The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-17, Page 4•
sac flit 1l
'diner 130 Branches:
.,There is iii, saris Ur sorer way of safeguarding your sur-
PI** eltet thase placing it In a savings account with The
w Molo.gde,, b
' , root # .27t
-:. EE •1 G and McCORMICK
IE±C. Tractors, and Engines; •
Geo; White & Sea Threshing,Machines;.
Louden's Litter Carriers, Stalls, Stancions and
• Water Bowls;
Fost's Coiled Wire',84 Woven Fence;
"Connor's Perfection Electric Washer;
t CourlaY, 'Winter 'and Leeming Pianos..
miaow Otani"
QW d every 2i r e s mel
.e lasaiaow. oaca:je..
.i. D. MACFsNz[r, Prete.
aid Weir. ,
Much is Ging made Oaf the feet
that •aa eleanent of protectioin bas
been intineduud.into the trade pooiey
: of Britain. Protectionists 'argue that
the freedrade policy in vogue there.
since about 1850• has at .lastbeen
found' fin be a failure; that the com-
petition of protected countries has
force' Britain do adopt protection,
and that Canada would do well • to
observe what has happened.
This line of argument is pursued,.
oVie, e, with. a 'view to Idiiscreditiang
the Liberal and• #.he Progressive par-
titk which,.: it • is maintained by the
Conservative Party' propose _ a
free trade policy for Canada. (It may
be added; here that the leaders .cif the
the Liberal party' and of . the trot
gressive party da. mot ,pretend to
stand fore policyof free trade. for
It mast beadmitted,that •.the argu-
Ment that $retain has abandoned free
trade is . an effective one. It is. said
, p
that Britain' was hence fielded ith .
goods from protected Gern><any, That
looks likely, and is effective too. Here
were German goods coining into Bri-
tain, and here were met; idle ,and
poor in Britain; Why not, keep out
those German -made goods and have
these idle Englishmen make similar
goods and thus earn a living? That
too is an effective line ,'of argue ent.
Indeed it is the mainstay of pro-
tection as a trade policy.
• Many farmers 'throughout Qitario
feud it „di cult to gather up 'znouey
enough, to pay their High taxes,
which, this year, amounts to about
one dolar per acre of their. fauns.
No wonder' there is 'Complaining.
The contrast between things now and
things osetheetwees a eoupie of yearl}'.
ago is *Dough - to . make one •sick,
. A ipan, who called to•psia •small •
account the other day, said that "he
hoped'we had; seen the worst of the
`depression. Meybe we have; but ,these;
business' depresions aie periodic, and
business depressions are periodic and
years from 'the break to a time when
recovery was observable, -
We must just stick it put and
make the best of life as we go along.
Nobody in particular is • to blame,
The once fairly smooth -running busi-
ness machinery of the - world is some
what out of joint. People have ilost
confidence in the future.' and all are
hesitating. By-andby confidence will
be 'recovered. Dealers will leek with
assurance ,•to • .the future, and . the.
machinery 'will , speed up again. •
Ili 'the nieantirne, . the farmer, and
the other fellow too, will do well: to
remember that he has enjoyed: a few
years' of unusual •.prosperity; that
they have more comforts and fewe-
debts than. they ever hada before.
Check over the situation and see if
this is not 's6. Be careful,\but don't
•be downhearted;
•-• r . 'rr
• -F 'the average man would keep a
T detained expense account for a
month showing every trifling *expen
dlture, he would find • that, without
missing anything ' worth while, . he
could have made'some very geed de-
posits in 'thea bank-eafeguarda for,.
the future -the future -materiel - for' •
business progress.
LW. KNOW BRANCH -J. A. Glennie, Manager
It is jthe'way of the politician to be
allthings to all men that he may get
votes. But when Mr.-Crerar' Psogres-"
sive party leader, '• Who more •'than any
other, is associated with a,fres trade
policyt spoke in Toronto last week,
he , . spoke' as he.' had spoken to the
rural districts; saying to. protectionist
Toronto hat a trade policy "as' free
as can be, and one that would' be
, fanr to the farmers: andno more than
fair to the manufacturers would be,
bet for tbe country as a whole.
It is nate-worthy that the : Toronto -
audience, ,which packed Massey , ]Ball,
,gave. Mr. Crerar a splendid ,recep-
ion,; and-•that--at-the-close-of his ad-
dress there was genuine 'and prolong-
ed apolause, This applause ives'net
Notice is hereby given that all per
sons Indebted to the estate of Ben-
jamin Hughes,' late of the 'Township .
of Winless in the County of Bruce,
are requiredpay same' to .the -un-
dersigned - Administrator of the es-
tate, and effects of the said Benjamin
Hughes- on .or before the Thirty-first
day of December, A.D. 1921. _ ° , •
Allister Hughes, Administrator,-,
:R B. N:: A. Holyroode Ont, •
Notice is hereby given that all per-
sons 'indebted to the estate of John
Adam McDonald, late of the Town-
ship of Kinloss; in the. County of
Bruce, are required to pay same to
the undersigned Administrators .of
the estate and effects ."of the • said;.
John Adam •McDonald, b of before
the Thirty=first day of December,
A.D. 1921. r' • •ry •
Allister Hughes:,:
Annie Hughes, T
R.R Ne, A, "Holyrood, Ont. '
In the matter of the estate of Ben-
jamin Hughes, late. of the Towns'
-ship ship of Kinloss, in the County of
..Bruce, Yeoman, deceased...
Notice is hereby lgiven thatall per-
sons having any claim or demand
against the -late Benjamin Hughes,;
who died on or about the 17th., day
of :January, 1921, -at the Township
of Kinloss- in the County of Bruce,
and Province •of Ontario, are' required
But in spino ,of the apparent sound -
to send by post Prepaid or to deliver
to ndersigned; administrator' of
ness of these arguments for prates- �
the ethestate and effects of the said.
tion, it remained that Britain was Benjamin 'H•ughes, their .names 'and
wealthier than any of the protected addresses and• full particulars . in
writing of their ',claiifts and . state-
ments• of their accounts and the nat-
ure of the securities. if any,.•held lay,.
them, duly verified by'idavit.
,and take notice that after the
Third day . of December A. D,' 1921,
the said Administrator will proceed
to -distribute the assets of the said
deceased :among the persons entitled,'.
thereto, ..having regard only . to the'
claims: of which he shall then ;have
had .notice, and that the said Admin
istrator will not be liable for the said
'assets or any part, thereof, to any
person of whose claim. he - shdll not
then haye received. notice. .
This . notice is t 'ven pursuant to .
the statute in that behelf; • .'
Dated at Lucknow this Fifth day
el 'November A. D, 1921: ' '
. Allister Hughes, Administrator;
R.R. - No, A, Holyrood, Qnt.
countries (save the United States,
which, .as we •have frequently point-
ed out, .enjoys greater ••freedom of
trade than any other;). In the war it
was free -trade Britain,
•not protect!
ed France , and Italy, which supplied'
financial strength, How did this come.
about if a free trade policy is a -ruin-
ous, policy? '•
*Then 'the German goodswere seen.
in the shops -of England, and it Welt-
ed, as though the country' was being
flooded with German- goods, and ,Bri
• tish workniien thps'held in idlieness,
the 'fact 'was overlooked • that those
German, goods wrist have ' been paid
for with British goods. The Germans
•didn't'Send them over as •gifts. And
when', workless, 'men ;were seen upon.
the streets, of London, it Was :forgot-
ten that- there were idles men also in
Germany, France, Italy and the Unit-
ed State.
_lf a policy of^protection, is a guar-
antee agaifntt idleness, how comes it
that thse idle millions in France;
in;Italy, and in the United States? •
To those- who would like • to pursue
the subject we - would' recommend - a-
emall and -very readable book by the
•on_Accieunteof. Mr Cress's .free trade lateHenry egrg&,. "Protection and,,
sentiments. It was -because 'the people Free Trade:" _It' is the .most concise
of .Toronto saw that-Crerar was_"a and complete work ever ^published on
man" that `lie: was'not afraid to say thf subject, ;' ,
what -'-he thought :in the :presences of -o-o=o—
tot' `
those who disagreed with him. e,
df course, there•are those who will 'LADS STOLE CHURCI[C'COI
seein Crerar's actions; as in the acct-, LECTION
ions of an ' public man,. nothing but
--F.or-•-some -•tine h'wr7,,tieasurer.. af; ..
culations � ;of' policy;' biltit"'is' note-
Melville Church, Fergus, believed
here, that , Mr Crerar•has every- thatth'er ne-•member' rodtribut-
`where; in country, town: amfi cityr� '1e�t- .
an impression theft , and tions were. falling off- or that a leak
is sincereye- was draining them in some other
In the' matter ofthe estate of John
Adam McDonald, fate of the Town-
' ship, of .-Kinloss in the County . of.
Bruce, Yeoman,. deceasea
Notice is °hereby :given that all per-.
sons having :any i claims ordemands
against the late .John, Adani McDon-
ald, who died onor about the 11th,.:
'day of Ngvember, 1920; at the Town
ship of: Kinloss in 'the County of
-Bruce.-and.-,Province of Antario,yare
required to• send by post prepaid or. ,a
to deliver tofile-undersigned. .Admin-
istrators'-of theestate and effects of
the said John. Adam McDonald, their
games. ` and . -addre"sses -and full par•-
'titulars in ' writing. of -their claims
and statements • of their accounts and
the ' nature of the .securities, if • any,
held by them, duly verified by affida-
And -take notice :that •after : , the
:Third day of December, A:D..1921,
•the said Administrators -will --proceed
to distribute the assets of the said
deceased among •the persons entitled.
claims- of which they shall then "have
had 'notice, and that the 'said Ad-
ci rNsnrata s will •siert be liable- for :the
'sad assets or anv.nart`thereof- to
.Person Ail.. whose.. claim y
tk►'.e .:shall
not .then have ;received`'iiotice,
This; notice' is given pursuant to .
, the statute ie that behalf.
Dated at Lucknow this •Fifth: day
of November, A.D. 1921.
Allidter Hue•Ikes..
Annie Big hes, _
. - A iiiin�etrators:;':
R.R. , No. A, - Holyrood, • Ont,
e nein who blend P. M 'emoke'eiai
too - They how just what smokers
—real „smokers— want.
That's why here's that. Io -.given
g .
flavor Of -real tobacco— that's why -there ' •
'is no bite or burn to spoil/he taste.
:You're sure-ofworth=while' smokes
10 for :�_ 5 for.._.
<., than. said toan older one,
•," Y aceempiished wonderful•:
t�4irvrs that would have sati-
tied• ; vrdisiary-. �nan, and.._et, It :�, , ', a3° E., that instead': ofthinking
:Evri r sea .you're always look-
else" .ern ..I right. •about that?" .And
his It•icnd. laughed as he. -e fed,: "I`'
lore'.-. e•.ied'as much as .f did when I
war t wee. I've no time to waste
on.:i,a c iter se:3.•"
T ire;. , man went away de-'
r fs,,r a•"';i}�'ir n r," •.he said to 'hini4'
•-f,R 1- feria 1' • is 'discouraging,
they X=sha11' ever make
• a tr-. .�-l.a*y of the success iVtr'"`Abp
bob, 4 :.;ade, ere :'et even he iso ilis�•
ter,. :." 'And it' •:as come time be-
fore rr,tild off the feeling
of e -••ession.
Ye; be thing that seemed' so dis-
couc;z:R.:ig to, the.•young man is in
1rear t; One of the ftlOs$ tr*it$•
human nature.We : cannot , satisf
{`ourselves Witl}_ past: successes:
ever we have ac'complisl'ied,` our in-
stinct always prompts us- to turn
, away from our achievements to what
is` on ahead. Not`' what "we nava,done
matters, -but what we may, dor and
•that -feet eaves- lis- from _. degenerating
into mere ;mini Vents to some -'past-
achievement. As long as we live we
must 'keep tryingf
representative of the ITiterna.
tional Stock Food .Company;. while
travelling south from, h ikkal' one
day last week, had a lively . ,e, cperi=
ence with his car--a.Chevrolet read -
stet, The water,: farting .to enrculate
in the . radiator, allowed, the engine
eci that itstarted a
become so heated t
fire. Unable to subdue the flames, the
driver was• ailout to .leave the car to
its fate, when men at work on the
road came to his, assistance. The . car
was greatly dsmsgtd, but • the .101111
was cov;&f i+V luttrgnc&
lieves :what ,he says.- ' way: -It was is custom to pave -
In the .course of his speech in Car-
negie Hall last Wednesday. night, Mr.
Powers,'refered to. the fact that • a
Canadian dollar is we'rth' only _ 91
cents in the. United' States; as one of
-the evidencest of incompetency on the
part•of the govermnent; He appeared
toy think that'. the "monied interests"-
had something to . do 'with this, and -
morning`eollections in•'atin cash'.. box
which -he_ always -locked:_. -and deposit-
ed in a press in the Sunday School:
room which=.was-always- locked. After •
the evening service the , Collection
then taken,' with' the .morni e; 'it'`
counted with the-•heli9" of"tsioh
ary treasurer; and two assistants and-°
-then-.-taken-home;- •After, -being -con-
vinced •
con-vinced--t that- the riioney was ; being
stolen, it was resolved to Set; a watch
between .' the .morning service ' and
unday School hour in the afternoon,
which was 'done, with the result that
Neat tiff ku nit twd -ouths 'sons of respectable, par -
Canadian . dollar worth '100 cents in ents;and ,mem b "ors of the Bible Class,
the United States if it desired to. were caught hi the act 'with eon
1n this matter Mr. Powers, doubt siderable sums; which had' been ex -
less' .was 'in' error If . -government traded . from, Ow cash box, in their.
+ ockets. • 'They': confessed to. having..
cannake the country's money worth
robbed the box on the prrririous Sun-
jts face value in other countries, why day, but denied any farmer de recta-
is it that the British. pound• is at 'a bi, Scotch and Canadia:i Gr in-
thine: The had- -nn their ossesslon._:
discount in the United States?'_ If Y rtes, _
there is ennui for &Wire` anywhere -keys that fitted both . the press and .
g the cash box, and while it ,could not We make a Specialty of gamily
on earth .it •is•:iin Britain. But the be proved that anyofurther sums had
statesmen, and bankers of °Britain Monuments and invite your in -
been taken• .by them, it is thought.
-nannot, by:-fiatf make: the pound -sten w. . specti:on, -
th ' see.-vaiuec"ln,_; _ ld., that alt et~lier 00 --di•' m�or`e`has
res -f -� -
been talo The :Trove, were taken- ta-• 7iascrnptions-neap ttna-pitlmpt-::`.
the logit=tall and -kept there till Mont '•- oly "Bane. -
day morning, when they appeared .be-
fore Police Magistrate fiellyer, and •� Call and see us' before Placing
our order.;
• it for the two Sundays ; y : • `
pleading. , r . z.,.
were 1et`off"on"suspended §extersco, ` _-ItOIIT . A.. •SP.OT. T • ..
. o QN,
restitution having been made by the : Lu know Ontario:,
intil we are permanently .settl
I� y ed,
see. W. J. lYouglas...
eNY i°
rii 1
.i y rd,6nto
A i(Sdit «�r�ra., W.•_
For Fal1 Re airin we ia��•C Linin', `',ulpstone, Par;
p � l
istone-and a limited quantity of Cement.
New Prices on Pipes. and IFtti'ngs, •. Cistern Pumps •
. and Sinllas.,.
For •'Sale- One •'Gasoline Lighting 5}•stem, Fotir
Lights and Compru4siOn ''Tank and Piping
complete..3ui1abl1, for church ortlub.
, 'l he Store. Where,Yoar :Morey (iocs' Farthest
The Lucknow Marble and Grail
...Ate :W'orksfhas a lerge and, cons- y
. plete.stock-4he �•niost beautiful
designs to Choose from in Mar
thislour-of Canada's=most-acute national
crisis the .cotint :y';isg eatest leader
ship ;not '_ class. .leadership) not sectional
iead-rshi , flit NATTONAL1pidersh p, A
pilot must be chosen possessing the neces-
ry_: oltra -g :e, fob°esight' bleadth�:of vision.
5 �
--=and determination : • it . :
to leadthe nation .safely
out of the existing economic uncertainty:
And one man stands out out head and •shaulders.above
all others as pre-eminently fitted for. the 'task:
-I3orn on a farm. near' St..Mary's, Ontario, Arthur
Meighen is a true son -of-. the people, a :toiler who
has fought liis'nay' to. eminence by sheer ability
and ford of intellect: : Entered '.Parliament in
...--a' - 1---Sultsr1 is nee rn 914 ;
ister,of-the: Interior in 1917; and Prime. Minister
the --United Stactes
Neither can • the government of, the
United States fix 'the value of its
money abroad. Sti sty , years , ago the'
United- States --ol e -dollar �"gi+eei
back", . . -- _.. sniff nt Tide," - worda
ague. a •,? �.
not fifv __oilsin eanads;, card= the essed to,
- - bti the -amounts eonf
government of the United Mates parents '
Fcould&t,. make its worth -one -hundred
.cents of Canadian money until some
years--afterwards.-it. was, _ready.tto re-'
deem every . greeback in. gold. And
to -day, - rich and powerful as the
:United . States ata country and a
government is, it cannot fix the value
of itt. dollar abroad, A few months
agb the United States one -dollar (rote
-was worth only 97' or 9$- gents -down...
in' Argentine. If the United States
govefntneiit has anything to do with
makinn: its dollar worth more than
one -hundred tents in Canada, ,'why
couldn't It bythg it up to par in the
0004 4n9r Ciin r rubiio t
A California man tied one .end 'Cf a
rope around his waist, and lassoed a -
cote with! the . other. lie thought he
had the cow, but attI dend of the
first half Mile •he -begun, to suspect
that .the •cow had hint.
You_ are not
e x p e riinent-•
;ing when
yen use Dr.
C6ase'e font-
tmio r It relieve* atno once alnd uredo
all deals the akin. Sample hoop..
Ch se's flntwent tree U you mention s
a and send 9o. soop tor posts e. rte's
*11 •;fors of ggw,aploa, "Mel A Ooh,
• in 1920. •
At the :emporial.-Ctinf�erwence he Was. acclaimed by:
the''Press of Creat Ptitain as a ,great stat�esnlali,
:as a strong, viijlex vil;o>tintis..persoi.ialit --aler:•t •in:
mind; .n . y
, cele and.f� jud4grnent;-•rtnd with
'atearless det£�i•nrinatiotr to stand for the right,
Professor A-. -1) Skelton, , sheen's niy • i. a
d )11
:E.I d3.i .,
tri 3n1•a-riet•,. :wrote o� ..:..
the 1i'etienl. Pi i x: 't I:
I urrc. ,��ln•ii•y�i;er ,: -•— "IIe. ...
..,,. lie'.. lras••atl"ead�, . _.
given 1)1001' of high adnrinistl•ative c,a' acit•.
ersort'ti. ` p y ,Hiss ,
p a integrity iv ircyond question"
Of •• t
hlm5ell`, Arthur ,'1ictfi;hc�n said to•hls consti-
the other :day.. _,w."vont •t . ;.., �'r•
}. ip��,t4 !rete-I-sto'o�t-'
on airs is.stie "in 1908, in 19111, and as in .,
stand..1o_daa 1911 T
NO Smoking --No Spraying—No Snag
Just Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed
to restore al breathing, hil7rihi hihl
gt 8to li•mucnsr ,
gatherings in the 'bronchial tubes, give .
long nighty of quiet sleep, contains a*
habit-forming drug. $1.00at your drug-
gist'A. 'Trial free at our agenciea or write
Tetupletons, 142 ging W., Toronto
Real Force
A lealteattier,
The National Liberal and Conservative Pais
Publicity Committee