. „lg; Itts.t. dsg,d'.17i Loodoo.,,, • . ',,. ( - . 4 aq4,4w: pat po, mown , ..: ,.. ,,,..„ . ,.•,- ,.............,,,,,,....,.. 4.,..).ramoos,sore.4,' 940 .01,44p, Nii3.44*. Pt,,, ' ••4.- '__I''-. ' ' ' .'-' - --; ,'.800r.'en•r•Alc!C.P110'..' • • ThjS:SEBSOIL .1' , Xt fa IgeOwn. P4 Ow • "POWIral of, i•••,;„,,,,,,,,,---,,7•1700„ OP, . •,• , 4.03 . • • ' ,' 'Vgriat/OP;.0.3.rPeab.eolt. . 1 - ' • • .t :' ' !, ..1 •••;,-- ..t4...9.4144e.1.40-" 40.ry4.444.tiPPINAPIVettifo • ..4.1- Itkcy0. -8,e* ch & ,c4apga g14, liwt,..1T'FitzleW,,!!A,Ftnft,T.tirs,",„ottsTt,..:,,ovc4,44TAIA:14,04,33,........,./4,..,.,..:',„...,, Tfig- INCREASE, • ‘ '.' . . : Hero is ,Anettter :of. those NW!** Raelat Pri011i.r.-1714tOk ' ' 4414'4 90.1,1114PW 1,14'1Thi.;arP,-AP,'--4,4" arebiteetUfe: 1..t . IP :Mere titian' "i3PP, Pt....,10„&liolnadolo-nirviferiaionie-Saysy .etigie-e-,-iitteepinbterstoek,;- -,To-thi'Vrt,t47, __,_ 144P44""1"44't"4144.. W1411°1131M44 1"14r°e..44 .1°17sa141.6' ' it - ure•zeor,-7 ''Ti.,14:k.s'a'-'*°',".TiCliit9tt.-:.ta°4::-.1ii-i31./1"4' ' 14 `4*104;'''-----7-'7 • ' Ahe, id leeling - like a girl 'et ..sixteen,Hiov' stra'.tifroW Ont. "' • " ''' '': . - . '; '-' - ' " in a great many sections, of _that- !--OrPeSheolthis-7r-eallY7.7 . n"'rn , -- . • ge . ..,, „ ,.. . „ r .. ., , Clal_„.•:„..„,..,,,,, „Is): 0. , ,...,contes„.,.,,,th ,,,•:.,_...,...suit, b./...,,.. ....in 'n-crw,e , owareit. Barca4 wInot "...41,11tliticat LiNti**eirt41. Agri.-.- -fanilii-rd-anitrfaiitaffinf.e'S: '0A...'„ht ti4t i4grelfi'. allY: ,bettfr74,44.4ar-4-19044'1Vitii,'ItilOyiti,a..44. Ofei,s`gt,-91.- 'line n dining-reeM Which • :'''7"Octiiittry threngh .04 '0'1:4-`1P°164 QC' ''rt4'.44."11.14*''''''.4 '4415- 'tie"' -'- jt‘'. - , . . :able Irthe apring.T.iiirtite".:SYS.tent • IS o, 1,51.90,1). olotics- .',a, i. e•..,e,75'434,p, losaye.md, '„"'•Ix.r, 1 ,8w. ;.,i,',.,rimc.4,00,74..7.4•;07;:,tm.,..ar.lie.cf4;ii, oftti7,.:7rnr.:71.1_ „.6,.. ,.,,t„ .77..4 ..,v„ i.„,,,, ,,c;;Th, ;,,t1,,,. , t oks:,...N.0*1.**"%.-040. , . . . ..wese.,,,,, mains. . ..;,"..... ..,5:pii..1....... ,...Q,„, nanaeS., Of . Spelling. family gAMPS• than the , the . ind.por, lite ofi• the. winter . moatlas,. A.4.0.174,.xl!3„. it,!4. ,...4 ;org,t•lar4 .14, sorct, ...t.,40.1..,,,,, "Fer'70014-eheiiaii 'Ail ,Tret4.0,44L-r140:'--..asiiimengen.'n&fdp , ''',. ..ortiii.in,:ont,' tlY or the deserigtive hind, In Illant. habit .of pis bearer ti,t.kosistit,,, ,., -; , There, ,4,...,t.m_ Oth.er -Stearn- WhPA--the•,workera, .. , ' - ... .4own r ort04.-Weitiof Oe:wouidi fail In ,;,...,-.... . , , , • ,,••,,„ • ___ , . • , -' • ... 'instartees,_knoNvii, only to' igiooe who. ,.: firoesiLeekls the ,..T.M.behlr,cq Pt tyel.1" WOO, te.'. 0_.9 glUch in ;teetl..9.t.:_pltriTY.:4116. J-•.-- Then -comes' the metropolitan, lisim, . her tilt.,046,,, ,Nearly_eteretwiwof,,ato,_. l';;7=e4TYt-PVis714t-14-.=1 4117! .:1, • ..,Pooeflhly.tlie moSt et.ijk, ing. fontWO•of lived, to th,'s;r0S1Orkunitries;inwhich„..,7.the'.,,;ing,,..it,:l.13.ne.:_lathe,r.-T01111,,,VrQg$4).1*-1:5.171414 enrich)* wad' eVOIT:dP..it. ,th!s.0 .Ag",Ti.b.c., lituno.444.ht-iViettopolitilA Iit7 ._ the ',harYeSt lahdataPe.._ to'. AMet102;1--,-ntunesTSpratir'n0:',7 -1.140.00,-007 "1,014i. '.4 Chan .4104 ' 'Filletkin.g.- ..*Iiinoli...-has-.Leonie- .:_pille-Aeipts,te-enrieltjhe, blind& : IP:•-tbeisuratice ' COnOnY4 „with, ita Ave, or ts.bp.1.7wir04:1712.114tat;trild;„4",,tii- 'tlexiTZettli _NviAtid07:.i:.. .,!,,,2_„....nar,,,l4Stnet*.t...A3..trest..:*!4,9A '' .-fariAfrs.,VUOTA-0464104,.:g4 it!0„--0-444-04:-.1%14y, ' Wili 7 wctod-b,l(itt ,' 4:+0:ire7 .014-- 4130*'' tbrongli 'the; •Infliien set :00.' ',Wing:4Mo feela,yeak,,! .................................................................................................................... ,w4a,ttlino t:319,1eixot fitstie, tilikw ' 77,--Wearduring--reient-Yea-rs is..the,-.gener, ..i,he iike„.._,..,. ...., .. , • _. ,., , .:. - , - ti•igits4,/kg-iiagei,jiariStarieesi_AvhfireWillitirneTT.inittille, giOtretigt134'10 , Th,oSe giant imildings, 41,41146d with.1 Ntrooki- -LktcosiFt434-c§i.,1--oti.i-elgc..61.**t.--kttih.4.. Li -_-*.F.- Tutoriatx--010.. ltaiiie,,:':-Harwtey,--wotii0: 'the fiaznOttas been' usetd" tor lOng. Peri- 'the spring the•appepte:i.Soften, poor-- . loose wooderfot lift skstao*; Isolod.isr, a d h w•Prilire..Pd einie, t her ter' hellte' '.043f4ieiirch74,.t.1.^.;''94.t°!.4.ali.:otir,.'14alalltijig I, 4'.., '44; • ,. .• rn„'',affd.'the'riOli. and sturdy Crepe, .,ro,0,40.• 44,. fiQued- woo or ol...o.4ovoato,.: ode either. :in Atne.riee: or. Engiand; - ' 'Dr.. .WlIlia..leta' :PIAlf.';.P.. 1441 CieveleR 'th,,e .severaol 'that.' sto.P,.:14; eYer7 'tVireatle.(th 'I . IWO, ','aft,oi, SsO.4iiliiiiii: • amOdredi '.at' . Most ''., "- • - ."'"7' • '•_-_, • • • ., , eeen on eVery band..., kayingi, itS 'their.. ,,for it le, It. ceinpound Of -the, anCient '., 1"(„ytitt 'Were te translate ' thta name appetite,. torte. the' stomach' "and :On pto,41., .01. r.io. . • , . ' y . • •,..g. • .,, I ' .. I 'dollars•On. different,medleinett.;I 4i4iii- .„..tPclu.2,41.' ,... '....;e toOthleas la sq!,.•,•,. 1,,ftItte oorn Vert Well bablnlii Anglo Sun w14 -tit` "IWIW't;',9;10' "'ft3'Y''''i'!: 44°417 It4P'E"'lls44 *(14.141:-14:PhT411'',Yreali,'''Oisciti01:,... 1:C: hp:. in "thq 001* e•n.00:b.)yi:ooatiklie-.shknxviti,ast,111:/•:h1:4-ttbi:::,,ttil , ,fl,:. tailed t1•11 '.th,ta...",,,l4.'actilell (.)r,..t40,-0a;nitilf4 litst..:11,i,:co,,Ii.#, our Ahoy are, asteunded -0...the aliilities, in the potlinee il.,aiag the: werd'froM 7410.1 . /Y. ' "./31getrettiti,;"0. The ' Word . 'fgt. YO.e's:"' hit ' that .,l3.090). 'iii,..th.9- 4104 .03,..(r.,P114 l'Ql*,' • eiitioting '', builditige,', 00 Unite APS; '''hilvir:,..hnle.riklitii:dlieivi; t,:aha,',fai ';cliiii:tliwileb"'e:nw9oullde. 'Ptet."1e;;P:r0t.;%hrO4t.'4';'e°1.t'llatit'14ctl'‘.U°dnra'e.I.det4...11.' :1 ' ..m,,,,,otii,...pi.4. ..11.43{16,."'0§'. nothing. bit .: the, iptitch egniValent for: let in •disfiguring.Pireglett-. erP.1419 '', . . . ., , o . . e treetreeet, oiery„eihneet (lay Pat toe. featly -biSeeit,s, tAkeS,.po-. "4_,'441*.higrel':noirer lett.ttit‘..liriniffliti-tb. ' . , . . . ':ar..en 'as sooil. najoe.,,,s, as iialg,..Hst,i..ges, - the Hnglish word "gross." Orr "great) and, ' hella-"'br• •Williarnos Milt Pills, Tkoin.ice4-014 one. 'with 150., storwa is . . , ;„, ., . ... . .-- . tatoes, and. other starchy •fooda. their attention: ie t11,0 ontbstantialAacre-'.. , . , . c Was gone.' , -,t.nat was several znonne. • . 11.0 and: th like ' . ' .: ': : . Which, is also ,to.. he tbund,' . in both clear the'.'sitia because they go to the oontemPlated, • . .4;0 ..4eYcbted 1.0' 04-1149°439mi ''••‘19'd.der' .'The.' fcrme • . la•A'iv. 4014' HANfe8i ' of :Frell'ehand Oerman, And."'beck,7,.mes,,n,-, .ord4p,or4;nfeaiithilea4.elgitt4r0/all,b,:nreil4le4hutliit:anetibi.1716.0te,hdei.o.rldnti xx ..toelluo!:, , w2 t iri;.:laitti: '. ,e0 yrii.iHoe70:::d.:a.;. ,.. ..: pa;°.4::;:pc•f§iehtih:e:47a:yhitie:::yh.:,be;c;ttght;;64.ah.:dhidr;'I , . , , • . . . '. workin proving ,:the *alto as well as. in . ' • . at the poMinion have done the pioneer oven • in W hc Vile Wes. Pre! h".4e, course are either shortened forme of; ing stream, ' • .. . . Splelidlitti -,Xleteafter we' wilT always ror...2r;..4r..s, .. . . . . , . Pinw los lsraPPear' , . , BABY'S IlEALTH . ...: The 'Gardener, • poor; weak lfilcxkl; and 'It, iri, at this time .k. „. ,,, , . room bles are most' persistent because. of , land had sailed forth o soe the, •or "YOU don't neeameteurYp:gotsth • . " utilfzetiOn and willeir la tieing.' with .. • Western Canadian' provincei,,, in 1022, • . ,. . . •• • , , , take. butterfiles on :fierning. wings. • these Only 'further weakell.theraselYea- 41 'S hi r•• • .... - • • ' Canadilan fariner. ' . . ' •• - - Wben all,ttature tsk.,es..01.S43w,iif.e-thai.'F'iroa,'".tcrrt7,1:*anttiiig:'a'..t.,04...1,'rnei.%°1,:i9::..t..bhCi'ecaei.--,'-''',.., ,-.''''''.... .-,, ...' , ,. ,‘" ..i.' ...' : 06171,4S a nilarge. Oren for.the .Wee•fi•eril. ' .. ' , , , ' - I ' ^ I :So loyingly,,ha helds: within .. ,.. ., , , :tpiesnt6.r.,7'..a,7d; tb,e,:: e.,r1C . , The. Nearingmd 41 i.ue 4ii l$tii Completionpaig,n(Cv :11 near i •:. . obc u'rk".:en:P loilpIere's'i trcausednExtract‘gi ititRye::j poor .92L"o1c; IM • Till His h'end-the.tinyeeeds end: SeeTi• .. the hlood 'most. teriOnely needs` atten- .while,he 'hunted tor 'work. • .., • , UT1e14 8 .1.,:arges;, Dullogaig. The. increasing. use. of _silage, every- ., -- - E is resPonsible for, this, In the ... , _ .., . , „. „•.........., ,.. .. . Ull, ' 111,,, ' SPRING,!.A.Th'71.1,it!ise.940ervo..htirlih.;ott;itilertyil'ittittlati'ego,,uri; , .1t:oitnb,....;,:..pSuermkaat'lli,Peeso.pal'Ett;ttlildi:„,et:.:omte,,tivblieSt::11,./74:1111..$,,_6.,Linl, .. Root - there were '87,861 acres deVoted'to,Prel': ' The Spring in a 'time' Of anxiety to .2.k.,.purgative „Ii..iereiy 00,104,,...throup • "Regiater.?" said:the tra'sre*; !What Ing completiOn. la Tokyo Japan, is said :Cdartilgitta.SYrcialf-lilteeZethererOOte.nity'llt. : of 537'440 bushels., of',etien worth 3179; .tokeeP the babY indoors Re He is often "...What totr ', , Asiatj,ob; : en : the. atr:;:uagnne. d ,s; te4. i rgrt78c t .5.600 r I 5,,,b ,y. si d: or I Li 0 t i t. . r 1 i ri ::3 . dear up as fresh as a baby's. t 'Wrgllu'slaw.teieyteoniry6ouro.weitsto,ma,, dr =4 ,d1.1669.14 of foo:er .6orn. and olatiy oo,:- ,mothers who . have '14ttle ones in •the sd )01/.4.gly he, lays. theta down •:. • the'sYstera„ . etripotxtug • the 1 bowels , .12,ut ' is, that ' ' ' ' recorded. Areas, in smonowers,. .A. total hane. ..:Ce.nditiona,• fnakelt, neeeaeArY In be,ds,loade'soft pit warm to Di.e.e1N. does not help the blood,. , Oil the ether , "WSfe.y.bar naine'''' .... Get the ._, , . 609...Vidr'e raised In furar.prOvinces; e°nflPed :to .'everheatPd, badly' venti-, And "eafefullY 'ahcriP their. ilqa•ds. ' - ''' balla' .Dr; *1111411i(?: PriliC Pins 7eilrIch . 4‘ We are Tetra:1;4 to It.eep, a'record. and is .110 feet. tall. '•The vrelght oV • genuine'. 50e.encl$1,00.Petupl; . the hleod :whiPh 'reOche4. 060 te6'.4 of all Our gueets.!.. ., ' : • ... . . 87 000 tona, 1.04.0PPerted_orn..plifrig.",that. . 1 the greater volume tedng attributable, isted rooms and eatelleS eelds .which FO 4.4r et bitter *Ina ked .814**I'IC ':' rack hie .yrhele iiiy..e.,u,,fm.., To, guard -4. magic-. oeve4et !l'a, spreads ' '• .a):4 every -"gal' ' i4 Pa body ' b°11g: . The *Ian wrote hiS: hares. -ank/',-Wha- .e4ends: '. nearlY. 100 reef ' bolo*. the. :gal:114144.11111, g"e7-:.''„. l'e***•"4. -3-- lesser :quantiti.ea. to Albsita. and .Bri., agltinat this. a .bOx -of. P4.14i :0__wil 'rah--; new strength and vigor to .Weak,:easily, abont to lay ,doWn the pen. ic4en the 'ground line. ' It Contains.,.appraximate,".- , to Manitoba and •PaSilatehewatt. and , , . tit* 'Coltunbie:-. TheTinereaiing ' ith.i3.: TtetVglioilitt . 11/".1—Cellt I'd- titiii house and So lovingly .he waits until' tired men, women and children. : Try. . .a.,ko devoted to th.e64'0.1.'op!s .each year an Occasional 4cee given the baby' tO 'A:Wakea: by a tliollsa'44' scill4CIP'' ';' '' '151%.-Williani".14-1c4Ilia 1416''tiPi°1g77- "NPW-th‘e Place, if you Please,"- ' that will be deToted,ninfosit PatirolY to they ;will not titspivpint..70n...,., ... , •elerk.:,adde&- '... .:., ,.;:..„ ,,- :_.,..,:. .....-.•.,-,t.ly'.7spo,000 .sonare. feet. of. tioor. apace ! ' Use [ I IN , .., With ,tender putstletChecl , arms 1$3y: ,- '.rbat.;plaCe?4: office' perptises; and is Of fireprOof Con, La the: iest,testimoni .,to 414:gvea,tOr keep his •I''3111'ae41.'alia "well& w4241116' ' rise . iitiliZitlOt t>. silage In •feedini in the .regularly:* '',..i'r Thin Will .prelent. colds' - ;.', : : : " i '': • .tgiold by all nietheine dealers .or,. Sent The plaCe ' you came from" Where art:ruction' throughout: :Modern ' eiluip,' NIGHT And struggle to their feet .tO rind . by:Mail 'at 50,.,Cents,•a box by. •Tilet. Dr, to Yon.livel"., .. .• ., ' :. ' . 'tent, such aS• fire op.d veotila,ting sYs., ' a new trend in ,Iiialic;,.da,. .• . . .- • , .. . . . , - , , eine dealerS' of by niait at F cents'. a'. :, : • , - . ' • • • ' • ''' •' . . Western ligifeiatimil" well '-'1'he Tahlets,' are .aeld by instil.' An eager .welceros in :pis. e,3vs, .. , .COnt. ' ' . " ' 1 " .",..w.I 1.elvil!:,obnuit,I.a.orebaila..in,sdia;,c4! a r . ., teeemiteti:edbf.nora:atnhdthrOoetnia.h.43t':aittisti;ti.O:th;iir 'bcotte.,;:e.Inni •,. CLEAN.. CLEAR .AND. HEALTH _ KEt:P• ;1(OUR.4-1Y,ESI ORNING te .Western.:Proviaces;, and title: ,s,t. 4 ' ,, constipation or cello and keep ' baby Williarns' Medicine.: CO.; ,Breckville,- ana.cla,!s Largest °Ora. riairl., , bo from from The llr. Williams, iviefliciae So lovInglY be .watehes 'whea -. Co., 'Broekt.dlia, Ont.' • ' • ' 2 'W,Aoh quick ,resPetisethey do his wilt Who Wrote the Words' : , The 'other .•leoltetl a WM , in arnaie7 ,, ite, -.14,AUTO 1011\ •C/LIBE rill CAIRN O001C• MUIR10411 CO. CRICAOAV ini i rr 6: The.n. he. sahl,, wIth an.einolaniiie own power Plant: Suck•Igta 'been -the,. Popularity 'of ...,: ", • - ': . • ' .; • • ' And in his kneel.ing'therei • ''' - At'icreceut- concert in Winnila.g.,, t' that left no doubt ',Of, hie'. feeling's,. „ _ . ; these crops ,:and,..- from their' -,:pitten ' ,L , With leisi,hands,' care, slips. AWay, -0e4ti.s.marn, itaid o Ilis.. gics't itlorn, .1,11, .,,priiclee, 4w41,-(1.,..talanci.: th-an.. ' w4 -at , : it would take ' a good - counter, count - governments'''' 'Fatthesi.-Nokth. R d" ' ing 24 hour's ' a' dny, more than ,0,51•2 ' enellis, the anxiety of the grOvinehl, • ' ?' 4‘.' ' AnC1 peace °th9s 'I*6 an answered anelvere4 e-et;'''.1 Just not,160,1nat .0o,...tws, oro,:'. ,other i'Sland Is there?'' • ' •• ': , • , . ,. ., . .. I . 'te extend': thedr use, that '•. .. ' .Weithr. Station, 7, , gramtne.t.he, naMes. of • the:CompOsera years to-eenni a. billion. ' Oaring the pas t:' ,atiromer!, the• Govern.. - Tan Mayen Land,, a titty volcanic- is• ; ' ' ' '' .--,Lillian Howard Cert., of the song, lyrieS ere' emitter:I.', I Won-. ,,.. • .'-' ' r: -An- Original', it'planatiort-...': -... .• • . . Pleht '',Of ,Alb,erte. dfstribixted corn and landnorthef ICelanar, iSin:the. traek of . der • who is .respenlible.• for such an . TheY :were having a botany', lessen, . 'sunflower :seed free to. larniens, ..eadi &ratio Storms ' sweeping towerd the •-everaight?' • It . may be said at once and, the:.Ohildren *Me asked by their: . . • . .. .• , League of Nations to Urge . being able tOreCeive• fifty Porundagpon coast:of ITorway, 600 -.miles d . that . Such ornissione-'are..'net .'coniined, '.'teache'r lir they knew ,ivitat.• Made the by any , Means - ..te.' Wino/Peg.' ' 'Every -' leaves tUrn. red In tha,autunm. .'', --,---,-- .Where you go you will,find programmes ' ''. tp popped one hand -and only One. -giving the names ; of the cogipesers.of. H. ;`'Well, Johnny?" asked theteocher; . •the .muSio, lint .thealeraotis responsible • -"Please,. miss,': replied Johnny,. forthe texts: ..are" narneleee.' ',Some; qbey blush to' think tow' green they thnes the, programme' even gives in. have beenall th.e summer." .., ,• , .full i the two or three..eitAnzas Of eadh- 5,,,lofitteliti;,t,4ekintsesi,%..•:•itliontl,,. men,tiorning:, We" .. who have had . a Special ,training and •AmOng, the ' Eskintos, ; .`cOrtiuraret" . Is it to save -a. feW 'Cents:In eornposi- May- be of either ,.seXi.°Wield •-a treat • . influence.' . ' ... ,, aassified Advartkiment4 ., application. In the 8.410,1111i1g province .order -to,obtain. timelY vxifxgof tii •tectiOn for Scientists•, • . of .Saskatchewan . 'it' was :coneideredstorms swhich.peril It.s in,terest.S; the' The-right...0f .seientiets to sharein ',.that ene J H.. Smith), 'farming. near Norwegian .goverinnent:lees'.th_an.tvie •the benefit* 'derived • from the appliaa; Maple- Creek,possessedAhe largest * yearn age established on the 'eland a tea of their, discoverleshas; received fleid Of Corn in blie-Donr:iTion,:conalst radio „station,- .the farthest -north sta OffiCial-attention,from. tke, League of Ing of 125 acres 1 r It solid '',13-1oek and tion In the ,world. It Is In charge of lqation's, Intellectual Co-OPeration. Com- .-es.timated .to Contain , .1,000 tons Of ,Akbard Zkeirold,'.an American tt1zen misatom, ..-ksoh-pOriimittdaassigne(1-to : green -corn, extent has The-operater,, and his ase.ittaiiWaii.:. Into the question has just.Cencluded -.-thejfitifernent of growing cernforts11- the first' ,perminent inhabitagte .okthe Its studies; and 'a plan Is now being agagrown. In Sonthern Alberta that a. island, drafted for •the legal protection of cern .grewere' .asseciation wait, recent- • . scientito work,;.After.aPproVal:by the:: tion At the printers?: Is it .inat thought4 .„. • , • 'ly formed at Calgary,. vi?thdeb...at it Minardis, penitent ueed by Physiclane., conaleissicie,.,anct. then by :the coniieg..4.4esness,7..pr is t because the one re- fnitiali Meeting • enrolled olle.firandred .. and fi'fiy corn -growing farmers. . The, increasing , of ;allege In the Western Canaillentartner's feed .•demenatrated in the inereaSing of Saes each year From .infor:' • matfen. gathered from silo -manufac- • turers Aiva''.distributor6,..approaciragtpl Alfrhun4rect.:allt*were,.-soId4irlireet='.. .; :ern Canada, in 1922,1These,figt1.rea-olllY-- • ' • .. ..:.:...:.:....; . - , . .-- :' .... Of the leagne,,,the plan iv,ould 'serve as iiponsible for the Prograinme:•cenSi'de-r- , . . .. • , . , •: .Bymeans, of ,airships, 'Boinbay, -11,-a.. boAls" for ..legietlaSioxi, In 'tote parlia,- ed the words of no impQrt,s,,oss7 . . ., dia, could be brought within three afict-ikeitts,',. laf the 'different, ..mitiotriee • One or the fo,rpinoat_vocaliats On. this: .',a-, half:daye. journey of: Lendon, ,--.-2-- • throughent.--the=worl&-...—,------ 'edfitinent• said the -other 'day, "before I. study-a'nevi, Oak to add teimy 07 pertoire,Y I:-rea.d. over,' the ivordS, care - O fullyand..if they are not worth .whlle, • 1,I wen1c1;.'t_ tintAnY, thgthe,saggl- etcePtionailY fin& the,. •-'-1*-teteenr.'S^:nagl,d7I firat fainiliarize.Anyself 4enoiittill;:r :S.rw.gheronrn 'ifa.:e'ettiat7 „.... --refer-to ready-efide-elloa, and '10 ad- dition it maybe assented that an etauei • 7.7.'"Irtinther.":bf,"7. .611,oS of . the , .: aboveground 'type .were , erected, :and, Probably ,as -----.01.10a.WereT,eonatittetellhrinting the. numberof new .stios to between nittelitundre&and*w;thensand.' .'" ' :TWO-4.1to,ust ndalfifa!toi-lit'e,,Otiftt;---.- 1n•tlie year 1921,, apPr' oXimate" --vertd-Y=inatter•-ratibaf., Were.' eoliti,...ProliabLy.„ .above-gtloiti4. 'and an ' equal number (it treneh ailesfeenstinct- The Mitiook for 'the Preeent'Sett-', !..;Sort ,is.thalr-double that number Of silos!' Will: be erected, and the, total 'number ,bUIFt or dug. hi 1923 srhould be between.. 1.&00and 2,090. TIM* Is' the naw Move-., NADIAN 1.011FIS TO EUR 'Suinritef :7Sea.4.0n; 1923., - e-riOs-of-Aqraptilto-T-Coltad too Tours .Le 4yi#g44pe:-.A04,4viy... TheMedIterranean, France, Belgium, Holland, the Rhine, Switzerland inclusive, Fares pro.viding. Ocean Passage, Railway ,ancL;„SteeArtship',s ' ,TraverimEuropei-sliotera,'Sightifeiitirk ordireFeet;.Etc.., ' Write-for'eariadial-i Programme. THOSU COOK .84 SON 65 YGNGE ST. - ; Steamship Tickets by All Lines and. Every 'reeility • rOr, Independent Travel., •, Went Western &radian ..agnicUIL: (1)* •tural•methods,,,,;gatheidnigampettis..witk'' „ . . . . , The ,Increasing -nuniber of silos, ;Oritittitti. . . 4fedtierobetterfeedingand better stoek, . markS, out. tho new. era of .the Weat :in-3re-itiatinetiratil:docided1Y...thatiany ,other feature -Or the 'life: ,parniing :nteithads In the 'Vest, are changing . rapidly. Men Who. put all •thelr 'egga ..Inte, the one bieket and'stake their a3L • .o& the &elusive greWing of grain are becoming fewer and the ..folletvers of liVeStotkraising,. and dairying, intiltoi- Plying, ovoryday The Weet quite-. itig. out' of 'its days ;Of 'grain gambiing • Add , had entered the Perie.dof htl1zie.0, • '-iiiitkerg With' Steady aniressated, farrn :tug inetiioda, • _ . usic : • •Cdj• kntint° how- eas-..%1 . • put lettere tOgether and form I'vords,. once. 'yeti •have. learned the :alphtibet, -Playing ° it'nnas haTehlde t Is not Yer,Y ;math _different, • .„ marragimmummanair iffsaisiir ini 4rinfou:tia.::Ldium,b'e,eo,ii:nrg:ey,:fontpuel,...tw s'ilisnhilt;:t.i:eb_14:ttc;iii, marmigasinignir. A•,Joeune of self,eyinreaston, let uksa.tAr Awriters 119TnitarItY--choose Mir -fay-. -brite instrumentand, throu -11 -r -Once you, learn the notes,. , .•, • the wonderful • - hot -21e ,sttt y playing tytelodiek on the ,mattdolin,, piano i mottled ot,•the IT.. S. Scheol or MusIo O01-/1011•13 .le simply 0.• matter of plittitig tylay. iti• three, months from-AO-0day.- .,. the notes ••togethet corteetlyA 0 '.. • , .; 1:-. tott.„'can (10 it.' 'Youngatere.of .01 0; atid.12 The, first nete Shini0,4 :abovele ly.! mrhether • y 0 , , urp ,,,,th g i I, g . ..f.rwil otef.LhfoatIvnedideittit6ewit.;•Fittitteidt;t:isntenaria3,oeldri`i•o„al_rn9e0tihtavine playing the piano' or banjo, or •any. other ,ioirnink how 10 plaY a' inuideal inattli-, trinsical Anstrtitnent,' that nett) -in Am, listen, ,-tk bile firet 'entice, lE.4 always 10. The feur. notea i ctlehleltre e' '''')t,t,ti'dtitti)li..iitilyhtt,1NoTt.Licet:°t. ' You can be. indica.ted are •P,, A. C,E.; easy te' rentern7 bet, . 'wane e they sPell the • WM•d ,‘ a the Oebtre ' of.'• attraction,. thi3. talented 4f °e''i ,perscin who bolds the midience-faSeinated.• Certain stringe on thenuttidolin, certain; - .„ , .. , ,.,, . • - , keye on. the ' VO P r 68e ti t "h0i,l'e•-ifiktiO i '': . Erein.BOok Explains tvitio'fitethett. . . , . With;iimie tent. if the :*OdS, 'Preve,silly- or eentiMental, I throw. the slong aside., For ,no,.-matiter-..,hotw geo•dthe! krinisief" n' Serie IS not worth singing ;unless, ti -k word's ,are 'worth, hearifig..', WOrdsand- 'itiliiic ;sliotild. ednetittite-aharnionione- unidn:*,,Faiitthat4nlatter-iflialieretirat; the aeoompaniznent, to :a_ .song.ts just: -wilr'-i".tliltenti-f;;;_rHith-eri;iLle" 0SZ:t.. .,- The meet'Succeeiftil•eolOPOSeiii litY, get'-st.rees:en . the, 'l•Yrica.• ',..1.Wnerer.ile ,...., . ., . absolutelY • no " excuse.. to „using the .words of . a. inng,,'„. on.. the. programme 1 i at tic; lit giving . 'PrePer Cred,it to the • , . . . writer of those Words., and:it would. be ,. . good 440.e; when hating hating 8,0,iiga_.,10_a.; ,,.. .DOesn't,':,b_ ur L.; , 1..1 ),•'. , :.,, '!.:;1:2.1,1i./ 4:0.• .:_itit, 0 al44 430. ..1.,10. .,,alls.ip pu.b..).16: wrpuid, is. ,I;r1).4-..ol'earellon'°.e'nleaPtaltItinTrItilir4,ci'll'eiaTbseartillt; • -- ..-1.!,0.0'g'"hY-'.8,0•*EtIdF.ge.,24;lidtl..liiiiiictili.Y.46--.. 1 Sue'lk,song without the title page 'Cover-. ,r3, y11.01111 .tittrat.itilgti.eiesvireillt:aft-1--I'fgine.Yr?".:.he7tt:riell7.1'elf: /rig,. tho.--nailrof.....OP11?M-lyrre;..W.4ter:4,1,,..*:*(Freezotie.ta-....it'..1,eicents„Anfilcient-Ao ,Prenninent-type,7aletnr.'witriliatiirtlie rreninie'everYlhard 'corn, . soft . cern, or .oOitiPoser of the inuSict, ',...,, ; 1,.t,' ..',„ • 1.corn between the to and the.Calluses,, . ' '-''' '. Withott. set eness: Mt irritation, .'• . , —Lift -Oa-with ers- OOTIIACU 13 . Plaee. a -pieee of cotton wool ••satttrated0witiviVrinnra'aliiIE4' ; cavity. 'Acts as a counter - tont and gives cifilch reHef itanity'a. Rtiefatd., . • Mt, Gobble"What'`de YoUl• think' 111 beconle When 1 : • , Mrt, 6151441g -blush,' I'm , no es-lan Once , en !eat ti dll.tr 0 40Y,i • F1Very ono whdle .Intere,ated In MUsiq.:..:.iili.'11.E.5.1;f:_:.:..0., i:,.,:d_s,i.,;1;_t, :7.f!,a,4( 7 , t• tiglish Sw-allows5ly_to—'-' ty.:,....,mii•ttr..,,of,:farmy,,,r,fig-Teife.: n-.9te.i.,- . Ing•tnesodieb on the 'inetYgrotAt.,..10 largelsananr-lielai .:•itik, once- for'. ent-,:vatuabie . :. . bbolto ,.."Mtreic:,.,Leeetine.„ In • Your ..'pwn :.. - ,.,1, • ,.. 7_, ,, ..___,,,......,,.. ..,.,,..'r.'', ..... .. • ' South 'Africa.' . ,'" : .• .,• ••, . A nYah e 'call • nP.W. Agar?) ' -te ' I)) 4)7- ' a ' I.1110, f".:. ' ..,F•Vitne:'1,..1"t• ii of -OM r-70,gPlai he' (ho . ,..IvOncle v , ÷-,,,,,•••.-------'- .,. 4 - 'jail Ina ifurn en t . at ,,h.ttme..o,,4ytttpcmim'4.'s-,iiiv -_iiv- -.2anitai n61- method ''oe ,learnirtig;,4,,„..-,..,„,..,..........4..44*LbleIltlat,,I,?..nr • , teitcher.-°.'- A. - heW,-• Sint Miff ed . method: 0,r , . id,:._h, fr..-teititi.ttiiourt-te-L'Wetiel.- Vtiort- . :::....1,A.:111:e..247,0L186116-d's7446,61,1160;lit.Witioi'll-atatitl'.1fi.nghliti,ttf:Itogtp,hiopagibrrottraps,7,1,10,.ti...10_ntielew-tl:iZilltl::;11:0?;7,iye,t It.otv.,:,..b7:in,,,,.,1,11a,(.1!. tio.,' ',fill:1]-1-64T , ...Torii hr-6.4.1.:Irii•1::i.,,,',1-,Ya' .,:t.:?lt. ',.,1..11.,,,'1.1' io.,411!Isra.:01....t:,,,rcns,,:',,,, _,_, ,,...1 iig- - i --5,-.-,ont3,- . ' .,,,,. „.,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,t, Ai nging; ,platict p.a.l. riii.„„.„o -. any , ; . • , • .,..Nrect,t0upen ,_, R t.'.,OnVer. • or -3'40.r' - 'To, ntly,-..-...... 8: ' ' ,. :,'``' ' - • ,."""-;:- , :: git.l.re,',. %lee, •Isat All.........z...i •.,,,,,,. ---• lo4trio,10.6„, s,,„j„,,,,,;„votob ,t,iltelt.,:t 4 1•10,14., •., cl,,,,A.,d,fira....floittlilay Matt TetittAllelian, ,tizlialldeltpl,1,$.te. Leics111)t, without" 'e,n. diess, , „,,,t1,-ut.,.y.....1.,.!.any'Y,Tat.1;161b,e..i7p,*T5r!:(!i7:tritkoLtOirl_idd;Vkgsli';:i6-.fiiitifi,.vv , 1 . i , , , 6 ti il.trjr3lnitgg gOlitif Africa,- ,Jarmary i,..t., you . ,dote t :liove. , tO kium -flyil)cf.i65..,i. baroc., the supp y - „ , . "Retrett. , NOW., , . „i 1, sia,,,, ,‘aaa, y,, 'This, Sad 11, tl, WillierbY, a. close ant- itile,to,o itbolit rritI,RM1 tb learn tO cle00.i. et bitd illigritat10111., let the Seventh' . tilaY'.j Ihrtitti.V1Ir'ir 14:4,4itirft'aettlil.tiniv aa that ' ' • gOYiliTtaviofitlki111441i4 filt1;t1'tr.reg7p,,,,..lehi,g, ,,,,,.„ 17.:, 0:„ Itehoot.Itt'lg`fla ,te'.,',4:, V,l'', t:ilef:.',:hri:Z:01!1;,, ,,,t,i,,...,.:. .0*avoliv. irnoWnA6 Ihave 1164Vil frEill )41r botir.4 1,0 TsgUlar clatmeti, YOU area,. 1 3804. tiritnerwieit ittdte,,, zrow*Vork: city. taill.0.-,.. . -76treal10-4A---$0.1itli 'titii&L 'Itf, ,T;ttictitift 'ti's.e;i1,7tIent",. :Y:0,4, riU A4.,..'61,f4, Vi;k1k4 'ns yeht.;--he-,: "Said,- aUe iiiki :been terfeeo DPertiLie..Yi;,41.1e.eit reig:od=ti..a.: :Ty.: ..scnocrin 0'.;,74I usici. ' ' MciNEY '9110„..ttP,-; , . , Btee.'ts Made es el ear. OS ABC.,Thotteatida" ' iti.‘0423ktiritetirichiiidiq'tittivt ':leorjr Otty, Sell:it ...ti beinitliOn 'EXprete '46tiss, ,touo jr,li „sTotaenvittiw„,ditp,6 3,..ti• ie.k. tift--4.. lnethod. ' zet ,. antazink 'airnPllettV--eacit i '.*liteb. was ringed . as a ii4titni or haVe alteady learned taPlaY theft far. I ••, Plettea ,..iietut-Ine ' 'yein- free boOlt; • °Met: , 1103k:tire .Piiyatire eiet7W1141refr• oilte. Musiettl instruments. tuts! splendid; ,W'inilser:' ' '• o ,,, ', ,. : , ,: utile* 'Whale 1_,:besend,iti Tont' Oirti Verne," .n.nd :oortiornars or -year epeonit oftei.,, .. , . . A atijad knit. . " It ,ii net ititti*n lid* tont the hirde terta.it"Tix...iit Airr. • •7,y1trti , 0,44 ti.,04Atire., intereated in the folleWitig, , , • . "ctittontetHwIroit tlOki't teein '1Very ' „take to Mahe, Elie triorhut, ii,',1'4, sop. sansTxtuassmt, , il0k,t,iint.en. i i (tonf3 0 n r rn n or urea . mitekikt.gtotteo,• illY'. bqv! ,' ; isosed. that tlie?,trevot lelatirolY,. Opettug, AtandOliti ., 1162itiniione Favorite In. !. . • ., .... :to eededientil, StOrtild, and had Weather 131`000 It"' Pi"i° Ttp,tut ' ,0 .01"1101, 1: ,I.t.ki It t'h ti , Ne*.8boy,...,-, ,ljtiv 0:61; .0.'..tliA01,ieli: Sif, , eneettntoied ni011g' de Wkr it k• 116. EarincitWittel ViOliti Proilir Today., . .;linii. iintli; 1110St a Ore+ itOnt0' gttY.., °Keel), --" $0*6i1 that the, ''sWallOWe" ty betWeen ' saithelett6613164.,'011tatruet it you are dies a h b d a, , , ii'leaaii .IiiiiA.,t;l-iiistinlY).-,-:.- ... - 3,000 and iiide Mlles...6n 'earb. ttio. , militate „ linuto ' WRIT ratty liteeete ' isnivii . Tittitiihoiie- ', : co.i..v. .4 g -a'ke,; ,.„1 ttl, t 'VOide Alta StAegli etlitnilk 4,A40"°t,,litigi' , ' t ''.,. r Xfatwaliat , 'Collo. inutte A:et. 06'.. . fitted Guitar' Baiter, , rinkor Centro Antein,atte wooliuttitabt fer spiiinini; ran be made into it like materiel saisi„.„to, ,hav„e bcen fotzid b$ an •Attatralinn iliVentOr, .new Pareelq: • ,1111.111iiic.150. ,'' 11.10 O'Illirl;',Oti•bli,,, 11,i! 11 1111 I 1 '1111, 1111111, - 0 .1 1 . ' i 1r 1 • [ I 1011,Lir:,..fi• . 1 1,1,i11.,,:,.., 1 i ' ..1111111 '1"'j'i :' 11'1'1 - ! III I 1 ri ri 11111 ,1 rr. ' 1•• :Chesteoldg,:, la -short oliky_`L VV1V'etiever you feel.that tightening in the,chOst; that:.• ileeritseateci :itiliatioit that. IS the strre. fOr:01.1,iti3Or.':Of 'a' • - Ap,pily...$1ozin!S-to,eliest and' nrOk. It.beeakS O ge§tton. and btings inStant- .T•he pene,trating. O wattnth of the linitnent tO- -stores if...lei-nal 'amj rechitea • Don' t let:your. dies( cold WlieteVet'' 6d0 the .aluttig0 " ranainuseSktth b0 bitds hive body* erdi hi tohaitif: thAt S ciatts Liniment-kiiispaint 1°8, *hile ito;shoithiAtistii..iittneii.sttains,theet 'etas, iiiiiiireOtinifilani for tofe.everyvitie su o. 14,--'4 '.- FACE A SIGHT !Till PIMPLE arge flcl Red. 'Itpliednd --Burned.-Cuticura "My face Wasitchy,,andbre*.aptit :seatteredialleVer My- fate•and ftched. and burned so. that 1 scratche.9,1 which 'causect.,,theriitagrirw,largerleottid7,- hardly sleep at night..,,•„;„„They,weic veariorttref "The Ar.dttble, _lasted about „,three - Soap . and Ointment. and, the, first., treatatent. stappect-C.the-itching-and- after. using,•„„tyro . Cakes • ot ,Cuticuia , Saapand bus .box ef dut,katra•Oint.. • nierit I was healed." (gignectr Miss "411artra.',e4G R.; F. 1314,?i,±1437i: u 86,, O O • so Cnticura Soap, ,09n ,ent arid Talcum ..exchisiVely,:. fel* ..oVery„,.:day„O .• mows riehtrieb774101. Adaresm"irestui3Out- nit, 344 BC Pita Bt.; W., Vantroil." Solcl cvery where. 80.026r.:". 0intinent25ancl60c.' Talcum 26c; soff:Cuticuisi Soap shoves without wsuir.- ,. , , 3Pionsear Dor soniteatee Book oh DOG DISEASES and Row to Food Mailed Fre. to any 'Ad. dress by the Author. IL OW, 01ovar Clorpts. 129 .West 24th fttroot New York, PUTS HEALTH D VIM INTO WOMEN So Says Mrs. MacPherson of • Lydia E. Pinlihain's Vege, - table Compound, ,Brantford, Oetarici.•,-" was always • tired and the least exertion Wotild put,Je. Qat..for --a-- pressing pain on the top of ly _lead; • 7-paiivthemape-of-mrneekrand when ' .,-1.-stoopedeVer4 'could not et up with7 outihelp,Tbecause'of 'pain in..my -at:the least -noise.- 1-keephOurie, but FTTT O was siiellawreCk 't.hat.,-1,could-not-sweep';- .•:.titelloor,hot r' -wash -the Aishegivithent ly- O :ing down afterwards.. .A friend living ,near. me told me What Lydia E. Pink- • ,,,hara'aVegctahle.cornpoundhad.donefor;P. her so I began to take.it.Withthe .1bottle',-Pfelt-brigliter andlot airreeinct' waab dishes .arid sweep without having O again in ,raY Monthly terms. '1 •_.taketi tenbottlea-all told and am-noW 'all better. 1 can truly say,thate Your .wonde,rtul medicine -'cannot he 'beaten • for potting health arid vim into man,"•-•,MrS. JAMES H. MAePIMRSON0 809 Greenwich St, grantford, Ont yon are suffering from a displace.., O mentLirregularities; backache; .or any '-e-ther: ;form -,of O to 'the Lydia*.E. ginkham,MedicineCM. .Oobourg, Ontario', 'forL'Oia ;Pink,: ham's 'Private Text,l3ook.uport• -,tnentts Pecelittr to Wiar04-- O UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on table s, yQ11 are,not getting Aspirin at all. . Accept only An -"unbroken, 'Pact,ige" of "Bayer TabletS of • „Aspirily \villa contains .dsreetions and. dose woyuct out, 'by . pbysiclans during ,22 Sre and ;proved safe. b,y mi11wi 1ot Colds Headache:Rbmttm ta6ttlkche Notirolgta 'Nurits Earactig .tureibap . P*, • '.04nas ni4i.yee? besieat.:et bdt-ilet tsad 10.0.-nrag4is„ts; .AArletti Is the trifle Mtirk tgistor,,,1 InOa1it0.10 P`eyer ,Niennitavar4 vf„ittoirkt.: soatieseldestet_.ercsiuloneektii, W.MYt., It 'its Ibiu*krt rhot symtu mouukt Payor O manufacture. to 4004 tile csrait Imithtiems,thillt1460 ni‘t•r, l'on)renr • wilt otun ainPeil With t- opt, ad.; -molt, the ",t7(