The Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-06-29, Page 41. y. • :!r . ,. .u..., aYF . s.. Mita" on sot., Ll • I. • R duos ihtt -sWislodtwaserthwarnotismolast r e , a.,i$e. n.. x�u►o=st 1, Psastiot«r. iM ; ‘THIllifIRAY..:JUNK t` rte. %'SONG *MI' lis +ahs ie; Preirenalve 4 r, ea .active. "qtr.. ilk y' thle Boak ae#rt .idosiste security'to 1411j il',01.1Ar' u M ANO h, .. ,0191,4 AT WINNIPEG We are, Shia weolc;'lln receipt ,of a. letter from the Rev. J. S.Duncat. of Sault •Ste, Mani in which. be tells: of • R happy gathering • of former Tack nowitea which took place at Winni- peg on June TSth., *t the. time of' the meeting of the _Geaaerol AssemblY., He,aal►a:, %:cnie had been .plane., but raps prevented. N0 rainr,however,°' eoiald dampen the. enthusiasm of: the sixty odd Lucknowates.. Who ' h gathered at tt�., hoil' o of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron, Tonga. St., and 'those tof us who came from a distance. had 1, 1 a chance to renew many old acquaint antesand refresh Meal happy miem ories. The Years have dealt very kind, ly with our oldeer finds, and to nee Mr. and Mrs,. Alen Lswawi,. Mrs, Jane .iMe can sand Mrs. Thompson enjo ing themnselves with the young, est was Su ient to Mahe :happy the heart of the dourest Scot ; a hong us The whole: gathering sruppHed the "homey° touch Abet yres needed to soh have probably 'heard of all the fuss use our coming ,intoe= + limn with a But We Knave bung on cOnfident in the support of .� e �d • the � u'ltlmaie . triun �►h RING and 11.c O N IC ; ,. ' MACHINES >and REPAI S: iirkitss 80. TMreetilo5 Machhie$; zossoseess Litter Varriera, tali, Stanch* aapd . WO* Bowie.. tt ' Wire. and 1P, a tr ll'en►e e;;: ; Canstiert'aa Perfectitat. Sleet* "Wasberr 10, Wlnterc.' and LLeeming Pianoit. FQwSALE BY• 0. NOR , LUC 1 HE. round . out our full 'en joyrxtent of. the General Assentoly, and the, unbounded hospitality` of the Winnipeg people. The following list may not be . quite complete 'for I had toleave rather : early *Alin evening, but it nearly so, ,and lit 'will .serve to semi many old Bruce, and ifuroon. friends of those who have gone out from the old home. i. ancd'•wbo are happy and ,prosperous in the "Gateway -to :the Creat West' Among, ',those: present were ;;„14r. and Xis, 'Jack•Xing, Dr; Frank Thom•P- 1, sox;,1Vlrs.:E. Thompson,. Mrs Ted.,f. Collins.. Mrs.; Pent Belviiigr Frank Belivig, Helen Collins Mr. and Mrs. Jas. .T. Mitchell,- Dr. M. R. Blake, Mrs. Wm. Blake; 'Rev... D. T. L. Mc Kerroll,, ' Belle McKay, Jean M'4Ca1 lam.' Mrs. • B.. MOCallum, Gretta; Mc- Callum, 'Marie •M air.. Mrs. ' Alex., ,lirCff tPORATED 1855 Capiti41 Ps Up $4,001060 gkiisarvie Pond +$5.'000,000' Oves ,125. Branches y Keep Surplus .Money i the` House?,. It. is' dangerous! Better to take this money to the nearest *ranch ef; The Malawi; ;Bank and -deposit it in a savings acconat•where it will be absolutely' safe. .(Money..may be, deposited 'er withdrawn by maib), k R1UD MANAGE R, - LU,CKNow RANC .. •ctoY, Mr, an K'ay, Miss Sarah McLean, Miss Eon ico McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- Lean, • Mr':. -and Mra R, D. McLean, Mrs. Jane McLean, Mrs. Chas Max well, Geo., W Goodall, "Al" Murdoch, Mrs. A, V. Murdoch, ,J. C. Lawson, Mrs: J. C. La*son. Mr.- and Mrs; D. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pierre. Gilbert. McKay, Mrs. Gilbert Maw, Mr. arid Mrs. N. W. Perleyr •M. E. Martin, J. F. Christie, AA Martin,,, , Myra Martin, Peter Kee, `Mrs.~: Pdter Kee; Evelyn Kbe, 'Ed: Lawrence, Nes- ta Redmond. J. T MitChelV Alex., McKay, Mr. and Mrs Alex Cameron, Grace McIntosh, ' Jean • Ring, '!Wil" ;McIntosh, Mrs W: M. Mrintosli.'Mrs W. :.A, Cameron, AgneSlaWnon. Alex Lawson, Mrs. '.Alex. Lawson;' Leone Williams; Will 'Cameron, Rev. J. C. Nicholson, Paris, Janie -G. Martin. ' Rev. J. W. ilthillnns. Regina. arid the as conittpatutn, its caused ' by aR torpid condition of the Hier, 1 ing'en►tds salts,castor on, etc,.. ta. 'move tite -bowels, cannot, afford :more than'teepntorary relief. If rnu are to rid: yourself . of this aulreent*and the.: scores of ani noYias' syuot?ms and diseases {�(11ici come In is wale, ,. it, is ',pessary to get the 'liver rig%t by, such. treatments as= s suggested iri. We fetter, 14s. Alvin Richards. R R= No. 1, Sole?, Bay. Ont.. writst.", like bu the pec "Fort`two ,yeas. I wu illktod with; iadiaarics, sus* i. the ngsauui' whe. 1 got ap aqr -bees* .was bad. -flea a poor appoulo, a d liner klt liks . eateaf , -certain ,foods. 1 roved away 'diilescat Medicines -aa a .1axativer; withopt'"heaeEtr and'the doctoass medielno, dui not help at ail. finally 1 ;tried Dr, Chase's Kidney -laver Pills. and found there bot.' ter than anythia1 1 had: ever- tried.. ` I can hi#11x reeresp tepid theta to any- one troubled with • constipation or 1ti�i- F net troubler:'-• • Dr. Chase's r/ penny -Liver Palls. one pill a ague. 25c ,a box. all dialers, or' Eelmanson. Bates •Co,, Ltd.e..Toronto; e�ea�p�le �o#>: .. ow shall not be. deprived. : �n��� ., . . -t ie privilege of 'towel= prices:. = Y+ yy s Vip e'. ar+� _p�ep�ring an avalanche of bargains W . • - competition, 0etlilion , swee y all signs . of . high 'prices, and fit your hearts • writer of this letter • Though we • are far away. we .still,' cherish the +happiest memories of the. old town •and countryside. ate when ever.'We, meet afriend. Abe but comes from, . Lucknow.. he is nearer to us than ever • With every good wish to The Sent- inel• -and its numerouis readers ;Very Sincerely Yours, J ':S Duncan. Sault Ste Marie.. Olt Tithi iadless,•. doe in abd : eeamazingly ridicule ins val mime in throngs. Wet be be - gladto. . meet you. A ,notorist'. dhould nerer:. confess that the accident was: wholly the .re- sult of phis own. tareless>ress.. - The Judge might die of _chock. U 1NO MC ONTARIO. n MO ULYard., we- expeet to, launch the *gest sale of our experience,- a sale, which, no dOubt,_will appeal to the pocket- ook of-oneln a and a sale which will convince you that we are nOt of the old school which until they heeame-linfitier-usedust because tile price and -material did not -putt the furchaser•_, ., is Sale will last until SATURDAY, JULY 15th. (a two weeke.salej, so give .uia eall whether s We itie Offerbg Store opened night and day except Thursday aftertioons-aild evenings. ROCERIES kge-0 Baking 'PeVider, regular 30 and 35c.* cans, . ...19c. „VOltitt ear filled With Gasoline of the r ate 01 35c, Or gallon during' ,these • • liktfiklidOlkg 'your fil,Gallan \can for Motes Oil and get it filled for $3.50 1)RY GOODS OU buy .ois not; ind see theman DRAPERIES.—No matter rwiTat the first price wTi„, idaugh----' tering- them. Frices which were 60 to 90c., are th' be cleared at 85e. - A good selection te pick from • " • OVERALLt.-...-Men's blue and Whit% with bib, on- sale at Boys' brown duck, worth $1.00, on sale at „. Boys' Khaki 'Pants, worth' $L25; on sale at . . WORK sionfs.=-Au colors and Sizes for men, at — • . • 98e WINDOW' lorspw,p.—Whiy with clored borders, t'o clear at•12c. per yd. • G11111014AMS.—ttegular 35c„, and, 30c. qinghtipts, t,a'ke your ott. Child,ren'S White , Drawers or Fink Bloomers, On intleat.10c,- FLOOR OILCLO'rlfe-4. few v14'4' Oficlothilto clear at 25c, * • GOODS c ' Reg.' 28 to 30cc -1 yard Wide, light.patterns,--reduced- • Note the width -36 incites American Goods ' • are Pist colors, and sold at 35c For theie two Weeks clearing 024. c. WORK' SOCKS.—Tbe last of•an rirmy issue in Men's, all-weol socks 'VOILES„ --Clearing up the last of our colored Voiles ,at • MEN'S' RHARI COMB1NATIONS;—ReguIar $3,50, en sale $2 .00' SWEATERS,—Ladies' Pul,lovere in all; colors, worth :op% to 33.60, clean them up at $1.00 each . Just the thing fOr evening wear• —Cash, Eggs or Cream. No Credit. We cannot handle butter. in the hot weather) • •