The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-22, Page 71-1 ;PC Pq ""Ail RIF 7 -F. - 4A14, "W, Tr �7 PF P 111110111� 11,1111 (�9 7" A' �T 7' 41 A . . . .... ... A AI P, 'TteAt eit o, f" Graiif lor. 4 . ..... T,h it''(11'seadpA, gr4An, qrq. c them up f f t* in f or ten mikifteis, moving t 4 and, < 4tld@raple. econOrilk mipA?r. a0ce- ;�n down so, -44 'f6 #ritlyo- out tb�p, 'q�t� X, fa;rmor gbould 1c 1*10. b p -and jow ever �y N �1 com l6s,, RompiVe ',the, now Om, r, the s I e be� th fo i;.e of, his.eiWa crops, to, dirain, and', th n s�preAd 01; e grain, s A =no _T1 in an 1 4-D,.-.d`rk rT1 ob -:4 . 7 t be 0, 11-;14gs U 'e, ­-som .atxne eb,41av4, Wsr A '9414 .1 fa Ue,`at�ml� Mvely, simple an e -h Pj Sot -o- G 'o jn�j� llih pe, in ne. -4, (ev- Y, IOT-6nes' -thaf"Ita' b, th" o er he ej Thp qtij�qti of thl 'a Owl 11 t of the solut* .1 .7 iii, dopqr.tment- 1510,Pl;!OP� A- TF10 PIRF� f Tin. The f4oll Ilg 1,41 4 'Is t, saiisfyinlg� experiences, ji 104 ed.' M.Ce: Pit our farm rpaderal, the. advlce of',an peknowI09 . .. .... t IQPO, ist aic, the Purely p 141"n I hys, D, soils, 4,nd 91`913111, .. ..... ea 4" si �co J. -the, tro now Are �jq.qng I 14.uthoilt� olits �O It ea this: -is Formal -in Spiinkle:.Dilut6. One pint when, Y on all 6, ith a tm AdIress-all'icitliostions to.Profegspr Henry Q., Boll! In eh; a.. res 4A- -w 'otu-'ar �Cr )t,qn� of 'of formajj�i (,4 DM'Pany, -Urnited, T_Qfolrll� m.,Publishlng ly, 4. iq�ver§_-w R "appear iii" XIII!, -pr -,No fe that,, in - oriler, to get V men I , - e JOY g;: 10 Y -,Smut of tFeie InOA - t� ­or�_13, u !it Ome Y -4 -_t#gy -iii,rl�jIlec jv_ cl­ Ion thW . Itiape �om imited, It is a6iszible'wherril- -e.g. 91;4 an On t e' a ir j.r6d and' t acei Is ThO1rQlI 11771it 91, t r.:'Ati, op h gra . *41� at Tyi &dome, b ... F .. I , ­ .. I , , , I -1-M ­ I � - I__ , � ., A- . I 1__ " !r.� d pnd Y- Ove: I I I . , , - -I- -_ _--_-11 `- gr ball I., caXL1 ik wngm I , rpom or spTin. Ing wl'th th6 questio'ns' Aut d -,diiepsed -'en'velopre ba'�g,hclosj be� formh�: lor- shovIsdink 6V6-.xl When the gTain right.. e,fellbwedi by tt % -,thlw aiiiwe`r ili011 be rriall�d. tilre t ? _c I .,oir spri h jl6rfept,, is: eve rilly, wbtted,., pi,116 it' again., And t ont pqrr�, ours 1p o' Copyright.,by., i1s, carb'opate...414st Is' 66V�r -with clean baigs'. f r two lidurp., 4. good� app �i I W on, T3uplish-_ co 49r, jj W up a', r T19 -, ll� d' idlts� and 'is 6 sler'.of. 0 te" r sp, ing. nd a little ere ecA :a I le;"Yubber tmtv. of:seda�' 1 1. 9 e ddt "to dry� ana, put in o, bab JiM rn fig, them i h. ball' all. e VIV. I q0 tl�en ppread. jt The dr. I b beation .0ut'it aS�nrot t P b ­`teptdd'_cl,eanl ags. or Y, 9", an, oight'*y'-.lac e j I h 'all n's f46*,,rwti . 6, , pen 0 th''i' nilay, app). me a put; 7agre?, f. ,9' Wt* eiritf '50, bug, e'! of ked" ivt 'mac f ey:,.�p.w d iently�, ger I 41'.�1706,oTji; �IS sUffic 'Xoi 4'0. -to is -enoug to Id'.'st "be Ourghase47, to, d tterl it �.�;br'a c t: 90t, d' "-hrrp !spring y, sea 0 'r -eei If s6e'�dnk I ono..$00fiL a., �or The� mer has refAl.;food, tb. fl' -6 " - " -, I - �`� � ' i " "'d; ` ' � ' ` :-fs�'d in ch per t, th, ough'"tfie �al�.Nifa bcfo�e --the� frost i t!011 a Pn;' & ' , I AT And, holy on, sacked?. 1;6gi6 SrilutL ihit'dYseage'eanapt hagr_gone out. ',This will sweptipri.-Ahe 'be the trea tMent,,'adju si "the drill. to, al!lhl and, h, - aa it, fPOsh-; T -he citY, m=. ­ et h lt!f-ate o sofa. Is_ a -gQiI stand, -t is left 'and - in the be�pt� n b nswer; c6nt Is�-edl;` dlslnfecti� I pp�IpLvt or rrolled by'" low a; fre6 flow oi se�ed,.pr the takes wha es spon.as.1 Btkong- st7oc and cause thefqng," g are- not'cdr- wi I be too 'tbr e leaf krowing" pope n, . _h .0,6 h6 tan get. it, if' he as is sufficiently dry. work, s atter six: h t1j. riedlon the siurfalee.'of�, you izer� if appl�'tit, allo�eto tdriti.and -the r s0d', iP- D7.. Fdrinalin Method: Dilute. one. -filiGney, pay it-. If'he does nof' �,iz or'eight pounds,�of alfalfa per a VI. to,, f fection.bleing produced �y._A t:qmAll -ha e 'he goe.'s.'without 'd -ydo. eta -in danger bi incre"' pait of a. rag'them' in -lightly. The 1* (40 per den I an, eana' Ing 'it "-0 the Iffifti the deh de) 'ith,-�'ote pe'rE'of water,, And YO tbo. MOn y "n i�d d a corn stock' grgwth 'and bpAn straw Pa. f fungus, carried: w P n f them going with., y , Wi th re�. 171 e formai, cAtion of 2010 to 250,pdunds of;d,2-10- 0 gp�iy.',this 90hition bn the, igr'ain, s qvw, 1,bu 'ou 0 -t , 6 tlid'd6t­i�entcf th grain.,. Hot --,Water' treatment is, the can fin -d- manjr: fertilizer Will telp i"teri el-ing. ovqrj he seme. t, me�n, egging. for 'a ion f ears and pods. Applied� in con- ece,of. gr. ouni&' !'One - Yi.,--4 Iiair a pi in only,mearis of ntk.. I m:e. b! te to ­,eat, on r1m.4 quart, of;t. solution, to �50, bugliel's. of itV streets tb-dayl,' Where they sa-y which I' intended t ow Yetdh­tf9r a . I 1 11 . 11 d ip, or n, th o _s the -pile- Ith kets,big. Wages. for e e; pprinklei' .' ' .1 1 gooci-source of,'nitrage grain. Cover, wi bakS. �Dr ct�iver- crop but the, -ilrynes& crops. �,,Ap iod& let Pete i��is' flar 'to the .. .... Smut. F acco. 'junctilon, it makes I BARLEY�dovered -Smilf., -'Fo ply tnitrate, Of the,; L ve hours.,.' The seL-d clan men whom' we y 11", it in. the,spring blankets fr fi Tbete preventleA. Can 4 be then' d gown wt 9 ate -.of J00�4D!4-50'-Peund er �gcre ;Muit, of Olitt 'and, can only it tit in ��ear. so m:uch,;l i so we ge't',.'p'no-ugh',-'g-'ro"w-th'- by May' vwst: k . I. L and r bou el -noi '200,to 400, otinds.-of 'acid' n Watte"r o 16dby the: use e1b; trol d.,tbe+'hol June:'. to minke it wotth While? Copper Oai�ljofiatp.Dust: I off as it, rnqy appar., It talces,.retLI :potasih. It. *obd d, bl6l, well i treatment. ivewhee t ere is so. muc Ans*er:�You,. can. gol spring, or 6? fifiell-y'dilvide :.M9DeY,tQ I" h 4 coll;6r caf, onate ma rffiey are applie or'thie necessitiis. 6�,'Ii'fe. C ormal� Ver -bush le st6ed- and teriatis 6fere d IAT"rmi't-' tll-s� th,6*diy-'f IN S c purT '4-ehydtO tea. -forrinalin, cover, -cropr, and as mi I terial, , Qllesg 9 t I and figure an, . d whlefe it can'be t' OT int opir penal. �66, t �6m`indn'vtch. Tfilis , i,s,:, 'Oedirilgly -t el 61''6ped, T6 LO. T' competition f now e agricul- .bay or milking.'�cl SOW this piece,.� c ges lars' worth you 'ate, p-dlli tillia papers you wi see regul eithl of. these, tfeatmeTits-..,caul0s a it. 'Thd b�rrell rices' the, city Im, ar I if -Ost' tin.gL aff6i daneer of, ir canva& or.:a,. sack over ,�.payg i n erg ,ey j'6lat ihe �udusi' t '" to, a orrdl' and Pa cost, od. as i ':ehasA if - you will, watch th glirilikle. In asp of_ "its, open I are 1yu man end. covered -by tying a of a nd_tnt -gernrIll A _ .� I.. * owthe Iflobr-until 7. Is -then Tolled, incro -e -fresh-a-ild as I'ffeil air. y -warm. 7r- r. � 11 . 11 'You Where. itrate'of so 'a an tp, dust n it 'shoW and capper..' yo & :the d be puil. � lim u 0. 1,d.grow sufficiently, rapidly' to the dust has: lieen 'tboroughl.' pre it inake a,:'g'ooa cover-. crop l y. Ma e in'lployed. e bukwheat.cakeso gbc-� W�uld he tributled elver,th'6 seed�. This tr6atnie�nt, %dule- Thre" b J' can -be done''at ariy�.time priot to no unp. mug .o go tWO.-eggs., .15C"`AW0 M'0iAbfdl1S Of 'saul,� C —W d y or QPRN-L.-SrhVt:'. 'This" disease.. is not t he - f ' od qualify.::and t. Pro.tieft the house R; ould it" W a vi.sable to trai 'be rain, fr62�en or mold'S, rimittod on, t: 'seed n liet-Aamakaek'fence, and about, R.� R.:,- Can you 'giie me a-, simple� e_tup of,coff.ee,, III grain.an of cereal, ru but oyier­: ifi' t e. fro' Hot.'Waber reatindrit, -few- d: 15c; Ouitj n tea h . Boll luld a kept befbre the flock milk;-`f0c-­ dish 'hoWl.,Ioing Would they la 0: bo�s le for -h'nding the cubic eontent§:'of T This, is a s �.O great 6f annoy bne--ypdr to the next -ebii spreadt'j'n thnes- hn. �ull.lmfit a,-r.oun'd or c3 rn f6urt' cu t. treatment u is -AFY"POst I ' longer; thaq. the, green? , ' - .0 of -:206, If yoil: r1iiidriial.ci4e fileig, there -want, A: second. helpingi een res,h Water sh-otild, also e -GbveTfiMdftt tests,hAv 'et in, the" �fldld._ 'from, 'infe'e'ted, ''to -,h:e'althy live pied in th iry' P B e 6�t. 46e' nd, fourteelli 'fe diam'' a fla on, the e prlce� Answer:, a uhlei "boils i rm, oic TfArft: hat the -12�Ves+ Ck otie-fourth.'of..' it is. 1111po ed he life'of tilia�-Ack,,,fenie: posW ah'op its: there a cheese fac- t . , . , f, � ter?'� ave age, c ri n er 65'' tatoe(g, od , r any part. -of.'the plielfit. ''.'A rota-' nearby" where. th�: 't�Oeti6nt Me ra e anibunt, of x d(ge- arid cp po c nd e, at: "nine Ari,.%w��k:---Th6,"eubic'al'�6liten s of� --. - I I �. � 1, - ;, tw,'o tion" n 'As c the ears.. e. r� fresh u a a d 'fa r. as po�qibl' *here: il�4 k6ek I1.6t on pagtime the, *ek6tabIi-s,- L*itnhed 10c- -Th posts, last c6ngdder-.' eyliildi4cal cistein--fourten fOptLd Olegs.o 'kkain are d 'hilrniltig, of, the', %6ilr V�e I I -es ably�- longer, t an one 'that is. grep�.� �y- fouke6ri fe' i in dianildier c�n,-:--be in'& ii-ve itL�i turnpd be- 1 X Q �4,,j some dals getables -20c- h are u . t eelp�ry o!r 20c; e, g its tan&e froin. the, 20d, in "t is , to so,tha -hot" of :in I e: - 4 5 6ntfor��in... pera ure is 'ra ed S�Vps If yo.u.,-:�ip puitin g�� In' any 'num 6er' until] the,. teril Mince pie 16c,jei,cut. exere se in -going o Dal an Labor alo w ns wenty-two deg noug the6 run t o j be -h the fl&& will g t' 'i: a Fi s 4t, would be, a0fiale. to'm�Akd T iqdiusi spr�a 127, -'E h steam� is gure it for he post One feed. lilting qonoreto and, frbm 'i to maintain a ok, f�4 bs �for -the week'L ied ppts. . y for.the &y,'a bure that they.- are -fts,t+ gi�ade d-ri the:,height. no WlIn a, hoe Is nd ed, mul 6 led fi'bAckwureaiciny ob wif Care -must 1way taken that the erlil In sd This. would intili 2,156 cubiff feet. t te your e; -:if you'don't'flilrik mat mi petibng, tbere,zjia' thalf ftill of.. to 127,ddg.: for ewrilina s., Thebags Don'tL teqq -and ethink,.o a'ht-cha.sed b )r ;r - best,.� Sb nligbt wv aii.. one V (40; are t len, tak6ir out an l dajnipd.�and._pi�egtnan eWes,arl Y -dogs. lab( ect h, been. quftb-a7,4horta,ig,6 f C'edar am,."p anning, on rais, jjj- -g�,a* �Add' int :6f foii�aii d1-1 '._Aim-rlz�, rxmt, nt to �,Co I ggte$� 0 VALUE I r it is t)ie:r.igb ada, No*.,' d' and,,se6olfid, gfowh "p'sappy" posti: have some pigsi. Plgase..teill if sweet. per'c6nt.* f6rimaldehirdO, to. 40 -gallontl the grai n' s L Or Ja+mmO � tr t. she MR11 jobs, ake. n ory of�: -the pr6aa out'. �to dry. E., lions; borseltrongh s',etc. Many ny - TOU Comfort y( olulf, tif 9 era. use il� from,- the clver Will, make' w good Perm nent o e,t.ags.._ln-tbe §oIU-,j'Drayton,- Plant Ist., A, get. �rheh you. rh treatment wi. been substituted. ..Asidie a f ini;rners� "b for "loss of for blind or pcw ftuse. a 11irge per ce o M 1.8kids,or. �'old' rocking -c f rp4ts vt tKs kind'. pastur 1 !hafi up to he fir -6, after ed.cairupkS.W11 orwi out engine. I write fol poomict, the &�y i d e or pig@. -lard 0 �e Sweet f__ h I ndltt p�ll 6ut: yo.�j _d9n't of the�Aoft ciover'-.Js reco -thin+ 1amb nearfly� alway's The, shepb6id"w'- .,&',Muir Co., ailtel'.., or.. ee. like­�'one of- -the ag a' cull, ',on: the -market.. .Th 1 200 Wellirigton Stree Ontarl World' ere`IsY Brtntford - vire, fs:apt to come. 0own hial;- .tie lainbing very-ULigely E�61ved -favored pitizens,. after all 'g tur.e. MI iisually -a arge �suplp y ith 'if he has rciu thie, ewe flock or ns, for he pas . . I I �Oi culs, W An Under".'thesei �the mend- .............. s:*; ght Y)j 60M, I j enfly al-� -1 �e suited, to The c before lambing ways .,,ell for th �rre of,blip Abck 1L_t1!l5i'7t0P1a fArmers,'are, w AS ha nip6irfant rl�fatfon' to the finan-- I fi;�d: t6at,ii- pays we -1, rriga ny no' use swifl, tad-ftrowin �va e §9a d es h -the, 11-ife of -th-6 f nice "Sw e etclovibr ell!)Top s an and, thrifty.- condition. proucer e jrq'mp: rnai n-Ap'oin, . to haie the' e HOW often as it, ha 1p n WholegoMe enjoyment. dathat var' rom, year to. ear� and. rodu�e a'largd f .. ­ I e typelof posts th, -be�e'nlcons�id-er ewes, .1p. str "V vegetables using,, steel fence. Posts'., With 7'tbis! Orly . ilifinia h turns whic Ina be expected. elieid'iri� ere his OT'g?r ,tgorous cbnditi6n at )fie of '.the' Southeth rogi, t 6 - IaMV'�rb stim i'can take and. it 'd brnamental Plants are .. .... . . . .. p., Ev�es�.wbi6li ar& - .16 ft" the n put ainotihit �Bucculent:foragq at a-mirii- Z)Istdat a o im e - a nd, lab -or. in n of th6�'few s. esserltiAl'to� . -6d befOre im-poor colifidition".'a.-nd lackin, or time, one Uri Now ivelt Irriffation Projeliot blifidly and ord, M u In cott."?, 'driven 01 ute and r e. 0 a" � 1.010ryi,g. t Splendid. Op- rfs.ifiat:16,�s.t6 h 9' UP the' fenca.'.�, Thlk:- post c'an. be .9 M,Vlg q will,,pro uce eptage of- Nye ping. : 'A ratiori of'.,thre t foui poufidg An espeel 11 d loca ion for rhixcd C. N. --what'is'. the'tru'W 'name fo' d large. pprc t seit',.an,& inab ut,'a inin' sntali `We;a�'Idinbs.','Sdch bs 're' per� head��-­ day, of CIO-Nler: r alfi(16 i portunity for, oung men, now 1tvinj: 0 -the ''o tell me.how_tol at ca- -a -be=ugd6- jttut�bagas? lease larri a n s-15epLal',pur -d _P _p -ke- re an -in _in_,�earl nere-go.o"- and�c n 'the �r nost 1pp bjjb,1DU at reasitinv�ble . prices.' ua i.,y, is f)ne+,of Government ests eitliate the -life, d _hatlfertilizei� and'what t to T rit, 'all -reach': th� -market ly,-�one�,qur br one-balf7 po'und of 000 10T, PIONEERXNG ' the "Per* .,want in. - w: ,'e' Ilricies iisuallke corn, sfiould be- :three. b.fou bel�jn' your'e eq to, get t e, rg OP ese �posts I' y pl.''Y enoug : '.' ' "' h ht' , I jnd'er:,av6rqge toiidtiang kind.,ofs6il thi do- t'lo h to, hild Aret res arti. fully settiga,and tli'ng� that 'In t '- son r 9 1 O� t hen tIJ, tefruit and vejefibi at 30 -,hile'jjj�: sli ht� Ans*er:-,�:-The true name, of rut ahbt 10,'000 acres -now* ready for a es,_ iind reau In ,,years arid' y are g ing.. Y l : In, kind?- -bugis' -6 -Go tban.wooden posts, r swettle turii,ip is highest.,, If:.,tbe ewi�s !are t in flesh w6ek-g -lletuiment;, maxlmum� - distance from flo�w�rs -)Ath the man"ne var-' 'A me t t railroad, seven miles. ad inat lam6ift time tl reduce sst'd.ny 9 '0 tale0honeb i -a -or, c over, "gou liot p letleS btf`ea'c nl�tw'�vailabrfe.jbere ai-nd lab Ing- -u- be t lot Land litw A ''S.uc �r Ip puti, biiC This Thin In'the Nt wv w n. p the. fence s0l� u 0 3 Ofi�iil iim. hyam. The lberts, Write eThe s nand 'ISMOATION a o4ghly Irk �f� ' 'h' ' ' _f - and in�P_0_u L for further In should'not A, e--.�dditibnul -d,, be- thor growth Ifun )ie-;thrAn- offs -first, t9O shbtil AN'"A A re no man n COMPAXT.' '.L1XrWZj) _pgrimen he s�prin�g.',- Before the Ila E3p 'f st harrow-- ly s -C Albeft 'F Station arM§_Ajn aS acre o a. 1erti E��Wia rk e d . c I im a tie M, q i- I , . ground- 500.. lbs,, RADIO RECEIVING ETS, LM feed. per lier analyzing., 4 cont Tei -111,111 On '02 cen. crown and AiKHculturaf r I Ong oun&'thera., I ng1glE; -nu P �,r,-T,6p I11V7YfI 109R4, _4,Tfners! Protect yoti.r. _6r.ztq 0 e 40% op can corn 'o d 'd 4, t for. grain. What e . Ise should ithtou:good seea -saiiskaetory':cr -in the- --dry saw rals Al;ii-lifest A'jar - rts, 06ncerts,, Ished I get to Harrow thi:g in, thorough Y,' theft W fnche* box (cllid,oi d �t, n f the. 7; rko�uld or rilb u- 'b ioduction is Good:: fiaidwood� slaWddEft hure'li to nd P t e gr6und., flattpnAbe' Pr crops 1 1 2: Y what balance the itafio raent-, ., I ar are. DIAN i1A the andAhe� recorn_ !of I irlchi�s CAN;A f-E§TI-NGH0USE M i -n py: rL M(airk 'off :in, qua,res­ v n to Don't wait 'foir someone Ao .8 sow o'k,before. nd Il- he; -each. pencl, ve- frlg� be� !q, pain" tq-,ge_,tjNe to re Tipp' d. cbme Ti- 'itment 'in �t r Why� cAn.:w6,�-not -the. k-er-bvoaTa.+.I.�fi;h,,6i-�i.-�,�- um6l".! Able:, u _j!p tbeci t at,�"' a ghoul yy ly�' gei n each' r untd - -------- Us same, :91amph--in corn- is requertly n y,-�-axe_-no Sflagg,-+ , 10 ,poun s ay U!, �Al U11 'k OL: V, t Forall, eki4�inal hurts an, pains. 4& in'g an I tl�r the' asked. Corn d d �et- o h, ie o43U pot af 4pting Y_ WMS dust, -press akt r TI, the a vantage-1ad n 2 p6un'ds,str�1,Arj-5-pOun,ds jri6u�d: oats. -ninti6held_1Cnd all. t: -l.; 1 111 � tiiken of. th;aR nt-,cohditions- are -most e instituitiorisL�: the' t an�y -favor;; ro P - I . , I arli, n oo t I I thr'6 pag aThin! out jh,3 cannot -high gerifflimflo " . 1. 1. 1 1 1 . . I e s would. have, bedii Much turnips to a b 0 te��ii -wo gr�ater vomm on' -,,to ,well 'YIP . ene . harve! , a Ac:,stedi.t ches &part. iiear awthere -is anf db'ou t '6 st froll) the cebtr `�nd I nee 6 to B in. d many; Ori , xlp6ns: lzitek in�,the Information about Hubain citit Turnips �iake c I, ilo, R8 iise ollre e h, .1 r ousands" of K_9i&th;, in' late' 'gra'n:'- 14he tip" t 6110 .of t �St`llftlrnn I- W6 . It ,andt"Place ll squai, damp -�afid n- �fq 11,1 hb Oros. 10 so 'by. thnse.,who �la -w On ei summer <jr early are� not son -the. eall- to' astlAke ;.,cVtA Z'F,51A, ch XG-ef ir haitle dt �6ur drugn 41 3 to' al,'White� cl W ripens�,.the ifiju�ed untif.-the heavy frOt§ta, kill all CIO le, �5(luu lu� In '14hed - i�mdn.­ 0'ain i's aftthed to aiil t,116 Ijbifibor t t' I- Y. cgilldr trL ic lat r were varil3fod oppor-tidarlhill. e. FP " - c nd or. amall 7T 44 . . __._ I .... ­ IMportan ArHarse 7r�atrnent the SIX, g ain '.UZI I 'JOS t sectil -the Eemie',yealr thiLt it W'1s siiw�n- open,. ,� 4 fnr h, ; MOTO, Mg OPxo� This. was, d is- in ripening. e, corn judA h Ill UkIt ra�h top a more-'rimblac "d sr( va ' Aigrie�ltu, Ta. con-' e d' A n d �raof- a 81 or by Condehilnjj� _,nl6fit, ca-fi, fie ob-, a 'S cd'fi,ojn,t'h-d Expe . ri in ital, Statio y Or 4ains a.� arge and ss, down, gpfitly,_,do iib distorb-t 0 er a f -'of its reNDA tfiroug eAkern. 4 1 ' LL or, - I�kp t.n It li�g been' ooW n �Frost.' ' , . 1. 1 , h th� I tb 'not, - KE asmi re��, '11ii-thd ZtL'!e!j.' Take V, 1141, roni,* thdse' -ho have"; g, :,sOrvati�v, rUbj6cted-' t, t(; fol'A 1),oth. rowt ip coflitin6ri"t-,wnd, n --k' I"ex, ThO Midtallic Roofin n�al'Y s,econa cloth.'Jarg 3 Limited 40 me see io.s., I e, Wie , ; _�§ ffl. dtas.we' nl -N T­� P Pep cap E abot SA T Kiqg'st�-W.- - - ., a v v, c r a* ni c7,'. t I be, �ut eirly in:. o. Mke firly� �1* d t e dlsa.ppointr� for- market 0,re� is i)iuc 0- cY can -'ken4, tirou CoVe'r* 6X 177- -gooc. ay. that bati; and ba�j 4n"tht': n very po 6r sandy, Or'o to the breed of- chicleens u gi,avelly", , fan d, or, oil ncl;, land, there witlibuta"t-68t and d - d" "I wnce�coula'we Improve so ng i) tea§o�p, for !,'growing swe in ar-sinal 'a ies as e ingn ddLby the. -'game holds: dust.,down woll, by treading'or ot t9l Sta ion's, ere h h dl 'h 4ssejjjtj'alqy nic 4Y r erg, sfi6i]i d not bi us;dj a'i they do,'�6t 'Way. if), Jilt'regard ',to 6 rnain nt I ug e price if! R crg�and alfftlfa, in'they 'bosita(p,; to heavy block: clov ake b6tier hit'yi gio,odjor. corn,)and or Ofj heCanadla­n Pla p tell for eno adv-�nce o�er, T nt' do hnecessarY­careful work -and wood. Tbis,�alypr-,Qf' dust' s. ould, 1 Is quite., iatu�Al, that �th h 0 two; ]Ile, et� 4 t I,ek, wh, 0 , lt); irme o filit tS. fo� S,L in 0 -W OSe aving lease'tc me the 4lifekesi. ro6si�' 16 get,pas -this iig; turofor the eo*s prove'thlemsOv'eigi ViL mdable�fitsyb I d' n fig.., fie exten ing 0 'allso'',fiow'to obtain. Oerindnent Capolil produced' n6' the oth" qfl,tbc� geed 6pin before pla U poetio lis, o.f' OMewb,f A fOwtou�g devtited to c6rn t6sti, ovilit-the sa'lVdu§t-'fO p ing ritibig,As' ft werc a 9, oin 8,,o a plan't RotIts"fiet6h thO'high and -they I . I �1 1:6-degiee 'the takei: on-, enough the slack in, .]at Ipn,d. Wh,6xi 7thi or eig th 6 h Agti�ultural or. March Will 4itcquentl f bei6h d6ne' the )O.� or )6xes p feediii-ko Rhode Island Reds, -arb also y prov o hoUld be,. 0 t n ai�,w mends,80 pounds�of teed, acre o' this: pu greziter vhluo Ing. with� e,v a stai , or.,, I , eres I eAway oom wt.iere­ el maV,j..:not xna( -wo heis" ah , Ili p!1aice& vbvg - bove'. st -of 0, a -e' -gelierally, mAhtaiii'leA tul �o"ds� sorghum 30 at b it tb' next 'utu-nin than eging anc ey. ... ..... " ;. I �se a 7 Al e Inany dais � o per c a .0 O.Se", nfact;, any d" re 'or &i er arme, S e, c Ver oD A . as a ,S+ wn, Wei e q� t,; gh -TOILI�t 'or, sr, N�Ipp _t wn lion-s;:w cip to triest" pitch sulWd..ibefore! oilld�ring Ito pas--! Iti, �vldosprc%�A Ry, fully, in e U Much grl6ot,elk, g t _,or_ fh' r r _U��S C_ 9,jr0rA I _9 .1-Didid-lid'bf Jdii�i -F6r-`pO­r-. U& ma bi. At germ a esu n I Y an inge fi n0. 1 C111 0 ­dIltallid- 6i a-�Mixtukdt Of tiffl'4' I Mavy ca�ofis iel� fro" to is Ili, ir�� Britainr 13014urni 11olliind, Detiffiark; oll Ari, 6 tint . oU all the, fotoft Anvcilvtd, Iline Willch 9,Lny,atid i*d clover. About 4 Pounds uij to' T, whith 'count -pies ibe Cofnpany bh e; reprekatA Who R A t e lion 'St i selren.-ceitits Per P64hd 6"er Ke note f V I I. � 1. witit Eastern Camd1firf c6ndIndl d w a - at- t 4 Iin6ihy� 9 iwitind's alsiko' AM "a- germ thoge_rmfnat!6� Ok-the- mc n. F I of sprinig roopfei% ,Ahile as. �.elzire ;Nvith buclL,rnor%,.Imd w�fjien lreadylithd ah.;d6u cola 6. h ear I n 6ben,, devised- And iip'nobered squarej, And save, Or"idistird V rts, t X d' ' I., . . h 16 '. te -Von, 5 common va, iilo�ekll e Legl4okh,,.capol nAti havd THn GO, ERNMENTS, of ffid conhirlok 60yo tnbati�noa *hatie- V )roe v os 0 �t q f aa. thd '' , , 't H-.:� Ave Mid oome-etper- casure.8� Pf uccess-in op- 1A9 to g�venlgth of ve L1,a 1, ou'bring t ptice) as 'the Ydung he mrtli ration f. ffils-al, li,�of,aeie Or d' jefice:, in - tit "Ing- -but�-fiof *nouglr, to d , I,, , . . rmf s ttdrilv` t, v�ry that ell; 'otder to ­11 I such: awAleations ondifitlotorily and" brjnq the help, fa �Jhd aI ff­wt , t on 'roo f 'lot. at the tffid' and iviffi a bleee widerstnding of iha �equlroli, rke(I 6IIO*S bxpdriefieel has. causpil i�oiildy or'w6k lierininat, k that ig. in, 1.5 rtnil� clahtred b , Oil 'T A and obligitition& of d "Apiflicatlibn for foral, 1111 �eq pre,,ou . my The dmand. fbi- capons ig `gI16wIAIg d,�s 0 fan"�, thiitro ton every re ys a' rd." of ily.-metthods thro will 'Into th feed hin lcon. li.:r ared wfich',rat, a obtaincd., froin �0101 wdy. yearaM the. it iilwa e t it..efbrel under- i, th 11. gl'ea Vigor' T1 'CompRn3r, wil I -81� �10 thd fArme; c,'" 1 th-plar -in,, tt and; bo required tov a sory ca nor a ain ina a e 1'ke rarming ag" " g, roosfors 9AWdu.st-,Coft 11-d be' spring Imonthif, when 6rin Gefffi4` tio 13ox.. Th lid,' frilidin.frOfil mould­ghou ihia ililign lou r best ay would quires a . mi n imum o becoinp too, do ffletheld' 1-0 f attW� ugea. At 'the end of, ten. days thd of, Ills, lielp to flid onkst etflLtjon. Tha I rink 9oo Afte for,iioagtlflg,� Ut4 -mi, 'Ili r;" ilbli,'gocessa ly aiked ibrAn these 6pplidatio'n fo% W 116 e th A- lati kind. oe; Il'oh), wanted- ng led t Jq dL -Aft W th t -6. ainorjto tfllolea' long'. Tho'.1i ok isAWdusf 3ilitionalfty. deAlred College'. Th , ' ' data iloqulr6d' And kor )iF%v loag 3 ey could,' 8prect e� ON Ps ;Is Ek. on 966d' tlxi`it� tb �t ­ arm cadi lid tV� �bg *bk% '((Ottd �Q uVibem you eabilld to .16Atn hogs, W, lih f651.'! vOnioiW 0a6V to liah4le or steck time' withilt tjjo�oug.h sical'al iiacf1el P& ts' tibout�" anage� i� done,t6 estr6y'Ittingasp Pok6s. that Cll� tot DoO 11lTatwood, Und Aginti, 1O.P. bo m I # � Iloke§,30936 lnc6t� alia 6, Inellow 'd b1d., 0 ' aVii, Sfo�- All Wei* ann: 0, be. �'Pteg 'Rio play e Very' itiO194eboTy and ga* 61ii Teil 0 a eft, 0Y.L " I *% ; 4 A I k the y arg" have, g field, 'of A1606 to test 1h6 sWd`ieaia ile.�: space 619 , not be, US' DOParimpitif 6CeO1611&htI0jj to. 4� ;-rho �111'zy rathdi'060 stanji .'It did, not The blbz`r_� Wx' item Tl* 'it, h d deck iwkarl Pulk w hfs� gidtd was; 'sowrtit. ti mlin Int town, bled i4p, r6d. a4 tIO oced, near th 0. DE Met totamlsslo si" Afon*4 e'got h" neverARA to Pack n gn� s e; 6 0.. x n& -4,