The Lucknow Sentinel, 1921-11-17, Page 3o.e.0 1 1.70•••-•••,•—••• eiv,‘00 • 0 " •e• .2; e •fee •• . "•-- (..11.01,6•06.1411VMM0111.0V anv* Ptogress in. Canada. . • An increase a 30,000,000 bushele of whett ia the three prairie provindew layer last year's crop, hi the estimate Of tte Northwest Grain Dealers' Ai- eeciation. A wheat yield this year, of around 2000000,000 brishele,. iteprobably ,a reasonable calcUlation. Other esti- mates of the Aapociatien are Mitts, 833,655,000i. parlor, 44,760000: eye, • 8,058,000; flax, 5,576,000. , Cattle shipments * to Great •Britetin 'from the Port of Montreal shove 'A steady increase Once thee °peeing of naeriga.tion, and particularly &Moethe •coming into effect of the,Flordney Tariff, Bill, ' The 'tetra number of les- -•Sels Which hare'lett, the port this °sea - '30n7 with Cattle is 08,and these -carried . •alotal of 21,817 head. There were also • " live.'Veiscis 'whieli carried 1,880 sheep. .•• •aeow deed et lake trout ,reaelki4 the., town. of McIVIarrey; Alberta, re- cently, Iron the Macketizie 'Bien ' -Pieheriea Plent at Bleck-Bey on Lake Athabeeca, and further: shipments. .it Is . expected, will be, Made before the chase of navigation on the big river. This is the. first' shipment of northern ' • lake trout that:has' reached MeetuFray • for sliijiment to the Markets of'Canada •and the United States; and 'demon- stratee one of the unbounded re- sources of the untapped regions, which lie beyond the Athab,asca., More than two million pounds of weal were clipped from Albertasheep this year, and 1,927,000 pound a have • - been ehiPped east .foesale. Members - of the SOutliern Alberta Wool Growers • produced 1,500,000 pounds; the remain, - •der eoming from Edmonton, Lacombe,. Vermillion and Otherpoints. Special attention •is being paid .hy British Columbia 'limber, exporters :to .the Marketa of Australia. Newe2ealand, ' .7.atth Africa, China, Egypt. 0 Already , several large orders . have heen. seeured from thee coun- • tries., notably Egypt, which. hai.made ,•:very extenelve purchases ,of railway ties. Not a month ivies by but that • three pi. four British Columbia.export lumber men leave or foreign Market:S. on Seilleg and -investigation tours, and eiready this activity IS producing re: sults. . Bear manufacturers are alsO •• feeling the -benefits of tareige Mar- kets, India having placed. goad orders, • •arrit Sirreapore now entering the liat, witle ae Order for 1,000;000 boxes. • . A stlyei leadestrike has been Made ' at Nate Five, in the Trout Lake cowl- etry, British Cclumleia: A sample eigh- • teen ierlies is thickires and aVerag- lug $200 Co the ton was, broneht into Revelstoke 0iecently., The lead. rens entirely .aerese the- fifteen hundred 7 . - • TWenty neve horticultural Societies ". 'Were:organized ie. diffekent seetione of, SI REMINDERS A Fine View.for a Chethist. The famolie asPhalt lake at , dad Iles a rival. Situated at Basque The Trouble Must' be Treated • 'Through the Bleod. • Every rheumetic sufferer ehould realiee that ibeematisni is rooted in the bioad and that to get iirif of it it must la treated through the blood. .The -old belief that rheumatism was cansed by cold, damp weather, is now exploded. Suet, weather conditions In British Colu' mbia is a lake that con- , Arsine, not asphalt, but Epsom' bathe The salts eitend to a depth of forty- one feet, and perhaps go much deeper;., *be first etumbled .upon tffe lake drilled to that, depth and then had,"to.stop for lack of dealing facili- ties: The lake covers. seven acres and has a herd, erystal surfaceee • ,• When the' sno* melts from the moUatain sides the surface LS cpvered six inches deep with wateri which quickly beenmes brine. Then the sun m eVaporated , ay start theit paios, but is not the itand all ,Cause. Lininterits and outward apple serY is to score and lifthat is neces- t of the thick cations may give teinporary• relief, but Crest that has formed, Swing freall- ,. ee that is AR they Can do because they do ete prepareeqpther sevenere Pan, not reach its Pounce in the blood, The r and the miners harvest, a . peep that , sufferer fromriteimatisai who they MaY dispose of tor seventy five experi• dollars . a ton .:e A few. ereerie,ago'the same product.,sold..for,nine dollars,. mete with •oetward e.pplieations is only wastingtinie rinefey aneder pending , •Upon' •incl't • treatment;• tbe. 'trouble stiff remains, and It is all the . 'Lived 100 Years. :time becoming • more temly rooted. . On last March 24 Charles Tully of •.Treat this disease through the blood Hassocks., Suesex county, England, and you will soon find relief. Dr, celebrated his hundredth birthday by liama'' Pink Pills• apt directly cin ire- .workleg a full day in his garden. p?e• pure weak blood; they purify arti paring the ground and planting pota• strengthen it, and so act on the cause toes. ,He has no difficulty in 'setting a • of the rheumatism. Mr. P. J. 'Mac- garden line, for his eyesight is excel- Phersee, ,R.R. No. 5, Cardigan, P.E.I., lent: . • says: "'About three year's ago I. was In telling about his icing life he said attaeked with rheumatism. F began that he was first a pork butcher andd taking Dr. Williams' pink 'Pills and afterward a farmer. Al the time of soon the trouble disappeared• and 4 his retirement from active terming anre. a..in, better health than befoI he controlled 2,000 acres. •This oc- aso ofean old lady acquaintance marred. when he was ss years who was badly crippled with rh,eu- This is kle recipe -for long •lifer matism in her arras •and legs,, and who oard, work the.open alr,"gocel food euffered very much. She, too, teak and enough of it, but not Mitch at Dr Williaine Pink Pills and is now night; re nightcap of whiskey and milk, able to do her lioneework. I tell you to bed not later than '10 and Up by 7 this in the hope it may he of' lenient in the morning if not earlier, • to some other sufferer!' . • ' • These are still his htibits. You can procure Dr. William? Pink Pills through any deeler. in medleine they be sent you by -mail at Of the 1,506,000 houkes destroyed in or Poland during the World War, eearly 500;000 have been rebuilt. . • •:' Knowledge without justice aught to be callled cunning rather than twie- doria-e-Platee , • that many brthem are shady, Minard'e Liniment for Distemper. 50 cents, a pox or six boxes for $2.50 by writing direct to The Dr. William's!. C Medicine o.,,Brecklille, One. - '0 The trouble with familyi trees s . . I*" HEALTH EDUCATION - *•BY" DR. 1 "J. MIDDLETON Pravincial Boarn.af Health, Ontario. Dr: Middleton will be glad to enswar questions on Public Health m• at- . • • ters through this. deem?. Address him at Snadina House, Spadina • Crescent, Toronto, • 0 l . in. every, effort directed to iniprove- ent ef the Patine hearlth and well- beieg, the -question of 'put-door'eXer- ciieenrtis:t be taken Into account. NO mattet What preventive reeaSures are taken against disease, the physical condition of •the individual, whether adult or c,hild, is not -kept in perfect -ondition. if- healthy exercise oat - doom is not indulged, in- -TheeprestiOrrof-, whiteconseitufes• healthy exercise isiinporeant.' There are -a elar0--numbereof-People-ewlio. prevtnoe 'o!, Onterie durieg. the' , year tri2.0, makaig a total ef 120,, with' pa41 'Membership of 29,000,- ae in of 9,u00 (liter the previdua year, aceordieg. to the annual report of the Horefeelittral Societies of Oritario„ •In eI919 the Uaeeladeet OQO ticulture: - 7:-•e7e,-; • • freight....wareltpirineonethe of the Kaministiettia River has_ HarVey, of Leth- • bridge Alberta to be used for feed- • , • ... • • _hag 10,90) wellehring . ',Fore William to fatten on . the sereeaings 'from • the elevators. The sheep. will.be sent to Fort ,by the tealriload early in November, and .-lireelleer-VeY 'is contracting. for hun- teirects eifetterrof-Talirgrown - e. Brace bent Coto-Anycon ,. teacring engineers of Montreal-, have beon eivarded contracts for the con 1 , . Illf Ill .• Pewee developthent scheme' at' Great FaIl'seri the Winnipeg leiVesze by the Manetehae---Powere CemPeag, Lindiede ., flee1opmesit ircirk is already ...Under .• Wey, with about 400 leen eMploged ,. and the probability of from ,1,00.0 to• 2,500 finding employment , within a heft' While " • WOULD, :NOT BE •WITII0IIT 13 ..-BY'S. ',OWN IABUTS Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets, for her little ones she Wouid not be without them. • The Tablets are 'perfect „home remedy. They regulate the bowels and stomach; drive, eut ConstiPation and indigestion I break up colds and. simple re -m.110 make baby healthy and haPpy. Con - corning "them, Mrs, Neb:e A Pye, Baum Seeturie 'writes: -"I, have found Babe's Own! Tablets of great benefit for my .childreat and. I. Would age. be without them." The Tables* are sold by enediciue dealers rerebY at e25 ,eeretea box from The Dr. Wililams', Medline :Cc., Ont.. • • Poea Lead 1, n-ont...e". . - „ World? ' Whether New York or Lopdnea the world in the number ef populatlo •le a question which is agitating Amer.' can as a result of the publication o • the pAtiiii 'census returns, giving Loa don a population of 7,476,168. New York's inhabitants total., according to the latest census., .5,629,048. . The National': Geographie Society questions the right of the British met- eopolis to claim sue large popula- clan. It points out t legally,- as a municipal atilt,. "Loader'''. refers only to the area within:the. County of Lon - Greater. London," which' the cen- sus figures cover, extends over 693 square -Miles, an. area six times that •of munleipal London, and mere than twice that of Municipal New York. ' leis 'pointed out that a greater New York modelled on Greater .Loadon lines, taking in all suburban cities within a radius of fifteen miles from the city centre, as the English capital *does,: would pass London's population within a similar area. ." • While London..has, no State lines to, preyeet Its expansion for administra- tive purposes, New York halts atthe Hudeen River, and Must continue self- contained and increase only free" its internal growth•.. _ •-• • • His Hearing Restored• • .The invisible ear drum Invented by A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature „megaphone, .fitting inside the ear- en- tirely out, of sight, is restoring the . -heering-of hundreds of people in' New York City. M. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head. noises; and it does this -so transportation and too little about eue-cessfully that no •oae could tell he, walking. • Thi.s;neceSsa • and. ire or- tant measure towards the health of deafness -is :ceased- hy Catarrh ,or -b the people should be fostered arid re- perforated; or Wholly destroyed natur- etninnencled daily in the publie•press. .• et ,drurns. A request for leforniation The papers that continually offered' su:ch impart -ant... advice -would Ai g .elte ..o. Leofiard, &kite 437,• 70 .Fifth: With The. 15CW .CIDU, , While driving with•his father in an autemebile along the Detroit Rivee,. • fiCeet Gerald croak, of the 7th Declares It's Sirnply' Astonsisht' .spr.' Troop, accidently •neticed a little jing See, The WO:Brierftli boy who had been playing With seine, „ :Benefits She Has Derived: Froth' Tartinc.;-- Says •' Tor.4' 'ariplapit'aliteecr..;C•l!the7 Have Dis- ose M. Brown Gained Pounds n Four' VVeekes Time • others Sall- off Linng's dock into the river„ whieh is quite swift at this point..,ISKithout waiting for the car to atop, he sprang out, ran down the hill and Jumped off the (leek, tec"iimming clown -stream toward the, little_ fellow Whe was fast delfting aa,ey. He was successful in gettieg hold of him and V ,sounds inteesoriatile;•betei lireee aetually gained 20 pcuedrieee lees than soon had him ashore,• With ,a reonth s• time by eaking anlac, 'earl elifilehlty Maneged. tO•reirlivei: the. tile, wonder -fill 1)bl-refit I have derlired child, •who waer afterwarda •cirivervio frcrn the use of this.merlicfne,,ee simP, hie home. ' " •• ; ly astonishing". •Said Ilire Rose, M.. ' 1 • kavor' with all progressive people. TT- ' • premise reply • - ' :Avenue; NeW york,CitY; be given advt: greateadvintageof-wa. lkingeted an ex a - • - Scout Robert II. Gambrill of the lst. Brown, 111 Third Street, Mancheiter, Exeter: Troop, and two othot?-hoys; del N.II. . - • Ocied to go to their Usual swineuing , they shculd haft+ the strength of the oe my treelike . 1 can realla ileYtIr "sWity, I am et) happy to be yellevect a heevg, flood, and not realizing as. praise tea medietpe enough, Up- to. they should have he strength .of Mee the, re I began taking Tanlac, 1 stlI- tchtzei-rwenatt r seniefhing over two *ears erw.41OellnewcafsthrellPbrielyn-sg,'Wehnotewreacia . treeeirtt a very bad Wen of stomach trou- not able toswim, held his ha.ndi high Tee '• above the water. and .fellowed the .'ely appetite •was se poor I op° Id . . other two wading. For a moment the.. scarcely .eat • a thing. My StomeCh two bays who could swim lost sight,of would be op badly bloated With gas the other boy and then caught sight sometimes I was almost -afraid to go en into a hole, which at the thee wa$ 'er. I felt tired and worn out meat of - of Mm for a moment after he had fell- to bed.for !Gael would acttialIg emotle easily seven feet deep. Gambriir sevana the time and became terribly discour- to him, caught him by his bh.thing suit aged over mg cc.nditien.. 1 often :bad at the shouider and tugged him to the such violent headaches. I wae enable farther bank. The drownieg boy en, to be out of 'bed for two oe three days deavored to . grip him, but Gambrill ate stretch. ' • kept•hiin under his power and finally ' "Four bottles of Tanla.c cOmPletely. . .. managed to get him to safety. , • While swinimleg with to other Scouts in, the large Current ;River restered myehealth and anyone can see at a glance ;the wonderful change that has taken Place in my' bendition. evrithming peol at Pert_ Arthur, Scout I have a sPlenclid appetite now and the Sterling Morrison, of the ist ,Port stomach trouble has entirely disaie Arthur Troop noticed that Seent peered. I can eat, just. anything 1 .Taines Shires was difficulty.. . want . without ever 'feeling a sign of plueged into the water and Managed to reach Shires just' after, he had gone MRS. ROSE M. BROWN indigeetion2'. Thaeliest cf :ail, I am never hotieered any more With head- aches and this was the greatest relief of all. r want to everybody *hat this inedfcine has 'deco .tor me." --------eeeeeeeeee ' Tanlec is sold by leading dragglita everywhere. • • • AdV. , The Fly in the Ointment. . - under for the seeond time. He grasp- 7. "An, old fellow," said Johnson. to a ed Shires and started for the side of 'friend, "so you are married at lest. the pool with him, but Shires,• beeom- Allow Me to congratulate, you, for I, ing hYaterical, grappled with Morrison hear yeti - have an excellent and, ao, and succeeded in draggieg tilin under. comPlished wifee! . • • ,, ., At this point 'Seoet Fred , Thenne, a ''I'have indeed," was the reply ; she merctber of the Same trocp, plunged in ie highly 'accomplished: "Why, sir.' she Is perfectly at home in 'literature ; • at home ke elle' at home in ecienceie short,. at home everywherp4-exeep4-" " "Except, where?" e. Except at home" ----7-4.'i' and • swam to -Morrison's assistance, the two boYs then managing' to get Shirai' to, Shore in safety. .0'.. . • .. • • Cherries were known in Aiia'ae tar back as the seventcenthe'eentuiy. • • Windreir Cast;lit is like a small-toven - in it.self, containing hOndredi of in habitants. •-there are -25000;900 Retitana stew- ing in the riehest agriceltural district under 13o.sheicsreontTOL. ereise is that it can be clone at any •• thneeof-the-yeareandeinepracticallereall ' kinds of weather..e - - • . Ph�e_aretcourse_rnany_othero -oth seem to think that touring areand ie forms of out -door exercise* such as e -motor \car -Provides sufficient exer-1 gardening,- golf,etennisbowlserowinge dee for the average person. TWA is' canoeing, hunting and swimming. On- a Mistake; •but motoring has eertain tarie has Special facilities for indulg- ing bean these pastimes. "Even reoun- advantages. It, detracts the • mind from domestic cares and evortiee, and take..7ereple,...reet.e,of doors Vagefresh Rea1.phye1cal-0.-exerc1se--the -kind that, prornetes sleep at nights arid stimulates -the .appetite, is.laCking -in 11 •e •v1 10: except in the Case of the driver who may get enough exercise' if something mechanical goes wrong. Walking is ene-of- the-Mose:be era' exercise that an be had and t toe little Of it is practiced. We hear far too Much in the deity papers about In a corner of a railway carriage eeetes_a_y_o_ung_man _studying a set . of official -looking papers. Suddenly he put. hie hendee to hie- heat Ant eerie-d- ab:hid in fee. angUlah, • -To synipathetic inqUirlei he explained that. he had sat .the previous day for a Civil Service taimering can be done -a meet ex- examination.: ."For the essay test " he • epeen _the. w _via re -agtk e d trie ebiliaratingeiereneol,,epertee_Butewhat I said advalitagee-.of keepinua.'dittry. I have 'ever the forth Of exercie taken; -the; Just .realized that I have handed in -great----thingeis-40:4et-pliV-of---doora in four4beautifully-written pages .on the ' the s,unshine, on the lake Shore or ' viliete the fresh breezes blow. In sick- advantages of keeping a dairy? better - ionic than, fresh air and sunshine. . A baby alligatorat the Leaden Zoe • is seven ..years and barely 12 -in. long; ho grows about 1" -in. each yeer:.. ; O Genius has been 'explained by an :Irisii Surgeon as the produ.ot of a germ. which gets into and rimed the- hunian brairi. MInard's Liniment for Garget in Cows. "Cas-cirets"-ToINfght- . ;For Liver,. Bowels ., . . O • ..,„.,Tolabili. ,01,tp,t Arateeare headachy,- eonstipated,0 your eyes burn, ,skin is yellow; your stomach is sour, gassy, upSet. NO wonder you feel .miserable. • If you have fulness after Teed', You need a thorough' physic witha bad taste in your mouth in the 'Casearets" tonVat • -to cleanseee-tehea_ moiningefueeoneihe_tongue,flat- stomach of' sour, ofermenting lood and ulence aftermealts, and 000 appe- tlsiionL titeetakeMeti_e_ersei:ersS.';,p. If the liver end Carry -cut of the syStenie will clean'. your- tongue, renew rell."'the cwastipated poisen In _the your appetite, give Yoo relish for •food and the power to digest it ,0 moNgv ..ORDERS.. Send a Dontinion :Express aleney Among the trees Or by some quiet 1ak 1,44.exeenee. por4rse-, A , cuts three -cents, 'the tired beclYand Mind. get. e. eliance e. • • - -.toe-rest! -and-neeuperateeeeLet All who ••-: COARSESALT LANDAL f-arlots : TORONTO SALT: WORKS'. - Classified Advertisements,. LADXS WANTED -40 DO .1..A.124 and /ight sewink-'at 'home; Nellole Spar* time; :ghod pay; w,ork .4ent any distance; charges paid:,•Sen.d stamp 2.4. particulars. National Manufactuking Co font -reel. , . PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. - la ELL 'PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD • EN condition, wales large number of - music roils, for acile. at a, bargain. L. Cogent', 7e3 West Adelaide Street, Toroete: . " itiz.001pcz,400000:=4. D—:FillifoOlfter faring 'Cascarets" straighten you out b readthis article rnak up their Minds Little Georgie Goode was standing in apart from all, the other happy •boyS, • who were. playing aseoply happy boys; What a the 'Matter,: Wiley?" asked __I_a.__pa.eSer-byee--L'LWhy•edezet-egeueepfay-' :with the meet the boes?" "They don't went•me to play with 'ein," replied' the lonely-bor.-bitterly.. weat'S. th-a-t fh-e other boys don'twant you; to play with them?" the stranger persisted. • O "Ver.e.3e-aeetesientleanteremetette me," the lad ansivered, trying hard to keep back hii'teirs. Was it tome -thing' had.?" 'eThey- thiak .ko. But el'can't help, it"" the boy defended: hithielf• . ."'come on, tell me all about it," he was urged. "MaybeI Ocan hells you.", "No; yeti can't help me." - „ ; - "We'.1, tell me; anyway." " • The boy hesitated for amoment, but decided ,to- confide. sir. the Other boys Say that r a, sofi.F1se-ause .gulped hard "I'm twins with a girl!" . A Clever Clerk. ' Tbe• proprietorof a7shoe.store• in New England is very proud of ode of , ,•6. his young sons who not very long ago employ of lilrfatrat, and e 'this pridewas much &thence& by, the, boy's cleveenes8. in the ertatter of a epaiteeteshoee-sial.dLto aesleangter.e.-.- Thp lad.had silown this man e'satia-• ,Iacterg: pally:hut the custoiner .said that he had not enough money With. . lum tBking if he could let "fifty eehti .go • over Until ;the net ileY.". •:-' • The boy conserited;:fer which e after . the etrenger had 'left 'the .shope. the father severely renrintentled, the lad. haver Set* the mail again," he steal•in eoriclusion. , "Dlr, yes,'1 will,': -aid the youngster, • '"I. wrapped up two shoes for -the left • • . • LikeLt.be J4oIk.•' .-'•A-'i.iaCheittre- who - hie. 'Wet 'hi it, recently 'visited the proud parents tif a new boy... 'I'hoernother held tip the bundle .for the inspection of the bachelor and __.„.1"...dakedegaylyeee-V-Tell -Us, enofrankly, --rhich of Ire de.yott After a careful examination of the tli-e7;bsclieler :ana-Wered-i Marie of course, intelligence has not • yet dawned in' his face, but .he's won- derfully like. both" of you." • Carniafire Destroys a Forest. O A tearniter hauling supplieswas the • cause of olio of the bad fprest fires in New Brunswick 'this pastdkummer. HO ,neglected to put out lili fire when he O Made.' hill noonday step 0 to boil hie kettle, and in 051 hour afterward the Woods were aflame. . •eceeelee," noiv used exclusively as for the housing for a ureter - O vehicle, was originally used in Peelle° denote a place for keeping boats, rolling:stock, etc.. •msviemmases re--yobt stept3ing on Ow brake r-ffie 0000 the food you. eat does Make...a. difference.. food ' -d - -Win& rchy -f s often- -ci o 7 OW own_._ ' body and 'mind-=-Ofteti 'tit* the 'eriergii'that-be-. - to the 'clay's -Work. 7Grape.Ntits-is-a-go4- . ahead frioe: It contains the perfected nourishment of Nature's best grains. It includes all those ,eletnente neededto nourish body,and-braln It. - Is easy to digest: It Oyes energy without taking energy. How about your breakfast or lunch—does It give, Or, take? _ . . . Grape -Nuts is sweet, crisp, delightful to the taste, and la an ideal source of power for A busSiand difficult day. "There's a ReasOn" for GRAPE-NLITS 1 • ,Aertarilealnellionsser Semariten- e I3ook On DOG .DISEASES; and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- ' dress ObY the Author. H. clay Glover 00., Ina. 113 West 31st 'Street BELTING FOR SALE • ALL KINDS OF NEW *ANE! 4 herti-m-pittleys, siiAiTSTcalale.hcWiE,packing.. etc., shipped subj ect to approval at loweSt prices in Canada. YORK ,)3ELTING 11.55.1'01,3E. STREET, TORONTO. 'Mother! Clean , ChiM's BoWeli With 1' California .Fig'SYrup . , Xven a ere -lc Child lovesethe-"frulty" • taste of,"Q...elitornia Pig Syrup." If the..Iistless • little tongue. iS eoriited,.fer If yeurchildis, cress, feverish,' full of cold, Or hie colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse t oroug y an eaar y. o • In e tver au owels. In a few hours Steoere..5aied,,a., 1;00 hottles'a4t.9173,e__ .J.4iyos_4treta2_w_useeilltrafor.yaoluir Irozzattheivatrougtaitlit ____._ ___.-- ••-boe-els, and yea' have a well, playfill 0 ; - • - ' racstrow. -.task' your. druggist . for stellife - :- - - poisem, sour bile and waste out of tha ' , _.. ..__ . USE SLOA1TS. 1'0. , )child again. . • .. Millions of 'meothers' keep" ."Californitt. ' • • Fig Syinp", bruadY.• They know a tea -..e.• WA111) OFF rAirt snoonful Cedey aaVes- a sick child to-:. , I'V.IIE-hclied greiVintie-hig paine -ge'atijaate'aai4Itaia`--4-8.7'74P'?----Wh-leh ' unlesewarded Off by an applica- i has directions for babies and'claildren- tion of Sloan's., 'Rheumatism._ _I•of all .ages printed on bottle. Mother! , fighteloageagainet-SloaVa Liaiment..- 1-geteen4lu-1-41-4011-44-4i,Yrel- neuralgia, stiff joints, lame hack won'ti You mast say ‘,Califoraftt!'• or you'mag .For more tit -an forty years Sioan'a ------: -- , . . ra Liriiment. has helped thousands, the e -11 -.7tO(.1criht•lit C.t.L-'1:?;13-9npro!;cfu=rirics. .. „ lt pentitrates without riubbing. Keep BOttle. this old family,. friend a/ways...handy for instant ta'.Ask your nergiaber. . •At. all • druggist& --'35e; IOC, `$140. -1. d . ay Made in Clmwds. 4 What - Lydia ,E.. Pinldiam's • a Vegetable Comilionnd Did . e ; v.for litirsi Baker an4.:- nenr. 4 Mrs. !Clever. Paires • • Acceinarodation;- : "I wee a passenger on a train out4 Edinburgh," sera an American, i'and became* much interested in an' Eng- - lishmen and a Scot sew come In Tlia Scot was in garb and -the fact that he teiik, Snuff freely -from-a-large-box first attractedenty offered-U-7te ertheerte-te help‘ themselves and • generally Made himself very •felendly. The Engliele :Man, -Whom nature had gifted with an-• - extremelr large nose, Joined the ether travellers, He° seated himself. Oppo- and at mice proffered lila sntiffbox, site 'the Seot, Who beamed uPell hint When the Englishitian declined it, the Astonished Beet said: " `Ye (MIMI efitifft " " `No,' answered the Englishman. Vitl'Olentle7ftitil.'llt'esCrOnetainiaodthat: O (ton feet.' " 'number 1,060,025 in Great fleitalti, Pensiens paid te the old ta* blind O . And cost $150,750,000 annually. 4,11 PAIN NOW WNARD,:, Jaye:al:0 =Al Pae . • Celebrated • ' tinirneni MINARD'S LINIMENT ' • 0 , • •VailcOnver,..13X.-im- .1 apleased to • ' - • • say that LY.d.laE,PinithaWs;Vegetable Corepounctlias'done me a lot of good. • e :of A.sttppor t airk.f sidereal. Strofige laurso:•idvised mo-- to the. e--;• • "tregeteeile Comp.otind'and itiscertainly • 'helping nie. • It; seems like Hoeven..to . be relieved aftermonths of.. • Masi • II, .We liertata. -8874.10tia Aorec. . _ •------------------- • lber I lure taken Tyha 1, Finkhrtm4 „Medicine*:ami. they 1.1ave (10P0);ilers lot 'attend. tliie4 crr--I-hlrm-iyeen.a.blmy-hoese.-*' work and I have a let of 'work to do as . We live on a farm. Seeing yottr adver- tisententele tholapers-Wasewhatanada. me think 'of rritieg to you. 1 hopo Nothing. Else is Aspirin.: --say "Bayer" this may he p some no e . . • 'Warning!. Unless yeti ,see name Aspirin in hand tin boxes of 12 The reason women write anal letters , 1111.Troii.,‘Ardibel3rt* CITY! bi.owi-TPthimrev : 1. "Bayer'. on tablets, you are not get. 1. lets, and in bottles of 24 and lta0b0.- ritfinmtilt°e1L1 Yttildhi'lliftriPii.:iiiikIslpaltt.1%:m.ditesivneeCt°43: ... mg Aspirlirnt rili. Why fake chances? Aspirin is the trade niark:Vegistered' Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of , •taeliVemploluid has brought health gid . package whieh contains directions Monoaceticaeldester of Salicylicacicl.1" htharrirlit iltIti-sietyllewir.anlitvet";p.aPsr the from ' worked out by physicians- during 21 While it is well known that Aspirfn news a1nnj to ether suffering women ineahir Bayer manufacture, to 'assist that they a so irlay be relieved. the •public against huitations, the Tab. If there are any complications you do • lets of naYer CutuPailY WM be et,,lap. not widerit.and write to Lydia E. Pink. ed with their general trade Mark, the 1201 It 1.' 1"0.. LYno,•mtias. • , issue No. 46-'21. years arid proved ,sate ty millione for Colda, Headache, Earache, Toothache; Netiralgia, ithettinatism; Neuritio, Linn. bago, and Pain. • Made in Canada, All druggists, sell Bayer Tablets of c.nayer Crest." , eze e • • - eeeeeee . ' -