The Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-04-27, Page 8OM- c 1 :2;1 1101e1 „o • 01, , V ja0101/11,46 AlpatEi 22th, 19M. , • _ _ A - - - _ CALITOSNLt .$4404'00.0upsoevessow,--,-,4"..",""*•04.0".. /1G IS "ROUSE FURNISHING" TIME ThIs 4 la the NOM et ehiltnitS• Then House. reveals the need of NEW RTGS, • IL, FLOOR OILS, also DRAPERIES And CURTAINS. Our stook is very corn lets . •In -,„these lines. We invite you to see our stsook and compare our values. 94, .• Nit • - Issis + • t „ a $prng Time Is "Cap. - Time" Nice stiles in Cape for Men and !keys. from 50c. to $2.00,.in 'tweet dojos. Don't fail to OW the big Specild lot of fine, Caps on Sale thy' week at 50e, lane are wonderful values and YOU shodkk have one. • Men's Felt Rats Our new Felt Iiats in King, and 13orsalino makes are very attractive in stYleS and colors. King Hats are priced at $3.50, and Borsalinos at. $7.00. Those who have worn a 13orsalino Hat know their value and appteciate their splendid shape.keeping qualities. V SpecialSome Values This Week ..,.... _ _. , , . . . - ., . Good weight Catoh- Toweling at 1St. __, , ' Nice quality ToWeling7with linen welt at 25c. : . - Tusiroish.ToWeling, tate striPgi:at'.'20t„ ' , ' '• '. Ladies' Black Cottori Bose, Toplek Brand, at ' Ladies! Black Cotton Bose; Special .18t, ,A• pr. for 50C.'.: Men's All -wool work Socks, Special 35.• . . 1'4 ',.;;" • - . '• ' Metes Grey and Browii Cottoo Socks at 25a; Men's good qualjt* _work .ShirtS; Special $1:,,00.: ,• Men's Raincoats. With Bente Snap at $10.00:..... .. ' ., • .. , . . . . .--.,.----,7-----7-,,-:--7---•, , at • • • No. 10 ift-it,160t. Servic, tip Cask -W. 5•111 Chourver.Than Iltn Credit Stere Reduced Prices on WallPaper . We lgave sioneIdd, Rolactiesa in tho ?rice lit our Wall' Paw. OM 111011 yea- wilt lerPrieet tbe' values we are 040111. eht iteeli. All poet- 22 mates, wide, We eon . sap* a rem 1110114' = „ c•nee who, . ; oath Wire p $cse, per , reit. fidoeird Prim mi Woven Fence, '8 ;wires, 42 inches high, Butts, mos Goo" wire. spliiirs, " *OW IfilKaita 12 Stay* to r*ti.. 'Fence stgpies; „ wok*** Pirietespleerlitoitellitg-4Aitie for Whitewashing. April 21th. We weisameIk nod Ad..o, John AS41101 holt to gar burg, Miss Ads Hobe hem gout tow elide* to visit friends for a ilik•Art OM*. The Tunis bore will Tric4 in 'Mu hall Theredsiy April 27th. for rilta. ties of candidates. A number of Ziati young people watt Out to giftle-ot Tbnrsda7 evening hold itt,Lucluamv; in aid of Ote,Samiliall Club and thenalit its test splendid. A very pretty' wedding was tplerg- hied at the residence of the brides Parents, 'Mr. and wurq. John 'Helm on Wednesdsv. April 19, St e.`g0 when their tided dangtter;10.17. Zliwbetb, 'watt unlisd. nntrii4ge-te John Robert 0414n4nOwlso of_this ;.••••••••••••••••• ;•-.1 grossivod tete of true ' ut1i t bo Calafornkap- (Jr: Mre. 13, ,St,liter„ who pa ,ecl 'titY ou• hilarch th. last, in her 49th, Before ker marriage Mrs, Stifier°0• name was We Jane Simpson. She was die eldest 1,1sughtr a orb, Sara Simpson, ogle tITree- of laangsid,3, Sh leaves t mourn one daughter; aged ;Id yeas, her mother,' brother; Sam- nel, end s fiistert, Mrs. 11. A, Bowlon, all now residing in Vancouver, M". Sit died/two waits ago., SC110014 REPORT$ 'svitvICinKakass‘roul ,P4efr3iy1'47S ) ,•ner ,o,n* nt; ) . ,George f4ra1.on VO; Vheobe 'Hodgkin. - son 48:- Evelyn AtvielAeloo. 65; *iv,' calitt Th. tersinonY woo rkrtalli....., ' garet Johnson 65. by Rev. ja, W. 1)0Witi Omen*. Art6A•p, ; Jr.W.,,,„1444 Ne•hudo la per tera; B. IX. of fowls -now., under. a 'verY . Wianie Percy beautiful arch o7.- evergreens and SLIII-4of1on' Rodgkinson '69; ILesviranyitbioynei4r fol4reidt.e.ww*Its,oettaraniticeiny ; tinusnioen Motel; ajilian4R7.64auf W4eollbe3 rotilltandte. gowned in .white embroidered satin Eikrigne .a *or: bgelavregweta:.blerh)eitItYvoatusin:IN:1"1 Mitinlini."81tictard's7hAiiimen; ' PVerecYTa; Bilenonn: . , Amleraon., &Wily fiTess64 in ..whit . sod Johnsou;:joello414;laSea. v414* *4°4 " 11°40)? °lie 141" Ada' ': Sr. J.,,Idarr:drahato; Thelma ,JellTh. ttebn, sister of tilikbrxdo; 'played the ' Son, Winnifred ' Tweedy, Thomas," ' wedding moron. Atter tne eeteinow .. „ ., ly. , , tthhee glueuesesta,ctgaueottuiectiadtoevarezle.444,4, .: 4.7 , ,.. it,,,,„ A. ..T•. a..erwax,„.0., :L.ceo,aolier;: (many, oirme4. Arnow the preileina . •,........0-e-0, i,-,-.: ...- • - • watir.int elegant ninety taine Present... . NOTICE.' .to CREDITORS ea' bk tho intir4Ara ,ef 4ieg..,,i4uireli. and conuanhaitt Kt and Sys. tiardt .;.-....., ,.._ , .. • nue Will less* on toe grotne's, fUria• 1' In the matter Of the *Otte Of -Jamew •LklC 'juxa StInallt 'WY* • luitt ISISP- NeiSenlf•icIde$ra: late. of the 'AIM. r.knesite4 and 4itilay: and had :very ' • ship of Ashfield in the, Ooinitys. of :- , es sallow; .Pirecter of hinsie--Alvia, - -Nettge -la heritbr given that all Der. ' BELFAST': ' `', ' . ; • ' TTENDERS WANTED ,eniortoge evenings. electing .ocert 1-!RIMU,' TeliOnan Deeee ,. .• „ --- ..eit.weives.,litawtreitOtte.our estotiodclagr"ot; :::asinshirilttlie!IgeY:ilaiii.enla Iiiil-$45 or' 4ii 1-f-ickik-- '' ' ' yi,''''T'exiday.t ,1k9F\4...,4' tl,;.',‘ :,".1.1.1rt CO;LIS't.1:11:.et170177r;e1110**Altirin ''Si,:1110:isSIIP40,174.)orstitlie,o'GrigbasnoTkrAti; Tetit ilviiatmtiTtipotottLiir.initlietiLit'..:. 'iviri. v. iwo. 111,,,Niiii0i, Ingoied. !el , TocgrTiVttalleeal:tlicril,4rUs°1474:11 .iooff ,Bpataogeebral:!ati,te4r;oo:wi,ssii,itLet.t.ertti:li: •.iivot stiru-iv;:4.tadve.,4, 1r eloo•T‘ottedlitvoi„olletv: tia: Mende in,,,,..Wingiani".. Ind- week. „ • potore;.-'1Vicy ' '''24th., '',koVic, 1,..,,htfi wearie . MieSee • molda,‘„ana. Wianifred :Lane ,,,.scalvignoxr 1102t ilidl9itirir telliar!aiaPmewe'ri- .. p ; pros . tir 4 .4e(lerAignedeSeOlaltiekIeW the ei'''' rsill?lit t'h,, e',E.48„t"slici-1,iid, a" 44 ("it, A, 1,''' ;•Oetrugated pine $0 ft b , 12 • ' '.,-o' n John'4 at! Al -t'.:=; . .1,.. ,. ,---... .e , ecutrix tagalei, the., Alm of the $ `cl ' bert tir ft,st..4,,,z1ginegotr,Y:,4 'Fgr: And..., • .,,,, .Aricej"4vo.—Itsiber . 'Tames Nelsiin, ,Eield0; their 'iiiinailea •• Airs. 3".'n -h- nstone, Of. Kippen„ 'Visited ' . Andrew; ..tial'..f.."-VieeAreS,:+-Rachatil, ;10,,...41.44refeKt44_,AL.o.r oavtle,,o, ,..4„,r , in ."e,rith ' relatives in the b'org tha ,,*St,; ori.TOSePli St., 27' ft. 1011* JAI 0,„' ..itt- ,. oarsiner; ,: ot4.; .,loce......pies..4.....,..1; virmeiriztuisf,ototite,Trwaife.e..youiriltaiimLtitrifit .04,,,,,.;_weic-s:".,,,,,,, : ,,,: . _. ...- ..-;,, saiodeitArtietiosurles, in in .,,tixiPos .130.1tehie; etli:100.6•;grea;74: V. ...- '44-:, . Urn Of the seenrittel, if niikilaeld be - '1'w:I. and .nirs:, 'aira'..Illoirrisou, 'and . 4..,,,s. II; ,211,,,- 1. 7.4,1 ...;,o c " tfeneili; ;Oaptatri.;-:144rt . .041.0.nOr-', them. titIli„Veri604 bt:liffkialtt.:- .. : 'ohiltlranE'of.na,ar•LuelcnoW; Spent km; • re,"IXI-elnItO:11.`."'Y.14 .''''7;:a.111°' 93' , .aeolizirrelie„-4tev.. Casella; -11.1alleg- . .;'-',Aiiit take rietiee •Ilial after:, th[iTilay' 4 Daniel AltOn'a, 2 •• ', -' " ': '' St TendorO for 'ail the 'VrOrk. -Or eta: Ing -Centipittee77Wilk ,gehe;....,: .'oeiclert', TWeittr•second•day Of May A ti 22 '' . Afro . ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' - ma* ' quare 6Y8 rgat!izati4)4. :Is'''. no' ei-ased inneOg 'tb,e4ereenS entitled ,,t6 tgat'er:•eotieett-WhiCh ii4i.egiY,- A Wilson' Clark; Lucknow -14,: af.. , E 1:0 A S'PECIALTvil . -....."......, , SO Bush. New Century Oats- oi-lo coa)) CatmenVariety Seed Potatoes for' Sale I(only a few 'bags lett.) ' < . . , Will be offerlul the to0owiticl *.ut Bruilsii, So,':.(11 ' Potatoes, '(sample, eAn '6e sgm ..ut 41-4o etire): OVC01 ,' nanntaitis, Irish Cohblor and .1)elowaro. , Ulla is loportunity to *cure a ; Otago .og .• ilmt-closa seQ4 .', ' --Coil •oria- sei) ,64.141p.io and .boO14 four ardor, • :- .eeil. Cet`O. ' ebelIeil Or 4Cli cob 4P 0'00° from ' ' 6 _; • ' tields, .of "Qntarlak whore ,, .0OveSlitnont. ign;perts ' have , . failed to. locate ' any' Omit borero ' 'awl' l•gOar*Iltdod,. as • . ri good germination tis i4• iibUkinablo, tO be said ' off, T.. 'R. station ebOut 11.toY` ''1•601....i.ot $1.25 bushel. : (06stomers liookink- ordera 'will reeeiVe abOVe" 'izre.eP. ' .:, and Will lie advised on. Irrivol,;), ". ".3I kinds', of Clover ,Sud Oi:oes Seed. fat'Saliel, infolud. . ing Ontario- Vari3gated_Alfa1fa1 `Marthera ,g1r9ivla. c1:714 ' '1.0.01`.106'Sp 4%1 and Alig10.43 Ofovaie 'and 'Timothy,• no ' ''' 'well Its Willte.,gild 11:0407w (1-VisotreE .Aratil)., bioseoto . : sweot•-c loyeie::,;, ..., '. .,' , . . .. .• , , • -,.pope co,ue l'ifolasSes.,atill left and'catilio- ocaurod by the barrel .'- i -or in*sliteArinantitiesi a-44 we 'have it on to.. - , . . . ..- 4 S • • , • , l • . ' A. a 7,•-*". , A '1 ANSON , ,„. ', -' ' • .. . ' • - ailStribItte the " t's N 0 B „. , , ,Gordon, Irwih and little son; nett of it witlba cotoridared b7f1001,1n.... - aitchleMascot--John Ititchie.P"m- Abe the -Said ,Sefillia ICialdeY will 'Proceed, et Wow' on'osh visited• •ov*iiskift.' Ir- en en Mal .26tb. „Blue" PrintsinnY liandefo -413-14, 2,40.4 ef resent time and'shonid'appeal elainits,,,of 'which sheshall.then lutite ei.1,1. Tlacitak'S Chtlrell; last IY113ndaY • 'One PA. the greatest hoYs'ergarlizatiOn" 'thereto; •haVing „regard onIST- to the P the hid notice, encl. that "the said „Sophla tnight, was -not largely attended, ow., A,rragements are being Made by ble .evenirig;These the prosbYterlans and Methodiate 4,L fikerwinAtilliams Paint, --,Quart" $1.40,,,,fints„ 75e, Many ear- ,- • wornerig ore painting their own, Cara and doing a gooejoh‘, . We Savo Sherwin.Willianiti iuto Enamel' in black, ireett 10166i0o, Voillit .either Of *Or aho're Eaereela witiv- a '11.qtle .. ' ''- Vrark aid. smell expenae,-yen..taltainke4-ter look olmont'an pott *g row. • .. " , .. , 'Varnish for , • _ and gelkeri.., 'Ale* Effeete,Anto the different' "Vie have bliiresie in all Shadett,, We,. hiVe , every parPoteo.,-, 1! you ire,..iledetWitt *bout' how to Sahib: thief tor deeOrgite dO to tOt,10. ral yon CASIatatileing ita3r 4th our ittore be closed • every Thursday afternoon Otteher let4 and open everif i"leileteiday night during tile Perini. • • ' . . , aall•••••••• eLticknowilardwareeteoal Co. Tito mow Too gaga DISAPPOINTS asset f -thePal4 win's the pest , seen at Clerk's, °Mee; Lowest ani tender not necessarily at eented,—W., • • tr' into, io ask tivo.„ii4,*. oitt. s „ Y , • i•wlinWero•ntese. .04(04 0°°t1 2P*10Y'...°" 11414 liliic/i,1'.4°**-e.t;H'Itiurl,.. , 0 vsalnl. e,shall " • ' • - • • h • ,..rangus. cgiss petit. ..Tohoston ;:retig • uoraan ,oh .5 'a-•gtet. . an rera otk Also. ing the.. vont o of July :nna, NoroiaL 40%301 4t 'Lention to.day,. the zini. faiebali Cu came. oat .0.4 . received notice. . . 4:we co gr atiOfl 'Olive Spent, Pert et,..leet' vigo 'bOyS, !Ind' 1-tr. titiinOtieolegi:/en pUrSnant 0:e;°:.i.thrtZe;;; „ week with-Ltickncw and Zion.friends. • and Ms. Will Ritchie. and fain - ref Zion,- Osited *at 1+4r., Thos. - . . :Alex Andrew of "-larekno* Spent a , . • • , . feW,'..days„ last vi"eik enusat P,abner., ' ' SineSt ;woe, „up' from :13rantford to. visit lila father Ali., Theo. flair: last week...- • "." - Eldon Tititmley Spent. the ' day*, in . W,inglitun hospital haVing, his and adiriohis removed. • grill' .lo.'sc,.Webster and,Tiar,oid were iri. WineUriti *Art: of ',Iasi week visitl' her brother, W. . 11r, Mr antl,Mra. Will 14010r fe* r ces e a was e b sag e t, _epS ion to KleklOy "wilt not be liable for the said ihg, to the disagrees.. IT an Vittg t h Z during Easter' week. • 'boy Aiipur. and we well lexther assets of n • ett thereof• to nY' s e o with their 1 the their itotioeh, eltPeriene , sWl.te ."41,4a , (OUninlingi\ t....,.1101ena,„otalaa. 'foT inorning and an .hle 0, 1,et Church mehe,Zion' ,uare 1!.41t *a.* *' • Da0d, -1;41066cvti".91rf44!'4''', wo•oubject, "Oo nito alt. the svq.in ------teveningEa& 'Pastor take winner 4922 ' • '„, fourtla day of , 1 0 .• d p each the goSPel'ta ever,/ ilreat- the 'work foe C while the, 11-4-6.00 • , • T.uchnovh, out . • • . . a' • , • Sophia .a.chitYp Ex titri-14- ute • "• other is on vacation. , . . • „ • '1. • • • , • . . , . - ' • Tilt.. slay, 25t r IVIr 'end 11/1rP 'n. Martin and sou 13,ruee *pent in Guelph. — $0101101.6* • • I r•• *. • **11.••••-`•••••••.."-•.• ' Acleiseri. oa. ,7lrigharn apant • test tweeic:::411itb':.ber 'daughter "dye., 0, NitylOr, ,- , • . • .,.. • -I. , Mita Eva .1A . of St, Helens, „Misses' Peic. • Mrs, ‘Ilachet 'Of Elyth' is visiting. with ,her "parenti Mr; and Mrs. •.A. aui • 1 OW* WOO gU04,11 Of, Mr, , .ZnIntetig0P% z and Mrs. *Tsai Sinindera,SundsY:, lanSter 'Malecan foss visited a few,: 'ly, t, eicg -tegoe atho has, „NA'. '61,7a,Nvith. Master Chester CsienfOre vompleted i. 4;..,1 Year in Guelph O. at•-"Wing-Vitet. A..:C.; has takentnSitiOn as butter; Mlfi* E4ea IVIesgroy Wint-00h. Maker for Winglieni •:ereginiery., and, ..eialted-with her emisinAite , entered On his duties there April 1.7L. Adria); ,the,,week-. • - I ,- • J. C. and 'Witten $fotitaki. , Mr;, day iiientiy spent:Easter home here. • ,n 11. :WOC )413 fiont tfigdeor. for 4111,1e latoleacr4 MacItaY 'Alta euitorett short ,visit; 'and Mt, and Mrs, S-. B. Stothers' and .baby 0' Clinton were hoine the better. part:et the week. ' . Owing- tt. the severe electric 'storm lot, Monday etteriliag the Easter Meet; lag a the Ashfield was not !se well attended. as. it would otherwise hare been Those who did cognehovia. over were well repaid, The ntimhem Chathanc *tatted last:Week with %V., 00: Ilector and holt Caslick and 4auglatee llul# of Oulres$ spent Sung, • dT at Mr. Jno. Falooner's. $11$8ett $01tiiltii4.140-1)* )$1*11)O,':of .:TOeaWatt3V• visited with their cusin, Mr; Tho5'.: Item:loser; recontly..:, contributed, to the program , se gs;#1.1i4jr4 10a 'IgeeOl'ilisa talent were good especially .an East- Cavell 4141410 of .BrISWbI 44re or drill by ten young girls from ZiOn *01(4-0a Vilett0t3 with Mrs. Garton, under--fhe -direction of itfria OW. Cc - The giddiest; of the evening was' given layltev, ,Onroming Of St lielers„ wile, taking for hioi anblenti " need of 'World Wide Missionary . . and Mrs, Walter Pateisen and gleatildettgliter *tare* Peterson of Wingliam visited Sundai With It:Paterson. - • ' Mr- and hire Obis, and their " • - ' 1TV*It MIICIR \ 1*, OlArrt- ' ;31g Vietit 111'-itiXiik .1 - • --': • • .' Vtig° ' 461111g(tledd°116' °t1t16 !:'61!it .niieo end nephew. Tlielirat and Nelsen \ ' When Olinitgv.40t.N. ent .itt.: :ti.fi..._. - ee *diiit ..vollod • 411 • e 0 ....-......." hoard. It, Won bright* witty, -original thi'iler ef*SlAh' visited on Stilday d vangelistie with ati appeal that with lilt and Mrs, mg tot priit 4.1.011,atlt„ r eses aye _over , foods, ritAttet iour, three -.44Tliten" tyni_an . 6.--hotio to Att., .111880g141 and Helen era Master months at ten per tent. interest to '.' et( the • S.rtr Peninsula; and • titt Paterslon SO14 - tev;f Aare-, :eiwipeutittea •anonthly.. he iniihah., appPreittlyi tue yotinA in the..-• the ItotaO Of their ions'ii Vt.; Peter ly vt„ intention teoiziog ease let lais whole family ht on MAItitIED AT W • Ilt1011Alif Fowler on the Illnavain Read. ti ;it•Ifitr atirSINIitrahllettettlaat aPler,a` ' - The Iffhiteelatireb: etitlinti* , greateat Silt he. fail- ed the Family Herald until told' of liappy ekent tad& &Ca lit St: teats, met Olt 'TWO,. ,laYga 4-pril 20th to -pay -41m debt. and now ,afier the his• prospects - Laterlie-veceived di • Andrews . Presbyterian Menke t form their Anil for 1022. The. fel. Ap " gni* -at 8 o'clock a in lowing 'officers were oleated— Iton logo ot g quarter of siseenturY.A. s , • •VUOadaY- tlitest4, g „1„ letter fronic,tlio young, lady stal California -St"dge 11048i *It"' t"e'.."17 looliti as, though the notorAitano.?.ship'.,. " t tlo • It— U" ' Pres Oilmen Gille-;; n mart age o r on osai Afhela Miss Margaret 'Petrie tetia reisSett.„- Seobble; "Pfd aed61111tMitf4 jnsa 1441616 the 1"7 i11the. taira ZIA ligadde father, Rtv D., tilde; See,okTressi-o.-Doirean Itennetlil 41.00# eitteg to gong .1L „Sta.alts ek$0 WO% tO aldlatii/O,011.40 rOottIr porgier, performed tht ,zettittot y m dr. -Ate -land Menderseti. -The, whom he torrOefed, the 'reefiegAlie to get, Particular& Ilaz If laithaale la the presf ence .0 4 only ,a fe(R% Oar trbts ellaotilig of a, taptain.was left for the that under op' lt gond " lid 11$5 a fatal tin.00W titihttS -010 eon -trotting iarties. The tear& to decide later. The boys, ar It would apossirt. stua at $204$40A82,8006tlt C*1.1-f, ray lifiel$ ;.;nl - catch MitIttorAt •oixtig' toil* left Ott the early leaking fervierd -to PM Sheehan aroild bhndt 06.14 fit'" another• Place shO itit6 ttYn: "I train for Toronto wtien and hope to have •the.stipport is, law, the sham a Mr. btuaricor think y ialiawriing he is like '44D6*(1 * *holt hoshoymre they n' tetiof tO of Mr, Gibson 4111000,4 a handeet Annan) niut 05104-14`;' 40. Hunt's dolWirould SOAP ,leaving tor *my Item* I* Kim the diamond on at. making lin foto two .40b, istiorkipt goott boy ,,t*, Egt Mit of 'the rain." DOS -'411onnt,r*hoe Xr0 ilintopt 11$4 , Atillot joith, Ms 00041 ligt rilik4Y 4.1 • wow 7* "A"sf *4116 01,41V7000 eitae $11714104 ilmot • 41, A • • 6 Dozen Melee, Overalls, -With bib, plain Elaek 'or Elue..t,ind White stripe, goOdheavy- weight, all • • 9:- • ' sites 34 -to 'Regular $2.06, for $1,69 ,a pair, 5 P14.633,23-111; Striped Fltintiektteoall good' -patterns ind nieefitta even thread, „Thio is, a 'good ' opportlittit to lay in a suPply,. Per Sider and:Saturday. only Special 15c. a yard, , • f•tth'i debrate4 'rjeigy 1/4cleth;suita,ble for,child. ren:/sk.:0),e,ar Mut d• :r..!!!!!„..'2110.ect4r.;,a 10.1r4, • 0 a 0,0 v Aud,,SaturallY.:.; * - Witt .300. •• * Alt,l'innt'Sersge; coloriil`nyy;.13rOwir-and-Cardinal, Friday and Saturday,. a yard: 84 -Inch .All -wool Sport Flannels for Middies end'.JamPer Dreasaag colors cello? .lin<v27, •Seariet, ' ' -Paddy, 'aia4 'Ooral,- Regular 2,06; Friday and ,liatuirdaY :$1472 2 , Pieces Turldell ToWeling; White Aind ,Colerd, 17 incites Wide, Eegular, 25e. a .$4td,AviciE9r 014 saturclay, • • '• • • :4 ;;,* 6 ; • 6 * • •.'• ; • • 0.• I • • .• •'*oe• • *0 • .• • ,.4,0 • * ile,10,411., rite tireati Tabling,fieayst Otiallty) geed pattern; Itegiiiiir 32,2Fridair,nrid: - • ' nrclay:SPeeisk . • • ; ; .-„I• • '4 IY ;1;7 * • 4i• • • • • *** • • • • 4* 4; • • 't • *** • • • • ••• • • 'I, • • • • 6 • 2,,a9 it041. '1.riece G8ItthPnrelLinerilablin$, 'nice paiterni 44:Oar-OM, :friday and Saturday, 'a:yard Desen Women% Mack. Cotton, nese; splendid 4.nality, sizes 2,- 9 ,M3 1.0, Friday and Saturday, 19k pair •SilitITSSBIRTS • • PliliRTS:. sum sAts on 'Priday and Satin/l3y...150 Men°,4 Slairtar tcat pattOils, size 14 14 10114. Thom are .Wolkinide 4tnd a good washing mateilals. Special Friday. :04 ttr, only •••••••••• ••••••••'• ••,••••••• ********* •4•4••01;;4,44.44.4,444 , inole'urns' and '- Oilcloths in all - widths at SP'ecial Prim • 4•11_ GOODS,AT'SPtCIAL PRICES •Le. * /000. Yards 110;iitS,14061inOtShht.intreg. EWA) IWO' SatardaY Price t , „ 100. * yord, • * • STPag ce Vlu i4ne and Wilton , , •T-1