The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-02-22, Page 3K�T; 7 `77�77 —7,1 7�-X n law 1q, 77� V, 4� 7 lie 7� 7 7 A. 0­-�r 46 0' 7. er. F ------ IFARWR GETS IT, t_0,;"Kn cu, Abbut �of Yo Q�Wn , iccinAtioiL ry" I I 1 -7 HUM, I u m4' earil� Ago, there BA4*AG"q.' E vact Yr h n, 4' 114to a MMACK dl m4n� w ho,. made. iei or -'th. son , g!: kRN $20 , .; r - ! R� d;reisl4f, Jd'g, greatas,t 't. He �W as ; It ho or .1, 4. wo r . �: o De�res Ti�nhm R, T 149 30 rQr ti a dtIs&Verl6 uq�y­­­ JJ­- rw -314 '00 A, Aft�r.EiWin I P var.10 U P -C T ,W 'Va DL 0ELS. ION At v tong, na�do fin 'From Sto Su&n 44, MaL1131 t4ilv, nna, the, leiar ed.t,,,I,�,,berta son p f po eii The t oil of: a or Clo�iytr i Y ;rroU Glouce t The human bo �; e. JAPPPS111. dy 14 Op 'b4sl1spi'l �aC7 Map jeqner: *as It 'I 'Tapo!i D' 'qVq r the'. orld. 'There.. -W nLp: qfgh L abimJn '17.49. He A,a;q gpprie,4 IT, or, jeOrs�.befbrp quitting tqty'dn V, time Came' U U, n Ils--iticcupy -ant 6g;sIatlojl� of Its I gqa--�- gn,"pra APP. ort al n -if bat ffiiies t41;Jqg aq 117.' tjm4eii 'One day �_ifl 'd t4 r abQr 'a "b 1Wr. 44P Q a-0 ;Ia Into life 'It- I in an'Lfl :gt V4 ry on 41ge C� re 'Pape's Diapep6in"'. is, Alp IrPll?� Around�jll J9 the* plikiracterlatle TP, "R, -itif, nLV#,, 40 , ,, r 4110 of -7--oul body Jt' "orwd, and, tha re, 0V perlOr vqaa ulorl t4.0 quitegest, , UA , the fUnCtfoila of �ro P.eller. Ce";e�� untfl'jrho ein s L' I 4j'gesitIqn,:- tiated sweet $4`ar�li marlie4,': f�X, cgiinot iaie. �thht .�qfi sure.., rpljqf for 4 or' W p I A a statem t fL* JN'a*- emit n9ye;tle flatulence a And' Ia racqntly :b C L Y heark�­stapj forpylor. becq, M ontalne jlIr lat w4ao lfl�� Og 14" %Lst-pep Prqfes6o.r. e, 4ise 1'N X urneg; pwii, farther, 0 ouslLoaiis iuiport4n it -eptaition or IstpinAich 41str Th , , Q­f*6tory -0. r You& body- as, s - yp aused Spencer' Varieties. �Uitjo fUU lUSttrUCtl*= ung J eiaernbered, IbjS,-,AapLd' Pklry�. On 0 ltl`VatJ-Dn`i CLroal fill's W<AlVe, pq "I'. N 1 7- -A in aippop' L g "t' tbemAs�ino 7 � , - ­, ­ - I 1 . , -1 . ­- - I '­��.­ � ­' ��r 0 e.-W-tablets'glye Opp t- W-4-1 Ch- e U1 Zlri Iril t1bat!- ASA,—, T%V.CG.q-*0r,, Jaiand�.-­ 0a wef d­b.lui Wile: bothered, jr -4q nverpw-, Fs'AA4 ' . --- , 7" - -if _fhit�-p6W�io . Z5 ululs�; ra to . ;, r -jo­jAIIIsj­'- ­�� riiiedidf6, atuf -hip' n.rtil orree -a (M--- w -for a Wood, -whieh'zL keeps Y t Dr. 0. I' P. I)rUgkigli IL mji T VVEEK OUR, WIN1380R. AGENT Y- ell va nq Wh "g 4 I ow, ce t Bel 3 of Illy lack kept i9li I" a ake. at uigbt ayfi the prol0wir" (1c cAme, pupili 0i,; Dad Sp W ado, $61'clear 1) 0 I,A14*--"e- �t dko inay attack it. "Ofte ges, . LN' r hOU"e k,, 0'an JMQXL tq b!s! J)JqyCho_: P r"'e'd hls �R* 44 1 P, J ob n, Flupter., J46n er. u' ean, ? r4n( got tip, morn ngs a;: Out %tail ofr�a flavors. .'to houild.: �Write QUICk. OY�Gv6z:,- the b bod b�gfns to fail- And, Criiig 'Br.others, Nialraid, lrnj*,:4� b ll� a4vanced Ani krio 16kting niarrje� Nvery on(: logical �tatqI, ; W7 1?013-�-' a �,n a us 11iln it: 4pus - gi.-64� ofr joy". I . I , 4 . " '0j�Luiltif twellt' 'it 't th�j 'A*' 4P becomes afiii 1�por ecome4 thin., my gltoraad�",,W e t,04 fba raise I.Iiad a,,'bllJ .19 'YOU -And', b4arge ' W496 I u �l (I f, oa( ed m1tW'wit li� ��B�' It wag 0 !a g t -­-tbT! Ini'll., es yvasix a -lid you :YV . I ­ . I . r 1 _.@ Q wjt], or 41!1 rs�- �te r 10, B Y Uutr ki,,,t A e weep bgs t,;L - C work 1 clig adejifs, If ys CISO'ns., Then r r b6dil� -,Y,617RO613, goes wrong;: your,� 1 -9 nifion� Jq, .17.96 he vaccina e'd a ony it .10 _�jhat 6u s orrIv4J, in 'Jowers It -w trails it y y 0% own., . igd' f-- 7 ftfjve� sor&aLniyed languige,. 'and, that .60, ��o . I I _, , , U fall. 11, Y d- -of igilI-jt' 11 ell 'from "I - felt, better even before I` had '"I* iflt ' I lal� the lia d of a -woman. -slifferin Arom, -lied lift oil be0m anae "y S a e sv�'t6i d6"' MAINS''T 01M C e )18 r6y. fimt�,'rjot p wagging, of tha Vill Is'the method a tl -a I-, I a e. LaS , f � 1'0C ItS, the t 'j.he baby -g4i It bolds' go.t'tc was 4 Is a Aniondrit4cwt a. arjd,�beastt -of.'bn a'L gt'41'a debilfty;, %�q he�d Ins, D -r. Nell sor points out that the, the back A'Lfe,�*."ffionths Iatet no.t.h., 1)a4k*, never :hurts enhoff, Age" care 'aown or*-y,p.q'.. 6awp X,'� -he,.`b,0y �on �,ruy if idileys Dql' ps, the PeIrves of. T bi,eak Colplilia"16ation b t 'd 6 . M - )e ween to sliffer: frqm.,iIpdJj;`e,9tJ0 lrl , , . . -1 1 1 1 f,, - y er and k Eark -Old th �pialris,- in ilf dien, the p rPfe� * - I * , Ing. -n, Tab- sWel) Wolf,, s d 6, � 4n, this �6n,. figa Ils The Tal�beA d I Dn Ciil� 'tail is, a -w6apow of d t ei�16 �hl, ame'bi�y.ftozfi A smal patient. lets.' axatite r��y pore no wap.d 1, li�a v e a.A a n � y ap. an auU OnEY 1 X' -�Xi, old �bge, tor6a,c�i -elop It] that will keepr the If, Up, one t have gaine several pau s Willfittas Says thatitis Dr., ' elYo.� did not (I ev 11 is ed�se, -d ' L r r 11" , Cinus*4 ii�j Po4qns, Fbr Sluggish Liver '6'ft sin�ratted In the Intestinet." flieft and- 0 ' ther Insects. 'o: -whicibi, in::Jhq Pink 'Pills are just whaf Wh Iturn, state' tipse 4111,1� eIr Ad firs �� su as Ili iitlr�a �am feel ne f1h e �r Y t" c- "d bqv�cls V�oirlklr la�rfy. a. Ili the I t o' ni and ji�upbr li enyourAt�= digestafood, of' .1 aals., 'm,&ant, r one inIsgilon s to,nja4b, rIch,',r'ed. 'S.aVln&_b ff -A. s tertv figh't, h(jWe.VL tSL had er. -redogn-�ed- fact, that WhfifJ3 tI s "J1a-n,Iub4 bea them. all."! d oi Constitlated c os s.1: ie tonT :In every Jr, 1 11 , ' 3 'be- Withotlt� properly it is ab or f f ieir- ��Ctf, ,, , *, , , , , . ,; . , ngs� i6alth and n b e -J%I 'L'. Doctors L and: �ibq I dii- a afid bbwel i �6r j'�, gofid oi;derlhat 'anfac i's sold by. 8 good' ormingpoliono genera pubil c all. drug�glsts. f An, th&: 4arIy.stru,&g e o every' part ;:0 'er US Initter., PC. age a. of, the body.. Iils.'ideAs, -Jh 1799 yaccinatibn exist;*that tbe'health..of- L Bowels v II-.-b6ttle4, Old. for. exist,43nee in cattled lid liorse,� in eolda'jtle,.On� a oud W61iber,! , Wel land,,, OiJt.,,L 'feljS.. was .1 Wilrf sons- iringolle".. 6'. Wilrat fjfjly�L CQM I' the I c good 'and tha -h (1.01p 016 f . . . Ival -e pil 'mor" Put 'It& adoptiol" t�* qqes.tlon�'i6 tbe.'siqry r .'of th: th e.�, ls4 dl&s for, him� Ad', fol. prcifintuie dea to 30 d,rqps will Ali v4e.,and' a hit py. 11". K0'V 8 L ........... wgls,!Ve�y slow. b P 46f. "Seigels Sy, r ea 11ttek was 411l'ely a q.1jeStfoil df'whtch 10WI-s b-1 .1 * � I � , - .. . * : � , L ri' The; Tab -r *'140THF 1� 0 wai; "thin.' ' ai�d rilakeS $,.On jgj� 0 I - A n so clean your bow6fA!, Feel. fin,61, ame'-spreftd. - GOorge 111-. 16 Are sol I b W 4 to. b si- ook-dii, Inafl- At: 25 oeuls-�a ox from Thg)�L Ab - 4 - " ` b' ' Dr. 01 ._.Z)gqSt 'tail. 'This resulted W, 'and i w 'in a b I Jennbr'd f by int,61C:ne dealers pr. ,y You 'ha(t ih6`9tro Ltery, Qd hen f�el 'SlCk,� dlzzy,, fij�ne -as, ­ ­-­ . '�a-4­y�'-,]M;n­ -wn­ permitted -h! e -e'-' is tajI.1 musoles 'whdn. your hdad Lis' dull or a4ciaing, or 'him.: -TheXmJ)rers: WkIltilhi" -'Med!(1126 OG. B on. my d dleat -'e b. ''of the ciclik'abd hiorse, jd1uar-kdbI4' �,body, will' --calladd' 'm;* oi- rock�llle, I,YGur 'stomach Is sour-or.gamy., just eb a much- isc�om- he f4tei4st I n f. r 'hich conS.tlLpAfion. No griping--m-nicesit laxt. d took. a gr 0 t 4r. eg reQ pat rets to reHev ell wo take -one or.�'tw w e ste When a 'horse, is sl -ruck om, the'; ed my co' vael -aggravat ndifion. MY whl� It'switelies-,,th6 sVot Wiftk 'na Ith 'ed Tiussl,&4 ekild to be ivace., a`ted shbuld StOpid Man.. A vis me �ti erart:i for. gromm bti #6 tail' iiho hor�e S" and,. a be, Called Va 7 i"tri- -D�. *illA Pinki mov nieht,,'and Insi t 'CHIMS ILS a d ' -BOW, Rh _umatismT eCilloffrl N& oledn 'ad-,, Th a inspector . call ed.' and ch�ildren' .10C a x. Taste :t I t' king.- . abotiv Tight Why. r -cia-ndy :,. 1, q -Whifi %and 11 -but'iw�, 4 -`.boxes thi'-!!Ja mire�&,Jen�.Pr,80' .1kid: it,,, 'Man'; f IIAV 0 Si�. . VAs 99& n. �a' WWI SY lninlj�nt old exive Ce jL,com a num. dr 'ofrEfiglish pr. so I :ble r�ellef for Rheurnatlern.' nliis,QIes.of*Jts tall'ara so*ihii1ily, e C Afd.rni ­Fi rup ;''IS re le the Ia, JUb, tr "In t the aching &rt A 0 Aoctbr,', f'VJ,Lh Y, said M 8. "hei whs .3, �e4 if r . o .&*.61oped that. nstlnctivefyLg�witehes: pills: 'IN -.11 good result� :t,6.,.`oW6rs' ft'est., nilly Jenpi&r L as ivhy two geners.- and you'll 6 Ei4d it mp#.'of, 'su TP. L er -eii6ugli. , - W* ive AGre the,,hol'Ser de yod. d handsoline' gi-w "thirt I yea:rs,oldIas w. I I -, I . .. . I C op bb ''You ,get­tfi,&s& ";th'r(* I' it,froru Parli& ee Y' #ekt'-9lr? - I'm if h to )u h *any meilt --Ii� d lrl'48'53 vit,cc.iiiittfoir he's. . had scho�lipg hi fi', -B.69t Ot Is avo er6w MOTHER— O�F -ho a me -the- c olink'relfoUgh. cow find: Ing to keep 0-T or six boxes or. 2-.&0; fr ru, The� ..ompu sor exc, "Why, fd. pot finish my. ed`u'� a. �pqrpetual Minar& s de `1110tJOhL With 'it lai -until V t [�atlqn wa8,.Lwen y. hall up 'up-afid-dow n � Dr -'�Medj�i e: do,,-, I d ide-to- , ' L . 11 ' 'LARGE FAMILY lilit la,a�'stop or er.. 4 his brain and, m dd I ciK6, Id ail ir Ilk niaif'.,af.7. -Cents'; C A s,ft. less,'&t a b' f $ 0 sr lail rather,,'.' Vilf. OL t J imen c a. I%lr.s.-�,Wins]7ovr'-Iocked,at! �Iie inspect�, t a nervous', energet c One Whlqh� 'the- c e f -A cl pe Heavens. you don't The I v!eSC �Ly4,iaL E. Phik,-- Reco oeoever theiiiefore 'OU F.aml y Mediciria c-r&e employs Illy wh on there'ls ae-: Wh . or and, exclal -�hui the -150 specles-of acapta; 300 -are 6al-oCcailbn an 't;-"Say,you *e':' a.thl k ain7i;- V44eatable C d himse f asJh1% 1ittle child. th" ifl4i `6 A I t Ia- Rrld Po1y, nesiai �'me zame g. Tictuo P , us ral-i Q -e� 'M is e- ropreal, to Oth k dthizi jouLn�. in t he If as thA011 gteat6St 'In T hie eavenLr : "'­ " t of pti, on rqp pal'. count les, OW Ith. the ex -nc ring n -Airihi L n1mont for Neu I lion Ni; S. I am* the, taother A h 6, ) , 0 f E, d's" fg P of NoWs Ark er -to -avoi -of four'children'qnd I ivas-. so weak after V& I or'4 ti "A )pe my last-bgby camb- th4-k I uld d' le nocesGity w4s; ma , e I tva� �nI4 aii airshl' tq Its r ade of Oi:iedns co no brinji� An. sfied:aite n J'I'c ffe, , fo t "oa my work and �'su red r months untU ripter Jnr% MONEY;qR.DEtFiS' 6ii, 'ghtp74t is mbot., it, er,,to- an An, aged man�'W'ent.iilto an fne;urane6 EL. 0, pinery, to ga L dii -eel 'Send a: 'Dom Aloney� 0 an Indjea tO. -his-' desjio.6 to, - take Inc* ::�Id a t�a-st built' f it or Wood' 7xa in tion. qru giAi on. . 111 loii Exp a frienddhduced me 'to try buf �L . 1�0�de I ' reza. other!, - Even A cross,. sick Pinkhath"gNegetable compoun This Is usuA� gi�b 1210- m'cnt foe, R"�rni�vpiri� r"-Fiva D611ars c;ogts thf cents ou a'.pblicy 6n4lis life'. .!HP'wAs'- great- a 171 rzy tb�dng r the. Vegetable- -Co i d feet q to �.ellable-�fhe, edr, CoUr' -an e, pam J and �as Ing top Chad .16Y t 6 fzrafty'.? 14�te Of "CAlk, teoutsly, but. thb'.'Arsvqu;�AtJoU weakness h"'left me d ship fern V a y he was Asked 1 S a, fi'ejid, to 'w a mast ?6-ae elic.pifiAb Bpoli lh� o d: Ia p!,fLnd'ft ne er f lli,tol bae"k h '-one. J tell alYmy Trierift the.b e,3.L A te-Ilspooatul to-daY, �vII6 are trout ven , y a I i� - . PinlCham�- V jable hances.' -d; C at ItS'foot Indl ass; d b' iled16th'feynOe wea dr" Mayr, P v a -morrow.' um �'How-old' am, you.1.2, it - , , r % rn ibnkixi�,� around' t (& urnames Their rm- te A.Sick,cjilld t to I ihink. it is I& beat Constipated billousi feverlsh,. Pretfu­ o'un Y 'w"" the: akordehin$ h-t( steel-eAble . li�� 'N L " " '! — , �,­, � _Is-' '- -'- : '' 'L' ' , ou�ru d 'miglitirnin lz* "a; v s 61 d, ai.a ver H Z mach :is soli r, % carried, -111). t, 0 theL t6l�t"df the.rugat"paj. K ts :SLOPE.R 'o let T -CROU8% re�gltjl renlI rop 6 Oiri *in—E Y- goo man; said - the ma, e or,, "Why' in d rs. GEORG"E throtigh a p'ulley,�And tl�ieii d Varlatidns—H lhckes, inks 'HInk on, Racl�i' n - In k [ey. ag-9 a Iau h 41'sh a f'thd littie bowels is. o u edear�A n Occupationi g..' we C&uO Asure Firs Chil& t, at, S neceszary:�, t ii,ll6d the ground- r I h, t,,3 :good C eansJng f ten all'. th ac al'OrIgInmommmEnglish. nity on,& -o your ih'ip M if The airs yoiir�drugg st,f.or. gehuine.:"Ca aPPNac090, the 'mast R' So The. eirwheirfiftig maloilt, o' f Eng- 'SUP"eL I had been- fifty?" 'L Ask, ea y ell- kffig. y Ia romr ther leewward.slde,� ari4l ttrough ai� y dl�n-Alien 'A1Abam9.-�-"-Ibave �wtit�` If u rpp­7­�w t g, ve-n.. naltinei- 'asked 7 13 �j L, lis family-na, tl b i6fited by ta L di E MeSL, Com6, Fig S, p'.1" *hIch bas, �Yelet in Its'nose'a 'cable' oweied.: 'k] one or. ibrp' 'Co ound , fok, - C! One'of thes�e ames-, that of H1 app icant.� Finliharri'i Ve.g6tabl a py, tio 11 9 P Ed." for' babies -and, children, of - all ThIs Is y� of'course downfeelina. wax a othIer of four kinds of sburces­�91,Ven "`%th rittach6d,,t6 ih Re;` on the; 16�' ­omki ,,pe,l pde; beqring- in that cas ins. Ries, 'llickda ges-Vrinted.�on­bottle. �eary oUr­;.r. a ifotherf­'You, ­ :Chi'l an L, a o n( Ce must Bay rali" or, '�6u- may 9 -h bee ilia 44dzt. persob'al: p�cu ty, locatio -to pla Cglifo et yeai:'rg follpw g as, a p ace nairre lilriturni� and be Ili J I . I I - . t a irtfi of, rst I I- "tr m.p4­#ly,' I a*,e 0-61- 19 Vel -'sir returned -.,meg-. led H round, ail a,. Aid close up t"'! �e�wolim;erirt Of�a d in fill. fmi6AIZ)v �flg kvrul). stand on pa es could h -a As cu, at t of vital slatisties'. v You r r f ­&4� e& In. A -6111�Dnt of lih: a but a, develd e Jyeli -S64'-Ra ffim Cuticura I�V -7��-JT-a­ramtly nameL Whic a in office, and n twice -eh' lxicb� ' otheEw t4tjQns gat. -a -o can'-Feiadi -f flie- -a -V-egetaWo-Ce.rui)oiib-d-t-ine..a'f�,er,-Ihad A".'Iast.�nanled cla t t 0 age of --fiftk- 1�a -at Because they are soot g and re. taken doe tor's' medicines,*i thqut:mpq12 Siff tion -ji�i�6n—sdfg­i o p One -most hJdJcrous­gi19h6Jrk n, ave ni -ee -of -the Z arer- Ft on'- igfit� 11 inuKt`6dralt�41i a, FF na ure� A uril s e y .-pelicans! ii rst signs of L -h ell q!, le dn "s or ission �The-Cudcura­ ni -ale Wj7- --t-- 61h -in icateci7an -feediin-g-:fte1r­.,y6u rom a-underl -Irfo-Xiiew- -1he r& t ; F - MIP.- �"� ..jmonlax,�letter;----X --J TiOgh A nu fifte -f wgz. fill A go vae e Allen _#Jabaln -0 Jlr6r�'i4a-k� y ' . ----d--; -i I . .1 1 r ., 1� - Ad s q It has dis�r ate n i -iianie, f6iin'd6d oil '6e g �ven 'rianie- qi iflar. to It tb-Lda 'IS excellent . : ' es deeli niO�J, ' , ' , , ­ .1 i if e o Womerit,;iho'�.uff6r'shoiildw'rilt4e:tolL q sack Is, often si�� -with tht medico as,usual prepa�ed, t ut'a'Prd- E.Pj r talry'. %v:i ip-h,", �u tnav,othe"r appllox' a16,��g I r 9 p 25andr50c. TrlcuinM., .!Wd Lvdia nk ­ - � ii Sao bamMedidne C0.11C.6bour d 6-'hal t,'ld ng -,a nd i, I t- 4111! .1-tecting- Mn d-rbu nd- - tbho­ -b&v'& MPM. OinfiIie2f -,an(L.a­Yc,�.t­an thre lidd le-A&S" ­­­ Uallb-u-tA41*!D6 Raiii y'�, h Pi s b �white C rltnrin-. -orza­r L�br ­:: ­­=. ­­ ­- I _-I, ­ - - , - t. -,an-Lola U. All- 0011 U -tr other 'f _Utr ai of- qh� at ood. A f:-�,op Ab 9ts-Peculiar- tw-. en­y�' J luiu-4- I 'the i�yoy agete tz--� -Ai 6­� WaFe-�R.l - ute 'tTie little-_* a an. an:� s, 1 3 L , 1. - �::: . . I . k M I' ti k -- T. �, .. 11.1 . 'the doctor, cloul 11 t I lie p an b h6l a n -1 put til .0g, -iv. rsore h6Ad Jin lfkjillli�elr to', -the' iy av,e,' seaahjluld ii t!e. - ne-iti ra t 0' su'r h' Ills, g4:)Wns,, sfcpe-4h,a niant fte Yar _Cj)fLCW ­f®--� vi lit 014 - IT on th Y U.1 A44r�4­!iii e- s- 7welc —A r t'lley arel won't Irtrfr ­PJIL Aek hi- reasing. cQnimun thd. lad' Ders I sted n 0 'iblo 'to lattion an.d.'14:01i,mc ."Viiii Amarica'm Vionew Dog Remedies a doctor he 0 opP!, Or-tt — I I .. , - . -­ . - I , r the —Coages nr 4:1011P ra'tia faxihi,i nd '.ja d -o 7 f the-AlIddle. 13 �dk�on Scatter— —painful ti L T 6 given 40 a A'& of 1,0a,$6 garment, iii4rff th, v�is; a' ki nd Aheir �ea -Do sl 6ans,Warms laces the d s On L. wR ff.Aft 6--liecessa7y." f1dr; . ....... . lit - -G, DISEA.SES -o a bl f6re iilp cbri' 9 I n o `mali n 'M -d. ro aki d far'Wit4iniL the "with,"progi t and 0 W to' Freed". ic Is canno -rea 0: it n y A&. I .811JL -'d- _-I b ' shorid�,rdAy.*e'�'sbio , blryr-!-e _ , I I . ks-`�repres�ents.wgt �su �sdquent,,� rit7 W Y -in- -34allod Frio t dress -b the 61 dh��thd Pain Autholb.L CliLy - Glov or Go. Xno. lhickley,: tha n; N 1469pelY MIl[kerg,,, of thesd gar - S ": 'town, pro -.1 pg. s - ' r ' " ' - 'oi a . .4 . . , , I L L' exib g 9 Hinkson foiJlid with"tte, Aspell- Wha'tli m a, -Bfii -h. Ls7e. dah Porter. om;N Qun.d h6s bech,pat�nted for , XL29 t"24th SLICUL �haa" W . , WVpr give' 1 'got 'its. name 6riginall 0 S s the,following det ylas I nients were, naturally refe rred aw T0r`A.,,U-f3.A- VS 'a to, aj iprr-_O� b u h -WI& A `end A L �Krrew-H fr� iolful genta of the p ..former w mali, spusior um. h 4' IRAI en. a a . pred cameat o public. :'JIe fig -n ­06;� ppor' unequillrbrity from a is 4 good,reaso emia-of'. sh' t.ffzr t,. .(I namf p -,exr '3�1: !-� I*" eet ,or mr,cause ventuating "a s.:fbu -(t,*--�flur, 6 porV,­th h -t i -A of' the vasome r filime-nis' 6 9 it. ,,,,,Y, lie place" jile fidja &Dillaries, 'whereby, '1;eltig V� b1i In j,rijb r emsticl y, "Dord 3, ail a,-.0 T- 1-;�; the % r t _-At. n g % lotfil, 4rud'oult -who dilty"cal'i d would:* frorn an Ill Inidated Oeboidik." "' ! r - . I Wor nibei' than-, tho Pu I C, P,� ch, 0-0- ith e'- Ath e ffiey am 'jijok6' if speech 9STAI he consent to 0 :.day- g ..a der �=7 All Floured 06t;i PI U M" Ili, tlia.,H(�upe :dLt. Corrunioji Ili U bate rhea' a futim y. convibitation: I) 1,0�d 14 art 1 '14 1 on to, YO as lea -7 Yq'- hr U�& thrmy-,­n a- 7 4'6A' 66TRA -,vr�ia r T-- 14 Ia 9 ery ais Ifietruetor n 'ond of U r ife h a d., u s u a' a , I ' . . V-011 paiflob i-2.0 EALTH is'pric6less., You wo Idn1 kridkinily 1, 6f jp%'�(Ro.-whjClj. t h(YArafte&xnam *are. dt any�thir)g in,tbe:*,orld. :%p C& CoinpsnL or ng. rim) 'Coll S . hd I . L .,.a .' h . L 'd r pa ht kepirasent�d thi§ Vie, 6 Wh, 1 1, -- 'r bill] f C6 JT.\,Lt55.; yo se�,, the npid "Bi ly J�r that: kak, Y, J*b.dar ymen '06iltth, r ill, "t) the Cargo. thd -is ka. y in do you r it needlgits e W11.13pd* . fing' tj iat le, MR fit 01 -, ­­ -h '." -1 " - . , - 9 a. t1ll!9,-,ASPidn;.:at 21­!,�,z­)4-�.­; ofaie*.ic UPS �s L no '_�o­ d at dey' will put nl� in de antry,' L . ..... t a in In U�AJL flgier' -ea, an co e6 -cojntaiil� -a eine a- rug, W I would`htyt bi� Vos.�Ilr�( de --,—A, Op J, t­ -plap b LVA lry�, D6yfdbnf W & t '`Irfiere�si id isasy �Jeasa way to, 10:1yetiezice, V near so much flght a i�e avol t is meriaica* C;6111 Z� t I On. 'ot.,tril tq health, v�hhoti 1rou­aM,,3.xIiY be right,O' to- 1 an Ifyou (Ionot.. k0w 11 ow &41 !Ili,; COS the,dairky, 'but has, .1 t lie ve L r paurred I t 11056�. 10rink� Instant'Po9tiltij Jn6t64d -6f b6a 10.4retre k UM Ia 4 purejwho esome tj MQUIM, Ulm, Re Co ns d 'It is riloet. j�onrr %horo 1 knoW.9 ibbut Aar, I &t!s 'Ili r it, J G my __tat got 6 mi�"V h. to 66' : w " I th'. it,!, verilent"Andiifth6dAW,t6o. Judtajetreli�"Pbdnful �dd'�tIi6ftfhg water and ptir th6rougli 0 a or 'Ptl� ianlYl� to eac Mp, L f t Lil" .. "Ye Mrs. Dliiclie�., Of ts 6 ontinti6a th, , 't �&mog, to ... �r' Z�( Ryj 1 Vimil I Ty of .0�tmt4lte r� Ifialf .:L �, 'Y' , , then' add droOtMik1l. At d a * biar. 16 fastq. ton; do6A'u.'.L lda-va tnuloh" tiiAcl -Ji oil, hat;�d, - ­­ , frfenV, 1 -1 -id —.'- ­i�- it j6100 f hoir ddioo: to "be b:ot a with,' no h I Q��qerlqi.!&SeAled Atr-OiAt �i thilt kitty1W fit -ep only iln' "tItIlyr -en ,I e P Au t 114ell of� lrsaycr� Tablalt� A spirily. . I , ji 'f �' - '�6 t a a rL. n pa r . I I"don I I A -flofts arid, do�ie, w "Yeff fhpt'�� C0 n fain's dlr�, 0 '�a An liftleCdote tdlitI bylillol iig relafIbg . I , I r I r . I I I L ly P to V' -d' f or POR H. ALTH I'd go. along, viiffbokif tha d0ft 9, '2 w "Isittl bw, he Wfis Ottllig,lr�� tboni �with, Ili# M. pliysi ow 1�br iliceial''I Igh 'U'o �d&y 'hoili ja bogj life J -iad _te J III it little Vohl% tip flasl In Voutip iI, WRIITO; Y� 7! Alvi i't)n oAd tO Mandiady.1 d, o� 4 Olk" m d 11'fi��lfio.OIOUda AWaZf and �6ii thein N P . .... .. lift ain't, 0, aVoty. .,, I L . J her laemmiiv and akkm I&4466)"ogi4u, partakic6qp4ttJ 4 q 'rorpn Aoto�y�twl' tok"me WbIle llt6 frumillig the glo tumbi '00itt P �Jd y6u *r1tol 9,() AA lioOL ftfi,ii tjrl� *bb d , e go tholikhtfal, I J*11 -I)o 0 b IM" 4 Is A ruO s. sfio �Tf X P VIbi t, 0 J- A 4#k,1 r,�IJWVI� n uAt6iii W . . ....... 1 ,6 lyr k h. O�, t, 6 tj 0 IiO Ild I.-) MT101)81 t 41 A L f;7 !R N- 4, 1X7 AIL 4