The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-02-15, Page 5-74 7- qmmp- �T !j fiik� N-IMT71 0 a 7- - m4t., Al. 71- 7- 7`7 QJJR e Ob TR AUF 113 Y 0 Signal), Fqut -trgstpej. w i 0 elpeteil f CA Ben Ille CQrWol or haI�pion Br4hd - mero are in&e f P 7 I 4�4� 0 44"t �rw'SAW %i,l 1,11`..-- ­..,MAA. Y* a d -'AME ated sq NADIA' N At'a iiiew -eleql W4 tQ, be hel in. the R.a'fl -AY all" "yery'.,oca 40t�re.-:, This -pongitiQn. or. U "ity h brari hrbi� -td Oris sIVOn P, IV U J-5pe Dickson slid ln§Peotor, J P Tool -be-. ldtd his. As o �ihich' 'obt W om, bbme bequ pigAriv ga-. e se Jj I roAd op topir: !k A Prks''of tWo'of tiQns Jnto. th q lifiea ing,, 1 p Id land-, the to mQst, rigid -w,n e e:'k,,.:' Is --tII6 6e�t' fr�ncc, t bt'y—b Cau- ik� h o ri I- - �'� h, . . .. ....... -d' S i-7val �.Aupted' on,'T' Ist" f923 U. IWN." GAL 43. VANIZED.- STEEL qnuary i ,and Levi Snj4r 0 in adv. ;h]:Om -tit' f "N' W 1' Q5T$--4-tK): $t4pieis" A, hai�q 'bepm,disquafiffiW'. as 'ired embers �f P ipare,.qu 'T the board jr seats * being dbc]Afed� -Q (dge DjCL4,gofi� ':C ILED )�E A4 -v3 U ".:4 macant'lly- Ju in 'y; e 4rr TAPLE$,. ti d: C her�-,,,k' ,,,Ov iv s -b ed .,and" tl* 601104,iht lodgbd.-.b, 0 �,,Retry andloseph, I�Ng, ad' sedti ed f or, Y c on 'Tbe so Bef9re' -p'l)eCtqr -.Torn - A "E , "To PORTEOUS r iturday, i9pector the'ease s�eklng.lp ip,vali.- U X0 con essrs,..,-o n M date tl m h n, tinued �e cle'etj�it of ai�t 1, 0 U r JC1.16 �t n',B rg. c Y and,'Albert.'Mugfor :Ui d; -on- ONT the ound th e plect-lon Was, J' qs me at th' rreg -k ARIO� 0. U- r^ Special. I arly,'held this coniplairft. 1�4ving been d hi for WA 17 by J N:� Xernigban 4neh-Rictor-Y, -Cotto-if ear -- ""', -4 fid -A broug 40 fr6e-Ji6ni -specl�s�,Uice Cl Yis er,-'their el n be - D -' ' ' ' I .­ 'n.. suitable,.. f6t."ghee sin th a - ---- - Qoth re'' d eotto t6, or p ow, F. Tqm's. jur 64irti6n �Qwesthinea �'cases,.,ext a a yaid', value.atL25c. 'as qounse for :.,ChaSL. daj.-k6W lq§sr�. MeLarty: and Al gf ord,. 1 06�y u rd Ehd.$'for .2 wAh CA A rew 'frorn the eourt; c aiming that A b Alit Tom had 'nb' jurisdicti r all- ol� 10, 7- thorl With thd case Mr-. t) 4-�, hat m wa ie -mor I'S cpellp,�- X�'ou -eco,,,nize or i be argains (3 row in,( JetUe( on-; 4W - tby any de -�*Iion whic in t ie. ca. `s e ana Pressp's,-tfp,,toI $25-00 each fo 9 --95 e"a c h., & S6r. e 7 V takc,`ivh�t s "s t Ithat; thc�"w.ou g r RAW,— 4ecmi6d. ad�lsiabk at Jat�i'd 3;Flann'et'Dr6s'� to. $12.50, f i.,$7�',85,6ach 0 ate. B ii UP 111� vain I-Ae-51- 14i is, u'ty ail� e ipyipg, it, to be:, h. ing,,Q T -o inion, ni e Ve W f h t he wst 4 S sses... in:( ilk Dri�, )stIv.Taff6tas,..;,, orth, up,tq,.�$2 K4 auth w, - to c o riduct sueh�, . ill 7 ZPfr drit 4- -e M going atl$8.. vestigatitms.. as. Insp -of 'he Ais- '<L ....... trict, Mr. Tpin,' wfiJ-le,'r6­ieitlll Mr., .9 -3.6 :40. `,Sfyl-6� b e, are a ov, in,sizes. -to ;�`V- 4''k 96.0 u z-f1j, ruled: tll`at-� tile, Ghrrow'�. -:withdr wall .0 d �Ontinu6­ in a ance of �,stqck..', No"ex X­� OV WFUL changes: W Wint.. V ;t i - ieiii�' Ug,� 6at b"'l .o 'Offi -ami.ned th J cer'Ex retu on: ab. rns, -Ir P01- m T- �vl icer ior L ie, e 'ection' ALL, Rchaid 'Mo(4-q) Wflo.,7 WAS D I-"i6ccedn- wit� thle ;a M I W Acud Tcqttern. 7 7W, I MkQoft�i in his , 14, T ��id- ii*� 1i dibtci�' Ali -n cc ous� t 1�,, -as re urning of. -...- MU'-` N, unanim z .�4 the S. tock' 'h a 111.ua Imee Ing, f" �er at t t T i 6k e t S -atOpayer��: of ne,sectigni.-wilit-11 Was.' -P 1� )4 1;:. 7 t d -T -m. S4 -�.­Rtp h iv.: S ijctemoer, Aie �'jmitted at-- he -:n. ary nor Secretary- reas HJCI�EN 'AND. JAIUFARE i� i iL h an tloa­rd .;�off cnr_e* as� beinii' loicked--uy) 15ON'T ask C to exchafige, Vv ai c ose Y c fl,�j.­ , , i d' votCr81 list wa$%,Su� nfined to hjs� del and t ips' or, i Mter.. oil L I e 1 I'S rs, em. i of 1) o . ne in �.rnnpn­-M� . Lennam . Th at tfie. a 15D 1 h It t regu atio S,: to �'rdld 'and"Tirr, Walkerton) i is -againsf, in sof,., J�hed� t9e clec, o. Vir M, All Veing'- convi-et6d It Aured ".as and, lazil.y� 9 oafillg� ad, ell , , � t.1, (�. Court, anuary - - uy iligre, -s amps oil. X I 2M Y.,dro-;, Aeerri a Wn of JX "M J ,fmj�maf gd Qoke -,bn t'k :Sj 't t' 11 0 it, -t ic c t cc ared, thAtthe' h �Itoagt .�cn, d d ��re`�`fin'd 'l but8ide' in �the sunshfncr oll'fl, h quir hi:tbug�' iin-­ - their VOL.1y" to the cell' ed't . Tom 1,11.,ill Rir�lev.. H E' C. .-System", d lricta�nl if" I'VItKenzi h Z a er J), D 0' T e­-ti�jr�%:-�;S I J Jl'­o,f e,.fbr t1i namn-g-ly-worse'. A ia a -1: Th a,:ee a -7-� arrie out ;ith _L It'al AA'01. ­Atter ai--w-Jin-the �.Colbornc., t -t e� �t�U�4 _or 11 , Zt-� -, ii:�* mt f, gt­--'4 -f; e 4b," I d am ricer- �e7- low Vp, b tith- -;,q -�s -a 0'. -,ZCU W tericed. ­;4QJPP I n 's�nr ed for grave he.."Deb lied �A" 16-P -orders--were p` u t, entuxes :,. . cubild. Co. 6. '. " !S$Uc(l f but in the not it , ;�= --q, n. "VIZ: or e. 0. ull 1-cAture on rr in e Behill'il 1� Mladd of S 3 2 6 0 `better tio.n b T11T., -by D, ip� �`tav, mone hurder, f7' G' Ka� broth�'r- SUM y o-fders. Thc',De-,� iot' �th6 -uja qad 4 A t eas ji" is ao'narentIV and L, ai im .,i" Ai'sed- Of-'InOr r -than be �c . Cfab -,ds- 130nQs -�and, acci-u& xvhileT 0 9,; yds; u cffl L41A ing to sccure., tine a slimli. der r Walkerton. simi ar elicacies interes't'.. The f6l, d open. 'b 6 ip qk4 ro a I \,Y7 $2 v d ws 11g.the booze co e. ox rka'il,�hat, with ��a -slit� hi. �eni fracturi . 4 is 2'.50. OW f In th no,�fh.io n d V1 lfi6ati6 ere ul Sed 11-. r"' H� ni DJ.nt -;a1fi­,Z�sS&S CU I TM- er-S­for-:! erni, -t e 'I t c ar-- the `Tp, d- ba,"n had:coi S. iie �-e (L b&9E 66701'6 A 6 n Y! or,; on., th� ga nds. --that' th'�` bo-,� ie `-arfl V iec'tor­A,1t11').a, -the �Tca lo-�­ ­ . ell r. MI N -0 Lk j d i�,a Ll"L- U r J oi.. w e I t" "P. nt�-C'l osthia9tif, ingi, Ice!­­4�,."I­�..PP­ J- -W Piar '9.d !lqjMr. .1 P­ot4vJL11, --gP):e -1d 1 nl'-­.� . f ­ - J.. '" - r I— ifi-I t=ti -h% — -- 1, . - � - -T-, - -f = . .---37 _t:, o ljglXlg,,_.Tf �ou 1, or t . . . . . . . . . . -This'Aci ter must go y� malt." of t I -th 'I th b' re� fi 'S.t ­ r ie. grai re- ',,..I)U Ung tf) r ond- urthLr d �1,LL air OU, e am 1).' Of Huron 'L m, al' ruSte� .07f i&�d _0 0. 0 o - 923 3 - 1� N - "1nQY-Ak7,A,1nZJj-t A v hers, C!11a .��S OU ' .1AUa­'-�J-r—,.,VKdo -n aw I - ­ - 11 , ''d 1:1'e.; 0 xe your�,Jettc�ts-,,,in­ the -2drop--Ux�,�4f� 'i -: - -: 1 r my, --bas'i n"e2S6 J yL�e nl�q!�7 a [oc 0 1 1� 1­� h�y Y, t -:ft -STP ;v�7F Provide, iin �Oin atioif,'ihe, ep'arted--to have said- .1 S A J n Tps,,'�`6f�-Kih c 0I :%rould,:t ink- .0 in. d c'ected but had* i��iAl ho-:iep6rt to i U -11q. you 0; f6 i6n - . - il. . , . r ,,, �. O'l it L t, e,- otjnty� of:' li ce,,', a A Strong d sonle �1, T: -1, -a­to­-­­--- -- � . ­ �­ , W.- lt Tizi C�­�Iiidi, � I -t - ., - ; . to,;,�z -'f tb­ke"%hings­.in-,- Lh"e Illgpcictor,- as la sornret 'ice. af h4hLJ­!'-ab avin-", I ion ii t v, or- ]p e4,thIll'i'� b OrK21y _Q ray.-hoise -6m A17 in C, ki� th- 6 - 'ice t a -of, -,�-�T-hen- why 'S�'6lil,cl !V4 e 1� -n i. d, S 1, or V -he pro,: -ost O'ffice 01 5; %28 t e -tire- Y t ", i . . I . in pur 5 ace in, t ga Icry ye b�r., in now I I '' - ""' * I , , I . I -f th r are ih, . i fro, p*ak V'WiMV 'C , `a�' 1'. , , i VL ry, 11�0 6-11 0 -hristiail' , , 6! :Post Office '.,d,s vldbd ��,ajh r!izi-.'- , U .10 N'. ke �tobtaairk­tl e�� n. -,e cfen r' � ; _ "I" - ;, - -7 b r - ­- � - . I_ . r t;lViVT -1 - -IA 6--m-I.Ir IS -0 -an i.. Jor d A' bl all, compleL 11 ie p­111blic., an, g- the 8aille, servito-, for 'ti allil oil'T 16th t"a e Ill- (The H�n`- -�`by­� e, _ � _-e pleii obi e ��Pn-,Xid-- :- 1:144_ he -4 -1 -k -14--o ap- ket mailed 'an� Ahe sta -an( , is -11 to f i�c' 6, 'his �,4 direct -comptar.501i.'witll �h'e, roll it W as" remand I h, ,NO Are 0 Tj; s t I d _k,), 11 wn 'a c t a' �14 i j, svas yrovisiona 1y­.A-. :t wh h '.I hand o a ci y, Vlduii '0 --r n 19 -DA _Car as jj�ljeC t -d' i� fl lt� h" 41'a jeted�aiiki,g -f6 "T lecitim' That r -of..'t'. -sc -00' t, ­Boi b6crix9n: anapt, as -much' a country td" silbi�d', that be' pel ".-hile Kil! C� ha PI i.c s, just to, f -e held., responsi uated b6 .1 xicinie D-0-c— tfidir. des- d 110 C �U411nl 7 All -.0A. c*i'u'�'...,thq. S ye�pyp &11�� eltrej� _T you can f rU-e.-v0,+` -t-'9,�n-o t 11v A i C- 64h -A --dffTq' 't ---s -L-,': eis.elf, J1 ti I % , -.-8�aifw ill ef, went.. the rbufids -It�T- Ji, m I r­S-I:� p cl IT or less iS th� ptria,, of the V I rn )")i) line U)!,.U; epic e ch pansi q., 0 tile t That-,, ­ : ­;-,� - -- - � . - 1; .. - , TLUlt ' '�lxi Q C�rr�W. Ell ad- CAm.-It ..11'omahce, d t �%U n W as AvAk i _It Ili ti 11 Oi Like tliousafid.P., ,Ma�ny do i t f ' a A, 'ill i9e ;1)1'40Y L 4� m car y proven, thaL es011'uted cO',;t 171fh "the fel'a he',Clc.r be in, r te -TIC to rNtRY Al 4"' J,trO'7l,:,t 1.1 ig,: �6 d Investnidlit nul P 110, a' Mille i ' t' . 1 1; M1111 in 0 ld�jo Vote. Ny i-ose liAmes . � ;� -- . I . - P.- � ­ , ­ , , A 4, a ill o ern sExtic U. f tuncil' *ith anialte, title 57pu do 4iot bui)(1 tile ic lile, 'ri- les� Ji, d, t h V O'li, " pl.,11 le,6 'eebptecl.�. tbe",A­--rd-- 3� 11- air Ql`�-�Ltj Vot b �,�,hidh,,: -Ig oti Y Ahe,. L�-mmmm-wll erestre DEPE --VDABI L --- ell iiavi Vilffe�tiwi, �of.,Oail '' IcKal- ct--k al- -f f As 0 ah 0 �-eohduftin-j "'the. elL VV is rls n enna 6 a'I'l. -,Noti, Calm" 416- .. o-, h 0 -i-o U I., li 4 o I,ni cc t— "!5, Was,. VCK rull dt, thvXl ins4t�-,at',2 k -th-o-*eM,41- 4vtide a -t- -pr�*T )LIV. for"M, 1"m Office -H C -A - AR-.­1i:E,rr , -,­�, -� ��. ­� - �, Vil�Y I `� ;4- 4*1-j 4 ji-si h -di ea �1`artlief-;` hal�� 1,; o i I 't the o.he.Wfi t `7.6d a,;"Trv..J',4T1-r igh had Cn rri OUr:, 1� �'W' 4C. _i,r't,,) P. t 11CCOunt v;t Quarantepsto Y urpo. c;.. ti4y, y' ihadeqv el Ahgh� Mat T c Bailots MarkedLjor ld htificatidn7 d" t togethe'r An a9l lc( Z11, VV KA 1, le " 1 '1 atlelmi th tit ccura, e whbii, 'called' is A �io L;lii�ildrcll the, eent, of fll'� A t Ac'cu J, N. erms, t1iiuse tha 001�!.as 'Wel .16 t eke were' the ln%e golf I "tilt �MN�itw 11 p)6an's iharks -opliosi� 'We' i h t nighilil tha h i to two lilt., e� tli�ailici,of 66�,O' s 13Q siid N"ollc d. ., e dA b 11 it f . rice ; - , - !, . , . - f � T 1i it .,q n 6"Amr, oll 'V�6' e os­on,­hd- "6st, ballot T -MArkift: Pr I.. �Ik"e 1' 4 a a in: CPS1 T 1p 6 eh;vf hAndod Ur'.- rn i.', C, nad Jhn i c I .'cooU ""'.flililveli -of 0 t-' deve!te 1�d'ridch of.,. �eo claded :Iilsl)cc,tOT,- '5&, evid&bc.e,,tha.t. th r($S I., eli Mel IYV 'ou$ Our c - 7 Coarte 0 t p n nz f 61ks wh.6 d 11 S. b't " ft �'Onrc quarfer- all(f One: 11 A I v, c, I I hi" M. stampt" Aro, rkii t ere, 1PIP&"eei� "Z im C, I . 11 .. " .. , r U n half Ine in c1c 4 1 �wii whIch,"ca me Prolb-Ot es e at' 1�iigth,­Ask b baneek.­ikb`�'il' "'th' c lV"gib16' Ooceauxtl$ Ir the illany 31, 70gP 1Y ey 1�v In 11 as est" convince YOU -0 e. _b I rr M -tut-t6tend ze thvi t Jth' )#­'Are.re may Ke ma, a iiA hat, T J)Ur� P a 3i, eter A. Salt i Iver wo ad!: -s.: t 0.7- , " :�'� ­ . r , I ', . I '�­.;­ .. * - rile u . ill A light ha, e TU . . .... -h- fifes �fiair], -�Meii)bets .611 Ill' 'Sent join, d, fijitnt hat Coj�1)11 L -:,ElcciiOn-Oflicors:4i6i A. ai. .'adollt, Ja5t 11101� Ing ."vep rear CL ly and oil, the "I re s J RW L1 M 11r. Moore aid in is -ev QJ I ollo reliev�J nic' $I LY -E pile I "Also co I, e 11 Martin 1.cd, 'jN`crc:,, U re -7, 'A .9t his�� ,fiame,.. Wlidr il u 14, ; . ­6ut-ii­�4ni�t­tni;- ­-A-Ifo��-&�r Vr. �N .)!�. Pt k� I e. I AP u 5, qtrnc�:V,for. bv b4byo Ayho hiA,e SCA i�,;. ON�. 0 'D A r.) in Ter case. Mi" 48 R! r� ifirlid5i fo e a '�I�DonAld MOt 'T i1gus rig: 0.1poce 'belieVed. thA he to A' olill tern �'Ofttarib s e� C.. �Olfilthl-clht Ug b,�cn �%vorih 'a rn i C _n' 01 �mc­-�be fore' u Sin?" Cr had Largest 'and ..Anest E4uipped pa thus b6�h riiail�' ':and 1, g�ily a grtat Wlbo Sor, 0 Hill w 0, to 9 0 a � h n. h a,. ill ulitt ry, sWoril, fft,. Mi, 'had admiii� IJ f Ra - "Old Mrs, 144J, kMltaryll- L , - I "I . l.. ti�T ' ' ).' L ' th., l, 156 f, - � h, .1, gr�lit I 'Brii tha c, '.had jka adininitterred any 'IVIAIIN �!� L U O'Ch 0 Mes#o Elm, - E ori, 'the, rn.uhidiph c cdti6frs' said th 15" h �,Crvtl er 00 for 'qfl�r Stif'��ilng` ftch,MgknaA Ile rary, C, 'VeTe fictv�, troll dote OrI -;as, , " . . ��` � oath of ohice, io'eft�cr- N6., of �Ic(la�tlor'llql., ' L f roll�i id 0 OP64; Mr',� j'� W, , 6 '61 2vol al, �or lvislon '16�rL JU�' Aed #,n�' D" U eV''enfiag Jifil CHASE S '01 M'6ach - - - . . e I gtoro is N)m .8.'3'' 0 a- M 'to 16 Ndhill as poll -clerk and �t MAI U NTI c ock �A. 61i Italil n teiL tor 6�, Ud'i Ono 60 Ceuth 4, b(Ol, -01 doide Anison T116 evil �Oco 6j, tlle.ft$6 #s a . mageS 0 'J' "141 0# �4 9 J� Arao I . I I I - r _L r L 'L r I 1 1 F"F V k 0 *'22 �L.