The Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-04-06, Page 4.GRAtill autticRAILW • OW $214e004 Tilutpit Vittlinnio ftlatoithertP, Qatikrio. 1101gra4Milk Pittatitter - „alai 'PAW, - THURSDAY, APRIL Oki-, lea o' plat!E Abil) ORIKINAIO vt St AM vehO used to. 104 Anter MO *Pare Money ter it friend to keOP tOr hi* beeamer he Ueda isett Xagat, do the Irk*, died, oat'. hiss chances af' ;getting bin limey back, 'Ttatialtell., 'Your' asetringiss he* Pines.benk in the ef ,llamiltosi fa pasr laregifard. BRING aud IlicCORMICK FARM.*ACHINES a.nd REPAIRS Tractors! ofid' 11041404* Wh *,,Sers Threel411g knekhOnli, • 145“..4, *Tit' rater Ca, niers* Eitolls, Menelaus and 'Witter • ; Froat's.celled Vire arel Woven Fence; • Connerls Ferretti* Electric Washer; " Gentlet; , Winter And bee,ining Pianos," • SLE BY: • .-7-111i-e more sensible -view Was point- ed out '1Orig ago bat the prInlitive and_ savage idea 'of • punishing the i.criminal-*-"taking it Mit' of his bide," so to ay -for the -Satisfaction of the winged rather than for the mire' of the criminal, has been slaw to *giva, • way. • ..' A report receetly,,isaued by the reformatories of New York State :SaYS `that, of the' criminals Committed ta their care, 40 per. gout., because of their mental:State, are unfit to be at -large, at the time Of their committal; and ten per cent. Are ultimately found unfit tube at large at all. FOR A ,Slowly, but steadily, the Idea is making headway among thos_e who deal with eriminali that the husineee of the pace and the orineinal courte is to protect dociety rather than to, punish., the wrongdoer Wording to his works, "Let the puniehlentit fit the CrI" said the old-faehioned eeiminalogist;. "This person:1s a menace to society, • • and not At to be at lage," ' says the That is tlie• point to get at -"not • . tit to- le at large." -c -net, it to ,enieY the libertr. accorded ordinary sensible: . " • ; , itthis view, were generally held We Would 'have :much better enforcerrient of 'the laws than we have.. There would be less of the "poor felleve' •stuffMbieh se often brings the law to nothing, and., turns the crinunal loose to -pursue -bis- course, and iesa •"give *te the seeinulrel, 4o punisli tient is ton -math, for ' .which sernetimee finds expression ht. hang- ng an Offender to the, rieafesttree, or bunting hint at the.stiike;-:- • If the .wrongdoer Were shnidy re gardecl:aa *At to be 'af' large (and' hia,Oriine taken ae Proof of this) in- stead of ' inflicting needless pain and Misery Upon hint, he would be so far deprived of his liberty as. to melte sure, that society would be -safe_ from his, depredations, :And ' under this necessary ,restraint he should • be 'Made- tri earn his living- so‘as- mot -to liera-burden-uport -• When ' insanity is elearly.apparenti ..this is the View' Which everybody takes. It is generally recognized that there is no use in hanging an insane. inarderer. Edo justelml'away where he can da nri'more harni.-Witi not 'treat all crirninalS. in that - *ay? If that were done there would be less Islitinfing-frOnfienfercement-of- the.mw There would be: lees ground for kir-shah sympathy -in fa,vorr„Of the Criminal, and more tonsideration for 'those whe' lose their property. or their lives by his ,rietiOns... , • • - WIRELESS TELEPHONY • THE LATEST WONDER :Wonderful, inventions have been crowding iupon the World' hi such numbers duringAhe-hist half century, that We nceept many Of • them as a matter of eouve. • Wirelesstelegraphi-mem a_onderful. . . enough, and when we heard of 'wire - _lea; _.telepliony__ft few years ago. we thoaglit it never _ ceulcL develop he yond being- an interesting feat nt seience:But already .it Wet become a Very prattle* affair, and In recent 'months has hecarne.tbe:sthigtagh-rien.- Mc lad. And strangely ,enough it is not very, eapensive-,,s.rece.iving se - vice at any rate- not being beyond the reach of the average faintly. ' As a Yilearis. of .advertising -them- selves a number of newspapers have installed priWerful transmitting mach - The te„, hear there • musical concertsl, ineic-find give out.tp rill who may care vee ly• payrol1. has never •been is than . $17,000. In addition to this there have been Other expensesof .a-Tninor. nature, This 'mikes the strike the Most e-apensiVe in yieltiatory Of- the Canadian trade e -union movement. Corrimenting -upon the vaSt sum of money spent by the Interriational rirniatta-aszitt..-LocaL,21-,-President- Andrevir Gerrard said ;the- :strike fUnds were corning -largely from -Prifiterit--lit-Work'iii- the- United- Sthtes. - showed "•,the :weakness of ''''•tM • argtiments of unionism. "Th -ere are 6000 • union arintera in . Canada," .said Mr, Gerrard, It extremely doubtful they. viopld have been able to rrovide the firiarices for a, :striko of , ti ..nature.-This..is_the_entiver_ to _ those - who are advocating egsith from the international trades ut.ion move- ment in Canada." By the end of the month the strike 411 hive cost the International Union a anin of Money ereeeding $700,000. There appeatts to he no settlement_ of the strike in eti the empletMent prititeis ars oettlag en Alt fight •witheut the ROO 01004 LUCKNOW. isos' • • Capital pod up $4,00.00 Reserve te,tind!' $5,006,90 Ooler 1120 Brol.1001. -.'" Why Keep Surplus Money tlte• House? It is dangerona Better to tithe this money to the nearest Branch Of The Molsone-yiank and deposit it in" a savings! account where Will be absolutely alfe. .(MoneY may be deposited or withdraWn. by =sit) REID, 'MANAGER, IiiiCKNOW BRANCH. women... • DURHAM GIRL WITNESSED Lucknoti LO -14; No. 4,gs, Meet in PRINCESS MARY'S WEDDING their lodge room, every second Tues- day of the month-itt 8 cOalock Pan n: letter- tri, her "home folks/' dated at London. England on the .4th &tea one • - • of March, 'Miss Edith Edge of Due,. ' • barn Bruce Co giyes an interesting . account' ;of her sight of the. royal -bridal party' TiVeriteriatter • Ablrey. on_the. ticeaAer_i of the marria,gs of Princess Mary. and Lett:Leacelles: Miss Edge -saw in Part: - "But, I wrist. tell yOn- about • the Wedding. We took UP • our pastions ' the „sidewalk euteidethe ;gates a- bout We had a splendid • view , of everything, as, there was no ihNsfront of us._ The policemen lined the route istim the palace to the. Ab- bey, and, the Life Guards. with their' seirrlet4.coats and black .busbies in- side the police cordon. At ten to el- even the Rothe, Guards rade': tre • escort, the partiest to the . Abbey. At -,11- theliQueeir:arid.-her_±_tbeee__eme_. appeared maid roar of cheers frok ; the .thousands - Of spectatori:" /Clew Minetea Utter came another band of Guards. this time with the Princess • and her father. She looked Charm- • ing in her wedding 'awry and nodd- ed graciously to the admiring crowds. "After a wait of an hour or so the sthe return of the royal party. The . chimes rang out from Westinineta, and 110.**.tt- `th o er bells •,a o er the 6.0.. Kifik; Queen, and familsr, 'CAMS Au the. first carriage, Queen Alexandra in the neXt, and then followed cars Witr, r. the distinguished guests. The Prin- eesz had -i-Cdif:- ferent route and did not return for • sttleaet ten minutes after the others The great Waste Of cheering Mum nearer and nearer and culminate6 in the ajArearance Of the bride an,- ,groont,. nodding. and smiling; ; Ther.' they drove under the arch and we thought' we had seen the last. But rumor Said the Royal Parte were to appear on the beleOpy. Ticket -holder - were allowed inside the gates, and in Appeared and were joined in a ehoet . erne- .the King and the two :.4x.eouts„, „Loud_ rheas._ waving land7_ . kerchiefs and flags. weted •their appearance. Princess Weis, eatnt' out on the balcony farther to Wt. ' right, After a few rninntes they: dis, entreated inside the palace and the erdWda- dispersed. fotgOt to tell you in last week'k . lett* •of il being shown through th:, Parliante .t Buildings by Big -('- Page Croft, M; [le was e,.treeel. • nice and saw-nrote-than---the-timis we Were. down euriselvee. are eleven 'hundred remns in all ane. over two miles corridors; In the &yet was a little chattel where M. P.'s might be married or their children , baptized. Lady 'Scott' wat Matried there the other darn A the foot of the stairCloadinct. to the crypt Was the nlo.....%Ht• r -here Guy VaWkei Wee Caught we *Mt out on tIi terra.* overleOiting T104411. rfOrs 014 X.00r4 LO.0„P. Lucknow-, Lodge 'meets every Friday Oening at-8•reelock in their Halt 'Campbell StreddrAll brethren cordially invited. •Officers:. Noble Grlid, Arch...Bathe:Or; Vice Grand, ' MacLeen Sehnstone ; See., Aitchlion; Pin. -Sec.,' Dr. Petersen; Treasurer, -Alex.' Ross. Inture, and it le u1t thatthe serViee' good, th,a sid.ultde being aa distinet- *. heard:f the' hearer were in the roma where, Ithe3r ace',.given out. 4.kl4 the woriditilikfeature is that Many tranaiiiitting Machina:1;4"1e' at Mork at* the sSearze time anti the • liatener Tarty, WAUSAU'. bis instert- Inent, e1 tite•somale 'centring trent the erre he i1easeife4Yati may ba Set: , ening te whet the:Toronte Daily Star- girdt4' out and tbenb, wishing to hear frera Detroit, you 100 . -tern a key to thisright point and;the Ster's Service is .cut off- arid yeti begin JO bear front "The Detroit News."- The air, or •ether,.marbe tilled *ith :sound w,e,ves and you seleet just these you- Wenclerfull And yet it is not tee, much to say that in -the near fature there will.be one oilnaere ef these re. Aelving Initrinnents in. evert' Village 1 in °uteri°, and in many hortieS, • ,U,1041140rIENZ 11,1SMAliag - Professor McIver, of 'the ,depart-•, Ment PolitiCar. EceimaY; iTniveiSi-- ty of TOrtinto,.. ia_credited With the statement that, •In his opinion, unem- ployment insurance should not :be confined te.,ceitain specified employ- ments, but should be broad enough to takin all workers Who are Out of . • , • If we should have anenaployment insurance at all, 'Professor McIver is right . Woriers in at 4rearches. industry : ought tp 'be treated alike.. Zhe idle clerk,•stenographer, Or lab- Orer have jy$ as good a right to pay when they areidle as'haye the brick- layer,. the carpenter or the factory. hand, and if 'we. ever have a goyern;••• ment- erazyt, enough, or 'sufficiently dominated by What is called "labour", -te• estahlish-iinemployment-insurancei • it 21firelY will ,apply all around. Ariy other arrangeritentwould be tee ridi- eulous; • It will bp a -great arrangement, and Nines". :will'niviiiys be 46 -ed• when workers; 'good bad..n4 indiffere* effiCient and inefficient, all alike, •get paidwhether • at work . Or idie;find •this from a fend supplied by 'the em-•. ployers of labor. . That is the logical outcome of un- employment insurance.' if one union orclass of :, wage-earners s entitled to pay whether at work Or Idle, Classes are so entitled, and itwill not be Poildible to make/any' distinction' between stheefficient and the . ineffi- cient, the lazy and the active, And why should there:be 'anY-cdistinetion ,inade? If men,are to be paid whether idle rt workyliy not_pay a nian the same whether he does a a avitole days' Work? • Under the proposed conditions we 'ierireely caniiiingine-wage-earriers being very active in looking for -jobs. Perhaps 'there will be established a .special peed to 'decide as to whether the•applicant for .inaurance has or has not made reasonable effort to secure " -employme2it. ' •131.it... we are _•of opinion :that the4 labor unioria which proposethiiUn- employhient insurance have an easy ,way out of this .difficulty. They would gay: "Let the. einployers look up the idle men andkeep them t Work* if . they don't want- to: Pay :idle men 'let - them -provide work for them." There ......... • • MR„..RERRY'S MISTAKE _ • Once there, was . a grpcer nained Berry. He sent a hill before it was . Ana. and '.the.- nerson-:who--,reedived it *rate in ,reply :' "You have sent in your 'Bill Berry before it was. fine Berry: Your father; the TElder-Peri,77-• -would not --have- been -such --a Goo re- Berry,•but you need nit look so Bine Berry for.I .don't care 'a Straw Berry about your:Bill Berry. and if •Yoti write..again before June -Berry I'll maul you until von are like a Black Berry and feel as soft as: a PPM and they a!ez.biNte-'.. zo.7etuhtis3r-oius: in the G Now. a Kit Berry; fat. I* ant 7eur. tickle .B. erry. " • • • A COSTLY -STRIKE ,So Titea . 'Fatigue is the result of pOiSens in the blood: So when the • kid.- neys 'fait to purify the blood' one of the 'first indications is unusual panadinsoitrstishteenbta4tiro.d: .,feelings. and. Neglected kidney nonbles lead to years orauffering. from rheuma- tism or develop into - such -fatal . ailments as Bright's disease. • • The. kidney „action is promptly corrected by -use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills -- -the best known regulator of -kidneyel liver and b.owejs. Mrs. John Ireland. . 2. King, Ont.,' writes: wits a greet sufferer from severe headaches and bilious spells. tried a' number of remedies without ,obtaining any benefit until I was. advised to use Dr.' chi..., Kidner -Liver Pills. These completely relieved me and made me feel like a •new person. ' ant very. •grateful to, Dr. Chase's medicines' for what they have done for me, and you may use my letter •for the brnefit of others." 'Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver . 'Fills one pill" a dose, 25c a box, all dealers or Fairnanson, Bates & Co.,• Ltd., Toronto. • • CLEAN UP and 1.PAINT IT ,With Martin-Senour 100 Per Cent, Pure Paint Save the S'urfate and You: Save All" • A coat of Martin-Senour Paint will add considerable vajile to your prop'erty. It is tile highest grade of paint , for interior anct`e?derior. use,. . Gals. .$5.00, 1-2 Gals. $2.65, Qts ;$1,40, Pts. 75p., 1-2 Pts. 40C. ' Martin-Senour Schoolhouse Red Paint for painting barns, gatTges and all 'out -buildings. Gals. $3.15, 1-2 Gals. $1.75, Qts. 90a: Woodlac. Stain and Varnish •for beautifying' floors and furniture. Qti. Pts. 75e., 1-2 Pts. He. Marbelite Floor Varnish, best varnish for floors. Qts. $1,75, Pints 95c., 1-2 Pints 50c• .. 14 Muresco and Alabastine for wall and ceiling decor- ation, 5 lb. Package for 75c. „ Coil Spring Woven Fence and Barb Wire at the Right Price. • A.car-loarof St. Marys Cement expected by Aptil 7. Extra Prices • on Auto Tires 2 -Tread Tire, :guaran- ,teed 5000 Mile $13.00: SPECIAL • on• Z -tread Cord Tire guaranteed 7000 miles • ' $17.00 of a controYeray over wages and 'working conditions.. The. mine ovvnera and Operators maintain' that they must reduce wages from the high level .established during the . war, in' •order to meet the competition of the non-union: Mines in which 'a !lower • scale. of wages preVaill and 'where the men do more work in ,a day. !ril miners demand more pay than they were getting, on the.ground that they were not getting . :"Iiving wage," whatever,that may mean. The miners want also,yt reduce the,*orking days Per.weekAo five days,pay to remain the same as. for six days. They say • this is necessarir in order that -there may lieNork enough to go • around As it is, they say, there ere about two 'hundred thousand. miners in the ..countryfor whom-there-was:no work So they Planned -filet eaCh.nriur should do leis. in Order "that all mightlave em. aynuat Sbouleariother Intridred urand miners ceirie into the dem - or .quit the .farms and go -mining, • We may. assume that the :Onion lead- ers would propose cutting. =ether day -off-the week, that these also should have work and good pay: 71t wiui be remenibered that -about- -a Tear -ago oa-slmilar.-strike of coal *miners was inaugurated in Britain and thatfor _several months- al) the mines in. the country were idle. There Ole inines 3Veme allowed to' become flooded. with".4.atery_the. pump_ opera- tors;dnd .othey's who kept the mines in condition having .quit. work- along With--.-the-miners. It mas--thought4hat. thiSprocedure would bring' the oper- .Yeu .are• The Prahlenl, isuhredi It • strange that thiStriffeinikrit Merit' •InsUrariee 'should get:- perious- -eonilderation 7-bY 'reSpensible•--inen•Lnt, -ell; Why • Should: this inatirante be confined to wage-earnera pay the laWYer„ytte• beause, miClierits?the doctors Who idle .becauie, be has no patients? the .dentist who could attend to double "the .business he ie. getting? And why' not insure the matrufacturer ,against _duAtieree When' his ,machines are Jae, and the •store -keeper "Wh-c•-•ietki Only. half the business he could do? These , men ard al times aStruly out of work, as are ;the earpenters and -bricklayers who are- Walking the..streets.L._ • . The_ printers1---strike-in-Taronto • speeches; sermons, • the news of t e -day; market -rePorts, etc. "The -De-. troit News" .was first. to install such a service in this part; arid last "week -the - Torento---Dally-Star installed_ machine,. and . la _daily "broadcasting" all kinds of news and entertainment, • To take' advantage of these services •arie has only to install a eomparative- - ly small rederYing -Outfit;IYiliter'may • bebought complete or anywhere from 426, trp.-to,-$50..Roughly sneak: ,ing a. race.iving.'m.achinewill.give sat- isfactory results at the rate of a mile for every dollar it costs -a: machine being good over a radius of 26 milea Mid a 50 -dear 'machine be- ing good for ' 50 miles. However, a • 25() -dollar . machine is good for dis- t&neS ..m..Uch_ over_g04.1.1(111efinerhans. a thousand or more. Conversations are daily being carrigd on 'with pail- sertgers on ships far out on the °dein, and words hatte been heard .distinctly clear across the Atlantic, • • But the installation of machines in the homes is the thing about radio • telephony Whith most interests the. • average tali, it.10010 40 thidth tliesq w.c,010 bqaointon lii tilt 1140r • THE COAL MINERS; 'STRIKE • e • All fforts-to.' avert- a Strike of en --- lee !coal Ininers on this continent fail- ed, and the Men.quit work on the firit day. ,of Apyil, All Union mines in the United, Stater and Western Canada "-ziffietid;-ithe -fir-ova scas-i-c are the mines mines - o preVent their ruin by Hw he cihs have making sittihs faade tfoartyal pii:03*,urletss: _toward recoveg,_but the. a^cident_ and a few mines in the iiniteil:States ,voiking„tindere_uniom„. inue$Atre abccunr.4.1auy_tioutt!f_waete.r;,,r_ open -because the miners' -contracts" Is • P"SP rule buat: 't11 t aYIlis pr0bo5c:s Wl1 not add Much to the yet spread to the railways an. tlie general beauty of his countenance. • THE RED. FRONT HARDWARE RAE ..ei-PowriEouS Phone 60. - . Lucknovy. Highest Cash Price Paid for Cream and Eggs Any Day Test Guaranteed PALM -0 S GROCERY Where Fresh Groceries Can_Be Had at the Lowest Price POnee,'S`Customer,'Alwaye a OratoMet _ Give_Us A Trial • PHONE 75. , SPRING TERM FROM APRIL ,31d. CENTRAL BIJSINESVCOLLEGE Wingham; Ont. • l3o.ok-keepiirg, • Pitman's, :Short - hind, actual office work. Person- al Instructions: • a specialty, rea- sonable tuition, graduates assist- ed to positions, .Affiliated • with , Central Business College, Strat- ford. Our graduates_are in 'de- • mand. Students may ettroll at anytime No ; ..4a_Ogr vacatii- TRAIN SERVICE -.• between • • LUCKNOW AND TORONTO ' , • ' • 'Daily e-ccept•Sunday Lve, Lucknow 6.09 a.m.; 2.35 -0.1N-7 • Arr Toronto_ 11,10 Lve.. Toronto 6.59 -am 5.02 P.m.. Arr.' lanikriair:-12,49 -p.m., p.os -Fon. Agents. •• v: 'Agent, Lucknow. Catalegue Free. . Phone 166.- ators ib an agreement, but_ m.--tir:s • ., , , Presiderrt. - • Princit., the' miners ,kere ,m-J.s.taert-i -re• °per .etcre refused to acceed to the demands of . the tinkers, and the strike was defeated, after causing in- calculable loss to the country .as 0. whole: and to the -.miners and mine- • operators.in partieular:.0 •. • • In the United States as in Britain, the mine owners and operators have ,eorneta the conclusionthat,theY,,inust • fight the unions to a finish. For years , theY have Made concessions and now , it has become evident that there is7 7to be no `end to the demands* of the Miners.. The ruirito their business -by eloefrig :deem can be ,:no. twprie" their the ruin which yielding to the. di:\ mantis of the- miners would- bring. The Republican.ov gernment_ is_sym- • athetic with the business men ef the country, and the mine operator§ ; evi- dently have toncludelsthat the time was opportune for a fight to the fin - D. A. McLachlan.- T-R_Fo.sterk AXE HITS MAN IN PACE -• ' .. HAS 'VERY .CLOSE CALL' : John H:erman: son of kr. and Mrs. Jos.. Herman,- was the victim of a very painful- and dietreasinz acci- dent last Thursday, says The • may Gazette, He and. his brother Joseph mere in the bush cutting o�didakstheeThrtlie° Thai Of a neighboring tree were in their , First-class coaches- parlpr-Library Buffet §er*e, from •. Pahnerston-• to -Toronto '-- en morning train, and Toronto to Palmersfon on. • ." For full particulars as to tickets, etc; 'apply to 'Grand Trunk Ticket „ Thos --Who Stay in the Valley,WiltNeve.r- Get Over the Hill Iiring us. your ' Cream, Eggs.and Poultry,, vandte-owthe-hilkep • " We Pay You CASH.- " -limiest Weights, Accuratelr-ests and- a •' quare peal to All • • SI LVERW 00 DS,_ For Service tray, the latter made a slash at them the-nre.--The-axe handle WAS We and Joe had it pair t4 woollen' mitts en, he lost -his -hold on .the weapon .which Was carried with considerable foree and sliced in 'Saari direetiim. the blade of axe hit John square• - ly on the bridge • of the :nose, inflic- ting- a terrible gasheeuttirar• the.bone to the depth. of nearly an hie)). He Was hurried to.the doctor's officeAed sever -stitches Mere required to close the wound. The injured man had a narrew". escape, as the age barely With the operators have not expired. There are also a few large mines in •theU,nited. States and on Vancouver Island, which are netnnieeized, and consequently are still, operating, These operating mines, howev'er, can supplY .orily.a„Sreall-fraction-ef ,the, coal required by the industries of the continent, 60 that should the , strike • be tont contieued, many large factor - 104 and the steam railways will be seriously. affeCted, if not PUt out 'of business, In any. event the strike, Id - volving s it, does a half milliOn era, cannot fail to greatly !tenpin the provalling %mitten fhprvioont 1:411 .00140 tit 000./ti 11 tile molt aqk workers flt the sea ports. These may refuse to handle oral. imported Item • overseas or, , from rion-union mines. • • Afteri-mr--important -feeling.ttaffic. cop bawls You out you know 11, Salaam felt when rebuked; by an ass, Do not buttes Another day wins ite a i na, Meta Ing,or Frotnat . ing lidiep.,, Ne saver eat opt a tto it rdeutrea .014Pnent fa retteveyoaat once Iii 004110. eh 4 011 4 a pat s *Co,, lea . 411 you numt on 4 Per POOP, Smaililfaur Give it a hnOolcont43low with a few doses of Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Tried and proved by over 200,000 people, Positively Guaranteed to give rsliet: 40 name tor 75 • told by ill chiaraloa Or by mall horn • VI, R. loolliv, 14g Mallet 16 Torisio. Mill hi 14004* by At°E.11101014i PRONE`47,.. -olo-Light Ledge • meets every Thursday night on.or before the full moon, in theldas- Havelock St., Lucknow. , N. G. Mackenzie; T., • Si, Reid; J.W. J. ,McQuaig• Sec • . W. A: Wilson* , 'JOHN SUTHERLAND, & SONS, Ltd. -Guelph.-Ont.vin-Sitionce, Fire and • Marina • • U -Need a Monument n.: Marble and Gran • - lot to" W°Srktosck:11-"the Irnilogset 44bneda:t7fintri. designe to choose from in Mar - wand Canadian Gran' • • WikTwitl eheoese,n. uniSicatteek eett • and invite -year -3:k Specialty of Family spection., • Inicriptions neatly and prompt.' ly-done. Call ,and see AUS before placing Your order. • ' ROBTL, ut,knfipt4 PivOlToTnONroi 04)1 WO Airli Perh141101*uttM, IN WA !Ti P94011