The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-15, Page 5• On IF • '• •tt • ” • " fti 14 /AU D *UM Wtho "7- LtrattrOW 11 Ai „ '41 • • rt, — , AGBIcVLTVBAP RA110,0T• 9,i; wfitosorwyosivissaPtiatomiw*OktrotesiSIFOIR r CLINTON .. • 74'.',i7'•" "' 44 • • • ' • . 7 •- ••.••••`7.1,' illfoli‘ oi I ihl!' /.1,—,..-„,$..., . ,,:,‘e.t(eN't.‘...iN7'"1".,..-W.=„•-•„_,- _L*'?_'• -:'----Ts'N--- a:'-`1"----1-s?:-..\\11,4?),1;"0.:.;''' .47,•,,, --- iY-"A;-,-‘, id fq is ,.A ,...- ic• i?,5- ' v' , t.t'. 4, . (. .V 4•6-/-' !:•!;,. 4-4,svi- 0' ' tl`4 ,,t•.' r'•• 0 ;•'.,,- .44/.1.''A.• / A ' 4...._ • I. ;I 0 s i 01 i 120i e -i(14' 01 CITI' „PS( ta eti:L.,111,4„..***It,11,10.-ort,„frk'toy.:14..;',0,4:461:41,.1 • 0- - 1 01*:4.4;94' -4','• A, '''. 0-0";1,4;t's' 0'.' j1 6-t,".4.4 .0.;•.•„P" •t. , ' )10 tot i 01" 1 $4 tik-i' If 1 ,444.) 01 toier., All ASA frkelattrii6 t . ,, ' a`t'.c2iVVI P' I ''K"I*3 ! •••44,-,i,4 - - _.1-:_!,' la:NV Mo`WIN2alk,r2,\,y,,.',Nt tzlikais‘Vk4kKI.,''-‘r.:NVk - - 1 , ••• . . ••.°•••=,-. , , • y.„ wALL PAPE Is one Of the Most important feattires Of home decoration • With it , you: can turn dull *opals, into bright and CheerfuI.ofics.: Ask for 1 the new and artistic papersproduced. by ' ; ••'. : . • . .1 Vilaken You, have never Seen. anything • , quite so fine,in wall decorations or ; '..' • „, so full of new idcms for the adOrn, , .thent of the home. ; . The nevi Bo,5cr- Papers :are ,2+ . •, in'ches yvider than the old type of • • ,,,, Wall Paper; Not only are more, • . "•', beautiful deigns made possible by ' "thie-new width, hut you 'can 'als0 'paper a room more easily and With: , fewer rolls: Then too, there is the iMprov,ed appearance which 1-4il1ts from fewer: seams. : , -.... ' ..,; , • • ' ': '','' • They. are ;.itientifiecl.,j* the name ' , •••,* rt.'. '' ••• BOXER OrV,the selliake of everl . roll--t-your assurance or satisfaitiOn. , • .: . ... , _,SOET-QUESTION 'CAUSED ' l• • • , (Paisley Advocate)1„. Thetri7--:of lruti n the .-iSt=riinlo—trift-WIrgatr' cleat -iTiSe"o d-SIVIrig that guiet:,ahswer,„4-turneth The -Other. (lay.. Paiiley,-lhere arose: an. instance in awet ues • ocetirrence.-Jind .placed on :the , ann.*: tfizi-',--e÷..sgerierations-.• ter:7g note:ls ' ••• 'a: 'questioa..' }lows -Ver.- ' that may be ,tsafdlk aris:wered in' the:liegative,.The, . little„-incidc.ntt riled'un the, south, end raere,thint n.rWthingtha has, haiMened, i a. good iroons• -A-younk Map. -enquir.. ed nuile..sincere.y oltwo -men. ofwhom are much -his senior, as to whether It tWoliklibe"beSt for }nm to . join one ,di.'other !Of t of the.r.lead,; - ing, fraternal; seciet'cs ,which have ',this: „ThereffnOrt the - two ,referredl. to un- derdbkthe .elucidation of ,t1,-fe tenets Of the oitilpits, :the ad 'tsaine,in behalf ef"Jlie"btlierT--'"This:. ' wasrfeCt'iy.., in "order until. the dis- cussion „totiChed‘: •a • personallplane.". and -i -hen . the.. furekegan to. shoW . a ruffled • appearance :metaphorically, speaking. •'ReasOn ,was Cast, out of :the ring, •' Taunt,, .jibes and insiilts ,•;.Sottiria7.4o.'..theforce,,of-muscular:-dr-- ,gumerit. sWatted his, opponent ,in .01e. 'face.- -The, latter without hesitation taceepted.ttlie, thallefige .arms, and.• .althOngh-be±is'-reported,te.,have..come -t-entofAlie-lraY -with-a-black spot- 'an-opti.%Tal.7iiiilite. he skgeeded. in rche'llenger,1 :itYchnefehriderAlie-ehin -0i6gatFd him on the floor:and ended these'rap, , „ . , • but-lefft,--theauestion--of;the,h.ourtam,- snttled. After this 'belligerent demon- ;isirationfof 7.,:fratereal,“eljowshin.., the, questiOner.,,,' mikAecideLto,... -usetis-ovvn- Judgment in_the'matterLorjoin.„a:Jbox'- ina,' club out of .riure desrieratinn. and teai..P hew to -uSehis_dukes gracefully .and effectively. If .he is infested by; the :..erithilsiasm ;„of 'these 'opposing champions what' else ' would he • do' , • . , . • ...Ratepayers of the' Village of Wreit. • etei 'recently. voted 4b..014.iinettle,..:4OrroNvieez.',Otopoo.:IeifT the .erection. Of a' ConimiirAty-liall in ..the viSage. Park. Tbe, vote stoodf ;for. and 28. against; • '• *Jaiminesimmexxsonialsomorawasir NQIJIPING ,AF'FIEW . • , • • •5!„ • ;.-; tr - , • . •cH-AapioN•. Cna ••• • , BRAND. .- _ _sal.v1_,EAckt,.. YEAR , ..,. ., rLEA.s_T, , . . .. , , . , . , Put in, a certain athount ot wire fencing cvcry y,ear untii:yfiurt *nom taft17, • ... fitted Wh howtight/ horse high, full etrerigth Champion Brand "CANADIAN' Pence strung on American Stdel POSts. This is, tic eeonomy, ; •• . ' ' , ' 4'Wes611 6liattipion Belni "CANADIAN" terice With the utmost Confidence . , , . twits Satiarpoti`dti oh', y, 0 qr fariri*, Right Prides -Right Quality, 'Right Scrviee- , 4' booked by''' the 'guartiatee of . The, Canadian Steel as Wire ,,0.4 , Lirnit4 ' itarnilton,'Ontaria: ; .., ' '' ',' '' . ' 1 ' • ' ' . , , Fin.' Sale by' , oAt ,ssi, licilert 01,0 tticic.t.i. ow. ...::: • III 1-111r I 11"-"11111" p 1 ggli-" 4 •••• ' ; ; • 7' * 4;441' .„ , t , „„.; „ :14"41;,;', ”0„,4je ,„4„,448.4444.1. , 4414..44,-„,L,4444r.to41,14,4„,„....t„' . • - • 1.'„ . • • • AFTER TAX' DELINQUENTS , ,;'About spo' residents. Of •Western 4ntail0=4rf---thbl-a-c-khst„„. of the' ..federal-inconigttaiudenartirient 'at-- the., • present time. and :are no* 'being hail- . ed into „court ..to. -tell -the -why, _arid , :wherefore ref their failure . file„the, „„retnrn...dernanded,:hy--the•-goVertunerit; ---or-to4lcaYttheTtax--levied-upOn them.' for tiie „privilegeS „ofi. eaming ,•entiet.;',inAtie-Doinipien'egeorge-TarriL' bling; •of ',London, , commissioner for, .this :'district; iS now busy receiving- i.gnOtts' freni aelicitors appointed dby _ „ the-'„gii'vernmerik:,retardirw the" -13r0. , _ „ gress , of cases. .The' majority, _of; the, 'Pr-o---sreefitiria' may iriVOIVe- the_12.20._rem. -turr—iCrAfiT.--Tarabling.,stated,„ancli.sum- • in On ses., are' being ...issued -An -nearly ev-: 'Ei-V City and „tOwn ..in.this part of the province Td :round. lin the alleged • invaders. and to show them that they make- their.•excuses to -magistrates at this .stage ,•of the gaiife, the services • Of •40 .lawyers are being tisedhy the departinent. • . • •• • • „ •-•' XiiiiiiXecOrd) (C ntou ' The three-nitMtlia'' eOurqe Ak#, Et' .• _ ettltnre, and. 'Denten*',lenge. ed in 411"eept. tekflei7.6c4aM-e3111.tode,ra' ntliernd(hUire; tiOn of' Mr: S Stathers„ District • in the .e.:0'bute4r1 et°a"mPde'ru'Phb•tfrh: etaennquinqe, .401104' 'wag 'egiVe4 !" klesired.,,and was most .;heartily tent..." • ioyed by everyone 'andat its coneluT •SiOn a toasLIvas„car_ried_througb, -t1W Ite;. H, W, • Snell, of Wingham, WaS- one--ofthe-Tinstinctors,--dur-- `• har .the Course, actiing as ,toastmaiteri- 04ce--- • • --The- first-. -toast,--"The'sKing" was responded ,be‘ by the heartr Singing the National Anthein. Wastll proposed'• by :Mr. • Iryine Tebbiat„ in a: :neat.' 'speck and , re- SOandgd'.tb• by:Abe 'singing; of , One Verse; '':of• Mania' leaf." • "The' Girls' 'Course" Wasi.riionosed by Mi. Sob. Ar.g.hibald and responded. to by Misses tta }lardy. and Bessie • sAY. "The Bovs'2 Course' , was.: pro- posed by Milk, Mabel Crich and.re- :sac/pied to by Messrs. •Iluglf F'raSer; Arnold gamieion- , and George Mc- Cartney.. "Agriculture"•' ,Was , • pro- posed bY Mr. S. B.. Stothers. struck a 'Cheerful note and ;bade the. young people who were-now.scatter-- ing to their several homes,. to, honour " their calling and •seek to make, the •'best ofjhe instruction received: • This was, rVAIYO4ded to by aft."W.. D. Jack- son. assistant to, the sUnerinternient of district representatiVes. whO Made an interesting speech, Junior Far- mers' -Irnprovent. Associations" was Proposed by Miss Edna, Wise and ,re- sponded? b Mr: Leslie Pelarson1--of- .Q1inton. Mr. Edon Stoltz, 6f Auburn': • and. Mr: James; Hardy, of..Winghatil„, .0T -he' Staff" -was- proposed „liovvard Johns. This was respended to by 'Miss'.I-lopkins; who.:had chargeof the Girls', class diming the bourse and. laho.was described by the toastmaster • as,!,‘The Most, Popular member of 'the • staff during the course:"/Miss Rop ,kinst modestly disclairried the honour`, brit: She "spoke in the 'highest terins„. the-CliiffOire.lass; "back .against aU Corners," WOrds to that effect. he • said she'• ,thought „the was more 'being' . done for the • bOvs•than the girl's. and, enressed the -conviction ,that everi• Couhty.:.,s.hould' net only have a.,represenkative to 'pro- mote the interests .ofthe farria but should have -a lady repreSentative to •pi:emote the workpf W.Omen. The toast , ' to -"Our Guest" was ;proposed by Mr.. D. A.Andrewand responded to by ee tir.NeW. ,mayor_ cooper: nofewPse6i3rs.. r1h,an1.s.")16 gc".. of thejocal .D.uring the ekening. Miss,Edna 'Wise gave an 'instrumental Solo. Mr. Leslie Pearson sang:,."When The, Leaves Come .Tinnbling• 'Down,'? ;with Vielin • accoMpaniment.' and an orchestra. comPosed Of: ;three violins and' piano, • played .by.Messrs. Pearson.".Cartei and TebbUtt and,MiSs grace Tebbutt. 'contributed, 'a•couple of .selections and;. A--Wend9rfe.-'"valirAtit4hOk_-eopid*: , M1 • -4! • " • '• " ;•,, #1. ' ; ••• , • • • -L. • • .• • As our- stock is ()tie of t 1argest and most varied inpatterns wide. have all widths up to 4 yards elections made now will cut and held till you are ready to 1 on -of a small deposit. •;•t', oreto • overin • •.Rev.' Mr. Snell gave a readinfthin Drummond The gathering came to, an end ,by the singing a "Auld tang 'Syne" arid the. National Anthem. .,,.., • t4 . • o „ VERYSIMPLE -', 'A Woman I•idirig jn a, Philadelphia, trolley -car Said to, ;the' condhetdr:. eiLtp;ease.,---ont"-What slips? They They Mix.nie' some,what. the Polite conductor:'It is verY.sim-, East.ofthe,lunetion a, west- bound, 'car' ari.:-exciiiiig.e; from aiV., east. :bon -rid !Car r,ist.geod-Orily-117the'weit;- rbo.undeartist.....West,tott.the,:aunetiarti „f.niined,„-JhY,Said,eastbenti&-CarSOuth' bound. car an exchan from a south - sett th- oftjhe )unc- tion .if.,the .norzhbOund car was. nOrth. of the ,junction at,the ,time of issue,' 'but onlY. t:(44t../1 t,f. the junetion.-oing seuth if thti .sonthbound. car .Vira.:S gO' ing north dine it wasso,utof h the 'iurict;I:. *That.'is all there is to The woMan .fainted • • YOU-11----DEPENDAB --- CASH CREAM 111ARK ••.... ,.• . • • . • - • . . • ,••• Ac.IJR.Acy4.61..Weight.'.:.and Test'. , . . . . . . • lettSatit1kir44,- • .• • • ! • :••• • • . Y".• SV WOOij'S, IJMITJ 1 oNDoN, ".CANADAi. • Western Ontario's Largest and Finest Eiluipped; Creamery. • •:•( ] 41Tc4ESQN, • Main st.,. aralich 3uigrNv theft 4'? • •.;"' • • • , • „' '; , r • g , --,Ging4am -• -;Ip ".• itkets • 4weiruidowswirshagropowobi,A•owsepardwiowdiew.a"..".....aviato,,,,Amtiobe , • , • - • , gyp,tiF : , • Ago Illh11111 ' II • loll!: !I r ilu ;141 • • ,„ • . • • . ).!! - a D.0 II I'D D • t; • • (re . , o er rev ' • '''IaNleal*1100 *77771 _ — r=.4 1400: cid "BRAND . • 3 =1,144.11 4.4 • • —‘11111”Imo,11*.i. 4". • 44.•' „, — .-• / ” 3- .• t.••••••.•44•4`4, tt",".4 • . . . • • • , • , • , , , trade-tnEtric—iif & co' , 4. „ , caigar3r- -Alberta a 'e " ".' . pri ars oil' - Trucits. •. ;Brand", has .been established,, tnd is bein -.rosantamed .throughout ,We.stern,—nada - by. , :rapid. and d'epend.4ble deliveiy atigdfigli, the, of 'Ford TrUcks„. . • • • ' 4,, . its tft.t.'"'l• " 44, , .• • • ,, ;1„ , . 'The! Pore truck ' 'hagthlngs . Itor,h1Itidtecls ,•:Jarge. .ch..nad7a . rt.. • ' „... he tanle- economical .and , • service. ran be applieoi.WItII . tqHa1•' • . nest*, to smaller firm iyt!.1 et �ia" • 4.. .• ,, , .' .• "Whoh ttitt Vast-At:oil A t...tiick'. .1;,t S • ' Yolit ',Order plaeicr- .today' wilt .asSitre". .• ::', ' . , • • . : • . t?tiljbitd _in Wt -440.; o ;Canadart ,t' :ybit one at the ,present,... low -;record...' .price,.....„*.,,. . ciiasea , nu iobor .0t, damn tor uso at • 4 nef •one-tonll.t.irll-q1,-1C-1:c-13-a$16--.-----erla"-f 91"--:-..$495-.";' ,........,....c4tiera4hii ,..tid,.-t ,--tlUet.. waK .salddh+- - --;.•-,i.----, ---- -- ----,---• - ,,. • • - addod to until- to•dit. we have'thirvg.. ' r. .- 0. '.. b.. .,F0t4, ',"Ont.. . Goverianotit . takes, .. two. Void Trucks . Ist•••,fisn Alltougho4. ' ,, . Wrstesti Canada. used inaru 'Thee* Thick& a 'rety, di Ai+ i - • . extrai1 Standard . trick .' 'bodies. are', "'avail., , fii,tythein tietr-patisfattoo,11:: . • - ' ,1 , • ..,., , v. - • ' : .", , ., ,. • . . ,- • ' ., , „ . ...'„ r • ‘..able- at 'atm. Prices.... :: ,.,' ."..,, , ., .,.,.., ' , ,..',7 ,',. ,. 'del Weeks, atid,fo.t: Allot puepoie 'e able • - OU can ' tiy-,94 - line': ,! -, . , , • ' ' '' ,,. „ , .,. .. . , . , - • . . - ..‘...„ : See your Ford. beilierftt -.0.1iCe, • ; • '' '4' • • WLAYLOR 1,••• " ' , • . Lticknc)w - ariO Ai "...f.7.4„;....T„.., TIFORD 1101,ZOR COMPANY OP CAN 3. 0.1. • • „„ •„•4414•44414m, , • • , 1 • , • „ t •