The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-02-22, Page 6MWOR j, ..2 4 44 1. 77 '77 P M P:� -4 .$tories 77 7 - g*0- d' god t)"' to e the; tr6ubk to 15p,,cak lou(i and F�v 7� ;"1, m Vx pul di R efluctly, the child will gro Mr, Up with 9,1 r Ineur- ther prierin9pp y 7 goipttsa ro proper ' handi*p of After on F40 man I jme,a* w0i b Is. r - � - . . n 411&ti9n, With L ]30UGVUO Una Ik .. . .. ...... Iffoavitsilk; New fork ' elty, I y-, and they: E V 'UM" 1C., n V lity to Dire W9nien. vin � the rs� for i c6ndition VOIL ev PVT ypq, -v g, just- as nmeh, 4, -they bad i!ptotit lit taredi piluica I ex r As Of be- rful s. hst are on. and, I 'Hon I I �Pprdlnff nutsOlL ' This, ata Z:Ld 4fA-V 1 . .: " % uel Aeal Ill rim �A : . - 1. r tong, stag -11%lother Goose." ht -hour a the elli stidwri on th fo o ring 14p, la,receive u The"� who become. deaf du "J'ack, lgorneqio D pty", JL niont 1 11, buye learned 0 spteak' d C0 Ux hi. or and All, the. rest them but if, z rurthAir, lip -it _�IC the t. atd_ it rinte on 3famy, of t em ax4 e4f to y loppei - ith d� adults And r re :`bdt-, 16�b baise&o, od in. a� 4hld�p,tha happened iftu. A k, 4M P e IiQdelt iiwb1a` apeec� of educate Ve 'k AID e .144'_4 Slhe isuch '4ewptiou" that -w-lip"become diesf artei, �ngu I ' ' that a. school- t a �hqtirs'r Vice, the datest, a &a in likany 6aties points out the �qpo 4, III madp r0stakes.. 9 Sul CoUid understand it Ween or seventeen are 'in the' class qqpful, of, celeTy and add all, to the df t Where .6 pq legends took P She Vave,.the Baker' doughmts. -nd he adult deaf and must in general tei� P idl Abut investments of Se"riv look to ;a' geod�l ssirig, �nit ih� therniS�fv to 'I. Ong� rqUgl" Y� A puT �Crot yo, -seen trio tave 11'kinds bonds, m6rtrii the. emsty folks a axid, propez ;Kqu re, rie;W� qV -of eI An eqW­ cioap- k th In 7 ' E -7.15--.exper enc �alread ga rQ knowledge: and, to retain, WhiL -"I PL ,,, � .. " ., 1; ) I slone on HighgAtp Hill, mar Ing, the -rs, In 'nests gq4,,and, stocks. The Drivb Aivia: (She em"ved -.1 .- I - -- ---- ­ , - - :, J- --') a -, L - ' L r ....... t ng ty-4. -rnar,U L9 T, ot'.wh.ereJ)lc,1*Vh414 a . q MIS Of' :vdh 1. 16& "red lic rd th ndon town a U9 littl -Ii-idntea. igponge cake'and coin in , wi p: Cis' if Io ra e F "itpiaeW, g I InveEitors. this 0, Th G ft 'k. 4 T -whittingtonL. 11ir,10 -V4P at 'Ato --,L�"�!� . I I , r t -r -L- , Z r:_ _,­ - ­­ . . , ­ . ..... ! _ _ 1pt�a Aaplocati �Thq lReasull. ath ` 1. 9 . mevenr�Li _forgold �' . iffif WRIGLEY' r ef I ser, as eif or of�Lcnd . on Town.,, 40S. JWS Can day ��pq. they.Aad p up:� . rl cliarming'romance, con- A! How imiany� ret 'thj� almOiu�6, 2% '��ps `Nver Put, t4a, cilriv", ,S r Sailor;..had y i to all this tiins man alualil *4'tsp. ialt, I in vtfq� Cinnamon, thing-ts-Ozit the Sir Richard Whitting, -be to v cup s1Pgarh,%-cUp`C`Uriarit jelly, "�uir pposed.. 0 have: been 0* - es "Magmao= LON00460; tatean4 the, sains kini tood. hnd ton who Is an It .. Oot CU: finally he n 'ad up original "DIc4ii' waa fque timos. ents -inq O;L�, Y' v 'n iionsekeepin g his, bride had given lifnif P-ointeri on t- s -is The m%n in Rei Iflu, �bis, tidy ar as Is I Tke bookljoir will �be U. cup, SeO�d, S"k MOA Wa'� there; d(on't. I�lowr What he at� IueW ope� it 'ha e tQ, any 1�ol& wate�k over, �hlghi or, 1H FnallAr4l I , Ppen Mat WV39 w ap'16cw In eve venas dii. d Wy& or vver�al M ri. in."adil T�ho in. The g;% �iid eta b H'­ �asr in a boiler -with jal -and -.0h sheekdalmedi "they .; t me th'at YOU' -knew' it) some oi,.�Ou'; will P fiay'p V nion,until, ty near Doncasto, It C�k tent.; R niove,�ftom j;1ye h1upr Coupons with each package, Put in A- AUndtd ons y u cam arange. an add' ctirrant jelly, sherryl and ii - one d e where, that famolis� herro, Papt9PIlalejt' Were i.or fruit;jUice,'­ixlmor'& (blanch -10t wine the loveliest rockin g aor! You' R0b14'H9bd, ts'said; to, bavii'licon bled dled Andr Shred r4l; in ave,only tO at.' Inety', more, -paex- to' deatft by R� fafthlbsq, An The 1)06�le. from Ing (Cut 6, b RIert. for' poar yer ca pieces') . L, and 16 ' tion (put, in ago or a bliessin OtRiwa Sive-eteri to.taAe. Turn intat To Itep the: ''Iklii& of c0okY` thin slices). e 1 po. .9 young and by" yo i perhaps, hAV9­Sea9 the.. 196.Bay St.. y tIon9 pressed, andr stuffedL with d4tes�, grave, where, - aCCOrdhig :to trad'i and a als et g of .4-4 depenA- i-46ndon, DiAt a aei�ing ,V d r Toronto disb' co61 iligh*, and servi.with thin exit is- a -calarnity. In order to MR US Ot -all is buried cian" sought. the ikind Dye Faded the, fqLMQ ttl;kw competence. and independ cre;am,' sure of 1 The, Spot. :Wag�' of 'Coil brown and ful of,2,.p1uIna-j; iie P old -age' we 'the glidsen by an arrow hot from tbe near alld.be. 'on Di Dyeii R tr part of die 4ast. ence foi must e Gossips,AU the's.pic up and. Sp, mink- rs of life take cire by fiall'wheu Robin realized tbdt he en -liked the'cxuI*S- . . I ; , , . ne i QW, Every "Diamond DybV' Rldi fte man There�..ri� peop.le, hr. d g, urns Sm. Made, -the dr&p akes. y. all the c ell aren't ri�aixghty�. h d a' bJI t' a tio And. An package Mlnard's'L1nimt:nt,for7B Is ow. Y� ily worm, Say arrow., 'the If. is just., ot er 1.14criit �vanQl. seed cako'and could not posibly ave bet)h The F h at sun,, a It th, -thein-� 0 improve I' he will, n strqak, apet, fad' gTeat a e, ng e 0 0]7� t t selves and their,condiltict Set_ L, , I r CC *w latest t�ay is to An run., f 'S -he could bUy.' bect that even.�the graibillinother C Tlw,' anti The U C 0 SS. Vaifect hoine dyeIng'ISL-guar- never. prdperl$'. nger, A ph fletih off. Wi, f thLi ha tied �el&r way. s,au nd with'Diamond Dye even you M the ha4f ingel, 400; th 01 the PAIM 0 C and r.ed[ beforc. erly briskly. LL On q grkie said have never 03 at tall youi. ?.�re the wise oTift rd'SlfLp g Shallow rnen.be�lievet in luck, strprig if it .1 ' - "Here, und�rnI this little st t d.r D�i�t7:n& Stings LggISt W'het 6 one BY FRWERICBOUTET oped it. f 00n, U lit , -' drt the MaterAl YOU Dien �in cause Me, 'ia:ther6.testLbf ked -to, dye and effect. e ',Robert, arl,ai fluiRing on,� The a-- -for maTlile bAke;. 0*. 8 as 'they battered down course as:'as hO,SO goo hich *as no iffldr whiln; Qr�mlxad goods. er,' by V174 L. re 'S art: -Set wante 'k fliei doift want. to.m It he *n d- an flfty.;6iiie years Aad"�People called III ft 09 millions,.of woinen have one eI, tiiat"better than the fat woma been uiging- ye,",. o_I Will' Re to, Add 5_ we oln -to ask- 4�6fisentt. Aeur: R, in Fashibli ';i*;irn coaXing he'ro I tmaster,' g�y­ the f Mohr er ur,years weara nd perhaps his, tale Hasn't she 166, en, d company you o. -your alasistaum Y-ou-ii.'goodness an t r . 0i 01��- *a The Foo*al umlale3, !of their 6A 'ahabby th d" years'to, eave. er figtir6AO its eaters, -see. IOn fact -as a4y',­ a tp.eun '. ..your gienerosit all Paris, knows, are I �012 expect to make-. I can.then e Carpen er isorn ypi#h t%,skirts, d sea, coats, sw as, cloably'founded aii�y o ia who stoeldnis,- draperies, u OV of.tfie 6h�lSr 'y b�tt .1 t , " I �1 . ha gings,,' The. cuip, cakes.wen to, tinas at 9torles. gTeat ai), yourtia. with. er what;15 6: �e done." happen - ed L to Touinc A to g ,, , ., :It ia�bast be in ait-the bett, toin and ng. T�e Crusbe -was - III Wall' -received "My'dear master, I shall be too the ;Certainty of.;Wng on I .: 0 , I . 1. .1 '- 1.1, . .. Wift you alitow me 16 com, e TM of her �Iap� your way,up a. t -60 -fat rm. -der Selkirk, find"It. was whi 4 I� 1, th� 6auff ne*eif �:ti avevtitAir to distuT CakI3 That objectionable roll at t th P that we h. Wit aFirst English Lpw�(,e'ei h hoi' d .1 t 1i carawiyj ng wi a sflIng,miI t. at .a r r of, U#t' MOnick Gobb nof..Onv! has a bre'ac of ship's Tize. e,, fo ' you eg y o4mbrrow,-aft�rnodh ? k 'the- fie�ck; bi I th6 DeStiii AnS bitt;.eii. -takes ba ei, fi the Nine e's, appe C a c6intal arid be Thecallers g" Cor�- ijach -distinction of: being 't niviflent 7 gesture, of L, fpro; isle , th wo it -at �the n.. es 1)4- at,6 dooi fbimd, A Clever play.4 riRlUrriatj�ly. , S arp lawyer o a'p e. Efgldfso�; c . oui a A n. regu giloi;j; fro� test.- .-Th6y dii Im. all.,. ductj�d them f the'studdo, ..; ..'r I h t pe�Lrla th inidi� of t6 i" iii'& a] P OUt,t;O- a �4ake the- dar nd, 'h�r first'"iie as ­Gir the island of. Jua n �,Fr­ And -then came JACK ingi t hiin'ashore He inivAt' -t1Ian'retUTn6d',to 'hia,-ch"air and Won. I ; S. VilSitdri, t )Re t44 otildi he--- take 16ri th' C lb at nothing. ibliihon,'�6ast, azid left In a c Ortath etty Flapper Aesh' away, 'M onif lie Chis b ki alkee,�your andei,. a both art hit e. 114 ir,�--inainel Inard's-UnImen ug Col )in te ngL e;: nk. SUM betWe hi�mb. and' tho soft,white 'He asked.'the px to, ,vXdoMen lightly. pinch he, - fa i�tubus studio. They t ior. 460 jK;-, , Is fiini Waddi Qak iei yeitrs,'untfl, III reslcued'by ear and enxoot&'� younger an - e'ply �#!ii*d pint!h and 'R Lldi.; , '' L. .4. a nger gi,�e a ',good witfi al ite his habitual ci She d:"Niow. lify" Tight t '.yF EL �)T Cai]itain Tis and, biviight back to an ea 'Ing- o A, tool Lh S b 11 1 ent mudoists been dOnt big -flip, j�ek,,but: for fl' 114. Ae h r .4 than, -g6'rigit, ee qv ed 'to 'rie'nkova They 0 YGIR t.rue- Eugl nd. abIlk, 16uf that _iJame�Chaildiej.' W6t h4d- he an to tho'next-Ep. t n- you uMake rbah-� . your hips tlght��fltilnj Ik; Can J�ds.Wlthbut dam - S 9,6U. inny Slaii�.U-nti we -11 o7dw,. joy, angert e.& P . . '', . . L . - er, Pa. 11 I rise. anit AridL I.. ft . 101 er, a a tbigbs - I k6lir arms 'a&4 th eM'4 IGHT rfilui� WitbL a, od gedLjti� shoAldem."L�N6;.Yi�t,6in'*V''of the. order. .0t truth.' be - M r 4e nd y 'Thb.m op.- OmewomL are S arid a xeikdy,to,dr' en%who hind, Ii. Theirer on' Iiviad- In Boston :de. ma r, our' erri t, at Sort. She., La a A, , . "' 0! ti are.. the -aL �1= con, 11 4f ve� him, _Ali INUIP Idler n91han hildreM cerns a -.case icif iuffiring,",-Wh even 0 , lwlira. 'M or t*o'for­-fun 0 m4rri� d Isaae, Goose -a, man w t-, twe p -Jack" 4i Fla' deposits, of "affeaipn and _VIM Mrs.' a h"rts, Ith Don't be'ovbrz6ab :children. With so Mtn be nee. An R. ve no time. )ULS -s�nd "love foi yo�ir laid "lie Iwill, t6l y ­ChIIdrqn years ago. Wall. 01 t o cogrset, eran 'W 0, -of It ilididn yow-bruise, your wart yon.will. have;tQ.. if know, what intemdug Is, n not rk When -he, had,, nj -16I� Marie M esimm wait until the blac marks was -66 g Burn hente', a ..rhy e ad dondition sick; re, .1 L -befoire: yb Ire go away, ae ec es o4.d lbirt 'ddn't� wait; Owho'se-liva� li�e'"d' Will'Li e. t6 cin; tesui6 the -F kp"n paxitonitine.. Poulitry, elandre] ,Yog fat* 'We, OA4P Jilghea t Prices ror 0 jo have -eady. istary 1 am not and" had fieqdeI She b4Ck j 4 'At ah ler h _ . i red --4 CUPL bUttlefr;. - they Ge per lb. a" of., Penry .Vlll Y, ral d, iw th`4'� reign 'H6rne ssitf b Re'y xgo ast as.�- fst: as P Ultry, Will kL' at' Is -reputed rejected hirri. to m whom th . 'I' My- tO exaggers; ngf�' AI 1 up whole' vy a . re seawriy Chabdier milk, I -aggit can. -And, When -you ar ady'-,tq. %re-' Fath= -1,..o L lb. ',for at I. in A' cdrtain� abbot otion OfLhij She SUM the W -4eV C""­�Vorn "lea thr.. W DilderfUll at wg�. ill. For be 1. 1 tali. salt will sendi you an tnterm q YOULF tr �atment yon,will- find. all wh' t _fDrM th.. send th� title deed# propeity ift a heroic li#*nge beeli zi`lko �zeriainiy.' -ad, t �astlnk price list, lr,yon, wtil''wrttei 'to keep gar, % baIdn9,po*der;r I -CUP the' Or Work Undone'. The is, 0 -to th iiLVi_ b I ES_7& 'Co cn rc�-ww e, rum asacc th , %-. up -.-soda kL LIMITED' id If f �More thI,itwaSr&s0A -U� If 0 roughest -t of: -work. il humhu ter iii th .1 ix an n Oseltlays.' hoever, t e, ra epted, -7 were InfesteA ficafion.' That love should an tb ROY-). M 'y anther �:danger�­wrinkles.- xT. r.AwnmNC33 3KAJR=T.' Wit., r.0J b-eist 2 a Cd - -ff" -worrr- a C *a or Im bu illk, and- ,� saitoi.te entruste OU1Ir d 11.0 ionn. L Oner. u es-, am 'anWely at,"*. . I ce,?' De� I cause of astonishiiient. He,c. not Wall r"r I Once YOUr'SerVI A raisins. Beat" look out for 119 OW erstand-­Aj� thw ng�*-girl',-did: ofor_ -paw 6F,10 "for anges-answ, es- q yO )U' not I'tb ]ell Oran Uri, Sp. he (1 -VentlerneI al ul -to you f9 d anil fbittdr-gimilge' -agaifist M Rees U I tap. r ted)", salt tSP. seeds,. --It if. P:1 Umb 1,tSP. Caraway by rig'r. this unfortunate- "#e� td my Anne-' At each, success obtai in arid th' S Jdmt "d-- '.- 0' �Cu le so a. our! nL h. -d YOU t Ink hat at each, tep. h toward, colelini; ,'the: vanishing 1at Or tan over -ad fortune-, -he deeds), mmediate-relief- Was She­rnus to -t endoubteo%. coillecttOd ogle n Ine end -supp or. this �ator t, a -a 1pirtg; hl in the orm o and- tilis the bram Add to- Sighs of relifi,"She esting -10 know Aliat; the� estate t6:, -geter theL �SkVeeteliinki -'in ;iin1t-*riibe �!on' W'o-id-About-4diaLt' go� to -morrow to MntJ eltid- -sihort-�. -h n e.,. whith'.4 4 werly -sa te( ugp. a shaby liou�e. De9trafit d,L eningaIi&.pait,.,of­the. m'ilk' th li�(L he a o eii I a deiedw. It n n .'%Vrit�:,ab�Ut__t�.OiLril'S'�lotiolig, 0 nallip 0 pt*r 13 'the Se, ti Add -Y hergy climb�d Of -7ta ;dry,'Materials.. uU. rotege; Who wifIL W1 the aps, and rtU U telf a edm­ ey.-, �,Muz'l power­:andAhemA if -ca er.,. L 1116y- kn 117 OOW'.' 10 and 1aVW*V-y0u-d­*Uzh-M6rq4- , . ddet�� fflns� �and--, nuts 4ud protector.-. P �x --SGMe of -his tanva- ftwre G, wlthxracic-� ch Finit sent I 'repeat Open an consistemey that thetb ne r',was -az es- L pie we Uch 6d . aind rsh -The Chilil�,Borii b6. attk�iCtjd' nojiC6 -y ya lip . nqp, pour from a. spoon.. 't nt %ari A peeline The lid out, - th4 'go" Cme imethat sard windiows h ent4- kkeased-M'uffin­parls­ab6 h Man 4 cribed' �ii L 11 �Zo WO You yourself from t 'd -th say.. whiCh -is'. the'. great- eV our eL IS t� A dhi, to i 'lie C s J, Ing s nam rd- _V - ------ the pov6rty.',w1tW]i1.,. it a? *�ist­ how- hour. - id al blindn6s;t n o tal� deafnes-3i JE -0 OV 1 z�nital-,- deaf ties� I- n' xi-deafn6ss�s�6­ C go Atthe-lbac -in�an-al se - espezfl ----my me r, -erty�7 idip nin 2 Th cong 0handi 11 -a bed, "It 13 ChalL. ait' But it was, po i quire in Roy. mease ex� the Gubt� 'in to Judge' the' Deatrajigeiixv starC off by curtains, er lity, I wd6ted. cinnamorit', 4 apple%, 1 5p. i - d in infancy fro Deep. -Destringes looked af mine.* "a gizr, CYSL. -answ46ie&: as 2 He. pow ered ger, affps curftrits :1 gi is, which destr th3 actei of personsAith whontone, comas C a- aIMLy­: Miairidie 0 �-tiedLiheLd -CUp--cho1�ped-;nut-rAeats, 1, L ' i , I U97-Machanism.p -�aoundzvmvLs, to 01: -faded ihe'ws. f �-kn -I -seems.- oll I _ 1; eyes and,' the Straight as a Chjj-.*L si.- htly,L can e 'or cept, Menir poun and di d ernon ow`%m. -ig i P n kir D.nee or. hait is. of.. �hai Ve ufter;effl graW,nutm I'li, Me Louis chandier? PoThais, I met, thin, ho* much olderr.�;,Ho* a), Peel, top. 0owdered, illsip iee, ar Inary -sounds. Wst�r`r&e. 'But t Neverthal Few. beople -realiqOLN P. old" Me v _as, 1 ea6-,--clia micter. *nC gu d CUPP augar,'14, ts0% at-�A­Aist�nc6 `of rrore.�-thg i* Wdeftd �C] CUP hes,frbrn rd e-ar a em has: ouch.ed ifie'deepi n ifyo will traCes bar former -beauty. The,- Extrat Juice'-�&rn,lemris, and­iiienI4 Hus'ba:n'd-seekers; ilibuld .,bdWaib, o -wok-dig y ---------- gari hea'� -oken elearl -Ap inch, "th P N ift, Tfs, flit gaucepan;, waftb­ d vigi 3, an -Mou roop- no w, 'I kn4 earg-.but they still bA :cover 'and thing *iiiiis. a i3fl, ha% ,�to.,Ao ahn!esit Jus you like-aA -I untl athe kind ' ' : - o ,a wor monpicy ., ifi&.grizzling t641npei*ment,,- �f :tqu%6�-Nnd �4e, wih,� -'sive hakin ath6ine;­ thP, er�-.Chang6vtiter,,,:�,,d 'I n,:usu . I 11 eier- had fiked.ft On 'Pe Rir'least t*ici� drain and pound peel t -e a r anA, pi Mni�., Chaifd Classify thern accbrdin to. the a t UIC W.jrd Cure inii 9 dcficiotis� ai ins NUAilt edenotes frIvoliti., str ly 'for. a, rn !L�'Past�, o a p Umpt en er, 41d DR anges ,.on oment wh ad �ddtredj pealed .0 OPP -emont, p, V.. rgy qil�i4 --cru Which- tlI6 deaness begah:'thqse'*ho tbin;.shInned raiiins ire al d eltortefifQi cur h g. "bt S8" 6f or, eik �d and perhap� indi rantEi,:.ftJ saltsic�es, lemon iin' tind6rlip-which-has- too- full -.411. duo i9et oseAeaf -b Ore* Thai: rich,"Ituity Uscious given no. oi gn:,; ot fid, 9 Put a jar roll scierk enjoy enbtes.1ack 6i C cell kc that sn' c u ble and 1,nant, she biIiI,w' f. qer nut a ugar. dech and Antclltg�nce; r juldci!'� no,, cover.: T1 ring vp ca yop'll fruit. cake' mcppre AL mouth 1 10 dry�-out., L :1 f 7 WX i 4 1 i �d -6 M-1 'n- -h .�aying'.kniiwn h6r.-cit ew a Pa. CHMIF a. a el�' w h Fi ; I ne b w e g Teeirng r len lof,pies-and,ta M., 'Sufficieh�F&r aa 'd gfxte d "he Widy-.adi b ges 0 SIX, R en;: And. thosii who -000 ca 9U i6s. Ali m e a s u r cie' It t 9 are be' Th ind that you have, M�ll f book 'of, Its owner I wiiftafty,tnor� O_too worn Cue a nd flim, s liad �be- i�eajl!V' non four e y P -,'tht age ot'sixteen. come i6af Aftel coppon or reA n a poundsl `ChildeftL'of reores the- daily'Strvgelp- to have any - Pride, Own tow Ve St alwayg likedm:-the kiri& 'Tb� 11appy (if fri nibiltha'should sel t recipes su '1610 Dostronges let Seigy�- 46 the, I n v bsp� ', *in6gar,' en 'In of other luscious iiisin' foods. ea 4 't W deaf-niuit;2� unlesS: tQk' when,yqu say 'f ruit me urn 1p�j i not o� 'ttmii, hiWor or ground cloveA,-2 tapi­ horseradish A as your A6 sho, straight It v;,voice so-Ri- P., up. to "hand' early snd' taught 1�y' scientific cake. It , k e 'cak sfgk In ant, the latter, told tsp. :*round -cinnarno M confectioner or, it�th a n,,, seaso�ing a - embers of V Ou can -buy I moW.-get". thatis 'made --upward-Inclitiatioti at, the ­,to salt and e n3j, thb Anilly eye Mitre pelyper %,dup s`6ded raii; 6ould is'eAk4o, them loud 'donote ruerr Ini ont, A Vii utterext br4&cx*u#iI Plapie �the veal I , 6 -and d'00M.'t1yt­0d§d WtthdZ' r. 8hou d thW,up. _eply le foUh 'thi' over into ine P ward, curv�. be ready to-dimp C'. t -.he bad� - which has been."ctlt h I es I Njoja&10 e otes , quic t ALI Y- tP4,, gztat -.sati�n '7 iio��er otrepartee And a ready but not 4ba Cook ift- its own j iffeen minutest convei �90 0:,g 6ice wi Ore of riolf Maid hbn io�atojje �th#L VI 'CIO eS� Strgy' pas,3� otit ArsE4 ;ne'g;ar,',1 rAlaing,,� cinnamon, r 0 1­­0UR- W fid Er rt& a d i li is en i tOL' P milleo 406�der wid , Thick6il t6 satt"d Ith tl�6 --buying a ticket fqr a In epw. SuPAWd-kaisin Gro�rars P Salo lii;ft ccmfiri�ing 14, rudely' be butt�red "broad'trunibs. -The: s�2ries of sh6rt-estoiies'tb'- btDEPT. NT -01 who air ount oti .met I cup dates I di `fhi� col� I I i ."UP, Iced hive been'. appearing in 2 tbso.,A�e&ed raisins, 1-3 Cu)p� eve, CC r n w Vour:situatioi 9 AS IF48.g van U11M ft Ih-6 P-�.qt CUP, f,61 . JbW 6 a&-fi x --w-e y- ini -stra g ,,,�iho," 1!5 e 0.0 ec htifi, the �eycs mea S, �t'L le glrl IX, cl �pter of a Fm�rial I by I togPiber'.1he�'elicese, Od t i and cut, him short, C T"I'llIS'OUT AN fr the p Aftor lui-lis A coniediali Itig. rpworas -cj' ;had, tb,audloilm "It;, nu n -in(l raisins, Stuff he. da q haV�r no_ r ats t tes en, Gcla'Ml 'John. 'gal ie peal who a, Whthis at, -a1loW to stand fo� sev-1 i6min,,vho �A� In, d low,-flrin, alniost lid' n�,nisf xo 'ah 'Iic?L -e 11 hlie start6d VU e(L and of th-, III m ceg of -the iiy, glijIe preaeI4 I 01 to 1 P) ease, d "xyd6z6JI6 oil filitAll 6� a 116't� ,e a:t War.,, Our reAder$ witt Please, sefid me copy'bf yoti r free, boo t" .. I W topp nurting, thon sho-TV L an iii, U11 til en or It, -lift lit! tight, 09 w age ty, To 411 fingers. 'her, fitt ic(iul! It I or. and 1gr,)S8li1g. in ete8t; '-A, re'at 1, L, 11 1 " . I * 1. Truly n. thought Of af hi's Own votio, f'fhr` z. i t! TboWiftitda of bat- oil the gi our,, ruggis 10 rose. JoIjj Y- 4' '1 x6114 a tWy bottle rwlit rhas'ci 0 old hive: b t arly �T lover'of'' Sa flov�nl agaill. for a,few oeptitt' suffidott, ud&iily� Mime ug� usep. frt16 -d ft ff r to "remoye every bai aotw; soft doi�# es �81d&t a of" �L"t, d, but,no one 4. can, a oi miss,,a r 5 t1151A 41 1 -1 4' , Inj Win. cknaaa, lut PsicAjit ore or corii between & todit 'rollrtl St.; Toronto,,Oht, P 1 plinj onass �r irritatf Oki lusts. without a ride trave rk. to d T 7