The Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-06-29, Page 3•
.-..._.. _...- r•
:Lade, EvidOnce of Ienipeit,
uouskSkii4 Temperament ti)
•• 140..3000 A.Mong Stricken
-Givers the charaeters parade Melt'
weep eilWolatly•end display a riot or
After eight Yeats of wax and revolti-
lion have ,broUght real tragedy Ea -
lamest iacompieltensible to the, for-
•eiglier, the eV:areas' Russian displays,
emettall et Waling, The, action-,
I- it eyer extsted et all hags lieen. deaden,
,ediirthe succession. or divas it has.
instead of talking about their tinge -
11401, the Ittnallitne see:into be trying
'fettliens, husbands •or, brothers Killed,
do se 'clonally, Thek do not button,
hole ;stranger* !to . tellethent• Weft' Of
WoUld anake the. filhatileeS IA the most
eminent tragedians! or writens Of ,flc-*
'Venal' horrors!' writhe tit sehame. at • the
Stuff they timed oot la their life.
e. Nor doithitr "awe* eXPetriehoes"
thseii Meuse* that the leased! tot the met 'recalled. Among the oorreanond-
• • oats, a student or bast' dancing, and
• attended, The other day she- Came to
.an- Ahrterica.n-frientl to ask aid to bury
her faithier,,an• old, who had' died
. tdiddenlv the day before. His body: lay
en ' the •only table in the little tete-
room apartment he and his .t•Wo •daUgh-
tem had 4Occu'pied. The family hid tithe
••-soCielly.ded tormerly wet! CO do;
and otehrlint 'help 'ttt Inlets the ectutye-
lent lit $16.1.'6, pay exeistusei tit a simple
• .Seethe' daughter: appealed to th'e
Arkerleali Whom she. had Icemen. for
nionthe,- but to Whirnn she liftd never
revealed:either her 'poverty or ahe past
tragedies her tardily had Undergone
, • durkig. the war and revolution.
Two of herbrethere had beep killed'
in the war. .• In the revolution, their
, :preperty was" confiscated „and her
kis native oosintry in. hope Of return-
. lag t� Russia With Pundit He was Shot
Work; One with, a Csoettrimient :bureau
• and the other with the "Chetra", oe sec-.
ttle-.1nfigence et the
"Choke" to: retain,tive_ rooms, to' live
' in. The CoMbinedearningas of the two
.daughtera WaS less than. $10 Monthly,
hand to *oath, eitlyiYorbtag. their father,•.:
Another acquaintance of the &urea;
op, • the Sixth floor tie an elevatorlese
ginartnielit:It Wee evideatttleit she had
' once been vrealtliy , but. she Dever re
coli• e"With carved oaken etaireritye and
'eon_ ,eittrance .ball ite• big •as all ordinary
sht-room oft* apartineot Some one
ehe -added •catiiallet 41 .ivatf bolsi 'here;
Thilt wags our hetne, you Move"'
She waa. the daughter of the wealth -
, How Love .ightens Burdens.
footeV hustling -little hewsbek. Who
• Was Plying his trade on a Crowded city
his werk. Xecerding to the story, as
reported by ow Mteliange; there Was a
younger brother to he Supperted, "Jim-
, My,",who was lathe and•"couldn't earn
"AI, Zee" said the sympathetic
questioner. "That It hard; yam
' • The shabliY little Wag erect lu
a moment; and the denial' Was protept
-and aturieWhat
go hafine tapilatsPg4 lot. et 11010.' What
vrtMid be the' 'good- of lueir it
nobody Was glad? Or ot &Wog Whigs
it there WOO SAW tO cuiria6 with.?"
druitor, anti a& the newshey joined
MO into the gathering "disk the old
goldsmith .remarked tofiotribly le bar.
:tke mend $uppiy is Enriched. '•
function, le it NOM to. Mei* the b1.094-:
difitreaft Atka *tatting le the
•estier. the steepech'shown that it le t90
Weak to perfOrna the work of ilighettag.
the food taken. In• thin cemdttionsome.
but theqe Wilt' 'Anther aggravate ,f4e,
.-Now Strength is 1'givon weak '..gstoM-
aabe by Dr. Williams'. Fink 'pills he!!
bleed supply-. This- is the natural pro-
etnie of giving strengthend tone to the(
storaiich, and it accounts for the
Pi:mealy relief .1n. stomach disorders
that the uSe .of Dr.' Willlants"
Pink Pills. , The appetite revives, food,
are (Repelled • Mr.. William -
WA., bears testimony to the' value of
pilts cases' of this kindl He
Isaya: "1 wee attacked. With 'indiges-
tion aecompanted lay Severe cramps in
the stomach.. Vwes prescribed for by
Oho; faintly dector, but got very little
benefit. Then I tried some of the ad-
vertised remedies but With no better
'hie worse. • Then I. read of the nose•of
ei man who Praised Dr. Williams' Pink
medicine. The result, think, Was
amazing; as the use. of . six boxes re-
-SU:wed me to mk former goad health,
I can therefore warmly reeemMendthe
iise of this 'medicine foe stomach t u -
Yoh' oan •get these • Pills from any
med.1 Ine,..deeler or by. mail at 50 Cents-
or.six" boxes ter $2.6IT•frem The
NOMA' IQ 40:Oa what) day through,
Vasptitt' the thInge I Malt to 40.
XII be terribly buoy, though,
Stlifil% the haY" 119 in the Inowe,
.130 tbe *WO that yen wagit tad°.
,Pickin' and ichooftlh' here an' there,
• estothin"-te do the 'whole day through,
"gelatin the things You, want to do;
Wonder why allthe folios.' see
Don't hive turn the same aS •me•
Seems as though they go it blind,
Takin' anything they :Ind,
•Wierkin' at the whole day thuhigh.
Thing0 that they dont want to do,
Botcher Hie! when I've greined
Workan' nie won't hitch at alt,
'Cause look•areand bit.,
Nankin' for the place flt. • '
Then I'll spend My yrhole Me through
•Doin' the things thatl"want to do.
"Scientifie management • is here to
stay. Those who oepose it are as
shiftless as 'the oid earl, The oh" earl,
before going to his bath to dress for
dinner one evening, tor some reason
counted his money, six five -pound
netes, and laid them on his dressing -
table as usual. On returning from Ms
Mak he. again. counted his money, and
ooe •of the five -pound notes wee miss-
ing. He, Wolfed his valet
Misily fastening pearl studs in his
evening. shirt, 'Humpli,', said the old
counted my money before and I never
' The roof of -the Crystal Palace, Lon-
don, Contains fourteen acree. of glass.
Surnames anti .Their Origin
,Fracini Origin ••,--• English:Frencti•Ser-
'4*. The history of this' family name is' a
Seine Instances it is' true that the
name mai be founded also& the same
word, hut searchAteaugh the old re-
eords .faile act disclose thatehis is the
,Principal source or
evidenoe that the -name 'curie Into Eng-
land . at-, theT tinteeot the -Norman in,
vatilon. and - perhaps' again at later
periods as a ..surname• indicating that
the shearer had conie trona a place 'in
Normandy called Eseerla. '
•The'itastural tendency of the Engtieh
.tongue would beta 'drop thiezinitial
:"E," just es it was the tendency et the.
-Frenchtte prefix en "e" to Words -be;
velonment • indicated., involving three
would virtually bethe same as that cif
:Charles.: This given name, • qt• Teu-
tonic origin, came to be spelled with 'a
many, an "8" wasi„prefixed to.maintain
•thiestifterronunciatiffitteand 'it became
• still later date, !probably •alreadY „ de,
7efilOped fate' a. suiroame it 'would tune
er easily. lunge become "Searle' and
then "Searlett" throng -la similarity hi
Source -A locality.
tionality this faintly -name, So fre_
doeSeit 'appear_ In lists 6f
•and from lobelities in :which English
;is one Of the 'nest frequently:0c-
ing next anis!. to suoh name's aSi
;tones, and the More popsikt7- of the
atames .,nia4.0 up bk.! the addition
The faintly .nanie •• of. Milton, of
°ohne, Caineti from a• place name. But
.the individual casks you'll find it
about hopeless to guests. where the
original bearers; cerise. from: There is
.a town named Milto:n in Dorset. There
is cme in -Devon. -There .are taillons•
In Fife and Hants; in Kent:and North-.
vets. in Oxford, Westinoreland, York-
eitireitind -hi' many - other- efetions of"
England." Some of theSe town% of
times,:and the mals referred to in Ithe
faetcirles. • Suit the Mille which. gate
the- medievett .toWns- 'their' names, - Of
Considering the nuniter of Uterus
which Were celled is no wnp,
der Mutt' the family name ,ts .foutiid- so
often to-ilie and that petiple of tits
"seine are not neeessaray even remote,'
ly related to one another, .thaugh theY
go as far back as, twenty •goneettions
*WOW 'Hi Wakiiig apurn Is never. corona
bat alwaY0 )4144PPY *Kt -Laughing. It
'OPOY the tint in areas:and
'Peevish. Mothers, If your ohiid,reu do
not sleep •well; if they ore Mess, and
Own. Tablets and they .,Yr111. stem his
,Well and:happy again. The Tablets
area mild but Warmish taxative.whicii
etiolate the: boWels, sweeten the stom-
ach, banish constipation, wile and in-
digestion and prOolote healthful sleep.
Titer are aboothitely guaranteed free-
frtmi opiates and giyen to the
newborn babe with perfect: satiety.
TheY are sold -by Medicine, dealers, or
•by mita at 25, cents a best from The
Dr. William's' 'Weaning, Co., • Brock -
Tale Ont.
Dreams That Spell Danger.:
'rue state of our health is revealed
In our sleep to it much greater extent
tient we Might imegine
For instance, those 'who have wbat
are knee% as "soft dreams," which
Ocuisist of endless 'view') of long
stretches Of country Moving slowly
oat, are bsuahy found to sabject,
Frightful drearns foretell a sadden
rush of. blood to the, head, white
dreams about blood point to inflainnue
Oen in Some •part,of the body. In this
'Connection, a person may, suffer from
nothing more 'serious that a festered
finger, and yet the snootiest°. of blood
will ,form mt. of his dream.
Dreams about rain or water are of-
ten Signs. of irritatime ot the mucous
membrane, and the dreamer should
eot ;be sureristed to 'wake up with a
sore throat,
Should yeti dream ot peoPle several
tiMes their norniet .size, it is an in-
sige that the liver 'is iffe.cted;
while it has been noticed ' that when
the dreams -ire -Or pain in Taite--earticii:
lar part of the body. there is something
wrong with that part.
• Numerou,s- forms et fever are 'an -
terrifying character; while in easel a
severe neuralgia and rheumatic affec-
tions; distufhed dreams are occasion-
allY tonna to be forerunnera of an at-
! • Indigestion gives rise •to very Mor-
bid dreams, into which weeping, sor-
roW, death's, 'funerals, suftocetion, end
• All these things are. due to the c 1-
ous effect which the mind has ove th
body during Periods 'of sleep, fee
dreamingls a very natural thing, and'
those...who neeer dream at ail are slid;
How Sig is a Bean7
. Tommy is fond of squeeziug• tooth .
"Don't take toO muc•h this thee,
dear,'" hie, mother said to 'kin], one•
morning when he was cleaning his
"Well, 'I should think a little bit,
Tommy gave a ;teat pinch. and out
Shot the paste.
"Not at all, Tommy. Didn't a say as
"Yes " 're lied tonim
string been." •
'That Exp
it is Wall •*. Wet: You eanuot
'VOW the 64 1610. MeV in a t1144. year at
ter yeaar. Id you lie 4o4the IWO gr$WWl
O' anti iesia, a►nt the lot -beck
feeble. I,i,siitrs dieeovered, tbis tact
thouliand* of years better Mutton he
Ings eo4$ai, and they 'set cut to oie-
vise-twayP'ef ei>aurlpg that ...leer Feeds
always- OR uppn tre i gmound.. •
Seine, like the thistle a%n".i •the deride
tion. developed eee0 provide3,�,'with
balloons. of dawn, by means of which
they are carried' for •'The eyca-
mere and. the lime grow little .para-
chutes, itrhigh
ara-cbutes,.'trhieh send,.thelr seeds twilit-
Ing through the:air ,for .long distances.
• The lime* resolved' to inake use 'of
animals to do the 'York for them,
They grow rows • of tiny hooks, design
Can 'You Make a Speech? •
There are few more useful accomp-
lishments than the ability to make a
good speech, mid a little. knowledge
will save you a great deal of dis•oom-
fort when the time comes fur you to
Try sod forget that you aro making
a spoeele Talk in a quiet and natural
menet., as if yeu were conVersirtg
with a friend, Restrain your emotiothi;
beginners should • avoid. gestures alto-
gether. Keep• your hands still. • The
eXpresSion of a sneaker's tate is en -
portant. Practise In:front. of a mirror.
• Say what you haye to say in as few
words as passible., Neyer speak ahout
a subject which you 'do not theroughlly
understand. Whenever possible,' Pre-.
not attempt to teas* it off hy heart. If
you know •whit•you want to see, the
Words Will come. to you without any
trouble when the -thee comes. ,
• Practise voice-oontrol by reading
Mond; taking care to pronounee isech.
word clearly. and distinctly. The more.
the hunian voice is used the more it
will imerove.. If you want to be heard
properly; speak. down; do not pitch
your voice so it you were balking te
writes "A, Former Suffer•er," in. "How
to Make a Speech," sheitid be f :Say the
right thing in the right way:
His Hearing Restored.,
- The invisible eardrnm invented by -
A. 0. Leoeard, which is a miniature
megaPhane, fitting_ inside - the: ear .en-
tireily out, of sight, is restoring the
York .city. Leonerfi invented this
and head noises, and it dates 'this so
suecessfulty that no pita could tell he.
Is a deaf man. It 'is effeotive wle
A 0 -Leonard; Suite_ 437, 70. Flan ye:
largest liner, was a 'castle proceeding,
thn stores including 16,0,00 etips 343„.
000 plates, 2,400 ' teapots and '8,000
By a- eurioits "freak" of -Nattire,
insects which are the moat beautiful
when fully developed, are often the
moat repulsive inethe grub stage.
et t .e s are
mealtime everage
.1 '114114
NO NEED to Warn .th.e little folks away
from the-tablebeVerage when Postum
served; every reason .to 'invite every
member of the family to join in the enjoy- •
11'1 -lent of this wholesome, satisfying drink.
• Postum is made from Nature's' best
Wheat, and .dontaine'nothing to liarm
nerves or digestion.
You'll greatly relish its full-bodied
flavor"and aroma. 4. 47
large size tin of Instant Postutn will serve
*from 90 t9
Madelmthe cup, in a moment
instatii.Postutti for Health .
Made)) Canadian Famine Cereal -Co.,,
Declares • Maniac .Completely
Overcene His Trouble After;
. Everything Else Failed:
"It was al lueitY 'daY when! I bought
TanlEte for it has made a new Mau of
me," Said. Arthur Monette: 165A St.
Elizabeth, ; Montreal. "My ''altpetitae,
Walt 'so bad -I hover kat. what. it was
to be the teast bit EVenierhat.,
eI di foree. down staged and
bloated me so badly P had "terrible
smothering sensations and awful
pains, . For months' was unable. to
eat any! paid food and I got in a ter-
ribly run-dovin condition. I became
se nervous would-aVake up alt dur-
ing the night, and got little sound
sleep. I was constantly' leoking for.
something .to bring • Me. relief, but
nothing, seemed to reach my case uie
til I ran across Titillate
"Six bottles of Tanlac conipletely
overcome my trouble, I now eat just
anything and never have *an ache or
pain br a sign of sittueech trouble.
can't recommend Taaldi tod highly:"
Tanlic ifi sold by all good deigalsta.
The Curse of Selfishness.
Selfishness' is ene of the molt des!,
tructiVe of human attributes..There is
'not its root In' selfishness, In the de-
sire: to get 'something for oneselt; and
on o of :the- great,. temptations- Of •wealth
is tO develoe selfishness. an utter die -
'regard for others. . Their tights, their
intereate their needs,' their. sorrows:,
their sufferings, make oo appeal' to,.
have no -place Whatever M.; the .dierid
of the selfish: man or -woman.
No human .heing hes a right to a
career which 'Will Ballets', anily himself,
which .has me results to the
'Whatever he is, whatever he has ac!
milred is due het alone to his oWn ef-
forte, butin large pert to the society
in .which he" liVes and tO the •accomp-
lhhments men in all preceding agei.'
No man can liveto himself alone, 'ami
each one Of es owes,: a debt „,to the
world which hie our first duty to pay,
in service of some kind for the :cam-
Selfishness and avarice have no tiart
in the Creator's plan: We were pet
'here to do team work; we were plan-
ned for it,' and if we,do anithing else,
if we de that .whieh does:mot. result in
some way to the .weitteing of the
race We are "violating, the yery prin-
Yourself in others:. 'hive them help
them, or you will become as cold, her -
ren and heartless as an icicle. ••••
MON-EV ORDERS. ham's Vegetable. Compound:,
.1)nifft, tot' Express Money Orders are. Helped Mrs. Beicroft
five • thousand offices
IN‘1414rit Mot 111,110 -
bellrlieYsdat1011,. 11110ssclair.
Once in a Jong time you Anattaimg1,4
relative on speaking terms te
family reunion.
tonally. unimant
not maim
ISOolt Oa
Ana '40 voile f'
aroma by the 41;tker.•
129 WAIL illtk_fitreet:, •
New Torii: USA,
Keeps His Sldn Soft
Smooth ind Clear
• Baby's tender skin renuireS mild, Goode'
ing properties such as are fouticl• in.'
',The Soap is so sweet. pure and cleansing
and the Ointment so soothing andbealing.
espechlly when baby's' skin is inflated,
Cuticura Talcum is also ideal for baby.
Roi-Cuticurat Soap shaves without mug.
YOU' eatl not lift up the_teople_epon
whorn.'yon: look down.
Jellyfieh float about in the water,
biit cannot direet 'their courie-. Thu eft
current. takeg them. .
fered--Y-or three yeas -it -from a female -
'trouble and consequent --weakness, --,
pain and irregularity- which kept ple •
'fin bed four or. five days each Month..
- nearly. went erazy 'with petits tn my,
1 1 could not do my werk 'I haw Lydigt
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
advertised in the . ',Hamilton Specta-
I tor'. and I_ toelteit, Now I' have no
'pain and. am quite 'regular unless .
everivork or Stay' on my feet from
early -morning ..until•late• at night I
keep house• and do alt my own we* .
-Without any tratible. I have ream=
mended the Vegetable Compound te
several ' friends.,"-Mns. Etats' Bea-
, CROFT, 16 Douglas St., Hamilton, .
For nearly fifte eears women, have
..been telling bow Lydia p.Plilichanes,
their health. When-, suffering. trifle
female,' ills. This. accounts for the'
enornious demand for it from coast'
If yogi are troubled with aity
mesh peculiar 'to women Why don't
'Tie seldom we woad disagree; •
But, 'Meyer having. yet cleaned hanb,
often 'fait to utoderetsnd _
Tliat each intends to do what's' 1 ht
And treat -41491r '.other -"honor'height.,":
How- little `kw eenoplain there'detreL
it linen, Yogi. aud you
Miner:Xs Liniment for sale everywhere'
I can do somethisig others canaot do: -
Lit me find pat, and do that line
thing well.
I've failed at many things I've tried,
Have come tO grief more ott than
:Yee asn I_ not prepared to•-ewn.••defea,t
And say there's naught at which I may
I hope and trust:, and .hape and -faith
Some day I'll -find workLafte de
Weak in Arithmetic. .
This ik a true story: An office•toy
fn a big husihess house approached
one of the Clerks and, , with great
.. t'highleea-ei settreel" was the.
The PO looked thoughtful.
"I've worked it out, and it comes to
seventeen and ten over," said he, and
it took a lot of explaining to satisfy
Th.e. !milord's. Liniment People,
Sirs1-1 feel that 1 should be 'doing a
If oeglected to write You. have
he'd four tumors growing on "my.'head
for. years. --I lied =them -ent•-off-41y-- sur,
geon .about. iifteen . years ago but .they
grew dgain till ahout three months tie) I
had one,as large and shaped like alady's
.thimble, on the very place Where my hair
Should be parted, and it was getting so
embarrassing in public „that it . was a
constant worry tb me. About three
months ago I got a ,bottle of your
ment for another purdose and saw on the
label . good for tumors. Well I tried it
and kept it for, exactly two nionths, with
the result that it has 'entirely remevecl
all trace of the tumor, eind were It net
that they had been cut tifteen years ago,
Jto mark would be seen. I have not been
asked for this testimenial. and you can
use lt as you see fit. •
P.S.-I am a farmer and intend using
strained tendon, and am 1,2vti for some
Forest Fires and Fairs.
The quegstion ot forest fit es has Just
been approached from: a new angle.
The trapper is the latest individual to
add his testiasofty to the darnage forest
Oreg. do to 'the greatfur industry. Tile
faceis forest, firm injure every dam.
'Man interest Mid benefit not One. Snell
being the case, ahd as 90 per comt. of
all 'forest firee are started by human
agency, is not feol•ish and criminal
that we allew fires to ravage oar
ij,VARNING1 Say 'Bayer" when pin buy Aspirin..
yptt _see the name ."13ayer". on laateti; ;Fe; noi get. ,
at , Accept ,only -an. "unbroken package" tit
.-7574-7-J•pnters fablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose
wor 'ad out by physielanS durirrg 2;1 years arid proved safe by,
Neuritis .
tieadache Rheumatism
' Neuralgia
Earache Lumba.go Pain, Pain
' Moldy "Ilayet" boxei of 12 'tablets -Also bottles of „g1 and 100--Drattgiatie
Will bo 'stamped with titbit general trade merit.. the 4.1)artr volt'