The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-22, Page 5"I•t ""5"."*".. '6" • . „ • '. • I rr.-1 • Lit.;.".*F".".ii","7-fr."-.7t,":•" • • ' . L4tkikto* Of4rNEti titent4DAi4 tteuK# 204. togo.k'' dues eucrq LCCOTLZUI WALL PAPER Will accomplish wonders in the beautifying of the home interior. It en- ables you to altcr.the whole chaiacter of your foomsFor papers of exceptional merit, insist on those bearing the name • • , • .1 ; „ • .. • • ,alaste7E)Vabels1W(4111)4p6s • In tlais•rAnge Of quAtY hangirigS' will be. found -.-14rge-scliction of ,Papers,fortheLiv; 4`. ing Room or Dining Room -charming . Pat:, terns -liedroon-i=clean-looking,'effectS... for the Kitchen and :BitIvicioin. ' ..• The, new, Boxer', papi,,eri are 23- -.inches* widerthan tbe,bicl, type Of Wall ;paper ;,4f ' fording opportunity for more beautiful' de, '• • ,sitgns ; giving 'better 7appearance lbecause of 'the fewer: seamk;. and costipilecs' owing to • the,'greater eovering.surtace.' •, • •„..„ .• , 1”" • . • ' ; • You will ,find the maker's' name on the selvage of every roll. ' 5,'„ ••":" WIVI• FEk RIS, " -141-C1-11-Q-W• A„.3' rightet Homes 'KINLOSS COUNCIL . • ' Council,2:net on March12th. MI "inell'Oe4,ProsOnt. Reeve' J. J, Titfin in the •chair.. The 'minutes. of Feb 5th • • !'e44ndT90914 498g Allst.-.*-••• 4ppcAtii!os fo; the office' of Treas- urer -Were received from G., . • Gallia, John and. Chas,, xs,oeekiler, Aftei d'9e consideration it' • • -vas' -1P(Wecl 43.:v that Thes.:_lii.-5.Gannt pointed TreaSurer in accordance, with . the •terins. of advertisenierit:--Carried, 346%4 by 'Carruthers:, seconded , • McQueezi that ,Mrs., Murray. be anthr .9tized te'' hand Over the .1?-ooleii; papers and. fundS .belonging • to the Township of Kinlois, to the rienkr,,Treasurer;Mr". ' Moved.'15Y 'A-gRert, by Ross ' that '.,I3Y,Las‘VS''' 427i.,estiniating. :the" expenditure ' •• • on Roads for- the .year 1923, be read • first. second and third time and fin- ally paised, signed ' and sealed, and •forwarded to- the Department of'Pub- Iic HighAayS; -,Carried. -,MOVed by Ross,- sec. by Ackert that the Hen- derson Drainage By -Law No Qq, be read a first; Second and third passed, and that the ` • notify, the Clerke.,..-of ,Huron Kallfi.e)d. Tp -Carried Moved by Oar • ruthers,- sec. by McQueen that the. Hydro' Electric. Committee be: Ernest • Ackert, Chairman; D. -Carruthers and A. 1VICQueen. Members-; and Yfaleoin ..ItoSs..8ecretaryt=carried , • Cheques 'Issued: 'William Jackson,, 22stove., pipes". and,. 1 elbow, .Caretaking; V7..$12.85. William Stin- son' Brushing 'Con 4, $3, Insurance taition . of biiths. Marriages-- and -1' deaths; for 1922, $12:50„ Account of • W H. Sc,ott, Truant Officer.: $1:85. ' • A. By -Law was pasSed ,apphinting patlithisterS; poundkeepers and-lence-. "viewers. Wehster, • Garner Stanley, .Angus , Grahani, PurvisT-Wiliani---Fidher;. Nelson; ' •Rice. J. E. Jacques, Thos.Moore, W. J. Henry,, John IcennedY, JaS,.. Mac -7. Intosh. Alex Gillies, McKentle, Jno; 'McLeod, Kenneth, McKenzie; D.,, A.'. McDonald, Melir. Irwin, Russel • 1Vliddleten, Albert Little.' Angus Gra-• Archie YleInt,Tre. Henry..Caeser,• Wi;liam Wraith, 'Johnston COnn, ville Tiffin: ThOs Hill' F. G.-,•Igoffilt, „Dan McKim:ion. Jno. cinrithi' ,White. Jno. McLeod, Joe •Sviran,,• Chas. Con g -ram.' Riehard Baker. .Roger Cor- . • • Anims McIntosh,• &Ain, Robb Young,- josepl-r-HannarrWrir • MePherscn.`, •EldOti Eekinswiller; .Jno. JohnStop,..LeVi•-lloyle,'R,,RiehardS;' J. 11T':--Themnson. Wm IkIcLean, Percy, johir'' Hodgins. WesleY„ •Guest,' Itobt. ,IVIaleoni,' 'Ed.' McLean, Reuben Stauffer, Hiram Shelton. Sid: P.a. leek, 'Win Guest. •Lorne :Hodgins, RObt: -Mentgoinery: POundiEeepers:' 'Lorne Hodgins, John McFarlane, JitS.taket • Tyndall," Robinson,: Jas.- ,Fisher; Ben Meprenaghaii. William 'Wraith, Dawson. , FencevieWers.: ,elaS; Geddes, Robt. •Malcom, • •Thos:. White; Alex Nieholsbn,•Yrank.- ITenrY,,, 'John., Mow- • Council adjourned Monday, • 2nd. at, the. usual: place and tine. ' Gee G. Moffat • Clerk:. , • • .,A_worn_fraor.-spoils,the-look -yottr-home:•-and--=---------- „ 'gtinipoSSible-to-Tepair;--,butif7Ynt- eep your ?,•,floors painted , feet,, cannot touch them: Let' the paint wear but 'save the Wobcl. Save the Slace and you Save all. Marble • The Floor • finish with a, incineYr,bacic It' ' • wears and wears and wears: • It wilhot mai n�t scratch white• , and, is 5 not5 ,af-` fected by water.' ansi_a•greaL..antonnt_of_bar(Lwear is,required-An ughig--SENOUR'S -FLOOR PINT,'Anyone can apply' it r” The result will greatly enhance the beauty of Yotir home and much labor, will.be saved 'for,the froorswill be5Very-egarto keep5;, '6clean. ' •• • ' ;Come !nand let us give you.full particfilars., , a full range of shades in this and., • every ,other cieheai. Itradtu, or • Varnish for every need. We will be glad to •„ advise you. • • • • : / ir • • • , • RAE.& POII.TEOUS ()NTARIO; 1,11:CKN()W, ROFX`NITi''ONILIE'STREE14±.-• The' 'editor..;101 'the Whitby Chron- L. _lel:Q..440_ „the...§uhiect' • of., 'profanity Ir. -nubile places: "The fT'f3ii'ty n"„public sb,ouicitbe.-- dealt. with :'-vigorOuslf,, • lit -Mott 7 -annoying- and --enibarrasSing ‚to. .pebple to be forced,to •liStek to, ' the .profane utterance, of. young. peon-, *horn: give :eNpr6ion to their..oathsr...:as;_it,,there,wereN,no-;•-det„..,•;,- . -Cent minded ieo.le within a mile of - • 'te pot,- • Attention has been called :.,to_.the....fect:tbat Men', said_ to • • be---.frOm neighboring :towns, live ,on • .se,y.'eral.i.occasions 'recently ,conkr.et- ed in:front of the Chinese resteur ' jantLon..4-Bieelt2L-street,-•following a • meal in, the cafe and have used suc -vile and rviolent: lane.uage ,that. Pe -7- • who' have rooms in flats nearby aye ' • beenk557greatlY*stneYed.•1;,.;:This -inust norCitizens rho over ear sue • ranellake in. future should :ately ,report by phone or otherwise, • io,,the Chief ..of tPolice lot" the:Night. ii •4o,-:'-he,-,subjeetedt-to--11,-,eoritinuanceof• ' sueh a perforniatice." We have ' ,no • patienCe with, those fellows who Can't • express themselves- hr other- than- ' profane nianner. . betp.001141momi- iftes -e,t4iiiiii**ORAjoe--v0VetAtaidtoefekii"441001140/1111111011111.41.11111018411°114” • • uce , • .,• , , . Seas • • - • 1. As usual our stock is one of the largest and most varied in patterns that you will see outside of a city. e have all widths urN to 4 yards wide. Selections made now will be cul nd-held-ti-11 you are -ready to 1 ay, u on payment of a small deposit. • . , , . is is t • ore to Bu locoi• Coverin „*. • • ". • • Gingh4.ms, RI PLEV 4.70Volaigrkel 40.0144Arkeesolmeokl,ritoyeaeigeo,teptqp Tickets "0"40141t" ' ,• , ;...:,, I 11111111111111 .....„..,,,.4.t.._.,t,7,A,....€4____,.;,.,,,,-...;:-,--,t,",-..•';-....", —.1 . 1_1 1;,:t ' . ,..,, ...--,t:. 7.,-.7,,,,,,.::,,",::;:•.,-,:-;,...'7.:7; '7 -,;„)ilgil 1111'1111 /*bill ,;',111„)0 . *if! 111111 ifilii111111 li'''''.1'..iiir':'. ',11."-‘ ' ' ,,,,_,,.,,- '•..,_;.,,,•'-,.,,....•:`' :7• ,• ,..H.•,,i,.','.,„."5,.,:'.;" '.,;,:-,,I,:ii':ii-1yi•,.1.i.,.,.,.,i..i-„. ..,f..;._i.,4..-,ii, .i,1i,_I.. .i.,,•,ii1,,1.:.,,.i,v:i.,-„i„i,':)..!.,,:1i.„1,,10.,1,I.1_:vll4it'i,,11,•,,i,y.171i,„ ..1•14,, ' 111111 i 1111P i11liltii-1 -• . 1111....'-•-il • ”. 3 • 4. . • . „ , "„.fire triter itena init"in the, tithar'12#11i0ei .1• •thilAge . will poolo 4o you .oxeoot tho tOpqtatlok•of btittl# /10#10,'t • , 1 „too peoPr. oino.tuse. LootC at Ittioiloond Germany. COofztoslitti itomotihtioe lead*t� rOfinits#0 to 00140# 0191404.0, - It,„„talcg.,4 11#10, tost)iarige,n Joetioje, n04.12ito,,-.41; polonsiva • 1$6. ivoinvk 41y4,44'4 03100. 41 „AI! • . FARMERS USING PEAT-. FOR .FUEL This 'winter, . ttYJO' East far- mers are jeatngt}te ecialPbarons',Iiid.• the striking miners in the States by .” using 'nature's, oWn.,Inel.; Which :she .has ..planted. in 'this section, .thoilkli" in AorkieWhat a erude,-'manifer, Thos. • - ToWnSend•haS a fey aeres. of Swantifiy.. land on his farth,and when eoal.prices''' soared.,•,,bigh.. be •decided to.,, .,and „ ,--biiiainne'561Ah-&WebOteriiptibie muk• ..tliat4e,retOfore-hai-onlY5-been....a. rim, • iance .and aggravation he Went out arid dug up A•lot of the • • , e ifitheS4xteem-,strozHetting';,•,-: • naturo dry itwith sunshine and:wind. This took about tWo month, when he the bricks' it -at) the wagon and • &Untied thein ' in, the woodshed, The'. stuff .butilect 'sSilsisetorily.in•the.stoVe ...Intr fur:rated, am-rbitrring a little -dirt- 7 the bric'ka,..•.he fain& therki, a- highly dos,irsble substitute, Mr Willinof, also Of Luther, has been Oink: the!., nest; front' s Marshy .Part, of 'his'', fnki* withquai; iatisfnetion, ••••follettink----the•51-Sarne-,-SYStein ty,, Mr. Townsend. Of .COntee„- the.., -..inethoda_L,„eruploYed.,.ate , SloWs. nd not. ouimerei41,y suitable, :but these men, got a Winter's' supply of fuel.: St .only 'Costof labor,. It is underStOod that other farders are to - fb1I�w the example set, and get out peat ta, earry' Cheth eVer n penible :•ftiel ,Shortage' ijxt r _ . . tr ThoSe particigarlY inter. eked) 'the; Metter mschln� 1* tlik$ 1))1(Neta. th •litOSeu 11114iiitb�fl ittoitilie•PeetetnoV 00449( KlOkrilt.Ot nictii*-'11104 Vlq4, '• 4 • IFWt' • 41,0' 1 1 • • '4 • • • , 4 j•, • 'II* • „ • • '1 .."' • , • . • . • ' • average Canadian. Family.:-corisists, of:five. , •.., ,, Ti716-;vci piTcerPora Cars inakes ittpos- , sible toadd the sixth 'member to it. . ' '• :,. • : .' FoiYdocuaarr.e:y'c°,011usihdaevreinrgeatillrzePdurichilaseth°ef• amcaan171-°tfliae : You, GET A- CAR 4. Runabout $405 have also realized that .Ford,Cars are now s� low 'AT THESE PRICES , . . family= without A -car is at 'a disadvarit7ge. 'You:: , , Toilring: $445 Cpitpe*$95 i'parmicicidy t,,,,,:ha..,;•ti,„tg„,itsifipeor:s.frili,,,baivt.thg.i.v,7..,,,y; clurself7.....„::::..., ,,.__ , , , yr,.,.-,... ,,,.,,s-_tottticfariliiy.,,outirce... .. -sedan.,,$78 --.:7'. yOlir -Work andA,ha_t_Of...th_e_fah;tily,„makes4he-f-att-i— , . ChS' i$345:.-i,ly 'routp9,ntprriledaldw,worriedr-1,makes1ttSiCpossible to Wtttithe for recreation—tiiiskftiuc(hassss4,5 friends--:for the country dweller to get into town• . me rorio.ixo,corr..tAxcsEXTRA, STARTING ANO CLT LT010 LIG TING IlSTANDARD CL)RMCN. ' -4f,or. the town dweller to get into the: count l"-",""".........1N.../7"t'-' '' The sixcth;i'Rrnern,he,' r su,.... AND•coupc• , of''the C1aliatlianF., ar,17/177-the -I: , 'FORD, . . , . , ':: 7- ' ' '• . ' ''. ' . ' The 'Price of the `To'uringCarr is $145 --;••• Freight - 1 , • . , - and aver•nrnen Taxes Exra • , • ° And,it can be bought on a Monthlk Payment Plan to VV Nat , , • • • 11 1 U 11 OW 14+ • 81 " rkta110' , • 'poito•motoit• 4OMPAN1( OF CANAP•Ai,1IM1tEi ttoitilo ONtAkt0 • , "." • I : ' . . ,