The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-22, Page 4-.40 "'N' no, Lf , I . 7� . 7 vW& w#*f7 1.� t . , --z �-r, :. - , . �, �­ ! , , r , All 7 J, '-7 Tft�L W C n .40AX" XAOIICIM v 7 7�7 7 7 7 f 'lot Joo)Cr as th!D'u'g EST"1J,SX=, 1.872 VT 6W �SJE�N _1]�4]Ero 't*o Oora,bndue pre' -9* re every; Thurs0lay Mo T_ "Mii" Iii 6sly �beep, edn tf,�p hei* or, elkeW119M., AN�:- joqt ip lip a Loci at �Movr,. 90*0�, E in;,t e- Ogervi&l of-,qirkd' it allf r. ­ike w"Id kavi- bee P �01 IR =d Edito --hy -t go. -Scali me may we)V4k oi' arMersi! .0t a Is 1 -44 0 F. ;$I�"4 U .. ®r -more 11.an- c'hcr RIJ _d T 1, -F ea 1 7 M to, sa n m, �bqt,,IhS, siv�&Ilarp,'Tem4ixi AQRPQULTV4E�-,WRY SHOULD i the, XRi and 9mpire, �h to: 10 SPIRST DOSE: . .... ...... .1 U 6 f - 'T NE 1Q0:%rER1 NI!MT, AID T Jucremm. v , tb Suggestive sent. nce;�. 0 h the e §Ipent R �Q .�s tov�e to bo consumpr Is paying for., e 3 speh no i�orq! diVes asi qe. fi The 'Mail a f Lnd Bmpire'o a rdeent far First.' the pidd quirtii and; �41fdollar high a prize as he did_:Whgn tb' A -me -and-thpm 4P _,_ �7 'Iishe&7az-­C41tor1�1-: r�w ettin-_-W e-ino for­the:- re,.you_�..th Inbreas ere -theri4heAe -�IiIte,�pnb 1/1 �,A bklngr',of CJL tgr �j DY- -hr -1 Sk - , ' � ho � far' 11idt- U�431 Ili cuhuiw 1"I.- N .has:-* attra" which ctl�� . Aix iM:�i�dudt th�re tvo 01?� p, go6d deal of edibles !,the 01isl you attention.- iraiism -p th'6, I is'.Soniethi �g Wr d bp ong,, alki., (117 the �oii-- q4ttry with -MILT Sumer -ahkl' thi re, primary,' pr_pq4 od It Seits 6ut,bk: �aying,,, 4oi 6�ly 411, f t pain I Ions -a 79ver -, agileg 'of Idbor? t, .1'.. , Itizial -x* k�>6&g.rr,r r 'r"4 in oq 0 0.1 m o u Aada byt, , in, h,,,d o -unid�lr­, which r$ F- HA Th�rie- 1rou it.'Stock',ra e ON e c4pd �or for Son .e.' been gc .0 the Armnig, In up fo r hf� �, ,,, th, �k,. ey a� th, Idea I, 6 tqm' f d �try is-�cairik 'on, are �f their'. RAN anft��s,­ on ad i#. the, United "Kin," 'o,in", age. gd 0 te w0lise;t t4 at the close f 'bat t A Ohey�' w er' e - - 3111, , , I � I piice�was* ' ' 0 ; , , b before the W e 6 e C war, u ye h h b t ih a h in w4;r, Foi what he h" to sell. th Bfit' the,bdo cu 0 C oe `A -�frd t ese hide 'Market Call, ish fai ,ets�:�rices;iioil*g�h�r'thiin" 0 - 14 Are 0. 1 rmerf on the isee mling" beid :60 Stim I :in -time peak.. those i war price.new, the war while �g OTI ine, a' et 1;;I. I a a h go' in Lucknowty A. ' I ' Pacbn"an,_ am, too are about 'as� E. 5V!KIM. n in., he has,to buy has 6k iftach" nd rti this. the former peace'-setile ,of -prices-7- dear, nov wheia the*lfarmer is getting, 'INCORPORA 1855 to, h' f IiJ � hip as vF en e. arly, 'as I StL.. around jQc. or s gs 0,0o :T just as. t;u f' s. Ord A the British House lReserve �",'00 4'tI%6'oi ­ . , hat statement is e, o committee' of er e a C.9nimons ap.�ii ted to% enquire in - h ge Ing I*m e.-farrne?s '�Iijht in, tarig.. And in 0 ;1 ur wes I t I ern provin ear we bad. -diffidulty! On -beef in A le e* dem 125 1 c� as is of 'farm to ihe of �Agriculture ,,re� ed n f, con Britain; And, ih port 'i a�,6r.. of i Idtions in It, is thq['ofie:ffreat unorganiiedi us- lnk'� these. m ad w eaa.-�­ ines L 'h' h T e -trpubla.'with- aLrriculture.-is, this men cultural - co-bli4prative of ihe '�Pited States farmers p, Jiist age t 0 a ri TIFIR xoLSON ANK. B ir.�. in the world-, i4n'd- for, that reason 'countrr- or n, credit so son, was, on as". loud..as "it ii�jh ci�ftiesg-some. s6A.of faimet: ." X, .1 ­ . I is.,the.,yietim bf.,all those that. are or- .1 .; , I I B ft ''ban -in, k' -scheme bu n in. it g-#nized Baeon'is,'not now�a 'almost, ecial. savi�mgs. The. Mail and Empire' �s �Ot -see.., mV sc., e proceeds:' wjr_tj s C who. prices em bie iryjoed at oa- in o curp d liacon' lieve, farmers,.,' Ca. th" h h ffies* oV "When.conditiond ai-�-so;bad for th" .,t 1 1 p�ipativ re -Zi,. hogs P olie oAr-brariches, cohvert 1h rhe're so . onz as d vio d, ,thro6gh i�pre our: epost rsL prompt and:. courteo t, a not, pffuii se a p us. a .6ryw 1:' t a lo er price, �tb d,il:wit., , , ' 4 I h.ey are ob I_ We to ev here' farmers'sbould begin to c n iak more cheerf4i, " * '0 rgan- W's -, now w en a host �Of 9 idly are CA hp. t4p, 10c., but� fl'in-,; - UfActu gsi are -�very e -ze f jC�,, m7w( -Pa_c,k,e,r,s-,fffi'A"&1 -d I ­ :I - dt tion TaIni6t-, -lye -�any.r-Iurther n t oqsjns, e Meal ge: e r t h e, beeAftits, (if abd e. u xcep o .�j e Graduallj� the agri-- ited. e,,-sa�iie is, true of boots from, -'r pairi Our-' n its 9 culturialindu try .40 jet back vii Ad:_-eiiier_on,, a� Wei an e s, _at servic &.clothing.rrade,frqm fwpol, 9 6 HE WRE QF.,.._T_HA Ph on; J a re',flourishing A- G C , . , , I 1 .1 .... 1. "-,!3uetlfi.t.,�is,-n6t.'the-,,whb'4,,st6ry -High- your, ,ei,_! -NOW- 7BRAN-Ch ever,..-... ...... The' L- R STEEL CO.' -LUC-- t ER9 K staVe d cost of hAii lingg� iind of-railway,trans.-. 'best,ofjarin6ris cannot alie S A -�o n' .'of uel 'and mariY, other In asjiot'a, fair he' S day 'Night) cess Of his callifig�Jf he, hi From" t* Toropto ..Atur taken into accounti, ate ��cap both, equit- t, is worth f'xhile �calling attention' chance and, theSt orline-of manu-, No, brane particu ai a ff t �the iaaf that ti k�,�asualtyAist.. of ure Per] -ably er7 fac,.t h' haps, ectively help him, is' oly, to blame� Steet"C hi6h has,. no* PORTEOUS' 'Som of,the 6 :against wh"* we shoul, at any are 0, i) e tJ the4all justmas-we,have been come A s hot say, t , h -RAE t -can -S an d ers al* the -.past two, years or h6* is, c6ntend' ' Protect him ing, �Iurei Ca. DEERING. ind WCORMICK blame'.>Ianufa d ;redictizik, for. aga. dilist undue 'pressure O:f cdnipki�, "busil t a,e money',A if aiore,- is niade.,u- mainly. of �vldow&, tion. koW outsi e sou des; il DrD ans an( o -d maids. tog6thek4ith. ne Lu k r hihke morie'by, acting, as�. in' do 'h 66., n� ness o, ni nd TARM'MACHINES'andREPAIRS f C nqw�;., cazoodly.,sprinkling. of orkingmen.- Someth" ,to, inake. the.'ibiA e i I.B.C. Trilctors'.�: and Engine84* ','than 'by.. earr$iiik, Him -It, 9 ut'..In c 0 or 'anized body i n sliarehold6r "im Th hi4t Mae hines';:­ credik-more e astic.v -Alone e, X Ge'o. r" �a'n,we iIlAni: ihei'n" ies; -a. St% Czith-: _,,21i0.Jyhis JU6's, tavin 'proiect. him against'.unAu� p'req- shd`had LI., Carriers, Stalls_ Stanpi" ons and to find'fa�ic We., on rom on" d i condition. 'these by'.4hoUsands of, cases v ult 1) _W the. ffi)hn -KINL'OS§z sure of, 46ompetiti'' � f i e;,,. of 'things.. All bu§tm le, Iq a Wioive'Fene well ihe�faiiniers oibe Uni .NVELFT CON.,; b ard.one -eets same idea'Of Wire'" nd ted es _p, K.C.. 'has evii. atl busine�s craz So .1 1 or, --El Wisher, haye� "Protection,"' and thery., appea combineF -6 far, ave I f b im. Stat on aTid t h 8,blieffie of '..I f It trio e�n. a comp!e't awtier. e t- 6hind M' kdinuiidso b os t ti nt V 1 Man, be, -no e e 'Pri y organiza ion si ss a , n nor: slibn .,Su -one, Nv, t ie'reslemation:of. ITr ;Gairow. FOR, SAIL By fa' if ot pro;teicte b t eand * Orktuis :b tier. off ihan the othe"ts, fi in e6 The ge , t class., bil f... e- a �na uil,�xprodur h lezree.!o . investment. t �o Ial:IpIiar§ '.to f. . 1. � ve4he--pTot6,e have­list� hu r l4ve�, tu­-Pp 'ffiorfient Aa� . ... .. aii�seL _f6r_-'a B" of, i eneifito-the�L -R IOU h -last. rida sa. . .. 1 ..7- 0 I)IISTOrtulle, - a e a UnorgaPIP w6ek-'tbl lose, a valvab Mr -I ian this gid4. Of the 'Atlantic to Lix6ifnocl "k " I..&In , e tion �'.o, the Atlantic - cean it costs better n JEW I , I .-_-O - , . A '_ ' �:` . . ;., 4 " - l fo 'th Ww-., U 'ANDR, UCKNOW. UP will lesnian These',hiirpies� k' .4b I out $,30 'to� tL 'beef aniiia, 6d­--A6:rieuiture`! gets' A 'thin -to even ariiI�oach th se who. w6r Or�� 8xvericneC& in Such mattdrs,,.Jt- 'a yan:is-. eaingi...'this hi�'A­�:y,. all f- oNv­n1ade,1t ."com;ng and . going, so 0 sayi. .o -.sn� or Is eyes. ver, 777-, t and if costs -a substantial, surif t6 car 6 d' twh AS 'week �Ir Laii(ton �7-7777- ganized,.��dcalers. racticaili"fli: a'na', the ill-�advi t f h` �ible.f6r ihe, a4i . nT , At" to escape o on �o 9= YOM., as is rice of What'he-has to sell Ii.xOn E fforts are being. in. t1ii wire ebe qs�ire. 'Nee& *el� -a they took their: w6rthl ry. a bshel',or a't ighigt Ciih Pike :I ., ets trash H Pat d 'a,-Monu '0.0 rn. vinces. to, iverp 'the west6` Ad What lie 1198"to buy.. - The'r'& can,,' -be. ered `CanAda �John. ffia q.,.t O.Ahe 0�,..w-,hieh the �te'ef zueSts.,'t oand -..V rs. p rezovtr the aninial as� eam and organiza ions gath OF r4 u e Emersop�. Su ndQ,. f o t, to b ro c;Jctioh.,evough., rno. ques Von,', the regular-fixi& ntributed.,sorne 9.'00Qi0QQ said h 'That'' t 90 p n. y ny W2,5 iA,Orang Un D and eg n' the'lBritish farmer is, said to oe� the. a ar _aTid-Gr and as, the,coinp k Works as. a' la'rg;e� a' nd a Sur, It coin; tbadly indeed.,. Jer- Ufiited''Statl�s� chaiter,.th� p' Cason 'indAhe -interests tho. �kk ------ ;rhe. ork ter: vavin- o th xUaranteied ers, oi�' Tiilt 7r let� stock-�-the.',Most' beautiful nized farm Canaid'a..' any, ' af ff e tC 6.1 , " tp creditors (not the etc; (not the fpcai bii�er­­) -dicta' .say, dpiigue *6 ch they do notL need, and -do not'want 'Of cou' h it. paid 6" k.�ep pro' Had B a from in rse,,enoug Ace zd to the,Country to be 1110 pr��Q_c,�on nd1.Ahey_,ought_to,,kn ow,�. ite& 7 Iv vro ec e, t le aw- -Blue­'S No �y --sfioit-of-, d Sto b d ace eir, r. Ah the: L. 'R_St6eI I d th honey 010, S___ S__ at . . . . . . . . . . onumen an 1: �iuffeic'd ft D 11 C­- 'oes,- o On er-A -f-Ch e -s ker S. -'spection vent�iiiis' go. to 'the' takiri_,: el LC 0 R I TT 1OU0 C to n p serenell-, ti u Likd "the se. p. ons, neatly afid prom pt� Customer ly- done,.- A X C '66of NN*d 6r- r 1 er withput them., C T_ bad thlt I 1v rr Tli R -K CAW- an&., a u 0 i6ur oki ik-ONE.- 7 d 7 �arlvma to er; �-7A-.SP0TT0rM'-- triftlig adulterated Aies. '.flas -b �O.ntarjo..,, -FEAT1j,1RES,._,_ y at,'a Iwl- a , ion o M 'iwe 'Aft' pe' an6ntly" seWid 1me,-made 'm'e' f L Stool VTy"t Ing8, 'Je -eri6n . 911A W"J., Douldas f I lik ;,:- Weight.,,'and T tha e�o ced c%y wom n. a IMPROV6. Tli*J[N! SEIMCE b-- - -foIi they invest6rs o,pass, I . Y:, ay -waii 'hav'e­ 'ZtVed 1the s Id-- aranteed. Oail.* gxcept ft d �hev'w'ould G, tho, was an.,' Liv Kiticardit ra eitv r te -5 �O ni.�, - = R N-3 i EV L I %-.V- Er R, teful EU 'pi;m. 6%11�c'hts � t If I 1 11-1 1 -- I � - , I j] is no nz,ih common:be uwzz;p o. s e r -YOU profita' A th* 3 kiaranie r J6d v. Lug�n6w in., 2.21, P.M.. -jka ,r WI C44ADA pleasantjyj�­ B el 3 a _�QU 'PRICES-� f z "n..: 4,0,t, p,ni, VV Imerstoii 2 Or -th ,Yeai�'r tv, K a ei -E, r Ap'ril i�su'l�:,. of kod, a�n' GupAn& .36 -p.m� A ro n contains several.. fe res 45' u Refiability Vh` -h turnmeifUlt 0, P.nv_ ...... -7, Tlfi�ie are a ribmbek of,articles 0� Brahtfor W1EANJALK COMES GlIt _H1 i: d� )1,0 14",60 inear me t*,' nii. .8.36 p.m. Ki d J Man HeaVily Fine Hamiko and narra. ives,� portray ng. ex eriencep F 'Slandering,'T iiiant P. SILVIERWOO and, opiiiiong of htinteis S Oi 41ker Iry a t Are ri io: in, 7A0P.p.tn -ong these beizur 11W -h en. 'arn A o on a ''T D6,About.lt?" 'b - W.. fLONDON, N T ''O� - 'I 'riz, case %vas hqt rd 'a't.., ADA. qu ng 0' H 'the Led, 6-0 An in presti "'Sea unting in to e. Re'turning-7 'Sp h As.�izes -,before- ..',vlr us - n+;;,", by, Bonn 'I?qle, "Point! elee-A Publip�-Shpot-: b s t k, T. loi the N -th ut I 6rn Atla vI of ey,' 5 1111 yesterday, '�.�vhen �9,fin odging, � f or ert st-Arg,est a'ndF'1,he8V.'_- -ing thers -Queen's--Hote'14 sued t i aWe' 'hdardine"to' Tdr' "his 0 Thr6iigh. doach',rKi aridl rd -Jh6s: E H It 'Th&e­is�'an Of, thb annual T'� n 0 on- morning in. ears.'Anat 11 ins, I f - - I ' .1 r, ai Equipped Civatim tr app' ineetinzvt 6e Onthrid .11tinte icbhsid Tate, an .-uqdd8irdble, teb- Game, Cal "Pa o,"d'Figh Pvoffdtiv atio?), d af. �,r rston 'to anf, and "wafited 16 get 4 e,As5oci oi)ved-- flid, mtters� -taken. tip 4t - Re h he-rdeent.,ro unto.: -The, ardineii,4 6 ztre andLt -S Onthe. �A _T -es-tihg 'inat I pee Jv intet crial. CrAill parti�blart� Apply GtELnd it, -was thd E a ..... ..... nk: Ticko,t f onei. 01.1 .the han6 Ourt; e �O( t ',,th p,on T) 8�n,dlprd'? AL N:.A urt at Onct,6 6(11' ........ his :gen C he'eount,L In M I ohat d brd&r nafn- r Pald ell� He, ask r Bel111, k 6� P.!� 428 I'll)-, rd,,ait R''C S., In nov, L. 0, L:,, N 71 -r , 'd" --- - - - --- - --- - -- 761' r-,,, SAV r ", '' . l� L 'I lie. I . e y'secon- Lues., e __ _. 1 -2 eir od oom ev r d --T �h A no �q in, o( �r a --e r I ne y d' -6 inutith t gr ed about th ecu. 9h, an P. -ke 'k ' hi edi I 361�;` �:aboall �Iel pie r �I, h In n. ai4t you W from jJe,,h_Our 'day �re�en.t,stalp of it hd nr le"t an at-erag& 6 nd il,ed, brirn_Hodgihs -then told-Mifli 'he hn d V, PUMP" '*at6e for�jistr ybtfr tag, .0 SAVc- YL P, iash 1 urwatef Of ninade, the ing' t tis� hluAbl Ihstal Tor n MTO R 5' JUjCkJy_it,W0I �_Pay,,,, ft&' i , thr-6 o e ode�jfs 'and the latter-ij his- ftq t Totodt 0 0 tJ ridjy elj3drhed "that/A n er t6 glLV.108 ti'L L , U'd 0"Vo .7US 6 k V, cail depiand 'upon ahe ttqteji1ents,, C�Odt q q e Rio no `WlyL no were Ing 0 run". itird Prattl YO to be t�e� w 6 ti ai� -ce6isibbal od'ongL. Ork JVhjIiJ quidk'r'11g mi5rhinol last w Alt, I on, Tho- ury found lh& - , ting lat 60k dri, -both two- c6unfc� CCISt Inj en I Yet caught by�h And.w are, usedi thereS.no. efialice. Of erf�r h6r., dnd.P6 urnv an Ight, $300' r Wkiiio- to, the', fpe'tfiafi� (f., in Judgmento no dhanci of mbjtjlk�s �Vatbr�, T96 46 fWai -a totontbr Wthdinill *ilf InkmAde, boa rate iftea.4-6 tie 0 or lit nVC yv�l ikici y water, ce rig sa til s id herr ig aboij� �jjf toe'-fils donvergAtioh o accu A Ing arim, iib and 'th uked, ifigfedi, Appe PL� a b t 1' fl d fh .1 'fit I 6w �OW fidt (t) bd 0 poun, 'on ro gbo�60164 fot 1114, 1, v i rw 930i VIIIII14tall'il Ltd. 'IN)t04t6 Ohl loot ow 0. '# , 0) all Ane. ot�0 X, 41010