The Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-05-04, Page 5iiittitSbAt
(Obesity 'EnArprise)
ADVERTISING • is the public •expressions of a
master's ,will and wish his- word of power.
We (want to say this tbthe merchants ofs this '
community; •
You CAN snake the public. of _this. pommunity buy
More, goods $sopa. you,••
You CAN teach the publie new customs, r;
tastes, new habits; Yen CAN. make the public do •'
whatt it is not .in the habit • of doing.• ' Powerful
° and persisten advertising„ has •., revolutionized. • '
tn. odern,life, It sends people travelling.' ..It has: '
made them photographers, • It has •'made• the •
•motor 'car a necessity. It makes women chane
the fashion of their apparel twice. or thrice a
year, ° It selects the very food we eat,' •
Does notthe publicly expressed will and wish of
the merchants'of this community influence you in
your' shopping? Do you not go where yinn.are
guided? Are yiu not very attentive' and respon-
sive to the advertisements which appear each'
.week in the columns of "The Sentinel?
Shop - Where You Are Invited to Shop
Issued' by Canadian Weekly Newspapers ' Association
Tho charge 11$01016 44;0014, +Cooper-
smith were beard by Magistrate Mc-
lrMn in,, the town hell here lust Wed,
nesdaY . %'oxeapon. Thtpre were no
fewer than four charges against the
'focal' distilled ea Iellows. . (1) for
having an illicit still in his possessithe
(G) zor,malcing liquor- (a), for hav-
ing liquor . On his own 'premises,
knoWinl' at Was 'tile:41v tlistialea,.ana ,
IIS, �t Vp'�'1 �fi�/M. —
. .,•L., -1se Ma.on - 4 II --III__ __ I
" ,.ss -tits .,1-77-.-•,1
r‹` .( ,,l'f
! ,
.11 (is•
( + F""I
iy are we
. tints for • this; hie -,r
Because, like_ you, we :want honest value, and"AMERICAN;`._:,_
fence, made by ,THE. CANADIAN STEEL & WIRE. COM-
PANY, LTD. AT -HAMILTON, ONT. gives it., .
• The strength and durability of.- the fence depends on,the:
- -Weight. This heavy fence gives. everyf ' ounce .it claims. We,
will prove' it to you.
Drop in and we'll show you. the fence and the '`AMERICAN"
Gaivanided Steel Fence Posts to use with it.
' Y We can se11 you this fence as cheap as you can buy • fence
Owen Sound T,Ttilitiee Commission
has seat out sri•'ix/vitation to other
towns served by Eugenia power'to.
hold a meeting ands consider making
a request to the Ontario Government
to include Eugenia power Pant with-
in: the scope of the Royal Commission
recently eppointed to enquiry into
�he uhippewa kUydro plant, This
•. step hast Qbeen taken •since 'Owen
Sound received. 'their bills for a -de-
ficit •of 1$16210.28, .on 1921 account.
t4I` ter having uquur for sale, , The •. The note accompanying the, bills mer
first three came uncles' the upland ,ly states that this amount is dila the
1Cevenue Act 'a'nd the ° fourth. unties,
the Ontario,' em ranee ,tic c,' troop- .. rovincial Commission . without giv
ersmith's. lawyer, u. hi, thimv ing any . detai}s,
Walkerton put up a, strong. uerense The commission considered .the
natter at'.some length and decided
fog' ,a xr.anl who was leaugn>;. ,with, the to . ask for. a detailed stateiii enc, and
tools and the wet .gongs 'afi pots- : till await further. action by the prov-
session. i3Y,�.nooxii ,charge Hamper clic inial body.
for which the minuinum fine x:1 44x fi he 'Salt -filmes says The story
(lad been proven to' the satisfaction' e f Eugenia Falls genei'TThe •plant
.of the presiding magistrate, ; who de; .luring the past few'years is not the
csaecl, in vie* of .the "'size on nouns story of careful sir economical man -
41.14" *X9 to mtCxe''tne line.*uuy au.: 'agement,Changes' 'and"enlargersnts
costs:. ' ° '• .,sere undertaken ^''' ^ time when there
on ana anon it re -Jimmies. Nat; ' bselutely no demand for them;
'-!the Court wet adjourned for art
. s a
,.. at _ Ind, when the quantity of power sold
the defendant and 'h,s . counsel 't oo suss .actually showing a considerable
!n consultation with Mr. Swine. win. .lecline. Notwithstanding that . fact
the prosecuting lawyer, gnu Mal, •and the fact that prilces (were at, the
rsecxect, luno laid the cliiirge3, vlcl,y ighve, thEugenia
.the result tnat the two other'enarge4 ' • .laeerd. very eonsestleidPralb hee tions made
under the inland tt,evenue.Act wen.adu�a it. It is also charged that more
aropped and xeepmg liquor for. sett nen were pl4Ced on the pay roll and
' .Was ins tt8d,, `ing. maoAscrate Malt• ,;he peymanent,,,staff increased. This
the fine. the same for tae thatch was done :when: the'whole" country
cnar'ge as the tint, making . int was, preaching along the sante lines.
amount UOU in 'au, wnicn, when cote,
In view of this greatly increased'
.ost3, were aa�ied, oraugsic the iotas +xpenditure- which was not Oh1v•un
that Louis is nuc for going into tnr called sans but was unauthorized by
*distiller-- business, to the: neat sus., he municipalities in"e.cate�i the eost
. of on1`o,70. , alis 1 radish zrie'tus t>�•� us production at Eugenia . Fals has
uti the necessary snexels 3or �.ouis en rt' considerably, and this cost
A pleasure by covering a majority of your„ floors with
Linoleum, Rugs or , piece; goods. We have patterns suitable
right on the , apuc sur seat x e'incetts cis ng
is being passed on to the users of
*en ashes how lie. wall 'tea Rajwent • electricity in the various municipal-
manim, sant in His ,host„,spave. DeAtts., •ties concerned,
Al tne local beelkni:ak-n. There apparently is -•'ho recourse
uauguet nesnl' ..,• : _,
against this sort o "rtlfmg •The "tiro -
'Mg Mariam() • as. tong ` as nos amen vincial commission armee-- to have
reporteu, Ile '1s not out .vein much, absolute control . of all pokey, in-
uuc ne can't carry on in yue atiiu.. ;luding' enlargements. staff. saiaries
ousnsess again. in thin town I've ns .end accounting and here a-' . . to
win ue unuer. espionage, • ' tie little that the interested Imunicip-
l His is the. second a trek Louis hay slides can do except make 'feeble
rece, v ea, ..tile Ian: oeing . w.ntu ' 1Y� i'rotest.
inttl a t,, '1”.t•u.a.0 . uu. • The tiirie has come 'for a . show-.
a.. cu ueraia it viten ex-, ae,b4.Ma.,
dowt.._011_14e whole matter. Owen
sant Jas `sousing intoi,owti, r,;e -as.' :,ound, with every other•:place taking
ue. 111 tileuaetiea that 141e 111icu,• s....: .ower from. Eugenia, should. take
,uuuwegauig. business nil unseen '•
peps; immediately�to 'bring the k;ug
•.& carried on largely by i,.. V.o... ,pia• .1�'a11s plant under the reeentff'
„iso auuuid ue ueilu,.•.ea ix' nisi' Ne- ,,;pointed k'rovincial Government.
u}eas.tng bile .ru%ye ui :y.u- � . .,ominis@ion that has been-empowers
cciurrtry;'xow would LOWS liuv,,u. l to enquire into the Chip •^wa 114-
eiuii,.i Lae• to be sent Dick .Le . uro•:plant, . • -
..e • i r0Uia be anxious to tare tee The :statement was made -to 'the
mill oasis to ' anotia it 'ne was tor=e ,dun -Times a short time ago.' that no
cunate enough to`escape ..frotsky Le., private enterprisecould hope to ex -
iii 16;n4cneria ani the wnoie nreaa„ .st under conditions that prevail at
and bsuuatnlrsty aggregation who ar.. :;ugenia, Overmanned,. and with an
.urnind i.ussiu ,n.o.a shamuses, l.o;... overhead expense that the amount of
'is unit' the tool sin 'a syndicate .er law•. . revenue'Could not maintain except
•oreaiiers auu one (tlme.•s wiu ue 1n .a. ..t ahnost prohibitive rates for pow -
sweat box •wu pelure long 11 we., ir.
twatquit_. their ;4roaKed ,_hays:' l There is demand for a ...thorough
anuw .tum "dwuger es : tempera's,: wile nvestigation by every - aminicioality
�... poisolk truopela„ritn. Ywi.s sua,lu served by Eugenia' and if this is ea -
.�..t.:..11e a largesea.°z mini±wiiicu ordinated, a specific reauest
suu.e..a.u.pietons wills a 'craving .iu.: made to the Untario Government to
seining urine navebeen soousa 'en• nclude--Eugenia power plant within.
ougn no bey 'at .high prices, is ia' 6111;,. : ",he scope of the. Royal Commission,
necessary to state .tnat the alcohon „here'is no doubt . but that this will
altrengt& ot_ 1,outa' .lite .destroyer wit - - se acceded to; .Aninvestigation that
snawn by the analysis of Inland itev s - thorougl► impartial and -conducted--
-enue lnspecter Johnston or Owers by competent people, will be satis-
Sound ,to -se 111 whereas the alcoiioin.
actory to all. The `evidence should
stiength, o= matured whiskey rs only oe taken in pubile and absolutely all
-noonvtie Louis'- home.brew was-'ce. ' ;•sest�s given
tainiy a• short-cut• to the cemetery;: • The Orillia power plant. on.. the
Severn -river 'would ..Mehl a good
)osis ,for comparison, and the figures
TIGHT ROPE WALKING - " from that plant, and the number of
ACiiOSS_13AGA1iA__GORGhn 'employees, maintained, . should be
• 1ixbilc Y
Luc now• Ontario.
k . � ...
. . rt
• •` Huai p
c n
t a
,: .. ".The spatter=of fa
of Chief. of Police• Dickson. of Toron-
toh .
__ ...__ aim -
- Star
he y
• d t
- .user
is by .
press upon its readers striking testi
mony' tb ,the -bene its of -prohibition,
and •'the ban imposed on liquor im-
port/Midis since ;last' July. ft , says:
If one-half the stories about the in-'
effectiveness of the. Ontario Temper-
ance Act were true they would be, re -
'fleeted, in startling- ' figures' in ; the
statistics of crime and drunkenness.
As , t is generally assumed that pro-
- hibition makes 'its -poorest showing'. in
the large• centres of population, the
figures for 9,loronto, the, largest city
-in ,Ontario.. should provide the 'worst
evidence against the Ontario ileus
°perance� Act. Yet the Toronto Police
'• Court figures for. drunkenness. dis
r orderlinessand- vagrancy: make this
remarkable showing:• Cases of • drunk
eniiess in 1914, 14247; in 1921,. 472'1,
_-disorder, 2784 in '1918; and 1084 in
.1921; vagrancy 2015 against" 105-3-. A
total of 18,J96 against '9864. in' 1921.
'These unbiased official figures speak
in 'eloquent terms. ,The lleaalers of the
"Wet" propaganda "cannot' dodge' the
' i t~ nee of these pcinparative
figures.---The=tar says "5'h story
of the moral and social -helefits con-,
faired by the -O. T. A. which is so
coldly-convtnciingln- 1d�bv -poise
Out‘ Night
• •It:ncard:ne•-Tug g
• -- haft...
With BrokEn S
It a p
Tannouncement- t .hat a M . young ' oYisecurenod.-.HydroLaces•
•iingiish ir-i ;•is--tok;L--waltight _rope _.: WCh0sl1ey • Arthur and other p
alis have accepted the' in- nu' 'to tire-
meetinn which will. orol'ably be hes:.
in, Durham on May. 15th...
Paisley Advocate.•
Carry a
,Stock of
A11 Sizes.
Congoleum Rugs
Very -Moderate Prices
: 4 J
oyer r iagara Falls tnis - coming' sum-
mer, brings up memories of forme.
leafs of .the kind in years gone• by:
°tile famous lilondiirvVas the firs..
to cross, as early 'as shoe, and h..
.•was xollowed by n. J. Dixon of Tor-
onto, and toritierly "a photogarpne'
of Owen Sound. Clixi Calveriey. et
i hornbury was the next -to cross over,
° by; •the -tape -..rope. i'ante, _and:: Dan_ 1Vle
•vona`idr-$� native -of' -Owen. Boon ,
the last.._
Blondin episode.
- -Speaking-- of -the... __..
an exchange. says:
"ft took Montan. four •weeks- to
get his rope in shape • at theme alis;
and 'there were some 10,000 specta-
tors;. '
"At the appointed hour, cannon
announced the 'start,. and Blondih be=
gan out from the American, side to
cross _the`--chasm,.Arrayed in.:spang
led tights • and armed with a 50 -Ib.
balancing pole, he stepped nimbly a-
(Kincardine Reporter)
. During the- first .few days- of, the season). the tug Onward and
its crew,had' a couple of dangerous
trips, once being caught in a heavy`
fog and once running' into 'a heavy
gale and snow blizzard. On.Thursday
of last week a big sform came up on
the lake and the tug• Iwas, not able to
go--vitt;--This. storm -caused no little!
apprehens{on to; the, McGaw Brds,
for they had 'six gangs •of nets, (a-
round 0_. mils _ of .nets) ;sett_sortie
above South Reef and the:balance-Off
Inverhuron. ,
On Friday morning they were able
t6' go out and went ta'thn South. Reef
'and counted themselves kicky to find
all theik-nets stud only one of �theee.
Was _damaged and it can be.repaired
although they were all .more *or -less
caught up with stones and sticks.
They lifted about' a ton of 'fish and
sta�ed h ineward. When about eight-
miles out. at about 8.30 in the.even-
ing the fug stopped and it -was-found
that the crank shaft•wes completely
split in two. When this was learneu
court statistics, warrant§ that- the proPaganda of the wets"
against the act is one of the most re=
matitable instances. *f ..humbegging
en recondlin thls province." Year by
'Year it is now -being forced upon the
connictien of humanity that sonie-
hew the use of "wine" "strong drink"
ler as the Scripture& NOW aUth
disastrous results must cease. The
day of universal teetotalism is com-
ing, Individuale in vast , multitudes
are saying,so. The PeoPle of Ontario
truly .congratilIate Themselves on the
*k. fact that they have the best temper-
ance laW,' in Canada and the most
110 ether Way could the benefits'
bo Sleeted.
long. the _rope, _whose _middle poin.,
dagged to 15 feet. One-third of tne
way dist, he suddenly threw himseli
down and rested. Then up an off a-
gaiii:.1fidWan. he Mopped again alio
letting down a ballnof twine to the
.belowr he -drew up e. bottle of wine,
which he drank.- In a. few ratlines
-up.-the__Alope and. on the Canadian
• "Next _year twhen the Prince of
Wales vieited•sCanada, Blondin far
outdid even these feats. He carried
a man across the Niagara Gorge on
set off Inverhuron it is unknown
whether or not these have been dair
aged or driven on the shore, 'During
the hours the tug Wita disabled it was
lucky that the weather temainetl set-
tled. It will be neeesrlarY for ,the
boat to lay up for a short, tinwasi the
neW crank shaft will have to he made
ask Apr 25th—The'
Aherne y,
"ti at
Mrs.' -sirs
'_the._ ate..._....---
funeral -of 1
ee. w"ho pass_
;if Sceptre, •Saskatchewan,
d away at Abernethy on:Thursday
;,he 26th, inst. after a liftg'ering--it1-
Hess• extending over severmonths,
i n .- -.: ._dao_.
me -af
Was held -from the•hoon Saturn
Otter, Mrs; N. B.' Williams, ,
Walkingnthe „etalre--1,100- feet of
_tight rope ever that avital gulf, -or.
day. the..2ffncl. inst. '.0emetery where the remains Were
FolloWing a severe illness iii Nov -
either of last year, the late Mrs.
,Stratli with her husband came tO
nvIrs-Wiilianis of Abernethy and'IVIrs,
award Stephens of Balearres iff the
aope that a change and test Would
se beneficial. For-senie tyro months
Alf appeared to improve but eari„
VebruarYLshe had another severe.
Ate had 'Suffered for years and not,-
Withstanding- eVerjr Care- atten-
don that loving hands could losstow,
•she became gradually weaker until
the end. came,
Mrs. Strath's maiden name was
Mary . McPherson. She vitta- born in
the Township pf Puslinch.
ton County, Ontario, on the 10th. of
his -thigh. The crowd ,gasped, 'thouglf.
some said the slip was merely a
stunt. The 'young Prino was among
to carry him across on his back and
refund tlie spectators their money if
1 t the heir to Britain's throne
&mance Elondin had to pass the
hat in ,order to get his reward for
what was probably one of the most
temarkable feats ever attempted."
In a small town theie isn't inuch to
do except to wonder if the local hope
Will moor tbio yooro school teachers,
• When she:and. ho husband gave
up 'active'tarining onenstions in lute,
they moved to the Village of. Sceptre
where the decea fid', became closely
identified' with the various ±women's.
r anizations particularly ' those ail •'
the Presbyterian - Church of - . which
e:had been a member all 'her life.
--�°the'funeral-service was conduetea.
li _ R��, _Andrew -Littler -Presbyterian_
of. •Batca>•res '`a'isisted
'. ` eth
Rev:- ,F; W-: •-Robinson. of
At a part of the short funeral ser
_vice,. those in attendance joined -in-
singing the favorite - -Psalm-pt.-the-
: "1 to the hills wiU lift mine •eyes,._
•Frons Whence doth come mine,
Besides. the sorrowing husband she
leaves to. mourn two :sons ,and four
daughters. 'James' - of Wetaakawin,
Alta., Donald of Sceptre, Sask.,. Mrs.
A,, IIs .Forema . of Rapisl City. Man.,
Mrs. N. B. Williams of Abernethy;
Sask., Mrs. Edward Stephens of Bal-
earres, Sask.. and Mrs.. Robert • Me-
Whirte`r of Oak RiveMan . .•
of Ontario,. having lived for sonie
-twenty Yellin lit-Holyroodsnean-Lucks
now befote earnings West int5 the
Spring of 1906. After a 'short resid-
ence in the Balcarres distriet ,she and
her husband with their :two sons mov-
ed to Sceptre being, one of the first
families to that new disttiet
The conditions sserroundien their new
C: P.
The Council of the Township. of
Kililoss nmet. en April 25, at the call
of the Reeve to• consider the revised
report of E. D, Bolton Engineer on
,the Ross Drain,- as -there •was- no one
tivished to draw from the Petition and
no action _.taken to stop the •proceet =-
g moved by •Ackert, second-
was y._•.
ed by Ross that the clerk be instruct-'
-ed to repaxeµthe_.nekesary-_By!-law' to
carry out the provisions of the Drain-
age . Act. And that •Debentures be
issured for' a terns of • two 'years -bear
ing interest at the, rate of 51 per
cent per annum; Carried. The council
then resumed for the transaction of
general business. Cheques issued, E.
D,..Boltonsen_ account .of: Ross Drain.
$120.00; W. 3. . Rents'. for 9 hours
grading at '50e per. hour .$4 50; Frank
•foss•21 hours grading at '.50c per hr;
4Lt1.50; • Peter McKinnon gravel• rat
$15.00; John Colwell Councillor on a7-
•count of salary$15.00;: Earnest Ack-•
ert ''Councillor on. account of" salary
$15.00; Geo_, Ferri, Councillor, on
count of salary $15.00; Malcolm Ross
Councillor on account of. salary $15 Ob;
John• Murray Treasurer on account
:-.salary..$26,00;: . Geo � .G. M
of ,
Clerk --on -account -of--salary--$60.00r. _
Business being over .the c)uncii ad;
-o-Rovi :.
curt f
'journed �to 'meet as' a C
Sion on Monday May . '29th .'at 10
_-------. -. ...._ _ ac olf - . ,.
o'clock- a. m, a�for the trans 'ti_
ofgeneral business.
Geo. G. Moffat, Clerk.'
Grrmany is privileged to snicker a
2 team and, man 1% -days
bit when she 'leers nations argue .t 20 c°11 -
battleships, are wicked while subs are ' and one -man shovelling 1 day` total
. 58,00 p. S. McDonald on account of
ZE experiment- -
You are nos
ing when
Chase's Oint-
ment, for F,ezema and • skin Inns.
-tions. It' telid•thS -at mom and gradu-
'any heals the skin. Eample box Dr.
Chpse's Ointment free if you mention this
paper and Send 2h. staMp for postage. eae.a.
•ber.,•'all dealers or EdmansOn, Bates & Co.,
'-When a -sweet young thing marriei
a man old enough to be her father
she is merely annexing a perennial
pathy and abundant hospitality which
Mre. Strath possessed to exten-
tional, degree and the fact that she
was "Grandma" Strath to all in the
Soptre, distriet bore silent -tribute
was regarded by those who ,,had
— Saxe' Ole g_IMPlins
25 for,
Al 4