The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-02-01, Page 5tr. g .44.4 'P4.SRAij QiJ MAN rn i.t. Teosort' of the death qt the te, 'James A. XaePherion. barrister, .etc, 1.'4 alfill,carajaaLae. -the -7:following; • Tilos doea Kinearing loSe• on 'who - Was more thane citizen; and old resi- • f .ent. He was an linstitution, Every- ,confe• ev we. toyg! ,to the •AtrilsT.ES AGAIN. • , WM:thy, fihey were In Valic:odier Iast' • . yar at the y,i'nie tie shirt Were both: 411ek and tnable to. ,see each other,. 4/Te belon'4,ed 'to tbe Kiueardiue i:ieas Clak, 014 lilasonie.'T•Odget the 100 I* "andl.• thd Orange'•corder. ody knew 116- "was a. inemherof ,the- Board .-of hhim'. He h a h " gers o box. Qhu.rch. • • (From The 'Last Friday LvJanatrainto Parwood.`o!,1 .husIrress; We ' sat ripar „Itie end' ef .t11.e... ear Ab.out : • , 1:Jt.',•1**90.r the • c.z4i et14 43n. the •Ot• flpys On eftern9011 We' took the • •Cardine s•toneral,• will, be oday. (Thp,ru- long he had beeoin.e rt • day) .4 .2,30-, j,:ta„ oisdoe,the,,direetion. eVer of tlie.,Ua5.04k,'Ordel% , _ , s .4 _ell here .and left fet'o.tlier,parts.,itriew •••, 0 o• ' .Who. Chat...ever §..A.,w Ali,n„.eatild.,forgest,„ 01111,NIZFLINOtt He had hrn a distinctive personality. . „ „ Carr'rikke• '-'11/rd`-'411:e7Vgatelf,';e11)T'Vhienlorwiii-o •1411.9-6t:44P4P•tiagligt?;afalia'AUtiljli: •Ifidiest 'poSitiona in. the, gift .of the, :•tewn. He hod beep May on several opeasions and bad.also..been chairman: of the .Board of Education He, was A1WaYa........s14CgesafUL-M....any-contest .for -71,171finicipa1 horiOrs: ile wns.1VlaYor forty years ago.21.1e "Was,..lVtayor again„ n 121 LaSt'yekir -a-, Inn.,to the Papifie, coast„ He •Was then 78 •,!,'Years of age. l;iruce,Peo)-jle aveiima warrn„, Welcome whereyer he stopped. • At:.,Nrancoliver -he was the guest of • h.i,nor Ortlip 'Bruce Old Boys, Ana, orr, ..1) *air. back , he was, feted, ut „the Ports Carry Hotel., by'Bruce People ..nONV"re‘. • 'aiding in Winnipeg. At VancouyerThe , had thken-a cold and had,to o to the hosbital, being threatened with pneu, xiionia. He made .a reMarkable recov- ery: Hewas a wonderfully strong !man,' • ' Tin til: i'abopt, twenty-five year4 eko he 'never wore underwear. mitts or over- •. oat in the severest 'winter . weather..., •, He was born in Perth, Ontario, stud- icd law in Toronto, praetised for while in Whitby, then came"to Kincar- dine where he entered the: law•-offiee ----of-Ahe,late-• Alexander Shaw -,--also •• Perth Man.. When Mr ,Shavit„, went ,to live in. Walkerton, Mr MacPherson • *ent:into 'buSiness- fpr himself. after-', Wards taking -into partnership the late Xiimes McK...Stewatt': • ,t •Mr,...MacPherson was a' bachelor. He kept lin the old customs •until his death • On ,New„Years...„Hey , he made 2:ca11s bri.all hi•old friends. He yiSited .;t1,3e,siek-and:selislotin misSed a funeral.. Jntiiaboit tlftetn 5'rears ago fie kept . a recerd of the -funerals lie -had attend-- . ,e • . ed. At that time they. numbered 2000,' He kept in touch with friends of other. • day. " WaS. in cor'reSTiondenee• with • • Adam. Brown,. a...nonagerrarian;' •and • Ikp,-14t1.11,-m,vol;:.44).40 and; Itn4c- VOY- well mail we recogUize that it isn't sophething that isgiyen away-+'with7. out money, and without price.” ,.• Luck is something. that Y9a have to .earn as Vou clo, your:bread_ , have never heard a person spoken 4logeoir;rept*ilatmeir-fle." • • 'stuagir46 sat a 1,41,Y. Wilton) 'we . e seen. sonry Ate SetitlyGrei;;;.41-10. wa's- On her Wart° ,a,-.nnblic meeting fft, •liAilpvpr, We were.'sure we were, right When.:,thc. gepial brakesinan, „leaned over teur -seat- lind-sAittt='!'rn.d7Irdif-seii Agnes- • lliletthail powdering,. her pose sand 1ok- of As lue ,:y. without smiling to, .myself. - ing. in a, miriltr to, 5'ee-if it,was'doni -And ,-.1---haVe, listial1v--.4ig---tc) -/i3Y$0-1fir' crigjArr'.'1, c'etb-air:: yotiii,...01,-,:i7611--,--p-laff( "Well. I am. of .thq.opipion that he: i8 . gong 16.0.;in the,seat 'shut ,Conldn't.uttch:' a 'workext." ' • , . ''- ' • '. 'the '.1noyeinenta as the ladY. ineMber's . • Fo.r Wark.iis in: reality'Vie: tree'that. tta...k. ma& to..., us. , When we -got off tw, „bears the ,frnit. Of luck. - - .; I. train. the -veteran coniluctor;with , s D3n't -waste your time . ben -1011141g, . ,..;rn'errY,"-,tWinkle,,ift'his eye, sainted uS your Inek., That's; why '310g have nOrie, ' 3100,.:- `...pid :yea. catch-. Misa Me44h.ait, : Lne4, after all, ,is:criretty. fairly rd -is-• ., with the the „powdei-. :puff '?' `' These train. 'trihuted in., this niOrkiday world.f• The ir.en• had' often seen: tfieir-owa',WIYP... hiekiest man .isn't. the one who makes ,"dab IC little' poWtier..T'in' ,tlieir..• noses the Most .rnoneY Or accumulates the. • oetore attending some social"tuitatioa,' greatest- fame. NOthing like' that The. iocky man is he,' who has discovered most about .h.iniSelf-and uSed that • knowledge to the highest ,degree for the beneAt, of 'others. • I have a friend whb seems to have the ability to Make everYbOdYlove him is an inSpirat,ion to me: But, you see. I know the secret! He. Makes it hiu'bushiess to hiveother peciple And "theti • r'Vhy, should ‘the.y. noticea• woman Ori. the train :going t1irouh tne..sarp.4': • nerfu'r.niaiicZ,4 k$ecanso IVIL;s3 1,.31n the speephes She:has made aboto the way those kiiiipPy'tittletown had 'givci-t her the .-cold,•shonluer when- she attenitea.the 'colieKi4te ;1:17stittite, to 'them aslholigh she. Was like ord inai • v....Aro nien.___L"heY„....didAl.,reek.On_ -now lie- - that pie hectic of the ,elty 'and, the, 'he, . famous,: which „are:mere. devta, • s.. 0 •'f, haVp, •eitect en the onlylady vI 1' ..That'S.-the--..ivay.**that thifemoci•atie :Agnes has suc • Of courSe.luck, 'doesn't function all cuMbed to thi3 wiles 01-' .the • w,ickecit.: the tiMe: Neitheedoes: the apple tree. :wOviii and'.beclaubed nen rioae. in' it .t7t.t-L ••aS. far as Conoerned.: A man lic;aticl viewed 'her 'features, a .14 ambunt to • much With 'Sea a Welt'. to &win do all 'the'linie- • TherbeSt 'idea i's to .forget 1.uk.'altc.).- .ge'theriiSt.....gcr• right riri .you .have, and .':d0 your work • to the 'hest Of 'Your Ltiok iv.ofel forget you. -Hecause..li'e-. - "rs gorge Matthew - , -went to Hamilton last. year. to, cal . Seine-of:our .wives feel their skirts his Old friend 'whose' aconaintance he., Will 'be'. Vona'. ern:nigh. before .they .get • had formed When .Mr. Brown was here . . . . • one --•,in the early: seyehtieS....premetiag a , . • : ; • •,•, . ,• . : -.railway mneroyi8e 'Another bid friend •:EVerv. orfee• in a ...while Yoti. 'firidsa 1-t. Hain,. of the C.:Y.. joage 'whir. s rl&alf$ • verg sharply, te . a : ' ' was.Col, Geerge . . . . . ' 'R. Co. the Well know, 'author aud..ia, reckless driVer who kills' a 'little Child. . 1 • •.• , • „ _ec o a vanme ere s one feature..m. pa ,icu ar againd triorig stable: acids l'Or'the • you'll -41.piirectiate abon"f-!ti>ront,c, nalximuiwperiod-While the method '.- '_.-7.0tak4.Eciiiiph-tegt. •i- s . . m which:the.galvenizing-thotiotigli-': '..,Toronto S• table, EquipMent. will. , -work•-'1.-eisiett--Weel). • filiiltifietr4lifing mire. nrofits.„. :Inetal and the of Steel tubes ,••Let .me eInii many advaiitages'of as Well; Thianactliod rttroritotall,, -..pioof ,-• ,b;:hrlirird Litter—Carriers. - ME.LVIN: ck • " •111'14, -,iii St.1%,A.; .0f. the .presrit, i . • '11::..44-..74-44•10,-.;:',€Milicijr:Is bicip-viii,,q 1 ., helit ;11, .A7nikerton,..1;yst NycOti '.tthai:1.$?' all of -thg%.9fil7 ad'ini.Pi.stl'e0 ' . back .in: their plOci,a.,the ..operulug:ot I. ...the lesslon,*.bii Ttiesda. ni,e.ht,„ there ,•.. iieln-gbilf eight •.ehal4q. In : -the ler= soReil•,,or Ow, 'Cinplcil, ' !I've bf.7,the "04' 7 }falling iro1untUri17 retived : N ;Ile the- ope t,Irrep4-W ro41n (treed% • ,. e fra e ,fa , at„tvP,1)4'•:,7,,, ' ' IV. .teld ,,,.,ras.:corrts,if30,0**,;,01.g: Board as -P<Vrii0ki 4 Rraoil ,,e••'ille''' a , . a 5trohg,endoyseniont ish.5's',Oilee&etOrs. of last, :year'S"-perfornia06.2c* • ,..:1.-.4..,nornsinatfori-7 f.titr Warderr-ler , • 103 resUlted in the 'following, nine Theeyes ' heir* firopOsed -Lippert, of, --71,...vai,v4iipv-0,!7.-dr-Tps411t,,slior17,6,ster, ''.(:)1'.. • ,Paister,, frWin 'Of :Huron.. :1::/aV.id--'' ory' of 'Annabel, .1110.75ttie of 4Fouthr.- . 11.•Plit0111: 1,3`,.Yeys'• of ' Wiartonr, 7i-VO,Ocr 9.f.-, 1.CIIP.r.qhle' and • PII:dnn*.'"..(4..- rie4tr.I'Pi: ' ".. all Nit '',AttsArittle;:. 'Lippert - .aiid ;Forrester 1,,,retirgd, the. .contest par- -oWed: down to. a; ' test: 'Of .• iti'en&th • • • 'irn on g latter; '..three, and: resulted ballbt rec.or,ding; McVittie 11 'LiPPert 13 For're%ter 6' Being the J ah BeeVe FOrrester "1itbdrew, mein herg lined .nt) on. the' sect- • ' • Fei4:14ipPei•t-• MesSrs, Bigg;.:Carte,r, •".r."`„raigr, •Dobson -1t;.1FX-er'. !§leguer, troMe and: Weir1..15:;...' , ' Atchisen, , , a.tn Olins ton; ••• • • • iir,06).-•' D.Pitat•I • 1,1:er aren 101 with .4111'; thein ' !.:Q01 'idie••• ;- the .lis';ult.' • J;I:rsoil,• - an:,, iirt•fefl on Ai ssin. 41-;,•ci th. rio va :t.akOh•oht uif ;histh" ' ()lie of iliake a W.Ortraii„ 'she .hast.bee,nr. ...• • .-srucp - and' 'in his: wfurat address ..trstiig to be' attractive,: thoS , • ina 'Continue, till" tile' c,rack: of , itr•iof vnitic sano tlic 1 iliei inOst- 0(0 101,1 111 eon d ting tlre • a.f- v,itzlit‘Y: ,c-;•••• ..v•It1106,3':,.all is an k 1 s of Op.. the pulYlir-Were &ies-tas.tes; iand %iii,the..bentghtect: 1.1 ttixtt. benig...ilatd for Cosiiie- H." • 0.1.0 ,-4s be. 'Ilk..lookmg•irefor • spine relief • frOiii. niissioriS and .in uanada n e ic kee'0:ng: vein -4y. .re p rese t ti ves, ' I u.p.,,•with7:' the JoneSes. .11 ,,J-sgnet,,.. a,•Striking Co niit ' trot as sho ha ±01 the niiiio ant f ] : so !sl.z. and, 'eVer:I. 030 ,11.fuTiqd. each •, ca Se- • -being •!1.361...ter..too.::.fer an -ielierninite nIai, an tiaii n an• 7 '.; wotrion .al.)%'• -ay 4 , • be ,,otitof tlie i J1atui1 bearitiet's' 1h• may suit the cli,e0g PUt• 1•3Ye'r$,' and coloi fiir . riose;-•., "%Vied. t "•.• .'" hence 134‘e.. reCourse..:to- 'ads' • •••tiljod.eir.s:.,,tip..i.,. ...il...,h..e.: ,i.:1,1111.10.).- ...fois' S..Out.n, „'k..i,....,,r,• %.,,,,'.`i.-Dehseti-, Tifhn....•1111Keriie-''Os.:' unique temnime„ . ..1 ' ' - v '' • . . ' • Craig,' - 'oersonality.: She..has-, all the foil:ties '-oi- 'a,4-11"•“:1"1 •.1e'P.13•" CI ‘:• Preg-'14.' '''': :her, sex,, ,:, ,,..; , ...:: .:... .., .„..:: :. ... , i .. ,, - ..,,,,,Iptip,oli' iptil,•(ai.tei..,, ..`„Petitions I ..ari-d--' Bylaws -.--- SiinpSeri, SH0,1'1'..I.N0-11".lit,f,st.A-.. ii.),J1.4.11,1 mqDcm'alchi• w,aiideri,. ' •Stronie. -and' :.Jamieson•:. ‘,.?...... . . . • - Matthews",'Steanisltin •Oiripari'N -,;lio,uge ",.Of. •Ttflie..'e--.5?"egne..r>':!JQII.:Ii,',.' r14.' a' .:&e.iel. the %Ham ps.te.a4,1-ieetn,.. .:,;teil,alici' the:Wartien:':„-;,,':-- wlf.cir;baught 'SEUpplies 'at. -IN o.iNtLiglik, • EilUalizatiO'n'-,and ,Salaries;--Xelsoll;;, las t-..4:pri,1 .Tlie • stkeii-ient:Of 'account, : .! ' ' • - • - • ' ' ' ... :is-, ,:,..711;.,1,:44 .00...fono,w4... .,•:',....'=":. ,,,,-- .,s• ,, • 1.11.rn--•... liaTnilto. nitTidion,,.--:13-regg;.‘ . . .. . • . . .. • , ' • • • • , • Novorossisk; and • . ..-O,14i,174itzp"iii.5.ie444,416:. bertsrzlii.'7e,147-' j 'eritor -711V•11:77''. ' 77- - . , . . Was unanimously passet.ty4s, . -11 - g: e 0 pSale rice: tNaturaiColor,,beautiful ful best ltalian leather arnishielt1 Your own selection • ,..as: '4. HeaVOr 0 In_ . , ..6.0L..... ...,aq.10 .,....e.rs.r.ke4ble: •640,....„.on.:'...,.r(i.ottiy.....:,.IftiOs.:::6.f...i....Sete.ted .$.1iie.-4.ir,e4.',..,- n.S.,...H.4.as;:.',,..41.1...,440.4i4e$C tiiitt01.1.4.it 's-. •:.4„,..tint.7-gra.de...c.Oat,,' Pe,.1.)1i1.4rr..':.C.fea'r.," ..ingt:..Pticej . ..: ., . . '1...().:01y..stio4roct....q0.::otycoats.v..:.:p..4ttir.4 lt...-1*.:40,t,1-4..r.j-kil:tii...illg.E',..,..H..00...e•••.o.t. AriTtes't,....:#..iid: ...*;.,pry.:....tOwly.T-pio • ••• c or, " wit eclpiebe,$re :Rediiced: •;:- 1 resolut,ion' nes ..'.•(:,:pv1s...nrt (Int: .prOr. :Aga• rates,. : orclei*:,instructing-'tlieir,,i•Otirement.:is• iHig.hway..,gprinnissron'-'.fer:•:"Ip?„3.: re ' to ':.be, r`escintied' and ' they,:,ret4.ined.,613' i'ulie'd an'. Ilqe',g 00'01 Jiw in :of Tio.1-. ''.the job': or that the Goii..itielf ...i_S4o•-:- ,6i3 '-taking -'"eNt-keeve -".Ar- Mel\ -41.:41s' A tng, to -:.provide, for r .. their, perisiOning:..,place :,..0h.:..,the'• .goard, the :...riew.-„com,' i•esOltition-...that: Biluee. County co ;nrittee b-eLln0:' .,....OiripOsgd. :as .. follows: - . .6* ' • .„-arojj.;!: -.or in k e d.) i x • t. 1: liv- IIL.in (,7 OW) wi h oplies' .Purcha'sed , ' • ' -Soviet RosubleS.,:-... Urke.V.• , • 1.4-ii.(m...14 'hire 4,000,000 • ' Jiteipietei J400 000 (three). 7.50-00*00?! :Butter -(tiv,o :1;00;000 .tt . . c, - .SI iflshe—i,o - ^ 'YY; bil.a5Se( .fpr pse -yt.;:rat•s as. 11 c'• .fl2-0-•'-4.-E--b--(11f-:03,1g'•tha 'f-h±- r-Edellii_tYlfctilf4TRhadST ''tev:er,,q, _nit4i4tekt - .a e sal a is, - ia •411-.1” ielPa.litY.- Inv- at --tile sgess nse tit . 10 Ile -:- el...6111141a t Refuge .sli-Ould-reta-h the pawer-Tof wit,„Nti 1. • bout _4. • , ' ••(.4eptitaticni-appearel7.0k.ao,l,e ..rembileratiorr; ,• : h? -11 "kkh Wi.th 'the qo grant of an '.,'W:lort.11).'” 2ount.,!ol...incil:apd•...,yentilated 1/11111.7- - .ei" id! :'coinplaints • -the- • , . , . 100-114013 z.N. 31 h.- as A COI,CIAA'‘Iit• ad. 15- , 0i1 to ci(jual 'Inn:punt ; - 'conforniltv.. with :the, cry fnr• ' , g • , • • „ .„ L the • Good , Road„ in , • ..9.1...,„1„t3r_a-,,...ay4d. .-Bru ?Th) 01 that Of• T'e.e7s atei';:.', Pr'...r”' • - , . ..and,Sart est Corn i -•• • " ."- • ., e „ ist ear: ' • ' - en -vet used -permission to fillet' • •• . " - • •- -ProP644v ,1•07C.-0 , . Inc sa aries!-. o County- " • • ' • - • "-• 440 • ' •fr •-' for.,t , „ he ,c2.0u,rea 94 440 ob • So et at' ' a lain- :Er a s u :be re(itie'ed -Kr:0,111 82099, -,t°' t • , ..• . , ena 00 e e ui1di fioi to S700, Jail 1,1 1800 pe eu,CarotaIei of County k;.11c.• ,:13,; 1.0 eT:-.17$1'..?11:'.111 n'Inue'dia"°-ti .'• 5;rL:4:::jt.:°i;:arrilelinadac„.„-:.,...r.t.i0:2..1't's. ne.11,1.1 the:, 93:fi.o.m..(g06,-.tO 75; :\lati.dri....0f_t • sal...n.14the •lake shO'res to. Bruce.. 1:011r.IOL1 We 111•E''' rOilhie.. at 'one time • wa,s:wOrth: to Sii• 1.11;1. 410112,1,C1 y• . ;be inadi Os _ , . 1, o \N. - enc.! I el 11. V.,••NVin to 1" PA\ t and - .. as.. ; poug' • 'the- '..fo; the. )11,, RUlpo:,.•e. install,m roont uarantees to You , ttra Weight • DepOdabje • Mar. Safety and Promptness- :01;ira •sTest Tratment :et IT;Juise , 12:efugef' CDIPInittee Whlq-11. .-The-.--s1):eeker's • '01H1.1-dre"ri's•- . . lade, .0 ,s_p'eeial--tri0,46- the, Ord f`P SObernror,v • " tiie Audi d 3IQmSG to .() nia,n toned that . the -shores,. would be- , (I qffaii' The iosu1l the 1)61,.:•(141%.itli above,. recination5_Were potte1i--ith- g4c. Thrik,*,yrOtt.,1)t, -rot! Conntr-,-,14001.-„iiteT 117T vn.s•t, campinix• .g•r6unds •• in :a Teport-:.fo, the -eir.etit• ..carrricaz_Atael.rcet With the v.a2-ittRthat h1li• ragf0.4fild: )111:1 hi cOItirt\'• .TT -o' . . . e asksa triat to ,cOnvince you Of.the. rolitableneSs7tand--“Pleasatitne.Se' , Cream Markt" ILVERVVOOD S,' LONDON, AD A • Western-Ontatio's, .argest and Finest Equipped Crearnery. Main St., Lucknow, 13. AiTCIj1S( Our local store is open from 8.30 a.m. to eac day, dna Saturday evening until 9.00 o'clock 11 s nieaning;,, she. ky.ai .6y hit, instittitibil.,7,Ther.rpplri-fittee'ofeel';.tifaty '§750 , C00)3011 d(i tsoc.li;t1te .sc1iciiie • 'Would!' he hi t,he host'inte:rest of '01'Oii a.oCou'ilt •:` SO; nip c,,lf *irk 'sana,:sls,se..a. 43132.ittee • eekl)iiseci,: if •Mrs...siliniisey,:woUld, 6921,r, - do, .. ;1 OIL .MC -It it les s. of, A 0 ....sch,q,.-oth4i.'a4f.33;;. and'that': • Usked:....thai.,',-his-•;:- selary„,, be ".ine)'elitd tont 'Reeve of;;;Anialwl,, t0';4:edn, a.Way ..f1O111 fioin $200,9• ; .1)(1:r ai The..,iyaS' an't%Ointed tt'i ten 't1111':u.'isri6-ti5itt.lilitZie.orn"Ai?Iflai:eid...-.4516 the .10;ter8- ti,oh , • lleneeforth'leaVe .'(..4•Oh,vert-• "fhey.,. brigSniijed.f10n1 di 3,arged: mal tio,yees arid, 'their 'opinion, are,..,the2 reStilt of Spite' overHtlieir disch11ge-- .:1111,ese,,I3eople430e 41.1:64..been hearst b3 the Cbn1nlItte and hen ine$Li- ts-sk,er.e..,..fp4risl4P 7 b. ti I1i:6 71' e'.4.6'nf tI667 67, fig, '''`:er$:e# hs,',/ifie'teepei-4174; d With the evceptiOii of Otie. member., . . who akts4•46; hmth 'hi8 ivote 'teeorded 'the:ahove renort„was u,no anihibuSly adopt(l by the County ounci1:4 " .PensiOnS4hetved •. The. questioning` Of ,pensioninLg, the Ck�lei andtOtnkey on ',1heir,:retire,, • n1e12t,, and ,whi?ch threatened to...nroVe O ' moat • contentious- affair.. at the. 1oo1c.13 \vita '1"*.ritildi4W11 ,.4n141,uniVal4ti4O"n ftOlU11311;149:tti;lit11,4e.t7: ylattire,' Whieh that theeecil tio attIon 41 the matter Itt • satif, As the.: OVO':Offic;als'gre• also to their Una the Sprin' 'to .thliv:e4t4au" golat :that:the • ▪ .; . • Lion'011.e.a:,1:.,1%'''.' ‘.t.lf61' asi 1.16 •placei.: fi',.-••11,0 •gu ' ilini•or•-• : ,. . . ,. silii',:..... l'11, '. `i-', .. - -I •, will. '•the re 'f: (1' .. ' e 1., .. '1' 4 ' t' it '24.'' ', l• ad .on. , . , . , , • . z. Toosilav,•,rt . . . . i. ..,.. ...,.. and ' , .tr'l*vices" for'Alle . copiinir .0thet., •ft,rateat; Freight ' • whot fo'rward ,,salaries were fixed a.§ foriheitlk rianlp"- • A coninljtf.ee Avas 'aPP0'irteti;to..(b."aft ft> a.g ‘..'s•tt-t4t.e ofl Coati EY Clerk $1200, •(aeler 8800, • s • • • , '• , • -MOtt'Oit- Of!,. .04'61 .T.Liink $600 • • P3)6.1. -.pot Rcuge 4200, .speetet„g• egii:•$.1.200'.. and 006 • tot. peiies •• Cup for ".• V011ewing an": adreskh Mr, ligninotit; Disti• A &ic.......".Beireaentative,.. thrc.,;.,Cdtmeil.„..deeided 'cup: costirig toiccoiiiietiti0n 121 oribp .tio,nienihers the:Jtniior Fayttio4'., riiiproofti&at ,Ofn. Which :harVe ready heetli,-.1otindad •at •Pditt.: • WhiCh are 1.').-eing dipened. at Wtilkerten and p,to be property ,d -the broielf that, will iijf it 'three yore. 'in "cee4s1611, , • ew o. HigliWay Colanifsoitoi:' • The Of .th'e • 0.0141.ti .61,)_,11.119 • riEtad. ' v•• • • -ng Sti , • ;took •Very. sick. svith :triy riCryes 'and slory,r• er. 'aria • .`woalti. `::talee, • iat,h. . so. tswoomisizi • 'ht 1 ne,,.01-7,. .1,11f11:11t •.11..,;',.,t,• . . ,.. ,, ' 1 , ., ct rt'ot, ,s1.,(.-.4•1 Al. . 4 - , • IT' . ,:::.e.:1.:: -C'''' ,47.•',;. . Atd. )',.., Ak;*.:Iht : '1 itH 1.;..:c012102e01 ' !silt 1tr .1 44 1.s ISCrt Ir. 'it to, 6'e1yoty., CliTASE'S 140 Ceuta a bO*hill Otti,k.tlii or tdnituitiont'ttnies &co, -.Ltd., Torohto'; 4, 4,4