The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-22, Page 271TIRT IF 77 Oil �?7 .1 7�.IFWRW, �71 7T V w "r, T N �0 P -j", lw*4 �q 7 ARQ Y MR, 4 0, r re-, PIM9. 'K­pteg; -p ise-,o 1qu1s �11' RRT The' QqlugibiA, b 'flml,tjoii, an(, "'01 rVAS Will, '144.4evolil : 11, 1 �,e 77 7` lVe RIC^ Arr u n a d 040� -T, 0, .04 din opaca, f4a0wi pastpjta land, -in the- a v Ui4 'in �htp.-.g4mp, or,. inpoReIr 144 KQQt1Du%&y4jst-rW 0T.Pir tish'Colurobla.-I Is -4) by,tho Colit.)ANA-V Agate, A -d brl§.k Activity preY411p4i III- i Wned. YQ 9 �ylnq ativop W 0 y these Ilion' -1 I FIDDE VVEL k to remod 'A� L�nos, TAii.' i922,iii, �an �Qffqr ^F K ,A tliii,' Rbbky Mountains �'gateid, Fr �te 'atti g -VQ]rpf)A. 01 -1 rRff;� -by� 111C jallonated,-from -,aojh -t f . . . . . . . . . . . AKM�^ -4 he pjgg� oj` �iJ6 Ace yo-ilr4 1p-,Tf yori oum, Ito 1'r ais '7. -exceeding 6il,4 tri �a44 buy­fiom v th4e land poMp tljA�; li 444, erlieks w fich qyldei� gmPlo- water' or g6atp� the tdrpydrt, pr _4111p4, or t buildings have, OoQA,. pompletpil, or 4rp( j-dividual ,opt og, whip liption or Pawler.0.4 The.1 QW TAa'j.44jids,,fn, near proximity r a doper thlat'Isguaraliteed. P pu e �t��tjiljapo P�10,rt .4 coun o of, ti�e rPQRds 40A.' OX nter-; a Oer W 011 Is Alluvial a Produce r 011 eu. -d. to elther 114119 'A wloiuk' Or AJjrba4,gre`w fig 4n t grevIng, in Whataceveir You are Mont I's, p. growth.,of wild! Iiay,yIet.eb,,AA(1. Pea-! a4try-t4imilig or: mark t -gat, -Ing yenillng�or bebtow.ing nPort i��, valiesr fiaig.-the land ipgr1lig -I*q,,§pmmer tile. Canada Ce�, Viije, I!7ran -,th -e Ing districts i the;.,ouitly r -h r4 -011 - TO Rct­ 9 ri,seS IRCU164 Mr, �z A, U --c 41, -00, ­ - " ". - , .; ­­ . W;6r-V didl--im bulfibe E �rn a'ne oc . I , ii J -1 t -r,4, 4 �-CoMmadinj-1 atlart�-i-,was�. pinp­-.6 -41icrogsq- �y � P, ei if I t-m4d tipy I hk�-'.0 -all,"'� fie, -,ntmth6-foothills,;A]Rd,'-,;APUA!�-i�an'--h4ors�es.�, A rgel d iove orPot. the t t negrip -million-dollar j1plas In .,',Great Mritalli, ltepro tish, da It .1, tit -riiad to go,,�Alling, ..,and t a cog bri -4 any. a these bewe,es present I hough agriogltu��' o �r;, iv, In the two seute4', by ina., Oliift 16. on p prai' oiro. that's .4g, )taA.'a 921i-iin e. thik, ec� peara�icp . pt rdlIhig prhlrie.'gre iere 4 ftii't ;Ov Atli 8;,000 000� - and Astatic Rpygl at ld�, In-eltiffing i3ettle. 40, t y"' ftf,#ad b , el 'of $ I - . - � 1.' Th n1tdd States. has,'�tro. im-por egi-pet ''PbsermA on that mark, and Ir n y th;a :u w uxit, r1terests'inM4nyofjhj& aV s4. blI, or-a c9lislilerable'time, Q. E4,ropoan the Q A, a hustle—grsib, -04 tus,81e"If 'j� ee reppopalima a"oost, lie t' wiliftst'others Are covered -with! Ar lie, the area bpIn4. ri Qd In! the" wen y - bistro fi�ee'from, under, mis�,t.ofa,fhb tl.ons of th 6, a ace! A ':)A' lt�.`suppll�s fiaw,,- a'nd. its, v s lnay, be 'exhaust d grow l5ea , fOr', 11 s4i itu e fiy6.pe�, celit,,af tf�o, Cana lan and ot t th -of timber; 0. provi�d a, d to. be, t Is most, P Ible, sup 11res oll-j�ept park, Beiic T6 '41 d or -thit thbl, ostelry - -b tyen ipp, he,PAs-t few ydars.�, have wlltnesi64 Vdloiis, h of th , e Botts ds a w jf�-,the giamd:Ip worth the"winning YOU t YeAySi': F06j�,4has'vlkbilo st es: a' years. -Vinp, re, W", ope44 su §.tant.1411Y, SUP- ste A"' to .4%slopes, a e cov� .,a,y,settjemeut �and tho.,� geq6rAl, boi: tU4 year, NMI v oil k �cred 01�* LdoptI64 'f I 1, 34 Pro kp,.. are '7 r ex.,&riencfft* 1 � , , tud, you' I' ion Iontydalls, -lipte 'i�rp of N01A 0, Of 4, is "W ft I a s nn 119 'a' gr, ou,- Aiiragd - fat, iie;, -and sifeep,, tj ou y U, grit ith 4 plullgs� 02ft . , iiai4es cot A a,, -commanding 6n! 'ei arm ng,.siiobi, as: trubk Ing, ind o-1:, accom, P modat c be di �z' tIbi clinAt6'is t P .ate �l ti IS a, Factl, owt r ch In e, positt ompany w th M4 'd fift on, c I Ry 0 46 sep P. On The, four kln�e'�, to -tell kiiik -like the, dfoliens" atural; of Mont SID ar�Dld'of I "ThIs, fe able'at all peasns., have proved p6puUr--',An:d profttable Always war 6. It. Is theref��re real'o hand" nie. �ublfc build' a.dGetor's family 0 ce haI:1 rr �;hether' ou are 0XIstupe. thIA, new and Ing&; a fdurtad-aiquarteii 111-jon lade ftst trip t �un(fa H Y md that he -had the SkMe: a' E011101 ley,. proper, Is nd f rti Itif aA The area. of the, val di� vegetablei�,,' are pro-, �VPOIL, it,. �bullding 10 to be­shortly'� ect6 �Schoa ai.ild. on Jils,return'" his znpOer bile cres,-and -a .,diiced in, oi fiv.6,year and has evierpatil roughly. about wliicU,:canno.t Pe,'stirias building been s, Hi 1p Y. Iced him what story th had iio, Per - ft - - Ing. develop- Ing- permits -in Montreal for t Is first as e a, pQzi,t.fo,r tto fd.m.20. other par s of the ou t$ repairs on ," aid: thd fat; ilest eitinif ng fq 'raeuta adkuAwly, fill' the ral ten moliAhs.of 1922 amountea-In t9ldhim. man: tlDo-.�ou believe that?", this is ava lable, for crops, of of considerable Absorptive powers are making threqd;, aho"golad 9amorican, 4L o!i -Ahiminaii. .111,4,id lia. ;, rain, r' found In th line you � foill6w beit�, thii, T -lie Cahad-lau m6trop . Qlls has; In jabit, to $17,445,�76, as, against $14,40,315 was. itbolit t d "' 'oplie'dthe . I d the harde miningi r t of, the z*hatsiwirl y Sameripa.A,. found' his repair-:Wor,;. other -.fellow 101-10, 2 answ'ored Aon., valley front' p e. Pialrio-Provinees. ih national and� foz� tb e,samp period In 19 1, fruits. he se6ti n,o,t the; rovince and w,. plaoe of hiter, 9. -At an..Interdot ng A new oonsciausnei% oi-wili�r14'Im 3i.l,eft.byrdbbers.04-t.h.pr6-Ad�.-"He 20 miles ii�ftlii to 20�- miles, i3outh'of'.- 'Ptogres Im the,RoGtonAy. Valle�y-j Is. re r. Montreal a -dA had' wo r.' �The, gameHl greatest thing''in the,,'world -is Gold— .is undei the- jurisdiction at t 0, fruit aud vegetable production 4s dpsiii Aun&`A li,ove h ch �.,,,pliipulatlon 9f, rou�W, one'mll�l portarice actuates Montreal to y., 'To en to -01 in.,7 -iodliiO.would have for a man t6' kno�v, 'how to be his own jurnp� ared alfin & Depart the, I�terlor, Ottawa, as surP ough. yow fall,or b1iiii piEven Wld ribe.d by esidents there 'is the, flfbh on the Ameri- a arge e;tent�� ou'. e rees, have F -o 'in up- as'qy1cli, Aft Iliu,nder' g.- to, We. re- ead, g, preT, * a due regar.4, thrust qpon hef.,this. ziew'rolp, Which been —Montaigne., 'in better'." right . I . I I - I I I which regulates. the haindist In ndnt,, 4he, second. port of HaV th And keep, going-, k'd 4 19 i -A to-ilthe-,,rytra dgic. position ii�Int 16a, -and, t1)e $1obe's great- �o 'iftill aomewh4 ------------ and 777- i�t ai ]Face! g �eut ulat n t la�tested, by to hecity-opupips. The cityls no long- po h ntranoe an-ty pop his Is 'MEW T e main 'he area In jiada f -r lburopean continent; �,qr so ol�r a-Dgminto.h mpi,iop6fls, -but shipments, from 1922. MU U 4qreek.8..pars, of itrawberirld and at n ed ct from- and n E, 5 cars of apples. were slhippei$ ing in a a a Ckdoto 'of mixed trui ears, -Is the fei er on -the hop,' .Oequatel tile city,, ­the old aw on'ee',,r n .6, cani flow: who is Pv 14 r D ck What lio, - C P f c6nUil st, si�ct ;�'hd partt; - upon the '*;Drld this worl& lbas 096 It 16, owl in vLvor�as.a i -, tending, to at, -link id "d stage. All deVOopment is Phase y� bqu th 0 OT got romanild: city; for, "Its new*�ild poil' crabs, an ly. apples atIM-102', -.who's, on the job"ind got d, ea: One T "outreA a d, -SM 0 ro r c -for A'momept xed. fruli,alnA egotabill '85 Port -Ad'exj*ifbnded Ift cars, of apples;, Is twlcd� as'' a pf- grain,, i*olum or' stGp,;' of - applsi an. -potatoes;jrom �'Britgdn's New. BW% -0 lei, as y the �.R" pr6vious year. Th d -Wheii Mid Navy of the fiiturt%uts �d 3 4ra of -'k t a I Canyon, Stat on'4 c4ts. of apples.., The, , He who eepi, r gh 21 pav out to,"sea.- it th eciil- th mount,ot to I g wn, aero.. Production... for *xpiorti� at e its 0 ebe ontreal e- edod- 155 000,000, bushels. that,will assist in4ts warfare. �lj 67 Was about. 220. pars 'of applos.;,3.6 darR, �W, It and, 04WO' h hethe m lig pd, g or ew t 19101 and i9li"the- pqpiila- even:, in -ing s,omet'llnes�eiitalled. T e, vvoj Voik,.ro&entlj Pub. -mte could not: go..on �f or ev ow, I ;Be, ween re are' 'xi s'MR ta irult'and v6gkables 16 cars' .116hed a a enof: mixed ,PrQPQI'.ti0n,§ 'ill tibn of the thiree Pra, rie ro, ces a , , '. ; re Ing b ersI mak. h I e. sea- We4tern nada. In,1906 the, entries lands exist' for e h�ndlod ,Itb' auch "fiodting' aerodfoin -a -land quo- se ling 61� % W, t Th n of th ..Of__�e'rries;--3-cars---of.-po a oesimmmimmormia ot I in b ApAitp for t,h' -to 702,- ica ai. Ing. brick or -Apple frltter§-��- -Ision anu 6v -25th homestead' is covered ail - area� b rt, of thri, W uni nous. lid CanadaAn r§ased, 512 ving communitie''s.'' ' f2 ArK ia addition,, which lead t ea, here a 75 c ih� tiaVef sei�_ n omber "rm '19, Z, t h d"I Hi e, grave i:'1922 Mont Iunique, devl,ces� lieit,deftde,�j Ite; A! .1 I -it They Are fitted wltb .64 and Ili the e a a go miles from expr�-,ss.slpment. g with -153,500 000 equal., -'to'!that'of Massachusetts,! and he. hiames ader acet The- manner in'. wIlj,jph production i§ 4q;6I d by N6w'York with A incoming,mad , n 0 year, 1921,- to 956,39,3. Thejast e- Delaw us.4q;s, d "bi t d are Ili 19108' ales Was given A facrisaging In the ya, M.i Y. ev fo'brin-ging'a a he r�allroaid and,settlement to locte, New Or- aay .111.071,093,,i theu,(Baltliniire, iest ifi: the" ?availablis,,an Drd ther.'Pbrehaser of tbes6 l6w-Orlded lands liley a be: cade Vas pie-eizilnently that of West- aw in.. 1009 - five. Prince-. Udwi a, r6pla, liven Set, a:,,pdce,..apdjhen .,keel)- -going lot.. ej- l4ndsi u;there, jiore 4n. I� co " iet.' to, a railroad, �and his Omplified, In 'tli6 case of:, i'iffigI6 sla.", ftiIad:eIiWa,:, Gilv6ston,�, P6 ith apparAtus to. ssist an rt- in 19 were, still1ii and'."thbugh tb.6-pt6gress' -lerd 41i ern Canada, that you saw ng etc. The, tQ PO tries, e's,b indAn� 'markets� already created'for him. le seed of "take off" with the sborWit ssible Risi e fnpreas,� i6a was Pit a I b nts I& 1922over 192, anicunted' Be of sDmothingjt.viI.r:,P ft y9u, th4t.a :seriously Ynterni over �farni -can be­put,on hipT manX -th pay lIg . 118,18, ro It ft* 'records at 11.1i -e 'Ino in"t ve hAve. two ed to iiis. soll there.wAa Us. entries; representing., In�A(� han could. thai. of to '7 -cars �of apples.: and, 20-- cars -of: 66 -s,61C tpt�l, of. 1;200 the port. n'lull' ciably -been, "These aircrah qarrld�s by the -wai It hias', pr cie*fth 4 4.,M fi`m6e: rapidly t sliperlar.to 'that .0 4ny,�slmllar terri- M16 - It Isi' n, ii-nd" yea ment -thT9u,.gh' the - home�teader e connected by� huge yea m-" Ago,: I mIxedfiiii(andiviOg�tAbli!2�s Thsame, ':Wild, oat's' Ell t' 'a hip aMvaIs as -'against. 9��k - in docks,, which ar' 1or $hat" i r setil'6 th most rapping 1921. The revei . i e n,,,,t",:"mozith. of blft§ Ibb er,dqek.ls.tlib landing "for . this means. alone ot,,bet*een,a million the, so A' I a Is in$ tdry somd period 1) t a] ' '4shipp6d, 3 to-' 'no more you need be a4 quLikiig and settling -of 61n, ,400 boxes 6f, owlerful illation -th factor. In this -pop' I and Ify ulating.on A:�Durse at f, the yate�,Iands. Volonlzation. Activities inatces,i, -2,3.0.0... case.9, of 'green -c ii adeek-whefe'th 0 ied.. building,, and I h pyliblit One day'Llil' th� t 'month- saw of the CaniIdlan- Pacific Ralway .4nd .,793 c:ases'of ras -wi.rx ame or richep-,'Virlil neer�, 0� 'a f gg. or t c * a in - that iiiid-,'and the; lower is, the,. vast rg is ragricultural, land,! -and a.h'alt - an , d t W P in illf6n acres ct ter 'TO .0tQj) h or .,Otq the, great6st, In the port',6 grP a t e-settieent'o �narves-ad- �Th fuldy-'6quipped- engi oher rganizatlaus liai filin:ks,'�' of ab ut 100� per cent. over 1921: 9 eTei'ape,�, 0 area' 'bee ..-t e, Homestead E so, t �st perf6d., has n suppiemeniDea,*ke-el)in-g�-Wfth,76!it.-".d6u --In the Ai "or' Itelhes* ',Dth sfi6st'depotsI d er re? r for Ing and- hat A omestead',eii- Govern: of ffee, he'. annual totals cf1h f, one and bntrivO to play. Ing up 0 rn settlemon oadl, n dan kiiefit adopted. thov lume, of/W t -Va ey s one a the coming-regions.of Bdwi. ,live' an out- aires' 'in extent to: rdes s ej iigeii, Part can, e,, reis or,,'re- p6licy the r b este i � i began to decli �he 2, 691 difiets e mov d at paired wib Ile A Wp is at sej: and gr o .Your al -a at ho,�r the;,e lands' :BrJt1sbi CGlumbla� in -the. produlation,of 'br A sffigle.eXaniple dig e- h %ds� of families And males :�If Ovl�r he, y a,diminu d 11' n Y., Afore than A� revolving platform,:� - i& -be sletltie Inay U givelt .4 - a' t a thif fru16 --arrd-V etirbies s th-e-, ng -6ff e,amo. I `k 'h T.y there- iclu, po c in- ih il- lon. at t e, �mus 01 Is !I t e "momin c6loniza h f 12oydi-din- te- to th the. �eu - *!thin!. rea§oiiable djb1LUUU%�1 VLI.L matte, i Ini oil and perform D�ei LO a ath at -of ..rotation', to a ta: ster dlstrlct.�bf Albe tix and BattlefiDrd re, set. -duties. n, r 'But gogilin-ning7�bent.on winlilng;-_ : . 4 1 ans�ortatlo to bd secured b3�, ral' s to ay that' way tr s rehels of speed before'leaving. the vessel. Ju '-'of'' Sasi on the: district cacb,ewan- Aru he penetration of branch tr6e -grAnt.'' The ons-laugh'i upon West - t] icifid'ha A one� ot; evq .: a pace. strip t gato whilst, with d ,,the -is me'set tle- erl�., Can' ada. by.- seqkers' after free land, The, Advantages of 'goeh, 'craft, are. -here the Cltiiadlin P. re., lines ofthe -rallroa A -tremendous.' Aerop a:pes, ill no t the'lasit xeiri�fning�jarge bill or Itsi E tr avoibeen of-. largely. spent was inevi - Iilnaive �H ree arb' pOovements. nent -wou d -ultimately Its to as X ae is d: qUIM49�gp.qut,�romjan roaronic Jill" riou's, Way to --land- --n I nfter-tl�l'e-lipi ICU' Make a fepted� ttracti7da. of 'free of trAffle, has nev6sal- thus 'limiting r�s ha",boughClind'and 'the fl� . . the' aV heir range 'Across etirs. in i621, dreds, of settle in a mu6h so maAy y, t the -hurried '�fro�ktjpgaa , mar�- rapid' vailed' to OXi6ilfit f facili. p, aph,ie,ved, th f!,qa _but will �b tb c tricts, the ma-., t___ -- .- -- made homes the port, An. .many improve:' Ing aero romes a, a yi� ng,.overw in n y, 9M: e lig T -on. the bar- 'o- car "of 1911; ,6rt wer6-bbly,-3,784 fill tb I d: States, at., sonfe, omes;t6ads in'- 4 aid iiiree e-Britis he Tbinito �4itva-been­effected- R 10, 06n 'the ca4 r6tur J.im..e. :Ili their. on h stern tpr. One occupation 'bdr "I or. tot further su�,Iies. though. jarnfing, settlers h rant In tie a -stjH either for fue Most men . . Vrial rl, piviinpes,, or4he sidtilemon:t, ac. comp- -seld,to earn 'furt er�`a� mell bus lives; in .�many casea pp, pilically score of Bilious are Vg ' - at bombs or torpedoes.. in �ss next IDA 1rou6out-- from as,'far., as Soufh..Orl�a And Now. n. 'A..8fdm of,fouV*,and A thrOjighout1h6li morta;j existnces,.ek-11is-hed -ihro6g1hI this means fl half lil ,'AiTera t h., th, livelihood' Is tiIiii.oi-iopoking*, res. toi exclusfve use wit e, t7t­h -the�,area�, -tlet!- u es, of 61iifen�, kaft 400*0--r�719-41 -By -.-r t�o d more I .9 eing. ion a leet are aisobe ng rap My-. 6 V a op d -N—ew- oL-en*w le lar Ish Isles ave ell ropresenV .1a gL1ng_&oes n- el rz- w - , - � jj_D 4t in -f. -- -fi&th"iire provem ty ate. Unipili1g,t d gm hel it ��6at . rp iieftelimstances an otildbe a -a� very nas, y.. the Sabbatli- and n certain."Plac6s li hl own the_p cluston, h6*ev w hat- &w--biidjeIi- EleVator storA$�,capaclty�- -others-,a-re-�gun-7s.l)otte-rg- fb�- th .rl �ek �4 in WAnh !�re 9 011� P farm s -f -rd t I -in rane it on makes it nec6a- e& to is -this' has bden that af`7 land'Is held' aciri igriciii ura4�l§6ttleme'lit'in tbe.Wegteru go stralned -a e -w -e oregon,-­Aklall.0ma, k -w e als tli� 1�011 owl therefore flly ­­axeom#-� 11 be 'emulloYeA Ing,bitiltat a cost of $2,347,- tbe "eyes -(if the Navy,' a 'at 'Ccolor�doi--.,Nlas-sa6huse.ttE4-,-IoW!!��- 'nd . �tli�. f And sary i,na per*64w Is a 0 416ed-arid -that-opp j -p ortunIty',hai§ nded. 4 algan b" 4ushels, to be eyntUallk in'creakied, hVitfiiig 1firough�;the -air to k"600;04 P led.soctin th r� exani.�le a stri R he;-Aame of t' In- sp, S. onej...: girl a house llgtitink firos.. and ps� and '6n rt n er-p blislues "cT -re -Pkc Is; f';,A. Mnitl* att- ';;u c Th' rch -anding in all;respectsi�- -The'growing th �a -P -to d� ase V, IF' could give heir r r rence e yet in the ra -01446 TthaiV e.y:a.r&able greatly to reducD �iwhlolr lbortaL 'An area Will as, d4)n G to 'fi, 'ds-fiffy h0ses them ily drew t -r Doppiaxitj of the' St... La*Tenc ute' natill'a go ft. f at dly . es, ttlem =10-u rain" s, ffigiii ihjl 'corners L7, 'al tlurg.,. -B r--R-e'mi wu atbend"tG', raws�sm e d ire a. ro Iio, ii� acres of If hg c . Ila 7, Uzze n4ds=to T ni-bil. ith iwiell6i 6 jLnito t&tg 'hash� a m� far - was mo;o c ear y eymc able -to, atta Canadian �d` last year. Is In, a speed jaxcel ency a pro ph gjde�Loj _.Co lneSala are� 16f t'i --th evel- 4and. -iii-'1921-theire-was,,-An� 0- our - -Syste - ­ a ugfi-,f6t.V6tfu re. 14 ew-drr-h f uil zIl ibout. fifty p cent. 509,, whfr-,b he- fis(l, Pout' Of h Iq r. In thl s t on- t4gr words�, the , W� rs,, at In r s-� J-Jri� when going ."full yet Able -it *as.* In -h p d almos a as-*:1t.�,ebuld be �rning In cella ties oi:,00�lets,,. 't e -CI "of ap sorhlng�z.rly. ree or -c t last -current As ar ngs� ienier�traffi 6ver-il1d[Pre,-,. o 0 -and to land at �rided between, tvidntY. f'derition, t 'a nmfion' u--ht-u�d��.'.Iirlgi�ti�ii.,,'th'ere are -op - e, bro times ,the: �Present.. ee�tlement­an& adii e 'Eas �et- - for securing r- -Thl i -y . At th eri happens- hat. In! V Cy. 0 .,e be' It often iimel�ic ag� i -ment, repo n,z tit portunitles this. year oAtP t �of litt, "repregentin# he- rij that vast ai -timei�-their.presnt. 'tettually prevented* by'*,a viltoh(,axid End ia 6tr! on t e co�ntifig 'f6rthr&6 let; jeiv jees..jnto,the street," rigated far�is and'foll,,owing 6ut the in. !the nnua pro uc Ion aqtIorles, a0d reffectini-1,11. ALakes, and'Rop I I 'd now. on th(I.: fiiarkeL '.Both are :'and shys,to so 1)asqer)YL df'n f kje "adopted U.nif6d, tenqIveja,r'mlhg, of the succeieful di's.: bu.9zer in� b1hristian �,air cmainneF ot %�pra wa 44 U V e -stead$, xle ig par� 111-P Wo`i� ye�strd4y�Atro. h, Ight: t �Couitt T lar O'birietring- -Has-Passed, -A-Way.. ticul was 4111.1 LY- Lt- �1111, s -sea- have ma.d.e. th'e'W6s-C,tlie'r1chast bee d nde* tha. Se on ere :t r C ymp y a f6r the, Hud- ands e, n. the pre -064 -own agrj4b Iturally-produc g eA .b iiinIng, in' h-lan -piper-- a aoiars.:a a 4,rei L19 '41i 1922 ;ej(peri q -bwo- "t -fons' Gwmrelit� ht a,, "e 't h d no biggest, y6atir.6t L en, aping: tLe'l 11t4, t eir carly" bef6io'a house, meaning A cep ion o..conio '.,afterj by, tourls 'ea - favor, w th Montreal is,, THe: VyU LIFS UU a Th of the' danadisl Pacific, lan4*. il`p�en to sie at, pric6a, sometffiles in.- e frd b ces� d #00 P�r twike, �fid �'ach year' th h ti: LittfIi 4N[jb; sole'tetfiporary. 0"up, t is amazing, t, s- hion open,for� �ettl:emdnt bx as graP, wa Pro; r0ssll e, le w ii, of the �iiobril, ti I I ld bt hfglio�! II�y' a y s, faintile I ea nds, built; ih bfi Can fatinrlt in that area",bffered the. land4l "'the 111 rieds .n create Ina orn eau ca 1ful will f d wealtlly�-s,oc al,life, bIli the fade suelva 96ndrous boon, an %ONWFALT a t le. inaugg- T S�'. j1rII e y n ..Pa. ew pald ional 4acill 1 nes and, '11 $10, for othe:C 61de has sb a astahtial fhro� y astollowed-by.an bb gh 9 on thes-41 �ai ma -rat! o, good roads, rura telopli'o on of theL e -hose, 66nvefilen�es:. NVESTMENTS, MouiI6 ; , - , men,ts. over, -the no, doubled eekers the I lie of whi I -and. Adl very, al 0 previous a' f' I anI:1 't inflim 6f,,litnd4s 5 . I I I -'s fid 1021. It was,esurnaod t -pry =r1%pportbnity,;To-day ThAn- I r iitust foiiig D -and LIMITEd reached, down hei% mothell .ng Ever' Wbielp., tud. � p onee 'ling, it r has sel tu thp. 6is dam been n odevelop,:,, habit, and wag1rai n, he gravel 'hg, 00�sumnier, is -wo d,.�rbe: 0 k.radu,aIiy,acZluIr3 an -#,ha dum 61oniza ion. tot was de-, �:ald, thiat the'. Canadian,, gAiden' b -e sife, the'" PO ley of,'. homesteading that beddute hoineAteaing Is g'en Q �tOf the- pa per -cent.. of the guo8t8' t:.m6 (it erailY 1) the We'st'ls n6t, still W4�st: affirs, totej�s- wew from: th6 Ji -nit" 8t t' "in West6rh - Can'�da. at Ing §etildnient, Ili' x :!Y,the lidia'litim Cur 'and�:.broijght back, w fpy. lear &, 6 fLudAirther that visitors t I' t t 'A layil.g in Western 'ag�s.to�diy.sheo did y6arsag6, VAth the' st� 6j;'11 lf,a t e -,in trbP7. OPPOiftAittes Watever were You doing "with let fka -nuils r a vantage Opp .Canada4arge rac 9 a or, 6ppnt� d' a% and, approximately f 'tile 'fs-1711iii' differe ht, the, .�Ion-e'e'r 009 to $40,000, pe your fe�a red inillion. -acres - in the Prairie Itaids, priVately'Ji eld W -h -lb at h ntury-1,mve a man,'..- eOay -there, Or approximAtely;. a -tat lea 6 there", Ad'd t' e f) pr*0p;(red -the ay for a' 'to d ly, I t to d t. pool al ofT -V cc�, HAOACC , ' .411 4EA '99,M&UH PRI T 0 'e&gon, r4, _pronil�t reblied Ir rov ncc!s� led and'larkew 'd rORO -:(­ tryliv $0,000,000 fair s -Many­caft- look It sa§'offei- tIjER89me'6�PortUn1tleA. those iv.ho. bb.nie, now, and 4- 1 ly fft'e,,. D. ventl'ons and gathdrf�ng-s of Internatio'n, renaored'Uctive -by; this ml�aus:'j a im hoin6stead lan,6-`years, vilth,all that. ft suggests, acii. 01s. s did It Ad atold." i� n t- f if-ey a ui-; d 6 ii'� t h ut j-I'Ek- faAt -7 ni-y- �6 n _Jjt;,� gr _ke. BIB9 ORO, Uld ou I tim V W -I4 -6 rte at a-cibine. BEIT _jL DO NER'-LOV L RO 16 wrl )CK,,-! the pribspctivia. buOtoniar h ........... there, J 19 a �io� or Cab (if it," lie like if kou could manage to� pulf,"it is the 'In �Oh'tof at 'A p�t h...An v tfi, of. IVA teT) ack 4 Can'eqU amount ot fl doled t