The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-01-04, Page 47 '04 77 7 4 '187 WIXArM the VA,fw.,(?4Yer, W,61-144, kiiat "ibil '00 X X LT� )Ask 111%,years-the 'birth jif qvery 4 N, Tum", at Lucknow;i, Wtaido ratio of, I to 252, e wq1I if-th Qse who. A HAOIT Is. q�co from. A rp hoii�R4tly, see t k A'A "At tb;% �the the� ills of' Picero nzlefi, P toi� wbltei: 1. J,ol Ik t, fe i anoi Edito aocj�`ii,*ouidi, first tip "THU4 44 The 'front, p4g6� p -40Wsp A -H _0 N', 7, J IT" EV;D14 bi.ec eo�'m4m;Ao' d next ten �Yea&;, Japlinise 'bir in: tb� gijwj�n,V -gral , t !, * "_-ZE. ),_ - - tit irt S.. Aryl 91 �-e "Wa% JqOT, t�it� 411fe 30 Ant 441111"i� P"0111P WW40 $-AWli­&N THE J? tremen&du Ve, a ..grqWth, inur, _N f ct lig"eA 9 9 or, pop�1*tiQn,`_g6es n OTERS' 1 4 s are W --economic" OPP wGia ig� Vacvs� 'T e, dovgloly 440W fie r -�M I f., 1he 1will (cfbvio bin lip !s4*4q 1 ch J� 11 inerceas!"�.-� sociai d6rde 13 OF CL, n I I u n the 'afid'- yin Vionizit" was 4sepitah aha '$tawt w Sa go A led, that, the names off. Oriental . opm.pe r. Tit, gyp4p. t pin pill "A 6 you t A7 and r fftli4y ener4tio , Bit t a fQoj nd., to be 00,ibAPP, qqctillg. A YON w" provpee "t$ thio, k .. " rh ") the a o1q4,,;othdrWisq 9444AC4. b oil bout $Q. jqrs what, 4a you f! he., ij ing your pro"' to'v'qte,-djd , not appear on �'the Vb!iqrj1.j b trOfflbbe T'.., ill r 'jApanese, eblo�XI�YR:4 "M ry. I eality, A- 7. ".dW I - *- em -us A pra y fio Q . ..... e cvel �pjeg ...... is a trat 'h But 't pW: to, �thl#r ghorogi �i Ig the -our Co o lop or, eir nan .,pan q kiping 'told that tb'* did 'no t P� *PYt__R0PK eases. 6 'ber i Ian 4%v9' "S"AN M ,)Qs, i t h tev'6r, it waslt� �'jjlL. be, i our, Q '-it oiim've-i the'fi"as of ner nieS,' appeat on th 4f, th it in the �tj joet W, a.,"kidosi. 7 The Pqssibili ies, s gono! e eir, felt, sorlei about it. "C H. ji. A uggostod lij, th�� s. troillied, thelhi an4. Ili 4,.n nbeir hid:'bee� VA We, -4 re. age k ts fo ng �lor years, -t combi 'a nQ mm� "R.". brribiift4 Y 1)41�afie, of bir f . ;� . I 0 a n q; g i gr ­fup 1 1. 1 1 � 1 .11 . Irom. 1 1. . f� , - -1 %-t , j,, ... e� �con ent i(nd, their, qualifteatio.nd Vir(i just'i the d' Brno :They'-ardi.,6n�b1'e- to it -tiirth 4he Whit",-aro. rea Ch� titr'Was. then! L with -the plr,.jsurip;�: thiit. 61 me. noyi as rate ten. t1IP ariVeS a e. e r mjp... - 9 wy` -a, 'tho �Aic�74, i4f charge ark 6t CA .,an. 00 it i itt' b In gan,�., Pii4lorl: d t 'the. "In.0,' B t, on: 7 'q o e� b 4 ion e'n i vr his '4L-'sdpremAcy., t P, 1) to hr -p ev -r�. 44 �v, hujnri�' par i th na 'ne And!:-& 1:1 a -i .. e, nlp was not 'on t ter What it'ma� he list 0 SPORT pu a s. r er lar y, - A, s: Ic t bill t eb,4� -gi r !be fliat they have .0 viiin, and, t e 'B $et their,demyie' r.qv A an w :tip Say .;�jqj.4 - ach, could do, divine,Ahat stz(nois� in theii- wily. No tbi -H MOLSONS T ;`E it , , WORT xf� 0'. �O further eXplahatioli might, ioe� offered or p9litlicAl-suce ess Y, 'Yo V, ts e 1�itoriAl )nrlip'og orrtbe d t . ruction: of a rival they, !go h d hA4'bQQn Ago. Tbe,Wi d A., f ri o 4 1 ir that t Wmatte .5ho, On.'i'* es y, tended to, at 'the ofthe fQoVrt,Qf. Tribu e pblNhe -a ver '.timely rrt- t it, if t we're nothing PISQ, in n e y9ter 4 IiS�, C e e on of, .�th Many � -of' I I d aling w th.the. of, sport -t .,Oit , 1. . I I -S- y fiere.' inachi W -h eh q e ta Ca al Paid Up $4.006 000, � , 1. '. * , I I , 1, � . I ng:'. theser ti�es P t 16 world. to consider. Only wh they did eserve, Fund 5,000.j000. nQft know that there was a' On tile r in' T, 'gome arrepara e n I is g generation. The','Tkibune have con inittedr of�ji" bl' s ores thi6',effect,,of p fessjon'�flisni and C t dep]. rQ do, th �elt-i tile truth �ipeete d" tha' so was '01" Over'li5'Brn ache diwo lad beeli, assess�aj and, find- t e win -a :any -COS spirit, hit As th w. 'Cou Sy,, taxes, they Would'as a niatterr'pfl. -whicli-is'. rega.rd'ea-in- t bid fte i The'M�o]Si)nS--E�klgk-�iiobSr,i:'t$�lf on -the 'Its. do many t: wi which t. 1. co, t eir� names oil e Vot- ers As A. stz�ndard: bf -all- an q to IiAp�l �Ia�ck. IS. ;qourse have"th i C a N-6 mittterr hqyj )ajjQ, up to. fluar, ie�eniul 11 'th h, jive does"0 Wh, e, or:. ho er's ist. �ore so:, W� .7"Sing %�pjume" xfr4o�ly play, The pl -6a pilepared the speaking, �th ro� �h ,7o -,busiu w. eas6rn-nihAness, 6:, �ibo �ifs e are.� ay -those- res -pons. e itorial I'; Y ess J ank, ou. are,. a W s assured' To Whi ever, extent 'di in, pa4 :,as 'the' t. follows f seli-ieAr�aint 11 a, , . . . 0 i,`� w, 'Courtle and ofoli reception.. oti C 1, .. , fr The learn in g 0 sr ja ins 0 ibl& or, preparing -the Nsts: may: be Hun;r.� f lioiq'loey team�-made, up scho6lis' .1176,6 -,"and the. jhome� Co s t Ao Erf I e 6 t r 0 C n ion�_.: .o r, emelf is,' to ainp Q posi iyen Carefut a�j . 1. ­ 1 4. �.' '' � 1, ' r a'. e w 'f the en ago pre.ta '!,,th n known re r reparriii Djp' ts -by ni4ij, g ; held xe�ponsible, is, 4uite, tirue that of youp;�*to k 'S I' Ct6 ar 'ter,hi h bI thd ice these days for�tfi.e intr tj the vo in Jn­� t W. 1 r .0- name'ds -not 0- q.. he,' -on tho. list rw� �,qrti itfort.'�,Rvw.-many of t Q hem will isa --your. servic ever that d6es -not -excuse, offici poj Phbn a.. -fl f the als for pl, V �RMERS- jj di", ihe -sake - � CMEF CONICERN and VA 'gross carelessness, and �he niiinber will resolutely 'put'aW4Y,,t Ad -of 'he i ea' IfYlitir, mea s,or H of names of- pe W, TAANA08'k'- LUCKNOW 8RANC, . 0 - 941f 6.16ok- after you, Wed winn1irig dt-arI7 cost r.,,own you,waift"t , to -vote, and Who. ;b f ye tin �en Voi or. some too-, _'k ness-Its farw,�461-s, d e ide" .0 ;he �&rr­ 0 Po. tly excui;' great 19:: b m olf4fil , aying-alNonyi-t winv jf.,�.rou' wadt`t ilgh ed-. and that, aTlyt Ing is justified tha h after toll 'You,.. I right, ""Jlov�evet, 'the. voter o u g h t'', helps tro will, I ds giip�ed t jjo�"..jl 106 it k �fter;itj .1101 go after P*O;Rrir'E 0 t 6 do his h RAE, ana and he'ljr.k6t it! de0ared' . I -Agnes i� proper joung C da iqle� as We m.i Ir'l'k dui�, arid, see t6t hi s, name Miss' A-th io rq !t, t e 1 act is that ide?Ag". dotnipatffig'' Macphail M1P.f` in': her !sPi`*tM- ad' te'd,--� h 1 Ak Q �ifi --V - R� Sport.If 'ift dX dWY_ A_re__tb:e _pI. 0- -66. DEE' AcCo bogni -that e _U �p st careful ven� the mo 1jtLj.oIj,�.6f_the ., . . . ',,6 , L ' I . I _ RM KC K "in ke in nalism,, Ali -the- go sl 0 _F cQr may a d&t of pricifes ofli istakes and over_ ARM M W'� i Ontario I ACRINES.and PAIRS.' d J., United Yarm . omen -e m "d oi�§nto recont y., on a ngll e8r.. .�ight IV theref k At least- h4l: Q'E provi es �b S hat to df�stro fjh e, Value ",Of., T Aft r the . voters' lisfi printed, 9port, to the mys eng n in it' i'macphail stated that agi k- "Idiss here e are -7 n i S, ite �'the ol wepe thre�,,hig, e�ts.Jii_Canada U.'. Q!0. Son Threslift (usiiilly 'in The�-�ta n, engage in, �dalids 6f nie er ''d Wits nonii, 'And IUIZ�ON 6 eald' Litter. CA ind F rr- &I erioid -oj Siam% still t ession are noi, L a ou 30 days uring, w,,.Ieh those n- 617 st-90 delvered r, ii r th S I e of. e p, toas,'A�tra e,or pro wihic� 'the farmers, bad beenju au ple's to, lid -A -finxf tha. Boy',�frouts To ffirin. t t. n6ai �r�miunv 160 k6 viote'--have �azl*dpportpnitk� of the hig6st,* 6, m,c '.,f6od or.consump ion 'The C4XI_ Frost'ill'Coil i� h e r placed pp to: 'seQ ;that -im _: _ *i4 end W r a. Was . not 'I, ed oven Pence; tbe�i qnlez�- examin tthe u n wanning, "Which me i- tin, uninte,ii6s ` - 1 - tAssociation, the ad: an 'Manufacturers 'jh 9r. a e pr e:elem�nt of a 42 "u,of, iij.$,. $ PrQ'C 6r.. Tor. - C, lift tbrolighout entered. th rf`�&'tiqqjK'Iectrie Wg$hejo�,- �are: R -ba tking­irrt�res­�s�, A4,e traii'stiott' Iii -C 0, t IV 6, ��o talk names.. oper y af,�l _t4k n % Ig Pianote. ter.. And lift * '- tile game. !Rec.Qnt1: a is s ablilz a' veiii e bf'i the -C, "we ta his fi,�ii iht-rests-had been the' three" lash - examining the. list.. .6ndln6 tha i Qg has.b. d Mi name is'not there' tis in any Alle-9pportunity.o. Witnessing several, nat6d'.-hun or farmers . 0 : that Ariove th e, .0 Tot, I' in u 11 6c., r,_ o es. f. 'K�; . . !a f FOR SALE BY\ ru I hip estiov 'r ' t.qams -i -action. , i 'jid, and -added �sgly'-d . .1 0 1­1� 1111 e :he shall have -hockey orga-nizationf she R . cid Wil&:�anijiiaj a� Wild birdlif'6 f�xL'n�,iijzket. 1-ji ;ince -..the:- Ions of LUCKIN an qpportunitk - to have the hain Le put,. As demolistri 1,, in that.. Coi�'�ervhtiv6s. and Liberals had spil-aifl&n for the ��are qf -d life 'tjj q. nd 7a:y wrongly ",entered nto (LANDREW skil b QXCe ild bb er-om. ed­jq�., D. Plinie Ai ion the jist,_0' mistake"e6trected. cDmPetiiion ibe�',.were" lent, but I ak-ffiii(16�whiph�s'pec_ vlitile teaching any a C 0: a'Sunda� Seh6i�l by a"p, eiling td -the Court 4 Re 'the'61t-ment,:o sport'-iwiis not thete�r 1j4d 'got:, Ni, I. wanted t e Je"on..'41 t e, s . . 10 . '' ..p I 611iss of b o �,s h 5 As on bat'i a, I op X, nans, ip wag lackin 7 h,.a es. an Good sportsi h ------ hi6Id`.;Qach 'year a out'' a mokli. afte� i!a love, ohl love, are he Af9i cha of 44-ene-w 2 g eLx y d 4Q. f6-, sis The 26ti -verse'as follm"i lildde: Ili, jr'j,?,_,)";� -1� aid L� Year P in ri and the-occas-� y of i but a i, e ers not oni Ln, i n f; 'U, -Need a, Monu`m' nt' ihQwoter�l lists Ontario Ice P are�- publjidbed'.'k� iice 'cc' t in�tini;Qs, the la:r,m "Tfiivres_�Icm' o'Jft.*,hiS: it� i d f iobal 00, ilt '' Iveral.n1unic-i'l),11ities as' '0 or reoLm ap ------- �,— I 1 11 , I - sido of da%P4( uSL in k i I to' -this .-effect,� is, ished ­ . J . '11 lai 'to e "Arid God said; 'let- P. h egui4ry �.pubi exhi itiqiis­! 7f. it� WerQ A t th oth- e, 8L '41Eig& from, one a e man, in. infr' u to r6dee the perf6r n. corn movemen wuis., rymgto,impresl�13p U_rn�b-dq Y� ve -2 - Ttxet�r 1-­ ecoMe U­iiydijjine�--a es'�as,A�whiolb­-- A The 'Luckhow Marble- an"d G in Ahe local newspaper - but 'uhior- eq in m ni%_ the speak�f.--7�`The U F 0' et,'!',dotlared. - our inia0e, a ter our'-Iikeij�egs �aztti let., �9 W -D -A r suc he b Ali— '. �rks` has 1. ",7 T argip And hib sea Towl: of the iir" I 13r; h ey er farm. picce of business.,.that iew,pa -at-' 'Chaihpio�ship cups' in it. e, li,och, d' the 'rieces And, over the 4 'Ateid y any n, an i,�opiep 'ic� '- est C tr ION" CxOdel tGwn 1 ea­ wn" ;Irfil, th me or. the cAtt e. . ­o�rbr all -the —the. mosi beautiful ;in(] c, p4te' stock it'd v r.,6 I gq", in ..w. iq of stand� fee, s Lt Litohwa,14 =1e -finon Ah igne- o -choose ti ii. to it.' Often itAs :a -m a trj��: Of -jea' hi h piling oys are T) AN, sity ng upop7� -e I th� -7- t6ani succe ss . u I' f -AnIr winning, most e r a Xq tq. Y --aMe bricks' re6ei r In tairce, s, hu y t, o t ai� ..,rr Co 11 f th C, r_ cil ft-i-iithe a, IDS team that -in victory Nvii " - - � t, 0"§ �, $. _ ying �XT ma_- Or f Y e.X M�Ity rqwyl- A istence - 01, thetis-6 of tho--jj:jin)A.n �cause . e y t, k d jh_ .'_'r6§ei7iration--6 tht- ;I e� maw it 816ctors-�shoii;ild -get - -in 49 ...made_ Family, of examillifig 4; s ard',to Win fairlyi,but LC ea of., 'paper, An ke readi theni. n 4ndAn tie,' the 'new lisi LC hi P_)`rr�ing h d eQ fi ta v ined in the fith. .1" 0 And 7th' �your -Avinni�g Deuterp dai,y Press mv '�7 a. a ly ys. w & —rv*, fou ­Afd6d' n I ena eel rable. ch'azice to 'be­b�fore tlteeJzi.the� wa spection.-_.... i4ediy _'.�iore_admi -in nl'r'lfd�,:_�f: �io -he--post-70flic * -4he LnI-0at_jimPQjj4Ani -thitit., the.1fafni .-,elerkhq­­6fficQ--ari& e; -bps 6juj,&_ 'a Ct� Sp:p v -i.ethe ­C­ Tfr t ht t-1 Savor t v winning'.by. - tictics Se 'tinj,�- ar; - ree,� or on,. the%g-4iound JR -1 once, a ust6ther, 'Al t _tbev:� f' rrg -4 r: : . % bie7�_ 0;tm �_o I ne�,�L, omer ire egree. o e - -cl 1.* "iflone. _Ani' dan i sittinz upont the­voun(x' or unzm o er�on, t6nd 7i!�Q'606_ . Y- __ 6r e ions- :4-t f � - ��n :� , z Th th ru Pr _Ih ed i Coprt. of Aevisidil is Ve de�,� f_61 -T- -,.,.bell 066 WoUr dr be, �06d: T 0 'th e C&Iij -."6Q qli --CaIU-aid::;j§ee as - - -e-W T Pali dii protiting-'--h'i n, - j a, `iio- If- -15" t 6� laynl s-,: inot-� F winm-, r( Vi T It fm, holds)1ew7world!s��s -`c amp eT, -G a -, - - . - h,--_-__. lle L, n -,*pans -of-' --shi'ps,-.iui -sb­�: has ffie'"irie' -crowirof--J., _1P liffild u --t eir,-own-in� bu;rj�thoU__jl 'In �i,:, t. j . st � io.� . p III Jart Corr wa wi jet, the he'.,Y 9221­��_M4j people e 'take 'fl," your ord 0 .5 Political �aiitk. workers :Al IL,&` od. sp rt ��atn­z6 InY J�o Cs 800 bivs fon t 25 , jis pi6h§hip Of go 0 g�" dustry.','purifY ja qf!, er.� therhsbl� of� m ehn PHONP. 5. usually see, voq g td,thee.' that' it be b q'i 0, a,�r.e, 1000� Nw manabi Aftor' p. , 6 010k A -lists. qX-s -ANkt., -yp.t* _u �49, �1. - 7114 t I e �qd t Ale , 'ogs� 'The dav� 0 -domiMo ­,jelecti,on %.- .9,11d rd: h e,.-�:4n&tb4f.;-th 't vincia And n A are 1 Is 4 .1ma ter by ..-of st oo. prin W7,1�iass ­azit Throu (0) b know,, ntario, f the�ir- air cofmpletej but correction ..,of tile anft tdA6h6rs,'&., of, boys' fi�operatlofi iiner.vivi ed-thellijo, Or).r A�oiuid, fo true C( hal , V1 . ? � 1 '. , -, psi eimu s _du k -'ro i re An 110' of' the wild ade.se..' s notablp,�,t 400 9, Unt we a 'Pefin, ertly,*s6ttled, municipal lists hei Ieaiues. lor all, who Any, way, ha CitY Aii'd Coun try e to- n,;, ane. hits-;: bcetq 3 b" h -u in o Ils. "gar, o,* t6, ch '%6` 200 W. J. . Dotirlas leadq�sbip 6f �oyi in 66rt. Other bird'. rouSIr_ -1�each,4ne to gee that., Mls,. 'or and foi - ` 4�. 71 lonjy _het,�reeiI e I als' electors eratW ' i d� 4ps -,oa-tsl I .. . ., ZA ­ ­_ 'op stle'l)-fatherinz �thp -dxti� 425 -,but' IMPROVED TRAIN SE I r . . .. I 1 1. 1 iiii, nt§. t I slave wolinary toils RVlfb% 3V jLntered re Phe change in the. of nante )s .prop�!� ..anUnof between, ',nia.s er. an� ade6nj6l;1shfiie n*t.� atimn6d' on turnins,A00.bu iiqiur %port-cdnno a in, fl TA M�F,-. es.��C t bp�acco,my) iph a Miss' Maepitail' wye( ..fi a -Daily� Except, --it -ion - o �tba Tloni� 14tiit ay !� X f who had joined the 'rel)or j ed, tliei Frb�,9p ILv nea 5.30,- 6,m. -144$, p.m THP� A MENACE'l -not winniniz, -can. b T) t fifit f all --our nd eiben; 0, 1 opped 'of the floek"'of"wild, bird'; S?_ stay'. irn� slide� piot&05�­ da y';i' bu t'�y `pe�si`s tefit sboftsm ranks th.e.tnit DntL an.& noi rill ' h6 hose, Who 0, ztlyow'n' kc,�t c f0t A h And Shnita-r.�r, tow T) rt -,a evej� 'V e So jr, 01 Tile lid ]g Qu �-Niveedin'.7--out-P, COO -42 th SQ'in ann - i Ri -BRIT]"; _W_LUMBIA­ -%h', sin; Ly.- -Ki' 60 _L2.0i_j�m:_ j& ATIC u 4d Varmirs�a a� il�, ourn-ing each 'v'eaii, 6n `bis,f e. er -rfgb�: 7, &1 pliay be,� I-., _V g A _2 d jo (1.9 1 un -,in tb dr i be,) Ahr&__�._ mpir WinghaW 6.40-,a 2.54- p;M;.r 'G ver If .,,(Toroniorv'Mai1_ a W th,�-qsand§ lineal d L 111, t)ast,l year HI -0 -0 . a f the f rin women of[ild 'do -Bkitish C -ad -,or 0W -cmicelit. follb o v ruqs�ls 7 06a. in' 3A8 p.m.. ti�h-ts * Ave er as,' L ]i The -Iegislaturij­ �f- the -f inal litt 6, Tpre,�.ref, anil affied' e� lig o v q. -blip -05 .11,46rappipig' instip W8. ­.'On it - 'I. - Y 1 Wou h .0 0 year. on6� At BO ZERS BUS IPLEY-'�­� er twouty, ' - _,X __�h , _� (I! e. _.�_ _,_i;YQar_ - V is "AA1 ha�s"Pgs' d a , A^, P.m se unanundifAlk "It. r4pso u ion . I ` ' , r.. 'i r . ' - ' , . - 5 0_' t 11 ::1. 1 _-1 I �:.1111_fo. r c ring.,na Is & 0 er.. ga, 'd )k' fin call figt-4-or - an-amon 7, 8:2�', - M, i5ivafink_th6--stWv'-bf �b' lid, flf�r 76"'tw() 'at'J7.8 otno� dn _C ea S, an Ouftry" 7 -he deful. stories on our Ve- -f6tind,, !,." ; - . , r I " Y Plamokswit, 5. r -m d I I r I : , ab d �6 e T --d ter gll�a uel 9.45 a isgra . . 0 Ar. 6 oh. m. p.m.. In i itatioh Ac to: 1'com pletel nt Nssoiis-101- y ��pro7. Areeis onrigaturd�y evening. are, -m ore 'qt -9r 3, D111 ri t)'� the h. ble, Citizens tan labor -saver's for the fa 'home Within t1i it '�h-i h o eac ., in ividuali71fe 113600, 76, visfts toi tl�a fT pli the '�vbjo't of'--insta IingL its. con.9paue th and be.,oa t er hill�top., ineni zf r Mbit Asiatic immigration into Can - it ah our�. iespecta. f, i h A-V e O'ne r SH ir ` We P.a a, h.ypi That 'that represents -ii, rfising A F�KO Od !m:'� W, YM -CA d, Aurp;: Drdriks'Were Common; ... ...... S. in la t ero s -ARDIN to every truei; wr 8.30'p dbing jn� Br. ii 'it, fi" &iu A h one�jt Wehhts - A ate Te8tf ftnol :do bt ,a �distuibafice r n C hdiqn, tb tiff. Ar'Samiltd1i 1:00 p. in.. 11 KIN redi �bl,o' W I other bQ to quite a!I du i g :the s"r, -The ine bcon u AsiAtic A 1km,6nq, thp,,a -that' t 110111c 1� Square Deal, to A Lt. udienc'O,' illo'(L th- V11'ato.'s �'f t 0; evening., re We' g'o,jng to'i3Overt to irk of Xin,.' T�e4tre,-Ave.M­tiii&� -gehool ehildr'6n. 1 British- 'Columbia white pQpUlat"n- jobli. if. Sciifral�', town:ele ?It Ahd -ivh� -ror d., j.1 Ov . t 9 ��den da,�s When suph thinis� w6ie,:,So- "who nocunied, the eit �s' f 66 r& &rj.Tqroftto 6 A.m. 7.46 p.m. is real.. It Consists. of ',,undermining -No, And we Arabi. Ask. out. paioli. e,'sliice '1895, e n r OilqAt' nne6ared bv,. the Avav, Ov --tfn-: f 'the white mangs #or- it -DS o 'cAiz4n9 s�and, . behind-Ahe pr0secu- the: Ag . 6 of12 e 'Onesi,'ons, 'Pani� Cd "Ptatod .'t I, a t' r , 16�,'Jnrm r tea �1110urning--'Ldave, oronto'. 6,5 am." SULVE there on-�I)10,.c. M4r, Minef"s,,, T 0 .1 RWO 0 nd__ ..'a --b tS or, to,. f�or.., on We& 'Ont th-o-, i�.q, t Yd 'and .02 -pm.-- ity-jo, live.., Tne, Orientals.-ofi-thte- to had been. ill'� a OU is I and r6whirm, �nd aw r Fee. rovince tend to obtain Ara te,gic n n ertr" 111 In q t; y ar.. rt coast p yo r u may o'ffe'n4.',.S.tand up, _.a, j avq Fo Eon Q such-, h reakers. 'DtrVt'bi of b rUraldxvifio, Se V, AholtistriAl., po�jtiori,...�­.­­ fi I been stead y, ehad'don'ilmon-ov.614 then Thrdtigh �6goh Kincatdir il bui our-lown -Sqigal cani h, ver. vof-4h R ow are- e - Ore *'f t ­'fi j V or e right'iti:--and .,do h -di I'A.4o'-old t -f _ th n japaW6gi� go-entirelv..,to e Q4 morning. rain E 47 l.� C liffiese, a go -The Iate, M' ..onto f1i d Tf$t'beCRU9_- *Ioni t � Ava, A. -cri er. allinient- in - e, evil. rloX htn e, mining, uffy Seftfo'iflt qjjir�' it is Christmasi season gives. no., icerts-e lip Vkh,: Withi it .......... 1— -in agridu tur 'Abbut.187 06' " ` ' " '! - I I r � . I , I , P tis his apooi Pa�lor. Buifti'bit. car Ptilmdrgton,� t& n , ITOW �Iy '_berhjg,_ fiAhing. a '­n,o blit -with- ill -) nis I tic I�T� A' 114 reti't"'rad'zig, to�vn clerk �-,DrOn -initming train �and Guelph for �su'dh: uh-p-Ehd 1 P"I e'd pqrsons-, -001 likinir usir Tlibk-li-d-4­ oibwfie-d 'a I m who, cafriel, on a, ba eq infr�- on "N' 4 9 train.. os :ar )no?!- at' ivelic dQ lighted, Tor b,'�9n` �evenin q one of to L 0* to -towni. Ina Ce', 24 .06<_664in . koff, ON.C.. :,WosenCsi­'6f,, fhefA`Aw,;,to- nrosecjlte,�. �ml di y has' reeomm'end`6 fhe the, est; mun w, V or, full particulars -appl tq,Gr'and- �;o iR gy�� d inivini "the w a i 'Piu� of 'Asbih An a, om ness'he tj I $ jut n down o a the' n-timbdit -of lif-, unent'in oivic an socia j tem er 'o eing A IW,, b tie ea -time. and was, pron nses �isgued- They IIAV6,1nvade a f fie,. b cu t - ill I I f not,be'at a] 1.014aceg at all s' there FA$CINATINC,, STQI,' MITI rU k Ticket ''A e Wo kno-%� thitt the, few. officials can & C4NA if" 'jjlinf�� .'T V ore we C6untry no as-cinatingr qtoribA pon' those 'who �TAVID U, Luckno nvou br' r ,Wrould eall,;u 6ub ii�(I btirll e coal rnin�s of Va: Rhve'the,'jiitertati, of our ,,,ebmiltunity 'ure and, nenee 41ii, HAMILTON.', Agent ty to �d. (if 16,n 'a e fine re 1. fil it A by' apaneg d- "h CLotoj��4�.', Tbls'_ ulubo, apol vr- mont - in, Island: A, at heart', to show t dir, Family. ', 1401,ald.'. Jill �91itic.8"li , iiii e I WA�s dkjjo]W',.L.0.L. Xio. .4428,' mi*V hT j�a tha 'h' a c Weekly., h1b Xin A, tentiAl 'Soidierb o u j n e v e i n , thiiig -i be orning far,. tow: 'aj, "q" hol of Acres, if a halt f -do'not -viltive "un jdoA# forn' takc,4 I I And'i is not'talleO'we o( v on( :t ousa in jig-fon all Anght#hi bv H A- -C J' 4 in 'Vrro�v 6 r6r' V- l6tji1V . om e qry� :jUvrina TU the" most 6ultfuI­i.vaI'1Qj% living on�. He is surv"lVed h�?' big W, k es- jJ0.0,10. LucknoW iL oig 4 t 'Will. end �.Riploy"qor� to stir hig, h q 0 ml kn6w -.-wherip r 11 e . I 1 111, A M -Butler, �ihree d4ughtets 'Aiiil Z d , _ , " , 'd 0 QvCty I," d tiongtaht)" , L 4 mi ayS :rot the Acadjahs an th( 0,0th'ifigo pr�Ciically, And day of pam Flii,', ay I evening, at, 8 0 eldekin Y fespondonde to Xiiicatd I lid ''RevibAv. the..nionth, at a o'clock, Cr, biiyihg More an , W setilers'lavo oin6 son,:, Mks. D. lostbir, of,Tor6n "T'niked Empit d Hall, aroiiholl 8tred. ' th4j all e i J e ai�,, t,,rhn Mis Flidwer,�' b- Thonipgorf� !ct CUM - ias.. Win. Officers,, Ql -to baodr together to' breventl:§Ald ar"nti s d Miss Mari' t hom i6ordially 'In' i e mor egio I, C601?i0f Itoy 4, MCQuillipp land to lthiomv� Chin es tiv., -Vdkv' hatol la P" tb the 1'r And J.ackj: of, the- al anI "It. `6111ing- taie dr�nd Arch' 'Barbo1lk`Vii1e Grand adven ture fit the. F6,� ,and"Japarl6d labortirg ate n foreb children' ' ' r I - : ; F oe; At,( bub 'le th 6 sbr h§tjiptio� u- er camps. A These two, ,stories ajo� Jr t b. in' j in M Mitch! on-,� pin, 80d g o. A *i'6� 6! Old' Ight Lod, 6rth. Verr' ThUr. jjt�t, Passed' an Ad iftiiking. thAt, lo*ging. YOU arid '11, Family Ora 4t6ts e ex.'. 620, nd MOE MINER T 10 FORTIt, e r Herald aio V`eekly. sth ry . on or R jandi .6 ould 011'. U! M04 "-flnr d n 161% wit. Ili before. the full moon,' 'in. thia Mdiia, xpoiltorlfl subkrip. permits f6ri clown 'moo D - -a r At Dr, o L'' k' olil� to th)680, Omplokint hj.tA ill o. Dr.' lately; buicl Hall. Havelock St' OZEMA. 0j6iqn t t . t� ft �bt 'the 'Judliclal 164r�jtW "6f tho' it cing I fr� al ifiteres S.W.; ae'b' A or crems 810i Ift �be dpofi!ng jr�,tal, bj.' 11i jiij. bjc(;)'�4joit Whe�i D4 IV , r 4, enta" Inginoq, t o"o T11i 10PtUr.0 *a!- Y rne� Fd "'�o'%Yl A �v4l -1"d nd' *611 1444"uwn 11 d 9 W d Id V, 4110nifil' 14 -At Pl!(IiY ti I ihit jidt ­ 11 . . 1 4 X i0l'. I - Thelitte ah , 4 neo NOY Old stalitt, XVI 6 WIN dh�',96 410ti,q the *67to" togtiii6o '01., 1401011t reo if. oil VA611 oul A Y V , h f 1 �v tho 141 4441 1111064.401 9, �$o b ­ I X 00"W. tOR . T06 00V J1010bbrs thfillt ihl'ji� 1, W" t6 -b.d � � 1 .1 1 , , 11 1,11 MiM !,A4g,4,r',,,i :..k Of p1tostio, 101 th J,