The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-02-08, Page 5• • 'LUatt4OW ORP411011; TinfitSDAY FEBtatAiY 8a. 1923- 1 .7 . • "AS 4/1 gRYI300i/, at Ford iS keen to' keei3 down the price.of Ford cart! ' t Themade upon , $445-Or ice based...onthe ex- _ pectation of, a„Spring business' of. 8060 cars per Month.' If. that business comes, the l price can be .mainained. It . rests now with the public to saywhether Forcl,prices will be,higher cir not. If -you want a Ford in the Spring you can order ' it. today for delivery later— and pth ay e lowest price in Ford history, 4445. , • • 4 Help us Keep Down the...Price. „Order your Ford Today ITAL,:IPUNIS,11MtlIT'.• • .There, wAS,,, milte ,a, hatibith .over, ifl_ bPP4On; P:kglar14 'the. other '•day. When :a wOman rand a .yoting. man W,ere ex, ...0.4434 -Or .*4.x.I1PriAtil.-t. busband ';Qf -the l*con401.... A. 41.!* :0 ***4.04aI •Welpen• • 444 ',Men. ,Intradett...1344t. We Plage...:44-Xectition..carrying, placards ' hearing anehinseriptions•aa '!•;Tfou,• can, ' „MR, CHERAW,. •• 'iiiit-iirOerit nitirder by .ninrderEq.-tif;' . .., '-...'•,.;. i7:L‘r--,,,:7i=k,:`,":" '. .itil 0,,"4:."1-ii,-:7•AkXp'.*..:07#4-4--(--th-e,-. -Jo' .4•Qa•ao•.: --,--4-,,, ,•••• -,;404010:•01.4V.10.41.,,';-,,:-'7,,,..,1,,,,, ,i0:467,,-vilt:40:.oeloall,441,001.e.rsli.,,......: ,..-.Al.r. 14 q:!:41,,,,N;;Ito. liaa :;resigned•-ilie' ,tt,'W.Mild 1:4 intereStiag to know just. len401c,Ship- 'cif 'tbe::::PrOgrle.Ore• party : how Owe' .COMPOSing • tltenob.;:ivOald: on: tlie7•gi‘Oprid, that • :hi IniSines. $ ,args ," i, .'cle41:1.7itb: honioscideS7-,hy -, an occasion lid 11(it44;Yij,t,Pf the r 41,:lynchiligii:ii' all" likelihood. 1' ' : : -lila powers,'haSgiven '0.frif-a-aiiiii--to, Ig.worieli;-.-1-t--.0,irriieLi':4604!.:0-0, --::0iir 1.4.6.n.$70)itili*.741.1t6'11.-Wqiis', cleliberate.,....haridipg. ckf ,, a culprit, - „seat .,-iii, r..P.a.o.ii-arnea,t,,Mr.!,..crOr.4.1•,;..v.41,1,14 NY)lel,l1*': Plan •,Or Ykl.M.Pallt . a: subject 4.11,00 le'' 4 • very' gteit•LIOSs.: to ''oilt:. •,, . . . . . public 'life :shotild." lie• AvithdraW...frOm • „cit,:nitpleasant eontemplation ' to. any -...: .righ.t7mindeci ner4.011Vd1± Ot 44 *Old 'it ThereAnay hoWever' •be • grounds. ••care . tO"-'he.''' the; b4ligniati.,. eVen WOdn.• ''• If , inCOMP4t0)ilitk, ' .1190094 '14.4.1. '4Pd. ' tberel.'is.,,"po: :*10.ti4n. as tP"'Pil*APN. the mor stalwart .ranka Of -the 'Orgaii,•.'. of 'the::eonvicted. . and: we believed in : ized ••-fatiner.s. that Might - have made capital punishment :•• ' s.,ctintinuanctOin the.,leadership•per- There' -On ...1.1. no question but the Olexing. Some stronger P4,rtiana :have. *i-.4.• 0 tooilig,-4gainst the death pen-, •:.nrofessed no faith.., in...hirn: 'since. his 7Oonetthig with the .piheral leader.. 7,alty, •is • Steadily:, rising,:•ankthat.,.he- Cause' of it there , is increasing• dirk These 'do •nOt.:. seem - to. 'COnalder how , •ittieli, .inight have been. *:on:::for Lib- culty• in ..adeuring.....ctinvietion Of. those ,,iralisto. had all the true ,Libtrallism: of. .tieeasetl of .'-niurder, • As •A tieence the ..i.ileas'Hor ,insanity,:and irresponsibility• -t4e.091.1i,itry,:beerigt)10.0'il.!Ofo a single. ' are "Ofoii, iesortodto-int fact are .al.: ,,:.,arty, , and:, how it '..Wo.uld h"ave, ni440'.: 119st.. :4-iyak.i41 set; no. ,when • other. Mr, . Mackenzie King:independent of. .,' the sinister' influences:: .which 71 -lave : Linea 'seem ' hopeless : -1: .. •.' • ' ..' since embarrassed •hini • land , iropeded With , regard' to the insanity ; pleat .. • . . . , ., . . • . . , , . it. ik...i.iSked ,ifHany. One: person would 't,,he. progress of the. .country. , Alnibit', ,delberatelY.kill:another, knocwiag what neeessarily-the : a,ctiVernanagers•:-Aof4. the• eonseOilene.eS , may be.. It may .. be 'an organization take ,niOre interest! iii replied that tha.,t,•, if. the consequences al , the fsMpOth"• wori.0.00of.. the'. machine H•luded... to were •••intich .1.nore.',.'eerto4n,•,' :ban'. in,•,:the-. hurpoSes ,f or, which It.ex,- 7,-- Pei,Iiilig .aco ',Many wiridd not he insane' ..,ists,j .4,71'. c reyAt is a "'man if unusual " . ' ' ' ' '. 14 ' 'STEEL] ' .". ' ' • : , ' • • ..., ' .' WATER ' H:ARDER T ,AN . • . We have, settled land disputes •fani-. , . . , . •enough to.. take' the. risk. ..,1„. .. ,.. ' ..-'hilsies-s• capacity ''IN-lin:'*.:0;t"the in7,:at:'-: •„ . ' , • .:, . ..• ',..• ' ',-,i;-,-7-• . i • , : , , , ,: ilY.•,;dinntes. dog ,.diSiiiitesand.'. some ..• 'The, Wbete -trouble • seenia . to . origin- ,'• :•al. side..;,o .. things.. .1 9r Izim. trip ., Can ' yon iniagma. a . Strong • Man anfair accatint • ' • . -."-' ' ate' iii.:. a •ivrcing view •..taken, or.' the ' . of ',Mali4I'g'.', ..a-.' g011'll•nel.Y. • PrPgtOgiive• - , .. , . • armed •'.Witli an. yen Orein,Thar,,• linable • .. We hakd. been. Jiisulted.• disgusted treatinent.of inniderers..• .We•Still think' 141heral- P4rti .• wenid have -,a onra..- . ... .. . . .. , ., .. . - , ..... •rwater '.?...• : •,.', i• • .,, J. ",,..'", ' ' , . ". We .. •haye ,lodked tip, culpriti•' for': e•f' initashing ..-the'• ittitderer• for his; moUnt.ch4tni;Tha-4, that...been: posSible..• .. . .. . „ • ' to aiii ie,' it . •througlila•iLithin •.. jet, Of inat•-.'Unon' and . ininaSed upen... .;• ., .,i.'.. . „ . . • • .. . Several 'Stich -.jets ..exiS,Cat• the - new ..,:v.rongloing.: • and •then .-envied „them r.c.iiMe--'anelYc for an,. .e7 e, #a4 a tooth :. :It \‘',4ii.' not .00Sgible.;•beeause•;.,epPosed, , . . . , • , . • tiirbine' ...ate tieniat Fajly: ',Witierland. ,;beir place of .linib0.: ,' • ' ..: • ' ; '.•':, ,,for. a toptb.,.,The--.91.4e4 of punishment -•frO.i'n, both 'sides.' Once:More Air: ("4;1-6r- iewerS, .•..,•blocked,'„ -sfieets., . heavenly is to 'get even With the Offenderand;te. ..ar ; finds -hiniself. ••iiinabje. to iehaniplori• • 'The .....n-64zles'::,frOin 1W•hiPh, ,the.Y. issue We - . We'..,h4vo. been 'hiained• for ,;-atonijed' he, present puce of ;,cotton. ' '• ':' ' ' •thid • :, fri• ght-dn.-. Others- ,froni. -coininitting. a .• the annOinicefl-wisheS :of ...the .'''arni.6)...s. -ire .' is,•'.. however,. able. to.. adeo.rd .. the .".• are -about-:One arida lialf . ineheS in , ••••'d imrieter...a nd'OW '',:'.4tOr ': 'the uressure ..,; hOWerS;.• poor telephone ' service' ef,:' which.; i..i.),early' two. tons ,. to the ,; :lilie..O.ffence.';Blit the.'right ainr..to be. ,......,..*:sqiiare:'1 :i.Olii.. :is so rigid that. if,. yet . ' ', • We,.. have; beencursed for .entting• kept in view is,;protection...ofthe,4mb-,, .utrifoSt'.;',welePh-le,•:this• tiiis.' .t.it:•e•es'', ,• :; •strilt'e: -,with... a !",Steel ,bd.,,... the -.,lattei• 1001 trcea and threatened Wit - 4e- • h.., ..1,i2;4ha it :',..hoidd,00tiiiiiitter •whether :. , !dr; lir :Forke,; . ,ho •i'il .g.11e, to pial '‘', :,., iI,Mily ' lionnees, ..offr'. .. - ,i,..' . ' insane; -• nor- .,..nere.,in.iinO, 'Mr,' Crerai,•aS. a bness, or allOwirig lritherANes to stand. ,•31'. .1.6•Tiliee:•tihvi4ante. 5r,,Q10.S..6.• bjeer ,I,ofvreinfit.ii'iae..isattc.,.• ;i1,1111.,:e:mhoa4e,,o,.fh-e..:400.13:113aoaki•eltottr,aforird ,..*pse....... tn:17.::i..i.i„ifdee4ei:...in.:iXiiidaend..0,.,:worbe!I ,,he, or..,sbc.: , :10 , e,i.ri-.4...,---Otri, bi•-:.4.,p.,iistl.tup:ii,ts ti:it, .ti,..,:throug.b, g't-ar!:iiipe'a ilraWin ' Iron ' raciZed: for the .,sterling 'work Of an, :. .nrOveS. 'dangerous :. to .hig:Or ber" as:0-c..-.,,, ..,,,e...ws .:profoundly'.ConVined., that • the, teinnered$ steel:. •They..•dre-t‘rvo • feetit •-thei, • • . . • , : • •`-`" • • . -. • ''iateS,-::Silieli-7-eneHalipultlibe4iituader ',z--2•tollesnferPtinc.d1:4,--gtlezii...acaPth.re:. a We •.lia've;,,heen,ealleil :A liar Until...flAin .wheat:,bPar4 are • ilhiSory,•,..Be- , Imost,,bel4eYelt.•::•: ."'-i.".,...../ •'•••:•i,: •:' • '''‘fs.uch-.. res.traint.as. to insure .tbe.,sAret., : .iliAineter, When..-they...leaVe the'. lake ' ,-,-. we ' Taint bitVe 'thicker: walla, , ii ., ' ' ..Wc, have 'beebirie-Widely•knoWnas,.a 'tif: the' enininnniti. ' .,i. !:''':•!". : ...' . . . cr,i,10.'4.'9,1•1e had :slie(eede'kj.,, in 1,1, ,.,1.,,,as. On'''.their- way. doW,:ii.; they.. :becoine,,nar: ' ' :cirder to WIthStand-.. • -Iii• •prinitive: cOmMunitiestbete.., is .Po evidence that, one -wirld. succeed in ,iie.: t . ,.fi., ; . ran&-riiSial, an areh Criminal adeii:- • . • ''' • , •• . • .• .• .... • . - ..rado a 'policy ' player'and a bigoted no ,way . of doing this'. .but to ,tint the .192,3 ,:. Government, ii.i..1-..,rds did.not.worlt• . • The jets • are.'• ,,directed - Pri- to. tht '''-'',• ' ' '. . ''' ''''''' ' '",' '',' ''' .' •••••''-'''. " ' •' offerkderi. to death, and in,. aoeii. eOin, . as •..*ell AS V.01.04a1ZY,-,*/1111/i114t.i:gliS''and. „sure. : ' • -, .., . : '.'i• • .. ,. 4 ", ., •.• . •, ,. • i • .• . - • „ ••• i. : '. --- i1;.'' :to s,giVe.' the, 'Prest4,7terian... 'Chnich' rinitiftieS., that ,i'gniactise is alMest : un the the co•mpulSory eleniel,4;-*As ,a'gain'st e,.. • —• . , • • -, We hay,e''', been aeOns.ed'',Of--atteinntli• Vanes, Of 'tinge' ttirbinsi.. There. arc . , , : : : , .. ,.. , ,.., • . ., - ...•• , •• , • • . • , twelVe.rof these, mOnstersi. -.at 'the:gen' . tie '•to, the toWnhall, " '.... ,...„. , ,..,9 •,..' '.' .1 i..il.i'al.:. :Iiiifeeit, ... for. othei.er4ries•-than the tradition,pf. frecdoM,:cherished•lik erotiyik, station and each i, c'apabl€ :MotherS...'haVeraeensed ' uS., of ''Oet•-'• :Murder., it 4.has'!. been•? fit:rand , iteeeSiar ,,,the, sorganizeilfarifieral;•T;fe WAS A,great , •og :.owi_aers baye„ blamed Ylis..,for , the ,'-t;''Y'" inflict 9ie" °Atli . pena3ty,:.•:.,What' 7 bq.lie7 .,. ;q1:,-c.o7o perdtipti but, .hj- their, Of givine.,,Out,, 3',600., hc'.1.i.s,e' . 7 'power,: anii ink. the ..toWn. with ilogs;:•and:the ' li.,T: 'a • jet: 07 Wa,ter. -Sinaller••: then. ain •the coni demand for a ceMPtilsorkwhearbOard: - Three' thousand', lipite:. pel..ver -Prodiieec.; Child'S,WriStl; ''. •' 1...., .:L:, , '', ' ' ....'• t'ellige Of '.babies... ..".: .:, : : : •••• ..• ,.:,,•••,•-•!-..,...7cPuld'•.,the., honest, eleinen.t ; One ..ininli c. waned hogs ',hi .. town. MUnitY.':Acit.:TheS,..cOnbi not be expect7.. organized farmers liad; Pat: therriSeles- ... '':".iii'le :' another said ..t.h.re., •;wer.d.Acs.to : ed.; to have ,.gemeone'. constantly in'. , Morally „in •a wrong ...position. before :. THE.T.ItIALS• OF .A:MAirOR .'•)any 'hogs. already; •;.. :...:'. .... .•'•,,•, ..:,,. ',,, charge: -:-Of . a°. : dringerouS, • ,ps?"Fi,.7.nor, the rest Of the •.ceOntrY•2-flere '' ' at all ' Tirev-'-eiirsed-Miairre,.dit-741[OS.Ite. ..---F-he'7e4e..ted-4.0-4Ped; , events, .We , have7. a. Man With The: eour- o ;•••• 86,1:iier: ly ear s . ago ,....*)-ioa: .c,:jfk,./.0-4.1* '7•111It-&•:.t.bue::•;:o.oiltek•t.'"#.-, 1:':'4'itit.:--t:'.6'clik4Iliet---ierliiiiiiaPeelenitileti.i$O--,tbeir .0-kg.;;r#4,,..1.0.1....,:••On.Y..14.i.O04X.r,;-.1..c.r•o'.1',4.;,1'...: .. .,,.04.42ini3Omil...,,.journal),-,•-J.:"........7.,„„ -.•anp,iover,=•a.fiet,:•,,haviitg„be.eil_0110±A"4:int''' .... offenders,' . ' to death and. Were done also believes,:,'In,, an .:Operrliiitaiig.i've:' ----Witha,....Wealth-V-7.-,Miblicinan-Whor-had :•Th''' :Yelled. at"4s Ivilen 'the' ditell.04.. • ' : Thek•..-blAnied us for •the't''iriaitit.„. tien.l.Li.rininal and his: erinie rw•ere likely to circornstanCes the ilaitl; -.1r.h.'lariliels'i•-i•b,PHsaYs4-Fhav-eA.-ti • • ' •,,,qtliin.,..: their' grasp ' to aSsiiiiie ,the • .; ernment..We asked him ,:Why to.ore,men• : 'arigit3i71,ir; the :good Loisl• •,. •','... . •. ,' .-, :Writli7.,•theiti,-,' In •41-c.h",', • lia'd:; a:. large ' e*Pericriee.. in civie ..gov-- ...,..:p_t! .._ NiMe 2 W.d., II o t Itikk 0,, 'op: ,plibli. 3.v.prkf -,... , . : . , , moral'leaderibip-OfttlietHqMiniOn,.bUt ..,:mb,,,..anwei:. -1,-6:-.7-w_...a..4.,-..i.0-Eifitinf.:-- 'illiar..,'..13f.,,....th--05-T:I.:::-M-0101lic'-'s •''ll'og'f"-'•'.'he-.,',V.e'll!.:'•:kriiiivivrAo,l`those"...who.-,,,dealt. v., iwf : .,ari-iii--a,: .. ii;:;....iiim,,.dh:,:.......s..4oi.,fili,. ..:'manserkdrit inxidieittint,-.. . • _,_:_,,,,- • -....''"‘I: have •manY7.1716'ndi-.7%Vbei--WaYe-,111e. and mule:..'•: : 1.,'• .- .. i4.-. . .. . , . . •:.. tinie•itod the- inetina '.to'.g.o.• in, for palr•-•. ,, • - ' -••••„IslOW . we i 'are. differently . situated .. •plan,lhey must .mar6 oircrifiii-e-ivber, the 7 buttlai'Al4iii.(WofWITIVilk.,-7'0111V -..,,,i..: _A7.1g6THE,WO.: SA:NW ... ,511pQaeos..,..,01.,..u.p.kii,b*.n..4c,,44.4,0iie, • . are willing to:march With thein • and to -....lie-Jite.,11Mt.,,411•:,,Oenfraid-OfAecOpilog_ ._ .,,, ...-.. : . , ::. ., ; ..; ,, ..:. ; ou:to-d. itf...hii•-iiiiiir&in"Iltitil. ity,-.'•••it.•:ict-1=',Iettlielit•shlreN,the-;:jOYland -the:: l' '' •-•- Ak.,iinti:1,1, heCanlenn.:alderinaa.7 As : ' • Two Seotch•bitillfei-s• had -.•stvorn off the eireninstanCeS.-'eanAe‘bui.-vag' del ' ' . - .' ' ' ' ' -:( anger' , _of battle - • , - • , f, ' . - ' ,. ,. • . i .- . ;1•'?•fiever -knoki,what.,:ariF,,:awfmliar-,-,L. . . • '. lionor• .an -tf '..triiti,6- hi..s-,7,i;einaiic•--eiiiiii.i;, ,.:ca.,5,6,76.r.illiie§ -Ir-ivai-,piirCbarXe4^--' ci o O O : •,. . -•.•-the-itifee,n••• in• eine,tiCitV.W:4:.§;::-,t1V".:',•;:irl't-".0f. 'S.::.41idy;-stio.--eSted'-ke*" 'rig- b' itt ' : ,.....1jderStoOd,'•.-BeSitlei,'we,liiive:-. ' : *•,--,- not 'kbeln',tat' Make ,...bne. fionrceiate' the 'ft aWaY.: :After. three Sandy _ . , . ,.. , . •;,..,.. ., , . , e.• angerou, Ati ''ge: . 'of' restrainno• th-T-d------i-- -if ' ' .s.11C TotAft'S,;-.40•1-•To;:'•rtlr-- ' '-trialsio--ceinitictinilitic7af•---eptild..-bear-...it-no4ongerl.,Landd., Curing the safety of Society ;Withinit- . • .. , _;__ _...11 ; ::. 7 , , .------,7f$,_ aiwz:vtri.:„Tayitge wiyi.firecidr .ii,i.lr.,i3otwci,o_2 ,_,t2 ,':,)- eltriTo.,$- . , , ...,,fairS• csllec;anOunicinaralriii-i;s: TliV` --":Anoils A :-Mit-ill-'1$.crlate:!.` '-,S.A.id-',' 4•.oioiting.4,3.,..4.14,44O,,..,.•• • ,0•••6 .ait.v..- •• ••.' , . . .. , .eofiv.ersa•tion,Was1 -recalled:O. our mind AnS,•••'q .WaS ill,. all day yesterday .• - j. • . ••••If.• this :Vje-N‘r:Nvere'.. generally •,•"taken• .. • ' on .Stindak • charged. with , being,. nril- • cin-tdading theexnerienee of vic-,MaYor be, less: ,thffi.eulty. in pro 'Olientesi in , several burglaries dui nig,' - . , , . „ . . . 'P. W.,,,,,I,ohnson..of ..ga-fien,. SoutICC-al"'T "'"-'0w.litzr-i674lid,'-firekialeitee....o.fL•flii..„at...,,....thete • 'Might blink, Who,' r•aftar ...si., •3eii'fkjOf 'epee; -Walkerton-0V high,and.Publie.selioOls ,;' •curing. convictions, ;:and-thet-intereitSt the4b1eSent-,-Yeat _They-_,:are::-.Clifferd Walker.; '4..obn . Bteep.. , James Red •IcSi h;s',.e.lection, Mr,-',1,6hnson . is edi- were,closed laSt-,Weeltl' The ;atteridaride, ',•Pf.::.•:go,dietk- - 1,triii4:...-b:o.._:.1?ettor, served.„. .-Wilfred Dalf,'.11,obert.11titton-nnd-41er-;•-• . tor.,Of -.the local ,newspaper in :which ': "•iiiid ' !been. :grea:tik, reduce,d; :and, : Hie: ',-• -than ,tliey are now :,... -.,,.• !• .' ' man Cochrane., .Arnongst---th-e -7thefts, ,te'---sinnthari ' ea . his terra -Of ' office. As - • .. . , . , ' The. great ' troobe 'here is that there wai", gi'. ease ' ,4nd - .a. .' half '.. Of, Witie,•,and' fiilloc. - , • I ., a; . , M H.O., advised -:.the. closing ..• . . . . , • fOuf.'bottles-::Of-,Whigk0y.-.takeir,,freini,; .0,.•",7$-...Canieriin's' .relia4'...All acknoW4', -ledged •Ttlieir.•'TglilltOrie7or"-1r the •charges. and. 'Were. Sentenced .to, ntontiveae.i.n;litil,witli, 'hard labOr.":., The. '-- 'sea terice;,`,,,the: ,niagiStrate: Said," iras • sef,at ..,43il MOnth-.iii •Order to: bre,. a ;Warning, to, the -boys !and- yet, hot to ,,wrock...tbeir,..futura.,ii3Og, ,'' .. , - Is in every' country a, considerable ' element !With which the ear„ef 4eath I is the ,o,nly restraining force., If the milder measures. are adojiteil this •,ment becomes .mOre ,dan401.;ouS, while a/1190g 4 bPtter 'elettlentit biceities crenginglik difficultto 4Anriniitei law involYing capital punishment. , DOR, Lue-k111.0.W, Ont. mpTi34 COMPANY .OF.CANADA, L.IMIT.E14, FORD, ONT:' irmAmoboseitorolosigmainotrowlitiot' glehowsiolibed104 pleOiShiqg the .40.0:shpy1-$:' nee f�r New Cottons,Lifl We are -offering some extra values in Factory Cottons.. 'and 4041VW- widths' for, Sheets and Pillow Cases, at 5, 20, 25, and 30c. yard Unusual values- Considering the way cottons have advanced. Now is the time for bleaching. CIRCULAR PILLOWCASING---Good, round, heavy thread; , smooth finished cotton, %Special. Values, 40rinch, 40 and 50c.; 42 -inch, 45 and 55c:. P1ain 36-nch Bleached Cotton for allpurposes, at 20, 25 and 30c. Cambrics, Lo.tigClothS;:M:0000,44;..::,7ft4x4.• ::.25-to-,756..4'..yard.,..:••• • • • • SIIEETINGS---Bleached or Unbleached; in and 9-4 widths. Splendidvaluesin the best of Plain or Twilled ottons., Prices. start . at 50c. a yard and go up to, $1.00 a yard; but every piece is'a' humdinger at the price. 'SI-JIRTINGS: --Now is the time to make the Men's and Boys' Summer Stirts. plugs, Blacks, Khaki, Oxfords. We have a Special on this month at 2-3c. a yard, others at 29, 35; 40 and 50c . -a yard. All fast color goods. Examine Our stock: Get samples. , Use your phonc---ask for 61. a.dies r Neckpieces' re :Reduce aid40114.406 IPLE ....t.7..N. NI.N.G..OgYf ' . . : TiY. BI,IRN STPR'g ' Th re re is , a real.. art, to talking. over a teleo one properly-. lain soeak,ing. ". 'TELEPHONE. TALK . . . • ' • . . ,Go,derbaniand:Worti*.Tne,-eilitrea:2' ra-r,.';': ' Cerby,- Hiram Walker Seagrain •• inonth• :in goal: for`,.,goiog into the marle:. He was soaked $500 with a. • • • ,:m..:, ;:.ro:f:*.V:iitor;it..(;)5nO:. o:'"?1,,,..°).iR2'.,'-'4' „..,,...,,,„_ ....is- al way's...desirable. •Oii •theAelephone, .Starting -.into •.a' ,.dangerais• buSiness'••• '.. it- is esSential. if ',7PeaceTaricl•-*Oad*Jwillt, -4 ill,,,,was=4:t, --,;$29u.. an .go a,. 1 e.,,,,.,, ' 671,;',Ii,lic.,,stgZ .,4',...tia.tiri::;ii,,..Nfii17,.;',"7.00:!1-6-e:,:oitk.,... •A!olice .. te t,..c.:i. 1.1,,Lin Matter etfact that the ayerage'Per,. -•lie ir),T.A.."•,' Stephenson. gettinp.:' off .6n...- ...ire2a"foi',;•:Urevail-•:•••aniong--..inew:•17:--1-0S. Iiitiel076Vanathere'-',153110401,1:-.Vielatio'fif0:1:•-; r'giV6ii4O-if-:'--IXtWitlidirglife;thelhe.--'"--=.•Waa-7-t'. daYlinorning ',The preliminary hearing -matter. - The customary., ', procedure;' looked on as : Hill's, hired. man; It will, ". ik,i.fri-pcit iinderstoecl:, is to • shout; and take considerableAiniber --frOm .. :Hill's • , _Will.,take,:pleceat' Lion!s Headhefore •If .thet,--failsi..?,!.to-Sivear-i-at• Alie-sitx.ice.•••••......bn41,5 APenuty•-.7rii,e-.41-arslill•-.13-51-dar--- .,7 ---test i of,...,:the,-. ppsiibility-f#cle4f.: .761"--af':•-•ObligatioriS....:-.-Who'.11---•-teilie2-liext17..r7--'•`-' ,...c.f...,6:.:17,0I1Qhy.:,,,Ai:::\t,4,..145:::.,116::,...D.,,.ci":1:.eit..,... ...,.., „.., :, ,...soeElkiii.o. over, tetelephope, iiloy; ...1;ie, pooi, fe:os , to handle' liquid ''kfilOsi'N' As : • fact_ers_.,., *„.„,:up,_eys:taz,:id;..,...,,A:,...e..„..a..7..,. afsonailidtaik,tlitlenIteeaistet•oo..9ft;byeol7epe.,;altt J12.;,i. .wrelio,,_;..7.7._,....careles_sly. ,.,i_..,,..,_,x:c. dlli.::iiir.fg,':-U., 144... u.) 1 is -7-, • • • ' : . ' - ' - ' - ' -7 FaRllEit l'EESWATER ;.wlitit,purclia•l-,!.ed .th,...:3:t264-6.:aid-pi.ttwii---0, , :.'N (it...Oa:. 1 and,. ;Mt too .1:o*, with ,a' -. f. • - -... • • • -.1., s • 'krill:troll o''' li '1 q ',..hecir, 'in, Atm, 1.,.. .c ai efu l' enunciation • of . eaeh word,,and , . • ., • .:. . , . • .; A-::. , . • - .. • -- Guarantee&to. o Accurate, • . . Cetirtc W, ,Pg'llt, , . ' ' • Dependable 0 Tegt. et, Price - afety#.114' : ...:C.ourteoti:g Treatment We Promptness„„ . .,,a, k -a:tnaA :4)-cptivince J, u:' y-� - . .., •. t rOfitablengsS7', a0d7,`‘,PleaSalitliSs!'; . .. ___ ......,.,„. _J._ . _....., , SilVViWOOd'g Greatii: Market”; , VERWPOD NDO ADA. Western Ontarip's, Largest andf Finest Equipped Creaniery. ,Branch 'Manager: tit loeal store is open frni.'8.3() a:ro.. to 6 p.m. eaehr day, and Satiur ay eveniiig until'9,00 0.)clock ' 1 ,•1 ' 1vo :IHSh:ow .0 oVv" :to:Increase_ our. Profits , Iryou'll talk over with ne the - adVantagea-,T 0 r o ri to St 4,b 4 e Eqt4metit will. 'bring to your farm. Toronto Stable :Eqtlipment is designed to, saVe.yott labor, keep the stable cleaner; :keep yout cattle healthier, niOrd.con? tented; More. profitable. , tees tallr this' i4cat improVe- meat over Toronto ;Stable Equip- „ 'Inerit";itiChider"'StAlltrlinll-t•Peri- Virater BoWla 'and Litter Cirtiers. • .v MELVIN REED LticIcnow; Ont. , ottd ..t1.1.1t:.11„. vaiii?i,,,,,,,6i, iew.1).,..,itil.tit.7.:‘,t,i_.15,1.,,,,,,,:a0,.;_isi„e: _Ify.04..i.,:1_,. lg.:I.:: ..s. ,,a...ste___oabl ..„..,g,wtin :aliils..._ofa0c7i,n,g, e,e.,:trirtid,,,4... and •••••••!..5••••••?- ........ ' • ...,•-,•_-- •,-t• . ....•.4.....z.„ell.;_modulated 'voice."...,: roiy.'" the, ..w, 0 .1. ,e t ' f T " te d. 'i. 'f, i onto -,`6'&4:Ies)(7•t'a-r.'4•1.-)-1-:a=3.:-11ha:U, ,--1-- • f,-.-- .'''' • -1.-.,•;•-'' 4 • .f ' 'f' i';.' "''''';--;-:: '-:-1----1C-11-'9-''-:-P-al-IV-:-.: L:- lre-d‘-..zA-...----.- . . • .... ..• , r • . • • . " • fir aWaV ,froni tl e transniit etin '...•Eobert...Oriiiiston,,'Until a'ieW1*-i-e-ais.''.12''' ve,-q-e-7 --?....-,-7'ho's.=1:1ta' -,1'=••A'1•7.7.Sit:ratftird-ori---.'''4ifff.' ---:2-1 .----'7::" Aig,ht4 fire, whieli.",tatteil in his., store, • eoiriniend that -every subscriber '. •tr3' Death .was due to diabetes • - • "1 '' this.ict... me ,on the telcplione.,' • '• • •For -the naSt' couple of 'years ,Orin. • '.-ISiVtf..°:rii,.::a‘:.:d13,ti,i1:it:;).,:te,i.Ini...6(1:di;:t:r1T:at..„':1:,;;.1!11•et:errj. e'''''i(f•ii..?";4Y4.:et.e.,s..,1111:iig:;.'e4:iii,t46,. i•ah.l.lo'.. '.":::&0,,T-ti,E,12_:.••••!rf0k6G=, ,,i11:fr, E. Ht.. D. 7.45%,...,••• .:•sale,-17',,are-nc.'*-Otoirthhitc.',g.-.4-..t-.-willrhe---:- .....' .. . xeniellibered. that last. suninier. he had..-. ,.. ... , . • . , „ . . • .. • , . , . , . —o -o -o ' istoii. wag; in Mitchell 'where he waa.t..'.' . extension , to, one ••:.e.1 ee try: :••wrre","'(19w.n;',- -7',.'''' f.."'.. -"....-CCliesleY • EnterntiS0.-' -, • .sthe-.inisfortune to run 'over- a lad - on a- `.•-• to a rdb slit, heap. eon1Posed, 'cif. excel . William ,,Hill, who. liVe.S. on a,' bii-41i- .',hicvele "...The bOY ;vas alniost friataritIy, '. tiaot.'.Rhatde,rto.bauntswiter,c.catos Oirlinaii4' ,s.,; or .,4ii.d...other ;ii)-11-.ainrilable,',mqterial," o in..._KeripeltoTnir, ainlod •3Gse.,ao,...iSlatviehieliiti-_, • ,.4kilc,lbetlacgae!o• 'n'n.d,'til4t`-nlIstair-s•-4':i15,0&ril',.!.11'-ill.P'7,_flaori,- ..s.ild-1,..1;;;:4of V":1171...1:Yode gani,e''Werd',0013.-" ,-$11-03vn ''that ithe--,.,,'Collision.7•Wai.iin.:, tO:.-::: 'had: been torn •1-1.1), •fli.,"e•lec'tr.,fC-.1i:i''.6.- ..erly., soaked' '"by.... "..\lazisti•ite.. Creaior 'accident. • 'f or which : Orniiston ••:.cOtilif" • - ,s1.1.1ppga ,of.• its.: an,u,IST,10,11, .21,1„/1,. P.XCI.-..-, SoundQL.vwen.••; ov trvincr to Make •an • not be held req•ole,7inblwaleifno_ re goianig„: . . • , . .. • . ... y . • , ,. ,.., . „ ,s,,or: 4pd_plato.he,,,T)1.,a,qed.,•long$i< E..*1., ' , ,e, a•:,-.. ..• .1% ing, ,v, ina -nig ..iii,o,onshitic-. :t62'..1.1.1itliell.. Ornigto '' ` '''• - theh ' , „ . , , .. • • • . •• ••,. • • . •,. -101..iskev•••. liars sob. ',,a;-'•,f0tirig.',•liia-ii-o-f.--• n' and TrOot"antrslitt, tr''''• "blisine' ss,•fin----- a.'. ll;%',Eza..; :.._,.7,*.v.•11O';i:thileelgosed . te, mak the the ''.. rot=trut Tee§Water • : . • - . ... •. ' • That the • in,t,i.el(iitiit. jiog,i;itioifa.hl)se.11,rnieo.0‘,4ile..;%.1.%17: . . . • . -attliAt. triatianti7said .Ite --e-"r't"'"" . .:"r ''""I't=olti-=-• - ih-67.0107re s vei...little-dOidlt, but- litill••dri.nrkrrynniet`thestuffIratid5that.,... • hic ,,,, ,v,....i.i,....,,, r_r_ a....n..; .4.........:c,, .1..1.,„....11,•:, Is...,,a...8, ._ As ,.t,!)).11)15.011r07;.„ t.1.4.,P.,..9JY!P,•()11.4.6,7.,:4'...'11..,1:t.,....' if,1ie.1.,,,-1.1,,t4.111;-1,.1,1t.i,l,,,Sn.t4e.,41.Y.,;t1.°1:.11..:g.., '.t,.. t!r'l a'Tilj.:---; '.,r11'.„461.14.iiiv,,;.,'''<•ileyisot..:!n°,i.i.ter'1.....0..fbv:Titt..-le,14.°k' _nrre.,16.- .•.:1' ,, shall's' .T.:,tiniartitliit, h.ave .:11(;:e.1.1e( • 1, , . showed. . Pe...LC. n .4.,•; -pi -••--11.0-r-3,•• . c.,i,6,1..,..'.phat . ge.ntlenlaiit • fiowo,,,:o...y,,:...:,%13:,.. half ;:al,e)ohOl: ' Yo. tirrg'.. 'i•ill•• will 11-evet4 noritet:,!i:0;ratle,di,:lian(s'it,l,ittee'leen16-uk;ts,09f1IN:C.;%d,.'N''‘ill.t:e,flie::: . , „. •,,,„, . get;'.010b- as,, a Jiqu'or Sarnnler nrileSs ' • - • ' • ' ' N.ve,.': haye ben ,• infdyined,:.' n.r1n, t•. -ills • he , beeoniek ' mPre diserininiatiiio' in ,' • . • • .- 'tlioaht •that ' the IiineS. Iliad:. become • • i!that burglarS ;hrok,e, nito. „ins: store., this taste. That • iiint;cont; yonth.. is. ii:•.,‘„v•rhoted „Everythiq.g,. in,,,, ilie., offi.. .e•.e.,, , g -.. but the • safe. *as burnt- up' and Con- , took. a.,tvav .ni:imber, 0f . ,.1-1,1,ags.•,,,•t.hAE,ni(11..' ,,147,1:iliiii•...t;e•liaAlt_te,1;.:1;e.f.tiola..t., j...:1:,1`10C‘111,, itvoatetuei,s41: :tit:: ,,, . 1, . . , . ' ' " • " ' If k '''• ' ..Stolh'€Oni'i''''''‘'-.n.O •,148 :-!itierable."•darriage. dore ...to 1 file 'Maim' . , .. . . ,... .t.4'Ita•aeg:sd...,..'-'.i.h.e ''n;r• e.., t'0:''S*-cc.)37i.: ,11P''.: 'P ' '*:. 'rtlie 44,3 , tier cent .i had 'brought' the : bvidel. •con11.0].. The.. dathage , i,..r buil( irig, befove the .fire. waS.. gotten- . ' The building and; contena ',‘'....ete. 'ill'. 'still' dp.wir froM the Woods in" .klbe: • .niated at about S.6,00'; itnuzre:d,s,;ofo•olloolVsti:'1:::?,,0 i.'i,09,a;eobrimtdhe4,ffbe.nei,It:cc,1: , ::_:,,_____,,,___.,...,....:_-__ ___ __ ... ,..._:,_ .._., --:,. . , .. , '7$1):100 oiziii.sfore .fixtu1eS,atid•'$6:(1,00..on_ •.t. •-,atoeki: Making la 4:01m,ititlilaTie of • ;;;.-77:_16aTIGo,.7.:i,i•it,"7.1i:;ii.i."-i.'-1137:4:::•:::;.::1,11,(.ie±.7..,eilli;c;i,tql,.(stg:-..' - • -, r..,V g \NA?, 1. , ., . •, -,,,. - , .-i4S/7%)!AltN'Eci e ittqe,liusbands adertis tx, havin 441eft -bed and ,lioard,”' 'and "thait shalt 'Creditrlier, pp ply'•det the 'YO11owhi0 'notice :in in Allierioari,Diwor by an ea' Wife: • thko.4 this 'Method fPrining 'the -.1mblic th'a't ii heVer had • bodi,the'borct-ha- a1was:t'been Wed • by firysein•,and ankbe :no one ',that wbold: • • eredit.lias..alWayS been* •nineVbelOW • 'that -h d,tiet,get trusted Me. own ahirting;• and, nOW Wetira *eine en iis 444 •,4 11 1,1g- Mr- . F. Rinehar , neys and veiiy ireqa,e*t. was,, folloWed by painS. Which 'at. trnes wre, .very sev.e co.; Th • doctoi% sai 1 had inflamtnalion of -the .biadder and ;that an ation roiglit b„iieceaTY;'-'re ilus nd began qiing •Chtt:.'s kid '„ Froin the .hrst few qscs 1 - felt the benefit, l'he • paids.itfet, Urination. Was ;derrettecl, nd1 haVe had no .1 r. Chase's lAcifiney-Liver pat) oil 4 dose.' '.15etti. 'a box, Ali 'ilea.irs; or iddnasul?n, Bates , 4fis Lt,, Toronto • • , •-• • • 7,