The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-17, Page 8• • • • -- • • - - TAX 1,110KNOW ' pZNTINZL T*iMUIDAYY NO111MBER *1 10210 C+t i• • Ladies' Coats and 'len • Ladies'Coats After a , very successful season in :Ladies' Coats, we find'we'have only 16 Coats left, and, have .pricedthese solow that they should -prove very at-' tractive. w• 1031. Is a Grey,Sijvertone Coat, very waren and stylish, Yn the Season $ raj best style. Regular $42.00, for .. • • . • . • $.50. .50. 402 Green Blanket Velour is the material used, made up. in a: style that is very' attractive. Regular $28'.5% for . , • . ,', ..., , 1056 The new Velour Cloth of a Pekin Blue shade is the only material .that could adapt itself to this style of coat. The smkrt#gt coat. we had in this season. Regular $40.00, for• • " 91$ Fawn Velour, a beautiful quality =• and a • popular style. • Regular 242.00, for • $19.75 a ,'•t p ° 1639 Another Velour Coat, .in the fashionable fawn color. Regular •s , $35,00, for. • ...,� • . • • 647 Here ie a coat in• a Brown Velour, elaborately trimmed with stitch- • ing. Regular $35.00, for..• ..y: .'• • • • •'•. • • • 61 Black Bebe - Lamb. is chosen for. +tide attractive model, Regular'; $37;50, for. '•..... . ..,`.•,••.. . '. 907 The only:. plush' coat we have Made -of Salt's Guaranteed ' Plush Regular $50.00, for $31.75 - $32.50 $28.5Q $27.50- $26.50 $36.50 1026 Grey' WiPhj_tneye,Cloth with a Squirrel Collar: . A very'serviceable garment:' Regular $42.00, for • $32.50 •• •• so1.-• A :Heavy Wool, Tweed, makes a very wenn coat, .and the price is low. Regular $32.50, for.. • . , :; . X49Whitney` Cloth in; the •ever. popular shade of Burgundy is the material• Regular $33.50,1for , • •.......... .....i'••••••• .....:,.f.. 805 'This ba°3,'been oiu I est selling •garinent. ,''Made up of a fine quality Fawn Velour with The Nutria'tFur Collar,;, *- Yi is'a very stIeh coat. Regular ;36:00, for. t . . .. , ... ... , :. ',' ... • . , , . • • 1972 r� A iliglit'shade .of Brown Velour with a handsome :Hudson Seal Collar, makes ,a very pret y' garment. Regular 45:OOfr`... $21.75 $23,50 $28.59 35,75 1667 Fawn Velour. .Regular $42.00; for .� 33.50 203 .Fawn Blanket Velour. Regular $28.50, for . :• 4, i' .. , $21,50 Chiba. -B1ueVelenr:Cloth•--Re ular. 27.50 for... •r• • ..•.:.-. $21.50' ercoats . ..r 1.•-. wOP! a Ute.,'•' •••FF••R=4... y'-•!` au. jwww•••: ea wow =poem. 1. `a 1V�en's Overcoats It is not, very. often that. 'you' get an opportunity. to purchase a good' Winter Overcoat:, right at 'the beglnnid • • of the season at such greatly reduced prices • • Q8 Only Men's Heavy 'C oats of the better kindTteso are extra: heavy double: texture cloth, •and are very serviceable •garments • Regular prices $38.00 to $33 7''•` 5•. $40.00, Reduced to, ,`, ,, . • • • . • . , a • • ; , • . • Goats. of Heavy -weight' Tweeds. Some with belts and some •plain• A splcn- 1 O did garment at a'very attraotiva price. H.egular•$20 and $22'.00, for:. • • $ 16.50 •4 Only Mien's Overcoats Good serviceable garments at the ory low price of $10 00 2 Men's Heavy Buffalo Cloth 'Coats.' Tltese•are more serviceable than .a fur coat CC at twice. the price. : Regular $35.00, for • • ; , . , • ... • . 2.% •.50 Only Black Dog Fur Ccats.• Full length.. " For Quick Sale ' 2 2p $20..00 • Only Black English Melton Coats, nice dark mnarmot. collar. Sizes 38 and 40.. • Regular $45.00 at This Sale. :. „ $29.50. Special ��•Reductions in Men's. Work Cats 1 Onlyheavy all wool, dark color, Mackinaw Nat. The famous Carr's make; Regula; t Y •tin lata.;' 4:::'4 a '►i1 1 Only Tan Leather Jacketlined with a heavy all -wool. Kersey cloth, high bt ,verette :colo. .]legn•1€tr•$2000, for.. • 1 Only Brown Dubk Coat, heavy wool lining,. Corduroy collar: Regular $13.50; for, i, . . Only Boys' Overcoats, made with •rhe wa•%atseanre, and of g,r oad quality all wool' cloths., fit-h.c�ys 12 to 16years.8 Regultir prices $•16:00 to .$18:00, Sale price ... , ... .... ... r .. •...: , • Special line of Raincoats marked for' quick- selling. Lines that formerly sold"up to $22 00,reduced noiv to... • `M nw 6, °^. ' GF4xro .• 1.5 I .5u. 9:2 $10:00 2.O. • .ti;iR.Ef.1°=1- ._ .;3 ' .LY•Zd ^,? S: i �r -.`3 v,�F, ': j -r •Z •,,rvist . _ �•7- ^•y17L�J :v i • `:. MEN.,, w+ a `are . displaying his � �sea,�-.url• Spec aloes • coats at :$25- 00, -The season's newest patterns; in fancy Coat- ings made in• the latest approv ed styles for Old -or :. young are 'here. We ` are specializing on � t :this , .particular: price and --re-- _; -• cent-}-sal-es-by : the= `m-anufactur Y erS ablesTus to offer: you- $30 o-$50--Coats-at .. _ _. • Special Values in Boys'. and Youths' Coats Also • m This week -we place . on Sale 20 Ladies' newest style Cloths-_ - Coats . in_ brown, taupe, _navy, amethyst and black. Sizes 36 -42-and` F5 to F O : -Skene . the smartest styles and *pretti- est coats you will seethis sea- son, worth up.to $40.00. .. ea Price 4 ST. AUGUSTINE , Miss' May . Redmond was home from Kitchener for the recent holiday.. Miss -G. ' O'Connor, spent Thanks- giving at her .home --inKingsbridge Mr. and Mrs. !Charles Robinson . spent -Thanksgiving -with': her narents in East Wawanosh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oameron and •-Mrs-Snowden,-of ine-iive,-visite at Wm: McAllister's on Saturday.. HOLY1100D. FOURTH MON., •KI1vLOSS , • Monday; November 14th. Nurse H. MacDonald . has returned -Mr. Denzil BELFAST Mil's Irene. Brunt' is - visiting ,.with her..aunt .ins-L-utkirow Miss Lizzie, Alton is Visiting with her brothers in .the burg.°•," . • Mr -Robert-Irwin' and • Miss�-Pearl•- spent a . day last week.- ,with 'friends' in the_: neighborhood:- Mrs:` _John- Eminerson has return ' " The monthly meeting of the Wo- etLto her lime After spendiing,-a.::.men'.e-Institute-was=held-at-the-home few .'days of last 'week with her -- of Mrs. Duncan fihompson •on Thurs.-- Parents here. ' . > • ' day.; .November' 314. A :good : paper.. Church' services here will be. with- was given by Miss Daisy Ayles on:' rawen--Sun a ov, /0 on account - ►Towers -and -Shrubs,"' Current of the anniversary services . being, events were read by four of the mem=' held at Blake's. hers and, solos were well rendered by Quite • a number of the farmers in ; Miss Daisy Aytles and Mrs. • Brown. this ,part -:attended ,-tile political ! meet- • ing in favor of the U.F.O. candidate held at Lueknow - last Wednesday. S1 "-HELENS.. • .. �... i r,. ;'. week -at -his•- ;,to ze „D t o th' Winter Det S�tatters-•is`spending the .r•-. • trom_e here, 'Miss Johnston,' of Detract, was --a l: It leokii ae if `Whiter -had =set in as-. the' jingle of the merry. sleigh beels een=heard-in-otic Mr, and Mrs, James Drennan "and" 'fames, of Ashfield visixeLtheform= er's 'si>Yter;' Mrs': Frank McIntosh; : on Friday evening of last week,: A cablegram received here yester= day announced t$e safe •arrival of .;,Mr__„.7rank McIntosh at 'Liverpool, Eng. He .:is'' its charge ofa shipment:. ._oi_eattle.,for the-;Acker-b-Brbar-- • --- Xmas Is Approaching---- Get "Your Gifts Ready Now; We have everything in Fancy Goods and Findings to assist you. Phone, write or call, on us. ithn!S. e. • e • ONTARIO -' • visitor Iast week at...14Iacnenald's The Hodgkinson. boys . are 'busy ;these da s cuttin wood on this fine.' •'We'ere ''pleased to :know 'that •Mrs•' Adam MacDonald is "able; to -be about, Mr. and Mrs, -W;. J.- Hall, of ;Ash-: field. spent a`day.lest week with 14irs. Hall's mother, Mrs. little. ' r. We -understand that. Mr. P; 'Mackenzie. is out :Speaking in the: int _ terests-of: Mrd .R.. E.. Truax Mr -Ale c;--Mac'Donald, of . Toronto, 'spent' Thanksgiving -with hi. 'arents- Mr. and. Mrs., A. 'MacDonald • Av number fro?n this line attended' the unveiling,; of a tablet to fallen sal'`rer" s ililey last -week. •rMr. and Mrs, D. MacLeod,' of the Boundary, spent ah evening this: week with Mr, and .Mrs:, Russ Middleton.„ • Phone. `'No,, l'O zs. at Your Service t_ tt/_e.Sell for__Cash.. •Ve_-1-Cheaper r C�, `'rx• t•'«mil t•• More ti a e • • ' Tuesday, November 15: Mr John Aitcheson is home from ithe;W'eit; Mrs,. ,Will, •I•lumphrey. and Freda 'sititigin c lrr ham. ° Wit• Miss Loretta Sturdy; of Wingham, 'spent the week at Mr. Will. I•hum phrey's.. ' , ,, . Mas William,Gibbons who has been) seriously ill since • his ; return from,: -•t-he-W st,, itimproving.,_ _ _ - :- _ ._� Mr. 'Yellin Phillips: andRias-Vernay Phillips, who lave spent the last few .monthsin the West, returned home on Thursday, . : ....., Mrs, Robert Purdon and children, of East Wawanosh, spent a week visiting with her' parents, Mr. and, Mrs. A. Anderson, • The . monthly meeting 'of the Wo- men's Irratittite ' will be field tit the home )of Mrs. W. R. Ferrier • on Thursday; 'November 24th„ at 2,8(4 o'clock, The report of the District" convention held • in London, will be given by Mrs. R. T, Phillips, Roli C,al'l,. "Christmas Recipes and Christ maef' Presents", music, etc, ' Please 'Come with something prepared for EMI l Call-, A general' •lnyitatioii ,id„ ex. tended', frdver ►boll welcome • - OLLAR DAY in, our Stor•e_was.:a great _ success.. Our -c ustomers. will find. it pro-" • _ fitab1e o _s Prints, Silks and 13ress Goods that• we are still offering • All cotton good od are advancing.' .I is t good time to buy:what, ou_ need for prmg :Try us dor-Men's-Underwear. = 'Bargains in Linoleums and Congoleum•. wares. We -are Clearing Millinery at Dollar Day prices. • Specialein Men's Overalls, These will be 'muchhigher when we have to buy's Ws .CONNELL ,..,0•r••, t• • I+ S -- ass that three months ago -would- , o aouldAS '• to-. ..-. C�1y • AUC. • ,GAf,VANIZED PIPING is reduced .25per cent. SIABL _-H 5 �. S ®�L'I�lLS ,i,� per.cent •less• -than six. ' M month's ago. SE�LWIN WILLIAMS PAINT and YARN ASHES --Reduced 15 per cent; STOVE PIPES:and STo, ': WP.E. .LBOW --25 percent cheaper than three months We have a large stock ofaE.A'Tl. NG .. • S jj choosy: from‘ at reduced prices. " . u. WINTE'R MITTS marked• a great deal 'lover in price- than . a ye i s o • 0.rd :I .bout Stove Repair's Our years of t xperjt•n-r liaw aril.titrititrd,,u-s- vith nearly t•vtrry mala) ()I' 'glove fur the pasttwetrty,-f.ve years, if yon tirwl a' iirry j fere, f•01' y nttr, naive ii lacator:consnit uy; it it is- O4:)1Ih(It: •we knytv' it .incl viii give you prompt service. • .,We have a dainty line of Teapots ' redjiced from. $1.00 to 75c :• The Lncknow Hardware & Coal ` TOE' STORE 'HAT NEVER !ASA Co. Ah'P.OlN1S ,.t J s «., drN9b 0