The Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-06-15, Page 3r747V 77'1".147:t1M7-474-4/74.4r7-7-4-"f Trig9,7,"
Parade: With Straws. in Shoes
Near* English 1.4w Courts
of ,18th Century.
. .
ManY Streets a ,e,fmtittelttal Eur -
Welt -tea weede, Which have no such
ei'gnifloanee as "the kat before a
' hat.`terte 1609 -or tho tioot wore gob-
blorPg: Certain of these signs. are. so
11111111114001JED FEO1IJE,
Needa to Enrich the Blood
and'Restore the Health.
;Some pdople have a tendency to be-
eoluu thin-bleodoe, Poem .otlie,ro have
innerited teeeeney to rheuntathanr
or to riervtauti diteireinul'he tendie
ticrit which the bittod -become* SO
Ma that. the , Whole :body suffers,
etimen. On so, gradually that, anyene
with a nattetral disposition in tnat di-
. nectiop wateh SYmPtomil:
earefailk. Blectiiitteenets, or tinadinia„
.4* the medical term *sear( h----
"nn"nwelr'll "
-"Fern eellreervinfee.,'ir
. Point Of Vip*.t
Eaot, Wigt'ar4aiWtai alatt 01411 1.4121i
And there tot naught le See
Save and other hate that riae
BcoF iihem. endieeelY. e
Lilco:water all ins! littie.ehoughtse °
Go opekinte for the sea; •
ieritie:Y.h. 4. no Peone and no ecineterar
The Wander reettee . •
• . euleitly and raeane sedeld always lie
at Itand to promptly fight thane Baby's
'MY° thssag4114 st.hs 4 a tok Own Tablets are • tbe ideal home'
•waves . •"
olhot oot apoo.for.o.flo 114- • remedy. :They regultate the bowels.;
sweeten the stomach; banisit conate
I hear:thug suieking at theegatil-
Pation and indigestion; break lin actlilik
•Tbeir. 143)'rell. are ver �VPJL ° and simple fevers -in -fact theY re -
• 4-7-4,,,Irk
7.11ilirrilrr"--.11: -.•• -
Birth of Tennis Balls.;
.A BABY Few articles we tested more ee. vett-
and there is very Kale ee,eisse of pi
defective balebeing ottga-eCtoe gale.
The belle are ninde of the finest
fe there a "baby or young children in Para rubber which iswashed, 'waste
yeur home? t there is you ehotitil
oa.ted," end Tolled 'into thin strips,
not be without .a box Of Babro Own These strips are cut into Oval Pieces,
Teiblets. Childhood 'ailments some,
eeftiCh. are roughly 'twisted into eitape
end paseeci oft to the ilion'oding-raam•
^whore they are mOulded into. perfect
ehape. end, vekanizeld, email hole
is fell for inflation,
The balls are then tested for size;
weight, and bounce, and if, theosetre in
the slighteit degree esteng, they are
rejefetecl. Thesesthat pass . the test
satisfactorily are wasliedverefully tin&
;`"lleye all the Mina Ills a little ones.
rope are -stoll jo be -peen eigne, er morp sasillY" in the earlier stages' • I see broWe sailSof -fishing bettso Contenting teem Mrs, Moise Cadotte,
than later. It Ingle§ with et tired feel- , tA.gairtse a meter! sky; „
leg that restedoes not Overeorae the I eve peed shins that need no
complexion becomes pale; and breath.: And white -gull" dipping by. ".
lessasa on slights exertion, such 5, , •
In origin and meaning that ,going :up store is noticed. • But these are dreamer -here en 'the hill
r no one could understand them wutJh Pi Witliants' Pink:PIUSare a homer I hetet My stupid
.oset referenee eio ',tradition be the Pas:, reeled"' that has been most suceessful And dee,rune: ^into entitle* day; '
eersby. ' in the treatment of trouhleti due to 1 week and eat a!na sleep,
Everybody in this (*entry knows thin 14°°4- With Pure'air Zoot!. • • '
that a Pole paintedwith spiralsfwd. these bloodenriching pine are I Wonder if some Sailer lad,
" , of
redwhite and blue is the usual the correct ereatinent whenthe nythie. Who sees but sea and sky; -
before a biebeinq shopn But how few tnMs described above are noticed. The Gooks out endless v.08,yeS .
Oise" valueeof Dr, Williams' Pink Pills in And wishes les. were I?• • -
know that the stripes are seri,
casee of this kind Li Shown by the -
by seine 'pee/sons to represent leeches .
Thatwas when barbers rformed statement of MrS. M. Chase, of Tren• -
' per ,
ton, tent, who. says: -"I can highly reNo Danger.
Simple surgioal Operations and leeches cometend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to The was an old coffee -milli in the
'ere muc'h-employed hn take blood
Strange all who suffer from anaemia nd' nee, sew will& the Celseleigit twins' great -
from Patients. °'trange may vous exhaustion. For three years 1 ly desired to 'possess. Barre sought
teens, in those days bleeding wits the woe neviy always troubled with head -
great Penn ale" • ache; and until I began taking these
. Before many barber shops in Eur- pills no treatment seemed to do more
ope .sinall brass- plates** hung. These than gliit me .teroptirary relief. had
are oval, concave and cur10U07 'se"P" read a what Dr. Williams Plek Pills
ed out on one side as if a piece had were doing for others ,and finally de
• beeh bitten out of it This represents clded to try them niyself. t hirther
the old fashioned -dipping dish, 'which decided to give them a fair trial and
barber chisureeens, or surgeons, also kept on taking them regularly for sett. -
stied -tin taking blood from patientseral months and I an glad to 'say -have.
• Novel Sign For Oyster Shop. derived periaanent relief. I feel that
wee weed eaterany a • a thee I can safely and honeittly recommend •
icine" . •
mats of straw, loosely pe • and this wonderful med .
fastened•to the corners of buildings You can get • pink Pith!
• signify that oysters are there for through any -dler ea in m ,
edicine, or by
sale' But this is their ineanonHgmail, at 50e a box or sbc boxes for
cept raw, and in mild ;:tlfeeineCo.
r they ' ockville, Ont.I • '
afe expcaged on the eid ,lk beside desennart,an,ose do not make a man:
Etn'epa oysters are never eben . Br'
a man ready to :open thorn 'for ens- thdisplay him.:
tamers. • In bad weatheey e, When the•
- Oysters are not exposed, ,perstins who
can read may find them mentioned
=beg the names of fish en the shoe's
'placerde, but the mate ae then es -
$2.50 from -Viol:4S Williams' Medi-
pected to inform the lilitI
paint. .
e The old, proverb, "Good
no bush," refers to th
putting a bueh before a wine shop
Idoor as a Sign. Sometimes a Wench
is placed above the door instead. Of-
ten no name or tatty other eign is die
played by. the wine eeller.
Su,ch a buith• may be Of any tree
common to the leoaility. In the north
itis -often, sentice or pine or, a huge
bnaneh 'of mfietletoe. ehe • Routh it
• Is, inmost always oliv.e or myrtle, and
. ikenerally rrenewed'on fete day* The
• bushee have acquired the•name
chants" in Franae, land this is .,applied
to sqrball taverns as . ,
- The ancient usage of banging a:bush
• over the door is obsolete ritt kut
• was doubtless -the origin •of the nabit-of
• placing small erergreensin-portable
wooden boxes outside rafeS and re-
• staurente in -Paris •and other large
, corn-mm.01141es. •
A cornmen•sight in Petite isthat of-
b-orses led through the streets ertth owiesam
bunches ofesbnaw tied to theiestaile Sauvage" or- "John Ile
---....-eThisesigninete_thatetheeeseniinelseare Stark" just as7:he might have been
billere-"Willianiethe-Redbeettese sof.
rateon the
wine needs
custom of
Makamik; Qh.e., writes: "-Baby's Own
Tablets are the, best rented): fn. the eacottetedrs after .Whi!lt the
Werld for little ones. MYbaby Begets
The overs are made of the fineet
are put n
ed 'terribly from indigeption and vont-
irtligeht and no
bnhoevrTastieetsiss,olini., set feeacto eieneiwi.oebeln;:lelecesir teiwott.lepireitehebse_Leetsleaci
health." 'The Tablets are told by Ake the figere 8: Whew they have
inecilekte dealers or by mat at sea been sewn and ironed, the joint can
box from The Dr. Williams' 1VIedieine scarcely be seen. Fine*, the -balls are
stamped and passed for '
•Co., Brockville, Ont. • •
' The Nature of Shock: Waistcoat Pocket Libraries..
A new device which has just been
What precisely is "shock" that fol -
patented makes It possible for a whole
lows a severe injury or strong emotion
doctors. have long been puzzled to es.. library to be carried in the weistoat
termine. • An early theory was that Pocket.
The inventor is Rear -Admiral Brad.:
shook was caused by low bleed pres-
sure, which in turn was caused be a ley A. Fiske, and the apliarettis is
known .as the Fiske Reeding Machine.
It consists.. of a' narrow strip of
aluminium, surmounted. by a small
magnifying Mese. Bands, of paper, on
which is printed reading matter re-
produced by enema- of photo -engrav-
ing, in a space one-hundredth smaller
than. would be required by ordinary
type, are run through the machine as
it is held. la the ha.n4.• The • glas4 in-
creases th'e size of the type to; nor -
his mashes and beeped her te ere it Partial paralysis of the nerves that
to them,. . • . '• regulate the size Of the blood vessels;
"1 donVbetieve I can, Harry'," said
he, regreibfally. . "I should like to, but
•I'm taf raid I. can't," • •
"But, . why, mother," urged Harrk•
"You cloe't use it."
"No, we don't use it." •.
"Then why won't you igiire it to us?"
"Welt, dear," said the mother,
_gently. "I'm eraid you and Clarence
vvill• get to qtiarreding eve it." •
, "Oh, itio, we. shan't!" cried 'Harley
eagerly. "You needn't be a hie afraid.
of. that, mother. I won't let Citeence
tench it!" • •
Ilappineas hats tvvis great sources:
one is memory, and the other is hope.
• teinard's Liniment for.aale eyerywhero
Surnames and Their Origin
Variations -Wilde, Wylde, Savage.
Racial Origin-Epglish. .
Source --A Characteristic. •
Here is a group' of. family names
which are variations ef one another
in the eense that they all have the
same meaning, though they are deri- broke down under the EngHsh invasion
ved :from three. different words. s
• To -day most of us know the adjec-
tive sterk only through sueh phrases
as "stark mad" ice "sta.* naked." We
use the word With e vague idea' that
it means the extreme of something,
and, except in such phrases as these;
it • is virtually obsolete with us.
'Its Meaning, hOweVer, iseeially that,
a 'oavage" arid "wild." • It was so
Racial Origin -Irish.
Source -A given name.
One of the most powerftl'clans
Ireland, up until the time when the
Gaelic system ef 'government finally
and government of the island; ahcl
even:after this a elan still among the
moist ,powerful in its influence, swas
that of the O'Neill's. As a rule,. in
s,pialcieg 'oce .this clan, the Goels• use
the more ancient prefix instead of the
"6'," and call itftHy-Niell." •• .
. This clan, was foendedsby the fent:-
•ous "Nial Mar" (Niel. the Giteatraiso
known as "Niel of the Nine Hostages,",
uheci-in 'alb 'Middle Ages and just as and it dominated- the North ot Ire-.
land at virtually ell periods, furnish -
In those days any matt who at- ing its well a reoge number of the
'traded particular attention to himself Irish High -Kings. • ,
by reason of his-vvild eyes GT unkempt ' The septs or divisions .of :this clan
appearance, though not literally wild were virtually:clans in themselves and
or -insane, Would very quickly have ihr Scotland the greet) would probably
been refeered to as'W•alter Le Wilde," have ,been •spoken•of aa a -confedera=
Von of clann rethen thanes divisions
of one -clan. ---e
"O'Rabhartaigh" (from the given
name-eiethe eept•foundatseliltabitare
taoh"); and when you knew that the
pronounciation of the "bh" like "if",
and the •final "gh" virtually silent,
you understand how easyeit. timesfor
this mune, in its translation into.
.• for sale In fact, tit bunch of straw
tiedetteany-objectecanselwasess be_
• terpreted; to' mean that the present
owner is ready to utter into negotia-
tions with any ene_who takes ot fancy.
to hie .preperty. Thue as_ lie. passes
along the seteets one sees -baby car-
. lieges,. bicYchee '811,Yesseettiti bawl_
•a red beand or of red hair, or "John
'h-cir-Blaulre"-becausesanswarthy -
plexion. And in this manner'the peo-
pe or the Middle Ages hit upon us-
ually the Most obvioue-diatinguishing
'feature- of a man -or woman-see-differ-
entia,te him or her from othe.rsof the
same given -name. And in the course
as a result blood accemulated within
• the abdomen and was drained .frem
the heart and brain. • Another theory,
was that the pain of the injury canad
exceggively rapid respiration; that in
consequence the blood became over -
aerated; so that not enough carbonic-
acir gas was left in it to care for the
• nerves and for other tissues and fluills
of the body -a state of things that
also resulted in lowered 'blood pres-
sure -and fessened amount- of blood
M the brain -and heart Another theory
was that :shock .was owieg.rather to
the contraction than to the dilatation
of, the blood vessels, Still another
and more , recent theory. is that shock -
a kihd. of exaggerated fatigue that
follows excessive stimulation
in -
•jury or by emotion. The :extreme
fatigue ea** acidosis; that. is, a
decreased amount of alkaliin the blood
and in thestiesues, 'which further in-
creases the exhaustion. ' The, most
• recent theory of shock is that it is
Caused: by af poiscrn produced either. I:ty
the products of injured tissues or Of
^normal cells destroyed as the result
of intense:emotion. • • .
The treetment of shock natiirally
hasvaried from time to time', accord-
ing to • the theory prevailing at the.
montent: ,--The eireliminaryetreatment
has always. been to apply' warmth to certain Wiriman, famous for her,
the body of the patient and, if he iS philanthrepy, used to take an interest
capacious, to: give him warm drinks . in the various. lune -tic asylums. On one
.Drugs that have the power of raining occasion; during a visit to on of them,
the blood pressere have also been She evinced great- Interest In an bider -
given; a saline solution, sometimes 1,ly man whom she ,saw strolling about
_containing gelatin or am. arable may the -grounds - -
be injected into, the veins to increase "Haw long have you been here?' she
_the vohnne of. the blood and tfierefore asked him- • •
the amount of blood preSsure. lphy- "Twelve years," came the 'reply..
siciene who , 'attribute the conditionsto After a few' More questione as. to
acidosis have ' recommended injecting his treatment there, she passed on,.
a ablution of bicarbonate of soda into Turning to ask a question, •of her
the, Sufferer's veins. In ceases where guide,. she noticed a smile on, his face,
there has been hemorrhage transuf- tied on asking him the reason she was
mon of blood- has ,givezegoodsresults. inforaied that the mani..ehe had.,ques:
, Finally, on.. the assumption that the tioned was no less a person, than the
-products-of_the-dead tiaque-Cells:, perintend:ent..
_caused_ blood poisening; itehas been. _SAt.:_eiteeetilee_ruattest _heck tp....P.P9'16%
"IF am •en dee-tee- see field;
"this:has taught me a les -son -never to
judge 'by apPeamnees again." .
futalture with the hatteh ettm(st- el time these surnames -became heredi- finally Rafferty. „ '
— tacheds- He who such -
tater, -Particularly -in- casesewheresthe - Then° were. -two-branches. -of the
- Sign Veil better than a: *litter' or parent was better knewn by his Sur: Maffeitys, One ill Tyrone, and the
- • printed card. . same than by WS giVeit name.- other in Denegal... •
,Straw Has *-Various Meanings
• It eerves anOther end as wed, foe
• advertisements can be taxed, while
there es no tax on a blateh of straw.
. In France, unless an owner has a re-
gular fieense to sells he must plane a.
'Gcnternment stamp on any Sign or
writing lentg at the door. • In the
same way even it dresSrnaker erahoe*
Maker in sweet Of apprentices must
put a Geeernmenit damp on any notiee
A curious instance of, this use a
• straw used to be seen near English
law courts ef the eighteenth ceritury.
Men willieg to bail eriminitin or deb-
tors were seen .parading with straws
in 'their shoes, thus eignifYing that
they voottld bail for pay. Thus worth-
•leiiis bail came to be called "straw
The bunch:of Seale, in continental
Europe has as many meanings as a
Ohitiese Word. It is quite it little
langttage in itself. When sties in the
midst of a -field- tied- to a; p,oste for
•'from human habitation it is a warn-
. Ing against temples. The peasant
punished if found within the oun-
darie-s of a field so Parked, for the
• field has beett lately Sown with seed.
• Woe to the sportsmen or • traveller
-who bails, to ;understand tits sign
tangueg•e. •
One sees certain penitents. looking a
trifle like .flags when the' wind has
died out liangin,g beside certain seity
shape. Thew, which are • always a
bright red in aolor, hang from small
iron fraines, and nothing else indicates
that those' Within are dyers, Who work
in"manY eelora hesklea red.
°Londe's forests are estimated ta
contaitt bemired Million feet of
colint&iviEti tinvbet wit one brillielti
; neells of Pitlp*oodt
-. •
Your breakfast cup
rea y iii an instant,
e, • -
ea... ^ - - •
.13/1ApE in the cup at the table.' (Just add.
hot water, and stir thorottghly). .
Delightfiut and 'refreshing, a satisfying
mealtime drinkfor comfort and health.
There's never anyprotest from distreSsed
nerves afterward.
Economical for family use—the large
size tin of. Instant Post= will serve 90 to
100.cups. .
For Health's Sake drink •
' *
Instant Po4tunrx
"There's a Ateasan"
Made by Canadian Postum Cerreal'Co., Ltd., Whittier. Ont.
111. 4411541 r'ritir41"0404' ...4441‘ 4,4,M " a
FiVe of the stripe ,contain about a
hundred' thousand words, which- the
length, of the average novel:
• - •
We whew see a thousand hunsets st.ain
the sky, • -
A elerit paean' of -colors in the
Who seethe flaming -riot -40e and die,
though seine quiet heed its dy-
• . ing blessed;
We:who sleep .end- wake and toil in -
noisy fray , "
When Night her sullen banner hits
unfueled- ' •
We know that throbbieg sunset seen
at close of day
'God's own evening -blessing to
.• His world.
• -Phyllis Noyes VS' Slyck.
.. • - -Wonjdn't Occur Again. •
proposed- to „employ an antitokin, as is
„Acme' in (neer, sasee_eflepoi.son
A Sudden Uprising..
is heed eimetimes for ,theiAa and.
the young to arrive at a colomon point
of -understanding. Thb old- lady and
the Sunday echool boy in this story.
-did- finally arrive -at-an sunderstan-d-
-leg, -but not until the' bey had 'suffered
damage to his feeling's if not te his
passessiens. _
• A-. pienk ,was in progress, end the in "der that r maY tell te° °thet's' *hat
benevolent and elderly lady Cook mach
enjoyment in witnessing the dellent of
the children who were . disporting
• themselves in her grounds.'
ehe Went from one to another, say-
ing a few kind words to each. Pre -
epee)! she seated herself on a grass
pla beside Dickie, a •little boy with
golden- curls. and. ate angelic -expres
eione But es soon as he observed her
sitting:beside him Dickie: set up an
ear -piercing howl.
"Have you the .stomach-ache he "What are you children ' doing?"
askedeanxiouslys their nurse asked.
"No, I ain't,'" snapped Diekle. . "We're playing church," replied
"Perhaps- you 'weuld like ,sorne -more jack... • -
e. ;oared the angelic child.
-'W-hat-T--want mysfrogehat--I netch-
• -"Frog ?." ' -
ypairmov="31dr.uut et.
BAac.115 OLD GRIP tztvirez.,,,,igNammity,
Stomach Trouble Enda Ie
Sleeps Lik.e a ToP and •••
Always Feels Fhie. -
• ,, '
Tantac put me -on the road to good
health. and I don't remember tbe tima
I felt betterthan. I do noei,". saki Rene
Boyer,, 450 Amherst: St, Miontreen Wen
imoWn travelling saleentan ' ,fonv the
oil..atantineau Printing Establishinent.
"About two *years ago my iinpetite
went back on me and I began to suf-
fer nein .stonetch trouble I felt sick
ane wornout all the time It was.
• ell caeld do to keep Pittgeng along.
r had terrible 'cranips in ray stomadh
that lasted for hours and I bloated. so'
• and my sleep wahs:AradiewidYa.;gyeeetarlime'sytthlbessereatstint".119*.
wmlythngeasrv:eIe cwouelrde
But Tanlac has rid me entirely of
stomach trouble. I now eat whatever
I want, my ,sleep is restful and I feel
flee and reedy for a good. day's work.
Tanlac certeTery delivereclithe goods
for me and I am glad to give it the
highest recommendation."
Tanlac is sold by all good druggists:
• Green and Good -Sight
That, the lack of green verdure has
st definitely harmful effect on the
sight of children in the -tettens is
shcrwn by Dr: Newsholine es 0, re-
sat of the teelbs made on 22,000
sch,oei 'children. '
Sight defects are -fewest in rural
districts, are more nemerous ^multi -
try! towns, and are waist of ell in
the most crowded ere*. „ ••
• A slightly lerrger perreentage • of
.girls than of bees have ,grossly bad
sighbeand this preponderance is at-
trihnted, in the Lancet to the strain put
on the giele's eyes by sewing. • '
- • , Cotton Gins in Australia
' Evidence of Australia's 'interest in
cotton production is, found in the re-
•ceet importation by the Australian
Cetten Grewere' Aseociation of ita
first giiinieg. plant, to be erected hi,
Rockhaineton. .• A s•ectind-. plant has
been orderenin the United States and
;will follow shortly. A cotton gineing
expert, who has been engaged by the
assobiation, will accompany the sec-
Ond shipment. , • •
. •4'
-Caned: la has' tnicet extensive fishing
grounds -5;000 miles. t:he ktlantie,
7,000 Miles on -the ,Pacinc, and 220e00
square miles fresh water.
wgrAtis .
TtoTtyrom TrAotto:
. ta Ames: o2 4.
;our Wentips nloetettal. AWAY SUPOVIS4 •
tentient, trometirood
VITANTOD-:-=-,,YOUNO. oir ,
,w w Food eduration to train as nurecat.
aPPIY Wellta•Pa:rit fit; f;•
Irma. Opt
belting. Pnlieys, maws. cablanoamitteitingi •
eta, shipped sublet to approval at 11.0wv
est pricei3 in Canada. ' YORK BELTiblia
Rave edit $2500 $500 and emeition
enough to get into an exclusive 294%
business of _your own? Our chain of "AIL
Batteries- Charged While, You Walt*
WILDFIRDapervice stations, will reaell
front Eitlifax to Vancouver.
Write at once fdr.fuli Pargainara with
regard- to this good clean business. svith
a present as well as a future. Now ta
the time to act.
Canadian Wildfire Battery Mfg. and Dia.
3:S3 Bing Pt. Went. Toronto
4/ t,
• Bulk earlots -
Ilaneirioes Pioneer Dog ZentaillieS
Book on
• and How to Feed
?Jailed Free to any Ad -
drew+ obk the Author,
n• Moms' 00.332o:
129 west 24th Street
New York. 118.
• Don't Endure Pain. Apply
The nornedy your Grandmo er used to
get. Sure Relief. On Sale Everywhere.
A Good Thing.•
Took Lydia E. PinIchans'a
Vegetable Compound—Now
Enjoys Good Health
• XeSsOck, aaskatchewan.--"Afn •
mother has taken Lydia E. Pinicnam'a
Vegetable Com --
pound and upois
learning of my., •
troubles . advised •-
me to try it, as E.,
seemed all rum
down. after- the flu,
and had some trou-
bre-a-such as women
have taken Lydia,
MI-table • Compound.
and Lydia E.- Pink.
ham's B• lood Medicine and used the
Sanative Wash: Also Dr. Brownie
Capsules and Prescription -sane -Amens .-
muchhetter in every way. ,am wilt- '•
ing for you to, use my letter as a
testimonial as I recommend your
.medleinea."-Mes. IRENE Neesonelles-
-stiCke-SeslatteneWati; e • - • --*;
When t.backethes and headaches
drive out all antbition, when that
bearing down sensation attacks you,
„when you are nervous and blue the , .
one great help for such ailments Is -•
• Lydia E. Piekhani'a Vegetable Cone •
_ Secret 'of Old Ages.
On the occasion f: her eundredth
• hirthdayeethe_v_illage cease:striate:ere-
ceived a visit -front the vitas. Being
_anidisuistelhee fOlesher own lipestreat
she-cOnsidered-hed been .the -.Source
her _iirtreugth and enstefaanc,e, he said:
••"My dear . Mrs. Adaros,• pray tell me,
has been the seoret of your longevity?"
The vicar maited with unusual eager-
nais. for the old _lady's reply, but he
was hardly prepared for it when 11
mine.. "Victuals." she anewered.
/Sufficient Excuse.. ,
" Jace and Mary tad just been to the
grovm-ups'.chereln fot the nest thee
A day ,or two -afterward they were
found in the nursery whispering audi-
• bly to each other. -
"But you shouldn't» whisper i
church," ad -met -tithed 'nurses
• " 0 h , were -the-ehoirl'ssaideltlitry-.
His Vocation.'
my tiegt You're silting
on Lazy Mike -"i have a netv position
wee the railroad company," .
- Weary Rhodes -"What ja gone de?"
Ye- -mnd No. Ike- thOW the fellOW
The class were supposed to be haV2 --
that gees alongside the "train and tapS
toeett lesseepri .animaledett. the...teat/b. the axle* to see if everything is all
reentreweli; ihelp bite Iistehe'
er found them little vague about dee
• ta414!.
1.rin a leopard change his snots?"
queried teacher. • • . •
_ "Yes, sir!" piped Totality, the Steel-
iest urchin in the claps. •
• "NoW, thaes .quite• Wrong!" said the
teacher. "Yeti know that a leopard
can'techange his epots!"
• "Oh. yes he can, sirl",replied Tom-
my. "When hes tired of sitting On
one spot he oatt Change to °mother"
My recipe for health is 'work, The
*in of atilliohs of rnen'and women
an be traced to leisure moments.
Leisure is a pleasing -garment to look
ttp,ott, but it is bad ene to ear. -Kir
ry Lauder.
A Dominion Express Money Order
for eve dollars costs three ceots.
Ocean steamers aseenn the Rivee
Amazon ;Cot; a distance of 2;300 miles
from the sea.
enriard's leniment Relieves' Net/ranee
Although rich Pieminerals, &pale
has cotnpa.tatively few: industriee, and
'enly 10,000 miles of railway'. .
The Mouth of the Amazon is 200
*miles wide.
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