The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-02-15, Page 1Y �7 .7" 7 4" ;k JC A q 4 $2.0QTXk,YRA1t 114 -T -Y - -1 . .. ....... �n AD 0 �Xcxrqow�* VAN T MM YA, AR jo VAA . 5, 'VIA7 'FOR /And�r.on pr& QW 1j] )L 7 IfTgRP. ARE 'lierty un. Ciyde, 8 'Aiir LAN SgIg . PST G 0get is for $1DE'. LO$ES PlY, to 'A' LOCA16 AND GENERA' MgMbprs.rpmehiber the,,( ki. IC d 0, Z, Cj.T E )d 1. PRQMXNE.NT 1Z N, "At. Horne!", -F -d' The, Pos,t Oflice.pep. bas*iisutcdthe, ------ T, he. el al ir lavou rl ayr next F ,Ayr next. F 0-.A Q -a MV qtp� r t-4- --Ofwr P `-A to 16 e e­er�. "P lay �noW nii ee T-1 I ouncil. is'a4ver- 4p$ormatiq4:: 10 .2, P -Luc lage C -14 ff`2 01"N i'ild"' la There v�'As �n d A �6 eket ing a, le,, hurribrei:. 6 Cases. P salf! ;ave qccurrod, in' the past � year in 0 -Vthe�' jn DENT1$T 01,11.1) TINE jSKAT It. Mra A, "bread,W *h1ch it wasriecess�ry'tqt inv Larigs-ide, d4tilict WhOse D now equ PS6 ''be est.Wte, �ed� in pric iing eVery 'Tuesday:" Officd abd4:--that6 of I reduced to, In response to it�epqated­ ieouest.4, i'maj "niatter aVd?es9ed`, eLeo-d,, wid -visit Luck 4rik ifi, �Chjcago ree�ntl ould "sol. A eath, 2,cents,a, ]of' to, ni�nity as, di rs. hlljio�t 23-2--tt olders .of I boxes. A'6 I I i '. , 6 . ur4day) 6vi I.. "':!, orne .'In we,are ptitting: .6win Old Time Skato� h �,oi� Joe 1,ble,deat ' IT of Mr. John, ku� M ­76ftester, aild Afigs- in 4firk, thij�- (Th be ain, '0 f these. caslas I it ",%v a 'go Wad ftend! -'A6 and Pe I A ido- s to., IJ " ' ,e; wt ich-'o&o -411XER,� OSTEOPATH',, 4t the 'y ate.*�a od. one- J3 It Ir g, fqiind� urre<.' 0 openings%,ht-, Toronto afid 1-11 'b'-:.las�f 66 Out, e �j4e4 of", ill every e, DR. P th in y ateenaance., 4hlts, 20c. t, 011 0 I (;4irl A h' f t g esda c. dis,,,- don'. busine�s,'firnn�, w o, mls­ fam v and"6'a iniat%. d riond n Y af,ternoon.� All'chroni ' " 'I �.6. , irta I Y appropriated notter in twO w*V*y's' y`ry' few. knew 'fha't. ho.',w.'as­ I antil 'St iases, stiCceS I Sf 4 Osteo" and, Mrs.- -Ros, "Cole and fahfiy. th, the 682 'CONSTABLE AND. SP' in bl byers� --.boxes �and �teallnk lkter�. Oth; Its i6r�augboui the,' 66�iiti A*Ase� E,C1Aj,, 'e. , ' GREE pa Y i,amoves !iq,..p ysitca pouses e past two -; weeks. wi eir th6y 6ard oj. is death. Like,so niany' th t ' 'h I -A�n' r. th CAling-. lettehs'Aalten':', out.- of' th h t ' A4justmPAt. of'.1he f .- me !A., pAre is Mr n Mr TOWN f a �T d, Fr. ink. spine is more quickly secured and� Cole. M 'to I � I I y�, MI.. I out� of other 1. o§tt,.Ofl ay had. 66ntr�actbif flu 6r% grippL,. Stiperifor 0 h t lec lock x6s been left urij-0,eke nsp, Gunpowdev-1 .c la wit fewer, �tr atm6nt 0 ihe be t S Or i m s is,Jan had, kep.t .6 Ny ph, ad;i,. Tor e Young'Ry'sPn.,` Sa �1'f e,Sat illage C-oun-' e prevai ing epi c pa S eO';' Th' b th'a seasOn,will Att'he meeting of the V �v�hfbh ba' d njji� be given by the f a m s Jub- 'oil 'held Tuesday last .'week, Mr matter after removal. by.j. m d re 1PAth-Y :than. .-by -atiy, Other me.th d e Or -WbTtC'V* th Sat !As wasapvointed 0 onstAble bag 1frequleritly b0A found, 'On the,` -9 'in. bed. for ije06 Sinkers,'Mbthod 9 r, his' w�rk )i . �u ul- Wil I, 66UR gsen on't. pricca paid,. fo'r 8, Of da.i evorijiti�'g fi.ek,j .': I �; , lie' . have, b, #116 kind i S��Pp4eulerrC7��. u io�Jr the enforcement of the,� Village t� 61� 'br flo;or Of' ille public -16b sat Hay, pro' PotiltriY� cedinP�,. 'his db�tb be be- gorl'i's attending 5y. 01)ITUARY Miss �Bellp 'Robert BY-I'Aws.. And -also- special officer for . e, C 9es' anle Iworgej e I urn niaj r0L P ..,the rnilliner.� O�erlinirs at To O.'T,, A, Mr , i 6-6-tf G s opf:,L-u the,enfor* 'h' " - these ii�r�iulaHlles.' Iovel6ped pii' 6 ckn6w ro-nto"this - cement of the '4pt - . b . - ---------------- call ITOTglTy aft-,... is; -hea'ilt. nevn-very-I ti V --j ed4d's- rettirri. with ild rong�'7'- -,T�e- lat2, Mjg� B�llt weet� nd. no:46ubt. w 11 Douglas knows the town, ;Ar.jqfI., i, be-stateil.ge W 10 1 S Sp 6, 1 - � a * d -aturday"S r.� Mcl4nes.� Ch�ropractor, of Wi shokild.malce a od, officer.-, FIRST ng- all go Z of, n 9�4ve -�,ut under fh6�. strjiti;... lategi"'ideas.11 The employ'n�eht th.'s. Will Visit- Uckno,v t-hree times. 6'ays as In es.senger,§.: you e on% the rniorntffig� of 0 ir '',:.-.-,each Week in,:ftittire-� rs 'Simon ;ffuin,' -52n ',year fr­` Yurray'�'was -i T, or en 0 , the Langsi&- dis-f as -in f�il a essitess oil t c paj,t Y trlct'-'d,.'ed 'at'bor 6home. iri T6eswa e s Nle -*111 ' . ' , 1 11. . ". ! " 6 6, � phrdv,�for inliny Jill 11 .9 & -h �U.t e desiring f , Dow an, iint View With, fi'!;n rears. a resid t' Cirej h the eldest 0ojj,.-.- Oj 'th -bru r: m- 2nd w pm s- & may leuve 'word THE W., IVI� ..e I.Ate 1'.), iq=9� Cal e of 1, ­ at-th C arid, theAocto bo io!6`� 'or. -':Rgisih 'Bread; ain Ouse X1 ent e, Ist of k will r ti E�Mployeets' in �Mbfr�.v. fle7`w�;ais a,�ifelong, Ab6ut It" -him 1 therb On MO aY 0 this'� week. Yterian Clituic h�­Wa$6 Ile )oXes.- tin o eeii1)rougbt ctober la��',-slle took '.'a ril ed d- Dat6 �es �4 call, or may see ersonallv nd The regular meeting of the" W M. loci b drk Oatm6al"an p rd�. Is. leaving "thpir f tile cality, ll�ivhjg V an"d M Presb lslond4ys, Thursdays and Satu Wah f -and of, the Vith. a thererofb" t up a niYlel� slouth! �i*h ng s a, of, c ail� oi the, 'W-Or§c and.,-,Slnce� noMe.-M aft6rnooris.- No cha Qf the sto . - j .. , ad6 01�,. % Callurit 'atte young. nian eing was .�ent'(-`Laine' foi, her 6ons0tatj he. tis -q 'o �.-ihafl I) he�-taup Wee ast pf t I " . 1. 1 . 1 1 6 -,h t school '13 Bread W�i *tied.,�Miss M:'-, A - lk ck e n -�, . I Y, e h is made for Gwen Q)Y Wednesday. Feb., 7th�* Mrs TMa6- I f ­ * " '' , ' 9" - . �P, dolin.. of HamiIton.-,:Viiiiite&,I d j,ej�o on ' f 't �pl le t"Tiq'ice pfqt. er, urray Rutt _M M re th'Mrs. Wahl!s� grafid,ni M �Ze ..'�an& I ap �d MacCallu. -n .3-ve, you­�,� 0 ­ wn e h""(1 DR. MAUDE C. BRYANS. 0--less,on, and 9 -qqd t * -1 Ole V r, $criptqr I �6.9 �:fo �: r shok CaYd of.Th A ,4 ;kn..s-�The Mime * 9, Mae- spo e 'a' few w 4 jj6 e-gistered 00toxiietrist K' ords on the, Script&6 refse ge.petion time, ut retUrn&' 7 enzib'wisb h k 4, every carO in -.the 1 13 1 -and 22'years ago J'jor, 6ut­sh� to, t 'Ar* , all those who rlea4ing Mrs, 'T or� sh I 'kindne - ss 6 nk enip 0cf-sons' �entvij. o regain her vigil owe( ' tbe I d� t - - - 1, syrn- sted oug t the store�,-,*1166 was -ac ive An lic-alth S s -' r en �6f Vision wi�Vtbis dnty,' a it d" ce y . duj�s' 1 f I lip, work of grew t d her J11-6 in the 'b;tlilding o convin th6 Presb' 'Graduate Department'of Ophthairi , p9p6r.-on t e. -topic, �"M of 4 . I aol-. 64th -Y to their S1 e uring b "' fi' ' ' E., 'HOLLYN og.vi,'McC6rmie� Medical College, 1011- t yterian.,40iiii-ch `weaepi- dpy' by - dgk.;, dntil' a's Nat' e lw'ays. �y "one"the ow ca n*. e9r,,t' e liable, y �roiasbjl' Inu8t a I I'Pa's , s bri bte�b, grit post,gra od I vening�,6beinx -the �timb' rl -one lily 'yoe�,' being �a niem er of the;, he c�,.ine - We C�Jjn :,P 11 0 -56, L Three m ho FrOay e' thAt o I ago 111. h b thoroti� - e end UCKNOW ouatp . - 1 . - I -I- : Z.. 'i . '.1 course, during ybar'1919 h& -Peefless Can' svocially set apart for a Prayer'S" of� his -O'i.. herr aqv or, Was treasurer. of, the toi�r�ship' a7ild an' in the W. E I "With' G1 g di Col0ed Jubilee 'Singcrg:fo� only v)Iq ... . 9, 'ftarn "bedrs us IT, ves'correctly -fitted MA.- it -�%;as decided,t& . . 4, ' - asse Oth.q1rwJsQ',�:, is, e'ritru.st�(l .\vit,b.'thq Ajey. b s ac iyle in e ea IT at, the Methodist Church "on. :nvi, ' j! t6 - . I I . �Idc- 0 lated n dress the rnbOtiw4 wits' a' solo Of %YMW-Pos . t., jo%ri'd v u inoverrien , i Jn PECIA4.s FO- A H' dac y Eyes' Granu�,. S5Oa ce d tasy to ad Office Jq'c�o box ali�ogt�, e.v6ry publi' hei.'Di7 Itch te Miss Yemeni'�of.-Ripley'. NN,,e cannot - b Eyelids. W�tc Eyiis, "Pain. night. Februai-.v . t tii,�Jb�alit� ill n -d we 1� ta k, Our,� leavet G R SAT'U.RD f hose. Who. ''he nia( I e . oa afg& circle -6i. acqii-alnt- -'d n t -.eartli-,,ta -.our. 30Y8 an sOrro'ws we a us Or, s ite ison, and a- reading, ky Eyes P tur by 6 Ballsj 4nfliinwd, en 25 c jlt§e i)y M i 8 A' h will'sti-ongly, Impress; tipo Y rs.'.W, M�rdle are';give. les Waterv, Di�chdrg ie w4s n. ri 7110 ve IVIP izzin :, - .-: , . SON _O -7- '"�O _O� es eeiric er 'lloving.: the -ar-me, till',Red salmon' rd 0 hiia-e,: dvLinly'.11 A)roip. I fi d',Glass-- on Tuesday .�'to 6tterid 'the of, 'Miss iYnag6­Of­- the ear V-ayei L a- ay ,,were in Seafor IT the e from -, E es, And. I I . � .. M w,posso dnc6s', an(i hind. :us. Aid, 'as iv'eAjj y Mr W .'W - Hill, D' ind-his, 'fatfier loav� be re- I'w. Ma ' c t K 4n, look nq, tj 1 6 ' b ox I of 7IP16 'N�ali. respecte' and t esg. ca'uicid:: by,� -strain, &6rne lioved through' y tte . j6horfj; .': d es ylg,' son., 1-ju Pill . - 6 - , Mr':,Mac]K� PRIZE'WINNERS AT of, t e he ross yes gh. edl ; . 1� Ul 8�11116 Qc Ci E t.. has� also' f, r, ft't1nat:',f -:Char otte, :S ;tt 0 f straijR,.literTed through 'Aw� THE� CAIkl� Ic ved Y at Port Huron. J[VA I -Kenzie.li prom h`e i's Geot C. am'd D I, a. n6(llll it It u s v�v I press Jis. reqj.jjj* Aeave's -tiv6 bi, Mdpl'e� ur of, '.2 -C,�iiI8 Corn, NTO. '1 C Y.ea, .11S in etro'.it. an( -she Will be' re-.-, 2 1 6"U"tins ..... . -25, 'Bakiiij�� e 01 re,d� t Ore by a large nutilb, P 'N'rdre,. t on- t I e fa w i ly oirio�tead th a re, l'At'the-i ja�t- b !.. . : . f E.�,6s tested at 'hight -dqua v- - a.-- - rowded '.everY*he-iO it Carnivad'Ari Uite.Mn:k I" h 'I'l-d 1'e 4 q Le' '�ox a M ­ jL &I -d good ai during d---IigIit.-­ zieetirig-the.Teerlei;g, Jilibilee.'Birigers, `th�re wzt§'th�� kceIii-��t' 4(i ieg­�Ocu­ 16nk--to �All '.kinds k6 ri,lack-in-it i�9i.ste­rs,;--. -----11 all AVISQ' dainap I r.5 -0h r�h Work an( in. _Jh for 15c hdar,;-�Methtr -Possi e -competition- in -,'JAlas �'�iriter6sted 'in, ­ 6dist Chil'i _10, a ... 1� I , - - " , ., S#tisfaCtibn'AssurLd- --ch, Satiiiday`evei resilltsAil. the. �jj and'. ' ft S WItzel" I" bkrly� 2 �S tit, re vou 111i'; e bs.: X� ISe-, rh . votinj�. folk ',were 'right 4fter. thc� M taught theitte e j -the' Ca4ri H6use. LeEknowi, 9 lz !ii --i)r* es. arid there was a-fihe, Ii' 'g,tii �Jrehbhieg iri�' 6 :West: he A At: t, iickdts'earl. , 1 , , v . �-hil,)s lv'ih L e 2 st. of 12 -'a'� M 1 3 0 'to 6 pah'. Evening ]a Q e E rs- - ' " in m t35C A e. and all,kinds Of full 'thb �aijle .6p i. visiting at Langsi�le, Cqwn �A§ a well for , * ))� , , 1111111 Ir of yqars; Ora. Diurn , were' I .. �0' A 1, . . ! I , - C trlcs� each, iiin' A, ss front causinz , 0- r "and M- to q) I Weditiesday.,j) ciaclf'weeka Over (Ib and 'spent'! th, still, tIrq,6.' ig, ealth. .'§he "had, aye! 3,Qu tried :f)tjr, Toils C'O ee arn ;'Olinton WaS the affair fthat 1% r. u ihb�,fhe�-N�,in�er a�d I t IT jailir" A- -h--Atr�nd-M e -�and, F 1he I U Ile r '0 was a- iiiibn ---ih­b� 'es CWL11; -Heii�do-i.46�-ar�noune-es.4-�n6t� -1 --- - - a rj� L"' ­ I 1�. I I 'A' 'N, il '.1 * . I . .1 - a� il, 'a�y iww's rze� and at, Presen Ifflitzsteir -AcQ�jlljyi. to Tetire­ �5 v4 to be%held on Feb '27th; P he V I ur ra w e Job,," Mu'6r:ay" Post offi�b. . nded�,, �service being ;c,.r U.",te -h - yptu,, wotild'. be '�vjg&'; befo re- soiling yo . atiended 'tile: funeral 'h -to 'kiven -wil 1.be resb�rteriaft� Clj�l- To was, 0 t t -af,,the lkt ' r on Mori' �,rit list"of prizes' b6i d . . , - 1 6 -- ---------- - d ay* ORD I . o� . 6 1 . . . I ': 1 6� I � It qlay� the 'highest mark6t.. prj�c. ly. ihe 6. 6f Whitew-� furs" 1 7 .7 AV -Pe An rgar- in I c of, the'Pres Xo' hua -,nieepin es s ro I - r, .. C ega0pn: at Wing ri' t.t ; ..t Xhur& ay' ru r as o o T - rs su iin- Dry- Goods 06 ER gg. Perrie, who has bi '�'Bqtter'An'd Ti� slic f rs pre eeeas� -Goods line, -Sultsi.arid'Ov6re .a P"cia y - e ev.. e, br0the een, years, was 6-6-oL- i . )ressivo qrvice-wtts� mi IY w,eal-h� ste:n. i iths t c it- IT 6 or,over 2 Fancy Dres§e, a �,.oy erian LD'N'O" ;,w :to ros.' -Tiffin's cemetery. d' he!, v Jeo- for S �C�ll and,' -sec X Blitz;.;, th bain, Thu r�d ASHFIR* TE ere aid: t i thre' wo sisters sh'or j'ade Store re eral s a.e, ie� l3ai-ITUy A crease, o Coink` Dresse y� y ng THE LUCKNO1 LliblNE ed bv Ro.v,- M r.-MacCallu in Fr6A� Lei in tu6e- And Celel'T jqr­ Voted Ail sa arY,,: roni, Dbnald., 'ashL' Price .,Paid-.4or�'All-7 --$A.A0�.`tQL 'J fr!0 �Jjl-#Ahi : _ i' 'i d ari� ..'.Highest - C �fj' 0 -its Y-- nirieii-a ELney qjp.yL--QregA. of i,61 i n J bb' WS Me- P-- jIton 6*.: *ha, ag a s�al­ ornic fe you ave any. On D sse Wh triendl os visi ors'rec -7 ne -of ourW Coj Me 11.411 jet! 0' lm�gs�,-C M e W,. e -arld I wtll,-�dll ai oripe. "There, ls.lgucll�-.a. wid6. enco.661;` ways n Eai.id� Ity remarked. "Oh' saW6. 'M Yisited. Jas, cD e. bqun -are.,' eaitz. '� .1 nis;r Th6r I Yes, onAld's bil �th' 'n 'ain n( --m -an. n ta_to w) foh� hepe­qf--hearj� I*�� ;,Op.in.io1.,- -bng."s­j)ec= FeZrallt -47C, c ll,� uckno,-,N­-' m �LT I ancouvei�i, And Fancv-Dress�d Girl-Flora"And Lucknow 0 row. fo feNv' 'lay" I-qst nd A,rdind Miss Edif. as: be�F.11 Girl��M.�Won Stew- i c Which'hAd' iiiel an I tunAte PhOhC .82 3 -c� is�,,-,without doubti,-one O`f­tbe mo5t Conli key" :ThAt'fin'J's -not li�r& 'An C . . . . . . c Dress.6, lingtorl, - 17� ckn-ow- ays, ev -T-E !IUMO 'er staged n,, Qp'al nh- -ph -JXMEDJA -th(Ld -.FOR' 9ALE.� Lho�6g i4d *erei­Aot�­th­erQ­to �arrl`Ve -a --and--A fi-7 -Who-- ot t C QLj M dr-fied ---7-­o-h,­We­ sdiy` the' 7th ow�oocuprjk �y 'd=Lz em. Y=Ztst &st�bl' I . . . . 1. 1 �1 , , t on.: tic usion, �an ------ fi]l'st IlAppefied zie.,.,, -to j -,vM=- - S A 10 Ge'rit's Radi&�AniijOw Orr. in -Ashfie"I'd' M�Ah�q4i�t� d til &s'�ei -e -Very--severe on ;66 LuC4-,Z!; -6, lit be-R-ey. I ffgl h:o tjy- N� 2- '�Job, -at `th6'-'1Z&tory Frid d rting.- FOb,­ V4 elll . ..... -6,iijile V --6f -the La6rigfordm-an& MeGoy­ai3d­1sa- 71 the Evelyn W lg� toil _-to, . Mr6 -_'IIOW i:,S-- .�3 cj�istbred Short-. Mrs. Laag nterwl? be] Johnston M w dne din.o BI 1. tt. Rill p y o,-�E -n i -t- ars ap "I --t v wery enjoyable eve g w 'Kei n int:46 two K.ijicai -...papbrs. Slilith- its� � J'or' �aitic6l IT �Gosinjc-, Dressed ..B&y�.. gs­,$pon gt.­.,af the ellil C.1 Rf . 'A ti -rC"::5'Q.*,S7- ed7to-z -b:r --iieo-Ple-.16f Vt rv-d ...... 1)11. o sports 1-If-aw 4, 7- he I C le you "St Peter's': reenies �­ ii - ­t,,­-,--��b��, - - eve1­-caiire-do'N;v11 �t All ' ­ =- -,6-----' '! �,bf sh'fi'� I'd -` -�T-h zi ri;,,,of "' - - lbson tl --i R ttiee-Q bacon- yp . e; rom cha-mvionw-, d' "x cop e of, acel��GOQ66n. L �Zto& was"spen in niusie'ari -colikialf e -ev - . . lation, and :iJ66 k,bbugfit at 1,Gue$h­ Winter h ening t years a 11 w's es -"Of'- .116 ter" fh�ughb. 'th 1 Doi Pair, Also- 6uiig6r stock, both'J9exes`. fter which iefreshii Bill th y ients-were, Renderson., Or, piany it 1.1dis rq' extendo'd babies * oll­ tile ot'ller 1 11, k -4ohn Farrigh' Ashfield. 15-2-p. ,erve,( .7 s ibg thel 0 q ", 6, , , . . . . . . fa- - mr T. he, d� g� her. A'A Y 'e-- -P.. .--�Xm (--'-di t,, " �s Trr, --R7 --W 031 c 0 it s u 6c e, s i t;'SPICU d & all nawatc in -e as I 01TECHURC iffickri, 7. 1) 1 aye r's, 6! It i G�A-cr6s--4ein o �p ae,e=la ai,-,d� TI 7:��d '42 ni es. a s gl!Ccess in W % I 15fo LU , the:leferee,. of 'Lucknow. � Good. build a- "ili�- 'or ­Mqnday, 'F�b. 12th Cbn.- 1 ceal 'play. h n n ving, a or gi -a -hich: .�.,Under, the'0rcurnl�ta.h&es the op I i I it 06 W gs,, fArm'i' yo� was hornel airt was inueb njoy�.d her from N 7�66-n Ce fffs as' 61]6WO'd ttLlrpub-, res Fall �ihg6 f . ..... an ,is j)Qi' Dag@- e;, -h he�d� on, j -sels, e -.7fri s- th P owing., 'Wheat 'S0 `acf4s' e,.It Will be'pr6s nted her:0' iiw Y -LL "t. -yell as th6;'p4ithos -noce"s M �4 'acres Fall an audiezIc' o-ari 'the- bo�es -��ere auctibilej �Off oft 01. -aiWA74-b- good-state of &jItjVAtOjf'6 On Febr'uar in 6v e tu'-wee -r-e9h--�seC&d-.A -orr�the Gart of pply -ellll t PL 44. Als OU64 1100ked.. fon...'. pt-, �1­ T4',. bjf'-91 orli; Brut s -.s pen- �b "'�-w'trdarr&e b it ree es s 'o e b:, :Mrs bh ting, to 1, 44 9 mornin Tilt- -P�oeecd, ho 0 H11 y� Garton Sr,. - arri.ouji �friaWller N% . ehafic6d -to PARM F04 9ALE� '. 4 . , . I . 1 kjlWal,(iin 6 nearly $80 iwas 'dohated"to 'the - ben'efif bet in e Ahe nrlighE, -of 'Life ver the I -URCH. NE 'rene A16ore speni,a�few d�ys­ of. D' NviIg anyo ll� s.bectators. CH '100 A. Cy 6 es, beirig, nbrth 1�lf oitot� =ile an the 119 Vho� has pi'O:th.V, Pickej,i ast,; week;­w,1,th6.��Aftg,'-., �tFr Ve�T.J, �zaz -a glifi-eld a Th 14th Coff, k r ;tile. Ul s O�Id, bis' 'Wife a -fid their s' rns, ane".56x36 ft,,,- �one- 57x.27. an;,. of, Goderich, -was- Ons 'stabling a P-1, es i - - i,V -0- rV' 1�� - - -`,� " 'th '0 C.---- - -�nd --F I , --' "V- to f -under. -n n,§pQi't,A. I tty� -i, Ir "I.., fot%sQ Aon -b- d -in aDefioft, 'I'lT lel-bo"'Pregs, '/4 -1114i e-rie9tila"r �monifhl" y meeting 6t IT g am.- e spordIT'r, A of Lucknow. Good, brick house. arid. W -M 'S . *a 'held i I n the, A' t, 11 . nt..: Ji! 'tile jiito'rests.of-gop, ,South kinlos� Londot', b -Chufth w ail -Ask iber -o -M)ius oa� --f -,"-Nktith 6d- ruAry 7 h- 'The'-- r-5` ­ - ­- al t; - o -xviriting-' -MQ,11�.Ya1uatj1c paper 'd repair 4 e�cbalj dh*i�l recent u-nX. nirvlllls.�,I�A-Vlson­ rwas T ne $ter­of� f Luc 0 2�,f X0 . , t . . �the SOn`.s-aud�! r --ath6rS.', -dine-��6n-&lb��'26id­b 4� _ ­ . . ., � --JL _q� ­ 1. -- '17 - -I I. -A . - DO Str' n ti 01, v-Nv. -P -4botit-an �`a�ffi­­ F n ss par �of t e' ;g,�l krs.:.QqlI4n' 'Visited a r , et, Web arid,, irRvW-0 Njole - or ID one t h with 1 . 4" , - , , k ibw le t t ie ice _B t"6_k wit)eliod to vo:t e*gAnle, tin and Mrs. mlifli`ps' and 'j, 11 h d Don't 'Tedently . !�.' -P Mr; dpr6 'is' for 0 see i S .af,Mattirew TheA FARM #iDR AL rst, liart, of thqprom '.A�ss :Ad4 �Cltibb .left,, On. -6 Mond Ay Mr.-, Hol',maji, Phillips m. Ijj6 "to" Say that* le,re,vigi, 0 rs; I ii e6.tItd,�:jfot 1i -1-0 -5-�and-3-5-je lff d 4- is 2 JW6g'uejllustr�tj�ng nO6 Frida, '�Was a( Ab�ls n s s 77. e o on Wit-' part. taken,,in., i�l iivic ohri ora blid'. bo overy'of Cana(M I g'; for, 'a time* essrs i MeG610 �alld' 6: ,it 6��u's`ei or, a - I A (I ce lave. e is n q t 'jIfi . .. . ", , 'I e, e6t, e. 6 an(I telldcd � the f ulwriil of ev t on ploter's.'!. Xhis Was,.fOI,- M A'rs, er er1jq on thWZIxth.Con. Kinloss T6W71- ly oqr cl4rly e.X -ADVIV -M-ris -stira'simpgon Ott; of it ieir -coutin Ki; John lxroiliy.., At Would �have k)een all rip,41t hii4 Lu6k,� gUbgt, at 'th 2849, -Burn§ S ?I 'Moh6y lowed by �d ho 'D rL To t. Vancouver.'. Yeading,, "D D a wei6k-end'� d" it �O�al­fjl, B ominlori ay.,, was, me. janizai4e. o the firs:� no.w, n --W"4 of -M -.H MiLcKay. Y -ineetin f iie.4 of.play. whichocilus&l 11 -fill to :,'by Mrg:,,Mw' 1vW'fti',*Tbe last 'part -.the by .,of Hayter Al ta` at M, a c& Miss Kdte"M ­­­­;­` -8 --- vyill`-be�`J�6)d favor Ki 6ardinej so nwc`h-.i-h'af, Lva- AcKerizie, now, ldft' the ice.' �r 0 -ek-en his. Ousin, Febr . v 21st. at 2.39 r8,', W, - 1:�'Millcr'is bn bein�,- pe' f*-�ctf.v. 6ti, S.., litg. Iustratihg tbellife,ofIlle. early g6tt spent 'the we d WedlleSdayi Uar fied-iii doing�.,660- -&d M 'eV I I, Lang -ford al rlegiird to It Arrier. e A` yer C'. -ho e sirigin'g of A byinji' ' 31, Con. 9, kiri� 0,910 . IM10 van: I Attdr'tli C V. Dono ot:1 a Lang- n re IT oil'61. �]Sjt�d, 'for' IT. vill� fej; tbe I cting" icf�sed­' Mt Aild Mr-` *J116i f! iAine� 'tile -eb ation of, a ies loss, wilt have an, a etion sale :oU,hisi, the Pra' e �6 �h tei' I gr�,-& Q of pld,�,,, The by Vepeating4 thi-: Christ Chu4;cll. St, Ifelei At the farm st6eko-Ainplerneitits hrld,­iKiain, d s Pmyeil in-' few" wi:th:'t) h Loiti leir riep ew, Mi - M. V �b i9th pn t 0 ry ay� -unison, T66 dif§, ..Day OU Prlty'er' ;6 PIA]coiye'*t""ht-.,Bl'uevitle 1'6 even'A,J�),"f 6 Th� S t6oJbIt, -an P b,* th ow1ri" ay,. A CoUpR` C, I Oil! ill Ittee .-%Nri 0 -aS'sIS ancoi &I jej c, anv-'- 0111(1.�­ sL A,," voted It A s a c, bettor, .T �th ''Afid Ridbb,,ei' io To, -this; 1,50 tol ' 6 (J; �i6,' 1 is to -Address*' flifs meeting,:. rs, 8 Reid it A lifield h t A -s .K rvis... P fQ f dr a e, are' we ed'"i -o -exoo �hi cominem-frTg at,pno 6!6I:o& P m. 6 L We-are passi.lig " f�, I, d� 116_ _;is,. to 6 -ela-iff t I'd rif. . be,6'.b ",M in.ange boaf"geVeft. at" I ty P 0- 1 "Atict Iles' ho -N P- a, nu t1ja f� the, j),tACtjQb a d` �9 I e co a-1 f116 o. b� i t 'I di lik, f:10 `i�uc k 11 o W, use' erV6,': Were k6n& 1". the JaLjo� N". ffleJii�v�, 'Oi thi� IV o Ilolp thVIII, Shoes., 114 Tqbn '' I. ; IT M -'T e, regular, !"6- . 'Pi;Ogbyterjan. Guild, --,-.D ' �,�a;f % Le -.4L- t f4ki Wante� a estoife- 'the, 44it firion), herd!� attieir(.I� J cSf­1 �ufifivdrabf&l er�, , abou � .70 ky`6 un Dhscllt at tbe'.GufYd'mee at 41, 4 tirig jpriced, a airL qil Monr, �.Nju= -A -Would `be- .44-0-0,- 4i� -5 Ba jht �d A R, 'X- Miller's on, Febru - I � and .6117 cnJOVb&­A ve" Wand Mr§o­ rinerman., itif letri s V i , ' I't Iftyp .22nd, D w�Pbstixkd A. In Tile' qubj��et� is, NTE fine vrokra Ine'.6 ak�afiged by the� S�- 1 $5-0-0. W6te;-With their D. 'to th C61 1, vbur old lcttd�­- are e Mass gpleitidid, addi.eg`� on ig' Lo'k` 'Ci t Corri'litttec, After -the 15dvbtlollal Roll call -"An' r,,00nornleal wiqillc�lo �Y&' jJ16, th w"o; L t 1880,,'on 6t�*In6al envelopes, J�Oght6ko. Mv§ Iftchedck, exercisegi v A" D'.6 Tilaekenzlid,kave a, ew days l.a.§f w6ck, All the !�Aios :invited oir- lown, to -WIT 0 over' a ' t " " , * * Ott, not oil "The Origlfi of rs� W., Lee the "Jgfib.�f) �' :j" 0'6"f6W-."dgV With H,116nl�s Aifl� q o 1�'P' JV1 'tj �jL er., parents, d 0 o OW]Ilq 0 e� To EtnD. Pe8s,- S' arid gbn Ware -i4 x� -F 60i'don 'A jillieval j ' ' 11 (� vajbiitiTe,g',DAy,,,ii! whiob was b6th.; e 117, -int�restfigL-d M rj and Mrsi "J. Vow- J We Qler r �r ,n�, tea i , I . . Wo, epair; also twd Dtirhafii cows. Alin, Murdoch'gavd -at nuiIiijejg� obs Ott _ft W have; -0-0-0 f '-�,,ol 0 4, core aryi. D- Xnde'r, to� Richard ing6 Th& iji,�sit br6y,­ d.dA" . S'6 " I , 1 1, A� 8 0 1) Fist :mAiculars, app -lia'Jige Oq' Johnst�p; 9' is, extend, 8fild 6, ­ T, p e t o Sho6 7. 'LUC .0 , piarro, s hY-,Ml 4 Mabcl- Allin sympathy, t& Tx,60 E A 1X I J�', ft t 0 an'd MjjSg Kathi$tinto MjjdKer)Z�Jdl and'a' kj.�-and6 Urs -r b EftiPrOss S 1 e p -Jr� in 00 IVt-, W�,� I.' Milh;,, iWin Wcbqtel-� A,; 1N ORLD S, THIA-C-ON1111 War A ago ri ng tY es ran �tkh . JAR fiph -C4 Ptitd6il' S, rap If aad F OR SA Indd,th'ok9A)n selet� ,�bk U, Wjii,� �l' Good G k ratiu� ve(f Mr. Me- 1, big d'Abefi intant soii,, -,ilovd tell ("billillitt f6r S� ler.. Were much. enj6.6 McDonald �nd '1�, I Oxi _j d, Ira 7-- ttindt it �balv rmonfho pife johnAf 6§6 00 e W.D,­0'tjjb6riio1P LeV61114nd , (Migo ,in godd the, 4us � Afteheson and "Mrs, Ames PuT ;I .And k6grs, h 'vjjti�ji. gQdd 'clay Watslon arid Gle '6 od'at $6 tile, COW, Ina I, c, y t of V, wor,!.dis fac oj)� Iti joam, MACCallui-A, Messts n 0 Y' an Jables MdrItitigh G -1, state of Peter kentidd with, the iitiost, son s' tea 8hilrbizo. aud $6,5,' wa r Jyl house arid barri, New bit'W 'niet) -gave a ablec6ofi In their bsual' L-66AL MARK$!TS 'Recontl Ilie . wiorld lt�on­untpti to , , it ue Ph6 on MI- u Miss' MdkY McLean Y It"18 A p4otdate, stttblifiO, d6jiA, 1516ASiO.' 'A�001, I to 8460M bOU86 I , f 6 neral of thb litte, qjgdo , n 0AVo .'it reading. A koeWinOr contest,' rs. lek, P, it is 6stinlat- I -6rnI4 Thompson i' en th�r_e h, boioll 80'-000,000 bg, lo8j� I -kinda of' conducted bv-M, ts 611"Ifli", ( , Od, Iss N neidyi. qdti, I" . 06d, r -THWELL TURNER, *f ru':,t, One, niflo froiin chijrch, brought f6 ­qr6A+afnm6 to, a`* � clog,6 Th,&'*,M 9 �Y., Set of RA Shot .3. . I I I 6t thd,�,Progbytbtlaft pro4beed:'this year art is 6rd`h, AivveC dhotch. -.*jIj,h6j4, fhejj.,,jW6 1-1 1� to t ot b j 9"i j 0 j i, Y congiv'164 'd rq $ f1l o' een IeAsedi,Xuat be ThO hibeitink 'no , an VVh ull 1, illl Arm as nevav s 0. iGi Pli CKNOW Imst. ftleg 10' bti., for th ChArcre Of *hi missibilar a *06k *t, 0'80 Nag I jj 4edbiln-t �d 6voili6tt 0 0 r"" th4. 1,% 8t6clis 1 In Uyid jjV06 401, V0 4 T i A 0 . tjJ6 'jjj4jh 40c V00Y -OR ati-A. e rl 08" a Y� . 41,00 ,�f $6 j� tLi , ' Ill . h Sot 00 , I Coo Ilia ri ot V06604"p4 got t n I _ §O� 9" , ftm A T Ott, i. I p �j 77 . y5: