The Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-04-06, Page 81
lioutemOloaoing limo _s Aear,at Wind an t
-vigil revealS„ some- houto turnishinp that ma l'!:0
We *ould'snligestseeintour Tan 0 10-.•140S.0 lints,;.. ,
Ihis le recognised'benner neer :levering for Halle; ititchenet
The Ilensure Eli. joy' of holre:41eallIng comes with the brightening' 1*.of •
.4114 tOtn,e.nith nieo-..new7Curtalos end Draperies tastefully 4rmuisM
eerier cretonnes, and, Lace-Aurtains, Ma suggest just' wh*t Would -
snit y04 PiOionlartnito. ,,
0 Will be toleased to 6110W YOu our House Furnish --
I*. OW' Dipplay This. Week
Intim* ornear Xinteill,* son,
We, 400. T. Webster*Of Psre;r.
mount spent xi for, daY* with friendsl,
The 'Misses -:Aunie snit- Mary '104
*Lordly Ot.Kinteil *era in -Toronto
this '
and Ws, Jack, liendereon of
Paramount .visited
Whiteehnrch on, *3'00: .
'Mrs, Robert StrutherS, andtetildren
'faramennt Niaited her Mailer /Ire.
tie been Sick SOX the' list 'wail* the late Xenneth 'delve whe.
.11.0't ImProint fast milaNf died. oft or";about V116'101411 -411Y of`
'` JanuarY A 7? 2922 at .the TOWnehil)
-the .parinfe 'pdpile-,e a a% '10;plirqd to send by' post Prepaid, or to .
.MeantachOol section extend their, .4
"iviztatita WAS.
'Tenders will be sizeiVed -blfs
nosh, UP till XIV let• tor re:4mA
achool boos* and ,putting VorGtrit
bakiement• "Vontreet. May •b4 entered.
upon June,. aOtb.. ,and eomeleted;
Mast lath., 1q4.2., All tender* _to be
sealed', and' Marked "Ittender". „Pens
Aleretares. -LOW*, or any tender „
IA the 4nutter Of,,the,oStatei
n4th Mohler, late' or .tbe
Ohltuary;r0-It was a. greet shock to,
the whOle' community when the sad
news came *eV/4r; raest.SherWoed
had passed away: lie and his
bad meat the iwpiter,with relativei in
Ashfield and bid just "-reiurnesi to`
their, home in Traynort Sesh•;.where
1;14 was suddenly taken Teri...ill and in
-a lbw •days his life.was ,ione, Ire had
from *oak* Astimia, andtkit. was
thonglit that the trip east bad "been
in: Empress Shoes
tion 'Fitting Last, rime
'lived, The lotte- Mr. SbetwOod wok
born and raised in a godly, Christian
•home, `Was vvell and favorably.
'known. He Was. of a qniet disposition,
known to *OSP; who knew him best,
'As a young man be was an energetic
Statement; orffieir accounts and the
nature .ef the securities. if lieht
And • ' a that after the
Twenty -sect, lay -of April A.„.1)..
distrMute• tbe assets' of the said dem
ceased IUMOUg the Persons enatled
'thereto, having regard onlx.„ to the
claims of .41th these -shall then balm
had. netice. and that the Said ereel-
tors will not 'be liable 'for the mud
assets 'Or any part thereof to anY Per-
son "of whose , claim they shall not
then have •reeeiyed notice, .
Tbis Notice is given aurtniant-to
tile statute. that behalf.
Dated at LucknoW thisf1394010 Of
Christian "Laker bemg particularly
1/Oncen A; McIntire,
- Jean. Bertha higIver„; Executors
RATHER ;ram Amput
ast New Century Oats ONO Crop)
*Oils., can Molasses still lett This is a high dracle
•eolleentrate, ioefui when 'diluted with water to.
rspripide over straw, whiCh is readily. eaten by
‘adtleYail.tve stA).* Will sell th.i:s lot very cheap to
0 BfoargsseCedaromretnauSeie Irle_d5011! ota.toe VerY fine stock:
All kinds of' Clovers and. drass Seeds for sale, in-
' eluding Ontario variegated' Alfalfa,-.Northein
grown and Grinaiis, as well as White and Yel-
' lowl3lossom Sweet Clover.
Seed. corn,. shelled or on cob,, guaranteed free from
bOrer, good gerinination, diredt from the grower
in,Essex,. -Sold off car at G.T.R.‘station about
booking orders with us will secure ,ve price,
and Will be. advised on arrival.)
*It 14 said that some id the Maple
to toWn gad
connected with liaeliett'i-ChrirOV-4 24s-07TIP good: -
Preterit 'time& being Sunday. School
Epvirerth.League President, as
well as singing in the Choir, He was
jOY'ztu his vaster and an inspiration
for' good to all 40i° in.toueh
His e
kite -r
and Mia. Medowan;iti moon 'On.
rriday,,, March, 3144 whert:heif
Marriage' With Str.. Fred *id,. nf.
k and would re -
/11` the, liining-tinoni, arennud,:a door. covering --Ground,, Color,.
&meted With:Sherwillac in aithet`ilark, golden or 'light, oak shade:
-arid- firibibed7With.:znatural, Varnish -
Mr, Janus Wilke/ Varna; The .eer
.deal of, 'foiling deirn beforelt arrives
Vip.•New Book of
IssUed by the' Authority of the
neral- Synod
rut., Stoke,
mains eas't, four ,small -children re- ,A4.1,..;
Oa.e it vdll vent 'Soon Spoil
ihmlialld end _father, The fimeral' took willing te pay Sa.00'. per
placep after_ a short seritiee • condUcted 7thei Stand fdr $6.00; Which -
by Rev. Mr. copensi from The holee is What they pay -for the -thin stuff,
Of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. ,Sainnel. .
-The law 'regarding adulteration of
,Very-striCt,, and. there
"eerinizilfonght to be. semi., 1*W-00n
'wreaths given by, Traynor,___Bas14
mmunitY brothers ahd sisters of,
St. Andrew's' Churcbv-Blytlythebrid-
al party standi4 before :a bank al.. Elliott covered the casket, as
That need_ renewingr-garnet er
coat of i0111113014. Floor Wax Will.. -Make thein 164 like new.
. _ ,We have Mureseo . the Ideal -.Wall Finish, 'in sill shades,. If is
. easily aPplied,-Will not lap-Oriteariii and . will- ;At rob.: off, , - , .
See Par special 'Jonah for applying Mureseo. - '
Coiled Wire;: -Barb Wire, Wo4en Fence, end -neisfe Statile:at
As: Miss,.Euniee Oita ef the
piaied the Bridal Chorus, the ,
bride entered. the parlor.on the arm
Of 'ler lather:ahe we's attended by
her friehd; Miss Jewel dranger,.while
the Offc1M, =Was; supported his
brother, Tom. : The bride wore a.
pretty 'dress • of ivory Cariteirerepe
with._ tulle veil and orange blossoms,
and carried a boucilet of white came-.
tions and, fern. She alsb wore the
greein's gift, a pearl :pendant., Thi
hridesniaid was dressed in pink silli •
crepe -de -chine 'and carried' pink carn,'
ations. The groom's gifts te the
hr4esinitid Were gold
it was borni its`aast`reitinglgace-
in ;Greenhill Cemeteri. Six brothers.:
in-lavi were the pall learers, namely
_Leslie Ritchie Zion; Jartes Barbour,'
Richard Reed, Goderich; Wm . and
Melvin 'Reed; Ashfield„ Th.e synf-
_pat* .of _the. entire community goes
out to the bereaved-fvife-and-family,
parents and brothers and sisters.
he Luckriow Hardware oal Co;
greemsinan cuff- links; --During the"
sighing, ofd ,tie register the bride's
cousins, •Clara and Ida McGowan,
sang "0 Perfect Love."` '
After a sumptuous wedding dinner;
served by 'girlfriends of the bride,
the bride and groom left on the after-
noon train, amid showers:, of rice and,
Confetti, ' for London, The bride tray-•
gilled In a suit of navyblue tricotine
with: hat to- ma'tch;' 0n their return .
they will take up their residenceon
the groom's farm .0,14 the Fror;t Road,
•Stanley Township...The young couple
Alive received many beautiful presents, and
have the best wishes of a large circle
of friends for a long and happy life
Inanity find this fact out, there .is
only one thing to it T1 ey are gol?
to have, it; $1,00 per ,bottle, •
Macltenzie Mfg Co.,.
rom•pt-menti 'telepiioh
dere;-Ring One One' ort•
o -o -o^- ti
announced that.Bev. I. O tL.
Spraeklin, who,, a year , ago, `left
the' ministry et Sandwich. Ont to
become a liquor law enf n-^ ' "' 1
officer. is. about to •;e -enter the Dui -
pit, having accepted appointment •as
pastor . of the Methodist church in
Cheboyggan. Mich.
W.'W.: Irwin for a number of years..
proprietor of the Coninterclal .1Iote1
et Ripley, liaa-mered with hid family
to Lietowel *here he 'recently bought
the Queen's Rotel for the. suin of
'.118,600. Mrs S. « A. Irwin, who
formerly ' conducted . the Commercial
11at4 /it Ripley. has again tuyksn
*Italie ie at ihs Berta,. Oho IN airiO4
;tor, the public regarding the ptoper
finishing' of' the article. Perhaps
there is. It to be hoped_ that the
seThn. questions .is not extensive.
first •Elass article. The run or inable,
sap' is. said to be exceptionally good
this season; arid at the prevailfng
retitrns te those mho have gone into
We. have reently' had a Urge.
s ti me nt 'Of* -the- Celebiated
1y: toted:for their 'splendid fitt-
Special. This yVeek
Silk,. with -separate soft collar.
On R R No 2 a few miles out of
.Thide fey front Kitchener,
lives 'a about sheti4;v'e yeareof.:
age, hi the name of dhriSt BosliarC
Geralitii, and pronounced like the first'
part of Christman and is a v4y.cora-
man lives oa a farm; Of 'COurserthere'
is nothing puzzling about that; but.
what do you inake of this letter he
wrot:—"I sent' the leat two bottles ofk
your Taateleess Cod Liver OA tkNew-
and "forty-four frOnt' g"e'nd-
Vest Branib, -Mishigin, and _tell hi*
how you can,septsonse tO him,"
This letter hi no puisle to us as we
know. what.00r`Tasteless ,Extract Will
dd, and When an individual 'or coin -
fin, on Monday, Mar. 27th. A°soti.
Miss Ida McQuoid spent the week-
erid with Mrs; Dr. Patterson of Luck-
• *Mr, Thomas Cook of Bengal visited
his sister Mrs. Geo. Cottle ()urine the
bliss va awstm -- am
spent Sunday with Reve.and Mrs.
Miss Edythe Peddle of Muncey• is
visiting with he/' eider Mrs. J.' G.
We are sorry to report that Fred,
youngest son of Mr, and Mrs, Walter
tott, is ill with Pleurisy,
Mr, MA 'Mr'? Caen YaidoniV
WOO Nor* .rolconet spent Sunda,
004.*00 Will Footle.
was home oVar 'Sunday.
liendeison -'and
family; of Lucliniow anent. Sunday yith
Mr. and Mrs, AR. MacGregor..
Messrs: and Gibson Gillespie
and Robert end Thomas Henderson
atteaded the Attend of the late Mrs.
hire. Son Mamilton -and Mr. Ale*,
Hamilton Of Decker, Mich.. Ind ItIr.
3As, HarailtArn. of Detroit. who -were
at Lucknow attending the funeral of
their sister Mr% W. Stnidv visited n+
Mr. Jno. Gillespie's this weak
Don't forget the big concert in the
Forrester's Whitechurch, under
the ausPices of the Baseball Club, On
the evening ,ef Wednesday; .April
12t1t. A real live programme 10 se.
Auricle rOlf toolor 041001011 -00
s,1040100; •
.Mr, . Robert Helm of Belfast spent
widest at ;bion^ •
Mrs. Geos; Gibsmr iss'visiting-hiende-
at Clinton this Week. . . •
Cupid -is .-pretty-,=soon going to _:pull.
the rope to ring the wedding hells in
our burg.' •
Mr. -and .Mrs. C. W •tchio spent,,
Sunday with Mt, and Mr{►, fas, Alton
of Belfast. •
Dort' forget the .aWfni• play "My.
Avtful Did." Come gisii and bring
.your_ The
The Zoti"DarltY Ituastatte" were
big swath* tlik :it • Helene boys
With •tliblr toots And -210A tine,
Best quality silk and well made.
Siiis71-21--tO:---1-6. -Special Price s'RipTs
Work Shirts and Overalls
We now have full range of the Famous Kitchen Shirts
and Overalls. -We can fit any man. - Shirts from 14 to 1,8.
Overalls from 32, to 48, and extra long leg lengths.
Bats and. taps
Made-to-M.eaaure .Suits_ - 4
We. are'doih.' a nice trade in the better grades of cloth-
e hake t e - Sole Agency � for .Le shoran Clothes, and
ppY' - oyes, dall, .twv : a.akes-that-sta_ der -itx t e •
rout .ranks. Prices. from vs 5 to $ 60. Let us t it 'over
o : Come .in and see the large—range- of patter. `
and if oU' don.! buy' we wi be_just as good riends: •
Try Ult
staples -