The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-01-18, Page 8A V11Z -W7 9 W, M 4" t 7 JA r q ir, p 04 in v T, TY VA 186 %C, 1 Won, A�t RY 1 -Tii F: 1, Old, v A J�:". AgA)T IV ATR 44 S; 'A"T C A E4 b4ckliply Council of, V Jan, $ib, I;y1ein wol 'a* pT4�- 14tItO*40 Th 1y' 4�6tlnt`. -.Oqrs, of the 'Statuta� r Ing of ot; 7 g the,, fulli �entlnel �ubsoribe�k the he tollovitn", 'os _7 A andidAte at Duz Neir4e. At CI .1 at Ali %Xt c ssary Idmarawils_ P, Q_ wini C. _gc Valn,c6i4vov, W Volt L I A ftetL Al theiP :(4",; 'hose deaw. In. h J 1 8 1'', eve;, m me 4ji Yo , 4 are 'im'. pet I p r in' a, 10y w -lit tabli&,w at ;s 4*'p, 'n Ucp�.tooi,thar V Appreciation ,of 11 aa byl-A rien to. U�i,4i i "'T'At. "if- *asedj. X -r. w f-�ttpressed ' hii )Z. no J4 A�,. par -:OT-p; v:1 I e V 6 - oi.4 bb 4 b p 11 1.11 9:11 vix od alcom. dt' V hp funer.alof, Mr. Puncan, C.", XRqT %,,o, delibOatio �.00,, '0� Valtaq, in, 4 'the gods -t�pd �Avl (. fr ts,' T'b p, A d, 'arrulib- II �att" the a lr ken 'e - to6k place om.. the J aii�-, ily 11 tu AI[aQU6n we egat twbqcks 1023., This Sentiment was conquiTpd1fi, re rp), e, names are, nio mliket)' .Prs;, Fkrlias� Ap4ort w44 'Uhav0dabi 'the Cqu cil citing. , be. 1,sAlik'104, p resideqP6, x. St., on Tlaes- 04 epurpie", a' riing, e itt, t �!Wvwl, es 4, ',tq deegii -,i B�tir 1,�, Rev. in, ordei q� pr�mjneilze`; at on Alex- sickne$ii The mi� 4:13s,, of the, diffpi �s then pr9r;' 46 re -b. -Iiqn sop -o clatin;-.- �011010 ---G-6qd$,­may--dq­- day n jai Var ;seht, through a s. oti of pe�`116 irkb ln,2: 4, approve d" ra'eded with j�l o J w% -1;9 n -A -ft -law -7- ­pasped­ p4i,, ch-'resul.t 4,iAS._:,fQIIo"W,8i---, �44d ig ed� *its pol W lihp�Iom -whi -ore rermany, Arthur Wei n"Sh"Villitt I vur�:-s -46.- , "i, , C - . 11: 4 " 1 1. . . .1 1 . AlippintMen t z J, ThoM "A egsurer-i M., Tr pson m liting 1:!1, . - I x1iir, heir iz reinter Dru h year, �as:-TA s4dr," Ross Mur T ow - surprli$lp 4. H,on Ficlaiiiii " - .�,611 I to SAlarles Yor -t oa S,� -in'd Wn! Price onaild 3. MeP j4pAilister, n)n. a "Ietak I - ' , lit OWS u 6,� W; I �See',the 1111111,0T ill k Ge6..- E .,�--his if, pobodv' W. else.'does. e w101J �tSui, " : "'Mill s" 1.00.� �11,4,)Jaop pr;' greta ex �myt.h;,, 3 Dr. Case; Iid,'vtSit­' Bier' AU�'X Ice xh�b 609 it4r to 'hond 25,00 ASS-' 6 ir -Mc ohald;'$91 0. Q16- tichiie Andqi40"_­",4i:.., es�ko . ..... -q.w in, a-, ga aky of h 'F' SL L d*' tul,�N :' or. e. is n p, Utta And - Wm; Purvis" ',J� 00. Audii toi;�;- so . RIPS lector J T 6 :wouldn't onn statesmen. in t of. -t-and! Th s. stay' defeit 'The electors. some- 44p. �rp'Ad Wm.� Stuai G G --oats.'are� placedori this Farg Campiiiell abitti "our ited' Jot _N Councillors -each� -I.e � 10", ., e� of S' Q aiti 114t; and. ere, a r times ma ;e pii4tahes.. K yeep on ian( in TI, Is' ftv the - Sentinel,. Ur 00 1 Approved ionj otion of Medd -a d 4 At Half-.' ice rather g�, -X Iast'n rry, GV.�e to next b $110;.90. Reev Any.-,� air ',h ' :` * : ' ' B 'i t inutes neeting, -e, ao*. bff Al �ai of 14caiti 91 4� ''Carr. A motipti wiagi brought' in by a fQ 40 whei6 yoli. shine. 6 - h""Ps"' d Z 0 Ve. c. Th i's al rester and. Carr that - the' Cot "I X' I , - 11 '. 1 . 1: - R" B 'B oy rebatg�,­ I'li - ..:;� He'Ith, ffi Dr,­ spoctior, AlexlNich- iniell $2b*oo blsoill, $3'Per,day ' d- 10 'the, of - 0 -- i,61, I advert atlons.,&r" Sanitary in p for c, per in ve y successful seg4on.-in Ijv� Rldif of $1 X W.1 hA ' 'h;ad: avei but still have: W111TEC ii e of Cleli A sala,ry 05.00' ats, on our":,racks Ali- vi, e I up tyirtibba - Oveteg h 46seph 'J. Tiffin;,111embelij y has; d6layipd,, ii Ross; Geo,.�G; Mof6t SJere- A yea 'plications.� to,,b ipeeived !eiv day.�4 M _-Maicoi etti I -6ne'o'clock ntnl,� February 6th ­ tar Sheep V�Iuatorsj Joh'it Latie, to -I W ic you 01� noW �Z . orester movdq - " . 4 'uld-,see-theso 4ndlhe_ n 'Chat*04- 0146 ei`p.ripes at," hi h- b in,. Detroit recqili Carr',6d. T'ay1iir and `Mrg, white.-Johii'; M6Lpod and J,c.bn :11 . . . . . . . . . . . tb at.. the'. C �!;.5 per Inispectloh._ond. olleptIol-19. 47QII b. p ac�ppted bel �.are visiti 'fri s' q y U whien taxes are, h1l"Coll,ecied. Collector- toyi, Sr.: And daughter, Ma- NeWs', d' Ro S. "Sue s rt eilk� in Er ssels,.� �Kenfiedy 10&, per mile," 3 Mrs F neaster, iisited �zt one way. Truant Offic, Map enzie w 'lbo�n ififtymnifie 'ad, conimunicatibbs, ron, fe .,Mr. as - W;'- Scott. for gectiphs' On - -our s ock�'of� y .4, w i th. Mr. and -Mi" - W' R_' mo er da 6is air f A' t`6 i6cl c e, lufth k f Stock-Takip Te*,- No, 1-2� e 'T io ton, years ago neat. the own of; Ue nowi k ?3-.4,' Walter, ario G;cFod A0.9s -e*j*fle done'quicke by Mcl�,nzie r 8 .66n.9 y, pas ban be a Foreste no ac.0on- 'ere I h . 1116 0* d Tavlorthat t' 9i t Association., Ike that his st' A: Ai �4bl. I _fl ­ . ,.-'wh t e. N, .5-64, J Ines sh' r �n C Tlackett, 'Of'Blyth, visited last for," Seel, Pnqie�� ap, in, orn4ng.. ic hly Mrs. on be tal,,, �Bruce 0outilty -tario n' the pf theJa int� family' wa's *ell tnown -s - Z peipi-al values "."and hkg tions No. 8�9� Q,� t re Ve ta6'n�Car'ried. Motion' by iore 1 o, ceivO�$2,00'per 0 -n 1he..'.cAll ofi, ifhv Andi.Tgylb t 'at'a grant 6 err, i,n. "d f th". i'm m lile: me o his pi-,)- be ja�te p lie �To Si ­k _r��speeied.. jjea L r day'Iiafid'41. h son"s claim,,- for damae to, car,' 'at Anivii -h ADW:: rus in,:, gh d Iiim and Miss Laura Mi,tc�hell of Win, gin, g6s n th i&.ndike- h -do not d -na �ts and, ur ha,, e Odd. A� Rem n mted,',-the Uncil did. eoll-� by. presiL --s 'few days' 'th. h6r'sister, pi �r I . ya e -Acmw Carr "that no nf b on,,w ere,. p. nvade-,,Iiamend- M99 heAdift for the Yuk h d 41, -Mrs the. Townsbip� liable The n -ent-Cq.'rricd­Repf'A 'Schatil'. At - count -c.f, -.,.D. Boltoh-'Nvas present i te, -6in�:, tbtoV as Fingi -m -b .-of- Q� of tock. e arkint�do*n� nd pi gat - h E d g dur, s _,ed in%busifiesi for a, num, er Mr. 4 e n nd Airs. dreen r. as., S.. visited dn M`ov�d by Jt6s�S, secQh*dod:,tiy',Ca an was, of shelf 'joods 'afid.PlAcifig' on,. our. counter broken lot ' w Thursday :,With' TvIr and' rru. 'ShOr S years - I eeswa ��fi'dilnco'-Offlcor, A B.�'I?6ntl d' 64 rI� all� t 6fids Ili the clik, oi'Dawson' '-H - e JL 11 N�,l d- and on reI14 an'd "On motion . It, not' fortunate. iii 'his vilidertak-ings' ers,_that_tJh,p a Theie,Are Cle B I- o �garry Jhto o.Qr stock: fii Mks. rk write,, E. D., YOU, O.L his, returh -he: was engag6d- in the, fur J. Carr AN,64 aCccjAcd,a'nd!,fiIe,4 and,thi 0 C e*Afiilg�out '.-Prices. s Aldin-- Pdrdon h '.And state ditat qe.,declihe tb�. "I �6n will p''a y t e. the spent t 'e A#eell It h se ,S6 p6ds - wid b he- -d f' %him any- more.�in pj:Iel vid $1.0 00 fqr is t 'WEOness f6r. a hum er ofvYea-s in at.,,the e.�,o his, Uncle, Mr - - . - "I 1�� :_7 entl,�W,x ra(leiva, Y., $942-. - Ja 'to L 09NYQ4,require t -k t dhis"' er-ab 0 ca§b` -oney-un I we I VOCM111,0. h* a. a it -sayin cl-yii'of�.Viiinioeg 'Being bighl somet. id --Citri-ied A a r6p6it- ftioli� ill& p'airities';,ap e ireS'Puidolti, 'St. ens pIcon int of �e'Aittlual.Xieetingii of bid otit, were . p Asse"I 6f 84, . - x cel's's'fu'l in' 'bilsin'ess. there, he s inv,;�Sii ,,, 0",�", , iia* r the Presby- gate th lipla H,6�g e tan pnmi:riega n re u rn e d" to ' h so A re the, c i Z' �Iil6tion 01 -d.keld C k'n n an" A li 'brii F,91os'teri, fith b' U t ISO city, -,where he, & ounoilil adjourned t t on 4.6 r1plary* '6th t tion V Whitechuti .,And t r' dRy n, Mill q. as ved10 b f d 'by'' - 4 h' Ii r a -nura er o years; Carr!pd. 11 ove F' nice oss s6condec :W, N i Mrqi -Mickehzie. ha4�'� Iwi e 61'ritile.d.- 22nd, "at at. oIne. opol I rn V� 4 I.:.be held, Monda�..qan by Oc,4[' P McQ ell' that the Cleik-� ori er 4 I An' M ion, ci 'i 'Alf" the M. Wm i u, om p er 11. qjen s in iffererit .'p hces� -baby 'son c -of t dricip,11 World". 10r, - DOCH d 2'8 G_ A, 'ER N UR rs Elgin-Well1w(fo D ies he 4 and, wh o' 70'—.' "M 'hich -lie-'Jived. and *as, k - ' *" 6 mb�erS nown as, -a w o, been visitl -bave Ing her Iiii ouncil; the 'FAlcoii returned 'of ma F sure d ei and 250 og disposidi Mr And' 'Imrs'. +re'a r an Cl k b UVL' AST'' i's rie in ny o Ill geville, __.IASt ag 'T T' who wpip �A f f fia N. 4 in .127—Carried It are ak WON. t6 . their le C It* s �No. financial or.* othdr,,V* iro h 77-7 M o i 1;k_y', JI -ii i5th,­ le, f ��as i,4triuA-: ran . anner lAg am'. z�se .,al p up M", . 1 1. 111. :" .. I ; U - -afid his brother-in-law, Mi Joe Bai' as the 'kin 5 He was a sta inch'Libi6ral. 4n, poI4 t pipes bld ones were Con -G is ViStting-Jv.1r.:an< ewb Lt:b- c o ts'T U a i eli Cheques -issue( . -MacDonald who a.' _a "Sc6bipl� Da' at�A ',b4longed to. 'Sf Anar d n.g . 4 io n gasit. were with c-ofife4sed' to - the shooting teriazi Church of this- div n for a Q G.. 'Moffat. �.Elecbion,- EXperts-es,, grs. in.- Reidj of. Godelli'lh orge A large circle 6f'friends d I V vice . k . few days of,'Ge 'by Air. ;Affios 'CQii .$5100 rani en's' Hos iting "NVifh' her A ugfit ii, -Mrs: -Jained- h�eaper thaiW`.The Credit. Stories an re a re Sk-k Ohil(fr aY; of KineArdinii appeared. be - .family resi f e . . . . . . . . . ives�gatIiered'ai'the. de cc X -he niany. I riendIs -of Rew, McEach_ Oil unic A, Worldj:"Supp ew, ays. bal, �.10,06 if' McNaW6n' IP I6a rr pec s. wi g. SO ift -ind Mrs.'"Arehl The p p7i4$�A. `)I b -shiDar tIla lies $2 95"' f .0 lait but.- ih g ay' their last ' rds i V, . ", 1, Zii e'hea�in to P It as.. had fi .;Wa Ip Und p. jofirx' 4 �6r'bn` s. o `knowm ecessary0for him. o e. -wee on: request ofk o -�;o a. Ser -ii?,, ded §��.:fhtt SAWW-t, h 'Ex -Reeve- MAthers fiali over' tr, Jgivan sl ipenti Sunday :�66t tne!jr J�be rer� sill frii�ndi J. .A q A life, in, the,.Cbunty.,,Qf. jous.,.opeilatibrf last'. %Mr 'Irvhle 'He ty 0 .1 .in in a e Y the crDwil'.'attorne' h wpekjxt Toko'A`vt`o' "fqi�.`�riisent Yw 0 kave'the ge tReeveAll Statutes i Iii latight0ii, fc. ous c ond-ition --Of e. S Tki . . . also. stated. tha T- : , we, boPe� or 'a s�p DO.9§essilo 13ruc were Xes'rg.�M. A'Macdonald. and -:.Hackett-and -,We ho u esi k- _"the 'par ties uj�jpr son, r covery� n" __ ' ' ­ d req J, -A-Wojittitpoirtinit-is i- -M- L'A' I- L �e d n sses-as the' ad bee �'a nilh: 'of. Zio'ln, vigite ilt in el -.1 n I e. ;nqne to - tb e A� y e ongin Tr. n4 en sa P. e ses 'referTed the�.McDd.itgall Drain to .:t e Ill of lex. H k6tt recently on r'. -'ner; James Boirlandi o t t a, S, aws,.an redson -for askih-_ 1,6 Champlol -�,411.ofwb44 ar4 first-,clas S' d" give'7,exce bn Ste Art' J w adj6drilment- -Th h A e iioniii d. beiIin'd qy- Q, Nit -dh V tisi, t cdoujal a T.-.-'-F-.­Piterso 'th- R t4emi- I to -ire MrsIl Ka� iwho wAs sb6tthroUgb 11 MORIA I "of Lanes, wl 4 e a eezi, entriiste& 'ias been J1, f6i the .]a 'h d" gt tw6, 1� th lace. and Mrs.- Stout,�jho 1ay Among those a attendance. ah4' Ora n which. In -has _i: 1 e_-,seliding- im,,� bed-inu 1nA_ oving2�-;'L�ixternor-yzz��f4w--A-.,v in te -4 T.ainrn e% ibr'ther of.' the dw?emed, .,Aitehison who died -in Getnony�'thii The Cou` Y- Duse"-Wh0d tn �With ii -d ita I e Ma�kenzle.' 0 �ue:; ill .:b6st inahufac temper- neil. were auit An nil AXES.—The mson A�e i� uuuuIg­Wa`S-DtTff9�dUhb� -rg-- W=f- it xp Ain tnd., rs 64 iy: filelids here wx I' was: c6nfined'-t'o bidid-as a result' so e I pd majjo�L CTaggaft_.'L_t_he -,7 Jtd, Jqst rightithat, it will lof in' 4r -and I ex;.- 'wiz no Ateail_ WN Ike :a 'ro�igh-1- ' d t S'an� 00se. aw, -o- "Inu TV tlxat arrangement- He.al P;4- -- -, --*�i­ , _­ i,.�, -and_ t-, V-_tb-� e_- J3 "Icel j6ntL th, je, opera ton. 'and ..0 It eVe he is�dead,_'_ 1_,re.CQ.V_pry.,__ X [SO- of-Ahe ��,condiition .'of th ts. afil e and a *avib - o n. on,, a t a. jt jeceI. With a eheery s e. opphig,q p. r ';� ­­----­, _- . f of- ur :ste been, iable� to' get ;'finishiid ese im- f - ----- L dneillor olivel eld, c ert d rain _,.Vith Councillor Ack6rt-­ "Moose Jaw; i. A, his hanil' Co I stated that b`p MOD 0 ered- into Wn-L' ' i e g a,. I usilyleb:S e� OU h _,Mag' �sonie-1Iionev­o.n­an 'unfini§h-e;d �Con_ g- t_. N iainito 6,&e7r, land. JI. I& Still, t istiAte" c-. If" LF I ;. I trilet, .'The.'Cduac:1 A P. L . . j.i� 'A I , We i.!k ,re '!' 'how- hiii' to, h bb in Si okafia�an;, Nell MbDiarl d IL4ad- N.*A requeste t are-well,mad' nd ay.. be, beld:in'kin'cardine nd U4 us dri'eamlip'' il: adjourrfed: til: -ier; r 'ani Pvci New f., th I M6nday F in-, Very a z hold: -the m6n, ', till.h ' , _a St ad gy ewa .s --place 6 % A'.kood.:, a. iri _e_bav'e�_' or a 'Mrs: gneig 0 limited '..quantity tif., S innit_;b0;'Since--he--Iin_, ance ... th eve od..eli4l.Mndies.-L'hand,M�de,,- itit t", a a e -: -46d---Cam.pii 'Alex- h"4re &1 ��j4� . 0 non.:bre arg, Rebell, 'A. C ak 'Macdouga r. Mother'. Er hers and Sj�ier 0, -C erk alker 'I,' ot Im Room,'Eit :W ft .7 An fa "��Fatlie to', carry - ton apparent) c ation of -:�MCD­ er Dr., James Brypn, f7i � . . ... ona. nd Mrs. ARM,. A, ne, IiR:,seeiia ndi e 'Ar nt to hjjA'. ICKS' dM A A-Canier-w: -of:AUtoinobile'Skatek. th e Ts. , . I .lqr-� k Angu procee ings Dowling, Mr. B and on, 7 Mrs, eatod- S et you a 'we no ar �ii comp et es,'we have. ' il k th mijbt, waii in ska't �E4vi4r" 6berle, v 11 AN, 0 h �eiL� ap o.ok.�. t,:;V , � :16T",s'. --- t., � .- .111'' 4, Y6, �i. w. o ne Art 71 o 'e.i blitarl. BOYS!— Aftera�n by, �edtf 'r a r g 'M R �1* �Tackcn- w d-mad4o birch -Misr--� b .1 -from -For illihm' C el in �pp near 4 ...e- Le OL fth,S arls er -h of.birrick 'N,,�ns C ifi ;bit Alft, S ti �Imost. E4 e. old'. r IT 0 0., ikiii, .ei- obi1ndiaii 'b j.", I h m n but h -knife & W., e in , Oei He, 1, �" - L" I . I. goinfr r Mackenzie was around i The: I Ate -,soon- tq_'- Sit;% t .=Aren yi, kitchenI' 1' 6 Not, feelin- W fle in he k' -knife and 6ifiniited, th'. wAs. taken il Oic ed -tip "A vell '.on the 'Aff4rno V v� 'the it 6n o`thdL29tfi of vinr Lit puEK_�possi-_. 'W We Tin�,Shop s at Your. se ice'—where .,We deid-In. :;W 7- two o'cloc wa; 4� to do"in, _a_A1in4Sh6#V Sumitomo; but ra,n w Al and-TDf_ -he -tool y nwiti-i r , as lit: 777� :an WAS i7l, fa'-Wi_1_y­_ cv S gili ysic,:an was called tit' dep�ne. Inq 0 Lo I L easofi f6r e -'r c tet' Ug it, 19 repoAd, -THR- 0 .. S, Ag'neW, origma Y,,. of � N G, JL&, over,. 1; _h The cops I ta tion of ebl,, AlItho h Ar k :�cal;zy­ The- i� 7 nlrw' dware STORR VA Be D118'&PPOINTS; d, D. JT_� 7J' Winghath Grit. and or­ si es,,, j s.,wi ow I e is s;urvivd(l b�, h h It I I . I vierly, ofTedswatel d deat it fainfly � f �,pronounoe J110 Y.6Ungr . 6 nine 6hildrin man lue to -an ektetni bem6rrbage', we �'Uooltrt" t"Vle]Ve'3��A�!��,qf_ pli ' , "I hL 4 kr ni A." q e zmf _yeais�-ago - Mr-- M 7, o ss Margaret 'McLean NOTI�E TO, CREDITORS ViVeS 'him I Ingham, Sur V, G9 SY 8TRE ET �"arrtbd Mi f a -w, .T.TING.,ON' EA th ' t,�,, 1 1- 1, 1 � *b e ntL' . t LEAVE, Ont 6' 0 of: fioiIe ir "TheIambitio'n 0 -many men ia,niiuli- In latter of, ihe estate� t up synipa y IF, ..eing"extended her. f it �.e 10 yito get.6n. OW. In, M 0 e T CbUnty, 0 uri And, his' LtAn th Riticp I licle 6f 4rielidg" who. kndw i6ii, �96 io spd li-iil'h Li6rarl I a : n L i ecease war, ter. its, a W It t by7, the'r large `h Win. and s, - �n, I er, sa, ,,,prp4vmeP Easy treet.":' Graham,, late .'Of the- .0 Iibiti n hd, I d dau;h hd�iat ' e % . inoto'kk oil. at. pri n d'" 0 ' , , , - , - I I . - 1. 1. --young'- b.'' er6 the for I e any. c ims or d6na�as i hoof I ancouver,, inn pex;i an. 0a. -com, n ring--updn iMti�i oj,�riijp�.' "bod' eb htigband And, herself iii.the Yu _V teth W Robeit'-Ofaha* '_­ -a A dit --Afae6iii 2�, e- -be-g 'Aiho, -an I �,p, store rea t act iCA rI, will, _V S -in r hhd roe , earl, f- - ncoxivq-T w 'air f Getting on asy-� in I e ay. ie nIT'sied Opec 16,� Move ir 4 To, r 'ndness Village fi is A* 109� tit the b i S. i 9111 ell . d, or� a or e.. '-o t 'e- C6Untk,'oi rs,. In' U'r bllf6­ in, :th�. Sprin,;� 'Afteii �resv- t, t 'th� f c n OW. al h -,Q iwa/ y 0, ido'� if�, Sc)q,d%bV_6,o it 'i A, ho p ital I I y- . 3hreltre b ro 6 bi.,to,'d ell ve i to 'th e �.0 li'de lis -i P: n e (1,,, o k:e. N, a I k ottbA erald.'and.L'n�'- �es__ -i.16.11felu-experid i�s­ fi­­ I. _O� L e hat 1�0 eni j f gre 'S at, 40. jr -�iiu' r6ad the I' e I t and 0. Will ii �d' ciltiiilt�ufldbr t4e,Will, 61 -thid,gAidl-Rob- ;Ab�lj�fi AT and if .4t6ries-o mon. errt,.',Grahamj the')r, ' 11(f �d,, In name ;U� you find. that . ew dii and full' w,iii Ing y Of I ibbm in thelik of varticulars in A i TIi,�Ig*. ING, WAItX k- lie�'almist IS thei� t tlafiI14 ;'-IIiiiil', statehietti.:Qf.. Al yountr -'itinhiTled, of t'h L youth wtote "YEAsy did ej ;nah 06 buYs A-ievch�jmgefii I 'S' 'L ' ill , `,� , "tip AWwRidi I Martha Anne aving left �er­car, tee to a resp L me , elh came Tom seepti esIi 0 ikrli�-. lield bSF th6ni dull e ing, veflifled bY, affidavit'. L-.,,: �y bp4,.ft;h4 board; and having J�ft' Two call ... L Pa ve (in I al) Pove �p soi ell ey thibir mbn6g, Ahitl' take ri �olothlnj� Oise, be, q.ibnc. Wh' .3 nd ook,, e%rdry- p1raC ­ i *a e; ol, way" t e e�ppUtiii, Will �Y, 1, will-mov 8 th6 birth -Twentieth of Jaiiijtjjr� that eig A, Eii 19= cNe a the, Said IS, be to, i, ni ore, A 'lit U QQ in si e f6r'atiY debt khe May ra' hiefy pluck "ll ir e� o ti :The, pSL tip Ibribut� the -61 e 4 'T fjmeSL hatit ",all -p'ic -6wA 1 Idon't intend foi, be brow outes�, -af 'Pt.1 ca, hi'L'Iii, 1 _14i:0*.­p1paA'1A' -the g bi t r a tia ve but there It L, ing reghrd oilily to 77a —A conve n 0., dh� heL, hall i of am nibt -,"ter apeo dlail'" �fty" iny, own d _btLg je&nA, to 'be .Som' thl, ou iijfied , i#' A ou: run, ng wo I tb ;Ilfout� be -to'. r1ully %toin ir 0 id dkeo ae. f I" ' I In' . "a at the sit W e -el A-14i'l -6t be 0I ix a 9 plalm id,—P�ktllan( regionian,, n �Vpk ly� 4419m, ­ 'r, r " 1 6- 1, 'on a., 11 1 Iopt o" JUL ek -it 6SA a mAn ;1,who ieels ag b1i A �Al' 4§80tj I bracing in the. -atzhosphere 'ell' lia le..foi.th 'I'd t(i tft 0ef. you trust her; 'A, collation plaf dbl!41t,� bill ift 6. makes �P' toeali la k Street §9 of *vhose he shall not then d 'those 4ho bave� li'aVe received hotice" a good tdicelor 'InDapghteir kilowA three lanqI�ioii,4 S1, Y, 'ISL not. 11kel Thils 6 ice, I& tiven, nursuant jo,fht, tit she' 64id get Monk- 6ry-ni .-infield' '',The hr�'td" . we, 8 ou o'*.h6d� fi6ftA Aie formed, hear d sfkiite, InIthat, behalf,, things not be told, with c nrge'it'to­JX0,f'I-V 90Ci 6fiT, L 'th q,!aV,6,, pAh T, "Ing ykm is 'h can , Rav "tk% nt:UVIR d is one w or _�Iety, I dY 6f D60&dbef A. D, 1922 "M F, Gk� I's thit yd'do, '14" A when the WiWflndi h1M out itna,.0in't jUich J, §,t of "t 0 to 'u§ a r ony .0e es Own th noTmal 'nii bVdr,.JA6t *int 40 4XI00 0 toe 400 W#1 lij. ®"41 4, ILI r 7" 17*7777 -77 q gab"'