The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-02-08, Page 8W,� W 7 _m% r - V` 7 1� 4" FA l -7vT77777777P �,j 0 on* 'Roll 2 'k ; 'IT.. g A �Ny A Dial 'With U Him 01 a1 � IV, rgal* XcLoiiiitiv, Tl 146gan, 7$� % j:. G. Atit hiellt, 80; Lloyd! 11'�* 401) Ore. Isi- ffil $te e , i 4 n: 'ot I Usually $Lit of'. scrolol, illoy"iA Rog'�%.14;jr6fie Horan, 68 i"o, J Sit 111veI)ella GilpioTe,, 74; Qo 'Ch ne r', If --- �Afidi R JAI', IT—Tillie itollipi 81; 'in line R qual ty I i0 mled-t)� Y pattem INI T , *�Ic 64 S,, Ingool 6i W.Ch Qkit" ia' , i3nt pi. 44eodl, 74;: Fr.iltj'4ie q es. 'wg e, TX".. r Wtum Toronto - '. � P 1, . _an'& of' nor ore S 4, .44�, 4�, �_, " ; I� I � : . , ; r, . " , Ili or r Pri _Wilbbi-Ebb. A A ."ot ia oil), 0 TIM.I(m '16 R Al, a. or .71 "I""Ni�146b -*411"R611 113- Ave -LKP, t A�PpIJL , , ,I " 434. 1 " I I I " I. p 0. 0 d,�.._Lt tile, VI otn�sloo 0,4,,portion' tend.an�e for,,ironth,'10, wel .1 the 3 Mintz e -signs, for (�r b Clot V. macLe 14 TV' lit -,jie ity, or" t M jroi� abqopj at 6�jt�, tfirpu� Qwh fil 1i .,a., nor suitable, �f Ord "at $.Qjc.;a U 11168, -4 Ashfield- "7 - 4 ., Ibn f lid 0,61, Wb:l 614y �i R—oll' - tunloo-ALke han.&I :Bld k _x d � 6 M", 4 tt MaeDori*414, 13,� X 's - UFS-" w th rema ving I-Iltat-1: 08 ;MIX 0,4 cover p ona 60- ls a cover a )r. enct in S. SU 'ey -4 SIZer. IE 40dlali�, t 7M 5'es quality. r,,e in gr .and whitc�­,, a .10,4's Ad, at 0.00'.' Doq A 9', k pin a 40;1`r,,,X., n- thb* _j -,case,�o tTmb*llc.ijA,- Ott ei 'y . li . . ,sqn,. V,Vl LIM qqnalwn� rup lire.. at �.th L&I cLefinan %26 6r,' AJIL�-(,­ Brown, 5.1 1ji, a f6y.,­ Hs. -�T af :lA TY ter birt, appe'.'J"! 0 t of the' 'p� tru on, .46;: Or. Inlayson, 40.; J. MadD n - I bowel thraugh. ald 11 36;" cc t e r 0 Fd�'� those who 1. UyCom r r a dy. in )raex to p�ft, of a: po�rtfoti f t, -�7 J`Ross 26.;, C -1amijt fo. fe.'s re Pde; 86e; ovr ill 64 , 4 t4e.41kvel.,op6IIln9: Ill the -floor, of till F Ross &.TV .00 v ur., .. Nn, wi Our,' b 9 044.ityj 7 X7% at:4 be ly, C' tm 'th ''Aton Uih e. 00 t.he skin reinalnin'g ­A�bertsqli, 1 -'bled! t 2, C, �Taeon UM6 tortiling a%co.� acor potjc.'!�.. �.jts Don, At the—. 4MI" 7: Once - b e , Lifes woti6eabl Jr II -M acKendriqjc; $5; Oi eb e U' t e :70;" F 'Mac]Yojiald� o4rance ofia,rouild,sof *5 , y Fa il The'aire app -5 tuintir'like mhi�, at the naVel.'should S: light own "'LaIdt N h 7 exist"ag it) iliether t1ye, cou'-' d(doUbt Son, 50; K, in Say 60.;. R. Fill Sr y W 1, er 0 0 Q1, . . . . . . . . 'T 666.are- i4dle- of ko lif � 'hit annelet lark& 'and "room Feb h v I od, wei F1 . tE size diti6n, is aettia ly. one of rtk ruaFy,­16*fh ''U11ars. Arim �'.wwith, hice embibid. ajj4 bi A terhiin' c6 el 401. ery true nature c4n,be readily d 1 ed Jr I­�F.'Finayson)-86;'I. Ma X" ,Ue and white ribbop§1111 by pladingAll' f an 0 Mai -Donald 61 a0d �0 tr e 0��, oil it Yc--­PreSs-JrJg­-a;v man'lliu, L I t 171 acD6qna14,.,R. oss ,,av ve;at: -.b d Limp with' V'* t. R -tiie.baiItl.�;It 'it Yr son..* .7, that the bowel, can be ieturned. to the niefith: R na ae.Dou all! 70 ,Fr E, 11�� S P . e rs'L for ,th� M, ii g % a so�ni. Tniii lleli. abdomeh 6*�at 106se '4� W e round J,.,­MhcR, Haioid"Llo A Qb6i ia',Nall- [ I Bek I I in t b Pquch': of. skinil'und the ap 'n4id 5 A bVes' er,ure y, 'how(, which . the in- jlq -wo a '39C MacDonald, J nald, D Rob- W sizes, r 5.0c. lin on'8ak rotrud4d ss' oiors a can be 6 0 X� 4 A"'orted'.d 81 I-Anigus, t fol t an I )IoT)Fcn,.� p'n : qbloljgL 61�' ping I e ope�: son, 1Y6lacCh4rlesy R: .11 in p- Pearl .1119p. Lillis distingul6liffig it, from afiy, 41 Pl�, 6rts .,ayso oib�r Swelling.. soon,, owevor,,, ad. �No.. oll roil Wa co 1 8 n' ni toNyart (absent). h Innis ....7 ;�OC; KS- -a;�,Wo­4 Men, 0 he foails allo 6s, regain f fee L. Finlayson, Teac er w d to ts 'r� C tile bowell.6.ncg,,W 'p,rottUdes_iIIto' ore, 1"Ka.1-h h the:i,i46ofskili�and,,tlie�liiiiib'or umor awan4'itish` e'rMe" ciiin.$):, 100; "are1puttmig' bti this; e6k�-End' Sal f Merl's, Heavy.. .9, No,, 4, )V A le.- the, bal'ithce o our -est,W 111lir. like niass,aga ii. AjDpeArsat the,navel'. 'U" 011� IT IPS, - 94; Ev'el Sb��'j ,"regUlEir of the. rupture' v (Junior Roorn) 'and, a 1* ht C ,�5 1� 75C. -and 65c. lines, -at The, -arms from �P. Maz:Doug.0 8( 8r., 11 e en Miller 7 -ar'� A fl— 6. 1 H I lie, W o o th:at - of an eeg to a' -stied ball. Mai@g t :clear At 3 Marks, 0c, rig"' 16' 'lFrank Ca 66 Al� ilki-6atUlent' "A: at et Cil Inrp I �koll th, Jr. Engiland, R6Y., Aieli.iy' -a' I' -C 8. i 11 o,.nayel hf, !oils Is' fi�t ii seilous LIM 1011 NN I 'on 'i -".n Mi* I I er 63 Thol 'Ef" Argo, size. �S 1 23.. �.condltibll" ex(Z1 pt, w holl � of I Mary Uanl��] ter, P,*F' MA e., , s' e'."Sh t mo 'Pritdh9rd Wdl, orester Tfids� of snlktll,�SiZe telld-lo'disappeai, I Sr Il' Josgie Golhns,'Jim M, in ..a ar&- num of -cases,:*1th. .,we at er e G ;I 01Y p6chased �Jr6in -A. ma at, a' clonsidera rowth lovin1ent of Life ani. "'T r 1I7-Mildred,Me.Qui1 .79,i. Hai J., We'- nufd6turer reduction: in Ina Redoy dan, be - asq Jr.,111 MacNill! anl.fdflr,�J-�., Hyde 63,Ma' ar6t Millek 58,-,Gor-: 61d Campbell,) Ues,,tdna a_ Jpporilnr ban,7. . . 4 rg iist�d by: J nice rafige �Th -nileans of a tr9i'l*VY6 or 's ou"m ofMen s f g6od' price; hirts, o �ld- quality,a nid neat, de�ijn& ese 'don Ly o n s 5 "a, FIvin":McQuillin 52� Ift, Millicent �,v -T 9 foal�silouljr:`tj� A k MadliiAls, avl, �Coin� to hAnd aik are-, put on s a�ie' da . ge t -o 81.,50. at� the�.Spjiecial Pnii hi be St place ce. argle. Purvis 38 tile. jurnp'or turtiorl M iyin; i.ts back,,, and D all An&os' M, 'ht0i:Cto %retura Sk: s6bef Miller, 89,t..` -Ronald Si, a ei.,ine' :�'C .1l"' 'x ae oucr. mah1pulated,witW the I K, th' A41pbc I "th Foister L (11 the'.proti'uding, b.oN �,el 'Into the a]bdo- 52, Helen, Thom...51. La, Or "T t thed bowel lit ' P-., , � , , men. tf,P . ino -tit. ..0 Key I ou' Tr.'--�.-Calvi�n- Pur' In Os et & scaping., a'.� ush- YTI ag I 'e :-A', Classl-"'N'eal' od-d:, 1)66k'Weathlm� b, a M,a;r- � , d Y Yo z'�aY S:p4a'li_2,e,d`. bver tile havel; j X-7�7M_U_ oil �qail � ". i,-, �, z -,airt, da r pica, 'coo and retained i My e Haralit 'N .-A BUI An p'osit,ion.'by a, t uss or: erhead, f le Mc�uillln �io iffov, C 41" Supportfikk;bandage, sirch,asd a Wather Gq'ynw,-� X C ass-LaWi -ba1id or --c�jjV�j -ence Mae 0 oi I Mar-: gare poll iing, tile. fhos-, niaikeii� aiLitj-heii Y d -body, fastened, up`c.�,er the back, -.,.in h a Sent), n �J -conduct." _.P_r_eY_en_te.d_fi*o.m__s. orwaxd-br- - T A'; -4,.. P A -Yr, L Ila b�--1`he­ftns* o`f a b I r �er:: on- roll,. 2.1. e, at- fendallee 777��, backward N Lill j 'b4 reast bAnd' 'B' ent), Wil 'dance,' 9-dOl Xpld:L'breach �ban-d.- 11 1,1CL, '1KQ.: a. LOCAL MA he'ouly objec.t. -ten� 1 to, the use, of -a truss or -bandag�­is Jessie� M. Buckin'o-ham' Teacher. 'f, .11 n. ; RKETS -�Je n qel3i qn `1 d T I -the `skiri_ ir �not that'.it' may chafel, properly', applIed, Iii �: tb el J�git , ! : S S 'No'' U. S, S. .,case. 0 0 er: a,good blister applied a Y ]CC Bu' tier 10: t& t,xours 28�-'20�. ',swall, ruptures,,,- "S -1l: Prh! I CmTran; e 7 Kinlos4 N n Nq�-' ix'm;l,,nafl6n, ji ` and- -Wawaifo�h :,-navel,has.a Jx;' IV -Roy facInnis 70- -To' 0-:1, N'. i Ti C1- '11'eln'b":�,(" C a 0( 64he.!skin ;a6und the' ThRkn* The -Crii r !I c1lit,litoies t LIJI(�;Ib h Wheat good effect, as� the, ��',�ellini'wfiieh it Enghalid, k�ry Y 1,105 1ps Carn�iib f (Ab$e�t. i causesbe H-arkett & g-.anid op6niii: Sr III-Jaine P6�s' to 1 e f Srl 1-1 "97f J1 c 0S, 4 bowel 1 Ndinl)br-, 'n'n' y. fl. 24' Pi the rom again.1 _Stewart,.'7�; 'Adlyrle an -A -ston et vilesj)iali tb.v1_ 40c. I .!' ; I ... 0 S %t, WS 're JG �y ainble', t. helL—, N �La�4_ o -d If the foal ieaches tile age f ir. V. Cr s' C I lluck,�rhea (a t 0 _50�. Improv P; OV . ................. ;65 llen4­and. the i re tlew s., t 756-.* -a or five Tiont IS, Without sh .7, Sk 6- Prernier Simonds, Im 1. 4 1 r.ov 4ave ` ". � ving. 7 lk, . ". . q T VIA, I (F n -e- se edwCham i W* re,q-uire--.E 7_7 ---- N_ 0 '0 "GET ING. EVEN". 'khe in 'st coininon methods of, bper- T �c aplk§ d4woodian 4 ke*&-d;:�;a rld. 7AI g a Uti-res.r.- in was great y jinpil J- — ----- 0plying- :�Al wit It Irit 7 -g�rntri Went 7 ure temper- in, a. brile:' Hin6 that, 1, back, and care tak'e'n -to hav y� a, 7 sl __r.uptu� ;7,--,­;-oC1AUst 'right- jb, nen Polic Ir u I d, -t hvi li-_or-'sac�s 1,; -USL-�tztreat an-, artlfo_� fo, �7 1. - -or -the �o iirea— bt A �e -, �T! _evpryp�e� g�t Vm rxet as -be grasped, by the'lland and'. drawn LI-asS rememb'er" d _77 r0l With, a k U_an A l&-oill 8 Would he claiaps.,,, or_-, lig -�Lt . i., ", ': , , "I .- '' - , "Q4:a:S__,far as:ppsslble� xom�tb�_bol '41 110,wiour-frien fl 'd 11 . K�qz��, k "s' 01 e e 84fill-, --4 4 .K d' ;iL JL jr we -a-1 . . . . . . -VA - -- - �1 -o-ifinu e Ine Mavel-rink,` lFbulance& terial­ W e have, a I i r ligatui goou,� ma, Pited qt1antill of' t0'0xt)ldj�1nk expe;4� Xa I e g. The�olamps 0' ditions �fqr�pth ponin -es, are 7, gq. ,,elm. handies hand -ma de, ilm'ost. iion o, rl. Aill in % position;- UoPW-s ­ to be..-�had-`�,Cqt:, qd I -breakable- then allow�W-j , Ill epe.good. �oin,ts. calinevet be. -di' until they -,s ough anc S Q I fall otf, to 71 -the one e in ke h ljv _0 V 'BI oAvever if ­we 1a get-fter' with, the iniprisoned'. s: -Ij kind' ve in our GO heart the leagW -of-en oward f y ATW and ft KEY' STIC;iS.-O�' litoek,of Aut Vr­ Of ur W would,, a CC omobile,Ska,tbs and helpful 509 65,.and 75'C'.4' S. ig w nkni S n s s, we,hay'er...j.: corhplete�,uknythi g,you, in' h' "te 'It is. a Wonderful jt,'jft-- to a le to on with all sorts Qf'j) be :fhe'root-bf all.lbvil.'. oneY.-is a: .but it 7_1 tb.Q n n T64'. t�,� I. 1 1, . . __ ­.,:.... �_.: _ -en, _wh�l -I' 6�� - is, U- I -ea an o 4 0-6-o� 6dt", Indian And-ulade; biro _s jxrow :'Anij ticks, a most to, the" be's a. S,�to.. e-r-i'd rj Jk, 11 -19CffQ0L REPORTS h6re are 4 a_p�enor ous n -:,�nTyl-00 _'7,nlrUe 'o r1e, N UR nds. er LIP k---r-V IS Probab 3,d KjnjoSg 2 �v :1 �._; 4� Alldir, Individua rine -tholr­o S' r, - never U0 ftodg,in. W:08 S t w -how 01adr there Otir in- h6p, is a your -servK.e�7w�eiie, we �i�. an w fqllo*� would- bi�-41h,eas�, of In.Irs�h:, Jkli JV—, Anni� :Odwell. J y q r.,1 n r drewa i e, o, o in a U&S11 0 'i- lie s Cb il t On e�, d" e a,. of L 4 . � 0: IS., ou ha`�o -Chadi � , ...'..'.6mmen.s. . f W as-li The got thatJ be oft_M to -oink. -Ain. ean pluc "Wre -nearly 96 h ompsoh, 7- '.1' if -Y6tI-fti;:�fo­the -one Vk6-Iias wrongred - arvi6v�`11-C,;flils erine, o �011, His, is' 'the Sotil � that has been -u n6w. ardw'' seared*:'and burnt. Don!t try HodbiniC e'd LJ ck K are,& Co'-Allcaell to jzbt 'Jr', -E," k,' "Ambrose a4fiible 4' ran ie Thoffip8on T-- -NEYEA,, DIS PPOINTS r 'Eddle --THE `22-- 8 1h, a `nf,ele,.At� -STOkE, THA �eoige, Maithe*9 Adams, 8 J� _ - --Flor�n Sp ud'Vallue 0_ aw s -H- � "k h w 1H , ­ I I IG T11. CON. Pr a KINILOSS' ce Hodgi :EY L, Xafh� YM KINLOSS !Aohday� reb Jrl P�rhner�jvjaurioor Ho(];,jl,7 WitesAw in Lint or 'One �Y is neighbi6rhood *Abg 41 4 R De A ingar n � 'A I a Ait' r, cardine- Iiien t 0, C a; fi tow., - Y117411i SS _M le,,. a ke.: I I . I I . I r i *;' l I I r , bre exams f , jg,­ 4.L4 4w Iday s- at F0�6fi Oct UrY,­--W­Rh-h*or S TN"'ll Mg eF �iparents I AS, e d ".. f r �' . I ' ��­ "' " d' -'bU �14 �& � " " - ' ` 7-atyu A Urr t -woe P, V� IV,! n hi , (I I I . . ­_­ , - r ' j, 'I'll '. . - . .. t, t e severe , '" I , _ , , - _: 11� I I Y in 1 52 T)dr� ra 9., * S. Spild' Ask i ie �1)6, and, I!. ace,ouil o S is, vis, tlifig, a t IN . I a I r Th 7 "LV-Villid 0.9,; Will!, K r *Ipont_ Farlane!s a t Afr.�� eC 3;,,_.W, I,-. 1w, 'P A"'receive M, 'e. St0iVt?al6f at­tjj&.hoWc: of, Ct"�here:,f,�, Plordne, R t) V., a nIn 10 4,� di g:0j0,tJjgr"4 e, spen I f P 'and left a b�,by girl, s alluyi,"10th, ciih.� ---- - - ft:ndr in st,�At Price, foid, under. the W eavy. rie 1qcChajr!jeg",57- V, Mt., dt"d MtS., 0Ajjj0jl Wi Re N CW, a,% and, * l; th C Olds , . . I I.— . , . I . ', faffifl,� h v- B- r h4 Nr 06, e an,- ` " t' '" ' ' Mr,� It ou6t' bomro, a 44 ope, th_ em around soon. a d%'.h6arr the.T)1aint';ve,,s _Z9 we h h xtue4l of. thl Tl"Sadi i Mat,,0.hjpj@ A a( og fine�, load ild Jay Ai�,, -7 'j, h 0 7 ,77 $tAnle3t ali&, "So. .'Al;bo f in, w cn� oticod to 9 Br ks, 55,, ba in great.'(101 'tahe jj'%'jn 9 "qj I S pp. In't A. 'T day last 'week"At,', fho dr MtS,, Cap WWI t0ti'.'Andeew, of Mr. 6rge 'To. 94,v� r A Ham I �jo j qa 0uh'9 men'; P,,,,'( 0 So .91 eou�fo of ou t: Y n rvcy j3r� s,, Arthur rem fn$, m.li U A L&H tl 'y: I nds,oli T e Bet 6 Ar r '06 doubt 4tho Anle in 0' on) 'Who'll �'o "Igh wag f4vo ou am n6i bac eor 0,x P Mhent. w I X W8 S piw the 1)60iy I b- I table- Tdi Araseir U�e drivin G, Z.. 6k , I _ h?gfr IS' I I, r. 'Made.". 81' kohdAY Y , eb it'd With, 9t 0 moll Nndvao, �Jqth, )Ajl� �;Jdhb jonr "on SPdfit'.FIjjdj7 ft �4t r 'dill 9si TO gpr�nt: S�nda.` $611110! It 01�60` 2.4arra, FunnV i Mai! woh t, buy A.usdd, cm!, hig hOfillb allj 1118918 tho:81cin., 84inplij of course L no, vith Mond, 4lit the South but Wfl� �ihriy a elirl tha�149, bah6h� Swill OU004 20 t ob i�fs lint mi, 00wov howth I filtirldht. Mid ft * yo%� hi eh tit T* 111 �'00, With V, �voflv Tofil,� lilok'.414 p4tm` n4� 101pirplo'l, vory �W. -,,I T I LIS 7 I �"A t�