The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-01-11, Page 1sz,.ow-rER,TEAwni ADY-144;10 arnint„ • - 4•064.2, L`g `141tE sof's'AZOt#,4 PertYon Clyde Street is for sale. A157. Sask.; isNisiting his parents here and .alY to T. S. Reid. , • 1-1I. meeting former 'friends. vETERINXify sultomm,— Dr. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rathwell4fu were at nil, of .1,VIrh,Rat wel The hockey game ,scheduled to, he , played at Kincirdine on Jan, .16th.; ' has been...postponed to the 19th. J. Davison ls7ahle to be about: agaieafter being• confined to, the",hoirse for Weohple.of weeks. ; • Mrs• N• L. Campbell,Mrs..'.'Smith and Mrs. Tweed ',Visited for. a few dayi of, the Week with their sister at Ridgetown.- e. • DENTIST. • Dr. 'MacLeod will. viatt, Laeltfiew ever Y Tuesday. ()dice' above that D'rs,..Elliott.4 Connell. . PARKER, .,OSTEOPATH; at the. . Cain .1-1ouse. Ladknoiv..everY" Wed- n,esclay, afternoon.... All. 01y3Ille ,diS" ases.-'successfully treated, ":.0Steo- ...pathy reznoVes tire physical •causes .of disease. "Adjustment of ',the, ' spine, is more quicklysecured and With fewer . trcatnients ,by. - Osteo- • *ally thog by any other method, •• Miss Rica MacLean,' Of "Toronto, and Miss Sarah MacLean,: of Wink - 44, ' • Toronto pricts paid for all kindrof poultry. ..1 9-6-ff A. GrospoPf, Lucknow. • . Di. McInnes; Ch:ropractor. of Wink-. . ham Will visit Luckno 4, 'three •times each 'week in future. Anyone desiring an interview with him may leave word ham visited *their cousin, Mrs. E . _ , Aitchison, of town, recentlY. • Mrs : J. H.,Carruth has returned to Clinton, after spending a few weeks 'here with her daPghters, Mrs E. Ait- chisen and Mss Hattie Carruth. ' Ethel Anderson, who has been ' year; has give* up that position and will' take a huSinesS course at Wing - ham. • Lilly McLean,, who, for the past 'few month -, 's, .has been at Win nines' and Rochester,: Minn., arriVed, :home: latf week ',much .impreved...4ri KNOW ZONT tURSO • 411 E 411i38 'HOTS 13,00ster" Square iinet last Tharsd ay evening. 'SeriptureilessOn Was iead, by WilfraTigkett. A talk on the affel- Iter Ileripter7kave -aninteresting,report-.ofahe,:-WOrk,car ried on during past term. The Comp- tor's report was quite favorabletoall, there being a balance of `$45.00. in' the' treasury, with $203 income duriag, past. year, expenditures $158.. The . diction of officer's then took Meator; Rev. C. W. .DelVitt, Ceserth, • M.A.,: pretor, Alvin Bowles; Dep. Prgter, William Helm; Scripter,, Alfred Andrew; Comptor, Edgar Rit- ohie•;;; Sponsor, Robt. Helm;•,Telier, Spence Irwin; Director Indoor SPorts,. SamiGibton; Director Outdoor Sports,. Mark Gardner; Director "Of Music, R•ev. Mr. Cosens.'•It was decided to have Council; in connection with -the' Square, so the .nomination will 'take Place. at the "at home" to be held *TtleadaYi Jah.-9th. at the Cain House. and, the 'doctor will Miss • call; or ,MaY tee him there perscinallY, assisting in Brown's store the past A FALSE •ALARM Tuesdays. , Thursdays and Saturday afternoons: No eharge is ,made for • .consultation.,` , • ' MA.UDE C. BRYANS Regiatered., OntOmetrist. • Graduate .epartMen • o lolLaol-. te.'t• f Ohtha :hity4..:McCoraiick Medical ,CoFtege.,C • -cago.111. Three months. post graduate •..,.COarSe. daring Year 1919. ' C _ , - ,ominencing--,--ThUrsday-, .night • 'of EYes correctly , fitted with Glasses. Headaehea; 'Dry Iteliy. Eyes, ,Granh-Z week.: the Band will be at 'Arne- iated Eyelids. WaterY•EYes. Pain. in .4;ini each. Thursday LEyes, • Pus or yuit the: seasOn.: AdMkasion: 'band, irihts. 20c ebildrert.42.,and' ender; :Watery Discharge frem Eyes and Dizzinese caused by Eye2strain. re- 1ieved.throu,h Properly fitted. Glass- ' Cress. Eyes. straightened through Properly fitted Lenses . EYps tested .at "night _equally' as geed as during '- light. : All kinds of Optical repairs done. ,;.; , Satisfaction Assured • ''At' the Cain 'House Lucknow. 9,10 112 1 30 to .6 p.m:. Eyening 7.„ to ..ti9 P.m. Wednesday of each week. `. CALL cni.' WRI'l'E A*; 'Blitzstein, 1Lheicriovi., before•.„selling. your 'raw "Ours_ I pay tehg s ,m pr ce , "You' will 'And, great bargai--- in the ' Dry Gooda..line. Snits. and Overcoats a• and . , , h i he t ark t A story' seems to have gained .6r-• rency An „many places to the • effect that an embargo had been Placed on the expert of hard coal from the U.S. to Canada, and folk with little coal in their bins;., rernemberiWg that Febx rUary „has not yet -.Come, have heeri not a little alarmed' by the prospect. The-Story:Appears to .have he.better foundation than _Scare headings' in -sonrie of our daily papers.: ,Thit these merely itithOuneed that the makor of Buffalo and., the city council of New- ark were appealing or • were going to anneal to President Harding to..iiii- . POse all, embargo on. the eamort.'...Of hard cealThe Mayors •Of theie, Cities, rio doubt, find it gii.ed Politics te,talk , that way when coal is scareeand the: •Woather .Cold,.....The_WaShingtha au- thorities, ii+kwoVer, have taken no act- ion so 'far as one Can learn -from 'the. 'daily papers. 'Aad our city papers cer- tainly wtonlehilya Something' to say. - • abeut it If such a stefi Were taken. • 15c.: Ar: and. Mrs. Win Fox,recently married at Tilklonburg, are guests this week -of Mr. -and Mit, A. E. Me - Kin Mrs. yox, is -a slater of Mr., Me - kiln.. The young couple shortly leave : for Saikatchwan- wheie:theY will::malte their home Miss Margaret MeQuilhn, youngest daughter. Of Mr.,.;, and Mrs Harry seriously All iij Wmgham Hospital Where she 'was operated on 'for, appendicitis on • Tuesday. , The dis- ease had reached a somewhat' ad.vanc- ed..stage, hut the little Patient came JAMES ARCHIBALD E13 -*through the .operation alright. Wilhe.Lyons; 'son of. yir. and Mrs. DI, • • stein. .DryGoods Store. " NOTICE. • • .. •‘. - • TORONTO James Archibald. whose early da , E. T. Lyons, 'West Wawanosh, has -were spent n Luckhow, died suddenly --1Ve, the mulersigned are in the one to Gruel h where he is taking a - market for a small stock of Maple, 4 P Beech, and Birch logs. for .Which We. , are prepared to ..pay the highest mar ket. priee--for-good-stock-.7=TIre-lower- • ,,,,:.„.-gradeswill,have,toi--„be-itte-Onsiderable. ' less price than they were last year. • our having:a_ IlargestoCk ;of Elm and:Basswood lumber.on hand and. there -being verylittle demand , •-•-'7for-goOds,thade-from•- this'Itock.--we • .tan only'. take a verv limited Amount two -weeks' course . at: the This Vourse, wag won' as a ..Prize for the best hafFbeef calf ;in. the" Catinty Thf41tirorrourikL-Yonsife:oini '-••• gratulated, upon his :success ' a had_goi.-ie home tr„sciierid the ChriSt-, crize-withier, He himself selected and mas -holidaySi .:andretired on. New bought the prize -wining Calf at Year's 'eve apparently . in his Usual. OilelPh A year ago... health; but .oh the morning of -New. at his home in :Toronto early the hierning of New ' Tear's Day. He had obeenAeaching-_,:acheol-.4.--S-Onio04. Fails, hear New Liskeard, while his • . . • . • 1, ' -- of Elm and 13aSswood logs ,at consid, _ o o o Year's Day -when- his -wife- teok'his year. efccept for ..choice stock; For ' further .`partiriilars-call-us:.-bY -Phone- or call at,•our office at LacknOw.--The :LOcknow Table•C-04 Ltd -4- " 7 • . . -Ifighes„..Cash -Prices - Paid- -for-all- kinds of raw furs. Let me 'know w en .' youhave a,ny and I will call at 'o ce. . --,Benjarain... Pearlman; . 'Phohe . 5 -. Lucknovi. 30-4 c. ... .,. TENDERS •WANTED' - 'Feir",the.; supplying of .15 cords ' of . maple or beech wood, for AUCTION SAL Ai the Cain IlloukeTiern; .LUCKNOW,,, AT_URDAY. JANUARY 420th 1923. • commencing at 2.30-o-clock-h.m. • 15- dims, due in January. Febru- . ary and March, ••• . • -1,5- Young, Cattle •• All First -Claes Steck, • • • , Dave MacDonald, Prop..' -John Purvis, Audt ---tiPENING-PEOCKEir GAME slig-disceVere-th .,„ that he, had. passed away dimingthe . • An Easy Win For Lucknow . eath was due to heart trouble ' . The deceased was- .61S years-Of:age In the opeiung game ct Group 1, The faznily- will bewell..,.reMembered.: Lea ue-,7-Kineardi1ie---rwent. at :before tae local7pock- ay night by the score down !to- Auiser 011 Tue f7 F r the first few minutes of At .....O_Olcedi'ilik_thoulh,...the.. spectators ould be treated to a fair •exhibitlon. of hockey. The visitors Started off by . , forcing ,the game,.butZafter five MCCOY;tallieetliArittreOlinV ':. ar and from that on it developed into. more inkVidual work than team play: ..:The.„ice.was-rathetheitVy With^the result thatplay; was. slew Angus, for the town team, :plieiv,ed up well for his first appearance gin local The ime-up Was as followS:- LuchnoW., Reid ' ' Goal. • Thornton.. McCoy L. Def. 'Harris rinhostono:' R. Def; Wilkinson Allih " • Centre . 'Bowers. Agnew :Graham E. Mcdey. • L.W. Ferri4 iledleY '•- , sub,. • „r. Bannister. Score by. pericids:H1st, 4.4.icknew 3, •Kin- cardine 0; 3id,.`LiicknoW•1",-Kinear. dine 0 * Refetee-',13. Chase, Goderieh. . • , • • • • ' .Sy__mapir-Liicknew7residents '.eome here in the early „seventies, and were residents. 'ori Gough Street for haaY years. A sister of the deceased IS well remembered as a teacher'in lnr_tublic, School. Mr; Archibald was „orincipat.of l3eeoliville-.Pidolic-• School for. 12 Years beforliaccentitigAhe ap- Jointment at SMooth Rock Falls. He is survived by one Sen._ Harry, .who ,lives -74h lormito.;:and -by two daughters. MarY. and Margaret. who live .with'' their mother at .Hillsdale Ave.: Toronto. • •- - CHCRclr NEWS, A, BUSINESS CHANGE Angus" .Mr.„.MelVin Reed has purchasede 'hasineSS'anti--leased.„.the„:preinises ,of 'the late,Wiii7-Allin;-Of'•"Lueknow., and will carry on a gerteral' agricultural •.14xlm. machine' 4.and „farmer's .supply. ' •-• 14 tore: The Executors lot the Estatenwish to thin* the 'htilitie-forthei-natr,oliage- e3itended to the ilate'Wha..Allin.during henianY-Yearathe -loti.sineaS:„wascar- ried on in .Lifeknow, ahdit is Our Wish 7that the aiinie generous .,natkoriage be extended to Mr.. Reed. . ' • • Executors, OCtite."Estate: 4 • • ' NOTICE 10 CONTRACTORS • • ,Sealed ' tendeiS willbe received by the undersigned up to and including .Veb, 10th.. fOr the renovating of the .io61 U, S. S, Ne. 12., ittit and 'VVest '.fi aWanosti, Contractor to ,furnish all Material: brick ,to ' en oved. build, ink 26f40 to bfald,„excavating dote,Ceeent-ta OUcer building, cc., trent fleet in baileaera, and hrieks 're- ',. -placed, 'Tenders to be nuirked'"Tend, ' 4 er'Yond,the„loweat Or an” tender net *40114141v accepted. For !artily/ Par,. , itillaile'll$P41'*Ur'-e...,.,-*_,,,,,4itre '004- % *4991 IWO: 3i. Pt IlitAck, 's -H441'4, -: ...i,• 111' — r. 'BADENtS,OWCAORiTEAL. 3i i5 ,Per Cent, Protein A ear If this high ;grade Con- centrate i both fine ground ifta nut size, -to arrive nbout.Mondayi; Jan. 15th., and farmers taking ton.., or Y2-ton...lots off car will get it ' at manufacturers' prlce• , A R. `FINILAYSON: NOTICE! All parties having .eutatanding ac- counts Lagainst thern.g&the,Lbooks Of ' the Late Wm. t Please Call sit residenes, ThiVelock Street and make settlement not later thOtt Jamb- *Iry 2601, next, as Ps *Mufti. 1166 F.1110, $144 lAtMC 441004 - Q10114, , r! • ;Preohytoritta- Guild—Tbe first ared ,,„ iiig of the Guild for theneW.: ear 7db-der'tpe-,-.11iiedtiOri 'of ;the :SOcial ,, n!7., mittee, 'held on Moriday„eVening was a .decided success. The -basement of the church waaWell filled and all en- joyed the Splendid 'prokrani ,:whielY was Presented; After the. Devotional 'exercises, Misses Mae..McMorraii ,and, .Winnified " Gordon , gave -ha ...instri-' ' mental; ' Misses ` Phemie _Irving and Helen Thompson. -each gave'areading;' a. male:chorus was.muth enjoyed;'•al: -so solos by MrCnrricic Douglas and -Mr., Alex- M eNiir. --Mr. ' W. E'r-Trelea - .ven gave a very good address which was -much , appreciated by the. Child- ites.-, Por imusing -nuiiiberyir.ttA;11,.Spell-• ing ,Match led by •Mr, W, 1.4. McIteri:' ..-ziev,,Mr,_,Phillipi,-.,Miteilillam-and Mr. McLean Johnston Were captains. Each side' did' very well: MY; .Kenneth Mur - di won outIor Mr. lVfacAlitlan',s aide. At 1 the close of the prograin lunch' was served, The Literary Committee will have charge of the meeting next Monday night Every body Welcome , " tiOcAL, molccra • , . .„,„,giico , p'4' 0'. • 44 '41 • 4. • • • i 0.'11. '0 . ,... , • A5c, tintter:4, •:;', 0'4 i i '4 '4'4; 4 ; 41 d, i''i '41%44: ..24,goc. Hoge..... • 10 • .• ! • 4 • • iii.' '1 44 4 4 0 '''‘ 74 4 4. $9..25 1Vhailli:.44...44,..i.04..i..4 4. 4 'I, 1I . .,.. . '1'14116 ol. 6 •, i o O' .01itli 0 4 i 1‘ 4 444 4 1L 4 4 4'; .4 4 4' I', ' 4 ue 14.4.)11+11114 ,ri2i'il 'i"'.0";;'‘;.)iTi'iroT";',' iik .litillItl.flii'.40).i.9944"' T. KINCARDINE Donald P MacDonald In JailP,11 Charge_ Giirge..1Nr. Kay and His Wife•Shot in , , '1 he Kay far'Peed,' —Wife ..May ',Rechver,, At noon on Sattir ak leap., George N. Kity'; of..kincardirie, was :shot in his 'hoine and- his.'wife was', shot ui the iace,and go.,,seriouSEY injured ' that, :for.sonie 'tlyne'. it •!4'ma thought she 400a notqlys, ' .. •"' ' • ' I. • DOnald".1),MacDOMild Also of Kin- cardine,- waS.identiftelf:by, Mrs.:. KaSi „ the map who did, the shooting, arici he is nOW. in Walkerton jail awaiting trial on a charge Of murdering . Kay and shooting Mrs. .111,9,. , News of the tilikedY• was..reeeiVed in'Luelinow and Spreadthreuthout•the surroundiag-.Conntry:;'Sbon' after the shooting oCchired......„ ...'' , '' • ' ' 'I'he stork of the shootineas gather:: ed•frein .Varioas.sources,l,as .follows: Mr-. Geo. 1ST Ka, his .wife and Seven - "year -el d . daughter; - :NM dyed ,'.....ivere-.: at : ,...t,hey..d:hrier..sboat,12;30,-ekleek when ' 11lactionald Walked into,the lieuSe..11e . . , ... ... 1. • . .. - . - presented '. a ....pape,r to ..1V1r.•! Kay :and asked that he 'high,' ii."'The ii,4 Per' ap- pears ,to.'have..00ntained , a retraction Of Sotha statenfeats ..Which....Mr. 'Kay. Was allefred to have Made about Mac- Donald,: or Some of his people. Kay refused • to 'sigh. and "Mrs:, „Kay, 4 ,teld• MacDonald "..,tlfzit ...'herfhtisbaad- '. had neVer- done; him' any wrong ,' At., this; ;point, according to Mr,s.. Kay; Mac- Donald fieWAnto arage' and produeing ... . • , „ . • . • . a rifle.,,.shet Mrs.,,,Khy ih.ihe...fap. He then. Shot Mr 'Kay ' in th6 'Side. 'Mr. Kat ..succeeded ' in rec,aining tis.•.!feet and ran •uPst.airs,-'purshed:: bY lqac- -D--6iiald Whofired four more :Shots, . each taking effect. Mr: Ray entered hiS.bedrOoth and'appayentlyfell dead:: MacliOnald ',then ,i-fi'' trie..kouse. . :. •The little',danghter, lVfildred iyhO :.witheised;the'shooting of her .parents, hid . hehinda sofa -while MaeDonald was'. UPstairs;.and:remWined ,there .un-:. • til he was Outside. She then went A3- , , tairc,".,and saw .thal her 'fattier\ vias 'dead: 'Returning , to the kitchen .-..s.he.. -;:i6M14-44er-i-Mother,41.ingLOn-the--iloor, ; She assisted her on to. a, chair.and ten, • geine to.the telephone, called ...-11FiFergiiSon,-,Whe,zhoxite-ver - .wa s -on t,, - ;and she Called 'pi. root', ,who'.eanie ' 'and1 , 'iliiiiii-ifere-Villrit-Jild:,.:, „RePert of the ' ,.. 1 - oting•l*a9.064:-sPfeaft ,.a1101.4.-,thei, town, • and : Chief Farrell •••iinmediatey bean • a . search for the „slayer.Ile ' was not hard to find for he made-no- -,-SeCiet. Of .iirliathe had -chine..,-1-1 Iiiiai'' -employed -at:Coombe 'furniture -lac... _tory,....and going 'there,..be.'.deraanOed.. his time in full, saying that be 'would nOt: ha,.• haek. Be then Werri down Fovn -tc a- pool rooni where, it is said, _P'olock Chief ,Fairell.„,inet him on the:. Street' andplaced' him under. arrest , tn the ,Streng.fh of. information -re:: ceived::froni Mrs. Kay MacDonald .was....hrought_hefere-_,Mrs,gay....who. positively _identified him as the, MAT) who 4id. the. shooting, Constable ShaW. -.-ef_F.Widkerteir;.-".'Ater canie over and. took:MaeDonaldto ,the Coiuity jail; ' Joe Shelton, :Who: Was :Withs,'Cliief 'Farrell in his search for MacDonald • reniained• 'in A par in front.. of -Kay's ouse""while4-.-Fti ricw asftinSfde 'lute ' viewing the Wounded 'Womari,',.%Sheiton • says that in, Asked :MacDonald Whir.he, hadever•done-suCh.'a"-thihg'.,II•e'repli,• 'Midi get eved=-With'hiM-;"..ilerfurther added': "Icily said he .Wouldn't sign ,Oo I shot him; and he then said he 'would, 0.01 but I.told him he WaS• too late; and let Inin have some .; '"Scobie' Dan", , • • was horn in Kincardine' 3,1 yektrs ago, : and is a returned soldier, haVinfr:if•Oiie :overseas ,.'"With ;the Bruce Battalion. ,. Ile' was shell-shocked., 'at .Arris'in August, 1918 aiid -taken iris er by .tho.Gerniaria; who hehl. hini. untI the. end,Of tho Way, , • .My: ,Kay was Kiheardine :40 IITM;.-3':•;,yea.ca of- Was.' a aephew• of•..the Mr Kay, w , 'for Many years Was/lighthonse keeper. a•elftlikardirie,. Ife-7Wah-fin7eiliPloyee- of the Maleolin. Furniture , factory, and was a respectable and .Weli-behirV- ....ed young Min He was 11 member OF the I, 0. O. F;, and the funeral 08 ,Tuesday was conducted the. local ledge Of :!,that .qicii3e. His ..wideiVed .mother lives in town „ -• ; •' Kay ...Was 'forinetlY Dotta Caniphell;-4,daughter end Mra. George Oinriphell,,,- of .Kticardine, About five o'clock on Saturday, a Corcirier'sjfirs, was sumnaotied to deal' with -the .case, 'Coronet. anti* Ferguson t-,,tesidintt, The quirote were lames Mc- Ewen, who *at ;mined toriman of the Oitt 1401.1Utiflh•'0•411.1iiciti le 1923! t':t$i1;'7'C'FIr;‘6Yhitd..W111''St.6,;r Rabert ,Osborne, aiyi. A. Henry, ng.:1La:6on barris- ter, vir.q9 LATER —Iri Walkerton ii,4: Donald'''signe-ri-w-v-tatfiin •that .he shot Mr and Mrs„ Nay,. end 'that 'vas pure •:,Spite, • .The dechfneht,which jj askea Kay, to sign:read as, follows.:` -44- .„ • ‘!Ti.it,,the•-acelisaiieh.Of-Q&o:rgol-N-11:y that he (McDonald) )144 followed the ,Xis.4,F•s,. Camfbl1 and C. 'Nesbitt" and other :ruiners "e6neeraing the •fiarties. in,Volyed was a malieious slander and without. foundation, that .duiling' PI& re?reiting..olf. the lGQth. **lice Over- seas' Battalion Miss Dotha Campbell ;Mrs. George intentionally proaghed • her 'husband- beforetheir marriage and while standing in front of.. •,the armories; said; ' `George;, I thought, you said You' :were a bigger man than MacDonald' .to vvhiCh'• he, . (KaY) Trade reply ., and 'Walked away. . miss w:',,.Cabipb011- (sister of ,Mr k , George (ay) approached hie (MacDonald-) , the packing rooth at the factory the sante-day and ;remark- ed, 'I • am. 'going to. tapc the matter _ovet. \•Vittr.George 'Kay,' and ..I advised' her .6 do so Miss cariipbell spek.e. to Kay,:but lie,refused. tor answer. As -this matter-haslicit been'eloaned UP to rri ;satisfaction;I ,anust insist .1.ipon this. • . . „ , document , signature,in right 1iht in th 4.go thatJ may be exonerated- and placed • . • , • , ' ...T ere ;appearedin last week s.,issue of the,"Lucknow• Sentinel.. an . article ander the beading. of ',4',Nairies, 'not .4th • the Veters:.. List", .:which,.; We think, . warrahts:•ari • .„15,te knew...that there are. those in Lirelchtiw who' should have 'voted,H at' thelast Municipal election, 1.int••Whosi-. names hienot :entitled' to be • entered • On the .Voters: List for •the year .1924,, by reason of not having ••,•sufficient - No doubt, tiiis may appear strange,t..; .y'et it true, unless personshaVethe•, ,proper assessed qualification, no''Clerk, is justified in • entering their nines oi -When the, accisation- those: responsible :.for the preparation of the Voters List have been .•guilty of—gioss carelessness, -the -.Asses7-- stir, Clerk.andP4,.1.nter, are . accused.• • There are : only :'fiVe, 'aantes, ..qhalified; .on the Assessment Roll of _the•;Village, of 7LifeknevvTf qr.:the .year -1.022';2Which-do-not-appear"orri.-the.V.Of --ersiLiatx,fer • the..,'saine.4eari...1,our,Of.4. which the ' Clerk: is reSPOriiible,:';One: the •Priiiter and the Assessornorie An Assessor- is!„-netv, requrrecitec 1•.searelt-. the ...../tegistrYr,Oithce.,"torknow -,the."-owners-of4aist-buti-the-ownei4ia7 rehuired to, adViseijhe '.AsseSsOr that he Or .she is ;such,. • the. year .• 1922. there were- no . . • complaints againat the • Assessment,/ •Rolkhe'-Ooth-plaint-against.:the-,-Voters- . List, received. by, the "Clerk;', hence no, Court, of, •ReVision, Of ,the Aisessniefit Voters List, there, WAS Tio oppertnaity iven by the ratepayers to correct • We are v1ingthackii'dedge our "thigtakeS•;,--.;,•et.F.? resent the statC . Meat' "that fliedeffiCials"..respOnSible Tor .the'preparatiOirbf-the,,,VotiFfs-_LiSf haVebeen':.&iltY:.. of ..gr'es4 eeereles.:71. ...nessP:.-hs-wes•:liave.7,a1Ways endeavored . to 'give all Municipal' rnaikers:.., our strieteSC.atterition, ••, ' •- Agnew,' , .. • „•BORN • .:, Cleansed by vacuurn pressure. Plicked in. spotless warehouses. . . . e . _amptightaluni ip**Retl*,. clean, .EIVIr A TRIAL P olesome, delicious. cKA0K . . CURLERS ORGANIZE .:An:,enthusisastie • hieetirig of the curlers. Of ,Luckn.o'w was held On Fri. ;lay evening, the 4t.h. ins.t.• The officers. were, el ect-a-as fo11ows—• -,Presitlent--=W: A. Reirnuy , See'y Trees T S - ..• .Reid. Meniliership:Corifmittee—AE.;Mc-. 1,1/ PerteauS , 4 • • Managing Con-tnittee--H. R. AWn, McLean Johnstone, Geo. 1-1. Smith !A kcal., bons'plel is being arranged; to he ": -Played Off immediately... If jazz'keeps dying at ,the present rate soon it will be.,uhiversar 1 ,SatuFday s Specials Fruit and Chocolate Cakes Fried:Carte:87.: - Onte-Made. Bread Hikhest PriccS'Given'for Butter • end Eggs .' PP ONE 36, YMAN S . , • LUC KNOlir... The' hride'is a 1, oed sport if ,she can see. 'anyrothance in the' cold grease sticking,to an unwashed frYirig an , ; in We e oe fd RI nea gr al s3fa-evWwei.:.agsttrc-oahdffkees, and_itt ordel to re - 'duce these quickly ate puttipg them at a price you cannotafford-to-miss. Artilsizi4i4g4ro LnekitoW, on Dec fl8; 1022... to .Mr. ".aral .114rs.- Wm. G; • Arinstrongy .a daughter --;-Mildred, Frantes. • - , • ' Toreilto, on '.•Iiintiary • 1023, to:Nt and Mrs. J. D. 1,.'21i..-ArlingtOn-.4ve,, a - Jean , •Gertrude, , Smith; was , 'terinerlY Jessie. Bennett, of --littirq't -7; Ltick- Webb—In'''#rest N,V44)vanosli, On. Jan- , nary 9th., 192.4 to.. Mr, and Mrs 'Mackenzie Webb., a "San:. • , Ahonsi Meeting ; The Annua eeting of the LuCki noW .Agricultural '8Ociet9 will be held in, the ',Council Chamber in the Town titicknow, on SatutedaY the • Twentieth {lay of January A:t), 1.62, ateipitilnoefi.'. ll°.tul.:pf-tw.);?(I:c1P.ck in lir: af* ate requested t6 - + , -;; Ire • . • . 7.7Jewelf-ReginaTNteli-le, case, reg-ni .ar .-:,..$14.5, •.,.: ' '-:-- Sale $1050.' • . - . 7.qeWel' Regina,- bi61-Filleol : Case;.' •' •‘ re lar $20.00,,,,,_ •• Sale )$15'.50 Ti ".. „ • ty--1 -5-Jewel-Regina, Niekle.Case; regular • regular *25.25, . - Sale $1.9.,:2 Itly,16 Size. • $275..507,.:• - Sale $1850 • 17 -jewel Regina. ' GOld-Filled,• Every Regina Movement Gtiatanteed )4' • , our Opportunit Cozy ourw Ladies' Cozy Slippers, apd have ° getirC-ea: airPWe °wf" S•ciliePaPreorstftall a,t reduced the price that all cam- afford 4.1 • .Cozy ted , ,• ( W CItS- • • regult.:„ ptice: clearing aJ s1.25: • -Ladies's01,,0 a'n-d .(A.1;1.c'e lriNri. q\:, - -t , _ • .11.1A-arr'.‘,W two ifecii lines of Slippers.in 13iak and Grey Suede, nice for eveni4ig Near, ,reasonable prices, , Black $5.1)0;, Grey' , •1. , RATHWELL-81' TURNE ligatberIlot4 , - Winn On , RiAbbci 4'01'8LtICKNOVV •to A • Try rt. 'for 1)r Q, FooirCiiiifort A1t4iaticos,,- t