The Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-09-07, Page 4,H MWLtLTTaOoE 4 -x traUltiMAY,. 011411110t 1. I TBE ton,ef farsaistg"e . be hastEalk NIA bke• suw std nimPa. .,. Even's*tti soW. o male •t4 °,t+ainat toward* pts; Vieri send egklextli With rior.istawe, • lima Ilank, Farrstwr.i a arena b:. anal aR impartauat °tie. C4#a' eialt Oar Local Malsager if n ea *mimosa" Alas Year:. . . 0 F HA.MLU.O.' LUC$NOW > ANCH-si. A. G,l male, lManaget fRMICKDE RING andMc. " FARM MACHINES and REPAIRS LR,•C.p Troctore an4- Eisgiltei; Gem. Whits A. SOa Mutating Maelsinei; Louden's. Litter -Carriers", Stalls, Standees and' Water. Bowls; Frost's Coiled Wire and Wo e• ta.Frrage; ? ' Coanos's Perfection Electric Washer; Gogrla). Writer and Leaning Planet. FORjSALE ,BY W 0,A � W.N.D. EW� . - LUCKNO. •s' �E. 1MXOLSONS BANK• • 'INCORPORATED ill55 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over • 125 Branches . A Farm Run on' a Business Basis, re.y,,alrepsp• pat every member of the familyf be made apart. seer, ' That the earning from•;pome particular product be al- • lotted to each member. Then good sense indicates that these earnings should go to swell their savings; accounts with The • Molsons Bank. This willmake each one-ambit- taus ne•ambit-taus to intake his product pay. Deposits,, by . mail, Accepted, • • MANAC BR, L... CKNOW .:Spahr .H. RAILWAY �( SYST E M CRANK TRUNK IMPROVED' TRAIN SERVICE Daily Except .Sunday Li Kincardine 5;30 aims 1.45 p.m : Lv. ` Rrailer 5.50 a.n. :2.04- .p.m Lv, Luckriow 6.09 a.m. 2.21 " p.m. _,1bv. Wingkiam 0140 a ns. 2.54' pati. Li; Brussels • 2:06 a.m. ' 3.18 p.m.' Lv Listowel 1.50 a.m.: 4.01 •p m. Lv,-.Palmer'aton 8.28 a.m.' 4:23• p.m. Ar Guelph 9.45 a,m. s.5.38 pan.;. Ar. Brantford 1.00 p.m. 8.35 p.m. Rr llnmilton ; 100_p m..8.30 p.m. Ar. Toronto 11.10 •am, 7.40 pin Returning -Leave Toronto, 6.50 a:In.'. and 5;02'0u. , Through • coach Kincardine to . Tor - 'onto on morning train. Parlor Buffet car • Palmerston to• :' Toronto a n'•inorniag- train, and -Guelph to Toronto on evening ,train; • For full particulars apply: to Grand Trunk. Ticket Agents, F. F. PEILLIPS; Agent, Luclmow. Highest Cash. Price Paid. for'Crean and Eggs, _- Test Guaranteed at PALMER'S DRY GOODS ' STORE.. CitatOmer • Give Us A Trial HONE -75 �.11tIrktitio, i!ientirtel. releases.* evreryTtpreaay mptnioit ' .i, tlt na;acS>iw. QQlp. P adore r *ea 11 icor. ` IiItrRSLtY; SEPI BER s 028 HOW TUE I. W. W. SEM ,• THE A. F., OF L. WP stran'd's for ',Industrial Woaket v the World.°' v. of l,.'' starsale ''for 4.4•ApoerieoU Federation of r .iS.,eSS" railway tragic throughout the..country for soma weeks, ' It *wears that the railhead mane- era ania era have been getting a good UAW - Melt to stet"to Work. and they' say that. all the government bas -to do is to keep hands eff and they will beatthe strikis ' worlanen, At Ieost site pass - ;eager train has been wracked.. with loss. of I.fe,. by the strikers or "strike sympathizers, .end, there has, been:' mtr�eh0tltreatenifg as to, what will ltap- pen if therailway maniasementsa keep ' on fighting the strike. Also therehas been a great deal of inter- ference with non-union men wbile on their" way to, and fire= work. The government has now determin- ed to protect these meta ;and wits. this end in view it has secured an inune. norder fromcourts. for- bidding , ro the f.. bidding ail • interferences with rail- way emsployeese, and it, proposes to. hold the heads of the railway unions responsible for any violence that may be cosumitted. As weo nnderaatand the •courts will . now hold . the • strike leaders responsible" for any :crimes that nney be coininitted against the railway • compen.es , or their employ-. eese. The court win boldthat though the leaders May net be directly res- ponsible for the destruction of .life or property, yet the crimes are commit- ted because of acts or orders of the leaders. - Whether or not this is ' the right way to goabout it. the protection` of workmen, whether union or non- union. in their, right to work is one of the first duties of government. • This injunction will ,get the strik ing unions right up .against the gov- ernment, and there is no saying what •the ii)itcome may' be. Labor unions all over the country are simply "mad" about it. and. thousands are calling for a strike of all union labor as a protest `•. against the government's. action, but that such extreme action will be taken is doubtful, 'cs were Privileged to e a regent espy og..oIne.:strrai &olidaritye°' the 04204 elan rad thea 1.. W. W, In this •D;auz,r there etas a eartoon showing a are .: man, blindfolded ,and earring e : lass Vic;. ':1 peer -.looking specimen of an ass. '$ hie strong Haan represents Lyaboi<;. ° and the ass represehts the. Amerrearm Federation of Labor. Over the =steam the ionestion is asked:. **Whew will I..^;bor drop this load?"" The Anner'aana Federation jnf' Labor, has aivvssuug'ht for improve the condition of•'vage-earners. by lawful means; and has long been a great Power in the United States, The I. W, it'. represents .bolshivism do this continent. It' is the sworn enemy of "capital." and approves violence and the destruction of property in gaining its ends. The Fedetiation -of Labor is. alto- gether too slow for the IS W, W, hence the contemptuous picturing of the Federationas an ass and a bur- den upon Labor There is an L W. W. element in all trades and labor unions- and this element it is which' so often gets a striking union into. trouble, It consti- tutes, the murder element among the coal •miners, and to it may be ascrib- e"the wrecking of trains in cone's- tion with the railwhy strikes. • It is the _greatest enemy of civil- ization. in that' regard ,epresenting, the barbarians of .by- gone ages.. Gi- ven " its'• way,. it soon would convert this continent into another Russia. Those Who Stay in the Valley Will Never Get O ere' ). and- operators -would .Hake as: much or THE COAL MINERS STRIKE The .great strikes of •. coal -mine workers in both .Canada and the Un- ited ° States are over•,, and within a week mining willagaitsbe carried as usual, • - ' ' • • So• • many conferenees' were :held. - and see many proposals made drat one cannot say which -eide to the contro- versy won: The one most outstanding fact is that all who have nothing• to do with the coal business, other than using the coal, have been heavy` leo- sera 'It.is not.so certain that• either,, the sine . operators and the miners will 'suffer, much loss. • . , 'There is a lot of speculation as to who:was responsible for the strike, and• as to what the -real purpose of it was, So far ass outside 'appearance goes, the mine workers just 'quit by way of resisting a: cut. in wages. But there • are those who say thatthe cut • in wages : was purposely made in or, der • to cause a strike. Those who take 'thisview, say that immense quantities of• coal were on hand, and that even t hti 1 with the mines ,idle, the mine owners moxe money (slue to the higher prices -• at which coal would sell) than if busk _ Bu'ng.ns your -:Hess--went,' on ..in the. usual, way Cream, Eggs and .Poultry Another story is thatboth opera torn end, strike leaders engineered •- . - and an the hill -top _' : _}fie strike with a- view ;to' making - a We PaYou•CASH gain for both operators and -miners yAccording tothis view the':ctrike was Honest Weights, Accurate • Tests and a a great sham gotten un to ".put it over the public:' With a strike in -pro gress'.the price of -'coal was bound to go up, and ;viten itis- over.' the•:users of coal are so glad to get it thatthey will not hesitate "to pay,: With, theg -.. "nubile- in -this'" state sofa Mind -price§ tvill stay'up, and the -operators having brought about this .state of - 'things PHONE 47,, : • LIICItNOW compromise with the' strike. leaders •paying more` than, ever before and '``chai>;iirg-'-..lore; for the' coal: In= -this .:way both. parties to the sham' strung + gle ' are better off than"before and U: Need a Monument only the consumers sniffer. -The two paries get t then" to- eoff- the'third. That is an 'extremely pessimistic The Lucknow arbl`e: and Gc in view and it is quite: -beyond the•ayer-- e s` ago naafi ro say',,,whether or--irot• there•- ate Works has a large acid con is -any-truth -in )t: '-- plete stock -the most beautiful' • Henry • Ford is very confident that designs to choose from ui Mar= ' . . the "money barons" . are at , the- back b1e, Salt& and .Canadian Gran-�• of. the strikes. •and�hat they' lige the strikes as a means of implementing. rtes. the markets and making• •gain for themselves: However Ienry's opin- We make a Specialty of Family . ion on• matter •outside of automobile Monuments and invite your ane ' making does not ,appear to be good, apection; PRESIDENT HARDING IMO ption_s,,.,neatjy.•and._prom pt- • TIGHTENS UP. • Square Deal to All A.F:& A.M., G.Ii.G:. Oid Light Lodge meets every Thursday night on or i 'before the still ifiriion, in -the -Mate • biiie Hall. Havelock St., Lucknow. ' W.M,, T. S. Reid; S.W..' T; J, Stet usig;' 3,,W„, Geo. M. 'Stuart; Sec;; W. A. Wilson, • S -I LVERVV 00 For- _Ser -vice• • Luclmow L.O.L.; No. 428, meet hi ---•their-legas--morn.-every, secaaad,_Tuest_ day, of the month at 8 Oslo* pan. W.D., .Ttui, TrWhi; Rec. Scc'y., Wm, ylcQuiliiA, • -• COAL NEAR- SUDBURY (The Algoma. Advocate) • Smeared with coal dust, -`tired,. sweating and exulant, A. F. A. Coyne returned to Sudbury lastnight from - the coal fields at Larchwood, which he is developing at his own expense, • de- spite the discouraging pronounce- ments of fellow- geologsts, and ani- ounced that within two weeks' time Sudbury citizens would be able to buy anthracite 'coal equal to the best Pen- nsylvania product. brought' direct frons the Larchwood • area, a distance of 22miles,. On Friday afternoon, Coyne' and .his seven Miners with Claude Anderson. an expert geologist , and analyst, who has• been hi charge of the ground operations, discovered a nii}e-inch seam of almost' pure an- thracite in 'a hitherto untouched part • of the field. Underneath a covering of slate, running true to rock formation the seani wasuncovered. the depos- its sparkling like diampnds. 'There - was water in the vicinity also. all of 'which' facts give ground for highest ooitimism of- the preserve •of a coal- .mine ' .. "I had arrans'ed to`.do diamond dril- ling but from these late developments I don't think -it will be . nac.ssary."• declared Mr Coyne last night. Ander Lavern •Pains• Pains underthe shoulder blacks, tet of liver derangements. Other indicktions are , sallow complexion. indigestion,. •constipa- tion. biliousness .and bilicas•;bead- achea,' The quickest' wayto arouse the liver to healthful action is by use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Continued use will insure lasting relief, correct the - whole digestive system and purify theblood - Wm. Barren, Hanover. Ont.; writes: "For some time 1 suffered from liver trouble.. There was a hard, bearing- down feeling in say back which 1 could not „get ridgy of. Some one advised me to try Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. I did so, and " found them' excellent. The dragging feeling 'in ray back dis- appeared and I felt asuch benefitted generally. .1 have great confidence is Dr.. Chases Kidney-L.iver Pills, and. always keep them on hand for general ase Dr°. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills; one pill a dose. 25c a .box, all dealers; °or Edinanson,•" Bates :& Co., Limited, Toronto. son. his field - captain. was Walking on air, Enthusiasm, lean high. All were 'of the opinion • that a rich . surface mitre has ..indeed : been discovered -and that Coyne's' theories' at variance with those of departmental geogists have been vindicated; -Sudbury Star, Aug. Loth. Leave' it to Algoma. to show the world that we've got the goods While e': the province city councils and "citizens" • meetings" are busy b,.;;gesting that shiploads. 'of 'Welsh coal be contracted for and':others are errangine to buy "wood lots" to keep the kettle boiling . during the nippy days .of frost and snow along comes this Algoma citizens. Coyne,with the best coal, comparing favorably with hte best °coal, Produced by the fam- ous Pensylvania mines right here in Aigoma in quatitv,: that he will con- tract to produce • and deliver ten thousaz ' tons of `' it forthwith. It 'takes 'a felow's breath away; The THE . . RED. FRONT HARDWARE Op, • :ThreshingT-: Season t � g .. p , e have ail. Greasy, , Athan. W ,. Belt n ,Etc.; at Right Prices a� 'OLAENE A Tractor. • 0- • w` • r barrel • lots, 85c. :aliont per g a;. We W are clearing Lawn Mow - 1 • ers . at I4egular $10.50 for $. 9.50 .Regular p1.50 for $10.50. Regular $13.00 for $12.00 P RAE & PO.RTEOUS Phone 66. - - . Liucknow.. i fact that this bonanza is practically a suberb of Sudbury's makes it more • .real, •for Sudbury is, a `town' that oper- ates big 'concerns• already, and the. Good Book states. emphatically; that . these who have got the goodswill be given more and these who have no- ' thing will have "it" taken away from them: 'We prppose that. alt 'patriotic Ale'oma citizens. wear Sudbury dia- monds in their necktie stick -pins. It would' be a great advertisement. 'Mon- keying aside it makes us feel warm' to know there's lots_: of. good coal so near to home. • , - . _0 0- o- - Drug store: -''a few'•bottles• parked Drug in the vicinity of a sods fountain. i TOWNSHIPSf. QUARANTINED ON - • .ACCOUNT OF CORN BORER r---. , The corn borer having again be- • come' wtroublesome in, a:. number of counties in -Western. Ontario the de-, puty •minister•.of Agriculture has is- sued an arder*quarantining a .number - of townships. Huron County is among • those 'affected.' the townships quaran tined beings., Hullett. McKillip, and ' Morris. 'Other counties in: which_ the pest has made its appearance are: - Durham,Eseex, Lampton,• Ontario,'.. Northumberland; Perth, • Wentteorth -• and York:. On September 1st,..tiie i,Tnited: Sta- Call and see us ° before placing , tes Government took an important - - " 1 stand in - your order+, connection with the "strike- • -of railway shop which has paralyzed_ • • ' RO/3T. • A. SPOTT0N, : ' ' Lueknow; Ontario. natal wee_.. are .. •'anently settled - ai:.ouglas 4.0.0.F.",loicknow Lodge nieets every Friday evening at 8 ,u'^'oek in•their Hall, Campbell Street0411'.brethren cordially invited. ,Ofiicerse Noble Grand, Arch. Barbour; 'dice Grand, --XacLearl' Johnstone; --Ree. Etta- E;... 'Aitchison; Fin. ;See,, Dr. Paterson; Treasurer, Metz, Rosa. . :BEAUTY OF THE SKIN ie the sataral desire of every erotism. • sod 1s obteinsble by the: ute of Dr. • Chase's Ointment,. • Fimides, blackheads. toughness and, redness of the akin! Irritation gid eczema diuppear. eta the skin is left soft smooth and velvets`, All dealer*. or Edmmaasoa. Batestlk Co., Llalited. ToMote. 60.1nrie free If you iaottitioa this 'paw. Ell FE ers o` ana.� a' Buie& ill' 1917 and gatiitini tat December '-_1922. CONVERSION • PROPOSALS HE:• MINISTER OF FINANCE 'offers to holders . - Holders of the maturing bonds Who wish to avail' themselves of this conversion -privilege should take ' Z' of these ,bonds who:' desire to, continue their investment " in Donnnidn of Canada :securities the, . their bonds AS6 EARLY AS 'POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of exchnt7iging t turi_ng'lwiscisqor new ..•aiay��•r-Hn�� aura Caaiiiaiia::arid`.a'eceiah.ili�.excTiaia�e •°"" bonds bearing 5i per cent interest,' payable half yearly; an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing . of either of the following classes.' '. an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of (nj Five -year -bonds, •dated tit November, 1922, to Mature lst November, 1927. : (b) Ten year 'bonds, dated 1st November, -----‹•-- - -1922.'0 mature„ -1st November, 1932:. While the maturing bonds will carry interest to lit December,1922, the new bonds will commence to earn interest from 1st. November, 1922, GIVING 'A BONUS �• OF A Filet: MONTH'S INTEREST TO. THOSE kVA -4441g THEMSLLVES"OF-THE CONVER$IOrf IQRNILEGE ` This offer is made to:holders of the maturing bonds and is not open to other itVestors. The bonds to be issued under this :proposal` will be substantially of the, same character as those; which are maturing, except. that the exemption from taxation; doer not apply -to the •waw i�et,a :.' •- :.. .. :,, ... _•...._.- Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest -payable by cheque .from Ottawa;; will • receive` their December 1 interest cheque as usual. 'Holders of __^coupon bond&wsll' detach and retail _tite_l"ast_.iinmaturcd: -coupon beforesurre idering the bond tfselffo3 conversiory purposes ... The surrendered bonds will beforwarded by banks ' to the. Minister of .Finance at Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bonds of "the, new issue,' in fully . -registered; 0r oupoon reglatereeior: _:coupon bearer form oarrying interest payable'- lst-=May and '1st November of eachyear of the durat;Qn of the_Loanr: the, first interest payment accruing and payable let May, 1923. Bonds • of the now 4 issue • will be,, sent to the banks for • delivery immediately after the receipt of the'surrendered bona. . The bonds of . the maturing . issue which are not converted Under this proposal will be paid off in cash on the 1st December, 1922. • ro , illipitr 4.'3X•' t D&ted it Ottawa, 9tft August, 1922. • W .8. FIEL]ING,' Ministers!' " "11Tinees ... 0.. 44,0 0 ' ^ .40 0