The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-01-25, Page 3R 7 e55 A,_ k4v" c 4 -0 01" - M' 7 14ji aimd Lam J-ii;ke 16 M16. :,19-31. G641 T lie ln--w '41"ge thm that wori& W.-Ou ffie zwt­ 0=6 WerKr 014, Jig 4,Tger Cqlf�PUCTED� QY PRCW,..;HENRY h Y �e CL INKLL no* ]Wie &ek - - - -------- C'pltao" hik'P ect of thlx:, ep"ej",j�­�p, co**' on _�;the ser M, 11114 ficaders1bg -advic 'Ityr�'�il4�oili,.tubjlcts.,,ipeir;,;. ni, �t Adore*s 411, quq �1q..Profes$o;: Henr��,M 0611, in This d SY ;4re, qf,The W11j6" 0�hllxllinq% Company.'kjrnite ;. Toren- 'th reaf� reamon for reft tim" viblen h A '4301tt that 14, conditions' Ow UPI to, ;!nd­an#,%'errs Wilt apppar-in of ' . ­ ipqlymp 16 thot. order ng -11i.,whigh they rtafn rich inaw fand qWM, are re;eJV04� Woeq writing kindly,fil p- jeryr;want 0, ":A"i "tign tLl'iS.PJR er Alwrr 'e Y;L;4n*n Whose so a, that� t ho' 1A Iry that P stamped at) -a ix -AburkdaztJj-­ijflsfJ#&, U11- -OU&IS*'a-It4er7to� VON the, jlUeStIon, W. -a 'groan4n ressed: inveldpo; be-' a D - and a efniil tkie va#- �encjosed. with i�dTcqie, 4K ee r-Ith e,, a i -his. I 9"k Y, V P�r sequre� is 7nerpi� n6thi -impal 40m- 0 tight' 07­W-Ra0p )Rubdj�,blng Co. �Ltmlteq. 7 '1 areaft, gulf" flxe&- nis j6, thaiL reglit, 0 be'* M, t lit � 'son, b4 ealth has 6�4'. aile -for Tien the time each A "��J6 Y life, d. 7U f be 'g; n� gig., Uture lift U. br '1z;deng wa. emp-rd.o, at Prgse#t-, Answer:' A-',$;Otis�ae",iry'ration, for 2o �i A :J= 39129 So of., gqPo4 jimotfjy �aj,;,Vlt ­ies. Div," bid, plent OP;ioftunk , " . I I, st..rWh it'lenrib6s, He it had bii"-g�rftt oportDrity. 114� 1� M.&ed -small, anioupf�q.fw�ciovipT jn,-jt­0 f, on: Y, V , iii, I b 0 Jr two,. 02�ftsj %&tor `life joy" ever line" f OvIr er of, -a o Cf two Th a r W a P, er o4t IJAY,�,with'.;661n� 1, (c i d. i(;Orn, 1hree, p J;i A 'Utwikn !Me' If, V _a "VMS eXpMe -e t' Von 12'� Is e W 08, ay, T oint 'd 11t.4, The inaili, i en. t th ve :been Corn stalks cut up peri meat, si�rap. s fed 1pnftW.'. We reap as,.w - In .3( it A jhL An"Als' had Ahe fi� at h -07f .111� -ii I. ol fi t i dafly unti �re cr4smed' Vy the Tich 164n. A . e, tim0s - 'L ' L , 11 love b J rUs vrni tile -Ack nian's op. J in 4he 1W A L-dirzgg bly, min;zcr� bei�ts, carrot.1q, or, fou f r *k lellaws.' ' I - or weeks old, aii4 .. L. . :. t, was not ee�rt then 1he mixture on h. . 11e,'Is I" eq* V In rabb,aj�e- with th 5 -le , ralf - IA!d L at his gatb. demnsWi6n in. heavem� If A�1' Oqg; as ic" ih sePI -all aw coo Is re not:-pF:e5d-' I m . 5, fax= is, t M d 11-1 I_ . eY ATY s6c g7io.r�;,,, V A:, 27. 2S '.."b ki;, young-. �to�JE, In feede�m. jift, to ff, Y 16 �UIe a� it you, hxTe dV* -firet-%en- Thig r; ;1re Orstipal Can bG, ei proves la, parlicula e "a fourth'� ed! vrith - the crom The Orientals ilito A, F�om.tbe third day untiNb F I, h request of, the rich, mien � geemig, one ks are g4v�-n constqnt.ac- us, ev, wiped'. that doea, Win cre&L. He can. .1 D�, ch9rgein tIN6 ration.that w0A tWeEv ed. no, knivesive forks. Th li�� the I thqr4ing Is, solicitous w9tild 100' tUs, - ci�ndiitiad?l I �fiar� c-, Id :ki d. , L' -to 4, Itiopgh, of, ilry bran- gra on �iece�j of-br:e� which of+js.br�ftim.- Ile ITTo*n .,forr o. .:for 4he throwii,,out on. treet and `the zl' e,-- liqk� AndI D. 't t I to save themm f7pl fqt� ltut� uring -the firs -,�o'Wiekm a mash devourel by beggars, or i&4�& t-t"fi, A nl,2'V' ij - . . Ilia bdmmt'sutgeaion alat, t : behind it they;e - be4 �a-'," as v., as or the of dogp� licked, h6 -so� ne. only -e -eq tion: n 711� baf if he ;�� i4' rohi� ual W4� e m67 pitrts 'had had"a cleiar andi P Tif ec*IV was ione tib�rt '(th;*e rd",n&)' the'�-niash mixture and- J ertile* eggs. ed' ak U minist,ry of kiiidi,16-a ll� j , Of _able warnjog,,�Vrbjl. "in 1 371 is �cliMVD�l an 0.- boilied!for­about� 30- minutes- widtithen ro� V(hiCh,*,ere , ega . .... . -41ie,do" es 7 per r rded'as jitd weW an ith wdiei and- dg -a'fo�pd', g-rin er.-� Orn e, 2hill of-e0fimb ca Twt 4-e u -sed cl, d ,can tare praln.'Whitb m' &7.9UPAi h thli,409n 4oimaiw.' Jrhe e"t, , d-g he ha acreage'Lof, eaeb i t e L o ftt'hay... thje village to ra. �,D4"le Tenger. e sio and pU 'a c Ora �ed- �,corn is idso sc4tt ed,lon avoildel h' sm �Ir -gro pf fhe yl;ch'nL,3 Ale -9n., of n6t4ecL ;A*e.of hame Wn I 'r ;and 4 1 1 ' cutting up flie--,�o '.p!Ljil6r Wee daily duilnocr, the: "."§t f W B d the ry f -V 29-. 7il hs��j k,(6ft and 2 LS T IN 8 rn " ­� y p, id uOt-buili b7i4gi 6et%�een him' 7 as a oino of fe, n 'pomsflAeL to I %pr fod(�!r. 2114ut, 2i jv)U6 1A, (% I I i � bg but, Tat4r it is giVeii in- a ZZTUB S answiar 1i that be . L' ' , , f an, - Wet- YS hims. ee�m r"Dancel W n the paik �and b. p f4d Zl-a -S]hOUM be e warrung- a Ing stab is to' rit ' , and -31. rinbt -Be Bridged, ]a h le ii to i�io 2rFe nV%W 3n ;be prie C. tink iu�-m*ps '04 w'9ter -It, the-Aitter. w en'the chicks a Llf had, I big a n in art s6nie if,Jef "' h t G witer -are -ft. "Goff, liblaii"Ca e d� k g z in t! th e; warm. scl�a I "N'soften up th provided, t li itock A k, times.� 2 M teach 'rob, essArY 'for life -L' In thieJaw azid nrn�vr Q` ln#`35 on R. Miss -f eed pr6,ph6ts.'the!'fj4Jau . -1if, ' I le. This,methqd.,of ­22,­� llie,+WkarAied,.�­ iitg iv ��Ontinued.. Abl tX Of i is R -E. a #ob-d until flio, S mom -wag�-one B -,,-p . bosom..- "Ajz� A 0 ',� 'J1, -a4 'ki 1 me A �nL --1 7% ve of.� h" 'at ration. or. youjig �!dcke&, 1 -he'' 34 be en'a, -the je,, DC'the phmi�. tbi w y: Sho�' g.2v laying i�09n. ,n,,,t-h of sin 7 ess watAbt live- &,qek larm Ai6u, 71� Id U se ' r&4 the'Kiare. ttaje�.�f Yesse n sit f6fth for'I c. and ry� d.eSS*.`L Fbel ROM Wi-1�1;6�ed,` bi hee&�:, a� ve tibn and legS'l)�6. is 'If 'Raw"Blid tile pronbetz to i istruct J&= them, rpy.:., Ile na-me- �,crov T,'� q. f ftt,. some, ever tb r-ua;mpafts;--"l rb aim �nd Ww4ld. geem �6'tLb /JtAising t!ip :14-1 Sbutdaid !is b �" .qv6 #tM 0 col e. arelS,, 'lk floW May bo%jq, �ci VW ""ll as unny ..20 tan, ti in uddiet ailment� f 4idek �breithihe loss �6f Petite� anj IQ7 N, in sows� les§ - milk, -or theL'iffl of the - Nig- k -Ar. - ft had, 0.1r, -w-w.: if as a sb� an 33 ree -are pretty:much, pi.eventa " they iv�111­ ne went BY. �A& 4A-A�. A e-wre's m n, ol in 'o ble-� e,�tij, , , b' 7 fe en 0--7-7 1 th TfA fkd' the hi -7 .11; im��not expensive ir_ And bg"A Olt �q�b ba� 73141 A� his fn.,:h% io iL� quaTte L :as the* "'!h a mastards, a J or qivarters- t'.. L The r 3 Pleads for- =me% ;;%fle 0 the 0= V mo antL.'* =n!JJng' r, IMPPZ:� 'i weal n R K. 'th d L' 't all siiigle miLit"al" ir regmOar i�tinga ti� t U."okA P� 131a -ti imirJar.,his.- bre r, n'. once 'Arain!'Im (�e th6se Ile Uri 'Pvtor'sharo''in., Ta says tbat hot'316ck &f knowl­ - e3r'PaPers, Zscusis" An4 d6mon­ A fOrm ft Is tonfined -to th 'th th tiaA inilL4.", e I �.. n a.rio: Ayejio lingness Mee'. Btra 4�,94krn.e,greatgx . :: and. -1 t*QL� orms:* l as 'b .4j;� mn�; is. ecieurs in W penien 120k or., i;DOt of go.: Iff: 14ZA� 1 'atL *n fbiWvzO n: oitder tb h6ep t e udder el 1311 '-supeAcial, 1,!iftdI in bell, .�-1 ea, t�e Clew the n -e W, eyes; e. �ammal shoiilld 66 IL L I str res of g "wid-- in Haides,'! the Pt in''a *hilef in: the. other' formi '.th� jpje��t of, n 44le Joes' Wj miast remenbei�i'thsl �,iery Tew �.4 Zo 9i, sour�e �,of starel. W not,' awn en Lai�Lr," from the us am ye,, in Ae'deadL Tbeige, exprieps&nS of' e1jqnOt A6, , '�n f"r... ' . .. 4 rjate.�; �� 0 wn ancills a ected e""rL, got t* r .is JLP On e trfttmen+ shoold bepriompt and 'ot to be- tAken Oteridly. :':S,1A0e ze6tioMz,-thgn is fikh. Besides, the� cel if ileineinber,l 4�:zio, ibrt t�;, Irge isholild occasiouaNy: edL APO Wash with bat bav, C" tlile�, 4At6il 5"c'I Lu nr4i� f 'or W'ih'ter.,� 'D ipuntles 4,01ne �a�-. - be� ener; th bel, fi6zre8:, Masi. coiiimy "iv� '" - I �L5 I 'retic, as 'the lOn�ger e*case is.miritual faelbi Th'' ber Or 44D. - . I ,$., SCM T ern 'din" UbBe' as n a. beii�fln (Ulu. soap,r a64' ­a -iter Th e one vIrtitinding e amM 11 should neejoctet' more dff cuft U.'toe- fik ib -a �0'-the lniaba�-t& nA 4td]dJL lie, housed -1 is, rach mian accumulmi A his, 1§laool" to' it, i�li �,-a �thaf ng that i�.pj is at 1 lffe�of selfth:nessearries I As MeW ' am e ti�ea -thi in for comes. Ibbi e iac�,A curie... Th "WI A Itself. -the a —do of fqtqre-.� njig,i -Aie 19'JiIot chargeA.,,;pwIth t'he -.!X fl-ited -nd' ee Jur, of Quen 9. mL 6 - In e Mee; me P1 we suppi W1 th" empliai�ineik >bf ery And uiJihap' J%e rila Mali b" esenesij. His ip Doze in J 93 " ut. his. !Oin was', hvirt] GTMauon i�- '' Hsi bGwelt� should lie ke' T, " 3namwn to Renf fe?�, C�v tW -' 'ne Hot'146rh H tational, i-emimedids; tgAe . � I � UV4 n Wns bFien. DaRy exerrise pt both 1ocaY and, tOi hsd'barred hlmieWfr�zn- Abrabai6i',� fbasks, '*ith Us friei�ds­ he p2mpe- S T, 11 blt' L� 1--- 1; 1 � I IS 3: iiinpie -an '90' b d tbe%wel. .bO in A fr6m., ag this blesmediesi hfibself with luxuries, and Alilic.1cies. In lk -1� '0-21. a Um`ua 1Y - If 4:,are to ve give a ca ad & ective -rep v '12'0' r -St Of h arb" 4, doh't 156rige that t je of the T "tugw- ;' t 2ay 4�)" - '60 Th, - a haL .8eith AbrahaMM .''And. fa2arus, -.buy, 1ut be, had oi�:he��rt -and he b'-, L 0,41 "7 Nfe; of cc e 0 whp-o to' iadtv"f��o_* is Als, a. b g; plicition k nSOrV e xo� , A ".the r. in preTen g lud&V fL, 110 10 C-cotditionsof.himsWam 0 jSt1;0- the most im jtg t 129' eAood 'for "Ch gi�' 2li-`,deL.---id;Bd.,Q�'- ftDRI ti ajljn�jt$� ;'�[ lof. d.i one, 4) A Lazat�q n' fe�N 'of inioth his" FkMAIA'" Hous- TILIlUISitell Are 7- are: the.tr entua VU ."r -hu- 1, 1139 Thi le'are S=, -n --Cong "UL :the L udder ea ent �of garg& T%e�tbgjj[Id"' L V Teve L 1112ung'T. neddy-neighb r�­:- It is thelingli" S,- fam, 'V ta the e 96Ddl 7 Afirmbi! 'tend '%4�,qq3g '. - -1R.' - ­;� (Garget) -is very comaloil � in heikVPI. tbir.he not only subjects *bich rn the, " " , .�# - , " * Is 1 . r�=­ sf;2ftej,cjtv,- �am !belnj� 01geed: JiL p 7 fid 'Who' Ignom&-1Az-�-9p.oke- -t&1ng3,,baA- ktdl-And 'th tlbe�-hom&.­ Pf 1119. ji; on, 0 Dmn� greht Jun, lived4theim oss 7 Ju "j� -- wmA, �4 -a quanti 'Aledlor tboni -i, � n�t niag woman's i TiesponAb ty. It. Man is jhljj�ked lot ien�e,'and tender,- and' il paced in itand. around thiii udder Aie� o� denied IAZi grieui, carried 'MW bar IM LLL . .. 'd,- , Te tY of�ti�ad';Dr'spent,hl arus.ndw entilea i�e g,� th IV iS rule, that the ---nLiM is h1sigood officl The' "Surely ke'llith 4.,J,tjJ,6 , ';� ' L gian . _e 'L jbarl;e,�R, ui crumbs -Of Our' is ai � I 'g LL d# *e, it Can td2.� soil, :be�.jkeplii', 16ps sbqjW,�be kispt lt�t­. bread; now �begs',6 "'fir4sof viiter.:[�Chr* Pleized 'n. 7 q,bra 'or R swMi 6ped, consti thfin C iiself? 114g:hL L" ; 7 pouring upon t M. hol P� lle-,9-e the With -a- -good n Pitiful; er stand of bew" f.. I! Ahe g3wid, o1i thelbwer so t Wffi-21bd,­hN posialar, hieNef L an u6t rfabe of *�Lte 'CAML'bei. SH �feiader� g exercked n#A to'iscald L. the, future Us m9m e abdom, Moe C= L troubleat-.4wip, th bi; two er-peoples .* _an4 ta.. "th I Of TV 46 th d _tr M 9 Y 3 -am e n eacb ..,fit Ion_ -:0 esbod am, 1_ ­09WIT _Jbt� — nign we. ­ir; vur so Be D,. fe� zhou1d'.-,-be,diuwh 0 the Utz 616sm& T.lh�- r". mau. gracii that, Cbrist, 'AuWert e, Ha�,� 1� tai;� S&.4 an �n ewtablishi�d, the, calf _e Tecaperatibn V191414 that i9lowed,40 Auck... -b lbb. thL W dq '.J that Agfi, hand_ _k%l for us k%nd and, Ale e iAed,.-AEtq _Wqod�' n -ble-, truth fliAt Jh­ is 'ib L n tt uir�d- a =ease ve3 his E -.f6. camii6 nefi dfg�nt e'. -e gin hat �e glrlla� 'eir On or L ting the benefi Ie;ban&rabb=-.­ in A -b 'bamlia, bd-.,6nL f--".sedi4, ih Wt JOA 10 kh d! In ment; for mulis wbo "147 e -6me 'AIA thl"' 26.' Abraha xakt, t in b wiome:d. tiab rd wn 'the 4,ff. tbei May merg*�IL of matiow�*iWlexOiqz�4 '0 ' -­­ L-L-Al."r .. .... � A�, IN - 'I I " COMMO needs iof -t, of' r -lippe n We -,4 =age Jjvi� Ing -a� �Te�wjv Jin ".&aCh L 0-specialOy'the-k&;erp of it,,I, 11' grow,vine well,b 13t 'dt2ft *ilhbldwx� to'the-'l n6d 71Z -7, blessed- did, nothing �to.alj side -finoy Tber'-- gir. coulk, thei-Such -a , * � Pr- teat In �c� Of J&US $hdluld. -starfle iuppuratii6ri he­g�,) Itio nmy-,di ot,o wORR4i!i,' 091�f�qg on-xich'.1,00d p �"Ceilr Mii;etlis-V lof Other., A-1-160311 said, "gle: in 9T 0 1 1 hO in noon each n3orp me&t'or, Wider- ng rutdie.3heseJapportum, of If -S JUL t Pefr Y- BeIW43nna *in g4tie At PpIng - t -TI be. Ah- J- "bj "' �� I -- L . . . ­ ----Fe .. L, ' ", ­ _ _&e Us �t sm e, 9n, %I An- 4urn� . ipyffi Itojtng, Chi5if i he- veriOA 41if-hient-Li & ll�­5�'.M,�'.��� Of­"ail�dj V - wry f y "Mig Is �Zpirlt W ng. anv.-: -,veif 0016r,-. Eiarus reCl�iVe1,,DQth1ng.,,:t0 his ,�Oi Pi -vl ",x fe., "�tli 01 peno P e�. a mao��, 1 1. ' : #1,s - A t '407 hy leg V,�ent =JdLW1jS1 nlank"h6w, ip'I'A the *rse, of ighoum he Ahl 0-t'o lrba� --JP and Try I lle,-,��.-.,t Th, thet uEeful Y 11 :jE�a amad)cimk bereea W. J F th 90on T. upon g and 7 indura led he4th,ii0AiAh2e,A ft ' - , W!, . 0I, the qu dde'' �1. �he School 'Nurse. -nere r 0-'s 'VaET , -u) �-�T �q -1 'it 'it 'it 'it -u .21L e oiber-, -p6i4ol rM ngrene.oceu y years sucl raii liis� the -standard.,(Z; th, to do 6r tvill I+. t: be'ep ria� Ar��. 1�a and one be -ng� ()r,t g�g ie,ani� -"sue 'Will'Ineed t' 40 b-6. Se 11 ]IJOetier LDii4jr7 - f. Shivers, the reMOV 21213re, ggi an an gram Y -Pafts treaf�Ld'.Autir, IWTtt in!Aier'&Stri�u* 6i, months -bufi 7 abou in�tho d*�s of il tol .1 to, -Ae I U I s.�..a '..d aen3w3j," lrshlbrt le-distance-iJetween'th -Pr6_ SOW want Ae.� peff thi bolvis n -7 .3 1"du I ]lot f m 11 in: he m -'s, A ot— o ea, -U at g- T f- a i a, V�kfer4 and tbe bLei, e d, Pr M0PVS=, tiff `which -- !in:, A. detM .6f th4 neuf JL;l- �'V' Pigs —3k; , , , Z , . ��, 4- " a 7 If 4�iii,.J L;6ig a 0� L Wre Vigi��,iei;; f0r Fwm-- �7 amer Wne the nwo, - ­ , Ja6Ve6gth of'tbe they, AM -buy, -by islit fl1.at-A:t2-:1* -ut th . iU handled 11 by t4s, 99 �thjngs--tt Colon 11at' d 09 Edo d wtanlzftuoa�- -11ft.41f. ,tbese­a1ftffaAwbY '777= 7:7. r7 42emand :1" But Meet., -K;. =g, WM adoi3t- cohditi6n#!, bi -ce the' U11L '12TV6 PT5V*9'YIDr-tWh 'r -to U- mpetitive -Are-, firm n la -et. 'Ump Many, `RRM zn6ch- -of tbe minersd rtjquir,�menj-` 'tj? A in romwing �tioi, P nle. il A- A �plendid �exarfijge' is, 'o tbe­tjg�l by 'rj�'t b" the Way wheai IS'noW JeSS thanL:,50 Perir 1 0,# may n, Wben-onc,6 this inethod-' T z age.-,, i1pr*IUCL, -it tried ft,is� U N -d up i0% n,6�, isbTn� is hh'sidWil f . 'I me aimidntiWled. � I �r ".L. PdOy.'T T) per, c�nt. ot the­`�vhe�t ajop A%�d. ilitiTre, ed 'of Wh� Wkh r V,03d rA*,e:t than is co�ope` 621] toJed in thii me _Jdi� ft b7 tho. -hattV4 -ii soldby'the fa* nit M23mer 10" 04 ;�ndiieni me� a er� %1,1..�t�4,�' a :for,: copzmf- ft �Xquurly. fft;m re Un fter RL is bArt�est�­4umping. �Th Of. 1191r6,,c6n-Sbmeri nity', T�C*Oft ]�Itjng them Persde, Ymprovef roa p and. #u, j;�Ing t , 00 Y it Ative consumem -A" 'e'' 1);; Same nilArlwt. seven, freezig Z.2 Immoftaiii-0,; ior;a shouNt AIN9, d ab6.A -t co, or and aotive !x. cor?9UM101 Tha t ;l3od -3 n -at-* -kag;6�- eTA�, tf�. -part- A�Wd.' &,.but a I I ehi*houa M or, IS, ;ta1&q,z1qlJ m f. 'the Sur jjUs And4 fioi 211111,;1791 #ff4re 65a 1"U -as 0=50, le as *m"Me, and*! Y�,=Ict3MPII-e pion 'i S. 0 b)e A..fij _+ ) fed-ta.tbe mar�` t4sne 'k. . . Mer when, alone, for so IeresU to in -'and to re -eofitftJ f 'K%,BeAb*k tbis *�e -*ati �15". -for 4c. pi�vtk,�tiot, r I as 't!46 C0nSbmpi1V6,de4J' ha,ari* e -s'. '9 ...M'TtIng, it: 7 1 5PE "V 0 L., stm, as-: f , - b.� so be, st p . I takei the '111tior"'111 M�t. . gthene6and �iil4u Un 3 '�Ulrl ne a4, i can 2m" lie rk 4j)�Jit4 ay Th 'n 'R _n but ',jM6 fa$J.�rj, 16 bo njU'ngo' 'il'o'demand, 7"Po )�J a I "of �� L. ILS. -wen all' it 4� 1�x on or 111 -9#Wn t 93,n:�-s,for the hi d" 5012111 fiehalth�-: "'on ot6ei'. 'b'y n3:4 a ':f-gp, e, P-(�avt, 1.712A j e v ould- Axts. a- th n it ri�t Qr�eb,' Z, , A " I is" ! 41v W Its, C k-, �(4torAtjo, of, *God '0 fIMM01 , ' 111ghy, �Xt�loho�:: t,&ii-104- ,of - iun:ap�-4, tau- it 'The" Tel g'bf Optat.164,ehder�d That prrc:u lb ,IX .,oft v bae M e' unnecoigioy bg,�a it nd ground t OW. . L, . It , 6 - , ".J. !P ;'fifty "It �, I I-"1.'- �­ ti a a t� JAt :ft6l, :5 RIV V777- ,.n rasp ri-7, -*intee An bje 31� rr;rn dinlost nothing in the mid Aus In 4K3 fl-Ush, 11%'e "n3e Wa.V Awl q�� vw-fti I -ffm�- 'r I Over or of in 4 X. V54.,. 02 iaTT 't seasqn-, f r'OOZ. hest, ? UJhmer.*T,.�.­_ 'Iarg& L, P6=euia`g6` coxieUnipabn" 0*6ee-& Jir)d Ma nx tft mark fn, $alry, a,4—nn arg'a'- -6peni to -lill-0 POL't +A Of grPR ti hr6u 4' & Jt CO Fe .4nAi*0UIDg:.Ae 01�15; tIV-0,Y31Y 4illrAnds 'A " % r6duct 4sr sold Of. a -AT141 nt F 1.0 an May, end, 4 joti. ohj&o doe( Jfx e 101IC'end L;g^, at t --d At V� &IM -S 14, a 'f� ��ds given1ble, ;a tha � ; _bje pa".. , , .,,t �, L " I , tr a I , 0. 0 ie 1:es *irataOT'i, �,r$y IT, Britaft; Wng - ess T�2,4�� , , , 1� il , e" ;016. X. LLJ,b 'I u94 in G me 04n - y 0 'Ono , poilnA f6rt-, 'Jfl�.h JJL'f��iii ce' MA, �Iiolb.!' I Apo Wfihd",00nkufi2ei.' Aii tied' nt. mon from Month 61)1 dr! Wgf� isu*x A mt(In A dor but IOLA fhf� Q. oig­the' or ontbs. Jn;I W,ki ,0bJYAziI e:a lie, 1,�l 'M11d; f six, sayen ng" C; Eli ?,N which Canada:iupplies that M�arjVet,. rt4' All �v ge, ph K mery. easn y; - to: t�le diisil' .�a y, Pa � - �, I jrj6fin U41 - . A ' Y owabd JRh �60ft Asl ?d w.16fi,tb6* tam Am, as 11n agencies rou Is 4 Intl? M.)"a inei:'� allofthe47 ",grf MWA,1102�a is -a sQ co nu A 4�hnMa. &ri -e�ln of, JJn 1. det P� an thtt: wfio4b'yeari;.'�A GUAM -dVrlh�tg' 1#tt!; Iihtl '-Ihalf. Of -thd l d' e� Can, MA t'ji4t ivt tA4, A�; ........... ca� he'' Ile �J I- Ahi:�,d 6 pr. q pa" I mrbopt $t r!t J:7, F, #hF., (to: ft pro, r Ara. 14 te., -46oY. baie #ut­jhto� %izf'1q,4 doligir &r,@ry A th & 'XOA 6� 66! N661r!6 Of 0 n.far' .,f w4a� �,�,,Otta f� ly 'CT The, Tulocr,4 j(q, rr, �-t: erAle, jjbt at nit, J#2,4 ma& Z� ' ! and �4"na 4f I ta t, alL boaeo�ejj regularlk",6,7e6� *ej& r ,mw, r 'JA b 'Ueatk ­wlh wkiy qL- Op. r I U q Wf P osp f'C' r, ilk tN, tiod, IW6 uctloo, whete W, Other,.' ras th-dy 46 *bdutt,oW& ni.-W4,t' At, pointa',of AIM. -014 !�.6 . �5 Ulhg, , ­ -v A e P ro'd Id his t th! ' fo&ct Of �'V" j arm 'mix"tuve t jq�:flj' Wt� 011q4�jj agm -q , I , t, 0,1j, r�, 'etha" c nam an where, 64 W4 hate All JrV fS, f4i�. 7,hk 2V k*,q B, 'ranij i�jj og �:$01,­ -the to �, 6' "1 A I " 0 AT firk to the Aknihid, 11 " f, - fi, I % - 1 11 Lr4k' I � Am, Y on '6�1 owica to io", ce, IW40 r tj� t,,- L t- I pm� c eese pn 4-i �q I I ­ IL "" 0 ed is M4)re,,'un m;ii -is J0 "A.1-th )I d,� #ii6i- 4st at�t vo- )11 to O'Vek 66fit, Ij s6kkr Wh n C� 7 6he kG6*,% tb Nei I ft 4;*& pe 0 Ir pzice�-,of TWt, jtj,6jfib& bl3er;, tbe''IjVer m6liols fr6m iruoe, 1.16 X, �tokr. ts are - Dew 4IJ Y ift, th$; )A% e -i - -b U "MO ds, 1,00 th Jibe 'iief 1"91t, is' more Un sops* tlofthaiy, 6t -4"b'064 Al, the J0rj#,,t,6! vti�,O' A -Ik J7A ��,o of 60�pt�', the A o 1, 1A,�*; , !t I ki� onih� 4to ho d*v . 2 4� I I , Tr,, Z, �ll A CD At No .�* �;*� 0009�