The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-01-04, Page 3Rp !7 '777 'k "foe M 6=1 X lgug)10�.� t Jf.;M 199X.. 0 -Tou;;L U 'AN 111, -4, 1. N mow,* T" 10" M_ -h-en, poeir, Mr. 1�4svtoe4r �rill �Vjlj -osit ama;dn mber, JUUOT Tied, thip -4 q fini� i m Am Y atft*t rMp, AM, , ­* . , ;._ ,, .,. 11 1 . '& V�r th iisitip y: '�,a 'Afi - f p W h ore WeTitltal loth R - LI, 4A.gtj; "B4r�e A " X3UTneit tI�J�­it.in .41e "Vidie, fair ft*� il� thospe-,of fai gl.pm lrrrmlr�. 1W, T K IE _jel -j $Av I _;i�e,js p* 4�04g aakl "t 20, C fr- "01A Ill N t1joiro", thp? s' b ing, h , 4� ever. pome othei?A vq..4�,b p 11 0 :1 po, ]PEA JDA'Y. `0i 4=9 '4,*L-- ,ghan edj� a substariti4ij 41�,ON4 -of. so Afril AutOMobJJP; .9 at At likA t1f, we epm 114U n I 'aperating,i, 9h tqr PW �!A ivAdfinw r.-­ ryc Alywvll,� acetylen )ot:,9PVT­P_lar,,-v&ea.I Od I I- % Lit I A� Or& I rage�_;�nd p ris, 4AMe, ....... r1t teap,4, thep. 4 VO V" W q, 10 � I 'e?, - zew np�. 'May 11 -one 4i5o", TITICS ­­ .11 . , ­­ � . 4 lu weeks . rq lvnzot 'A 'M b I Met Cal tirAll tit IN?jIg E.iqys Inir, only 4 or is b To W eeK Alfoug -'rot T Pat offue, Wa S e111— W�� tie tco;-av n 4 P,� a-t4win"W3, Vrlbli,&�4te -all, kt, TKal j$A Nilio4s ail R hati, 06w -of all.'the warkings, L rM tj 4el amjly� nmnesj,',�As� W red md t or Own 'tend of his who wa rood .0 , - 06�t a41 72 .4.e 11 ptayin W.j ql One qf a V-4rig of -ra* J s w %fiA ppi fou -r yea -:r4 a R, -7 M free rom IT in, o Tj st a 'When' he we#, -to, his -b h4d'��p rrIived was, n I ornpas�. T gwe;i Ia ywep: y,, YL bacl�dclie'or-� Theumadid',pmIns-in my Or,, s at 'bome, eliher,Wlth -w ti N-or�h,. Soutb_;-',,are- all write gor 4 f _k.pd -told to, -9q. to`tbe� tpp of �.table h ed, h d" _jjI ­ nformam lie 011 UQ,, djanwh le� he cg na Cl Ver f427.p �an,_M; me- Mocii" t4o J.�was,Wzuciii, -rMe)X_ sa 0 t fix 44 i ravver his,,13,oss came. WOU04, �Pot I a, qnt. that J- 64 -ard13- -go-' 40 0 R D 1 w 7 ALAB wodb. CAR ended T'T :" " poa " ha I f -for ion' . ., , , , , Bla*,�, - _afc.4 rad 1 .11 ML h e -D, 6 Id, h k aft 0011 AfOi�`h Ms V 1�lt p Mpg� V, 'o' to r grq �OU.t e, ja the i I niorning rain',, thip $,car b d I rn n X,, r 'Pothwaill" -d ,p assagai; . ), lu-awivi� �U�� in- f 'iv e. ijif6 ,6�tact Urn, er4.bf -,cam 141.1 b of his libs E-. SILVER Is P, 'n -Avg" aster "I 'got jl�etq 1 04ne.,t, e drill e� h _A d" b au [�b��, telegram grg frozil. '40piw; arisI6 �tom'-der oejtjjaj� W to, 14 tIP 'd C&ltjA4d,& 400re M*u My jSPtD. f -call, U 9 3 R V'hai bAV4 YQ .Tq' t verW .. 4 0 taOO. U, do itii th "I" rse i gxmrnpl�s.� atir huaao in. Al� id ni -5cQ4r4g0d; for I had pried, q4t every-. -drill was kno.�L-ed 1�0t',pl,:hIs hitm Yad, 14ce t i!;'. e %A" De. 9041iij 8ut. [A 1: J� *r Av 7 , T0 4 fter� I 1taired'' AT. ' i " h -e K "C�C a: , i,,, Ti,�v 'iv % 'a o' tpe old HIP, pa re st tjeid� t a' box -of, litt c. :33 A ..rais, n5 w �n,,. hative" Viien 'h;o, Iiizkod., hlfhig fiu."R,iV6 us, W.. 'n He 11" ;4fi6,- th_IS,4 MedjcjnL ELTING OF KINP$, JNEW U. e fel� botter J�gry, ja , tired- i used., .'puileyi. cable; � bosq� Lar i Its f -second I Pfak-ed up,iapIdly.,, 1-. te h I to-KIS -�&I at.low* �tt .� hie SiQ4,iq -n VITtve' Re rdeo. �yl drill 0O.'and k. qls he n bttle just, s Id-, that TI IE was ;tdong' unIll T- had, rad Ili est.,prices in,ca co, wp, e a1l rbu�d 'd, j, I b�" SfmMrry�j,,auder has faint, Ali o6d, o'� not. tL I or Ila ,Q, f tbb � inclin-3 to ieei� M'Abd, Frolh- plu�nt i�Ql atMr Toro tlit - I & h lay' T� n the -world know stlape It here I' could do it 4rd rd U nui, WQ� es, van and ..Mix� he concrete -a d Y his, ce4se.� again., Oak _6 A_shc.`-�nd :,:ad(], i i'' ' Afmb d ii�'Oil Wore �bf,6rlerg�zihg 119ir - t"hL;re,., 4.nle sloiA�,-'back! Ice,. QAt B ell �Ii n Y life. - Sir I art. 'himself d - �b�n collie Ai On y'ha If It, cy'peop1q,j 14 'about" 3 fellow i, weir& �iding,_nanie "i,e 10W t-D,­e111j(L1 01or; 9 /Z;, 9�condi A, s as R�s;,4,ioi 'r,' ljfe)3.fi11j9.V jb ni�nt -jv_j11 _y�ork about"thinhoiis'.�uti- Girl ''Whb, ,lbs'.i flo"�.'of flivirv%stofles-, of- i%'b cli P al '.04afk -not b44. a, --sl 'Ut.you. gn yoi4r tbq� drill' -and �egar4d U e s�) hav gn,,of'Wy I th, Lh yo ti, t tinje,.Viftual P� I . ... I I a . n Eii,­llshI) J eaf girl "who,, in keeper s orLq' i1r. t e and Tviggd. ing,a bette'r appc�titb`and,;xnade. . . sf �, d Fo Llittle­S`ufi-M�id�- . .... . P Y a's I AY, or i th� nj: 'Uy'p 0110-1�111jg Is.itl arts,*, of'p) a nO suc 'i�s,r.opt Be;ih@i' qjd�,qoiibles- _J,;nqq I tGuk Tanjdci; � It r F -A isb com en 0� fru t sugar� in, prac �j give " 1* 1 .. � 1. r. -1. - '. tically predije4ed, h A ever tchin 1�696, Bas�,�and: Crabbe r.'I' on t,'Beem spit -6' of' her 4fflictions;- detect. cows: w him. 'd fqi5d' I , Il forin, evuiose,'14e 40--n6its "call . I I,' ,, - : . flfi�-- caVbAgos,: �h;id 4.1ov.p" a or lyq 'tire ��aly, we .ere sh creatim *Q -k Eard aU 'irid -0bui-A Temple; �Twlve;� abd Ab- cqurdge,:- the 1 riat* la" ��;,Ias arl�41stfn,�ui�b G a i n Wi.., 4 1 tol d lit b coixie: e,4dentl f th,6 A, to give i e 'b4ggb8t co. More and can i .11 ge. to'the, -drUj.. aild; prp..t y 7o. A 1 0, bis'l m,6 . . '. . ._ ... �­, 1. , and f4el fine. T She �%Tli. lig-ten, Ao the.. opiv -thot prod' the� I eirujq�e.'is . . 1, t,_ to,� a co 7orsa.� ion, it P4" �J�, �s 6n., '�rid; t f, _the, spea eturned gs. Yepresc r e iqg,pra ca ,y n( it did moit bite:, kick din'q in'ted Ta';nlea' -t,,] ead, or, chest NTI� 'd.1' digestion, fin g n n-dih,­thAf bey:are from fanifflar, 14tilldin gr er,, e a Up. gets "it) wor ,is: s Id b, yi. ik, I I ped. �&mggLlstir.' 'D d ye g jiming: ro-LTnd:-by,- 404741a ind� -L k . , I jill -d �sk4, , , : h 4 -he x�il t and eijiw� yb h d f h 'hailJirg, a b Iiiii: ICU 0, again;' uldet,­ Ile h s�dv -others, 1 old, Y817- Djdqo� g U I of energy aild'iran�-botb ;good -hi ga . ei�il- _91A placed Ag.aliiit the p r ,I �m- � , , ,, , I . � it b�� �,. sho' en of whic .0 e higgest F d pui i e cabbo, one that taken Xam- iiAm6s� are the. �i ,gd to the," s* eat. moist rnillN�?, "d '.r �.(Ai -just T6 Cholrj 611C.- : 4. )i)� cii,, two ba, , i�ie and. goo o tr -A box. me,'as P, , . , I - . E'Y 10h Possible by "the fa whowthe: Till aptain'li yl� r ie cholrAnvisil�le! Ici, that she 11'as, Y,, 3halster! 1`rL I Yo e� Tl -plied the, uth. M may L jaiil� il Y 'rl.mv; I . . "�A tiQ ti -A,21 S�a �6�.hed of 11"se�old "tj trl� w�r V b OUT).dL"spi]n *flet'an(i Ith. speech . and, .ilri, 9,� Wo S el. Jexdscapo ence lIve lni6 w i s; -wd er fin -0, tke oli�' mi g to'seo Tos ty'. g6rs i n, the"receiv;;' itin. Pond;­,FieN I Seatirre,;.' 2 . �,; . ", " I aa�ngh In pU.Ises-.st.Irrqd.ta,gene Y P Ttere" is, tt MA ld� at��he do� t t­thoI* iTh;1ilen vate, �i SMlbs, j3roaqi 1pe,d'w tQ -p ej Of. those immortal a h4b. It e,a:gqjn aused �hy t se _nce le Gle� Banks, 'd �'In �r iliii C_qn',,condu-ct; tel6phano con4 -ry not seorn wh q BY -In deeds ibf ar' I Sir Tja� biniGeft, e 'native Fee III I ide, V strared:*Ot- I'M din �6f miserable kims tU� end wlti4i�.'self,, �1 dr." -d-h,se -o ce P h ion e sublime th th fore at)PearW �4 a-priTiL, '46 . u 'I � . . I a no R6,� we.en. Ms,. -no, :at JO�caj'' haill" Dr16jn_ (for,,e W I ele ctept t iridi'lillb to k �."d *Ith 'the ,mild t 9 the ti'd nl� te:416­1�he Mwis ob edts� 'every mepi M, �m,'�and th 4nd.bis hun or coli" Sed X r eik'dh, a, 'n" i Me h e,:Sa-'-'-' nan -0 olie.7 a�s, urman, I many .10 er iiian's sear�h iu�� T. 4� tbexei � �,Re HAAS ri,a ica ly, �i�ndlets.' -he* cati -Y W -h, e,, - -­, . �: Ore 16:fice,:ag@ a :n 5C' Ely',61 et in e picj� UP a ner. s ou s -looking, mail, ',v�holstarieil ix� n im,,' TI'l, 7 J 5 AU10 �N%11= rig. i�(id: iacllc "as -A *eapoii and* p -student Ul Be to 10' ih big. typo : `� -` b- kk y throughiput I cle . 1., 11 he pefforn�a� t�h She, -can lqne:aId�l Pr; ed e Idii1l.,6it:,trptoe� -He it -s OLT th' make urbli,ying ..lid.distinkuls�,� e ihe�:"of note b �dj� D , c, in, ih� '­�0.0�1 WIthout. the,9146mer 6f. a amile.. After N .-bb T 70 Uli� THEWA BE Mro' 6r.jhre­.�t 'or that call- ii 't an 7 t run his urn, i�as,'wpiri, �ankher edi' e m e�t B ng �as'bqabte q q ord be�'fipger en I Is IVE qj iiid fold'hfi best-istpry-. �10 1 i A71 glancO�_rqiind and.. UVUIS.P _d, With lgrown)g Swa;-Y I; b d life he solemn:.man'was co -T It 0 G6od,,H�Ait'hmaititaffied:Througlt lie t at's oneilt! Id the. cbmew� st-11 I oolvi, g, sus, U 43 'R Ile, 1310od oomily.', 9 t it fun- _Ich _d `sta,rt d-.' r 11 thou Yr e Up -AT %: gled,­141,e�i �4 ron. iDd di�i bru,,are,-, many.-: men and. wo!me % Tver�anei: -was. --no* - ;RY — -011 breatli. - -n -in-en-gl-c In who, :every few, w�eks have wells of. -.-didest-Law'yer t a" 6�urid I h` I d e ;�f.iwsp tha, . bred j, -ness; e na iyejillok orie,"weak dutin�; W-hich time .-hey aret it. Harry. -Poland., the'oldest b­rris. 1 Aer I I -. n Engi . an �' ­reoentl 1Itt1eM.ett0r.1ba4 invaIIids'--yvt at PA er lauls th _'k su d 41 ould."n�ctbb'­i h 'hititi'zig' 'They, f�el Wh Y ed Is, ca�W the* D* *&o. ad, been tjme� ndnety46qrt very, u e SID the',Var' tront A vitidus D', seventy-6ne �y6ars; of he 'turned'. tlid Iftched � the wi 'e; , 'In the.'ease 6f men, wofty and:'bvej� , & Jumped. sudK1e)ply* r&u"b'd, 'As t .1-th faa�� h year. He;wa��, lualled to.. the 'd 6,1, , r a , d , hefr.hea 11fic T. ,a, Aii,q� �fq'T rname� rigin, y, years h6 pracjjsij�: old he* 0 gain..' Mr;I� 3341�t A� gnx out§ pelil ence los,, q U sirain.qd­nerve�. are usiially'.fes�ons.-- i d*,-:" st"hAve g6t an' or Baijey,i pparj�`^ e �ose of so ve aP 219 iti'man ia. bus.- % eht� thdt 'tfirie.-Arj ible fol this'Elita'te Pof.unfirie-A.i. �nd in. ha.� .proseout6d In- M mzin: )ivfiak. mon.es cases.. .He . , �,,more;- murr PL 6 6 R.T.1 ft. the'- drill-'h�,v o* h Me of., th, as, 4iiefielied Y meI6ting -1hais a I - � .. . . 11. .; � . . vl�r,- t e s il ty .0 'face he'anxi6ties of daily :,b jn�spit4 C 11 , I . � . . .. I � i , 'r, . Y al - -e Unfor v was' der�rs '�Iriii 'M"C lie and tim his, yeiiz:'he is� gt . ill, ha -1 Racial Orib i pg' ish C ac urtin; MAc- V 4,1tions-C6rtr 'ife.' j 61 It b_ S U ers backae es,:, the 1 and bearti, 6: i�rge and - ch . e ­ -, 1�iiocked� an );is h And . . .............. urtain,, ordan,,Jo rrdanj� f;r� wom6n; h e hid iiot spoken t 11fe:: family - rith si6k headacheis, and often 'Z Source�L�Nerf-n ene sobMd Ap -`&T- �X_ _ i __ ' e1js a,,.p zy -war until ti��n 11'a d be:4 gjyeis�ws ��clp I Racial 9 truer "S.61,f rijin-4rish I" dU pbeby� In jearih�g 8A I . :�, I . an4�,y ,hag,-stabbi 'take PleatY of eke -6. Nothing- uttered _ithat�he- jn- _f�g_gide._L At the outset it should be explikitn' d Uh 1s'" all-the-year7;roand rols beats Mt sprang to- hi feet'and -ably; real%,, h e4 J., t�om the,. name Io a,V aoe�;, iValking, -and 1 intei'ld to:g'c MI TL -A I on'wa:lking, duos or e 3-hed jth;­,apd.fhe- f 'I watched -Jo, eade�. 0:6 bar lonk d ib th'-� forins. -JIi)Mai:i %a�,A 19". own -tlie, inenrid; hea ,secret: a t -iL - en 'of -DIS-FIGURM- r § zzifts 08 Tourdazi,. ibp' *orld.' every day until 1!M'a-hundred! T77 e_as .,jrHarry.ba 6, i'll"'t jit -re at Of"it,,r On. wa�V Y aTe-� le I I i ieffi I t k _0 -have ilone�,c��A,t --kn& d, b ood aw w , . * an, i lay re Sr kii a slirba'Me was.. to, 1b a I t —, owtiefghtj re ad In, good. c, e b et"t Qr4 -'cfii rfilt�s of the" roar of,laiz, e� mv�,w,1lat-_must_be 0,n 7;7 ie�pr'e�ent - s h 9 ter., that went u15,1o.keep the,.blQ ceii. n16' 'Om�'that- a).r. ffM W To a. Mfstriff ",_j ba- �-.offtlw Wfi, Old IV;., -,He : ct� is sca�rcel.V,a nook orvo;rne;rl n to.fhe ibt.- �,of__Wiii1aj)1r' h e��.rs� 'from atij was. eard in, the c,�rktre 6f 'the town, the "-of I'd wilth ilsh: name fa f0t 'iit r. I I � ­ � I ") IA. wol for:the, sanctalary'. t�j an Engli;ih� fiil[me that, ed to lou.r -miles away! prp-someone wil-I no�.bb,�16,und *hb, -thieT, tzha'g� nja _e�it.,Su&j. Ch v I'Qug Aheas A h, Cuti a raflea S. Tdrno& C L��_tcln- J e�1ad PPO Y 'in 'the behefi'�'. they �_ha e Dakili 6f_-W_eljIrngto)i,�av b �A­h�ed ft fbr-til -beflDr In Blisters. hh6d and _ca �2- yoii� - - 11 the -building '�fr Nelson's' �_.nd Hence, baRW '-poissibl�� tifde trequep `- 144 � Eng nd!� maAe, h6 i�," _n,a_yWu­_M­ g,_ 0 bly e7 # aWkar 94 are., �r part',of, a fosu,d�l;l ��dverl6rd T qw, Of Love. an ra s, ng. wors p a at the .'r son is that,'' 1hiotikh� tl�ie, ame time 4K -i- � I, . I- . ­ r'.. . ­ ­ .', ­ - - To tfi-._ W.nephSv (;en- ��Toy *,co n it 6' ' ' ­­tfie -bi, d the - , - - I ' - . 1. . !w and', haride erin proy n:.jf wl fi­ _d _.th regard;u,fortclo A 07"DC. eini � . 'A ,,j ' r . I � . 1. .1 Y_ Wtre badly dis by_ PeMlljansi ove 99re wi ecz ,;and Avn&Mp� the Yq; ung� negTo: -that-w-asi-,adopta d te8 i*� � Me 1drite-res, jj.jej� A d �t Aeca e G�t, ta.�; omenclatum. bad-11tthat. UT ;kho hid -left omen ' ­ . N.. line,, Poup, of I�kv's a-tAlk name and;4 T 'Or I would-4aVe �be5e�n-nd oftyhrig. -him-th', =4 0 -for him iraa que� a Ili 11 an 'settl d in. And broaglii' orth., f 9DIeci men an "bro'ke ' t4l ' lb P",. Tfile,�.e_ ar_e_'t.w.6' "Of worried-Ir'bil e Vat 'ter called, 6a e, na Tom Wbiloh a g al d� m ver7� sorr iijad s h It showed - a vigo 6 U IM4� M6 human 'fed" i am, peak of a man as,,john P otogr h" wa8, the _gilCi2�dd forms, b t�ken k t -Pale, dalicat %,gir sord and"ied :re�ply, I t §'r #ar`�-yr IS. t 'he Ilist of Appleby h * - developed, Th'67 verY crude , a Y 6 CUS- -,w2s- surmunded, --J�qugli' indfidduil, but ap.- *eea-y.1,b6ys:, The Vahie of these p1II§ I' It loss e k .are PP ?b -by howh*bY 0 aaeo�of Apple -and- e MQre�Mcl LtL ryqicaJ jvtrIength. ln",All run doWn -condit�6zis:is- was a worriso' Wn. e 'Every tb irtyl-� - dais io-r -S—ix lyren toffi`6F! had, Ins on -be ng, y.- Rog.- ameses ;fnd Criiitan Be gather Ike. ikn ild rqP;-W _ph IV 'tile Y Injeasil;v.d. sIttingdo, by ths '�h�sta�teme�t- �of M �rs. -worry a out tlfat� ­­­­ ­­ 1 01" Waa "CMana, lbraftifi'?" ca "Poo"tr r 41 d -ja Va`,ke na e W -W 0 _s .. . . in from an had,his negro-�)i roW.n, n e en. -0 W" ad"Vised to use� Cuticum This is life to' , mg' 0. dMetwn "o lz oi -Thk-elan'' ais derived t b ilvereafieT the rest in B Yeld t -eat awy f. , '' . , , . r , I tb ego phiothgrap ed,' 't lo�saxor' rgnd th, - �V' " Vji�irj egdn,-,ta -ing Dr-'­Wjll,1 �d: the gi I er, '�I w`6ar moo %of ndn,)je-,-o . App�eby Ang'4 'gitetinime h L "th fidund-.i 'J.fiat. t�,.' b that V.-A3V,? e p aced,the jJ60tographs I bl* co tl� tb sources ­hio.Mdug. that It Is— a g�6mbtnd� --0, Mde' Pink' Pills Was In a Veak dless M 4ri. Soap using e.s. im . ? th �011 "Craitlit pa tit, CTUffin +jje a I _red tment, and-- iifter 0 0 WOZ meb dIe In, reaTy, as, an, li,ervious-c ave me Djr* Soap and three boXeS F e, e nge., ng 1'ram And'. "by F t 1 Y s A de 'to. not th '119 w id-h%a`_ d h am f apple" of 0 intenent he wa's endrd h in anting hter .a stimulatini.o, e` 'all he d.epyo§sj SYMP' -S WIM. a. ma avaMable r' n- pp; ins glarl. . ....... Hott lhaj!Aii� Jl� t- tr e 0 r of.-.fto bow r, -the town was in tab ronin Im j,.c M]P;jTiYjIfjs qu-n ut 'a 'bitt' viigue he, fe ogy 'b te *of ve 6t -was *o�kin nin d0_'W­n7ita. 7u$,-wb61striVe- o. un.. ecords,'wb1ch' cer- Tor, te Vi 6,--i U _M_AtY_Wo1Ts,X ago it w1as W ars, Iexf6team' before -_tkmga�_Sjxojj, iilaes�j in(je to -cvn niuch med lein P, V ei Ntw-13funswick., Y91 I The%.1mPr*VeMent' Coy as, ed about *as), :kr- k. ut,it'did - I , , _; - . , .1.; . .... .. '; , e - o , ointment and- -leaf eaven b cuttuta a6ap uida4io wa 'T I 0 nil.d', fee. hov ",,:fro 'nbt,do m gow.­4,nd� 'Th"at' p�.urersf b -thoUch"hat the �-Stwq: chleftaiii'litv 416b ��r.rf ' - - __�_ - ne _011 e any.! �of­ St-T-ighg-th- 4 getpreparj%tions. an y� Vjab. cup jileateit 200A -D 0111t1f, Ai am rprk�,, was �njiit; -some eat rea ze, aw ten Is- If-,, jr- whew yoU L !Conor MbvLbly was,,3hie': e&JsI__t,`an of,,,`6Ma.j I Talcum q ._"FAC spin, er7­ e. W, 6a�- WiMams' Ft ilk-.T.M&�'-L d,�ciiied,: to, try. n wheft-.Soap 25e�Qintknevtz and Me. 7'al=25e. Ile n4n abou Version of a BTJU�fhj n te thin ., am the t4YW-; that' bUra', oar rpoii. I I.. I I., , - �i PUDe the- ficitil e XPIes-, 7 UtIn b have S1 e' aces- rOWT - raughl,-&-barse, .,'At '14em,, and,'I:can 11 Ibv IM, Cuticura I �.Saap 4&v�s witho oTi. "of briestly cf. t. -1 : ;6f , . . _ " . I tr1avdiedi -'acrei�­ 92 IjAr� ch- lie so uttle,4��,Yvoiij� start. up When, I -phs- fro :13leg6t, tlie -brid th six ntprithg 'ion �jm e me tile, teel, tfiese I 94Ved' 1,haY8 lalm,'do'N an th6'rhod -time: "PT0 lvlf W, P Q §rA�' 600d Of 'm-Y,.-.L&,UmdoIt ets;wnon*,-" wrii�.V the-, a d lf-� �rr , . . I 1 1. wile n: it was- ' lying. on the 1106i; it -w6il Ma" av, 'Capt. George Cai-I.WrIght in'tbe enti-Y. �,'and.,we no- - Scientists il' �, fl;d�ce��d, In d eqo9tize theja6e,in t�,e- �J�gt� -9(10 w , pep'the,Pl1If:'rIh' 6 j�;sj�, eve.", in t , I I �. . rL 7 'd-teinperatqr4 tbaf-is.th' -1n:-hig-Labrador-Jo��ndJ�-for,Aiig.ust-i4,- Ior.,­­­._­_I�Ute��_' h f ­_ use as a f 6dX Tat and i.ng Come to�see that Iwa _(kt'QgM'Ph, as, one �r an& 1bo- :same,_ or 4mi Ord 110tens'el" 's one, and Vill... 1� not St. A' All ___D_r -1 'dejrees, hottei sun 1-779, Was so. at!,- &S,L a'd that I JoIn.the ch, t1han the aettv 80 . no-, that intli'Ie fir s'A fili#&-ofTact get W1 Y4 t glad s MY AKVW lor in m6diciWi .-7 t 'to 5 Y` -bFeen7ft-otnj,6d-W _- - J.. _. I Uck ,�f, 'j. llckeO,' OS40 ffitisle Is -'the' nes of 'th 6 I was 'TIC _,j��e. Same i 't�rougli aby dealer (iujjgj Mai cents a -btit J�tjn t k it Would 4-Ave.-gilIa kin& -by, fion of pertain metal q Alk Tbund tbe,,I� and,. -n k-ho:110joerchlef a little 't- t6 s an4, the onj 00 a wa ness,.the,.6pemjjjg, up, bt 'ij�e mind by- 'Six, oxesixor -er, ng, 6,9 was a "DID, -I to rieduce. them s W, v4,j, attended 'ation. and.jr tib. tUld quietl -lie down aE4 In., - When at �an I eorgo, Elliott T edue to ga;4 6Y. apply6g heit" 1�mvj de�. -.�Vhjch, 'is 4.rAboUt fhe Mr tMnsformed hiS ""CC, DDW thn Itr'loSt 1114�.'ft� *ould� TU rack ille qn i an, s .5oul s, n(j v ctly:, eT&. ' me, twd 1 s!baji, no ':mak,0 lame. re- Zratting like ahoj�,. tA and W. .)rl rest un4 fa�O Into'a new..one, ire ary wite ad"foU�� mIe, he neVq V6r� 0. of djaig,r ftinde'e' "'.1"dreN nwn t oormous� an Tit *arks., On'Ahose, a"ndma,10" No MID Ino 'hs h, It WOu d rub That is Th ilnoatj: 4 nft,, �wlth- S olve's way--.N�ihi�,., b * stan r are V �io me i3l full speed, " Soynetjme� I -'h mi pro- ieiie,. a C PoWer to, t h is" d lli., Cold 'Etc.,' the� �Ijfe found.-- Evenjua hfi'V6 diverted 3-sIbir �iifli st dudpg� it, �&,Wd, be ii,:. the Cheit 7,wilid,and t1m9MU8,,ye 130;CT03UM 00pring, grid beautify - A'd personality, �q, Irunafhg',bd&'after r fLh as o en: Rdtricali­i�aratas'-,-w"�., j- -Numb6*oV.th1ngs_ae� ),60, Y No *.,omjn,'_js W VV*ro e6ij _t &1,,, Th do-- ih V�Zeu t i1shei f6lk e­igamp- -and 'fr k about In 'BY a ' wpd to wbjj$,tj.& oil. tetted,', not SAVED, SAB ,Ift.1161 Wfii6ti- "P he&t 15.0 tow. Ut W I hat, th... bb, -when, 6d ln�k wfl same m&nuer at 1: hive; fact, WFly A76"W'rVery b6 b also show fir�oalii the Wild 'Idj' at: tU "t,,, .to oil 9 9-Ah6t, r! a �p Aloil"f6ir _such_nien�'aad, anti, 14 9,41,Pasty o ' sea s ano�,VpTA . n_� bib at' 'wheu It, -'is: as hey, 4killig th asid. 1itv'o- A airl-ts, - --d, sg v_�q d- --mu s pl6de -ait tf %ey, W .60M d7Ms;m1tft t Uke a �ranche T reaC%ed� je, "inIst those, Who KS"L 1ff6hel, Ides 8 W -n' to, frighteried, it er. ta", riea, th ei:MIL-nt: i be7. car Ion' oard�elf4er IN) heat 96,emted anxotit" '14 Dab 6r 'I- tsibleis- 4' M Ael hael, b 44' Its . full' v, half*at.. of' I h )y 'In 'boai 1b"i"t" ]`to Fkhh�i id Lboaf 'i e Caught "(t3,1�;6pt 6,f W. � � I OUP li6. ' ­ I TfIa-poliphion­7 liqlf 111*,as.1i I Nfo , tfier'tftra daY-iifter 'AID' h4116 1 114 a s <)n%pri It Wo W.1 5" , ., nd' 1,111LIlend T I jor IM d of is� the avor� j;'ea n P lily MU al all' , mdtheins," , Mrs Iwo ew,j1t$htq usand Y69rs tgd. 1b gun agai st' hot of t1rogsillid.4 tagne 9 expeTence fs't dondIn em 61t: 6 the .�A b, JeA�t tfi� �0& the .0ossibillity 61!,�'rmn st aining 90, of I oth . or motheirs wh6. 1.iivo te� A u -I I naba, s ar th Pvdcu- 4DrMa 14 s�oTtlo P" o�xa It ''M it fvOl M,, we� WeiO 411; asil eep) marbifer"Ya&S o their lgadA, t b t1i, -jo, 11rot U 910 M near as "'30, 'fe ',that jt­h",�' 4 ...... . .. .. worth'� of 13a Y.0 OV61, Ta'blots,. 0 Mus 8T sale jiledit!,iffe et: but 'plu;66 fliIem jj I ' ' - gle 'TiLliMU'll ft'L�40_M 25UXo an 'FASES, at 10"r. the to Ile: `ionb�.q and,ne�or'daij: 'to' rf 'oldt_'jt _14 M" I n__t1he p ate, p1dded he least of: gil- "ri a., 'dally trtin, - lho ants Fe� Pen Y pain td�thd S&jVengVr.SV *Ore ee even st,ihe�Y mf: ithd A& Y`� Officials. j;aU r�d &�s I ne� later thus ro- Uch� , of di­'!'jj�ri�tng: the"Iftinor''111i tro;ll , ir 1,,4 A.-Vrealb afiy_ Ad- I'U miuLs A-16 0;t,��d V 4Dg he- A t r; 1. $'r 'L nro�,_S ' , ' Y. 11 , P u hel Gcavag�e 6d Rp;u, �*Oa 4iInity. AocarcUi�gj lit' fan" 61 who Dne'Dw n1th ialso to' soutlit.rn Arlzomlv, rujisI ait tibr. Thev all .064:tjio� jnre .�&�j 07 r 1W any r= epolb gain - 'b tbe, ring, 4 ji f;tr6et t ,i�ii ib", 1T, Is .5 Salla you - 'th 40dr bounal.. rk,`V,KAi &�ts,h box rightt it.. but hient whieh call a hal, 4 NVIIIII11'ami" r s n, Med,iclfic Co.,. 11) St". to,&Tld I ­ , , , tf'.zl VI enrY Atli, (11flett''ItU fib too."It *JU fta&r 6 11 t .:, I it 16 Well je. . -Y. 01401thal 77— lj� to a d6gr W'Ls f M6 -o Te ti, do",�c- 'Uainte Wtfi W1 an ;Will When rd. g, gaa�Z b. �,Jjii�dgb 661!�,g A: % tle t '6)' 0 R$E­8ALT,1 'Orin y,' ' 8 bpflirk polver� but . �+�,t e 1, - 4, 9AAt 114 doft' by tlia'64 abliftgat-thom. 'h Dom t 6�a xpr Ajbjjo� mbAt it" ii�n�l: 1:,a i� To be- poiow vl� ti6m,, as A 464 r.rr#) 1"t6A Mad, b, ��p, 'for it� f6,�, id, 1,17^ - diat m1hifig cam�or 4Uix1rrY1,hg T"k go, iLvft�ll- -to tel ,ott wh�A-06.0 fq n td* b $Ove& 1 WeVo they o&tco-elver L A $ A LT4 an Nij- vim 'by.. h1il -n R tlto� �ild I to[ n on,, ard ji w Wf"a wasslt4r�atj C Mred Mid chin Cwiyotiltfie dl*ublb 6 14M�6 6 his 66U�A<' 0666rt�6 tbtf '1�".'W 'RVIG or Iatea ' r . I. Y 6�W , r , maiij even Its. 00isi -6*6 mo" itcbi tO V'N,,'fO GALt., 6�tl�t� ranig! to :be jn,� __-L t,:rtod into 'the -1; 11 ' ' �-* 0 I I . t, Aeon F 21 F A., VZ 'ITZ,